blob: 41e8eeb1bafe85554deb006f0d22d6dfeee55fb1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <cstddef>
#include <functional>
#include "chre/util/dynamic_vector.h"
#include "chre/util/non_copyable.h"
namespace chre {
* An implementation of a priority queue. This allows for efficient lookup of
* the highest priority element as defined by the CompareFunction.
template<typename ElementType, typename CompareFunction = std::less<ElementType>>
class PriorityQueue : public NonCopyable {
* Constructs the object.
* Constructs the object with a compare type that provides a strict weak
* ordering.
* @param compare The comparator that returns true if left < right.
PriorityQueue(const CompareFunction& compare);
* Returns the current number of elements in the queue.
* @return The number of elements in the queue.
size_t size() const;
* Returns the maximum number of elements that can be stored in this queue
* without a resize operation.
* @return The capacity of the queue.
size_t capacity() const;
* Determines whether the queue is empty or not.
* @return true if the queue is empty.
bool empty() const;
* Pushes an element onto the queue. If the queue requires a resize and that
* allocation fails, this function will return false. All iterators and
* references are invalidated.
* @param element The element to push onto the queue.
* @return true if the element was pushed successfully.
bool push(const ElementType& element);
* Constructs an element onto the the queue. All iterators and references are
* invalidated.
* @param args The arguments to the constructor of ElementType
template<typename... Args>
bool emplace(Args&&... args);
* Obtains a const element of the queue given an index. It is illegal to
* index this queue out of bounds and the user of the API must check the
* size() function prior to indexing this queue to ensure that they will not
* read out of bounds. It returns the top element with index equal to 0 when
* the queue is not empty, and there is no guarantee for index > 0.
* @param index The index of the element.
* @return The element.
ElementType& operator[](size_t index);
* Obtains a const element of the queue given an index. It is illegal to
* index this queue out of bounds and the user of the API must check the
* size() function prior to indexing this queye to ensure that they will not
* read out of bounds. It returns the top element with index equal to 0 when
* the queue is not empty, and there is no guarantee for index > 0.
* @param index The index of the element.
* @return The element.
const ElementType& operator[](size_t index) const;
* Obtains the top element of the queue. It is illegal to do this when the
* queue is empty. The user of the API must check the size() or empty()
* function prior to calling this to ensure that they will not
* read out of bounds.
* @return The element.
ElementType& top();
* Obtains the top element of the queue. It is illegal to do this when the
* queue is empty. The user of the API must check the size() or empty()
* function prior to calling this to ensure that they will not
* read out of bounds.
* @return The element.
const ElementType& top() const;
* Removes the top element from the queue if the queue is not empty. All
* iterators and references are invalidated.
void pop();
* Removes an element from the queue given an index. The index passed in must
* be less than the size() of the queue. If the index is greater than or
* equal to the size no operation is performed. All iterators and references
* are invalidated.
* @param index The index to remove an element at.
void remove(size_t index);
* Random-access iterator that points to some element in the container.
typedef ElementType* iterator;
typedef const ElementType* const_iterator;
* @return A random-access iterator to the beginning.
typename PriorityQueue<ElementType, CompareFunction>::iterator begin();
typename PriorityQueue<ElementType, CompareFunction>::const_iterator begin() const;
typename PriorityQueue<ElementType, CompareFunction>::const_iterator cbegin() const;
* @return A random-access iterator to the end.
typename PriorityQueue<ElementType, CompareFunction>::iterator end();
typename PriorityQueue<ElementType, CompareFunction>::const_iterator end() const;
typename PriorityQueue<ElementType, CompareFunction>::const_iterator cend() const;
//! The dynamic vector that serves as the underlying container.
DynamicVector<ElementType> mData;
//! The comparator that is used to order the queue.
CompareFunction mCompare;
} // namespace chre
#include "chre/util/priority_queue_impl.h"