crash_collector: Disable kernel task state collection for chrome crashes

Currently this results in outputting a lot of backtraces to system logs,
making it hard to find other failures.
Disable until a better way to do this is introduced.

TEST=P2_TEST_FILTER="crash-reporter::*" FEATURES=test emerge-link

Change-Id: If6aa7c2d0d5fc9b0e0a902caacec84c2beb22b9c
Reviewed-by: Pawel Osciak <>
Tested-by: Pawel Osciak <>
Commit-Queue: Pawel Osciak <>
diff --git a/crash_reporter/ b/crash_reporter/
index b572097..896d0c3 100644
--- a/crash_reporter/
+++ b/crash_reporter/
@@ -4,20 +4,15 @@
 #include "crash-reporter/chrome_collector.h"
-#include <fstream>
 #include <glib.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
 #include <pcrecpp.h>
 #include <string>
 #include <vector>
 #include <base/file_util.h>
 #include <base/logging.h>
-#include <base/rand_util.h>
 #include <base/strings/string_number_conversions.h>
 #include <base/strings/string_util.h>
-#include <base/strings/stringprintf.h>
 #include "chromeos/process.h"
 #include "chromeos/syslog_logging.h"
 #include "chromeos/dbus/dbus.h"
@@ -28,33 +23,6 @@
 // From //net/crash/collector/collector.h
 const int kDefaultMaxUploadBytes = 1024 * 1024;
-const char kHeader[] = "kernel_task_states";
-const char kEnter[] = "enter";
-const char kLeave[] = "leave";
-const char kSyslogPath[] = "/var/log/messages";
-const char kFirstTwoColumnsRE[] = "\\S+\\s+\\S+\\s+";
-const char kIdent[] = "crash_reporter";
-const char kSpacesRE[] = "\\s+";
-const char kKernelIdentRE[] = "kernel:";
-const char kKernelTimestampRE[] = "\\[\\s*\\d+\\.\\d+\\]";
-const char kTaskNameRE[] = "(.{15})";
-// kernel's TASK_STATE_TO_CHAR_STR + '?'
-const char kTaskStateRE[] = "([RSDTtZXxKW?])";
-const char kHexNumRE[] = "([[:xdigit:]]+)";
-const char kNumRE[] = "([[:digit:]]+)";
-const char kRunning32[] = "running ";
-const char kRunning64[] = " running task   ";
-// This regex matches symbol+offset as printed by printk(%pB) or (%pS).
-// See
-// As noted in
-// symbols may contain periods and dollars, like "scm_recv.isra.18+0x61/0xdf".
-// Strangely, occasionally there is an additional string following the symbol,
-// like "qcusbnet_get+0x3e4/0x1e46 [gobi]".
-// Those lines will be missing in the output, as parsing them is troublesome.
-// Sometimes the address is printed and not the symbol. Those are ignored too.
-const char kSymbolAndOffsetRE[] =
-    "([[:alpha:]._$][[:alnum:]._$]*)\\+0x([[:xdigit:]]+)/0x([[:xdigit:]]+)";
 using base::FilePath;
 using base::StringPrintf;
@@ -118,216 +86,6 @@
   return true;
-bool LogKernelTaskStates(const chromeos::dbus::Proxy &proxy,
-                         const std::string &task_states_id) {
-  // Wrap task states with unique id - header
-  LOG(INFO) << kHeader << " " << task_states_id.c_str() << " " << kEnter;
-  // Trigger asynchronous logging of task states
-  chromeos::glib::ScopedError error;
-  if (!dbus_g_proxy_call(proxy.gproxy(), debugd::kLogKernelTaskStates,
-                         &chromeos::Resetter(&error).lvalue(),
-                         G_TYPE_INVALID, G_TYPE_INVALID)) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "Error performing D-Bus proxy call "
-               << "'" << debugd::kLogKernelTaskStates << "'"
-               << ": " << (error ? error->message : "");
-    return false;
-  }
-  // Give kernel a second to finish the asynchronous logging
-  sleep(1);
-  // Wrap task states with unique id - footer
-  LOG(INFO) << kHeader << " " << task_states_id.c_str() << " " << kLeave;
-  return true;
-bool GetKernelTaskStates(const chromeos::dbus::Proxy &proxy,
-                         std::vector<std::string> *output) {
-  std::string task_states_id = StringPrintf("%016"PRIX64, base::RandUint64());
-  if (!LogKernelTaskStates(proxy, task_states_id))
-    return false;
-  std::ifstream syslog_stream(kSyslogPath, std::ios::in);
-  if (!syslog_stream.is_open()) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't open syslog for reading";
-    return false;
-  }
-  std::string ident_re = StringPrintf("%s\\[%d\\]:\\s+", kIdent, getpid());
-  // 2013-07-05T11:52:55.530503-07:00 localhost crash_reporter[9349]:
-  // kernel_task_states 33F114E753768B70 enter
-  pcrecpp::RE enter_re(kFirstTwoColumnsRE + ident_re + kHeader + " " +
-                       task_states_id + " " + kEnter);
-  // 2013-07-05T11:52:56.556177-07:00 localhost crash_reporter[9349]:
-  // kernel_task_states 33F114E753768B70 leave
-  pcrecpp::RE leave_re(kFirstTwoColumnsRE + ident_re + kHeader + " " +
-                       task_states_id + " " + kLeave);
-  // 2013-06-21T21:18:14.855071+00:00 localhost kernel: [362142.027766]
-  // NSS SSL ThreadW S 804f8e28     0  5995   1016 0x00000000
-  pcrecpp::RE task_header_re(std::string(kFirstTwoColumnsRE) +
-                             kKernelIdentRE + kSpacesRE +
-                             kKernelTimestampRE + kSpacesRE +
-                             kTaskNameRE + kSpacesRE +
-                             kTaskStateRE + kSpacesRE +
-                             kHexNumRE + kSpacesRE +
-                             kNumRE + kSpacesRE +
-                             kNumRE + kSpacesRE +
-                             kNumRE + kSpacesRE +
-                             "0x" + kHexNumRE);
-  // 2013-06-21T21:18:14.815190+00:00 localhost kernel: [362142.016915]
-  // rsyslogd        R running      0   340      1 0x00000000
-  pcrecpp::RE task_header_run32_re(std::string(kFirstTwoColumnsRE) +
-                                   kKernelIdentRE + kSpacesRE +
-                                   kKernelTimestampRE + kSpacesRE +
-                                   kTaskNameRE + kSpacesRE +
-                                   kTaskStateRE + kSpacesRE +
-                                   kRunning32 + kSpacesRE +
-                                   kNumRE + kSpacesRE +
-                                   kNumRE + kSpacesRE +
-                                   kNumRE + kSpacesRE +
-                                   "0x" + kHexNumRE);
-  // 2013-06-21T14:11:18.718810-07:00 localhost kernel: [  656.217932]
-  // kworker/2:1     R  running task        0    54      2 0x00000000
-  pcrecpp::RE task_header_run64_re(std::string(kFirstTwoColumnsRE) +
-                                   kKernelIdentRE + kSpacesRE +
-                                   kKernelTimestampRE + kSpacesRE +
-                                   kTaskNameRE + kSpacesRE +
-                                   kTaskStateRE + kSpacesRE +
-                                   kRunning64 + kSpacesRE +
-                                   kNumRE + kSpacesRE +
-                                   kNumRE + kSpacesRE +
-                                   kNumRE + kSpacesRE +
-                                   "0x" + kHexNumRE);
-  std::string address_re = std::string("\\[<") + kHexNumRE + ">\\]";
-  std::string braced_sym_re = std::string("\\(") + kSymbolAndOffsetRE + "\\)";
-  // 2013-07-05T11:53:20.141355-07:00 localhost kernel: [  169.476749]
-  // [<8002fb74>] (do_wait+0x1a8/0x248) from [<80030c48>] (sys_wait4+0xbc/0xf8)
-  pcrecpp::RE arm_stack_re(std::string(kFirstTwoColumnsRE) +
-                           kKernelIdentRE + kSpacesRE +
-                           kKernelTimestampRE + kSpacesRE +
-                           address_re + kSpacesRE +
-                           braced_sym_re + kSpacesRE +
-                           "from" + kSpacesRE +
-                           address_re + kSpacesRE +
-                           braced_sym_re);
-  // 2013-06-21T14:12:34.457315-07:00 localhost kernel: [  731.965907]
-  // [<ffffffff814aa602>] ? system_call_fastpath+0x16/0x1b
-  pcrecpp::RE x86_stack_re(std::string(kFirstTwoColumnsRE) +
-                           kKernelIdentRE + kSpacesRE +
-                           kKernelTimestampRE + kSpacesRE +
-                           address_re + kSpacesRE +
-                           "(\\?\\s+)?" +
-                           kSymbolAndOffsetRE);
-  bool enter_matched = false;
-  bool leave_matched = false;
-  uint64 prev_address = 0;
-  std::string line;
-  while (std::getline(syslog_stream, line)) {
-    if (leave_re.FullMatch(line)) {
-      if (!enter_matched) {
-        LOG(ERROR) << "Task states header not found before footer";
-        return false;
-      }
-      leave_matched = true;
-      break;  // Stop processing input after footer
-    }
-    if (enter_re.FullMatch(line)) {
-      if (enter_matched) {
-        LOG(ERROR) << "Task states header encountered twice";
-        return false;
-      }
-      enter_matched = true;
-      continue;
-    }
-    if(!enter_matched)
-      continue;  // Skip lines before header
-    std::string task_name, task_state;
-    uint64 address1, address2;
-    unsigned long free_stack;
-    pid_t pid, ppid;
-    unsigned long flags;
-    std::string sym1, sym2;
-    uint64 offset1a, offset1b, offset2a, offset2b;
-    std::string question;
-    if (task_header_re.FullMatch(line, &task_name, &task_state,
-                                 pcrecpp::Hex(&address1), &free_stack, &pid,
-                                 &ppid, pcrecpp::Hex(&flags))) {
-      prev_address = 0;
-      output->push_back(StringPrintf("%s %s %016"PRIx64" %5lu %5d %6d 0x%08lx",
-                                     task_name.c_str(), task_state.c_str(),
-                                     address1, free_stack, pid, ppid, flags));
-    } else if (task_header_run32_re.FullMatch(line, &task_name, &task_state,
-                                              &free_stack, &pid, &ppid,
-                                              pcrecpp::Hex(&flags)) ||
-        task_header_run64_re.FullMatch(line, &task_name, &task_state,
-                                       &free_stack, &pid, &ppid,
-                                       pcrecpp::Hex(&flags))) {
-      prev_address = 0;
-      output->push_back(StringPrintf("%s %s %s %5lu %5d %6d 0x%08lx",
-                                     task_name.c_str(), task_state.c_str(),
-                                     kRunning64, free_stack, pid, ppid, flags));
-    } else if (arm_stack_re.FullMatch(line, pcrecpp::Hex(&address1), &sym1,
-                                      pcrecpp::Hex(&offset1a),
-                                      pcrecpp::Hex(&offset1b),
-                                      pcrecpp::Hex(&address2), &sym2,
-                                      pcrecpp::Hex(&offset2a),
-                                      pcrecpp::Hex(&offset2b))) {
-      if (prev_address != address1) {
-        output->push_back(StringPrintf("%s+0x%"PRIx64"/0x%"PRIx64,
-                                       sym1.c_str(), offset1a, offset1b));
-      }
-      output->push_back(StringPrintf("%s+0x%"PRIx64"/0x%"PRIx64,
-                                     sym2.c_str(), offset2a, offset2b));
-      prev_address = address2;
-    } else if (x86_stack_re.FullMatch(line, pcrecpp::Hex(&address1), &question,
-                                      &sym1, pcrecpp::Hex(&offset1a),
-                                      pcrecpp::Hex(&offset1b))) {
-      output->push_back(StringPrintf("%s%s+0x%"PRIx64"/0x%"PRIx64,
-                                     question.c_str(), sym1.c_str(),
-                                     offset1a, offset1b));
-    }
-  }
-  syslog_stream.close();
-  if(!enter_matched || !leave_matched) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "Task states header or footer not found";
-    return false;
-  }
-  return true;
-bool WriteKernelTaskStates(const chromeos::dbus::Proxy &proxy,
-                           const FilePath &task_states_path) {
-  std::ofstream task_states_stream(task_states_path.value().c_str(),
-                                   std::ios::out);
-  if (!task_states_stream.is_open()) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "Could not write file " << task_states_path.value();
-    return false;
-  }
-  std::vector<std::string> task_sates;
-  if (!GetKernelTaskStates(proxy, &task_sates)) {
-    base::DeleteFile(task_states_path, false);
-    return false;
-  }
-  for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = task_sates.begin();
-      it != task_sates.end(); ++it) {
-    task_states_stream << *it << std::endl;
-  }
-  task_states_stream.close();
-  return true;
 bool GetAdditionalLogs(const FilePath &log_path) {
   chromeos::dbus::BusConnection dbus = chromeos::dbus::GetSystemBusConnection();
   if (!dbus.HasConnection()) {
@@ -347,17 +105,7 @@
   FilePath error_state_path =
-  bool has_dri_error_state = false;
-  if (GetDriErrorState(proxy, error_state_path))
-    has_dri_error_state = true;
-  FilePath task_states_path = log_path.DirName().Append("task_states.log");
-  bool has_task_states = false;
-  if (WriteKernelTaskStates(proxy, task_states_path)) {
-    has_task_states = true;
-  }
-  if (!has_dri_error_state && !has_task_states)
+  if (!GetDriErrorState(proxy, error_state_path))
     return false;
   chromeos::ProcessImpl tar_process;
@@ -365,14 +113,10 @@
   tar_process.AddStringOption("-C", log_path.DirName().value());
-  if (has_dri_error_state)
-    tar_process.AddArg(error_state_path.BaseName().value());
-  if (has_task_states)
-    tar_process.AddArg(task_states_path.BaseName().value());
+  tar_process.AddArg(error_state_path.BaseName().value());
   int res = tar_process.Run();
   base::DeleteFile(error_state_path, false);
-  base::DeleteFile(task_states_path, false);
   if (res || !base::PathExists(log_path)) {
     LOG(ERROR) << "Could not tar file " << log_path.value();