blob: 397d2f2cfb92e121b771039a8cbabc60a35b62f0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <android-base/unique_fd.h>
#include <android/gsi/BnGsiService.h>
#include <binder/BinderService.h>
#include <libfiemap/split_fiemap_writer.h>
#include <liblp/builder.h>
#include "libgsi/libgsi.h"
#include "gsi_installer.h"
namespace android {
namespace gsi {
class GsiService : public BinderService<GsiService>, public BnGsiService {
static void Register();
~GsiService() override;
binder::Status startGsiInstall(int64_t gsiSize, int64_t userdataSize, bool wipeUserdata,
int* _aidl_return) override;
binder::Status beginGsiInstall(const GsiInstallParams& params, int* _aidl_return) override;
binder::Status commitGsiChunkFromStream(const ::android::os::ParcelFileDescriptor& stream,
int64_t bytes, bool* _aidl_return) override;
binder::Status getInstallProgress(::android::gsi::GsiProgress* _aidl_return) override;
binder::Status commitGsiChunkFromMemory(const ::std::vector<uint8_t>& bytes,
bool* _aidl_return) override;
binder::Status cancelGsiInstall(bool* _aidl_return) override;
binder::Status setGsiBootable(bool oneShot, int* _aidl_return) override;
binder::Status isGsiEnabled(bool* _aidl_return) override;
binder::Status removeGsiInstall(bool* _aidl_return) override;
binder::Status disableGsiInstall(bool* _aidl_return) override;
binder::Status isGsiRunning(bool* _aidl_return) override;
binder::Status isGsiInstalled(bool* _aidl_return) override;
binder::Status isGsiInstallInProgress(bool* _aidl_return) override;
binder::Status getUserdataImageSize(int64_t* _aidl_return) override;
binder::Status getGsiBootStatus(int* _aidl_return) override;
binder::Status getInstalledGsiImageDir(std::string* _aidl_return) override;
binder::Status wipeGsiUserdata(int* _aidl_return) override;
// This is in GsiService, rather than GsiInstaller, since we need to access
// it outside of the main lock which protects the unique_ptr.
void StartAsyncOperation(const std::string& step, int64_t total_bytes);
void UpdateProgress(int status, int64_t bytes_processed);
static char const* getServiceName() { return kGsiServiceName; }
// Helper methods for GsiInstaller.
static std::string GetImagePath(const std::string& image_dir, const std::string& name);
static bool RemoveGsiFiles(const std::string& install_dir, bool wipeUserdata);
bool should_abort() const { return should_abort_; }
static void RunStartupTasks();
using LpMetadata = android::fs_mgr::LpMetadata;
using MetadataBuilder = android::fs_mgr::MetadataBuilder;
using SplitFiemap = android::fiemap::SplitFiemap;
struct Image {
std::unique_ptr<SplitFiemap> writer;
uint64_t actual_size;
int ValidateInstallParams(GsiInstallParams* params);
bool DisableGsiInstall();
int ReenableGsi(bool one_shot);
enum class AccessLevel { System, SystemOrShell };
binder::Status CheckUid(AccessLevel level = AccessLevel::System);
static std::string GetInstalledImagePath(const std::string& name);
static std::string GetInstalledImageDir();
std::mutex main_lock_;
std::unique_ptr<GsiInstaller> installer_;
// These are initialized or set in StartInstall().
std::atomic<bool> should_abort_ = false;
// Progress bar state.
std::mutex progress_lock_;
GsiProgress progress_;
} // namespace gsi
} // namespace android