blob: 40ef6e8cea96965b9b882b4c8ef5634abd152991 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h> // for FRIEND_TEST
#include "shill/ipconfig.h"
#include "shill/net/sockets.h"
#include "shill/refptr_types.h"
#include "shill/rpc_task.h"
#include "shill/service.h"
#include "shill/vpn/vpn_driver.h"
namespace base {
template<typename T>
class WeakPtr;
} // namespace base
namespace shill {
class CertificateFile;
class ControlInterface;
class DeviceInfo;
class Error;
class Metrics;
class OpenVPNManagementServer;
class ProcessManager;
class OpenVPNDriver : public VPNDriver,
public RPCTaskDelegate {
enum ReconnectReason {
OpenVPNDriver(ControlInterface* control,
EventDispatcher* dispatcher,
Metrics* metrics,
Manager* manager,
DeviceInfo* device_info,
ProcessManager* process_manager);
~OpenVPNDriver() override;
virtual void OnReconnecting(ReconnectReason reason);
// Resets the VPN state and deallocates all resources. If there's a service
// associated through Connect, sets its state to Service::kStateIdle and
// disassociates from the service.
virtual void IdleService();
// Resets the VPN state and deallocates all resources. If there's a service
// associated through Connect, sets its state to Service::kStateFailure, sets
// the failure reason to |failure|, sets its ErrorDetails property to
// |error_details|, and disassociates from the service.
virtual void FailService(Service::ConnectFailure failure,
const std::string& error_details);
// Append zero-valued, single-valued and double-valued options to the
// |options| array.
static void AppendOption(
const std::string& option,
std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>* options);
static void AppendOption(
const std::string& option,
const std::string& value,
std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>* options);
static void AppendOption(
const std::string& option,
const std::string& value0,
const std::string& value1,
std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>* options);
// Returns true if an option was appended.
bool AppendValueOption(const std::string& property,
const std::string& option,
std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>* options);
// If |property| exists, split its value up using |delimiter|. Each element
// will be a separate argument to |option|. Returns true if the option was
// appended to |options|.
bool AppendDelimitedValueOption(
const std::string& property,
const std::string& option,
char delimiter,
std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>* options);
// Returns true if a flag was appended.
bool AppendFlag(const std::string& property,
const std::string& option,
std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>* options);
virtual std::string GetServiceRpcIdentifier() const;
// Inherited from VPNDriver. |Connect| initiates the VPN connection by
// creating a tunnel device. When the device index becomes available, this
// instance is notified through |ClaimInterface| and resumes the connection
// process by setting up and spawning an external 'openvpn' process. IP
// configuration settings are passed back from the external process through
// the |Notify| RPC service method.
void Connect(const VPNServiceRefPtr& service, Error* error) override;
bool ClaimInterface(const std::string& link_name,
int interface_index) override;
void Disconnect() override;
std::string GetProviderType() const override;
void OnConnectionDisconnected() override;
void OnConnectTimeout() override;
friend class OpenVPNDriverTest;
FRIEND_TEST(OpenVPNDriverTest, ClaimInterface);
FRIEND_TEST(OpenVPNDriverTest, Cleanup);
FRIEND_TEST(OpenVPNDriverTest, Connect);
FRIEND_TEST(OpenVPNDriverTest, ConnectTunnelFailure);
FRIEND_TEST(OpenVPNDriverTest, Disconnect);
FRIEND_TEST(OpenVPNDriverTest, GetEnvironment);
FRIEND_TEST(OpenVPNDriverTest, GetRouteOptionEntry);
FRIEND_TEST(OpenVPNDriverTest, InitCAOptions);
FRIEND_TEST(OpenVPNDriverTest, InitCertificateVerifyOptions);
FRIEND_TEST(OpenVPNDriverTest, InitClientAuthOptions);
FRIEND_TEST(OpenVPNDriverTest, InitExtraCertOptions);
FRIEND_TEST(OpenVPNDriverTest, InitLoggingOptions);
FRIEND_TEST(OpenVPNDriverTest, InitOptions);
FRIEND_TEST(OpenVPNDriverTest, InitOptionsHostWithPort);
FRIEND_TEST(OpenVPNDriverTest, InitOptionsNoHost);
FRIEND_TEST(OpenVPNDriverTest, InitPKCS11Options);
FRIEND_TEST(OpenVPNDriverTest, Notify);
FRIEND_TEST(OpenVPNDriverTest, NotifyUMA);
FRIEND_TEST(OpenVPNDriverTest, NotifyFail);
FRIEND_TEST(OpenVPNDriverTest, OnDefaultServiceChanged);
FRIEND_TEST(OpenVPNDriverTest, OnOpenVPNDied);
FRIEND_TEST(OpenVPNDriverTest, OnOpenVPNExited);
FRIEND_TEST(OpenVPNDriverTest, ParseForeignOption);
FRIEND_TEST(OpenVPNDriverTest, ParseForeignOptions);
FRIEND_TEST(OpenVPNDriverTest, ParseIPConfiguration);
FRIEND_TEST(OpenVPNDriverTest, ParseRouteOption);
FRIEND_TEST(OpenVPNDriverTest, SetRoutes);
FRIEND_TEST(OpenVPNDriverTest, SpawnOpenVPN);
FRIEND_TEST(OpenVPNDriverTest, SplitPortFromHost);
FRIEND_TEST(OpenVPNDriverTest, WriteConfigFile);
// The map is a sorted container that allows us to iterate through the options
// in order.
typedef std::map<int, std::string> ForeignOptions;
typedef std::map<int, IPConfig::Route> RouteOptions;
static const char kDefaultCACertificates[];
static const char kOpenVPNPath[];
static const char kOpenVPNScript[];
static const Property kProperties[];
static const char kLSBReleaseFile[];
static const char kDefaultOpenVPNConfigurationDirectory[];
static const int kReconnectOfflineTimeoutSeconds;
static const int kReconnectTLSErrorTimeoutSeconds;
static void ParseForeignOptions(const ForeignOptions& options,
IPConfig::Properties* properties);
static void ParseForeignOption(const std::string& option,
std::vector<std::string>* domain_search,
std::vector<std::string>* dns_servers);
static IPConfig::Route* GetRouteOptionEntry(const std::string& prefix,
const std::string& key,
RouteOptions* routes);
static void ParseRouteOption(const std::string& key,
const std::string& value,
RouteOptions* routes);
static void SetRoutes(const RouteOptions& routes,
IPConfig::Properties* properties);
// If |host| is in the "name:port" format, sets up |name| and |port|
// appropriately and returns true. Otherwise, returns false.
static bool SplitPortFromHost(const std::string& host,
std::string* name,
std::string* port);
void InitOptions(
std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>* options, Error* error);
bool InitCAOptions(
std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>* options, Error* error);
void InitCertificateVerifyOptions(
std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>* options);
void InitClientAuthOptions(std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>* options);
bool InitExtraCertOptions(
std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>* options, Error* error);
void InitPKCS11Options(std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>* options);
bool InitManagementChannelOptions(
std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>* options, Error* error);
void InitLoggingOptions(std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>* options);
std::map<std::string, std::string> GetEnvironment();
void ParseIPConfiguration(
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& configuration,
IPConfig::Properties* properties) const;
bool SpawnOpenVPN();
// Implements the public IdleService and FailService methods. Resets the VPN
// state and deallocates all resources. If there's a service associated
// through Connect, sets its state |state|; if |state| is
// Service::kStateFailure, sets the failure reason to |failure| and its
// ErrorDetails property to |error_details|; disassociates from the service.
void Cleanup(Service::ConnectState state,
Service::ConnectFailure failure,
const std::string& error_details);
static int GetReconnectTimeoutSeconds(ReconnectReason reason);
// Join a list of options into a single string.
static std::string JoinOptions(
const std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>& options, char separator);
// Output an OpenVPN configuration.
bool WriteConfigFile(const std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>& options,
base::FilePath* config_file);
// Called when the openpvn process exits.
void OnOpenVPNDied(int exit_status);
// Standalone callback used to delete the tunnel interface when the
// openvpn process exits as we clean up. ("Exiting" is expected
// termination during cleanup, while "dying" is any unexpected
// termination.)
static void OnOpenVPNExited(const base::WeakPtr<DeviceInfo>& device_info,
int interface_index,
int exit_status);
// Inherit from VPNDriver to add custom properties.
KeyValueStore GetProvider(Error* error) override;
// Implements RPCTaskDelegate.
void GetLogin(std::string* user, std::string* password) override;
void Notify(const std::string& reason,
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& dict) override;
void OnDefaultServiceChanged(const ServiceRefPtr& service);
void ReportConnectionMetrics();
ControlInterface* control_;
Metrics* metrics_;
DeviceInfo* device_info_;
ProcessManager* process_manager_;
Sockets sockets_;
std::unique_ptr<OpenVPNManagementServer> management_server_;
std::unique_ptr<CertificateFile> certificate_file_;
std::unique_ptr<CertificateFile> extra_certificates_file_;
base::FilePath lsb_release_file_;
VPNServiceRefPtr service_;
std::unique_ptr<RPCTask> rpc_task_;
std::string tunnel_interface_;
VirtualDeviceRefPtr device_;
base::FilePath tls_auth_file_;
base::FilePath openvpn_config_directory_;
base::FilePath openvpn_config_file_;
IPConfig::Properties ip_properties_;
// The PID of the spawned openvpn process. May be 0 if no process has been
// spawned yet or the process has died.
int pid_;
// Default service watch callback tag.
int default_service_callback_tag_;
} // namespace shill