Fix potential OOB write in libbluetooth

Check event id if of register notification command from remote to avoid
OOB write.

Tag: #security
Bug: 168802990
Test: atest net_test_btif

Change-Id: I90834b920d61bfb2df9414a25d73ba40033e4748
Merged-In: I90834b920d61bfb2df9414a25d73ba40033e4748
diff --git a/stack/avrc/ b/stack/avrc/
index 12b7598..a9a36b0 100644
--- a/stack/avrc/
+++ b/stack/avrc/
@@ -302,6 +302,13 @@
         status = AVRC_STS_INTERNAL_ERR;
       else {
         BE_STREAM_TO_UINT8(p_result->reg_notif.event_id, p);
+        if (!AVRC_IS_VALID_EVENT_ID(p_result->reg_notif.event_id)) {
+          android_errorWriteLog(0x534e4554, "168802990");
+          AVRC_TRACE_ERROR("%s: Invalid event id: %d", __func__,
+                           p_result->reg_notif.event_id);
+          return AVRC_STS_BAD_PARAM;
+        }
         BE_STREAM_TO_UINT32(p_result->reg_notif.param, p);