blob: de75d1edebaac2ef13fd17fcd4ca584d70a5b46f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "entry_name_utils-inl.h"
#include "zip_archive_common.h"
#include "ziparchive/zip_writer.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdio>
#include <memory>
#include <zlib.h>
/* Zip compression methods we support */
enum {
kCompressStored = 0, // no compression
kCompressDeflated = 8, // standard deflate
// No error, operation completed successfully.
static const int32_t kNoError = 0;
// The ZipWriter is in a bad state.
static const int32_t kInvalidState = -1;
// There was an IO error while writing to disk.
static const int32_t kIoError = -2;
// The zip entry name was invalid.
static const int32_t kInvalidEntryName = -3;
static const char* sErrorCodes[] = {
"Invalid state",
"IO error",
"Invalid entry name",
const char* ZipWriter::ErrorCodeString(int32_t error_code) {
if (error_code < 0 && (-error_code) < static_cast<int32_t>(arraysize(sErrorCodes))) {
return sErrorCodes[-error_code];
return nullptr;
ZipWriter::ZipWriter(FILE* f) : file_(f), current_offset_(0), state_(State::kWritingZip) {
ZipWriter::ZipWriter(ZipWriter&& writer) : file_(writer.file_),
files_(std::move(writer.files_)) {
writer.file_ = nullptr;
writer.state_ = State::kError;
ZipWriter& ZipWriter::operator=(ZipWriter&& writer) {
file_ = writer.file_;
current_offset_ = writer.current_offset_;
state_ = writer.state_;
files_ = std::move(writer.files_);
writer.file_ = nullptr;
writer.state_ = State::kError;
return *this;
int32_t ZipWriter::HandleError(int32_t error_code) {
state_ = State::kError;
return error_code;
int32_t ZipWriter::StartEntry(const char* path, size_t flags) {
return StartEntryWithTime(path, flags, time_t());
static void ExtractTimeAndDate(time_t when, uint16_t* out_time, uint16_t* out_date) {
/* round up to an even number of seconds */
when = static_cast<time_t>((static_cast<unsigned long>(when) + 1) & (~1));
struct tm* ptm;
#if !defined(_WIN32)
struct tm tm_result;
ptm = localtime_r(&when, &tm_result);
ptm = localtime(&when);
int year = ptm->tm_year;
if (year < 80) {
year = 80;
*out_date = (year - 80) << 9 | (ptm->tm_mon + 1) << 5 | ptm->tm_mday;
*out_time = ptm->tm_hour << 11 | ptm->tm_min << 5 | ptm->tm_sec >> 1;
int32_t ZipWriter::StartEntryWithTime(const char* path, size_t flags, time_t time) {
if (state_ != State::kWritingZip) {
return kInvalidState;
FileInfo fileInfo = {};
fileInfo.path = std::string(path);
fileInfo.local_file_header_offset = current_offset_;
if (!IsValidEntryName(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(,
fileInfo.path.size())) {
return kInvalidEntryName;
LocalFileHeader header = {};
header.lfh_signature = LocalFileHeader::kSignature;
// Set this flag to denote that a DataDescriptor struct will appear after the data,
// containing the crc and size fields.
header.gpb_flags |= kGPBDDFlagMask;
// For now, ignore the ZipWriter::kCompress flag.
fileInfo.compression_method = kCompressStored;
header.compression_method = fileInfo.compression_method;
ExtractTimeAndDate(time, &fileInfo.last_mod_time, &fileInfo.last_mod_date);
header.last_mod_time = fileInfo.last_mod_time;
header.last_mod_date = fileInfo.last_mod_date;
header.file_name_length = fileInfo.path.size();
off64_t offset = current_offset_ + sizeof(header) + fileInfo.path.size();
if ((flags & ZipWriter::kAlign32) && (offset & 0x03)) {
// Pad the extra field so the data will be aligned.
uint16_t padding = 4 - (offset % 4);
header.extra_field_length = padding;
offset += padding;
if (fwrite(&header, sizeof(header), 1, file_) != 1) {
return HandleError(kIoError);
if (fwrite(path, sizeof(*path), fileInfo.path.size(), file_) != fileInfo.path.size()) {
return HandleError(kIoError);
if (fwrite("\0\0\0", 1, header.extra_field_length, file_) != header.extra_field_length) {
return HandleError(kIoError);
current_offset_ = offset;
state_ = State::kWritingEntry;
return kNoError;
int32_t ZipWriter::WriteBytes(const void* data, size_t len) {
if (state_ != State::kWritingEntry) {
return HandleError(kInvalidState);
FileInfo& currentFile = files_.back();
if (currentFile.compression_method & kCompressDeflated) {
// TODO(adamlesinski): Implement compression using zlib deflate.
} else {
if (fwrite(data, 1, len, file_) != len) {
return HandleError(kIoError);
currentFile.crc32 = crc32(currentFile.crc32, reinterpret_cast<const Bytef*>(data), len);
currentFile.compressed_size += len;
current_offset_ += len;
currentFile.uncompressed_size += len;
return kNoError;
int32_t ZipWriter::FinishEntry() {
if (state_ != State::kWritingEntry) {
return kInvalidState;
const uint32_t sig = DataDescriptor::kOptSignature;
if (fwrite(&sig, sizeof(sig), 1, file_) != 1) {
state_ = State::kError;
return kIoError;
FileInfo& currentFile = files_.back();
DataDescriptor dd = {};
dd.crc32 = currentFile.crc32;
dd.compressed_size = currentFile.compressed_size;
dd.uncompressed_size = currentFile.uncompressed_size;
if (fwrite(&dd, sizeof(dd), 1, file_) != 1) {
return HandleError(kIoError);
current_offset_ += sizeof(DataDescriptor::kOptSignature) + sizeof(dd);
state_ = State::kWritingZip;
return kNoError;
int32_t ZipWriter::Finish() {
if (state_ != State::kWritingZip) {
return kInvalidState;
off64_t startOfCdr = current_offset_;
for (FileInfo& file : files_) {
CentralDirectoryRecord cdr = {};
cdr.record_signature = CentralDirectoryRecord::kSignature;
cdr.gpb_flags |= kGPBDDFlagMask;
cdr.compression_method = file.compression_method;
cdr.last_mod_time = file.last_mod_time;
cdr.last_mod_date = file.last_mod_date;
cdr.crc32 = file.crc32;
cdr.compressed_size = file.compressed_size;
cdr.uncompressed_size = file.uncompressed_size;
cdr.file_name_length = file.path.size();
cdr.local_file_header_offset = file.local_file_header_offset;
if (fwrite(&cdr, sizeof(cdr), 1, file_) != 1) {
return HandleError(kIoError);
if (fwrite(, 1, file.path.size(), file_) != file.path.size()) {
return HandleError(kIoError);
current_offset_ += sizeof(cdr) + file.path.size();
EocdRecord er = {};
er.eocd_signature = EocdRecord::kSignature;
er.disk_num = 1;
er.cd_start_disk = 1;
er.num_records_on_disk = files_.size();
er.num_records = files_.size();
er.cd_size = current_offset_ - startOfCdr;
er.cd_start_offset = startOfCdr;
if (fwrite(&er, sizeof(er), 1, file_) != 1) {
return HandleError(kIoError);
if (fflush(file_) != 0) {
return HandleError(kIoError);
current_offset_ += sizeof(er);
state_ = State::kDone;
return kNoError;