blob: e886ec399beeef9e3c2eb3cabc5dd6b4f891e85c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "snapuserd_core.h"
#include <sys/utsname.h>
#include <android-base/chrono_utils.h>
#include <android-base/properties.h>
#include <android-base/scopeguard.h>
#include <android-base/strings.h>
#include <snapuserd/dm_user_block_server.h>
#include "merge_worker.h"
#include "read_worker.h"
namespace android {
namespace snapshot {
using namespace android;
using namespace android::dm;
using android::base::unique_fd;
SnapshotHandler::SnapshotHandler(std::string misc_name, std::string cow_device,
std::string backing_device, std::string base_path_merge,
std::shared_ptr<IBlockServerOpener> opener, int num_worker_threads,
bool use_iouring, bool perform_verification) {
misc_name_ = std::move(misc_name);
cow_device_ = std::move(cow_device);
backing_store_device_ = std::move(backing_device);
block_server_opener_ = std::move(opener);
base_path_merge_ = std::move(base_path_merge);
num_worker_threads_ = num_worker_threads;
is_io_uring_enabled_ = use_iouring;
perform_verification_ = perform_verification;
bool SnapshotHandler::InitializeWorkers() {
for (int i = 0; i < num_worker_threads_; i++) {
auto wt = std::make_unique<ReadWorker>(cow_device_, backing_store_device_, misc_name_,
base_path_merge_, GetSharedPtr(),
if (!wt->Init()) {
SNAP_LOG(ERROR) << "Thread initialization failed";
return false;
merge_thread_ = std::make_unique<MergeWorker>(cow_device_, misc_name_, base_path_merge_,
read_ahead_thread_ = std::make_unique<ReadAhead>(cow_device_, backing_store_device_, misc_name_,
update_verify_ = std::make_unique<UpdateVerify>(misc_name_);
return true;
std::unique_ptr<CowReader> SnapshotHandler::CloneReaderForWorker() {
return reader_->CloneCowReader();
void SnapshotHandler::UpdateMergeCompletionPercentage() {
struct CowHeader* ch = reinterpret_cast<struct CowHeader*>(mapped_addr_);
merge_completion_percentage_ = (ch->num_merge_ops * 100.0) / reader_->get_num_total_data_ops();
SNAP_LOG(DEBUG) << "Merge-complete %: " << merge_completion_percentage_
<< " num_merge_ops: " << ch->num_merge_ops
<< " total-ops: " << reader_->get_num_total_data_ops();
bool SnapshotHandler::CommitMerge(int num_merge_ops) {
struct CowHeader* ch = reinterpret_cast<struct CowHeader*>(mapped_addr_);
ch->num_merge_ops += num_merge_ops;
if (scratch_space_) {
if (ra_thread_) {
struct BufferState* ra_state = GetBufferState();
ra_state->read_ahead_state = kCowReadAheadInProgress;
int ret = msync(mapped_addr_, BLOCK_SZ, MS_SYNC);
if (ret < 0) {
SNAP_PLOG(ERROR) << "msync header failed: " << ret;
return false;
} else {
const auto& header = reader_->GetHeader();
if (lseek(cow_fd_.get(), 0, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
SNAP_PLOG(ERROR) << "lseek failed";
return false;
if (!android::base::WriteFully(cow_fd_, &header, sizeof(CowHeader))) {
SNAP_PLOG(ERROR) << "Write to header failed";
return false;
if (fsync(cow_fd_.get()) < 0) {
SNAP_PLOG(ERROR) << "fsync failed";
return false;
// Update the merge completion - this is used by update engine
// to track the completion. No need to take a lock. It is ok
// even if there is a miss on reading a latest updated value.
// Subsequent polling will eventually converge to completion.
return true;
void SnapshotHandler::PrepareReadAhead() {
struct BufferState* ra_state = GetBufferState();
// Check if the data has to be re-constructed from COW device
if (ra_state->read_ahead_state == kCowReadAheadDone) {
populate_data_from_cow_ = true;
} else {
populate_data_from_cow_ = false;
bool SnapshotHandler::CheckMergeCompletionStatus() {
if (!merge_initiated_) {
SNAP_LOG(INFO) << "Merge was not initiated. Total-data-ops: "
<< reader_->get_num_total_data_ops();
return false;
struct CowHeader* ch = reinterpret_cast<struct CowHeader*>(mapped_addr_);
SNAP_LOG(INFO) << "Merge-status: Total-Merged-ops: " << ch->num_merge_ops
<< " Total-data-ops: " << reader_->get_num_total_data_ops();
return true;
bool SnapshotHandler::ReadMetadata() {
reader_ = std::make_unique<CowReader>(CowReader::ReaderFlags::USERSPACE_MERGE, true);
CowOptions options;
SNAP_LOG(DEBUG) << "ReadMetadata: Parsing cow file";
if (!reader_->Parse(cow_fd_)) {
SNAP_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to parse";
return false;
const auto& header = reader_->GetHeader();
if (!(header.block_size == BLOCK_SZ)) {
SNAP_LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid header block size found: " << header.block_size;
return false;
SNAP_LOG(INFO) << "Merge-ops: " << header.num_merge_ops;
if (header.num_merge_ops) {
resume_merge_ = true;
SNAP_LOG(INFO) << "Resume Snapshot-merge";
if (!MmapMetadata()) {
SNAP_LOG(ERROR) << "mmap failed";
return false;
// Initialize the iterator for reading metadata
std::unique_ptr<ICowOpIter> cowop_iter = reader_->GetOpIter(true);
int num_ra_ops_per_iter = ((GetBufferDataSize()) / BLOCK_SZ);
int ra_index = 0;
size_t copy_ops = 0, replace_ops = 0, zero_ops = 0, xor_ops = 0;
while (!cowop_iter->AtEnd()) {
const CowOperation* cow_op = cowop_iter->Get();
if (cow_op->type == kCowCopyOp) {
copy_ops += 1;
} else if (cow_op->type == kCowReplaceOp) {
replace_ops += 1;
} else if (cow_op->type == kCowZeroOp) {
zero_ops += 1;
} else if (cow_op->type == kCowXorOp) {
xor_ops += 1;
chunk_vec_.push_back(std::make_pair(ChunkToSector(cow_op->new_block), cow_op));
if (IsOrderedOp(*cow_op)) {
ra_thread_ = true;
block_to_ra_index_[cow_op->new_block] = ra_index;
num_ra_ops_per_iter -= 1;
if ((ra_index + 1) - merge_blk_state_.size() == 1) {
std::unique_ptr<MergeGroupState> blk_state = std::make_unique<MergeGroupState>(
// Move to next RA block
if (num_ra_ops_per_iter == 0) {
num_ra_ops_per_iter = ((GetBufferDataSize()) / BLOCK_SZ);
ra_index += 1;
// Sort the vector based on sectors as we need this during un-aligned access
std::sort(chunk_vec_.begin(), chunk_vec_.end(), compare);
SNAP_LOG(INFO) << "Merged-ops: " << header.num_merge_ops
<< " Total-data-ops: " << reader_->get_num_total_data_ops()
<< " Unmerged-ops: " << chunk_vec_.size() << " Copy-ops: " << copy_ops
<< " Zero-ops: " << zero_ops << " Replace-ops: " << replace_ops
<< " Xor-ops: " << xor_ops;
return true;
bool SnapshotHandler::MmapMetadata() {
const auto& header = reader_->GetHeader();
total_mapped_addr_length_ = header.prefix.header_size + BUFFER_REGION_DEFAULT_SIZE;
if (header.prefix.major_version >= 2 && header.buffer_size > 0) {
scratch_space_ = true;
if (scratch_space_) {
mapped_addr_ = mmap(NULL, total_mapped_addr_length_, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED,
cow_fd_.get(), 0);
} else {
mapped_addr_ = mmap(NULL, total_mapped_addr_length_, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
struct CowHeader* ch = reinterpret_cast<struct CowHeader*>(mapped_addr_);
ch->num_merge_ops = header.num_merge_ops;
if (mapped_addr_ == MAP_FAILED) {
SNAP_LOG(ERROR) << "mmap metadata failed";
return false;
return true;
void SnapshotHandler::UnmapBufferRegion() {
int ret = munmap(mapped_addr_, total_mapped_addr_length_);
if (ret < 0) {
SNAP_PLOG(ERROR) << "munmap failed";
bool SnapshotHandler::InitCowDevice() {
cow_fd_.reset(open(cow_device_.c_str(), O_RDWR));
if (cow_fd_ < 0) {
SNAP_PLOG(ERROR) << "Open Failed: " << cow_device_;
return false;
return ReadMetadata();
* Entry point to launch threads
bool SnapshotHandler::Start() {
std::vector<std::future<bool>> threads;
std::future<bool> ra_thread_status;
if (ra_thread_) {
ra_thread_status =
std::async(std::launch::async, &ReadAhead::RunThread, read_ahead_thread_.get());
// If this is a merge-resume path, wait until RA thread is fully up as
// the data has to be re-constructed from the scratch space.
if (resume_merge_ && ShouldReconstructDataFromCow()) {
// Launch worker threads
for (int i = 0; i < worker_threads_.size(); i++) {
std::async(std::launch::async, &ReadWorker::Run, worker_threads_[i].get()));
std::future<bool> merge_thread =
std::async(std::launch::async, &MergeWorker::Run, merge_thread_.get());
// Now that the worker threads are up, scan the partitions.
// If the snapshot-merge is being resumed, there is no need to scan as the
// current slot is already marked as boot complete.
if (perform_verification_ && !resume_merge_) {
bool ret = true;
for (auto& t : threads) {
ret = t.get() && ret;
// Worker threads are terminated by this point - this can only happen:
// 1: If dm-user device is destroyed
// 2: We had an I/O failure when reading root partitions
// In case (1), this would be a graceful shutdown. In this case, merge
// thread and RA thread should have already terminated by this point. We will be
// destroying the dm-user device only _after_ merge is completed.
// In case (2), if merge thread had started, then it will be
// continuing to merge; however, since we had an I/O failure and the
// I/O on root partitions are no longer served, we will terminate the
// merge
bool read_ahead_retval = false;
SNAP_LOG(INFO) << "Snapshot I/O terminated. Waiting for merge thread....";
bool merge_thread_status = merge_thread.get();
if (ra_thread_) {
read_ahead_retval = ra_thread_status.get();
SNAP_LOG(INFO) << "Worker threads terminated with ret: " << ret
<< " Merge-thread with ret: " << merge_thread_status
<< " RA-thread with ret: " << read_ahead_retval;
return ret;
uint64_t SnapshotHandler::GetBufferMetadataOffset() {
const auto& header = reader_->GetHeader();
return (header.prefix.header_size + sizeof(BufferState));
* Metadata for read-ahead is 16 bytes. For a 2 MB region, we will
* end up with 8k (2 PAGE) worth of metadata. Thus, a 2MB buffer
* region is split into:
* 1: 8k metadata
* 2: Scratch space
size_t SnapshotHandler::GetBufferMetadataSize() {
const auto& header = reader_->GetHeader();
size_t buffer_size = header.buffer_size;
// If there is no scratch space, then just use the
// anonymous memory
if (buffer_size == 0) {
return ((buffer_size * sizeof(struct ScratchMetadata)) / BLOCK_SZ);
size_t SnapshotHandler::GetBufferDataOffset() {
const auto& header = reader_->GetHeader();
return (header.prefix.header_size + GetBufferMetadataSize());
* (2MB - 8K = 2088960 bytes) will be the buffer region to hold the data.
size_t SnapshotHandler::GetBufferDataSize() {
const auto& header = reader_->GetHeader();
size_t buffer_size = header.buffer_size;
// If there is no scratch space, then just use the
// anonymous memory
if (buffer_size == 0) {
return (buffer_size - GetBufferMetadataSize());
struct BufferState* SnapshotHandler::GetBufferState() {
const auto& header = reader_->GetHeader();
struct BufferState* ra_state =
reinterpret_cast<struct BufferState*>((char*)mapped_addr_ + header.prefix.header_size);
return ra_state;
bool SnapshotHandler::IsIouringSupported() {
struct utsname uts;
unsigned int major, minor;
if ((uname(&uts) != 0) || (sscanf(uts.release, "%u.%u", &major, &minor) != 2)) {
SNAP_LOG(ERROR) << "Could not parse the kernel version from uname. "
<< " io_uring not supported";
return false;
// We will only support kernels from 5.6 onwards as IOSQE_ASYNC flag and
// IO_URING_OP_READ/WRITE opcodes were introduced only on 5.6 kernel
if (major >= 5) {
if (major == 5 && minor < 6) {
return false;
} else {
return false;
// During selinux init transition, libsnapshot will propagate the
// status of io_uring enablement. As properties are not initialized,
// we cannot query system property.
if (is_io_uring_enabled_) {
return true;
// Finally check the system property
return android::base::GetBoolProperty("ro.virtual_ab.io_uring.enabled", false);
bool SnapshotHandler::CheckPartitionVerification() {
return update_verify_->CheckPartitionVerification();
void SnapshotHandler::FreeResources() {
read_ahead_thread_ = nullptr;
merge_thread_ = nullptr;
uint64_t SnapshotHandler::GetNumSectors() const {
unique_fd fd(TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(open(base_path_merge_.c_str(), O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC)));
if (fd < 0) {
SNAP_LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot open base path: " << base_path_merge_;
return false;
uint64_t dev_sz = get_block_device_size(fd.get());
if (!dev_sz) {
SNAP_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to find block device size: " << base_path_merge_;
return false;
return dev_sz / SECTOR_SIZE;
} // namespace snapshot
} // namespace android