blob: 5635538dc2d479c808c2873c26965dc5b648053b [file] [log] [blame]
use bt_topshim::btif;
use bt_topshim::btif::{ffi, BluetoothCallbacks, BluetoothInterface};
use bt_topshim::topstack;
use num_traits::{FromPrimitive, ToPrimitive};
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::env;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time::Duration;
use tokio::sync::mpsc;
use tokio::sync::mpsc::{Receiver, Sender};
use tokio::time::sleep;
// Required so that bt_shim is linked into the final image
extern crate bt_shim;
enum Callbacks {
AdapterPropertiesChanged(i32, i32, Vec<ffi::BtProperty>),
RemoteDevicePropertiesChanged(i32, ffi::RustRawAddress, i32, Vec<ffi::BtProperty>),
DeviceFound(i32, Vec<ffi::BtProperty>),
struct Context {
tx: Sender<Callbacks>,
rx: Receiver<Callbacks>,
callbacks: Arc<BluetoothCallbacks>,
intf: BluetoothInterface,
fn make_context(intf: BluetoothInterface) -> Context {
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel::<Callbacks>(1);
let (tx1, tx2, tx3, tx4, tx5) = (tx.clone(), tx.clone(), tx.clone(), tx.clone(), tx.clone());
let cb = Arc::new(BluetoothCallbacks {
adapter_state_changed: Box::new(move |state| {
let txl = tx1.clone();
topstack::get_runtime().spawn(async move {
adapter_properties_changed: Box::new(move |status, count, props| {
let txl = tx2.clone();
topstack::get_runtime().spawn(async move {
txl.send(Callbacks::AdapterPropertiesChanged(status, count, props)).await;
remote_device_properties_changed: Box::new(move |status, address, count, props| {
let txl = tx5.clone();
topstack::get_runtime().spawn(async move {
txl.send(Callbacks::RemoteDevicePropertiesChanged(status, address, count, props));
device_found: Box::new(move |count, props| {
let txl = tx3.clone();
topstack::get_runtime().spawn(async move {
txl.send(Callbacks::DeviceFound(count, props)).await;
discovery_state_changed: Box::new(move |state| {
let txl = tx4.clone();
topstack::get_runtime().spawn(async move {
pin_request: Box::new(move |_address, _bdname, _cod, _min_16_digit| {
println!("Pin request callback");
ssp_request: Box::new(move |_address, _bdname, _cod, _variant, _passkey| {
println!("Ssp request callback");
bond_state_changed: Box::new(move |_status, _address, _state| {
println!("Bond state changed");
acl_state_changed: Box::new(move |_status, _address, _state, _hci_reason| {
println!("Acl state changed");
return Context { tx, rx, callbacks: cb, intf };
async fn mainloop(context: &mut Context) {
'main: while let Some(cb) = context.rx.recv().await {
match cb {
Callbacks::AdapterStateChanged(state) => {
println!("Adapter state changed to {}", state.to_i32().unwrap());
if state == btif::BtState::On {
Callbacks::AdapterPropertiesChanged(status, _count, properties) => {
if status != 0 {
println!("Failed property change: {}", status);
for p in properties {
let proptype = match btif::BtPropertyType::from_i32(p.prop_type) {
Some(x) => x,
None => btif::BtPropertyType::Unknown,
println!("Property {:?} is ({:?})", proptype, p.val);
// Scan for 5s and then cancel
println!("Starting discovery");
Callbacks::RemoteDevicePropertiesChanged(status, address, _count, properties) => {
if status != 0 {
println!("Failed remote property change: {}", status);
println!("Properties for {:?}", address.address);
for p in properties {
let proptype = match btif::BtPropertyType::from_i32(p.prop_type) {
Some(x) => x,
None => btif::BtPropertyType::Unknown,
println!("Property {:?} is ({:?})", proptype, p.val);
Callbacks::DeviceFound(_count, properties) => {
print!("Device found: ");
for p in properties {
let proptype = match btif::BtPropertyType::from_i32(p.prop_type) {
Some(x) => x,
None => btif::BtPropertyType::Unknown,
if proptype == btif::BtPropertyType::BdAddr {
print!(" Addr[{:?}]", p.val);
} else if proptype == btif::BtPropertyType::BdName {
" Name[{:?}]",
p.val.iter().map(|u| char::try_from(*u).unwrap()).collect::<String>()
Callbacks::DiscoveryStateChanged(state) => {
if state == btif::BtDiscoveryState::Started {
break 'main;
fn main() {
println!("Bluetooth Adapter Daemon");
// Drop the first arg (which is the binary name)
let all_args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
let args = all_args[1..].to_vec();
let intf = BluetoothInterface::new();
let mut context = make_context(intf);
topstack::get_runtime().block_on(async move {
if !context.intf.initialize(context.callbacks.clone(), args) {
panic!("Couldn't initialize bluetooth interface!");
println!("Running mainloop now");
mainloop(&mut context).await;
println!("Disabling and exiting...");