A2DP: Don't wait for role switch on a blacklisted device

When there are 2 or more ACL links, we will try to be the master for
better link quality, and setup flags to wait for the following role
switch results. Because this is an asynchronous task, we would check
flags for any further actions. However, there would not be other results
for role switch IOP, and could be just ignored.

Bug: 141177108
Test: Add headset to IOP and do A2DP playback manually
Change-Id: I0d9e92968765365410909908ffcaf6dc81161ea0
Merged-In: I0d9e92968765365410909908ffcaf6dc81161ea0
(cherry picked from commit f11548248484e27044e3fc2b634db89a61eede05)
diff --git a/bta/av/bta_av_main.cc b/bta/av/bta_av_main.cc
index 34516fc..bdd8a70 100644
--- a/bta/av/bta_av_main.cc
+++ b/bta/av/bta_av_main.cc
@@ -1108,8 +1108,10 @@
                   "%s: peer %s BTM_SwitchRole(BTM_ROLE_MASTER) error: %d",
                   __func__, p_scb->PeerAddress().ToString().c_str(), status);
-      is_ok = false;
-      p_scb->wait |= BTA_AV_WAIT_ROLE_SW_RES_START;
+      if (status != BTM_DEV_BLACKLISTED) {
+        is_ok = false;
+        p_scb->wait |= BTA_AV_WAIT_ROLE_SW_RES_START;
+      }