blob: 37c369c2f528ef73997078182dc53c28860442c5 [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto2";
option java_package = "android.perfprofd";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package android.perfprofd;
// The configuration for a profiling session.
message ProfilingConfig {
// Average number of seconds between perf profile collections (if
// set to 100, then over time we want to see a perf profile
// collected every 100 seconds). The actual time within the interval
// for the collection is chosen randomly.
optional uint32 collection_interval_in_s = 1;
// Use the specified fixed seed for random number generation (unit
// testing)
optional uint32 use_fixed_seed = 2;
// Number of times to iterate through main
// loop. Value of zero indicates that we should loop forever.
optional uint32 main_loop_iterations = 3;
// Destination directory (where to write profiles). This location
// chosen since it is accessible to the uploader service.
optional string destination_directory = 4;
// Config directory (where to read configs).
optional string config_directory = 5;
// Full path to 'perf' executable.
optional string perf_path = 6;
// Desired sampling period (passed to perf -c option). Small
// sampling periods can perturb the collected profiles, so enforce
// min/max. A value of 0 means perf default. sampling_frequency
// takes priority.
optional uint32 sampling_period = 7;
// Desired sampling frequency (passed to perf -f option). A value of 0
// means using sampling_period or default.
optional uint32 sampling_frequency = 22;
// Length of time to collect samples (number of seconds for 'perf
// record -a' run).
optional uint32 sample_duration_in_s = 8;
// If this parameter is non-zero it will cause perfprofd to
// exit immediately if the build type is not userdebug or eng.
// Currently defaults to 1 (true).
optional bool only_debug_build = 9;
// If the "mpdecision" service is running at the point we are ready
// to kick off a profiling run, then temporarily disable the service
// and hard-wire all cores on prior to the collection run, provided
// that the duration of the recording is less than or equal to the value of
// 'hardwire_cpus_max_duration'.
optional bool hardwire_cpus = 10;
optional uint32 hardwire_cpus_max_duration_in_s = 11;
// Maximum number of unprocessed profiles we can accumulate in the
// destination directory. Once we reach this limit, we continue
// to collect, but we just overwrite the most recent profile.
optional uint32 max_unprocessed_profiles = 12;
// If set to 1, pass the -g option when invoking 'perf' (requests
// stack traces as opposed to flat profile).
optional bool stack_profile = 13;
// Control collection of various additional profile tags
optional bool collect_cpu_utilization = 14;
optional bool collect_charging_state = 15;
optional bool collect_booting = 16;
optional bool collect_camera_active = 17;
// The pid of the process to profile. May be negative, in which case
// the whole system will be profiled.
optional int32 process = 18;
// Whether to use a symbolizer on-device.
optional bool use_elf_symbolizer = 19;
// Whether to send the result to dropbox.
optional bool send_to_dropbox = 20;
// If true, use libz to compress the output proto.
optional bool compress = 21;