Revert "crash-reporter: Replace the crash_sender script by a service daemon."

This reverts commit 38c5ad3a94762945456f8e25c78f464d9221bb84.

Was think it will go to the CQ.

Change-Id: Icbe21da107375b0975f6328623fd9cdd38f71b09
Reviewed-by: Benjamin Lerman <>
Tested-by: Benjamin Lerman <>
diff --git a/crash_reporter/crash-reporter.gyp b/crash_reporter/crash-reporter.gyp
index f36d1d0..79faf97 100644
--- a/crash_reporter/crash-reporter.gyp
+++ b/crash_reporter/crash-reporter.gyp
@@ -63,51 +63,17 @@
-      'target_name': 'libproxies',
-      'type': 'static_library',
-      'variables': {
-        'exported_deps': [
-          'libchrome-<(libbase_ver)',
-        ],
-        'deps': ['<@(exported_deps)'],
-      },
-      'all_dependent_settings': {
-        'variables': {
-          'deps': [
-            '<@(exported_deps)',
-          ],
-        },
-      },
-      'sources': [
-        '',
-        'libproxies.h',
-      ],
-    },
-    {
-      'target_name': 'crash_sender',
+      'target_name': 'list_proxies',
       'type': 'executable',
       'variables': {
         'deps': [
+          'dbus-glib-1',
-          'libchromeos-<(libbase_ver)',
-          'libcurl',
-          'libmetrics-<(libbase_ver)',
-      'dependencies': [
-        'libproxies',
-      ],
-      'libraries': [
-        '-lvboot_host',
-      ],
       'sources': [
-        '',
-        'crash_sender_daemon.h',
-        '',
-        'crash_sender_service.h',
-        '',
-        'proxy_resolver.h',
+        '',
diff --git a/crash_reporter/crash_sender b/crash_reporter/crash_sender
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c83a12a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crash_reporter/crash_sender
@@ -0,0 +1,685 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+set -e
+# Default product ID in crash report (used if GOOGLE_CRASH_* is undefined).
+# File whose existence implies crash reports may be sent, and whose
+# contents includes our machine's anonymized guid.
+CONSENT_ID="/home/chronos/Consent To Send Stats"
+# Crash sender lock in case the sender is already running.
+# Path to file that indicates a crash test is currently running.
+# Path to find which is required for computing the crash rate.
+# Set this to 1 in the environment to allow uploading crash reports
+# for unofficial versions.
+# Path to hardware class description.
+# Path to file that indicates this is a developer image.
+# Path to list_proxies.
+# Maximum crashes to send per day.
+# Path to metrics_client.
+# File whose existence mocks crash sending.  If empty we pretend the
+# crash sending was successful, otherwise unsuccessful.
+# Set this to 1 in the environment to pretend to have booted in developer
+# mode.  This is used by autotests.
+# Ignore PAUSE_CRASH_SENDING file if set.
+# File whose existence causes crash sending to be delayed (for testing).
+# Must be stateful to enable testing kernel crashes.
+# URL to send official build crash reports to.
+# Path to a directory of restricted certificates which includes
+# a certificate for ${REPORT_UPLOAD_PROD_URL}.
+# File whose existence implies we're running and not to start again.
+# Maximum time to sleep between sends.
+# The syslog tag for all logging we emit.
+TAG="$(basename $0)[$$]"
+# Directory to store timestamp files indicating the uploads in the past 24
+# hours.
+# Temp directory for this process.
+# Chrome's crash report log file.
+CHROME_CRASH_LOG="/var/log/chrome/Crash Reports/uploads.log"
+lecho() {
+  logger -t "${TAG}" "$@"
+# Returns true if mock is enabled.
+is_mock() {
+  [ -f "${MOCK_CRASH_SENDING}" ] && return 0
+  return 1
+is_mock_successful() {
+  local mock_in=$(cat "${MOCK_CRASH_SENDING}")
+  [ "${mock_in}" = "" ] && return 0  # empty file means success
+  return 1
+cleanup() {
+  if [ -n "${TMP_DIR}" ]; then
+    rm -rf "${TMP_DIR}"
+  fi
+  rm -f "${RUN_FILE}"
+  crash_done
+crash_done() {
+  if is_mock; then
+    # For testing purposes, emit a message to log so that we
+    # know when the test has received all the messages from this run.
+    lecho "crash_sender done."
+  fi
+is_official_image() {
+  [ ${FORCE_OFFICIAL} -ne 0 ] && return 0
+  grep ^CHROMEOS_RELEASE_DESCRIPTION /etc/lsb-release | grep -q Official
+# Returns 0 if the a crash test is currently running.  NOTE: Mirrors
+is_crash_test_in_progress() {
+  [ -f "${CRASH_TEST_IN_PROGRESS_FILE}" ] && return 0
+  return 1
+# Returns 0 if we should consider ourselves to be running on a developer
+# image.  NOTE: Mirrors
+is_developer_image() {
+  # If we're testing crash reporter itself, we don't want to special-case
+  # for developer images.
+  is_crash_test_in_progress && return 1
+  [ -f "${LEAVE_CORE_FILE}" ] && return 0
+  return 1
+# Returns 0 if we should consider ourselves to be running on a test image.
+is_test_image() {
+  # If we're testing crash reporter itself, we don't want to special-case
+  # for test images.
+  is_crash_test_in_progress && return 1
+  case $(get_channel) in
+  test*) return 0;;
+  esac
+  return 1
+# Returns 0 if the machine booted up in developer mode.
+is_developer_mode() {
+  [ ${MOCK_DEVELOPER_MODE} -ne 0 ] && return 0
+  # If we're testing crash reporter itself, we don't want to special-case
+  # for developer mode.
+  is_crash_test_in_progress && return 1
+  crossystem "devsw_boot?1"  # exit status will be accurate
+# Generate a uniform random number in 0..max-1.
+generate_uniform_random() {
+  local max=$1
+  local random="$(od -An -N4 -tu /dev/urandom)"
+  echo $((random % max))
+# Check if sending a crash now does not exceed the maximum 24hr rate and
+# commit to doing so, if not.
+check_rate() {
+  mkdir -p ${TIMESTAMPS_DIR}
+  # Only consider minidumps written in the past 24 hours by removing all older.
+  ${FIND} "${TIMESTAMPS_DIR}" -mindepth 1 -mmin +$((24 * 60)) \
+      -exec rm -- '{}' ';'
+  local sends_in_24hrs=$(echo "${TIMESTAMPS_DIR}"/* | wc -w)
+  lecho "Current send rate: ${sends_in_24hrs}sends/24hrs"
+  if [ ${sends_in_24hrs} -ge ${MAX_CRASH_RATE} ]; then
+    lecho "Cannot send more crashes:"
+    lecho "  current ${sends_in_24hrs}send/24hrs >= " \
+          "max ${MAX_CRASH_RATE}send/24hrs"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  mktemp "${TIMESTAMPS_DIR}"/XXXX > /dev/null
+  return 0
+# Gets the base part of a crash report file, such as name.01234.5678.9012 from
+# name.01234.5678.9012.meta or name.01234.5678.9012.log.tar.xz.  We make sure
+# "name" is sanitized in CrashCollector::Sanitize to not include any periods.
+get_base() {
+  echo "$1" | cut -d. -f-4
+get_extension() {
+  local extension="${1##*.}"
+  local filename="${1%.*}"
+  # For gzipped file, we ignore .gz and get the real extension
+  if [ "${extension}" = "gz" ]; then
+    echo "${filename##*.}"
+  else
+    echo "${extension}"
+  fi
+# Return which kind of report the given metadata file relates to
+get_kind() {
+  local payload="$(get_key_value "$1" "payload")"
+  if [ ! -r "${payload}" ]; then
+    lecho "Missing payload: ${payload}"
+    echo "undefined"
+    return
+  fi
+  local kind="$(get_extension "${payload}")"
+  if [ "${kind}" = "dmp" ]; then
+    echo "minidump"
+    return
+  fi
+  echo "${kind}"
+get_key_value() {
+  local file="$1" key="$2" value
+  if [ -f "${file}" ]; then
+    # Return the first entry.  There shouldn't be more than one anyways.
+    # Substr at length($1) + 2 skips past the key and following = sign (awk
+    # uses 1-based indexes), but preserves embedded = characters.
+    value=$(sed -n "/^${key}[[:space:]]*=/{s:^[^=]*=::p;q}" "${file}")
+  fi
+  echo "${value:-undefined}"
+get_keys() {
+  local file="$1" regex="$2"
+  awk -F'[[:space:]=]' -vregex="${regex}" \
+      'match($1, regex) { print $1 }' "${file}"
+# Return the board name.
+get_board() {
+  get_key_value "/etc/lsb-release" "CHROMEOS_RELEASE_BOARD"
+# Return the channel name (sans "-channel" suffix).
+get_channel() {
+  get_key_value "/etc/lsb-release" "CHROMEOS_RELEASE_TRACK" |
+    sed 's:-channel$::'
+# Return the hardware class or "undefined".
+get_hardware_class() {
+  if [ -r "${HWCLASS_PATH}" ]; then
+    cat "${HWCLASS_PATH}"
+  elif crossystem hwid > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+    echo "$(crossystem hwid)"
+  else
+    echo "undefined"
+  fi
+send_crash() {
+  local meta_path="$1"
+  local report_payload="$(get_key_value "${meta_path}" "payload")"
+  local kind="$(get_kind "${meta_path}")"
+  local exec_name="$(get_key_value "${meta_path}" "exec_name")"
+  local url="${REPORT_UPLOAD_PROD_URL}"
+  local chromeos_version="$(get_key_value "${meta_path}" "ver")"
+  local board="$(get_board)"
+  local hwclass="$(get_hardware_class)"
+  local write_payload_size="$(get_key_value "${meta_path}" "payload_size")"
+  local log="$(get_key_value "${meta_path}" "log")"
+  local sig="$(get_key_value "${meta_path}" "sig")"
+  local send_payload_size="$(stat --printf=%s "${report_payload}" 2>/dev/null)"
+  local product="$(get_key_value "${meta_path}" "upload_var_prod")"
+  local version="$(get_key_value "${meta_path}" "upload_var_ver")"
+  local upload_prefix="$(get_key_value "${meta_path}" "upload_prefix")"
+  local guid
+  set -- \
+    -F "write_payload_size=${write_payload_size}" \
+    -F "send_payload_size=${send_payload_size}"
+  if [ "${sig}" != "undefined" ]; then
+    set -- "$@" \
+      -F "sig=${sig}" \
+      -F "sig2=${sig}"
+  fi
+  if [ -r "${report_payload}" ]; then
+    set -- "$@" \
+      -F "upload_file_${kind}=@${report_payload}"
+  fi
+  if [ "${log}" != "undefined" -a -r "${log}" ]; then
+    set -- "$@" \
+      -F "log=@${log}"
+  fi
+  if [ "${upload_prefix}" = "undefined" ]; then
+    upload_prefix=""
+  fi
+  # Grab any variable that begins with upload_.
+  local v
+  for k in $(get_keys "${meta_path}" "^upload_"); do
+    v="$(get_key_value "${meta_path}" "${k}")"
+    case ${k} in
+      # Product & version are handled separately.
+      upload_var_prod) ;;
+      upload_var_ver) ;;
+      upload_var_*)
+        set -- "$@" -F "${upload_prefix}${k#upload_var_}=${v}"
+        ;;
+      upload_file_*)
+        if [ -r "${v}" ]; then
+          set -- "$@" -F "${upload_prefix}${k#upload_file_}=@${v}"
+        fi
+        ;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # When uploading Chrome reports we need to report the right product and
+  # version. If the meta file does not specify it, use GOOGLE_CRASH_ID
+  # as the product and GOOGLE_CRASH_VERSION_ID as the version.
+  if [ "${product}" = "undefined" ]; then
+    product="$(get_key_value /etc/os-release 'GOOGLE_CRASH_ID')"
+  fi
+  if [ "${version}" = "undefined" ]; then
+    version="$(get_key_value /etc/os-release 'GOOGLE_CRASH_VERSION_ID')"
+  fi
+  # If GOOGLE_CRASH_* is undefined, we look for ID and VERSION_ID in
+  # /etc/os-release.
+  if [ "${product}" = "undefined" ]; then
+    product="$(get_key_value /etc/os-release 'ID')"
+  fi
+  if [ "${version}" = "undefined" ]; then
+    version="$(get_key_value /etc/os-release 'VERSION_ID')"
+  fi
+  # If ID or VERSION_ID is undefined, we use the default product name
+  # and CHROMEOS_RELEASE_VERSION from /etc/lsb-release.
+  if [ "${product}" = "undefined" ]; then
+    product="${CHROMEOS_PRODUCT}"
+  fi
+  if [ "${version}" = "undefined" ]; then
+    version="${chromeos_version}"
+  fi
+  local image_type
+  if is_test_image; then
+    image_type="test"
+  elif is_developer_image; then
+    image_type="dev"
+  elif [ ${FORCE_OFFICIAL} -ne 0 ]; then
+    image_type="force-official"
+  elif is_mock && ! is_mock_successful; then
+    image_type="mock-fail"
+  fi
+  local boot_mode
+  if ! crossystem "cros_debug" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+    # Sanity-check failed that makes sure crossystem exists.
+    lecho "Cannot determine boot mode due to error running crossystem command"
+    boot_mode="missing-crossystem"
+  elif is_developer_mode; then
+    boot_mode="dev"
+  fi
+  # Need to strip dashes ourselves as Chrome preserves it in the file
+  # nowadays.  This is also what the Chrome breakpad client does.
+  guid=$(tr -d '-' < "${CONSENT_ID}")
+  local error_type="$(get_key_value "${meta_path}" "error_type")"
+  [ "${error_type}" = "undefined" ] && error_type=
+  lecho "Sending crash:"
+  if [ "${product}" != "${CHROMEOS_PRODUCT}" ]; then
+    lecho "  Sending crash report on behalf of ${product}"
+  fi
+  lecho "  Metadata: ${meta_path} (${kind})"
+  lecho "  Payload: ${report_payload}"
+  lecho "  Version: ${version}"
+  [ -n "${image_type}" ] && lecho "  Image type: ${image_type}"
+  [ -n "${boot_mode}" ] && lecho "  Boot mode: ${boot_mode}"
+  if is_mock; then
+    lecho "  Product: ${product}"
+    lecho "  URL: ${url}"
+    lecho "  Board: ${board}"
+    lecho "  HWClass: ${hwclass}"
+    lecho "  write_payload_size: ${write_payload_size}"
+    lecho "  send_payload_size: ${send_payload_size}"
+    if [ "${log}" != "undefined" ]; then
+      lecho "  log: @${log}"
+    fi
+    if [ "${sig}" != "undefined" ]; then
+      lecho "  sig: ${sig}"
+    fi
+  fi
+  lecho "  Exec name: ${exec_name}"
+  [ -n "${error_type}" ] && lecho "  Error type: ${error_type}"
+  if is_mock; then
+    if ! is_mock_successful; then
+      lecho "Mocking unsuccessful send"
+      return 1
+    fi
+    lecho "Mocking successful send"
+    return 0
+  fi
+  # Read in the first proxy, if any, for a given URL.  NOTE: The
+  # double-quotes are necessary due to a bug in dash with the "local"
+  # builtin command and values that have spaces in them (see
+  # "").
+  local proxy="`${LIST_PROXIES} -quiet "${url}" | head -1`"
+  # if a direct connection should be used, unset the proxy variable.
+  [ "${proxy}" = "direct://" ] && proxy=
+  local report_id="${TMP_DIR}/report_id"
+  local curl_stderr="${TMP_DIR}/curl_stderr"
+  set +e
+  curl "${url}" -v ${proxy:+--proxy "$proxy"} \
+    --capath "${RESTRICTED_CERTIFICATES_PATH}" --ciphers HIGH \
+    -F "prod=${product}" \
+    -F "ver=${version}" \
+    -F "board=${board}" \
+    -F "hwclass=${hwclass}" \
+    -F "exec_name=${exec_name}" \
+    ${image_type:+-F "image_type=${image_type}"} \
+    ${boot_mode:+-F "boot_mode=${boot_mode}"} \
+    ${error_type:+-F "error_type=${error_type}"} \
+    -F "guid=${guid}" \
+    -o "${report_id}" \
+    "$@" \
+    2>"${curl_stderr}"
+  curl_result=$?
+  set -e
+  if [ ${curl_result} -eq 0 ]; then
+    local id="$(cat "${report_id}")"
+    local product_name
+    local timestamp="$(date +%s)"
+    case ${product} in
+    Chrome_ChromeOS)
+      if is_official_image; then
+        product_name="Chrome"
+      else
+        product_name="Chromium"
+      fi
+      ;;
+    *)
+      if is_official_image; then
+        product_name="ChromeOS"
+      else
+        product_name="ChromiumOS"
+      fi
+      ;;
+    esac
+    printf '%s,%s,%s\n' \
+      "${timestamp}" "${id}" "${product_name}" >> "${CHROME_CRASH_LOG}"
+    lecho "Crash report receipt ID ${id}"
+  else
+    lecho "Crash sending failed with exit code ${curl_result}: " \
+      "$(cat "${curl_stderr}")"
+  fi
+  rm -f "${report_id}"
+  return ${curl_result}
+# *.meta files always end with done=1 so we can tell if they are complete.
+is_complete_metadata() {
+  grep -q "done=1" "$1"
+# Remove the given report path.
+remove_report() {
+  local base="${1%.*}"
+  rm -f -- "${base}".*
+# Send all crashes from the given directory.  This applies even when we're on a
+# 3G connection (see for discussion).
+send_crashes() {
+  local dir="$1"
+  if [ ! -d "${dir}" ]; then
+    return
+  fi
+  # Consider any old files which still have no corresponding meta file
+  # as orphaned, and remove them.
+  for old_file in $(${FIND} "${dir}" -mindepth 1 \
+                    -mmin +$((24 * 60)) -type f); do
+    if [ ! -e "$(get_base "${old_file}").meta" ]; then
+      lecho "Removing old orphaned file: ${old_file}."
+      rm -f -- "${old_file}"
+    fi
+  done
+  # Look through all metadata (*.meta) files, oldest first.  That way, the rate
+  # limit does not stall old crashes if there's a high amount of new crashes
+  # coming in.
+  # For each crash report, first evaluate conditions that might lead to its
+  # removal to honor user choice and to free disk space as soon as possible,
+  # then decide whether it should be sent right now or kept for later sending.
+  for meta_path in $(ls -1tr "${dir}"/*.meta 2>/dev/null); do
+    lecho "Considering metadata ${meta_path}."
+    local kind=$(get_kind "${meta_path}")
+    if [ "${kind}" != "minidump" ] && \
+       [ "${kind}" != "kcrash" ] && \
+       [ "${kind}" != "log" ]; then
+      lecho "Unknown report kind ${kind}.  Removing report."
+      remove_report "${meta_path}"
+      continue
+    fi
+    if ! is_complete_metadata "${meta_path}"; then
+      # This report is incomplete, so if it's old, just remove it.
+      local old_meta=$(${FIND} "${dir}" -mindepth 1 -name \
+        $(basename "${meta_path}") -mmin +$((24 * 60)) -type f)
+      if [ -n "${old_meta}" ]; then
+        lecho "Removing old incomplete metadata."
+        remove_report "${meta_path}"
+      else
+        lecho "Ignoring recent incomplete metadata."
+      fi
+      continue
+    fi
+    if ! is_mock && ! is_official_image; then
+      lecho "Not an official OS version.  Removing crash."
+      remove_report "${meta_path}"
+      continue
+    fi
+    # Don't send crash reports from previous sessions while we're in guest mode
+    # to avoid the impression that crash reporting was enabled, which it isn't.
+    # (Don't exit right now because subsequent reports may be candidates for
+    # deletion.)
+    if ${METRICS_CLIENT} -g; then
+      lecho "Guest mode has been entered.  Delaying crash sending until exited."
+      continue
+    fi
+    # Remove existing crashes in case user consent has not (yet) been given or
+    # has been revoked.  This must come after the guest mode check because
+    # ${METRICS_CLIENT} always returns "not consented" in guest mode.
+    if ! ${METRICS_CLIENT} -c; then
+      lecho "Crash reporting is disabled.  Removing crash."
+      remove_report "${meta_path}"
+      continue
+    fi
+    # Skip report if the upload rate is exceeded.  (Don't exit right now because
+    # subsequent reports may be candidates for deletion.)
+    if ! check_rate; then
+      lecho "Sending ${meta_path} would exceed rate.  Leaving for later."
+      continue
+    fi
+    # The .meta file should be written *after* all to-be-uploaded files that it
+    # references.  Nevertheless, as a safeguard, a hold-off time of thirty
+    # seconds after writing the .meta file is ensured.  Also, sending of crash
+    # reports is spread out randomly by up to SECONDS_SEND_SPREAD.  Thus, for
+    # the sleep call the greater of the two delays is used.
+    local now=$(date +%s)
+    local holdoff_time=$(($(stat --format=%Y "${meta_path}") + 30 - ${now}))
+    local spread_time=$(generate_uniform_random "${SECONDS_SEND_SPREAD}")
+    local sleep_time
+    if [ ${spread_time} -gt ${holdoff_time} ]; then
+      sleep_time="${spread_time}"
+    else
+      sleep_time="${holdoff_time}"
+    fi
+    lecho "Scheduled to send in ${sleep_time}s."
+    if ! is_mock; then
+      if ! sleep "${sleep_time}"; then
+          lecho "Sleep failed"
+          return 1
+      fi
+    fi
+    # Try to upload.
+    if ! send_crash "${meta_path}"; then
+      lecho "Problem sending ${meta_path}, not removing."
+      continue
+    fi
+    # Send was successful, now remove.
+    lecho "Successfully sent crash ${meta_path} and removing."
+    remove_report "${meta_path}"
+  done
+usage() {
+  cat <<EOF
+Usage: crash_sender [options]
+ -e <var>=<val>     Set env |var| to |val| (only some vars)
+  exit ${1:-1}
+parseargs() {
+  # Parse the command line arguments.
+  while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+    case $1 in
+    -e)
+      shift
+      case $1 in
+      MAX_CRASH_RATE=*|\
+        export "$1"
+        ;;
+      *)
+        lecho "Unknown var passed to -e: $1"
+        exit 1
+        ;;
+      esac
+      ;;
+    -h)
+      usage 0
+      ;;
+    *)
+      lecho "Unknown options: $*"
+      exit 1
+      ;;
+    esac
+    shift
+  done
+main() {
+  trap cleanup EXIT INT TERM
+  parseargs "$@"
+  if [ -e "${PAUSE_CRASH_SENDING}" ] && \
+     [ ${OVERRIDE_PAUSE_SENDING} -eq 0 ]; then
+    lecho "Exiting early due to ${PAUSE_CRASH_SENDING}."
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  if is_test_image; then
+    lecho "Exiting early due to test image."
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  # We don't perform checks on this because we have a master lock with the
+  # CRASH_SENDER_LOCK file.  This pid file is for the system to keep track
+  # (like with autotests) that we're still running.
+  echo $$ > "${RUN_FILE}"
+  for dependency in "${FIND}" "${METRICS_CLIENT}" \
+                    "${RESTRICTED_CERTIFICATES_PATH}"; do
+    if [ ! -x "${dependency}" ]; then
+      lecho "Fatal: Crash sending disabled: ${dependency} not found."
+      exit 1
+    fi
+  done
+  TMP_DIR="$(mktemp -d /tmp/crash_sender.XXXXXX)"
+  # Send system-wide crashes
+  send_crashes "/var/spool/crash"
+  # Send user-specific crashes
+  local d
+  for d in /home/chronos/crash /home/chronos/u-*/crash; do
+    send_crashes "${d}"
+  done
+if ! flock -n 9; then
+  lecho "Already running; quitting."
+  crash_done
+  exit 1
+main "$@"
diff --git a/crash_reporter/crash_sender.conf b/crash_reporter/crash_sender.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 5611c10..0000000
--- a/crash_reporter/crash_sender.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can
-# be found in the LICENSE file.
-# This file has the format:
-# NAME=value
-# Product ID in crash report.
-# Set this to 1 to allow uploading crash reports for unofficial versions.
-# Maximum crashes to send per day.
-# Set this to 1 to pretend to have booted in developer mode. This is used by
-# autotests.
-# Ignore PAUSE_CRASH_SENDING file if set.
-# URL to send official build crash reports to.
-# Maximum time to sleep between sends.
diff --git a/crash_reporter/ b/crash_reporter/
deleted file mode 100644
index f477bdb..0000000
--- a/crash_reporter/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "crash-reporter/crash_sender_daemon.h"
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <base/at_exit.h>
-#include <base/bind.h>
-#include <base/command_line.h>
-#include <base/logging.h>
-#include <base/run_loop.h>
-#include <chromeos/syslog_logging.h>
-#include <crash-reporter/crash_sender_service.h>
-#include <dbus/bus.h>
-namespace {
-// Parameter to specify a custom config file.
-const char kSwitchCustomConfigFile[] = "config";
-const char kDefaultConfigFile[] = "/etc/crash_sender.conf";
-const int kTerminationSignals[] = { SIGTERM, SIGINT };
-const int kNumTerminationSignals = arraysize(kTerminationSignals);
-}  // namespace
-namespace crash_reporter {
-CrashSenderDaemon::CrashSenderDaemon(const base::FilePath& config_file)
-    : config_file_(config_file) {}
-CrashSenderDaemon::~CrashSenderDaemon() {
-void CrashSenderDaemon::Run() {
-  base::RunLoop loop;
-  dbus::Bus::Options options;
-  options.bus_type = dbus::Bus::SYSTEM;
-  options.disconnected_callback = loop.QuitClosure();
-  scoped_refptr<dbus::Bus> bus = new dbus::Bus(options);
-  CrashSenderConfiguration config =
-      CrashSenderService::ParseConfiguration(config_file_);
-  scoped_ptr<DbusCrashSenderServiceImpl> impl(
-      new DbusCrashSenderServiceImpl(config));
-  CHECK(impl->Start(bus)) << "Failed to start crash sender service";
-  crash_sender_service_ = impl.Pass();
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumTerminationSignals; ++i) {
-    async_signal_handler_.RegisterHandler(
-        kTerminationSignals[i],
-        base::Bind(&CrashSenderDaemon::Shutdown, base::Unretained(this)));
-  }
-  async_signal_handler_.RegisterHandler(
-      SIGHUP, base::Bind(&CrashSenderDaemon::Restart, base::Unretained(this)));
-  async_signal_handler_.Init();
-  loop.Run();
-  bus->ShutdownAndBlock();
-bool CrashSenderDaemon::Shutdown(const struct signalfd_siginfo& info) {
-  loop_.PostTask(FROM_HERE, loop_.QuitClosure());
-  // Unregister the signal handler.
-  return true;
-bool CrashSenderDaemon::Restart(const struct signalfd_siginfo& info) {
-  CrashSenderConfiguration config =
-      CrashSenderService::ParseConfiguration(config_file_);
-  crash_sender_service_->Restart(config);
-  // Keep listening to the signal.
-  return false;
-}  // namespace crash_reporter
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-  CommandLine::Init(argc, argv);
-  CommandLine* args = CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess();
-  // Some libchrome calls need this.
-  base::AtExitManager at_exit_manager;
-  chromeos::InitLog(chromeos::kLogToSyslog | chromeos::kLogToStderr);
-  base::FilePath config_file =
-      args->GetSwitchValuePath(kSwitchCustomConfigFile);
-  if (config_file.empty()) {
-    config_file = base::FilePath(FILE_PATH_LITERAL(kDefaultConfigFile));
-  } else {
-    LOG(INFO) << "Using crash configuration at: " << config_file.value();
-  }
-  crash_reporter::CrashSenderDaemon daemon(config_file);
-  daemon.Run();
-  return 0;
diff --git a/crash_reporter/crash_sender_daemon.h b/crash_reporter/crash_sender_daemon.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 462a53d..0000000
--- a/crash_reporter/crash_sender_daemon.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <base/files/file_path.h>
-#include <base/memory/scoped_ptr.h>
-#include <base/message_loop/message_loop.h>
-#include <chromeos/asynchronous_signal_handler.h>
-#include "crash-reporter/crash_sender_service.h"
-namespace crash_reporter {
-class CrashSenderDaemon {
- public:
-  // |config_file| specifies the config file for the crash sender.
-  explicit CrashSenderDaemon(const base::FilePath& config_file);
-  ~CrashSenderDaemon();
-  // Does all the work. Blocks until the daemon is finished.
-  void Run();
- private:
-  base::MessageLoopForIO loop_;
-  base::FilePath config_file_;
-  scoped_ptr<CrashSenderService> crash_sender_service_;
-  chromeos::AsynchronousSignalHandler async_signal_handler_;
-  // Shutdown the sender.
-  bool Shutdown(const signalfd_siginfo& info);
-  // Restart the service, reading the configuration file again.
-  bool Restart(const signalfd_siginfo& info);
-}  // namespace crash_reporter
diff --git a/crash_reporter/ b/crash_reporter/
deleted file mode 100644
index 04fb23c..0000000
--- a/crash_reporter/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,853 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "crash-reporter/crash_sender_service.h"
-#include <curl/curl.h>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <utility>
-#include <base/bind.h>
-#include <base/files/file_enumerator.h>
-#include <base/files/file_path.h>
-#include <base/files/file_util.h>
-#include <base/format_macros.h>
-#include <base/logging.h>
-#include <base/message_loop/message_loop.h>
-#include <base/rand_util.h>
-#include <base/strings/string_number_conversions.h>
-#include <base/strings/stringprintf.h>
-#include <base/strings/string_split.h>
-#include <base/strings/string_util.h>
-#include <base/time/time.h>
-#include <dbus/bus.h>
-#include "vboot/crossystem.h"
-namespace {
-// Default product ID in crash report (used if GOOGLE_CRASH_* is undefined).
-const char kDefaultProduct[] = "ChromeOS";
-// File whose existence implies crash reports may be sent, and whose
-// contents includes our machine's anonymized guid.
-const char kConsentIdPath[] = "/home/chronos/Consent To Send Stats";
-// Crash sender lock in case the sender is already running.
-const char kCrashSenderLockPath[] = "/var/lock/crash_sender";
-// Crash sender lock in case the sender is already running for tests.
-const char kCrashSenderLockForTestsPath[] = "/var/lock/crash_sender_test";
-// Path to file that indicates a crash test is currently running.
-const char kCrashTestInProgressPath[] = "/tmp/crash-test-in-progress";
-// Path to hardware class description.
-const char kHWClassPath[] = "/sys/devices/platform/chromeos_acpi/HWID";
-// Path to file that indicates this is a developer image.
-const char kLeaveCorePath[] = "/root/.leave_core";
-// File whose existence causes crash sending to be delayed (for testing).
-// Must be stateful to enable testing kernel crashes.
-const char kPauseCrashSendingPath[] = "/var/lib/crash_sender_paused";
-// Path to a directory of restricted certificates which includes
-// a certificate for ${REPORT_UPLOAD_PROD_URL}.
-const char kRestrictedCertificatesPath[] =
-    "/usr/share/chromeos-ca-certificates";
-// File whose existence implies we're running and not to start again.
-const char kRunFilePath[] = "/var/run/";
-// Directory to store timestamp files indicating the uploads in the past 24
-// hours.
-const char kTimestampsDirPath[] = "/var/lib/crash_sender";
-// Chrome's crash report log file.
-const char kChromeCrashLogPath[] = "/var/log/chrome/Crash Reports/uploads.log";
-// File whose existence mocks crash sending. If empty we pretend the crash
-// sending was successful, otherwise unsuccessful.
-const char kMockCrashSendingPath[] = "/tmp/mock-crash-sending";
-// Configuration keys.
-const char kForceOfficial[] = "FORCE_OFFICIAL";
-const char kMaxCrashRate[] = "MAX_CRASH_RATE";
-const char kMockDeveloperMode[] = "MOCK_DEVELOPER_MODE";
-const char kOverridePauseSending[] = "OVERRIDE_PAUSE_SENDING";
-const char kReportUploadProdUrl[] = "REPORT_UPLOAD_PROD_URL";
-const char kSecondsSendSpread[] = "SECONDS_SEND_SPREAD";
-// Owns a curl handle.
-class ScopedCurl {
- public:
-  explicit ScopedCurl(bool mock) : mock_(mock) {
-    if (!mock)
-      curl_ = curl_easy_init();
-  }
-  ~ScopedCurl() {
-    if (mock_)
-      return;
-    if (post_)
-      curl_formfree(post_);
-    curl_easy_cleanup(curl_);
-  }
-  CURL* curl() const { return curl_; }
-  void AddMultipartContent(std::string key, std::string value) {
-    LOG(INFO) << key << ": " << value;
-    if (mock_)
-      return;
-    curl_formadd(&post_, &last_,
-                 CURLFORM_COPYNAME, key.c_str(),
-                 CURLFORM_COPYCONTENTS, value.c_str(),
-                 CURLFORM_END);
-  }
-  void AddFile(std::string key, base::FilePath file) {
-    LOG(INFO) << key << ": " << file.value();
-    if (mock_)
-      return;
-    curl_formadd(&post_, &last_,
-                 CURLFORM_COPYNAME, key.c_str(),
-                 CURLFORM_FILE, file.value().c_str(),
-                 CURLFORM_END);
-  }
-  CURLcode perform() {
-    CHECK(!mock_);
-    curl_easy_setopt(curl_, CURLOPT_HTTPPOST, post_);
-    return curl_easy_perform(curl_);
-  }
- private:
-  bool mock_;
-  CURL* curl_ = nullptr;
-  struct curl_httppost* post_ = nullptr;
-  struct curl_httppost* last_ = nullptr;
-// Comparison function.
-bool order_meta_files(const crash_reporter::MetaFile& f1,
-                      const crash_reporter::MetaFile& f2) {
-  return std::make_tuple(f1.modification_time, f1.path.value()) <
-         std::make_tuple(f2.modification_time, f2.path.value());
-// Return the list of directories containing crashes.
-std::vector<base::FilePath> GetCrashDirectories() {
-  std::vector<base::FilePath> result;
-  base::FilePath system_wide("/var/spool/crash");
-  if (base::DirectoryExists(system_wide))
-    result.push_back(system_wide);
-  base::FilePath main_user("/home/chronos/crash");
-  if (base::DirectoryExists(main_user))
-    result.push_back(main_user);
-  base::FileEnumerator enumCrashDirectories(
-      base::FilePath("/home/chronos"), false, base::FileEnumerator::DIRECTORIES,
-      FILE_PATH_LITERAL("u-*"));
-  for (base::FilePath dir = enumCrashDirectories.Next(); !dir.empty();
-       dir = enumCrashDirectories.Next()) {
-    base::FilePath crash_dir = dir.Append("crash");
-    if (base::DirectoryExists(crash_dir))
-      result.push_back(crash_dir);
-  }
-  return result;
-// Returns all the files in a given directory with the time of last
-// modification.
-std::vector<std::pair<base::Time, base::FilePath>> GetOrderedFiles(
-    const base::FilePath& dir) {
-  std::vector<std::pair<base::Time, base::FilePath>> files;
-  base::FileEnumerator enumFiles(dir, false, base::FileEnumerator::FILES);
-  for (base::FilePath file = enumFiles.Next(); !file.empty();
-       file = enumFiles.Next()) {
-    files.push_back(
-        std::make_pair(enumFiles.GetInfo().GetLastModifiedTime(), file));
-  }
-  return files;
-// Parse a file containing key value of the form:
-std::map<std::string, std::string> ParseKeyValueFile(
-    const base::FilePath& file) {
-  std::map<std::string, std::string> result;
-  std::string content;
-  if (!base::ReadFileToString(file, &content)) {
-    LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to read key values from: " << file.value();
-    return result;
-  }
-  base::StringPairs pairs;
-  base::SplitStringIntoKeyValuePairs(content, '=', '\n', &pairs);
-  for (base::StringPairs::const_iterator pair = pairs.begin();
-       pair != pairs.end(); ++pair) {
-    if (!pair->first.empty() && pair->first[0] != '#')
-      result[pair->first] = pair->second;
-  }
-  return result;
-// Returns the value associated to |key| in |map|, or |default_value| if |map|
-// doesn't contain |key|.
-std::string GetValue(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& map,
-                     const std::string& key, const std::string& default_value) {
-  std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it = map.find(key);
-  if (it != map.end())
-    return it->second;
-  return default_value;
-// As |GetValue| for values of type |base::FilePath|.
-base::FilePath GetPathValue(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& map,
-                            const std::string& key,
-                            const base::FilePath& default_value) {
-  std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it = map.find(key);
-  if (it != map.end())
-    return base::FilePath(it->second);
-  return default_value;
-// As |GetValue| for values of type |int|.
-int GetIntValue(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& map,
-                const std::string& key, int default_value) {
-  std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it = map.find(key);
-  if (it != map.end()) {
-    int result;
-    if (base::StringToInt(it->second, &result)) {
-      return result;
-    }
-  }
-  return default_value;
-// Remove the report for the given |meta_file|.
-void RemoveReport(const base::FilePath& meta_file) {
-  LOG(INFO) << "Removing report: " << meta_file.value();
-  base::FilePath directory = meta_file.DirName();
-  base::FilePath template_value = meta_file.ReplaceExtension(".*").BaseName();
-  base::FileEnumerator filesToDelete(
-      directory, false, base::FileEnumerator::FILES, template_value.value());
-  for (base::FilePath file = filesToDelete.Next(); !file.empty();
-       file = filesToDelete.Next()) {
-    if (!base::DeleteFile(file, false))
-      LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to delete " << file.value();
-  }
-// Returns the extenstion of the given file, stripping .gz if the file is
-// compressed.
-std::string GetExtension(const base::FilePath& file) {
-  std::string extension = file.FinalExtension();
-  if (extension == ".gz")
-    extension = file.RemoveFinalExtension().FinalExtension();
-  if (!extension.empty()) {
-    DCHECK_EQ(extension[0], '.');
-    extension = extension.substr(1);
-  }
-  return extension;
-// Returns the report kind.
-std::string GetKind(const crash_reporter::MetaFile& meta_file) {
-  base::FilePath payload =
-      GetPathValue(meta_file.meta_information, "payload", base::FilePath());
-  if (payload.value().empty() || !base::PathExists(payload)) {
-    LOG(WARNING) << "Missing payload on file: " << meta_file.path.value();
-    return "";
-  }
-  std::string kind = GetExtension(payload);
-  if (kind == "dmp") {
-    return "minidump";
-  }
-  return kind;
-// Callback function for curl. It delegates to a callback passed as additional
-// data.
-size_t CurlWriteData(void* buffer, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void* data) {
-  base::Callback<size_t(void*, size_t)>* callback =
-      static_cast<base::Callback<size_t(void*, size_t)>*>(data);
-  return callback->Run(buffer, size * nmemb);
-size_t AppendDataToString(std::string* data, const void* buffer, size_t size) {
-  data->append(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(buffer), size);
-  return size;
-}  // namespace
-namespace crash_reporter {
-CrashSenderService::CrashSenderService(const CrashSenderConfiguration& config)
-    : config_(config) {
-  metrics_lib_.Init();
-CrashSenderService::~CrashSenderService() {}
-bool CrashSenderService::Start(ProxyResolver* proxy_resolver) {
-  proxy_resolver_ = proxy_resolver;
-  std::map<std::string, std::string> lsb_release_values =
-      ParseKeyValueFile(base::FilePath("/etc/lsb-release"));
-  board_ = lsb_release_values["CHROMEOS_RELEASE_BOARD"];
-  if (board_.empty()) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to retrieve board information.";
-    return false;
-  }
-  channel_ = lsb_release_values["CHROMEOS_RELEASE_TRACK"];
-  const char kChannelSuffix[] = "-channel";
-  if (EndsWith(channel_, kChannelSuffix, true))
-    channel_ =
-        channel_.substr(0, channel_.size() - arraysize(kChannelSuffix) + 1);
-  if (channel_.empty()) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to retrieve channel information.";
-    return false;
-  }
-  official_ =
-      (lsb_release_values["CHROMEOS_RELEASE_DESCRIPTION"].find("Official") !=
-       std::string::npos);
-  std::map<std::string, std::string> os_release_values =
-      ParseKeyValueFile(base::FilePath("/etc/os-release"));
-  default_product_ = GetValue(os_release_values, "GOOGLE_CRASH_ID", "");
-  if (default_product_.empty())
-    default_product_ = GetValue(os_release_values, "ID", "");
-  default_version_ = GetValue(os_release_values, "GOOGLE_CRASH_VERSION_ID", "");
-  if (default_version_.empty())
-    default_version_ = GetValue(os_release_values, "VERSION_ID", "");
-  return ReapplyConfig(config_);
-void CrashSenderService::Restart(const CrashSenderConfiguration& config) {
-  CrashSenderConfiguration old_config = config_;
-  config_ = config;
-  if (!ReapplyConfig(config_)) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "Restarting failed. Reapplying old configuration.";
-    config_ = old_config;
-    CHECK(ReapplyConfig(config_));
-  }
-CrashSenderConfiguration CrashSenderService::ParseConfiguration(
-    const base::FilePath& config_file) {
-  CrashSenderConfiguration result;
-  std::map<std::string, std::string> key_values =
-      ParseKeyValueFile(config_file);
-  result.force_official = GetIntValue(key_values, kForceOfficial, false);
-  result.max_crash_rate = GetIntValue(key_values, kMaxCrashRate, 32);
-  result.mock_developer_mode =
-      GetIntValue(key_values, kMockDeveloperMode, false);
-  result.override_pause_sending =
-      GetIntValue(key_values, kOverridePauseSending, false);
-  result.report_upload_prod_url =
-      GetValue(key_values, kReportUploadProdUrl,
-               "");
-  result.seconds_send_spread = GetIntValue(key_values, kSecondsSendSpread, 600);
-  return result;
-bool CrashSenderService::ReapplyConfig(const CrashSenderConfiguration& config) {
-  bool test_run = IsMock();
-  const char* lock_path =
-      test_run ? kCrashSenderLockForTestsPath : kCrashSenderLockPath;
-  lock_file_.reset(
-      new base::File(base::FilePath(lock_path), base::File::FLAG_OPEN_ALWAYS |
-                                                    base::File::FLAG_READ |
-                                                    base::File::FLAG_WRITE));
-  if (lock_file_->Lock() != base::File::FILE_OK) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "Already running; quitting.";
-    return false;
-  }
-  base::FilePath run_file(kRunFilePath);
-  run_file_deleter_.Reset(
-      base::Bind(base::IgnoreResult(&base::DeleteFile), run_file, false));
-  std::string pid = base::IntToString(getpid()) + "\n";
-  base::WriteFile(run_file,, pid.length());
-  CollectAllCrashes();
-  if (test_run) {
-    base::MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
-                                           base::MessageLoop::QuitClosure());
-    LOG(INFO) << "crash_sender done.";
-  }
-  return true;
-bool CrashSenderService::IsCrashTestInProgress() const {
-  return base::PathExists(base::FilePath(kCrashTestInProgressPath));
-bool CrashSenderService::IsTestImage() const {
-  if (IsCrashTestInProgress())
-    return false;
-  return StartsWithASCII(channel_, "test", true);
-bool CrashSenderService::IsMock() const {
-  return base::PathExists(base::FilePath(kMockCrashSendingPath));
-bool CrashSenderService::IsMockSuccessful() const {
-  std::string content;
-  if (base::ReadFileToString(base::FilePath(kMockCrashSendingPath), &content))
-    return content.empty();
-  return false;
-bool CrashSenderService::IsOfficialImage() const {
-  return config_.force_official || official_;
-bool CrashSenderService::IsDeveloperMode() const {
-  if (config_.mock_developer_mode)
-    return true;
-  if (IsCrashTestInProgress())
-    return false;
-  return VbGetSystemPropertyInt("devsw_boot");
-bool CrashSenderService::IsDeveloperImage() const {
-  // Mirrors
-  if (IsCrashTestInProgress())
-    return false;
-  return base::PathExists(base::FilePath(kLeaveCorePath));
-std::string CrashSenderService::GetHardwareClass() const {
-  std::string content;
-  if (base::ReadFileToString(base::FilePath(kHWClassPath), &content))
-    return content;
-  char buffer[VB_MAX_STRING_PROPERTY];
-  const char* hwid =
-      VbGetSystemPropertyString("hwid", buffer, VB_MAX_STRING_PROPERTY);
-  if (hwid)
-    return hwid;
-  return "undefined";
-std::string CrashSenderService::GetConsentId() const {
-  std::string content;
-  if (base::ReadFileToString(base::FilePath(kConsentIdPath), &content)) {
-    content.erase(std::remove(content.begin(), content.end(), '-'),
-                  content.end());
-    return content;
-  }
-  return "undefined";
-void CrashSenderService::CollectCrashes(const base::FilePath& dir) {
-  std::vector<std::pair<base::Time, base::FilePath>> files =
-      GetOrderedFiles(dir);
-  base::Time now = base::Time::Now();
-  for (const std::pair<base::Time, base::FilePath>& file : files) {
-    if (file.second.FinalExtension() == ".meta") {
-      MetaFile info;
-      info.modification_time = file.first;
-      info.path = file.second;
-      info.meta_information = ParseKeyValueFile(info.path);
-      switch (FilterCrashes(info)) {
-        case CAN_UPLOAD:
-          current_crashes_.push_back(info);
-          break;
-        case DELETE:
-          RemoveReport(info.path);
-          break;
-        case WAIT:
-          // Nothing
-          break;
-      }
-    } else if ((now - file.first >= base::TimeDelta::FromDays(1)) &&
-               !base::PathExists(file.second.ReplaceExtension(".meta"))) {
-      if (base::DeleteFile(file.second, false)) {
-        LOG(INFO) << "Removing old orphaned file: " << file.second.value();
-      } else {
-        LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to delete: " << file.second.value();
-      }
-    }
-  }
-void CrashSenderService::CollectAllCrashes() {
-  current_crashes_.clear();
-  std::vector<base::FilePath> crash_directories = GetCrashDirectories();
-  for (const base::FilePath& path : crash_directories) {
-    CrashSenderService::CollectCrashes(path);
-  }
-  std::sort(current_crashes_.begin(), current_crashes_.end(),
-            &order_meta_files);
-  if (current_crashes_.empty()) {
-    // If no crash is present, wait for an hour.
-    ScheduleNext();
-    return;
-  }
-  PrepareToSendNextCrash();
-CrashSenderService::FileStatus CrashSenderService::FilterCrashes(
-    const MetaFile& file) {
-  if (!metrics_lib_.AreMetricsEnabled()) {
-    LOG(INFO) << "Crash reporting is disabled.  Removing crash.";
-    return DELETE;
-  }
-  if (!IsMock() && !IsOfficialImage()) {
-    LOG(INFO) << "Not an official OS version.  Removing crash.";
-    return DELETE;
-  }
-  if (GetValue(file.meta_information, "done", "") != "1") {
-    // This report is incomplete, so if it's old, just remove it
-    if (base::Time::Now() - file.modification_time >=
-        base::TimeDelta::FromDays(1)) {
-      LOG(INFO) << "Removing old incomplete metadata.";
-      return DELETE;
-    } else {
-      LOG(INFO) << "Ignoring recent incomplete metadata.";
-      return WAIT;
-    }
-  }
-  std::string report_kind = GetKind(file);
-  if (report_kind != "minidump" && report_kind != "kcrash" &&
-      report_kind != "log") {
-    LOG(INFO) << "Unknown report kind " << report_kind << ".  Removing report.";
-    return DELETE;
-  }
-  return CAN_UPLOAD;
-bool CrashSenderService::MustThrottle() const {
-  base::FilePath timestamps_dir(kTimestampsDirPath);
-  if (!base::CreateDirectoryAndGetError(timestamps_dir, nullptr)) {
-    LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to create directory: " << timestamps_dir.value();
-    return true;
-  }
-  base::Time now = base::Time::Now();
-  base::FileEnumerator timestamps(timestamps_dir, false,
-                                  base::FileEnumerator::FILES);
-  int sends_in_24hrs = 0;
-  for (base::FilePath file = timestamps.Next(); !file.empty();
-       file = timestamps.Next()) {
-    if (now - timestamps.GetInfo().GetLastModifiedTime() >=
-        base::TimeDelta::FromDays(1)) {
-      base::DeleteFile(file, false);
-    } else {
-      ++sends_in_24hrs;
-    }
-  }
-  LOG(INFO) << "Current send rate: " << sends_in_24hrs << "sends/24hrs";
-  if (sends_in_24hrs >= config_.max_crash_rate) {
-    LOG(INFO) << "Cannot send more crashes: current " << sends_in_24hrs
-              << "send/24hrs >= max " << config_.max_crash_rate << "send/24hrs";
-    return true;
-  }
-  base::FilePath tmp_file;
-  if (!base::CreateTemporaryFileInDir(timestamps_dir, &tmp_file)) {
-    LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to create a file in " << timestamps_dir.value();
-    return true;
-  }
-  return false;
-void CrashSenderService::PrepareToSendNextCrash() {
-  // If we cannot send any crashes, wait one hour.
-  if (!CanSendNextCrash()) {
-    ScheduleNext();
-    return;
-  }
-  // If there is no crash to send, collect crashes and return.
-  if (current_crashes_.empty()) {
-    CollectAllCrashes();
-    return;
-  }
-  const MetaFile& file = current_crashes_.front();
-  base::TimeDelta time_to_wait =
-      std::max(file.modification_time + base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(30) -
-                   base::Time::Now(),
-               base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(
-                   base::RandInt(1, config_.seconds_send_spread)));
-  LOG(INFO) << "Scheduled to send " << file.path.value() << " in "
-            << time_to_wait.InSeconds() << "s.";
-  if (IsMock()) {
-    SendNextCrash();
-  } else {
-    timer_.Start(FROM_HERE, time_to_wait, this,
-                 &CrashSenderService::SendNextCrash);
-  }
-bool CrashSenderService::CanSendNextCrash() {
-  // Handle pause crash sending
-  base::FilePath pause_crash_sending(kPauseCrashSendingPath);
-  if (base::PathExists(pause_crash_sending) &&
-      !config_.override_pause_sending) {
-    LOG(INFO) << "Not sending crashes due to " << pause_crash_sending.value();
-    return false;
-  }
-  // Handle is test image
-  if (IsTestImage()) {
-    LOG(INFO) << "Not sending crashes due to test image.";
-    return false;
-  }
-  // Handle certificate path
-  base::FilePath restricted_certificates_path(kRestrictedCertificatesPath);
-  if (!base::DirectoryExists(restricted_certificates_path)) {
-    LOG(INFO) << "Not sending crashes due to "
-              << restricted_certificates_path.value() << " missing.";
-    return false;
-  }
-  // Guest mode.
-  if (metrics_lib_.IsGuestMode()) {
-    LOG(INFO)
-        << "Guest mode has been entered. Delaying crash sending until exited.";
-    return false;
-  }
-  return true;
-void CrashSenderService::SendNextCrash() {
-  // Ensure the timer will be called again if this is exited early due to
-  // exceptional conditions.
-  ScheduleNext();
-  if (!CanSendNextCrash())
-    return;
-  // Check uploads rate
-  if (MustThrottle()) {
-    LOG(INFO) << "Sending a report would exceed rate. Leaving for later.";
-    return;
-  }
-  const MetaFile file = current_crashes_[0];
-  current_crashes_.erase(current_crashes_.begin());
-  // Trying to send a crash. Preparing next crash.
-  base::ScopedClosureRunner send_next_crash(base::Bind(
-      &CrashSenderService::PrepareToSendNextCrash, base::Unretained(this)));
-  // Delete the report whatever the result.
-  base::ScopedClosureRunner report_delete(base::Bind(&RemoveReport, file.path));
-  ScopedCurl curl(IsMock());
-  LOG(INFO) << "Sending crash:";
-  std::string product = GetValue(file.meta_information, "upload_var_prod", "");
-  if (product.empty())
-    product = default_product_;
-  if (product.empty())
-    product = kDefaultProduct;
-  curl.AddMultipartContent("prod", product);
-  if (product != kDefaultProduct)
-    LOG(INFO) << "Sending crash report on behalf of " << product;
-  LOG(INFO) << "Metadata: " << file.path.value() << " (" << GetKind(file)
-            << ")";
-  std::string version = GetValue(file.meta_information, "upload_var_ver", "");
-  if (version.empty())
-    version = default_version_;
-  if (version.empty())
-    version = GetValue(file.meta_information, "ver", "");
-  curl.AddMultipartContent("ver", version);
-  curl.AddMultipartContent("board", board_);
-  curl.AddMultipartContent("hwclass", GetHardwareClass());
-  curl.AddMultipartContent(
-      "exec_name", GetValue(file.meta_information, "exec_name", "undefined"));
-  std::string image_type;
-  if (IsTestImage()) {
-    image_type = "test";
-  } else if (IsDeveloperImage()) {
-    image_type = "dev";
-  } else if (config_.force_official) {
-    image_type = "force-official";
-  } else if (IsMock() && !IsMockSuccessful()) {
-    image_type = "mock-fail";
-  }
-  if (!image_type.empty())
-    curl.AddMultipartContent("image_type", image_type);
-  if (VbGetSystemPropertyInt("cros_debug") && IsDeveloperMode())
-    curl.AddMultipartContent("boot_mode", "dev");
-  std::string error_type = GetValue(file.meta_information, "error_type", "");
-  if (!error_type.empty())
-    curl.AddMultipartContent("error_type", error_type);
-  curl.AddMultipartContent("guid", GetConsentId());
-  curl.AddMultipartContent(
-      "write_payload_size",
-      GetValue(file.meta_information, "payload_size", "undefined"));
-  base::FilePath payload =
-      GetPathValue(file.meta_information, "payload", base::FilePath());
-  if (!payload.value().empty()) {
-    int64 file_size;
-    if (base::GetFileSize(payload, &file_size)) {
-      curl.AddMultipartContent("send_payload_size",
-                               base::Int64ToString(file_size));
-      curl.AddFile("upload_file_" + GetKind(file), payload);
-    }
-  }
-  std::string signature = GetValue(file.meta_information, "sig", "");
-  if (!signature.empty()) {
-    curl.AddMultipartContent("sig", signature);
-    curl.AddMultipartContent("sig2", signature);
-  }
-  base::FilePath log =
-      GetPathValue(file.meta_information, "log", base::FilePath());
-  if (base::PathExists(log))
-    curl.AddFile("log", log);
-  std::string upload_prefix =
-      GetValue(file.meta_information, "upload_prefix", "");
-  const char kUploadVarPrefix[] = "upload_var_";
-  const char kUploadFilePrefix[] = "upload_file_";
-  for (const auto& pair : file.meta_information) {
-    if (StartsWithASCII(pair.first, kUploadVarPrefix, true)) {
-      curl.AddMultipartContent(
-          upload_prefix + pair.first.substr(arraysize(kUploadVarPrefix) - 1),
-          pair.second);
-    }
-    if (StartsWithASCII(pair.first, kUploadFilePrefix, true)) {
-      curl.AddFile(
-          upload_prefix + pair.first.substr(arraysize(kUploadFilePrefix) - 1),
-          base::FilePath(pair.second));
-    }
-  }
-  if (IsMock()) {
-    if (IsMockSuccessful()) {
-      LOG(INFO) << "Mocking successful send";
-    } else {
-      LOG(INFO) << "Mocking unsuccessful send";
-    }
-    return;
-  }
-  curl_easy_setopt(curl.curl(), CURLOPT_URL,
-                   config_.report_upload_prod_url.c_str());
-  curl_easy_setopt(curl.curl(), CURLOPT_POST, 1L);
-  std::vector<std::string> proxies = proxy_resolver_->GetProxiesForUrl(
-      config_.report_upload_prod_url, base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(5));
-  if (proxies.size() && proxies[0] != "direct://")
-    curl_easy_setopt(curl.curl(), CURLOPT_PROXY, proxies[0].c_str());
-  // TODO(qsr) Remove
-  curl_easy_setopt(curl.curl(), CURLOPT_PROXY, "");
-  std::string received_data = "";
-  base::Callback<size_t(const void*, size_t)> callback =
-      base::Bind(&AppendDataToString, &received_data);
-  curl_easy_setopt(curl.curl(), CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, &CurlWriteData);
-  curl_easy_setopt(curl.curl(), CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &callback);
-  CURLcode success = curl.perform();
-  if (success != 0 || received_data.size() > 20) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to upload crash report. Error code: " << success;
-    return;
-  }
-  std::string product_name;
-  if (product == "Chrome_ChromeOS") {
-    if (IsOfficialImage()) {
-      product_name = "Chrome";
-    } else {
-      product_name = "Chromium";
-    }
-  } else {
-    if (IsOfficialImage()) {
-      product_name = "ChromeOS";
-    } else {
-      product_name = "ChromiumOS";
-    }
-  }
-  std::string log_string = base::StringPrintf(
-      "%" PRIu64 ",%s,%s\n", static_cast<uint64_t>(base::Time::Now().ToTimeT()),
-      received_data.c_str(), product_name.c_str());
-  if (base::AppendToFile(base::FilePath(kChromeCrashLogPath),,
-                         log_string.size()) == -1) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to update crash log.";
-  }
-void CrashSenderService::ScheduleNext() {
-  timer_.Start(FROM_HERE, base::TimeDelta::FromHours(1), this,
-               &CrashSenderService::PrepareToSendNextCrash);
-    const CrashSenderConfiguration& config)
-    : CrashSenderService(config) {}
-DbusCrashSenderServiceImpl::~DbusCrashSenderServiceImpl() {}
-bool DbusCrashSenderServiceImpl::Start(dbus::Bus* bus) {
-  if (!bus || !bus->Connect()) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to connect to DBus";
-    return false;
-  }
-  bus_ = bus;
-  proxy_resolver_.reset(new DBusProxyResolver(bus_));
-  proxy_resolver_->Init();
-  return CrashSenderService::Start(proxy_resolver_.get());
-}  // namespace crash_reporter
diff --git a/crash_reporter/crash_sender_service.h b/crash_reporter/crash_sender_service.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bc2b35c..0000000
--- a/crash_reporter/crash_sender_service.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <map>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include <base/callback_helpers.h>
-#include <base/files/file.h>
-#include <base/files/file_path.h>
-#include <base/memory/ref_counted.h>
-#include <base/timer/timer.h>
-#include "crash-reporter/proxy_resolver.h"
-#include "metrics/metrics_library.h"
-namespace dbus {
-class Bus;
-}  // namespace dbus
-namespace crash_reporter {
-// The configuration for the crash sender. See |crash_sender.conf| for details.
-struct CrashSenderConfiguration {
-  bool force_official;
-  int max_crash_rate;
-  bool mock_developer_mode;
-  bool override_pause_sending;
-  std::string report_upload_prod_url;
-  int seconds_send_spread;
-// The information about a crash report, which is obtained from the associated
-// meta file.
-struct MetaFile {
-  base::Time modification_time;
-  base::FilePath path;
-  std::map<std::string, std::string> meta_information;
-class CrashSenderService {
- public:
-  explicit CrashSenderService(const CrashSenderConfiguration& config);
-  virtual ~CrashSenderService();
-  bool Start(ProxyResolver* proxy_resolver);
-  void Restart(const CrashSenderConfiguration& config);
-  static CrashSenderConfiguration ParseConfiguration(
-      const base::FilePath& config_file);
- private:
-  enum FileStatus {
-    WAIT,
-    DELETE,
-  };
-  bool ReapplyConfig(const CrashSenderConfiguration& config);
-  bool IsCrashTestInProgress() const;
-  bool IsTestImage() const;
-  bool IsMock() const;
-  bool IsMockSuccessful() const;
-  bool IsOfficialImage() const;
-  bool IsDeveloperMode() const;
-  bool IsDeveloperImage() const;
-  std::string GetHardwareClass() const;
-  std::string GetConsentId() const;
-  void CollectCrashes(const base::FilePath& dir);
-  void CollectAllCrashes();
-  FileStatus FilterCrashes(const MetaFile& file);
-  bool MustThrottle() const;
-  void PrepareToSendNextCrash();
-  bool CanSendNextCrash();
-  void SendNextCrash();
-  void ScheduleNext();
-  ProxyResolver* proxy_resolver_ = nullptr;
-  CrashSenderConfiguration config_;
-  MetricsLibrary metrics_lib_;
-  base::OneShotTimer<CrashSenderService> timer_;
-  base::ScopedClosureRunner run_file_deleter_;
-  scoped_ptr<base::File> lock_file_;
-  std::string channel_;
-  std::string board_;
-  std::string default_product_;
-  std::string default_version_;
-  bool official_ = false;
-  std::vector<MetaFile> current_crashes_;
-  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(CrashSenderService);
-class DbusCrashSenderServiceImpl : public CrashSenderService {
- public:
-  explicit DbusCrashSenderServiceImpl(const CrashSenderConfiguration& config);
-  virtual ~DbusCrashSenderServiceImpl();
-  bool Start(dbus::Bus* bus);
- private:
-  dbus::Bus* bus_ = nullptr;
-  scoped_ptr<DBusProxyResolver> proxy_resolver_;
-  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(DbusCrashSenderServiceImpl);
-}  // namespace crash_reporter
diff --git a/crash_reporter/init/crash-sender.conf b/crash_reporter/init/crash-sender.conf
index 11b7e4f..892186f 100644
--- a/crash_reporter/init/crash-sender.conf
+++ b/crash_reporter/init/crash-sender.conf
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
-# Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
 # found in the LICENSE file.
-description "Runs a daemon which send collected crash reports."
-author      ""
+description     "Run the crash sender periodically"
+author          ""
-start on started system-services
+start on starting system-services
 stop on stopping system-services
-exec crash_sender
+exec periodic_scheduler 3600 14400 crash_sender /sbin/crash_sender
diff --git a/crash_reporter/ b/crash_reporter/
deleted file mode 100644
index cb77295..0000000
--- a/crash_reporter/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "crash-reporter/libproxies.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <base/strings/string_tokenizer.h>
-#include <base/strings/string_util.h>
-#include <chromeos/strings/string_utils.h>
-namespace crash_reporter {
-const char kLibCrosProxyResolveSignalInterface[] =
-    "org.chromium.CrashReporterLibcrosProxyResolvedInterface";
-const char kLibCrosProxyResolveName[] = "ProxyResolved";
-const char kLibCrosServiceInterface[] = "org.chromium.LibCrosServiceInterface";
-const char kLibCrosServiceName[] = "org.chromium.LibCrosService";
-const char kLibCrosServicePath[] = "/org/chromium/LibCrosService";
-const char kLibCrosServiceResolveNetworkProxyMethodName[] =
-    "ResolveNetworkProxy";
-const char kNoProxy[] = "direct://";
-std::vector<std::string> ParseProxyString(const std::string& input) {
-  std::vector<std::string> ret;
-  // Some of this code taken from
-  //
-  for (const std::string& token : chromeos::string_utils::Split(input, ';')) {
-    auto space =
-        std::find_if(token.begin(), token.end(), IsAsciiWhitespace<char>);
-    std::string scheme(token.begin(), space);
-    base::StringToLowerASCII(&scheme);
-    // Chrome uses "socks" to mean socks4 and "proxy" to mean http.
-    if (scheme == "socks") {
-      scheme += "4";
-    } else if (scheme == "proxy") {
-      scheme = "http";
-    } else if (scheme != "https" && scheme != "socks4" && scheme != "socks5" &&
-               scheme != "direct") {
-      continue;  // Invalid proxy scheme
-    }
-    std::string host_and_port = std::string(space, token.end());
-    base::TrimWhitespaceASCII(host_and_port, base::TRIM_ALL, &host_and_port);
-    if (scheme != "direct" && host_and_port.empty())
-      continue;  // Must supply host/port when non-direct proxy used.
-    ret.push_back(scheme + "://" + host_and_port);
-  }
-  if (ret.empty() || ret.back() != kNoProxy)
-    ret.push_back(kNoProxy);
-  return ret;
-}  // namespace crash_reporter
diff --git a/crash_reporter/libproxies.h b/crash_reporter/libproxies.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ed32f34..0000000
--- a/crash_reporter/libproxies.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-namespace crash_reporter {
-extern const char kLibCrosProxyResolveSignalInterface[];
-extern const char kLibCrosProxyResolveName[];
-extern const char kLibCrosServiceInterface[];
-extern const char kLibCrosServiceName[];
-extern const char kLibCrosServicePath[];
-extern const char kLibCrosServiceResolveNetworkProxyMethodName[];
-extern const char kNoProxy[];
-// Copied from src/update_engine/
-// Parses the browser's answer for resolved proxies.  It returns a
-// list of strings, each of which is a resolved proxy.
-std::vector<std::string> ParseProxyString(const std::string& input);
-}  // namespace crash_reporter
diff --git a/crash_reporter/ b/crash_reporter/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..282c6ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crash_reporter/
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <dbus/dbus-glib-lowlevel.h>
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <unistd.h>  // for isatty()
+#include <deque>
+#include <string>
+#include <base/command_line.h>
+#include <base/files/file_util.h>
+#include <base/strings/string_number_conversions.h>
+#include <base/strings/string_tokenizer.h>
+#include <base/strings/string_util.h>
+#include <base/values.h>
+#include <chromeos/dbus/dbus.h>
+#include <chromeos/syslog_logging.h>
+const char kLibCrosProxyResolveSignalInterface[] =
+    "org.chromium.CrashReporterLibcrosProxyResolvedInterface";
+const char kLibCrosProxyResolveName[] = "ProxyResolved";
+const char kLibCrosServiceInterface[] = "org.chromium.LibCrosServiceInterface";
+const char kLibCrosServiceName[] = "org.chromium.LibCrosService";
+const char kLibCrosServicePath[] = "/org/chromium/LibCrosService";
+const char kLibCrosServiceResolveNetworkProxyMethodName[] =
+    "ResolveNetworkProxy";
+const char kNoProxy[] = "direct://";
+namespace switches {
+const unsigned kTimeoutDefault = 5;
+const char kHelp[] = "help";
+const char kQuiet[] = "quiet";
+const char kTimeout[] = "timeout";
+const char kVerbose[] = "verbose";
+// Help message to show when the --help command line switch is specified.
+const char kHelpMessage[] =
+    "Chromium OS Crash helper: proxy lister\n"
+    "\n"
+    "Available Switches:\n"
+    "  --quiet      Only print the proxies\n"
+    "  --verbose    Print additional messages even when not run from a TTY\n"
+    "  --timeout=N  Set timeout for browser resolving proxies (default is 5)\n"
+    "  --help       Show this help.\n";
+}  // namespace switches
+static const char *GetGErrorMessage(const GError *error) {
+  if (!error)
+    return "Unknown error.";
+  return error->message;
+// Copied from src/update_engine/
+// Parses the browser's answer for resolved proxies.  It returns a
+// list of strings, each of which is a resolved proxy.
+std::deque<std::string> ParseProxyString(const std::string &input) {
+  std::deque<std::string> ret;
+  // Some of this code taken from
+  // and
+  //
+  base::StringTokenizer entry_tok(input, ";");
+  while (entry_tok.GetNext()) {
+    std::string token = entry_tok.token();
+    base::TrimWhitespaceASCII(token, base::TRIM_ALL, &token);
+    // Start by finding the first space (if any).
+    std::string::iterator space;
+    for (space = token.begin(); space != token.end(); ++space) {
+      if (IsAsciiWhitespace(*space)) {
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    std::string scheme = std::string(token.begin(), space);
+    base::StringToLowerASCII(&scheme);
+    // Chrome uses "socks" to mean socks4 and "proxy" to mean http.
+    if (scheme == "socks")
+      scheme += "4";
+    else if (scheme == "proxy")
+      scheme = "http";
+    else if (scheme != "https" &&
+             scheme != "socks4" &&
+             scheme != "socks5" &&
+             scheme != "direct")
+      continue;  // Invalid proxy scheme
+    std::string host_and_port = std::string(space, token.end());
+    base::TrimWhitespaceASCII(host_and_port, base::TRIM_ALL, &host_and_port);
+    if (scheme != "direct" && host_and_port.empty())
+      continue;  // Must supply host/port when non-direct proxy used.
+    ret.push_back(scheme + "://" + host_and_port);
+  }
+  if (ret.empty() || *ret.rbegin() != kNoProxy)
+    ret.push_back(kNoProxy);
+  return ret;
+// Define a signal-watcher class to handle the D-Bus signal sent to us when
+// the browser answers our request to resolve proxies.
+class BrowserProxyResolvedSignalWatcher : public chromeos::dbus::SignalWatcher {
+ public:
+  explicit BrowserProxyResolvedSignalWatcher(GMainLoop *main_loop,
+                                             std::deque<std::string> *proxies)
+      : main_loop_(main_loop), proxies_(proxies) { }
+  void OnSignal(DBusMessage *message) override {
+    // Get args
+    char *source_url = NULL;
+    char *proxy_list = NULL;
+    char *error = NULL;
+    DBusError arg_error;
+    dbus_error_init(&arg_error);
+    if (!dbus_message_get_args(message, &arg_error,
+                               DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &source_url,
+                               DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &proxy_list,
+                               DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &error,
+                               DBUS_TYPE_INVALID)) {
+      LOG(ERROR) << "Error reading D-Bus signal";
+      return;
+    }
+    if (!source_url || !proxy_list) {
+      LOG(ERROR) << "Error getting url, proxy list from D-Bus signal";
+      return;
+    }
+    const std::deque<std::string> &proxies = ParseProxyString(proxy_list);
+    for (std::deque<std::string>::const_iterator it = proxies.begin();
+         it != proxies.end(); ++it) {
+      LOG(INFO) << "Found proxy via browser signal: " << (*it).c_str();
+      proxies_->push_back(*it);
+    }
+    g_main_loop_quit(main_loop_);
+  }
+ private:
+  GMainLoop *main_loop_;
+  std::deque<std::string> *proxies_;
+static gboolean HandleBrowserTimeout(void *data) {
+  GMainLoop *main_loop = reinterpret_cast<GMainLoop *>(data);
+  LOG(ERROR) << "Timeout while waiting for browser to resolve proxy";
+  g_main_loop_quit(main_loop);
+  return false;  // only call once
+static bool ShowBrowserProxies(std::string url, unsigned timeout) {
+  GMainLoop *main_loop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, false);
+  chromeos::dbus::BusConnection dbus = chromeos::dbus::GetSystemBusConnection();
+  if (!dbus.HasConnection()) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Error connecting to system D-Bus";
+    return false;
+  }
+  chromeos::dbus::Proxy browser_proxy(dbus,
+                                      kLibCrosServiceName,
+                                      kLibCrosServicePath,
+                                      kLibCrosServiceInterface);
+  if (!browser_proxy) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Error creating D-Bus proxy to interface "
+               << "'" << kLibCrosServiceName << "'";
+    return false;
+  }
+  // Watch for a proxy-resolved signal sent to us
+  std::deque<std::string> proxies;
+  BrowserProxyResolvedSignalWatcher proxy_resolver(main_loop, &proxies);
+  proxy_resolver.StartMonitoring(kLibCrosProxyResolveSignalInterface,
+                                 kLibCrosProxyResolveName);
+  // Request the proxies for our URL.  The answer is sent to us via a
+  // proxy-resolved signal.
+  GError *gerror = NULL;
+  if (!dbus_g_proxy_call(browser_proxy.gproxy(),
+                         kLibCrosServiceResolveNetworkProxyMethodName,
+                         &gerror,
+                         G_TYPE_STRING, url.c_str(),
+                         G_TYPE_STRING, kLibCrosProxyResolveSignalInterface,
+                         G_TYPE_STRING, kLibCrosProxyResolveName,
+                         G_TYPE_INVALID, G_TYPE_INVALID)) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Error performing D-Bus proxy call "
+               << "'" << kLibCrosServiceResolveNetworkProxyMethodName << "'"
+               << ": " << GetGErrorMessage(gerror);
+    return false;
+  }
+  // Setup a timeout in case the browser doesn't respond with our signal
+  g_timeout_add_seconds(timeout, &HandleBrowserTimeout, main_loop);
+  // Loop until we either get the proxy-resolved signal, or until the
+  // timeout is reached.
+  g_main_loop_run(main_loop);
+  // If there are no proxies, then we failed to get the proxy-resolved
+  // signal (e.g. timeout was reached).
+  if (proxies.empty())
+    return false;
+  for (std::deque<std::string>::const_iterator it = proxies.begin();
+       it != proxies.end(); ++it) {
+    printf("%s\n", (*it).c_str());
+  }
+  return true;
+int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+  CommandLine::Init(argc, argv);
+  CommandLine* cl = CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess();
+  if (cl->HasSwitch(switches::kHelp)) {
+    LOG(INFO) << switches::kHelpMessage;
+    return 0;
+  }
+  bool quiet = cl->HasSwitch(switches::kQuiet);
+  bool verbose = cl->HasSwitch(switches::kVerbose);
+  unsigned timeout = switches::kTimeoutDefault;
+  std::string str_timeout = cl->GetSwitchValueASCII(switches::kTimeout);
+  if (!str_timeout.empty() && !base::StringToUint(str_timeout, &timeout)) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid timeout value: " << str_timeout;
+    return 1;
+  }
+  // Default to logging to syslog.
+  int init_flags = chromeos::kLogToSyslog;
+  // Log to stderr if a TTY (and "-quiet" wasn't passed), or if "-verbose"
+  // was passed.
+  if ((!quiet && isatty(STDERR_FILENO)) || verbose)
+    init_flags |= chromeos::kLogToStderr;
+  chromeos::InitLog(init_flags);
+  ::g_type_init();
+  std::string url;
+  CommandLine::StringVector urls = cl->GetArgs();
+  if (!urls.empty()) {
+    url = urls[0];
+    LOG(INFO) << "Resolving proxies for URL: " << url;
+  } else {
+    LOG(INFO) << "Resolving proxies without URL";
+  }
+  if (!ShowBrowserProxies(url, timeout)) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Error resolving proxies via the browser";
+    LOG(INFO) << "Assuming direct proxy";
+    printf("%s\n", kNoProxy);
+  }
+  return 0;
diff --git a/crash_reporter/ b/crash_reporter/
deleted file mode 100644
index a4cc732..0000000
--- a/crash_reporter/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "crash-reporter/proxy_resolver.h"
-#include <chromeos/dbus/dbus_method_invoker.h>
-#include "crash-reporter/libproxies.h"
-namespace crash_reporter {
-DBusProxyResolver::DBusProxyResolver(dbus::Bus* bus) : bus_(bus) {}
-void DBusProxyResolver::Init() {
-  lib_cros_service_proxy_ = bus_->GetObjectProxy(
-      kLibCrosServiceName, dbus::ObjectPath(kLibCrosServicePath));
-  if (!lib_cros_service_proxy_) {
-    LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to connect to LibCrosService.";
-  }
-std::vector<std::string> DBusProxyResolver::GetProxiesForUrl(
-    const std::string& url, const base::TimeDelta& timeout) {
-  if (!lib_cros_service_proxy_) return {kNoProxy};
-  auto response = chromeos::dbus_utils::CallMethodAndBlockWithTimeout(
-      timeout.InMilliseconds(), lib_cros_service_proxy_,
-      kLibCrosProxyResolveSignalInterface,
-      kLibCrosServiceResolveNetworkProxyMethodName, url);
-  if (response) {
-    std::string returned_message;
-    if (chromeos::dbus_utils::ExtractMethodCallResults(response.get(), nullptr,
-                                                       &returned_message)) {
-      return ParseProxyString(returned_message);
-    }
-  }
-  return {kNoProxy};
-}  // namespace crash_reporter
diff --git a/crash_reporter/proxy_resolver.h b/crash_reporter/proxy_resolver.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a6d1989..0000000
--- a/crash_reporter/proxy_resolver.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include <dbus/bus.h>
-#include <dbus/object_proxy.h>
-namespace base {
-class TimeDelta;
-}  // namespace base
-namespace crash_reporter {
-class ProxyResolver {
- public:
-  virtual ~ProxyResolver() {}
-  virtual std::vector<std::string> GetProxiesForUrl(
-      const std::string& url, const base::TimeDelta& timeout) = 0;
-class DBusProxyResolver : public ProxyResolver {
- public:
-  explicit DBusProxyResolver(dbus::Bus* bus);
-  ~DBusProxyResolver() override = default;
-  void Init();
-  std::vector<std::string> GetProxiesForUrl(
-      const std::string& url, const base::TimeDelta& timeout) override;
- private:
-  scoped_refptr<dbus::Bus> bus_;
-  scoped_refptr<dbus::ObjectProxy> lib_cros_service_proxy_;
-}  // namespace crash_reporter