fastboot: Minor fix to help text.

Help text had some missing end of line markers.

Bug: None
TEST=make out/host/linux-x86/bin/fastboot; fastboot

Change-Id: Iaa9e4e0a2d70c7d427f5e99e72fe1c2e2c26ee92
diff --git a/fastboot/fastboot.cpp b/fastboot/fastboot.cpp
index 7e60a72..fa8f19a 100644
--- a/fastboot/fastboot.cpp
+++ b/fastboot/fastboot.cpp
@@ -355,8 +355,8 @@
             "                                           formatting.\n"
             "  -s <specific device>                     Specify a device. For USB, provide either\n"
             "                                           a serial number or path to device port.\n"
-            "                                           For ethernet, provide an address in the"
-            "                                           form <protocol>:<hostname>[:port] where"
+            "                                           For ethernet, provide an address in the\n"
+            "                                           form <protocol>:<hostname>[:port] where\n"
             "                                           <protocol> is either tcp or udp.\n"
             "  -p <product>                             Specify product name.\n"
             "  -c <cmdline>                             Override kernel commandline.\n"