blob: 8e10cf36251d1ffcbee9507bebcbdec63ce4ba0d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "chpp/condition_variable.h"
#include "chpp/link.h"
#include "chpp/mutex.h"
#include "chpp/platform/chpp_task_util.h"
#include "chpp/transport.h"
#include "chre/platform/atomic.h"
#include "chre/util/non_copyable.h"
#include "chre/util/time.h"
#include "core_monitor.h"
#include "gpi_aoc.h"
#include "gpio_aoc.h"
#include "uart.h"
namespace chpp {
* A class to manage a CHPP link to a remote CHPP endpoint using UART as the
* physical layer. Each physical link must instantiate its own instance of
* the UartLinkManager.
* This class implements the wake handshaking protocol as follows. Each endpoint
* is expected to have a wake_in and wake_out GPIO and a bidirectional UART
* link.
* 1) A transaction begins by a request to transmit a packet from either
* end of the link. If the local endpoint has data to transmit, it must notify
* the remote endpoint by asserting its wake_out GPIO. Consequently, a request
* from the remote endpoint is driven by an IRQ from the wake_in GPIO.
* 2) If a packet is pending, it can be transmitted once the remote end has
* asserted its wake_out GPIO. Otherwise, the wake_out GPIO pulse should be
* asserted for at least the duration to satisfy the pulse width requirements of
* the specification.
* 3) The wake_out GPIO can be deasserted once the transmission is complete (if
* any). No transaction can begin until the current one has completed, and both
* GPIOs have been deasserted.
class UartLinkManager : public chre::NonCopyable {
* @param context The context pointer of the CHPP transport.
* @param uart The pointer to the UART instance.
* @param wakeOutPinNumber The pin number of the wake_out GPIO.
* @param wakeInGpiNumber The GPI number of the wake_in GPIO.
* @param mask The mask to use when preventing monitor mode.
* @param wakeHandshakeEnable true to enable wake handshaking.
UartLinkManager(struct ChppTransportState *context, UART *uart,
uint8_t wakeOutPinNumber, uint8_t wakeInGpiNumber,
enum PreventCoreMonitorMask mask,
bool wakeHandshakeEnable = false);
* This method must be called before invoking the rest of the public methods
* in this class.
* @param handle The task handle that this manager will run in.
void init(TaskHandle_t handle);
* Resets the state and disables the UartLinkManager. init() must be called
* after invoking this method to use this class again.
void deinit();
* @param buf The non-null pointer to the buffer.
* @param len The length of the above buffer.
* @return true if the packet was successfully prepared to be transmitted in
* the next transaction.
bool prepareTxPacket(uint8_t *buf, size_t len);
* Starts a transaction to transmit any pending packets (if any, via a
* previous call to prepareTxPacket()), and handles the wake handshaking
* protocol.
* @return true if the transaction succeeded.
bool startTransaction();
* Pulls RX data from the UART peripheral.
void pullRxSamples();
* Same as pullRxSamples() but also sends the data to the CHPP transport.
void processRxSamples();
struct ChppTransportState *getTransportContext() const {
return mTransportContext;
UART *getUart() const {
return mUart;
GPIAoC *getWakeInGpi() {
return &mWakeInGpi;
* Functions that should be called before/after a transaction, respectively.
* Note that prepareForTransaction() may be called by either a wake IRQ or
* from the CHPP thread indicating that TX data is ready. On the contrary,
* completeTransction() is always called from within the CHPP work thread,
* since the above two events are handled together if occurring
* simultaneously.
void prepareForTransaction();
void completeTransaction();
TaskHandle_t getTaskHandle() const {
return mTaskHandle;
* Waits for a wake handshaking IRQ to trigger, with a specified timeout.
* @param timeoutNs The timeout in nanoseconds.
* @return false if timed out
bool waitForHandshakeIrq(uint64_t timeoutNs);
bool isRxBufferFull() const {
return mRxBufIndex == kRxBufSize;
* Allow core monitor for this UART.
void allowCoreMonitor();
* This function should be used to trigger allowing core monitor at the end of
* a transaction.
void onCoreMonitorAllowEvent();
* GPIO pin numbers to be used in the argument of UartLinkManager, which
* defines the physical pin used for the wake_out GPIO.
static constexpr uint8_t kWifiWakeOutGpioPinNumber = 43;
static constexpr uint8_t kGnssWakeOutGpioPinNumber = 86;
static constexpr uint8_t kWwanWakeOutGpioPinNumber = 84;
* GPI numbers to be used in the argument of UartLinkManager, which defines
* the GPI used to generate the wake_in interrupts.
static constexpr uint8_t kWifiWakeInGpiNumber = 46;
static constexpr uint8_t kGnssWakeInGpiNumber = 44;
static constexpr uint8_t kWwanWakeInGpiNumber = 42;
TaskHandle_t mTaskHandle = nullptr;
struct ChppTransportState *mTransportContext = nullptr;
UART *mUart = nullptr;
GPIOAoC mWakeOutGpio;
GPIAoC mWakeInGpi;
//! The pointer to the currently pending TX packet.
uint8_t *mCurrentBuffer = nullptr;
size_t mCurrentBufferLen = 0;
//! The temporary buffer to store RX data.
//! NOTE: Access to these variables must be done when the RX interrupt is
//! disabled.
static constexpr size_t kRxBufSize = CHPP_PLATFORM_LINK_RX_MTU_BYTES;
volatile uint8_t mRxBuf[kRxBufSize];
volatile size_t mRxBufIndex = 0;
//! The timeout for waiting on the remote to indicate transaction readiness
//! (t_start per specifications).
static constexpr uint64_t kStartTimeoutNs =
100 * chre::kOneMillisecondInNanoseconds;
//! The timeout for waiting on the remote to indicate transaction ended
//! (t_end per specifications).
static constexpr uint64_t kEndTimeoutNs = chre::kOneSecondInNanoseconds;
//! The minimum amount of time to assert the wake_out GPIO (t_pulse per
//! specifications).
static constexpr uint64_t kPulseTimeNs =
100 * chre::kOneMicrosecondInNanoseconds;
static constexpr uint64_t kSuspendTimeoutNs =
100 * chre::kOneMillisecondInNanoseconds;
chre::AtomicBool mTransactionPending{false};
TaskUtil mTaskUtil;
//! The mask to use when allowing or preventing core monitor mode. This should
//! be used while wake handshaking is in progress to avoid the UART clock
//! from being turned off.
enum PreventCoreMonitorMask mCoreMonitorMask;
//! true to enable wake handshake algorithm.
const bool mWakeHandshakeEnabled;
//! The refcount to use when allowing core monitor mode. This value should
//! be incremented to "vote" to prevent, decremented to "vote" to allow. The
//! module should allow core monitor once the count has reached zero. The
//! refcount scheme may be helpful in avoiding allowing core monitor too
//! early.
chre::AtomicUint32 mCoreMonitorRefCount{0};
* @return if a TX packet is pending transmission.
bool hasTxPacket() const;
* Clears a pending TX packet.
void clearTxPacket();
} // namespace chpp