blob: 633a45935591c1d76d63179a44d4fe5cf025597b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <memory>
#include <new>
#include <utility>
#include "chre/platform/assert.h"
#include "chre/platform/memory.h"
#include "chre/util/memory.h"
namespace chre {
template<typename ElementType>
DynamicVector<ElementType>::DynamicVector() {}
template<typename ElementType>
DynamicVector<ElementType>::DynamicVector(DynamicVector<ElementType>&& other)
: mData(other.mData),
mDataIsWrapped(other.mDataIsWrapped) {
other.mData = nullptr;
other.mSize = 0;
other.mCapacity = 0;
other.mDataIsWrapped = false;
template<typename ElementType>
DynamicVector<ElementType>::~DynamicVector() {
if (owns_data()) {
template <typename ElementType>
void DynamicVector<ElementType>::clear() {
destroy(mData, mSize);
mSize = 0;
template<typename ElementType>
ElementType *DynamicVector<ElementType>::data() {
return mData;
template<typename ElementType>
const ElementType *DynamicVector<ElementType>::data() const {
return mData;
template<typename ElementType>
size_t DynamicVector<ElementType>::size() const {
return mSize;
template<typename ElementType>
size_t DynamicVector<ElementType>::capacity() const {
return mCapacity;
template<typename ElementType>
bool DynamicVector<ElementType>::empty() const {
return (mSize == 0);
template<typename ElementType>
bool DynamicVector<ElementType>::push_back(const ElementType& element) {
bool spaceAvailable = prepareForPush();
if (spaceAvailable) {
new (&mData[mSize++]) ElementType(element);
return spaceAvailable;
template<typename ElementType>
bool DynamicVector<ElementType>::push_back(ElementType&& element) {
bool spaceAvailable = prepareForPush();
if (spaceAvailable) {
new (&mData[mSize++]) ElementType(std::move(element));
return spaceAvailable;
template<typename ElementType>
template<typename... Args>
bool DynamicVector<ElementType>::emplace_back(Args&&... args) {
bool spaceAvailable = prepareForPush();
if (spaceAvailable) {
new (&data()[mSize++]) ElementType(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
return spaceAvailable;
template<typename ElementType>
ElementType& DynamicVector<ElementType>::operator[](size_t index) {
CHRE_ASSERT(index < mSize);
if (index >= mSize) {
index = mSize - 1;
return data()[index];
template<typename ElementType>
const ElementType& DynamicVector<ElementType>::operator[](size_t index) const {
CHRE_ASSERT(index < mSize);
if (index >= mSize) {
index = mSize - 1;
return data()[index];
template<typename ElementType>
bool DynamicVector<ElementType>::reserve(size_t newCapacity) {
bool success = false;
CHRE_ASSERT_LOG(owns_data(), "Wrapped buffers can't be resized");
if (newCapacity <= mCapacity) {
success = true;
} else if (owns_data()) {
ElementType *newData = static_cast<ElementType *>(
memoryAlloc(newCapacity * sizeof(ElementType)));
if (newData != nullptr) {
uninitializedMoveOrCopy(mData, mSize, newData);
destroy(mData, mSize);
mData = newData;
mCapacity = newCapacity;
success = true;
return success;
template<typename ElementType>
bool DynamicVector<ElementType>::insert(size_t index,
const ElementType& element) {
bool inserted = prepareInsert(index);
if (inserted) {
new (&mData[index]) ElementType(element);
return inserted;
template<typename ElementType>
bool DynamicVector<ElementType>::insert(size_t index, ElementType&& element) {
bool inserted = prepareInsert(index);
if (inserted) {
new (&mData[index]) ElementType(std::move(element));
return inserted;
template<typename ElementType>
bool DynamicVector<ElementType>::prepareInsert(size_t index) {
// Insertions are not allowed to create a sparse array.
CHRE_ASSERT(index <= mSize);
// TODO: this can be optimized in the case where we need to grow the vector to
// do the shift when transferring the values from the old array to the new.
bool readyForInsert = (index <= mSize && prepareForPush());
if (readyForInsert) {
// If we aren't simply appending the new object, create an opening where
// we'll insert it
if (index < mSize) {
// Make a duplicate of the last item in the slot where we're growing
uninitializedMoveOrCopy(&mData[mSize - 1], 1, &mData[mSize]);
// Shift all elements starting at index towards the end
for (size_t i = mSize - 1; i > index; i--) {
moveOrCopyAssign(mData[i], mData[i - 1]);
return readyForInsert;
template<typename ElementType>
bool DynamicVector<ElementType>::copy_array(const ElementType *array,
size_t elementCount) {
bool success = false;
if (owns_data() && reserve(elementCount)) {
std::copy(array, array + elementCount, mData);
mSize = elementCount;
success = true;
return success;
template<typename ElementType>
void DynamicVector<ElementType>::erase(size_t index) {
CHRE_ASSERT(index < mSize);
if (index < mSize) {
for (size_t i = index; i < mSize; i++) {
moveOrCopyAssign(mData[i], mData[i + 1]);
template<typename ElementType>
size_t DynamicVector<ElementType>::find(const ElementType& element) const {
// TODO: Consider adding iterator support and making this a free function.
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < size(); i++) {
if (mData[i] == element) {
return i;
template<typename ElementType>
void DynamicVector<ElementType>::swap(size_t index0, size_t index1) {
CHRE_ASSERT(index0 < mSize && index1 < mSize);
if (index0 < mSize && index1 < mSize && index0 != index1) {
typename std::aligned_storage<sizeof(ElementType),
alignof(ElementType)>::type tempStorage;
ElementType& temp = *reinterpret_cast<ElementType *>(&tempStorage);
uninitializedMoveOrCopy(&mData[index0], 1, &temp);
moveOrCopyAssign(mData[index0], mData[index1]);
moveOrCopyAssign(mData[index1], temp);
template<typename ElementType>
void DynamicVector<ElementType>::wrap(ElementType *array, size_t elementCount) {
// If array is nullptr, elementCount must also be 0
CHRE_ASSERT(array != nullptr || elementCount == 0);
mData = array;
mSize = elementCount;
mCapacity = mSize;
mDataIsWrapped = true;
template<typename ElementType>
void DynamicVector<ElementType>::unwrap() {
if (mDataIsWrapped) {
mData = nullptr;
mSize = 0;
mCapacity = 0;
mDataIsWrapped = false;
template<typename ElementType>
bool DynamicVector<ElementType>::owns_data() const {
return !mDataIsWrapped;
template<typename ElementType>
ElementType& DynamicVector<ElementType>::front() {
CHRE_ASSERT(mSize > 0);
return mData[0];
template<typename ElementType>
const ElementType& DynamicVector<ElementType>::front() const {
CHRE_ASSERT(mSize > 0);
return mData[0];
template<typename ElementType>
ElementType& DynamicVector<ElementType>::back() {
CHRE_ASSERT(mSize > 0);
return mData[mSize - 1];
template<typename ElementType>
const ElementType& DynamicVector<ElementType>::back() const {
CHRE_ASSERT(mSize > 0);
return mData[mSize - 1];
template<typename ElementType>
bool DynamicVector<ElementType>::prepareForPush() {
bool spaceAvailable = true;
if (mSize == mCapacity) {
size_t newCapacity = mCapacity * 2;
if (newCapacity == 0) {
newCapacity = 1;
if (!reserve(newCapacity)) {
spaceAvailable = false;
return spaceAvailable;
template<typename ElementType>
typename DynamicVector<ElementType>::iterator
DynamicVector<ElementType>::begin() {
return mData;
template<typename ElementType>
typename DynamicVector<ElementType>::iterator
DynamicVector<ElementType>::end() {
return (mData + mSize);
template<typename ElementType>
typename DynamicVector<ElementType>::const_iterator
DynamicVector<ElementType>::begin() const {
return cbegin();
template<typename ElementType>
typename DynamicVector<ElementType>::const_iterator
DynamicVector<ElementType>::end() const {
return cend();
template<typename ElementType>
typename DynamicVector<ElementType>::const_iterator
DynamicVector<ElementType>::cbegin() const {
return mData;
template<typename ElementType>
typename DynamicVector<ElementType>::const_iterator
DynamicVector<ElementType>::cend() const {
return (mData + mSize);
} // namespace chre