blob: 529e35f57b69d2a1de49441bc125169d75b604dd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "crash-reporter/kernel_collector.h"
#include "base/file_util.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/string_util.h"
const char KernelCollector::kClearingSequence[] = " ";
static const char kDefaultKernelStackSignature[] =
static const char kKernelExecName[] = "kernel";
const pid_t kKernelPid = 0;
static const char kKernelSignatureKey[] = "sig";
// Byte length of maximum human readable portion of a kernel crash signature.
static const int kMaxHumanStringLength = 40;
static const char kPreservedDumpPath[] = "/sys/kernel/debug/preserved/kcrash";
const uid_t kRootUid = 0;
// Time in seconds from the final kernel log message for a call stack
// to count towards the signature of the kcrash.
static const int kSignatureTimestampWindow = 2;
// Kernel log timestamp regular expression.
static const std::string kTimestampRegex("^<.*>\\[\\s*(\\d+\\.\\d+)\\]");
* These regular expressions enable to us capture the PC in a backtrace.
* The backtrace is obtained through dmesg or the kernel's preserved/kcrashmem
* feature.
* For ARM we see:
* "<5>[ 39.458982] PC is at write_breakme+0xd0/0x1b4"
* For x86:
* "<0>[ 37.474699] EIP: [<790ed488>] write_breakme+0x80/0x108 \
* SS:ESP 0068:e9dd3efc
static const char *s_pc_regex[] = {
" PC is at ([^\\+ ]+).*",
" EIP: \\[<.*>\\] ([^\\+ ]+).*", // X86 uses EIP for the program counter
COMPILE_ASSERT(arraysize(s_pc_regex) == KernelCollector::archCount,
: is_enabled_(false),
preserved_dump_path_(kPreservedDumpPath) {
// We expect crash dumps in the format of the architecture we are built for.
arch_ = GetCompilerArch();
KernelCollector::~KernelCollector() {
void KernelCollector::OverridePreservedDumpPath(const FilePath &file_path) {
preserved_dump_path_ = file_path;
bool KernelCollector::LoadPreservedDump(std::string *contents) {
// clear contents since ReadFileToString actually appends to the string.
if (!file_util::ReadFileToString(preserved_dump_path_, contents)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to read " << preserved_dump_path_.value();
return false;
return true;
void KernelCollector::StripSensitiveData(std::string *kernel_dump) {
// Strip any data that the user might not want sent up to the crash servers.
// We'll read in from kernel_dump and also place our output there.
// At the moment, the only sensitive data we strip is MAC addresses.
// Get rid of things that look like MAC addresses, since they could possibly
// give information about where someone has been. This is strings that look
// like this: 11:22:33:44:55:66
// Complications:
// - Within a given kernel_dump, want to be able to tell when the same MAC
// was used more than once. Thus, we'll consistently replace the first
// MAC found with 00:00:00:00:00:01, the second with ...:02, etc.
// - ACPI commands look like MAC addresses. We'll specifically avoid getting
// rid of those.
std::ostringstream result;
std::string pre_mac_str;
std::string mac_str;
std::map<std::string, std::string> mac_map;
pcrecpp::StringPiece input(*kernel_dump);
// This RE will find the next MAC address and can return us the data preceding
// the MAC and the MAC itself.
pcrecpp::RE mac_re("(.*?)("
// This RE will identify when the 'pre_mac_str' shows that the MAC address
// was really an ACPI cmd. The full string looks like this:
// ata1.00: ACPI cmd ef/10:03:00:00:00:a0 (SET FEATURES) filtered out
pcrecpp::RE acpi_re("ACPI cmd ef/$",
// Keep consuming, building up a result string as we go.
while (mac_re.Consume(&input, &pre_mac_str, &mac_str)) {
if (acpi_re.PartialMatch(pre_mac_str)) {
// We really saw an ACPI command; add to result w/ no stripping.
result << pre_mac_str << mac_str;
} else {
// Found a MAC address; look up in our hash for the mapping.
std::string replacement_mac = mac_map[mac_str];
if (replacement_mac == "") {
// It wasn't present, so build up a replacement string.
int mac_id = mac_map.size();
// Handle up to 2^32 unique MAC address; overkill, but doesn't hurt.
replacement_mac = StringPrintf("00:00:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x",
(mac_id & 0xff000000) >> 24,
(mac_id & 0x00ff0000) >> 16,
(mac_id & 0x0000ff00) >> 8,
(mac_id & 0x000000ff));
mac_map[mac_str] = replacement_mac;
// Dump the string before the MAC and the fake MAC address into result.
result << pre_mac_str << replacement_mac;
// One last bit of data might still be in the input.
result << input;
// We'll just assign right back to kernel_dump.
*kernel_dump = result.str();
bool KernelCollector::Enable() {
if (arch_ == archUnknown || arch_ >= archCount ||
s_pc_regex[arch_] == NULL) {
LOG(WARNING) << "KernelCollector does not understand this architecture";
return false;
else if (!file_util::PathExists(preserved_dump_path_)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Kernel does not support crash dumping";
return false;
// To enable crashes, we will eventually need to set
// the chnv bit in BIOS, but it does not yet work.
LOG(INFO) << "Enabling kernel crash handling";
is_enabled_ = true;
return true;
bool KernelCollector::ClearPreservedDump() {
// It is necessary to write at least one byte to the kcrash file for
// the log to actually be cleared.
if (file_util::WriteFile(
strlen(kClearingSequence)) != strlen(kClearingSequence)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to clear kernel crash dump";
return false;
LOG(INFO) << "Cleared kernel crash diagnostics";
return true;
// Hash a string to a number. We define our own hash function to not
// be dependent on a C++ library that might change. This function
// uses basically the same approach as tr1/functional_hash.h but with
// a larger prime number (16127 vs 131).
static unsigned HashString(const std::string &input) {
unsigned hash = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < input.length(); ++i)
hash = hash * 16127 + input[i];
return hash;
void KernelCollector::ProcessStackTrace(
pcrecpp::StringPiece kernel_dump,
bool print_diagnostics,
unsigned *hash,
float *last_stack_timestamp) {
pcrecpp::RE line_re("(.+)", pcrecpp::MULTILINE());
pcrecpp::RE stack_trace_start_re(kTimestampRegex +
" (Call Trace|Backtrace):$");
// For ARM:
// <4>[ 3498.731164] [<c0057220>] (__bug+0x20/0x2c) from [<c018062c>]
// (write_breakme+0xdc/0x1bc)
// For X86:
// Match lines such as the following and grab out "error_code".
// <4>[ 6066.849504] [<7937bcee>] ? error_code+0x66/0x6c
// The ? may or may not be present
pcrecpp::RE stack_entry_re(kTimestampRegex +
"\\s+\\[<[[:xdigit:]]+>\\]" // Matches " [<7937bcee>]"
"([\\s\\?(]+)" // Matches " ? (" (ARM) or " ? " (X86)
"([^\\+ )]+)"); // Matches until delimiter reached
std::string line;
std::string hashable;
*hash = 0;
*last_stack_timestamp = 0;
while (line_re.FindAndConsume(&kernel_dump, &line)) {
std::string certainty;
std::string function_name;
if (stack_trace_start_re.PartialMatch(line, last_stack_timestamp)) {
if (print_diagnostics) {
printf("Stack trace starting. Clearing any prior traces.\n");
} else if (stack_entry_re.PartialMatch(line,
&function_name)) {
bool is_certain = certainty.find('?') == std::string::npos;
if (print_diagnostics) {
printf("@%f: stack entry for %s (%s)\n",
is_certain ? "certain" : "uncertain");
// Do not include any uncertain (prefixed by '?') frames in our hash.
if (!is_certain)
if (!hashable.empty())
*hash = HashString(hashable);
if (print_diagnostics) {
printf("Hash based on stack trace: \"%s\" at %f.\n",
hashable.c_str(), *last_stack_timestamp);
enum KernelCollector::ArchKind KernelCollector::GetCompilerArch(void)
#if defined(COMPILER_GCC) && defined(ARCH_CPU_ARM_FAMILY)
return archArm;
#elif defined(COMPILER_GCC) && defined(ARCH_CPU_X86_FAMILY)
return archX86;
return archUnknown;
void KernelCollector::SetArch(enum ArchKind arch)
arch_ = arch;
bool KernelCollector::FindCrashingFunction(
pcrecpp::StringPiece kernel_dump,
bool print_diagnostics,
float stack_trace_timestamp,
std::string *crashing_function) {
float timestamp = 0;
// Use the correct regex for this architecture.
pcrecpp::RE eip_re(kTimestampRegex + s_pc_regex[arch_],
while (eip_re.FindAndConsume(&kernel_dump, &timestamp, crashing_function)) {
if (print_diagnostics) {
printf("@%f: found crashing function %s\n",
if (timestamp == 0) {
if (print_diagnostics) {
printf("Found no crashing function.\n");
return false;
if (stack_trace_timestamp != 0 &&
abs(stack_trace_timestamp - timestamp) > kSignatureTimestampWindow) {
if (print_diagnostics) {
printf("Found crashing function but not within window.\n");
return false;
if (print_diagnostics) {
printf("Found crashing function %s\n", crashing_function->c_str());
return true;
bool KernelCollector::FindPanicMessage(pcrecpp::StringPiece kernel_dump,
bool print_diagnostics,
std::string *panic_message) {
// Match lines such as the following and grab out "Fatal exception"
// <0>[ 342.841135] Kernel panic - not syncing: Fatal exception
pcrecpp::RE kernel_panic_re(kTimestampRegex +
" Kernel panic[^\\:]*\\:\\s*(.*)",
float timestamp = 0;
while (kernel_panic_re.FindAndConsume(&kernel_dump,
panic_message)) {
if (print_diagnostics) {
printf("@%f: panic message %s\n",
if (timestamp == 0) {
if (print_diagnostics) {
printf("Found no panic message.\n");
return false;
return true;
bool KernelCollector::ComputeKernelStackSignature(
const std::string &kernel_dump,
std::string *kernel_signature,
bool print_diagnostics) {
unsigned stack_hash = 0;
float last_stack_timestamp = 0;
std::string human_string;
if (!FindCrashingFunction(kernel_dump,
&human_string)) {
if (!FindPanicMessage(kernel_dump, print_diagnostics, &human_string)) {
if (print_diagnostics) {
printf("Found no human readable string, using empty string.\n");
if (human_string.empty() && stack_hash == 0) {
if (print_diagnostics) {
printf("Found neither a stack nor a human readable string, failing.\n");
return false;
human_string = human_string.substr(0, kMaxHumanStringLength);
*kernel_signature = StringPrintf("%s-%s-%08X",
return true;
bool KernelCollector::Collect() {
std::string kernel_dump;
FilePath root_crash_directory;
if (!LoadPreservedDump(&kernel_dump)) {
return false;
if (kernel_dump.empty()) {
return false;
std::string signature;
if (!ComputeKernelStackSignature(kernel_dump, &signature, false)) {
signature = kDefaultKernelStackSignature;
bool feedback = is_feedback_allowed_function_();
LOG(INFO) << "Received prior crash notification from "
<< "kernel (signature " << signature << ") ("
<< (feedback ? "handling" : "ignoring - no consent") << ")";
if (feedback) {
if (!GetCreatedCrashDirectoryByEuid(kRootUid,
NULL)) {
return true;
std::string dump_basename =
FilePath kernel_crash_path = root_crash_directory.Append(
StringPrintf("%s.kcrash", dump_basename.c_str()));
// We must use WriteNewFile instead of file_util::WriteFile as we
// do not want to write with root access to a symlink that an attacker
// might have created.
if (WriteNewFile(kernel_crash_path,,
kernel_dump.length()) !=
static_cast<int>(kernel_dump.length())) {
LOG(INFO) << "Failed to write kernel dump to "
<< kernel_crash_path.value().c_str();
return true;
AddCrashMetaData(kKernelSignatureKey, signature);
StringPrintf("%s.meta", dump_basename.c_str())),
LOG(INFO) << "Stored kcrash to " << kernel_crash_path.value();
if (!ClearPreservedDump()) {
return false;
return true;