blob: c9afeec751150758e00f8b8e7573cf8a110eb02d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "chpp/transport.h"
* Prototypes
static void chppSetRxState(struct ChppTransportState *context,
enum ChppRxState newState);
static size_t chppConsumePreamble(struct ChppTransportState *context,
const uint8_t *buf, size_t len);
static size_t chppConsumeHeader(struct ChppTransportState *context,
const uint8_t *buf, size_t len);
static size_t chppConsumePayload(struct ChppTransportState *context,
const uint8_t *buf, size_t len);
static size_t chppConsumeFooter(struct ChppTransportState *context,
const uint8_t *buf, size_t len);
static void chppProcessRxPayload(struct ChppTransportState *context);
static bool chppRxChecksumIsOk(const struct ChppTransportState *context);
static enum ChppErrorCode chppRxHeaderCheck(
const struct ChppTransportState *context);
static void chppRegisterRxAck(struct ChppTransportState *context);
static void chppEnqueueTxPacket(struct ChppTransportState *context,
enum ChppErrorCode errorCode);
static size_t chppAddPreamble(uint8_t *buf);
static uint32_t chppCalculateChecksum(uint8_t *buf, size_t len);
bool chppDequeueTxDatagram(struct ChppTransportState *context);
void chppTransportDoWork(struct ChppTransportState *context);
* Private Functions
* Called any time the Rx state needs to be changed. Ensures that the location
* counter among that state (rxStatus.locInState) is also reset at the same
* time.
* @param context Is used to maintain status. Must be provided and initialized
* through chppTransportInit for each transport layer instance. Cannot be null.
* @param newState Next Rx state
static void chppSetRxState(struct ChppTransportState *context,
enum ChppRxState newState) {
LOGD("Changing state from %d to %d", context->rxStatus.state, newState);
context->rxStatus.locInState = 0;
context->rxStatus.state = newState;
* Called by chppRxDataCb to find a preamble (i.e. packet start delimiter) in
* the incoming data stream.
* Moves the state to CHPP_STATE_HEADER as soon as it has seen a complete
* preamble.
* Any future backwards-incompatible versions of CHPP Transport will use a
* different preamble.
* @param context Is used to maintain status. Must be provided and initialized
* through chppTransportInit for each transport layer instance. Cannot be null.
* @param buf Input data
* @param len Length of input data in bytes
* @return Length of consumed data in bytes
static size_t chppConsumePreamble(struct ChppTransportState *context,
const uint8_t *buf, size_t len) {
size_t consumed = 0;
// TODO: Optimize loop, maybe using memchr() / memcmp() / SIMD, especially if
// serial port calling chppRxDataCb does not implement zero filter
while (consumed < len &&
context->rxStatus.locInState < CHPP_PREAMBLE_LEN_BYTES) {
if (buf[consumed] ==
(CHPP_PREAMBLE_LEN_BYTES - context->rxStatus.locInState - 1)) &
0xff)) {
// Correct byte of preamble observed
} else if (buf[consumed] ==
// Previous search failed but first byte of another preamble observed
context->rxStatus.locInState = 1;
} else {
// Continue search for a valid preamble from the start
context->rxStatus.locInState = 0;
// Let's see why we exited the above loop
if (context->rxStatus.locInState == CHPP_PREAMBLE_LEN_BYTES) {
// Complete preamble observed, move on to next state
chppSetRxState(context, CHPP_STATE_HEADER);
return consumed;
* Called by chppRxDataCb to process the packet header from the incoming data
* stream.
* Moves the Rx state to CHPP_STATE_PAYLOAD afterwards.
* @param context Is used to maintain status. Must be provided and initialized
* through chppTransportInit for each transport layer instance. Cannot be null.
* @param buf Input data
* @param len Length of input data in bytes
* @return Length of consumed data in bytes
static size_t chppConsumeHeader(struct ChppTransportState *context,
const uint8_t *buf, size_t len) {
CHPP_ASSERT(context->rxStatus.locInState <
sizeof(struct ChppTransportHeader));
size_t bytesToCopy = MIN(
len, (sizeof(struct ChppTransportHeader) - context->rxStatus.locInState));
LOGD("Copying %zu bytes of header", bytesToCopy);
memcpy(((uint8_t *)&context->rxHeader) + context->rxStatus.locInState, buf,
context->rxStatus.locInState += bytesToCopy;
if (context->rxStatus.locInState == sizeof(struct ChppTransportHeader)) {
// Header fully copied. Move on
enum ChppErrorCode headerSanity = chppRxHeaderCheck(context);
if (headerSanity != CHPP_ERROR_NONE) {
// Header fails sanity check. NACK and return to preamble state
chppEnqueueTxPacket(context, headerSanity);
chppSetRxState(context, CHPP_STATE_PREAMBLE);
} else {
// Header passes sanity check
if (context->rxHeader.length == 0) {
// Non-payload packet
chppSetRxState(context, CHPP_STATE_FOOTER);
} else {
// Payload bearing packet
uint8_t *tempPayload;
if (context->rxDatagram.length == 0) {
// Packet is a new datagram
tempPayload = chppMalloc(context->rxHeader.length);
} else {
// Packet is a continuation of a fragmented datagram
tempPayload =
context->rxDatagram.length + context->rxHeader.length,
if (tempPayload == NULL) {
LOGE("OOM for packet# %d, len=%u. Previous fragment(s) total len=%zu",
context->rxHeader.seq, context->rxHeader.length,
chppEnqueueTxPacket(context, CHPP_ERROR_OOM);
chppSetRxState(context, CHPP_STATE_PREAMBLE);
} else {
context->rxDatagram.payload = tempPayload;
context->rxDatagram.length += context->rxHeader.length;
chppSetRxState(context, CHPP_STATE_PAYLOAD);
return bytesToCopy;
* Called by chppRxDataCb to copy the payload, the length of which is determined
* by the header, from the incoming data stream.
* Moves the Rx state to CHPP_STATE_FOOTER afterwards.
* @param context Is used to maintain status. Must be provided and initialized
* through chppTransportInit for each transport layer instance. Cannot be null.
* @param buf Input data
* @param len Length of input data in bytes
* @return Length of consumed data in bytes
static size_t chppConsumePayload(struct ChppTransportState *context,
const uint8_t *buf, size_t len) {
CHPP_ASSERT(context->rxStatus.locInState < context->rxHeader.length);
size_t bytesToCopy =
MIN(len, (context->rxHeader.length - context->rxStatus.locInState));
LOGD("Copying %zu bytes of payload", bytesToCopy);
memcpy(context->rxDatagram.payload + context->rxStatus.locInDatagram, buf,
context->rxStatus.locInDatagram += bytesToCopy;
context->rxStatus.locInState += bytesToCopy;
if (context->rxStatus.locInState == context->rxHeader.length) {
// Payload copied. Move on
chppSetRxState(context, CHPP_STATE_FOOTER);
return bytesToCopy;
* Called by chppRxDataCb to process the packet footer from the incoming data
* stream. Checks checksum, triggering the correct response (ACK / NACK).
* Moves the Rx state to CHPP_STATE_PREAMBLE afterwards.
* @param context Is used to maintain status. Must be provided and initialized
* through chppTransportInit for each transport layer instance. Cannot be null.
* @param buf Input data
* @param len Length of input data in bytes
* @return Length of consumed data in bytes
static size_t chppConsumeFooter(struct ChppTransportState *context,
const uint8_t *buf, size_t len) {
CHPP_ASSERT(context->rxStatus.locInState <
sizeof(struct ChppTransportFooter));
size_t bytesToCopy = MIN(
len, (sizeof(struct ChppTransportFooter) - context->rxStatus.locInState));
LOGD("Copying %zu bytes of footer (checksum)", bytesToCopy);
memcpy(((uint8_t *)&context->rxFooter) + context->rxStatus.locInState, buf,
context->rxStatus.locInState += bytesToCopy;
if (context->rxStatus.locInState == sizeof(struct ChppTransportFooter)) {
// Footer copied. Move on
bool hasPayload = (context->rxHeader.length > 0);
if (!chppRxChecksumIsOk(context)) {
// Packet is bad. Discard bad payload data (if any) and NACK
LOGE("Discarding CHPP packet# %d len=%u because of bad checksum",
context->rxHeader.seq, context->rxHeader.length);
if (hasPayload) {
context->rxDatagram.length -= context->rxHeader.length;
context->rxStatus.locInDatagram -= context->rxHeader.length;
if (context->rxDatagram.length == 0) {
// Discarding this packet == discarding entire datagram
context->rxDatagram.payload = NULL;
} else {
// Discarding this packet == discarding part of datagram
uint8_t *tempPayload = chppRealloc(
context->rxDatagram.payload, context->rxDatagram.length,
context->rxDatagram.length + context->rxHeader.length);
if (tempPayload == NULL) {
"OOM discarding bad continuation packet# %d len=%u. Previous "
"fragment(s) total len=%zu",
context->rxHeader.seq, context->rxHeader.length,
} else {
context->rxDatagram.payload = tempPayload;
chppEnqueueTxPacket(context, CHPP_ERROR_CHECKSUM);
} else {
// Packet is good. Save received ACK info and process payload if any
context->rxStatus.receivedErrorCode = context->rxHeader.errorCode;
if (context->txDatagramQueue.pending > 0) {
// There are packets to send out (could be new or retx)
chppEnqueueTxPacket(context, CHPP_ERROR_NONE);
if (hasPayload) {
// Done with this packet. Wait for next packet
chppSetRxState(context, CHPP_STATE_PREAMBLE);
return bytesToCopy;
* Process the payload of a validated payload-bearing packet and send out the
* @param context Is used to maintain status. Must be provided and initialized
* through chppTransportInit for each transport layer instance. Cannot be null.
static void chppProcessRxPayload(struct ChppTransportState *context) {
if (context->rxHeader.flags & CHPP_TRANSPORT_FLAG_UNFINISHED_DATAGRAM) {
// packet is part of a larger datagram
"Received continuation packet# %d len=%u. Previous fragment(s) "
"total len=%zu",
context->rxHeader.seq, context->rxHeader.length,
} else {
// End of this packet is end of a datagram
"Received packet# %d len=%u completing a datagram. Previous "
"fragment(s) total len=%zu",
context->rxHeader.seq, context->rxHeader.length,
// TODO: do something with the data
context->rxStatus.locInDatagram = 0;
context->rxDatagram.length = 0;
context->rxDatagram.payload = NULL;
// Update next expected sequence number and send ACK
context->rxStatus.expectedSeq = context->rxHeader.seq + 1;
chppEnqueueTxPacket(context, CHPP_ERROR_NONE);
* Validates the checksum of an incoming packet.
* @param context Is used to maintain status. Must be provided and initialized
* through chppTransportInit for each transport layer instance. Cannot be null.
* @return True if and only if the checksum is correct
static bool chppRxChecksumIsOk(const struct ChppTransportState *context) {
LOGE("Blindly assuming checksum is correct");
return true;
* Performs sanity check on received packet header. Discards packet if header is
* obviously corrupt / invalid.
* @param context Is used to maintain status. Must be provided and initialized
* through chppTransportInit for each transport layer instance. Cannot be null.
* @return True if and only if header passes sanity check
static enum ChppErrorCode chppRxHeaderCheck(
const struct ChppTransportState *context) {
enum ChppErrorCode result = CHPP_ERROR_NONE;
bool invalidSeqNo = (context->rxHeader.seq != context->rxStatus.expectedSeq);
bool hasPayload = (context->rxHeader.length > 0);
if (invalidSeqNo && hasPayload) {
// Note: For a future ACK window > 1, might make more sense to keep quiet
// instead of flooding the sender with out of order NACKs
// TODO: More sanity checks
return result;
* Registers a received ACK. If an outgoing datagram is fully ACKed, it is
* popped from the Tx queue.
* @param context Is used to maintain status. Must be provided and initialized
* through chppTransportInit for each transport layer instance. Cannot be null.
static void chppRegisterRxAck(struct ChppTransportState *context) {
if (context->txStatus.ackedSeq != context->rxHeader.ackSeq) {
// A previously sent packet was actually ACKed
context->txStatus.ackedSeq = context->rxHeader.ackSeq;
// Process and if necessary pop from Tx datagram queue
context->txStatus.ackedLocInDatagram += CHPP_TRANSPORT_MTU_BYTES;
if (context->txStatus.ackedLocInDatagram >=
.length) {
// We are done with datagram
context->txStatus.ackedLocInDatagram = 0;
context->txStatus.sentLocInDatagram = 0;
// Note: For a future ACK window >1, we should update which datagram too
} // else {nothing was ACKed}
* Enqueues an outgoing packet with the specified error code. The error code
* refers to the optional reason behind a NACK, if any. An error code of
* CHPP_ERROR_NONE indicates that no error was reported (i.e. either an ACK or
* an implicit NACK)
* Note that the decision as to wheather to include a payload will be taken
* later, i.e. before the packet is being sent out from the queue. A payload is
* expected to be included if there is one or more pending Tx datagrams and we
* are not waiting on a pending ACK. A (repeat) payload is also included if we
* have received a NACK.
* Further note that even for systems with an ACK window greater than one, we
* would only need to send an ACK for the last (correct) packet, hence we only
* need a queue length of one here.
* @param context Is used to maintain status. Must be provided and initialized
* through chppTransportInit for each transport layer instance. Cannot be null.
* @param errorCode Error code for the next outgoing packet
static void chppEnqueueTxPacket(struct ChppTransportState *context,
enum ChppErrorCode errorCode) {
context->txStatus.hasPacketsToSend = true;
context->txStatus.errorCodeToSend = errorCode;
// TODO: Notify chppTransportDoWork
* Adds a CHPP preamble to the beginning of buf
* @param buf The CHPP preamble will be added to buf
* @return Size of the added preamble
static size_t chppAddPreamble(uint8_t *buf) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < CHPP_PREAMBLE_LEN_BYTES; i++) {
buf[i] = (uint8_t)(CHPP_PREAMBLE_DATA >> (CHPP_PREAMBLE_LEN_BYTES - 1 - i) &
* Calculates the checksum on a buffer indicated by buf with length len
* @param buf Pointer to buffer for the ckecksum to be calculated on.
* @param len Length of the buffer.
* @return Calculated checksum.
static uint32_t chppCalculateChecksum(uint8_t *buf, size_t len) {
return 1;
* Dequeues the datagram at the front of the datagram tx queue, if any, and
* frees the payload. Returns false if the queue is empty.
* @param context Is used to maintain status. Must be provided and initialized
* through chppTransportInit for each transport layer instance. Cannot be null.
* @return True indicates success. False indicates failure, i.e. the queue was
* empty.
bool chppDequeueTxDatagram(struct ChppTransportState *context) {
bool success = false;
if (context->txDatagramQueue.pending > 0) {
context->txDatagramQueue.datagram[context->txDatagramQueue.front].payload =
context->txDatagramQueue.datagram[context->txDatagramQueue.front].length =
context->txDatagramQueue.front %= CHPP_TX_DATAGRAM_QUEUE_LEN;
// Note: For a future ACK window >1, we need to update the queue position of
// the datagram being sent as well (relative to the front-of-queue). i.e.
// context->txStatus.datagramBeingSent--;
success = true;
return success;
* Sends out a pending outgoing packet based on a notification from
* chppEnqueueTxPacket.
* A payload may or may not be included be according the following:
* No payload: If Tx datagram queue is empty OR we are waiting on a pending ACK.
* New payload: If there is one or more pending Tx datagrams and we are not
* waiting on a pending ACK.
* Repeat payload: If we haven't received an ACK yet for our previous payload,
* i.e. we have registered an explicit or implicit NACK.
* @param context Is used to maintain status. Must be provided and initialized
* through chppTransportInit for each transport layer instance. Cannot be null.
void chppTransportDoWork(struct ChppTransportState *context) {
// Note: For a future ACK window >1, there needs to be a loop outside the lock
if (context->txStatus.hasPacketsToSend) {
// There are pending outgoing packets
// Lock linkLayerMutex before modifying packetToSend
context->packetToSend.length = 0;
memset(&context->packetToSend.payload, 0, CHPP_LINK_MTU_BYTES);
// Add preamble
context->packetToSend.length +=
// Add header
struct ChppTransportHeader *txHeader =
(struct ChppTransportHeader *)&context->packetToSend
context->packetToSend.length += sizeof(*txHeader);
txHeader->errorCode = context->txStatus.errorCodeToSend;
txHeader->ackSeq = context->rxStatus.expectedSeq;
// If applicable, add payload
if ((context->txDatagramQueue.pending > 0) &&
(context->txStatus.sentSeq == context->txStatus.ackedSeq)) {
// Note: For a future ACK window >1, seq # check should be against the
// window size.
// Note: For a future ACK window >1, this is only valid for the
// (context->rxStatus.receivedErrorCode != CHPP_ERROR_NONE) case,
// i.e. we have registered an explicit or implicit NACK. Else,
// txHeader->seq = ++(context->txStatus.sentSeq)
txHeader->seq = context->txStatus.ackedSeq + 1;
context->txStatus.sentSeq = txHeader->seq;
size_t remainingBytes =
.length -
if (remainingBytes > CHPP_TRANSPORT_MTU_BYTES) {
// Send an unfinished part of a datagram
txHeader->length = CHPP_TRANSPORT_MTU_BYTES;
} else {
// Send final (or only) part of a datagram
txHeader->length = remainingBytes;
// Copy payload
.payload +
context->packetToSend.length += txHeader->length;
context->txStatus.sentLocInDatagram += txHeader->length;
} // else {no payload}
// Note: For a future ACK window >1, this needs to be updated
context->txStatus.hasPacketsToSend = false;
// We are done with context. Unlock mutex ASAP.
// Populate checksum
uint32_t *checksum = (uint32_t *)&context->packetToSend
context->packetToSend.length += sizeof(*checksum);
*checksum = chppCalculateChecksum(context->packetToSend.payload,
// TODO: Send out notification to function that sends out the packet.
// context->linkLayerMutex must be unlocked by the function that is actually
// sending out the packet, and only after it is done sending.
// TODO: Do we even need linkLayerMutex? We'll see once the new approach
// to signalling is in.
// TODO: For now, unlocking here, but remove once above is addressed
} else {
// There are no pending outgoing packets. Unlock mutex.
* Public Functions
void chppTransportInit(struct ChppTransportState *context) {
memset(context, 0, sizeof(struct ChppTransportState));
bool chppRxDataCb(struct ChppTransportState *context, const uint8_t *buf,
size_t len) {
LOGD("chppRxDataCb received %zu bytes (state = %d)", len,
size_t consumed = 0;
while (consumed < len) {
// TODO: Investigate fine-grained locking, e.g. separating variables that
// are only relevant to a particular path.
// Also consider removing some of the finer-grained locks altogether for
// non-multithreaded environments with clear documentation.
switch (context->rxStatus.state) {
consumed +=
chppConsumePreamble(context, &buf[consumed], len - consumed);
consumed += chppConsumeHeader(context, &buf[consumed], len - consumed);
consumed += chppConsumePayload(context, &buf[consumed], len - consumed);
consumed += chppConsumeFooter(context, &buf[consumed], len - consumed);
LOGE("Invalid state %d", context->rxStatus.state);
chppSetRxState(context, CHPP_STATE_PREAMBLE);
LOGD("chppRxDataCb consumed %zu of %zu bytes (state = %d)", consumed, len,
return (context->rxStatus.state == CHPP_STATE_PREAMBLE &&
context->rxStatus.locInState == 0);
void chppTxTimeoutTimerCb(struct ChppTransportState *context) {
// Implicit NACK. Set received error code accordingly
context->rxStatus.receivedErrorCode = CHPP_ERROR_TIMEOUT;
// Enqueue Tx packet which will be a retransmission based on the above
chppEnqueueTxPacket(context, CHPP_ERROR_NONE);
bool chppEnqueueTxDatagram(struct ChppTransportState *context, size_t len,
uint8_t *buf) {
bool success = false;
if (context->txDatagramQueue.pending < CHPP_TX_DATAGRAM_QUEUE_LEN) {
uint16_t end =
(context->txDatagramQueue.front + context->txDatagramQueue.pending) %
context->txDatagramQueue.datagram[end].length = len;
context->txDatagramQueue.datagram[end].payload = buf;
if (context->txDatagramQueue.pending == 1) {
// Queue was empty prior. Need to kickstart transmission.
chppEnqueueTxPacket(context, CHPP_ERROR_NONE);
success = true;
return success;