blob: 30e92240856cea0172e7b1b460038d5bfefa9b7d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "vendor_libs/test_vendor_lib/include/packet.h"
namespace test_vendor_lib {
// The following is specified in the Bluetooth Core Specification Version 4.2,
// Volume 2, Part E, Section 5.4.4 (page 477). Event Packets begin with a 2
// octet header formatted as follows:
// - Event code: 1 octet
// - Payload size (in octets): 1 octet
// The header is followed by the payload, which contains event specific
// parameters and has a maximum size of 255 octets. Valid event codes are
// listed in stack/include/hcidefs.h. They can range from 0x00 to 0xFF, with
// 0xFF reserved for vendor specific debug events. Note the payload size
// describes the total size of the event parameters and not the number of
// parameters. The event parameters contained in the payload will be an integer
// number of octets in size. Each flavor of event packet is created via a static
// factory function that takes the event type-specific parameters and returns an
// initialized event packet from that data.
class EventPacket : public Packet {
virtual ~EventPacket() override = default;
uint8_t GetEventCode() const;
// Static functions for creating event packets:
// Creates and returns a command complete event packet. See the Bluetooth
// Core Specification Version 4.2, Volume 2, Part E, Section 7.7.14 (page 861)
// for more information about the command complete event.
// Event Parameters:
// |num_hci_command_packets|
// Indicates the number of HCI command packets the host can send to the
// controller. If |num_hci_command_packets| is 0, the controller would
// like to stop receiving commands from the host (to indicate
// readiness again, the controller sends a command complete event with
// |command_opcode| to 0x0000 (no op) and |num_hci_command_packets| > 1).
// |command_opcode|
// The opcode of the command that caused this event.
// |return_parameters|
// Contains any event specific parameters that should
// be sent to the host.
static std::unique_ptr<EventPacket> CreateCommandCompleteEvent(
uint8_t num_hci_command_packets, uint16_t command_opcode,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& event_return_parameters);
// Creates and returns a command complete event packet. See the Bluetooth
// Core Specification Version 4.2, Volume 2, Part E, Section 7.7.15 (page 862)
// for more information about the command complete event.
// Event Parameters:
// Status
// 0x00: Command currently in pending.
// 0x01-0xFF: Command failed.
// |num_hci_command_packets|
// Indicates the number of HCI command packets the host can send to the
// controller. If |num_hci_command_packets| is 0, the controller would
// like to stop receiving commands from the host (to indicate
// readiness again, the controller sends a command complete event with
// |command_opcode| to 0x0000 (no op) and |num_hci_command_packets| > 1).
// |command_opcode|
// The opcode of the command that caused this event.
static std::unique_ptr<EventPacket> CreateCommandStatusEvent(
uint8_t status, uint8_t num_hci_command_packets, uint16_t command_opcode);
// Creates and returns an inquiry result event packet. See the Bluetooth
// Core Specification Version 4.2, Volume 2, Part E, Section 7.7.2 (page 844)
// for more information about the command complete event.
// Event Parameters:
// Num Responses (1 octet)
// 0xXX: Number of responses from the inquiry.
// Bd Addresses (6 octets * Num Responses)
// 0xXXXXXXXXXXX: Bd Address for each device which responded.
// Page Scan Repetition Mode (1 octet * Num Responses)
// 0x00: R0
// 0x01: R1
// 0x02: R2
// 0x03-0xFF: Reserved.
// Reserved 1 (1 octet * Num Responses)
// Originally Page Scan Period Mode parameter. No longer in use.
// Reserved 2 (1 octet * Num Responses)
// Originally Page Scan Mode parameter. No longer in use.
// Class of Device (3 octet * Num Responses)
// 0xXXXXXX: Class of device.
// Clock Offset (2 octet * Num Responses)
// Bits 14-0: Bits 16-2 of CLKNslave-CLK.
// Bits 15: Reserved.
static std::unique_ptr<EventPacket> CreateInquiryResultEvent(
uint8_t num_responses, const std::vector<uint8_t>& bd_addresses,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& page_scan_repetition_mode,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& page_scan_period_mode,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& page_scan_mode,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& class_of_device,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& clock_offset);
// Creates and returns an inquiry result event packet. See the Bluetooth
// Core Specification Version 4.2, Volume 2, Part E, Section 7.7.38 (page 896)
// for more information about the command complete event.
// Event Parameters:
// Num Responses (1 octet)
// 0x01: Always contains a single response.
// Bd Addresses (6 octets * Num Responses)
// 0xXXXXXXXXXXX: Bd Address for each device which responded.
// Page Scan Repetition Mode (1 octet * Num Responses)
// 0x00: R0
// 0x01: R1
// 0x02: R2
// 0x03-0xFF: Reserved.
// Reserved 1 (1 octet * Num Responses)
// Originally Page Scan Period Mode parameter. No longer in use.
// Class of Device (3 octet * Num Responses)
// 0xXXXXXX: Class of device.
// Clock Offset (2 octet * Num Responses)
// Bits 14-0: Bits 16-2 of CLKNslave-CLK.
// Bits 15: Reserved.
// RSSI (1 octet)
// 0xXX: Ranges from -127 to +20. Units are dBm.
// Extended Inquiry Response (240 octets)
// Defined in Volumne 2, Part C, Section 8. Also see the Supplement to the
// Bluetooth Core Specificiation for data type definitions and formats.
static std::unique_ptr<EventPacket> CreateExtendedInquiryResultEvent(
const std::vector<uint8_t>& bd_address,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& page_scan_repetition_mode,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& page_scan_period_mode,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& class_of_device,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& clock_offset,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& rssi,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& extended_inquiry_response);
// Size in octets of a data packet header, which consists of a 1 octet
// event code and a 1 octet payload size.
static const size_t kEventHeaderSize = 2;
// Takes in the event parameters in |payload|. These parameters vary by event
// and are detailed in the Bluetooth Core Specification.
EventPacket(uint8_t event_code, const std::vector<uint8_t>& payload);
} // namespace test_vendor_lib