blob: da375aaee30a695f999abeb9e497071cb1a2ad55 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <android-base/logging.h>
#include <android/security/keystore/BnKeystoreOperationResultCallback.h>
#include <android/security/keystore/BnKeystoreResponseCallback.h>
#include <android/security/keystore/IKeystoreService.h>
#include <binder/IServiceManager.h>
#include <private/android_filesystem_config.h>
#include <keystore/KeyCharacteristics.h>
#include <keystore/KeymasterArguments.h>
#include <keystore/KeymasterBlob.h>
#include <keystore/KeystoreResponse.h>
#include <keystore/OperationResult.h>
#include <keystore/keymaster_types.h>
#include <keystore/keystore.h>
#include <keystore/keystore_hidl_support.h>
#include <keystore/keystore_promises.h>
#include <keystore/keystore_return_types.h>
#include <future>
#include <vector>
#include "include/wifikeystorehal/keystore.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <openssl/base.h>
#include <openssl/bio.h>
#include <openssl/pem.h>
#include <openssl/x509.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define AT __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " "
using android::hardware::keymaster::V4_0::Algorithm;
using android::hardware::keymaster::V4_0::authorizationValue;
using android::hardware::keymaster::V4_0::Digest;
using android::hardware::keymaster::V4_0::KeyFormat;
using android::hardware::keymaster::V4_0::KeyParameter;
using android::hardware::keymaster::V4_0::KeyPurpose;
using android::hardware::keymaster::V4_0::NullOr;
using android::hardware::keymaster::V4_0::PaddingMode;
using android::hardware::keymaster::V4_0::TAG_ALGORITHM;
using android::hardware::keymaster::V4_0::TAG_DIGEST;
using android::hardware::keymaster::V4_0::TAG_PADDING;
using android::security::keymaster::ExportResult;
using android::security::keymaster::KeyCharacteristics;
using android::security::keymaster::KeymasterArguments;
using android::security::keymaster::KeymasterBlob;
using android::security::keymaster::OperationResult;
using KSReturn = keystore::KeyStoreNativeReturnCode;
namespace {
constexpr const char kKeystoreServiceName[] = "";
constexpr int32_t UID_SELF = -1;
using keystore::KeyCharacteristicsPromise;
using keystore::KeystoreExportPromise;
using keystore::KeystoreResponsePromise;
using keystore::OperationResultPromise;
NullOr<const Algorithm&> getKeyAlgorithmFromKeyCharacteristics(
const ::android::security::keymaster::KeyCharacteristics& characteristics) {
for (const auto& param : characteristics.hardwareEnforced.getParameters()) {
auto algo = authorizationValue(TAG_ALGORITHM, param);
if (algo.isOk()) return algo;
for (const auto& param : characteristics.softwareEnforced.getParameters()) {
auto algo = authorizationValue(TAG_ALGORITHM, param);
if (algo.isOk()) return algo;
return {};
// Helper method to convert certs in DER format to PERM format required by
// openssl library used by supplicant.
std::vector<uint8_t> convertCertToPem(const std::vector<uint8_t>& cert_bytes) {
bssl::UniquePtr<BIO> cert_bio(BIO_new_mem_buf(, cert_bytes.size()));
// Check if the cert is already in PEM format, on devices which have saved
// credentials from previous releases when upgrading to R.
bssl::UniquePtr<X509> cert_pem(PEM_read_bio_X509(cert_bio.get(), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr));
if (cert_pem) {
LOG(INFO) << AT << "Certificate already in PEM format, returning";
return cert_bytes;
// Reset the bio since the pointers will be moved by |PEM_read_bio_X509|.
bssl::UniquePtr<X509> cert(d2i_X509_bio(cert_bio.get(), nullptr));
if (!cert) {
LOG(ERROR) << AT << "Could not create cert from BIO";
return {};
bssl::UniquePtr<BIO> pem_bio(BIO_new(BIO_s_mem()));
if (!PEM_write_bio_X509(pem_bio.get(), cert.get())) {
LOG(ERROR) << AT << "Could not convert cert to PEM format";
return {};
const uint8_t* pem_bytes;
size_t pem_len;
if (!BIO_mem_contents(pem_bio.get(), &pem_bytes, &pem_len)) {
return {};
return {pem_bytes, pem_bytes + pem_len};
}; // namespace
namespace android {
namespace system {
namespace wifi {
namespace keystore {
namespace V1_0 {
namespace implementation {
using security::keystore::IKeystoreService;
// Methods from ::android::hardware::wifi::keystore::V1_0::IKeystore follow.
Return<void> Keystore::getBlob(const hidl_string& key, getBlob_cb _hidl_cb) {
sp<IKeystoreService> service = interface_cast<IKeystoreService>(
if (service == nullptr) {
_hidl_cb(KeystoreStatusCode::ERROR_UNKNOWN, {});
return Void();
::std::vector<uint8_t> value;
// Retrieve the blob as wifi user.
auto ret = service->get(String16(key.c_str()), AID_WIFI, &value);
if (!ret.isOk()) {
_hidl_cb(KeystoreStatusCode::ERROR_UNKNOWN, {});
return Void();
// convert to PEM before sending it to openssl library.
std::vector<uint8_t> pem_cert = convertCertToPem(value);
_hidl_cb(KeystoreStatusCode::SUCCESS, pem_cert);
return Void();
Return<void> Keystore::getPublicKey(const hidl_string& keyId, getPublicKey_cb _hidl_cb) {
sp<IServiceManager> sm = defaultServiceManager();
sp<IBinder> binder = sm->getService(String16(kKeystoreServiceName));
sp<IKeystoreService> service = interface_cast<IKeystoreService>(binder);
if (service == nullptr) {
LOG(ERROR) << AT << "could not contact keystore";
_hidl_cb(KeystoreStatusCode::ERROR_UNKNOWN, {});
return Void();
int32_t error_code;
android::sp<KeystoreExportPromise> promise(new KeystoreExportPromise);
auto future = promise->get_future();
auto binder_result = service->exportKey(
promise, String16(keyId.c_str()), static_cast<int32_t>(KeyFormat::X509),
KeymasterBlob() /* clientId */, KeymasterBlob() /* appData */, UID_SELF, &error_code);
if (!binder_result.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << AT << "communication error while calling keystore";
_hidl_cb(KeystoreStatusCode::ERROR_UNKNOWN, {});
return Void();
KSReturn rc(error_code);
if (!rc.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << AT << "exportKey failed: " << error_code;
_hidl_cb(KeystoreStatusCode::ERROR_UNKNOWN, {});
return Void();
auto export_result = future.get();
if (!export_result.resultCode.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << AT << "exportKey failed: " << export_result.resultCode;
_hidl_cb(KeystoreStatusCode::ERROR_UNKNOWN, {});
return Void();
// convert to PEM before sending it to openssl library.
std::vector<uint8_t> pem_cert = convertCertToPem(export_result.exportData);
_hidl_cb(KeystoreStatusCode::SUCCESS, pem_cert);
return Void();
Return<void> Keystore::sign(const hidl_string& keyId, const hidl_vec<uint8_t>& dataToSign,
sign_cb _hidl_cb) {
sp<IServiceManager> sm = defaultServiceManager();
sp<IBinder> binder = sm->getService(String16(kKeystoreServiceName));
sp<IKeystoreService> service = interface_cast<IKeystoreService>(binder);
if (service == nullptr) {
LOG(ERROR) << AT << "could not contact keystore";
_hidl_cb(KeystoreStatusCode::ERROR_UNKNOWN, {});
return Void();
String16 key_name16(keyId.c_str());
int32_t error_code;
android::sp<KeyCharacteristicsPromise> kc_promise(new KeyCharacteristicsPromise);
auto kc_future = kc_promise->get_future();
auto binder_result = service->getKeyCharacteristics(kc_promise, key_name16, KeymasterBlob(),
KeymasterBlob(), UID_SELF, &error_code);
if (!binder_result.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << AT << "communication error while calling keystore";
_hidl_cb(KeystoreStatusCode::ERROR_UNKNOWN, {});
return Void();
KSReturn rc(error_code);
if (!rc.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << AT << "getKeyCharacteristics failed: " << error_code;
_hidl_cb(KeystoreStatusCode::ERROR_UNKNOWN, {});
return Void();
auto [km_response, characteristics] = kc_future.get();
if (!KSReturn(km_response.response_code()).isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << AT << "getKeyCharacteristics failed: " << km_response.response_code();
_hidl_cb(KeystoreStatusCode::ERROR_UNKNOWN, {});
return Void();
auto algorithm = getKeyAlgorithmFromKeyCharacteristics(characteristics);
if (!algorithm.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << AT << "could not get algorithm from key characteristics";
_hidl_cb(KeystoreStatusCode::ERROR_UNKNOWN, {});
return Void();
hidl_vec<KeyParameter> params(3);
params[0] = Authorization(TAG_DIGEST, Digest::NONE);
params[1] = Authorization(TAG_PADDING, PaddingMode::NONE);
params[2] = Authorization(TAG_ALGORITHM, algorithm.value());
android::sp<android::IBinder> token(new android::BBinder);
sp<OperationResultPromise> promise(new OperationResultPromise());
auto future = promise->get_future();
binder_result = service->begin(promise, token, key_name16, (int)KeyPurpose::SIGN,
true /*pruneable*/, KeymasterArguments(params),
std::vector<uint8_t>() /* entropy */, UID_SELF, &error_code);
if (!binder_result.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << AT << "communication error while calling keystore";
_hidl_cb(KeystoreStatusCode::ERROR_UNKNOWN, {});
return Void();
rc = KSReturn(error_code);
if (!rc.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << AT << "Keystore begin returned: " << rc;
_hidl_cb(KeystoreStatusCode::ERROR_UNKNOWN, {});
return Void();
OperationResult result = future.get();
if (!result.resultCode.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << AT << "begin failed: " << result.resultCode;
_hidl_cb(KeystoreStatusCode::ERROR_UNKNOWN, {});
return Void();
auto handle = std::move(result.token);
const uint8_t* in =;
size_t len = dataToSign.size();
do {
promise = new OperationResultPromise();
future = promise->get_future();
binder_result = service->update(promise, handle, KeymasterArguments(params),
std::vector<uint8_t>(in, in + len), &error_code);
if (!binder_result.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << AT << "communication error while calling keystore";
_hidl_cb(KeystoreStatusCode::ERROR_UNKNOWN, {});
return Void();
rc = KSReturn(error_code);
if (!rc.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << AT << "Keystore update returned: " << rc;
_hidl_cb(KeystoreStatusCode::ERROR_UNKNOWN, {});
return Void();
result = future.get();
if (!result.resultCode.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << AT << "update failed: " << result.resultCode;
_hidl_cb(KeystoreStatusCode::ERROR_UNKNOWN, {});
return Void();
if ((size_t)result.inputConsumed > len) {
LOG(ERROR) << AT << "update consumed more data than provided";
sp<KeystoreResponsePromise> abortPromise(new KeystoreResponsePromise);
auto abortFuture = abortPromise->get_future();
binder_result = service->abort(abortPromise, handle, &error_code);
if (!binder_result.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << AT << "communication error while calling keystore";
_hidl_cb(KeystoreStatusCode::ERROR_UNKNOWN, {});
return Void();
// This is mainly for logging since we already failed.
// But if abort returned OK we have to wait untill abort calls the callback
// hence the call to abortFuture.get().
if (!KSReturn(error_code).isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << AT << "abort failed: " << error_code;
} else if (!(rc = KSReturn(abortFuture.get().response_code())).isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << AT << "abort failed: " << rc;
_hidl_cb(KeystoreStatusCode::ERROR_UNKNOWN, {});
return Void();
len -= result.inputConsumed;
in += result.inputConsumed;
} while (len > 0);
future = {};
promise = new OperationResultPromise();
future = promise->get_future();
binder_result = service->finish(promise, handle, KeymasterArguments(params),
std::vector<uint8_t>() /* signature */,
std::vector<uint8_t>() /* entropy */, &error_code);
if (!binder_result.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << AT << "communication error while calling keystore";
_hidl_cb(KeystoreStatusCode::ERROR_UNKNOWN, {});
return Void();
rc = KSReturn(error_code);
if (!rc.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << AT << "Keystore finish returned: " << rc;
_hidl_cb(KeystoreStatusCode::ERROR_UNKNOWN, {});
return Void();
result = future.get();
if (!result.resultCode.isOk()) {
LOG(ERROR) << AT << "finish failed: " << result.resultCode;
_hidl_cb(KeystoreStatusCode::ERROR_UNKNOWN, {});
return Void();
return Void();
IKeystore* HIDL_FETCH_IKeystore(const char* /* name */) {
return new Keystore();
} // namespace implementation
} // namespace V1_0
} // namespace keystore
} // namespace wifi
} // namespace system
} // namespace android