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* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <cstddef>
#include "chre/util/non_copyable.h"
namespace chre {
* A container for storing a sequential array of elements. This container
* resizes dynamically using heap allocations.
template<typename ElementType>
class DynamicVector : public NonCopyable {
* Default-constructs a dynamic vector.
* Move-constructs a dynamic vector from another. The other dynamic vector is
* left in an empty state.
* @param other The other vector to move from.
DynamicVector(DynamicVector<ElementType>&& other);
* Destructs the objects and releases the memory owned by the vector.
* Removes all elements from the vector, but does not change the capacity.
* All iterators and references are invalidated.
void clear();
* Returns a pointer to the underlying buffer. Note that this should not be
* considered to be persistent as the vector will be moved and resized
* automatically.
* @return The pointer to the underlying buffer.
ElementType *data();
* Returns a const pointer to the underlying buffer. Note that this should not
* be considered to be persistent as the vector will be moved and resized
* automatically.
* @return The const pointer to the underlying buffer.
const ElementType *data() const;
* Returns the current number of elements in the vector.
* @return The number of elements in the vector.
size_t size() const;
* Returns the maximum number of elements that can be stored in this vector
* without a resize operation.
* @return The capacity of the vector.
size_t capacity() const;
* Determines whether the vector is empty or not.
* @return true if the vector is empty.
bool empty() const;
* Pushes an element onto the back of the vector. If the vector requires a
* resize and that allocation fails this function will return false. All
* iterators and references are invalidated if the container has been
* resized. Otherwise, only the past-the-end iterator is invalidated.
* @param The element to push onto the vector.
* @return true if the element was pushed successfully.
bool push_back(const ElementType& element);
* Moves an element onto the back of the vector. If the vector requires a
* resize and that allocation fails this function will return false. All
* iterators and references are invalidated if the container has been
* resized. Otherwise, only the past-the-end iterator is invalidated.
* @param The element to move onto the vector.
* @return true if the element was moved successfully.
bool push_back(ElementType&& element);
* Constructs an element onto the back of the vector. All iterators and
* references are invalidated if the container has been resized. Otherwise,
* only the past-the-end iterator is invalidated.
* @param The arguments to the constructor
* @return true is the element is constructed successfully.
template<typename... Args>
bool emplace_back(Args&&... args);
* Obtains an element of the vector given an index. It is illegal to index
* this vector out of bounds and the user of the API must check the size()
* function prior to indexing this vector to ensure that they will not read
* out of bounds.
* @param The index of the element.
* @return The element.
ElementType& operator[](size_t index);
* Obtains a const element of the vector given an index. It is illegal to
* index this vector out of bounds and the user of the API must check the
* size() function prior to indexing this vector to ensure that they will not
* read out of bounds.
* @param The index of the element.
* @return The element.
const ElementType& operator[](size_t index) const;
* Resizes the vector to a new capacity returning true if allocation was
* successful. If the new capacity is smaller than the current capacity,
* the operation is a no-op and true is returned. If a memory allocation
* fails, the contents of the vector are not modified and false is returned.
* This is intended to be similar to the reserve function of the std::vector.
* All iterators and references are invalidated unless the container did not
* resize.
* @param The new capacity of the vector.
* @return true if the resize operation was successful.
bool reserve(size_t newCapacity);
* Inserts an element into the vector at a given index. If a resize of the
* vector is required and the allocation fails, false will be returned. This
* will shift all vector elements after the given index one position backward
* in the list. The supplied index must be <= the size of the vector. It is
* not possible to have a sparse list of items. If the index is > the current
* size of the vector, false will be returned. All iterators and references
* to and after the indexed element are invalidated. Iterators and references
* to before the indexed elements are unaffected if the container did not resize.
* @param index The index to insert an element at.
* @param element The element to insert.
* @return Whether or not the insert operation was successful.
bool insert(size_t index, const ElementType& element);
* Similar to wrap(), except makes a copy of the supplied C-style array,
* maintaining ownership of the buffer within the DynamicVector container. The
* vector's capacity is increased if necessary to fit the given array, though
* note that this function will not cause the capacity to shrink. Upon
* successful reservation of necessary capacity, any pre-existing items in the
* vector are removed (via clear()), the supplied array is copied, and the
* vector's size is set to elementCount. All iterators and references are
* invalidated unless the container did not resize.
* This is essentially equivalent to calling these functions from std::vector:
* vector.clear();
* vector.insert(vector.begin(), array, &array[elementCount]);
* This function is not valid to call on a vector where owns_data() is false.
* Use unwrap() first in that case.
* @param array Pointer to the start of an array
* @param elementCount Number of elements in the supplied array to copy
* @return true if capacity was reserved to fit the supplied array (or the
* vector already had sufficient capacity), and the supplied array was
* copied into the vector. If false, the vector is not modified.
bool copy_array(const ElementType *array, size_t elementCount);
* Removes an element from the vector given an index. All elements after the
* indexed one are moved forward one position. The destructor is invoked on
* on the invalid item left at the end of the vector. The index passed in
* must be less than the size() of the vector. If the index is greater than or
* equal to the size no operation is performed. All iterators and references
* to and after the indexed element are invalidated.
* @param index The index to remove an element at.
void erase(size_t index);
* Searches the vector for an element.
* @param element The element to comare against.
* @return The index of the element found. If the return is equal to size()
* then the element was not found.
size_t find(const ElementType& element) const;
* Swaps the location of two elements stored in the vector. The indices
* passed in must be less than the size() of the vector. If the index is
* greater than or equal to the size, no operation is performed. All
* iterators and references to these two indexed elements are invalidated.
* @param index0 The index of the first element
* @param index1 The index of the second element
void swap(size_t index0, size_t index1);
* Wraps an existing C-style array so it can be used as a DynamicVector. A
* reference to the supplied array is kept, as opposed to making a copy. The
* caller retains ownership of the memory. Calling code must therefore ensure
* that the lifetime of the supplied array is at least as long as that of this
* vector, and that the memory is released after this vector is destructed, as
* the vector will not attempt to free the memory itself.
* Once a vector wraps another buffer, it cannot be resized except through
* another call to wrap(). However, elements can be erased to make room for
* adding new elements.
* Destruction of elements within a wrapped array remains the responsibility
* of the calling code. While the vector may invoke the element destructor as
* a result of explicit calls to functions like erase() or clear(), it will
* not destruct elements remaining in the array when the vector is destructed.
* Therefore, special care must be taken when wrapping an array of elements
* that have a non-trivial destructor.
* @param array Pointer to a pre-allocated array
* @param elementCount Number of elements in the array (NOT the array's size
* in bytes); will become the vector's size() and capacity()
void wrap(ElementType *array, size_t elementCount);
* Returns a vector that is wrapping an array to the newly-constructed state,
* with capacity equal to 0, and owns_data() is true.
void unwrap();
* @return false if this vector is wrapping an array passed in via wrap()
bool owns_data() const;
* Returns a reference to the first element in the vector. It is illegal to
* call this on an empty vector.
* @return The first element in the vector.
ElementType& front();
* Returns a const reference to the first element in the vector. It is illegal
* to call this on an empty vector.
* @return The first element in the vector.
const ElementType& front() const;
* Returns a reference to the last element in the vector. It is illegal to
* call this on an empty vector.
* @return The last element in the vector.
ElementType& back();
* Returns a const reference to the last element in the vector. It is illegal
* to call this on an empty vector.
* @return The last element in the vector.
const ElementType& back() const;
* Prepares a vector to push a minimum of one element onto the back. The
* vector may be resized if required. The capacity of the vector increases
* with the growth policy of this vector (doubles for each resize for now).
* @return Whether or not the resize was successful.
bool prepareForPush();
* Random-access iterator that points to some element in the container.
typedef ElementType* iterator;
typedef const ElementType* const_iterator;
* @return A random-access iterator to the beginning.
typename DynamicVector<ElementType>::iterator begin();
typename DynamicVector<ElementType>::const_iterator begin() const;
typename DynamicVector<ElementType>::const_iterator cbegin() const;
* @return A random-access iterator to the end.
typename DynamicVector<ElementType>::iterator end();
typename DynamicVector<ElementType>::const_iterator end() const;
typename DynamicVector<ElementType>::const_iterator cend() const;
//! A pointer to the underlying data buffer.
ElementType *mData = nullptr;
//! The current size of the vector, as in the number of elements stored.
size_t mSize = 0;
//! The current capacity of the vector, as in the maximum number of elements
//! that can be stored.
size_t mCapacity = 0;
//! Set to true when the buffer (mData) was supplied via wrap()
bool mDataIsWrapped = false;
} // namespace chre
#include "chre/util/dynamic_vector_impl.h"