blob: b18e3667e1868265dd86bd4af21e81e4999c7a02 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <dbus/dbus-glib.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
class MetricsDaemon {
: network_state_id_(kUnknownNetworkStateId) {
~MetricsDaemon() {}
// Does all the work. If |run_as_daemon| is true, daemonize by forking. If
// |testing| is true, log the stats instead of sending them to Chrome.
void Run(bool run_as_daemon, bool testing);
// Shared with Chrome for transport.
static const char* kMetricsFilePath;
static const int kMetricsMessageMaxLength = 4096;
// The network states. See network_states.h.
typedef enum {
// Initial/unknown network state id.
kUnknownNetworkStateId = -1,
#define STATE(name, capname) kNetworkState ## capname,
#include "network_states.h"
} NetworkStateId;
typedef struct {
const char* name;
const char* stat_name;
} NetworkState;
// Initializes.
void Init(bool testing);
// Creates the event loop and enters it.
void Loop();
// Static callback for network events on DBus.
static void StaticNetSignalHandler(::DBusGProxy* proxy, const char* property,
const ::GValue* value, void* data);
// Callback for network events on DBus.
void NetSignalHandler(::DBusGProxy* proxy, const char* property,
const ::GValue* value);
// This is called at each network state change. The new state is identified
// by the string @newstate. As a side effect, this method ships to Chrome
// (or prints to stdout when testing) the name and duration of the state
// that has ended.
void LogNetworkStateChange(const char* newstate);
// Given a string with the name of a state, returns the id for the state.
NetworkStateId GetNetworkStateId(const char* state_name);
// Sends a stat to Chrome for transport to UMA (or prints it for
// testing). See MetricsLibrary::SendToChrome in metrics_library.h
// for a description of the arguments.
void PublishMetric(const char* name, int sample,
int min, int max, int nbuckets);
#if 0
// Fetches a name-value hash table from DBus.
bool GetProperties(::DBusGProxy* proxy, ::GHashTable** table);
// The type descriptor for a glib hash table.
GType hashtable_gtype;
// Array of network states of interest.
static NetworkState network_states_[kNumberNetworkStates];
bool testing_; // just testing
NetworkStateId network_state_id_; // id of current state
struct timeval network_state_start_; // when current state was entered