blob: f410c13e4dcc6532f553bdf1a6812c3b94a8a188 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
def gen_event_type_entry_str(event_type_name, event_type, event_config, description='',
return string as below:
EVENT_TYPE_TABLE_ENTRY(event_type_name, event_type, event_config, description, limited_arch)
return 'EVENT_TYPE_TABLE_ENTRY("%s", %s, %s, "%s", "%s")\n' % (
event_type_name, event_type, event_config, description, limited_arch)
def gen_arm_event_type_entry_str(event_type_name, event_type, event_config, description):
return gen_event_type_entry_str(event_type_name, event_type, event_config, description,
def gen_hardware_events():
hardware_configs = ["cpu-cycles",
generated_str = ""
for config in hardware_configs:
event_type_name = config
event_config = "PERF_COUNT_HW_" + config.replace('-', '_').upper()
generated_str += gen_event_type_entry_str(
event_type_name, "PERF_TYPE_HARDWARE", event_config)
return generated_str
def gen_software_events():
software_configs = ["cpu-clock",
["minor-faults", "PERF_COUNT_SW_PAGE_FAULTS_MIN"],
["major-faults", "PERF_COUNT_SW_PAGE_FAULTS_MAJ"],
generated_str = ""
for config in software_configs:
if isinstance(config, list):
event_type_name = config[0]
event_config = config[1]
event_type_name = config
event_config = "PERF_COUNT_SW_" + config.replace('-', '_').upper()
generated_str += gen_event_type_entry_str(
event_type_name, "PERF_TYPE_SOFTWARE", event_config)
return generated_str
def gen_hw_cache_events():
hw_cache_types = [["L1-dcache", "PERF_COUNT_HW_CACHE_L1D"],
["L1-icache", "PERF_COUNT_HW_CACHE_L1I"],
["branch", "PERF_COUNT_HW_CACHE_BPU"],
hw_cache_ops = [["loads", "load", "PERF_COUNT_HW_CACHE_OP_READ"],
["stores", "store", "PERF_COUNT_HW_CACHE_OP_WRITE"],
["prefetches", "prefetch",
hw_cache_op_results = [["accesses", "PERF_COUNT_HW_CACHE_RESULT_ACCESS"],
generated_str = ""
for (type_name, type_config) in hw_cache_types:
for (op_name_access, op_name_miss, op_config) in hw_cache_ops:
for (result_name, result_config) in hw_cache_op_results:
if result_name == "accesses":
event_type_name = type_name + '-' + op_name_access
event_type_name = type_name + '-' + \
op_name_miss + '-' + result_name
event_config = "((%s) | (%s << 8) | (%s << 16))" % (
type_config, op_config, result_config)
generated_str += gen_event_type_entry_str(
event_type_name, "PERF_TYPE_HW_CACHE", event_config)
return generated_str
def gen_user_space_events():
generated_str = gen_event_type_entry_str("inplace-sampler",
return generated_str
def gen_arm_raw_events():
# Refer to "Table D5-7 PMU event numbers" in ARMv8 specification.
raw_types = [
[0x00, "sw-incr", "software increment"],
[0x01, "l1-icache-refill", "level 1 instruction cache refill"],
[0x02, "l1-itlb-refill", "level 1 instruction TLB refill"],
[0x03, "l1-dcache-refill", "level 1 data cache refill"],
[0x04, "l1-dcache", "level 1 data cache access"],
[0x05, "l1-dtlb-refill", "level 1 data TLB refill"],
[0x06, "load-retired", "load (instruction architecturally executed)"],
[0x07, "store-retired", "store (instruction architecturally executed)"],
[0x08, "instruction-retired", "instructions (instruction architecturally executed)"],
[0x09, "exception-taken", "exception taken"],
[0x0a, "exception-return", "exception return (instruction architecturally executed)"],
[0x0b, "cid-write-retired", "write to CONTEXIDR (instruction architecturally executed)"],
[0x0c, "pc-write-retired", "software change of the PC (instruction architecturally executed)"],
[0x0d, "br-immed-retired", "immediate branch (instruction architecturally executed)"],
[0x0e, "br-return-retired", "procedure return (instruction architecturally executed)"],
[0x0f, "unaligned-ldst-retired", "unaligned load or store (instruction architecturally executed)"],
[0x10, "br-mis-pred", "mispredicted or not predicted branch speculatively executed"],
[0x11, "cpu-cycles", "cpu cycles"],
[0x12, "br-pred", "predictable branch speculatively executed"],
[0x13, "mem-access", "data memory access"],
[0x14, "l1-icache", "level 1 instruction cache access"],
[0x15, "l1-dcache-wb", "level 1 data cache write-back"],
[0x16, "l2-dcache", "level 2 data cache access"],
[0x17, "l2-dcache-refill", "level 2 data cache refill"],
[0x18, "l2-dcache-wb", "level 2 data cache write-back"],
[0x19, "bus-access", "bus access"],
[0x1a, "memory-error", "local memory error"],
[0x1b, "inst-spec", "operation speculatively executed"],
[0x1c, "ttbr-write-retired", "write to TTBR (instruction architecturally executed)"],
[0x1d, "bus-cycles", "bus cycle"],
# [0x1e, "chain", ""], // Not useful in user space.
[0x1f, "l1-dcache-allocate", "level 1 data cache allocation without refill"],
[0x20, "l2-dcache-allocate", "level 2 data cache allocation without refill"],
[0x21, "br-retired", "branch (instruction architecturally executed)"],
[0x22, "br-mis-pred-retired", "mispredicted branch (instruction architecturally executed)"],
[0x23, "stall-frontend", "no operation issued due to the frontend"],
[0x24, "stall-backend", "no operation issued due to the backend"],
[0x25, "l1-dtlb", "level 1 data or unified TLB access"],
[0x26, "l1-itlb", "level 1 instruction TLB access"],
[0x27, "l2-icache", "level 2 instruction cache access"],
[0x28, "l2-icache-refill", "level 2 instruction cache refill"],
[0x29, "l3-dcache-allocate", "level 3 data or unified cache allocation without refill"],
[0x2a, "l3-dcache-refill", "level 3 data or unified cache refill"],
[0x2b, "l3-dcache", "level 3 data or unified cache access"],
[0x2c, "l3-dcache-wb", "level 3 data or unified cache write-back"],
[0x2d, "l2-dtlb-refill", "level 2 data or unified TLB refill"],
[0x2e, "l2-itlb-refill", "level 2 instruction TLB refill"],
[0x2f, "l2-dtlb", "level 2 data or unified TLB access"],
[0x30, "l2-itlb", "level 2 instruction TLB access"],
generated_str = ""
for item in raw_types:
event_type = 'PERF_TYPE_RAW'
event_type_name = "raw-" + item[1]
event_config = '0x%x' % item[0]
description = item[2]
generated_str += gen_arm_event_type_entry_str(event_type_name, event_type, event_config,
return generated_str
def gen_events():
generated_str = "// This file is auto-generated by\n\n"
generated_str += gen_hardware_events() + '\n'
generated_str += gen_software_events() + '\n'
generated_str += gen_hw_cache_events() + '\n'
generated_str += gen_user_space_events() + '\n'
generated_str += gen_arm_raw_events() + '\n'
return generated_str
generated_str = gen_events()
fh = open('event_type_table.h', 'w')