blob: 4dfb1d7dd26b5e9d4448dace27f1ab6f209b0159 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <pcrecpp.h>
#include <string>
#include "base/file_path.h"
#include "crash-reporter/crash_collector.h"
#include "gtest/gtest_prod.h" // for FRIEND_TEST
class FilePath;
// Kernel crash collector.
class KernelCollector : public CrashCollector {
// Enumeration to specify architecture type.
enum ArchKind {
archCount // Number of architectures.
virtual ~KernelCollector();
void OverridePreservedDumpPath(const FilePath &file_path);
// Enable collection.
bool Enable();
// Returns true if the kernel collection currently enabled.
bool IsEnabled() {
return is_enabled_;
// Collect any preserved kernel crash dump. Returns true if there was
// a dump (even if there were problems storing the dump), false otherwise.
bool Collect();
// Compute a stack signature string from a kernel dump.
bool ComputeKernelStackSignature(const std::string &kernel_dump,
std::string *kernel_signature,
bool print_diagnostics);
// Set the architecture of the crash dumps we are looking at.
void SetArch(enum ArchKind arch);
enum ArchKind GetArch() { return arch_; }
// Set the parameters for reading the crash dump.
void SetParameters(size_t record_size, size_t mem_start, size_t mem_size);
friend class KernelCollectorTest;
FRIEND_TEST(KernelCollectorTest, LoadPreservedDump);
FRIEND_TEST(KernelCollectorTest, StripSensitiveDataBasic);
FRIEND_TEST(KernelCollectorTest, StripSensitiveDataBulk);
FRIEND_TEST(KernelCollectorTest, StripSensitiveDataSample);
FRIEND_TEST(KernelCollectorTest, CollectOK);
bool LoadPreservedDump(std::string *contents);
void StripSensitiveData(std::string *kernel_dump);
virtual bool LoadParameters();
bool HasMoreRecords();
// Read a record to string, modified from file_utils since that didn't
// provide a way to restrict the read length.
// Return value indicates (only) error state:
// * false when we get an error (can't read from dump location).
// * true if no error occured.
// Not finding a valid record is not an error state and is signaled by the
// record_found output parameter.
bool ReadRecordToString(std::string *contents,
unsigned int current_record,
bool *record_found);
void ProcessStackTrace(pcrecpp::StringPiece kernel_dump,
bool print_diagnostics,
unsigned *hash,
float *last_stack_timestamp);
bool FindCrashingFunction(pcrecpp::StringPiece kernel_dump,
bool print_diagnostics,
float stack_trace_timestamp,
std::string *crashing_function);
bool FindPanicMessage(pcrecpp::StringPiece kernel_dump,
bool print_diagnostics,
std::string *panic_message);
// Returns the architecture kind for which we are built - enum ArchKind.
enum ArchKind GetCompilerArch(void);
bool is_enabled_;
size_t mem_start_;
size_t mem_size_;
FilePath ramoops_dump_path_;
FilePath ramoops_record_size_path_;
FilePath ramoops_dump_start_path_;
FilePath ramoops_dump_size_path_;
size_t record_size_;
// The architecture of kernel dump strings we are working with.
enum ArchKind arch_;