blob: 94b9cde199b8b6f7153155d0a1df08ed3ce9de25 [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto2";
package chre_cross_validation_sensor;
option java_package = "";
option java_outer_classname = "ChreCrossValidationSensor";
// Nanoappp message type can be either host to chre (H2C) or chre to host (C2H)
enum MessageType {
// Reserved for corrupted messages
// H2C: Host telling nanoapp to start collecting sensor data
// Payload must be StartCommand message
// C2H: Data payload to be validated. This is a batch of data exactly as it
// was received from a CHRE API.
// Payload must be Data message
// H2C: Host asking nanoapp for information about a given sensor.
// Payload must be SensorInfoCommand message.
// C2H: Response to a information request for a sensor.
// Payload must be a SensorInfoResponse message.
message StartCommand {
oneof command {
StartSensorCommand startSensorCommand = 1;
* apSensorType values defined in Sensor class of
* android/frameworks/base/core/java/android/hardware/
message StartSensorCommand {
optional uint32 chreSensorType = 1;
optional uint64 intervalInMs = 2;
optional uint64 latencyInMs = 3;
optional bool isContinuous = 4;
* Asks for the nanoapp to provide stats about the provided CHRE sensor type.
message SensorInfoCommand {
optional uint32 chreSensorType = 1;
* Response to a SensorInfoCommand containing data about the requested sensor.
message SensorInfoResponse {
optional uint32 chreSensorType = 1;
optional bool isAvailable = 2;
message Data {
oneof data {
SensorData sensorData = 1;
* Similar data to structs with naming scheme chreSensor*Data found in
* android/system/chre/chre_api/include/chre_api/chre/sensor_types.h
message SensorData {
optional uint32 chreSensorType = 1;
optional uint32 accuracy = 2;
repeated SensorDatapoint datapoints = 3;
* Similar data to structs with naming scheme chreSensor*SampleData found in
* android/system/chre/chre_api/include/chre_api/chre/sensor_types.h except
* that timestampDelta has been replaced with timestampInNs which is an
* absolute timestamp instead of the delta relative to the last sample.
message SensorDatapoint {
optional uint64 timestampInNs = 1;
repeated float values = 2;