Wrap async ATrace events

Bug: 289989828
Test: atest
Test: Manually collected trace
Change-Id: I69e609d45c67a9a7e07e98f282339a1759577751
diff --git a/libatrace_rust/example/src/main.rs b/libatrace_rust/example/src/main.rs
index 925ce7a..158dd7d 100644
--- a/libatrace_rust/example/src/main.rs
+++ b/libatrace_rust/example/src/main.rs
@@ -14,14 +14,42 @@
 //! Usage sample for libatrace_rust.
+use std::thread::JoinHandle;
 use atrace::AtraceTag;
+fn spawn_async_event() -> JoinHandle<()> {
+    atrace::atrace_async_begin(AtraceTag::App, "Async task", 12345);
+    std::thread::spawn(|| {
+        std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(500));
+        atrace::atrace_async_end(AtraceTag::App, "Async task", 12345);
+    })
+fn spawn_async_event_with_track() -> JoinHandle<()> {
+    atrace::atrace_async_for_track_begin(AtraceTag::App, "Async track", "Task with track", 12345);
+    std::thread::spawn(|| {
+        std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(600));
+        atrace::atrace_async_for_track_end(AtraceTag::App, "Async track", 12345);
+    })
 fn main() {
     let enabled_tags = atrace::atrace_get_enabled_tags();
     println!("Enabled tags: {:?}", enabled_tags);
+    println!("Spawning async trace events");
+    let async_event_handler = spawn_async_event();
+    let async_event_with_track_handler = spawn_async_event_with_track();
     println!("Calling atrace_begin and sleeping for 1 sec...");
     atrace::atrace_begin(AtraceTag::App, "Hello tracing!");
+    println!("Joining async events...");
+    async_event_handler.join().unwrap();
+    async_event_with_track_handler.join().unwrap();
diff --git a/libatrace_rust/src/lib.rs b/libatrace_rust/src/lib.rs
index b58d676..62df2da 100644
--- a/libatrace_rust/src/lib.rs
+++ b/libatrace_rust/src/lib.rs
@@ -147,6 +147,85 @@
+/// Trace the beginning of an asynchronous event. Unlike `atrace_begin`/`atrace_end` contexts,
+/// asynchronous events do not need to be nested.
+/// The name describes the event, and the cookie provides a unique identifier for distinguishing
+/// simultaneous events.
+/// The name and cookie used to begin an event must be used to end it.
+pub fn atrace_async_begin(tag: AtraceTag, name: &str, cookie: i32) {
+    if !atrace_is_tag_enabled(tag) {
+        return;
+    }
+    let name_cstr = CString::new(name.as_bytes()).expect("CString::new failed");
+    // SAFETY: The function does not accept the pointer ownership, only reads its contents.
+    // The passed string is guaranteed to be null-terminated by CString.
+    unsafe {
+        trace_bind::atrace_async_begin_wrap(tag.bits(), name_cstr.as_ptr(), cookie);
+    }
+/// Trace the end of an asynchronous event.
+/// This should have a corresponding `atrace_async_begin`.
+pub fn atrace_async_end(tag: AtraceTag, name: &str, cookie: i32) {
+    if !atrace_is_tag_enabled(tag) {
+        return;
+    }
+    let name_cstr = CString::new(name.as_bytes()).expect("CString::new failed");
+    // SAFETY: The function does not accept the pointer ownership, only reads its contents.
+    // The passed string is guaranteed to be null-terminated by CString.
+    unsafe {
+        trace_bind::atrace_async_end_wrap(tag.bits(), name_cstr.as_ptr(), cookie);
+    }
+/// Trace the beginning of an asynchronous event.
+/// In addition to the name and a cookie as in `atrace_async_begin`/`atrace_async_end`, a track name
+/// argument is provided, which is the name of the row where this async event should be recorded.
+/// The track name, name, and cookie used to begin an event must be used to end it.
+/// The cookie here must be unique on the track_name level, not the name level.
+pub fn atrace_async_for_track_begin(tag: AtraceTag, track_name: &str, name: &str, cookie: i32) {
+    if !atrace_is_tag_enabled(tag) {
+        return;
+    }
+    let name_cstr = CString::new(name.as_bytes()).expect("CString::new failed");
+    let track_name_cstr = CString::new(track_name.as_bytes()).expect("CString::new failed");
+    // SAFETY: The function does not accept the pointer ownership, only reads its contents.
+    // The passed strings are guaranteed to be null-terminated by CString.
+    unsafe {
+        trace_bind::atrace_async_for_track_begin_wrap(
+            tag.bits(),
+            track_name_cstr.as_ptr(),
+            name_cstr.as_ptr(),
+            cookie,
+        );
+    }
+/// Trace the end of an asynchronous event.
+/// This should correspond to a previous `atrace_async_for_track_begin`.
+pub fn atrace_async_for_track_end(tag: AtraceTag, track_name: &str, cookie: i32) {
+    if !atrace_is_tag_enabled(tag) {
+        return;
+    }
+    let track_name_cstr = CString::new(track_name.as_bytes()).expect("CString::new failed");
+    // SAFETY: The function does not accept the pointer ownership, only reads its contents.
+    // The passed string is guaranteed to be null-terminated by CString.
+    unsafe {
+        trace_bind::atrace_async_for_track_end_wrap(tag.bits(), track_name_cstr.as_ptr(), cookie);
+    }
 use self::tests::mock_atrace as trace_bind;
@@ -188,6 +267,29 @@
             fn atrace_end_wrap(&mut self, _tag: u64) {
                 panic!("Unexpected call");
+            fn atrace_async_begin_wrap(&mut self, _tag: u64, _name: *const c_char, _cookie: i32) {
+                panic!("Unexpected call");
+            }
+            fn atrace_async_end_wrap(&mut self, _tag: u64, _name: *const c_char, _cookie: i32) {
+                panic!("Unexpected call");
+            }
+            fn atrace_async_for_track_begin_wrap(
+                &mut self,
+                _tag: u64,
+                _track_name: *const c_char,
+                _name: *const c_char,
+                _cookie: i32,
+            ) {
+                panic!("Unexpected call");
+            }
+            fn atrace_async_for_track_end_wrap(
+                &mut self,
+                _tag: u64,
+                _track_name: *const c_char,
+                _cookie: i32,
+            ) {
+                panic!("Unexpected call");
+            }
             /// This method should contain checks to be performed at the end of the test.
             fn finish(&self) {}
@@ -265,6 +367,27 @@
         pub unsafe fn atrace_end_wrap(tag: u64) {
             with_mocker(|m| m.atrace_end_wrap(tag))
+        pub unsafe fn atrace_async_begin_wrap(tag: u64, name: *const c_char, cookie: i32) {
+            with_mocker(|m| m.atrace_async_begin_wrap(tag, name, cookie))
+        }
+        pub unsafe fn atrace_async_end_wrap(tag: u64, name: *const c_char, cookie: i32) {
+            with_mocker(|m| m.atrace_async_end_wrap(tag, name, cookie))
+        }
+        pub unsafe fn atrace_async_for_track_begin_wrap(
+            tag: u64,
+            track_name: *const c_char,
+            name: *const c_char,
+            cookie: i32,
+        ) {
+            with_mocker(|m| m.atrace_async_for_track_begin_wrap(tag, track_name, name, cookie))
+        }
+        pub unsafe fn atrace_async_for_track_end_wrap(
+            tag: u64,
+            track_name: *const c_char,
+            cookie: i32,
+        ) {
+            with_mocker(|m| m.atrace_async_for_track_end_wrap(tag, track_name, cookie))
+        }
@@ -341,7 +464,6 @@
         let _guard = mock_atrace::set_scoped_mocker(CallCheck::default());
         let res = atrace_get_enabled_tags();
         assert_eq!(res, AtraceTag::Hal | AtraceTag::Graphics);
@@ -497,4 +619,166 @@
+    #[test]
+    fn forwards_async_begin() {
+        #[derive(Default)]
+        struct CallCheck {
+            async_begin_count: u32,
+        }
+        impl mock_atrace::ATraceMocker for CallCheck {
+            fn atrace_is_tag_enabled_wrap(&mut self, _tag: u64) -> u64 {
+                1
+            }
+            fn atrace_async_begin_wrap(&mut self, tag: u64, name: *const c_char, cookie: i32) {
+                self.async_begin_count += 1;
+                assert!(self.async_begin_count < 2);
+                assert_eq!(tag, cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_APP as u64);
+                // SAFETY: If the code under test is correct, the pointer is guaranteed to satisfy
+                // the requirements of `CStr::from_ptr`. If the code is not correct, this section is
+                // unsafe and will hopefully fail the test.
+                unsafe {
+                    assert_eq!(CStr::from_ptr(name).to_str().expect("to_str failed"), "Test Name");
+                }
+                assert_eq!(cookie, 123);
+            }
+            fn finish(&self) {
+                assert_eq!(self.async_begin_count, 1);
+            }
+        }
+        let _guard = mock_atrace::set_scoped_mocker(CallCheck::default());
+        atrace_async_begin(AtraceTag::App, "Test Name", 123);
+        mock_atrace::mocker_finish();
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn forwards_async_end() {
+        #[derive(Default)]
+        struct CallCheck {
+            async_end_count: u32,
+        }
+        impl mock_atrace::ATraceMocker for CallCheck {
+            fn atrace_is_tag_enabled_wrap(&mut self, _tag: u64) -> u64 {
+                1
+            }
+            fn atrace_async_end_wrap(&mut self, tag: u64, name: *const c_char, cookie: i32) {
+                self.async_end_count += 1;
+                assert!(self.async_end_count < 2);
+                assert_eq!(tag, cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_APP as u64);
+                // SAFETY: If the code under test is correct, the pointer is guaranteed to satisfy
+                // the requirements of `CStr::from_ptr`. If the code is not correct, this section is
+                // unsafe and will hopefully fail the test.
+                unsafe {
+                    assert_eq!(CStr::from_ptr(name).to_str().expect("to_str failed"), "Test Name");
+                }
+                assert_eq!(cookie, 123);
+            }
+            fn finish(&self) {
+                assert_eq!(self.async_end_count, 1);
+            }
+        }
+        let _guard = mock_atrace::set_scoped_mocker(CallCheck::default());
+        atrace_async_end(AtraceTag::App, "Test Name", 123);
+        mock_atrace::mocker_finish();
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn forwards_async_for_track_begin() {
+        #[derive(Default)]
+        struct CallCheck {
+            async_for_track_begin_count: u32,
+        }
+        impl mock_atrace::ATraceMocker for CallCheck {
+            fn atrace_is_tag_enabled_wrap(&mut self, _tag: u64) -> u64 {
+                1
+            }
+            fn atrace_async_for_track_begin_wrap(
+                &mut self,
+                tag: u64,
+                track_name: *const c_char,
+                name: *const c_char,
+                cookie: i32,
+            ) {
+                self.async_for_track_begin_count += 1;
+                assert!(self.async_for_track_begin_count < 2);
+                assert_eq!(tag, cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_APP as u64);
+                // SAFETY: If the code under test is correct, the pointer is guaranteed to satisfy
+                // the requirements of `CStr::from_ptr`. If the code is not correct, this section is
+                // unsafe and will hopefully fail the test.
+                unsafe {
+                    assert_eq!(
+                        CStr::from_ptr(track_name).to_str().expect("to_str failed"),
+                        "Track"
+                    );
+                    assert_eq!(CStr::from_ptr(name).to_str().expect("to_str failed"), "Test Name");
+                }
+                assert_eq!(cookie, 123);
+            }
+            fn finish(&self) {
+                assert_eq!(self.async_for_track_begin_count, 1);
+            }
+        }
+        let _guard = mock_atrace::set_scoped_mocker(CallCheck::default());
+        atrace_async_for_track_begin(AtraceTag::App, "Track", "Test Name", 123);
+        mock_atrace::mocker_finish();
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn forwards_async_for_track_end() {
+        #[derive(Default)]
+        struct CallCheck {
+            async_for_track_end_count: u32,
+        }
+        impl mock_atrace::ATraceMocker for CallCheck {
+            fn atrace_is_tag_enabled_wrap(&mut self, _tag: u64) -> u64 {
+                1
+            }
+            fn atrace_async_for_track_end_wrap(
+                &mut self,
+                tag: u64,
+                track_name: *const c_char,
+                cookie: i32,
+            ) {
+                self.async_for_track_end_count += 1;
+                assert!(self.async_for_track_end_count < 2);
+                assert_eq!(tag, cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_APP as u64);
+                // SAFETY: If the code under test is correct, the pointer is guaranteed to satisfy
+                // the requirements of `CStr::from_ptr`. If the code is not correct, this section is
+                // unsafe and will hopefully fail the test.
+                unsafe {
+                    assert_eq!(
+                        CStr::from_ptr(track_name).to_str().expect("to_str failed"),
+                        "Track"
+                    );
+                }
+                assert_eq!(cookie, 123);
+            }
+            fn finish(&self) {
+                assert_eq!(self.async_for_track_end_count, 1);
+            }
+        }
+        let _guard = mock_atrace::set_scoped_mocker(CallCheck::default());
+        atrace_async_for_track_end(AtraceTag::App, "Track", 123);
+        mock_atrace::mocker_finish();
+    }