blob: dbeb1037494970f943887220fa830d2502c4d879 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 1999-2012 Broadcom Corporation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* This file contains functions for BLE whitelist operation.
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "bt_types.h"
#include "btm_int.h"
#include "btu.h"
#include "device/include/controller.h"
#include "hcimsgs.h"
#include "l2c_int.h"
extern void btm_send_hci_create_connection(
uint16_t scan_int, uint16_t scan_win, uint8_t init_filter_policy,
uint8_t addr_type_peer, const RawAddress& bda_peer, uint8_t addr_type_own,
uint16_t conn_int_min, uint16_t conn_int_max, uint16_t conn_latency,
uint16_t conn_timeout, uint16_t min_ce_len, uint16_t max_ce_len,
uint8_t phy);
extern void btm_ble_create_conn_cancel();
void wl_remove_complete(uint8_t* p_data, uint16_t /* evt_len */);
// Unfortunately (for now?) we have to maintain a copy of the device whitelist
// on the host to determine if a device is pending to be connected or not. This
// controls whether the host should keep trying to scan for whitelisted
// peripherals or not.
// TODO: Move all of this to controller/le/background_list or similar?
struct BackgroundConnection {
RawAddress address;
uint8_t addr_type;
bool in_controller_wl;
uint8_t addr_type_in_wl;
bool pending_removal;
struct BgConnHash {
std::size_t operator()(const RawAddress& x) const {
const uint8_t* a = x.address;
return a[0] ^ (a[1] << 8) ^ (a[2] << 16) ^ (a[3] << 24) ^ a[4] ^
(a[5] << 8);
static std::unordered_map<RawAddress, BackgroundConnection, BgConnHash>
static void background_connection_add(uint8_t addr_type,
const RawAddress& address) {
auto map_iter = background_connections.find(address);
if (map_iter == background_connections.end()) {
background_connections[address] =
BackgroundConnection{address, addr_type, false, 0, false};
} else {
BackgroundConnection* connection = &map_iter->second;
if (addr_type != connection->addr_type) {
LOG(INFO) << __func__ << " Addr type mismatch " << address;
connection->addr_type_in_wl, connection->address,
connection->addr_type = addr_type;
connection->in_controller_wl = false;
connection->pending_removal = false;
static void background_connection_remove(const RawAddress& address) {
auto map_iter = background_connections.find(address);
if (map_iter != background_connections.end()) {
if (map_iter->second.in_controller_wl) {
map_iter->second.pending_removal = true;
} else {
static void background_connections_clear() { background_connections.clear(); }
static bool background_connections_pending() {
for (auto& map_el : background_connections) {
BackgroundConnection* connection = &map_el.second;
if (connection->pending_removal) continue;
const bool connected =
BTM_IsAclConnectionUp(connection->address, BT_TRANSPORT_LE);
if (!connected) {
return true;
return false;
static int background_connections_count() {
int count = 0;
for (auto& map_el : background_connections) {
if (!map_el.second.pending_removal) ++count;
return count;
* Function btm_update_scanner_filter_policy
* Description This function updates the filter policy of scanner
void btm_update_scanner_filter_policy(tBTM_BLE_SFP scan_policy) {
tBTM_BLE_INQ_CB* p_inq = &btm_cb.ble_ctr_cb.inq_var;
uint32_t scan_interval =
!p_inq->scan_interval ? BTM_BLE_GAP_DISC_SCAN_INT : p_inq->scan_interval;
uint32_t scan_window =
!p_inq->scan_window ? BTM_BLE_GAP_DISC_SCAN_WIN : p_inq->scan_window;
BTM_TRACE_EVENT("%s", __func__);
p_inq->sfp = scan_policy;
p_inq->scan_type = p_inq->scan_type == BTM_BLE_SCAN_MODE_NONE
: p_inq->scan_type;
p_inq->scan_type, (uint16_t)scan_interval, (uint16_t)scan_window,
btm_cb.ble_ctr_cb.addr_mgnt_cb.own_addr_type, scan_policy);
* Function btm_ble_bgconn_cancel_if_disconnected
* Description If a device has been disconnected, it must be re-added to
* the white list. If needed, this function cancels a pending
* initiate command in order to trigger restart of the initiate
* command which in turn updates the white list.
* Parameters bd_addr: updated device
void btm_ble_bgconn_cancel_if_disconnected(const RawAddress& bd_addr) {
if (btm_ble_get_conn_st() != BLE_CONNECTING) return;
auto map_it = background_connections.find(bd_addr);
if (map_it != background_connections.end()) {
BackgroundConnection* connection = &map_it->second;
if (!connection->in_controller_wl && !connection->pending_removal &&
!BTM_IsAclConnectionUp(bd_addr, BT_TRANSPORT_LE)) {
bool BTM_BackgroundConnectAddressKnown(const RawAddress& address) {
tBTM_SEC_DEV_REC* p_dev_rec = btm_find_dev(address);
// not a known device, or a classic device, we assume public address
if (p_dev_rec == NULL || (p_dev_rec->device_type & BT_DEVICE_TYPE_BLE) == 0)
return true;
// bonded device with identity address known
if (!p_dev_rec->ble.identity_addr.IsEmpty()) {
return true;
// Public address, Random Static, or Random Non-Resolvable Address known
if (p_dev_rec->ble.ble_addr_type == BLE_ADDR_PUBLIC ||
return true;
// Only Resolvable Private Address (RPA) is known, we don't allow it into
// the background connection procedure.
return false;
* Function btm_add_dev_to_controller
* Description This function load the device into controller white list
bool btm_add_dev_to_controller(bool to_add, const RawAddress& bd_addr) {
tBTM_SEC_DEV_REC* p_dev_rec = btm_find_dev(bd_addr);
if (p_dev_rec != NULL && p_dev_rec->device_type & BT_DEVICE_TYPE_BLE) {
if (to_add) {
if (!p_dev_rec->ble.identity_addr.IsEmpty()) {
} else {
background_connection_add(p_dev_rec->ble.ble_addr_type, bd_addr);
if (p_dev_rec->ble.ble_addr_type == BLE_ADDR_RANDOM &&
LOG(INFO) << __func__ << " addig RPA into white list";
p_dev_rec->ble.in_controller_list |= BTM_WHITE_LIST_BIT;
} else {
if (!p_dev_rec->ble.identity_addr.IsEmpty()) {
} else {
if (p_dev_rec->ble.ble_addr_type == BLE_ADDR_RANDOM &&
LOG(INFO) << __func__ << " removing RPA from white list";
p_dev_rec->ble.in_controller_list &= ~BTM_WHITE_LIST_BIT;
} else {
/* not a known device, i.e. attempt to connect to device never seen before
if (to_add)
background_connection_add(BLE_ADDR_PUBLIC, bd_addr);
return true;
/** White list add complete */
void wl_add_complete(uint8_t* p_data, uint16_t /* evt_len */) {
uint8_t status;
STREAM_TO_UINT8(status, p_data);
VLOG(2) << __func__ << ": status=" << loghex(status);
/** White list element remove complete */
void wl_remove_complete(uint8_t* p_data, uint16_t /* evt_len */) {
uint8_t status;
STREAM_TO_UINT8(status, p_data);
VLOG(2) << __func__ << ": status=" << loghex(status);
* Function btm_execute_wl_dev_operation
* Description execute the pending whitelist device operation (loading or
* removing)
bool btm_execute_wl_dev_operation(void) {
// handle removals first to avoid filling up controller's white list
for (auto map_it = background_connections.begin();
map_it != background_connections.end();) {
BackgroundConnection* connection = &map_it->second;
if (connection->pending_removal) {
connection->addr_type_in_wl, connection->address,
map_it = background_connections.erase(map_it);
} else
for (auto& map_el : background_connections) {
BackgroundConnection* connection = &map_el.second;
const bool connected =
BTM_IsAclConnectionUp(connection->address, BT_TRANSPORT_LE);
if (!connection->in_controller_wl && !connected) {
btsnd_hcic_ble_add_white_list(connection->addr_type, connection->address,
connection->in_controller_wl = true;
connection->addr_type_in_wl = connection->addr_type;
} else if (connection->in_controller_wl && connected) {
/* Bluetooth Core 4.2 as well as ESR08 disallows more than one
connection between two LE addresses. Not all controllers handle this
correctly, therefore we must make sure connected devices are not in
the white list when bg connection attempt is active. */
connection->addr_type_in_wl, connection->address,
connection->in_controller_wl = false;
return true;
* Function btm_ble_white_list_init
* Description Initialize white list size
void btm_ble_white_list_init(uint8_t white_list_size) {
BTM_TRACE_DEBUG("%s white_list_size = %d", __func__, white_list_size);
uint8_t BTM_GetWhiteListSize() {
const controller_t* controller = controller_get_interface();
if (!controller->supports_ble()) {
return 0;
return controller->get_ble_white_list_size();
bool BTM_SetLeConnectionModeToFast() {
VLOG(2) << __func__;
tBTM_BLE_CB* p_cb = &btm_cb.ble_ctr_cb;
if ((p_cb->scan_int == BTM_BLE_SCAN_PARAM_UNDEF &&
p_cb->scan_win == BTM_BLE_SCAN_PARAM_UNDEF) ||
(p_cb->scan_int == BTM_BLE_SCAN_SLOW_INT_1 &&
p_cb->scan_win == BTM_BLE_SCAN_SLOW_WIN_1)) {
p_cb->scan_int = BTM_BLE_SCAN_FAST_INT;
p_cb->scan_win = BTM_BLE_SCAN_FAST_WIN;
return true;
return false;
void BTM_SetLeConnectionModeToSlow() {
VLOG(2) << __func__;
tBTM_BLE_CB* p_cb = &btm_cb.ble_ctr_cb;
if ((p_cb->scan_int == BTM_BLE_SCAN_PARAM_UNDEF &&
p_cb->scan_win == BTM_BLE_SCAN_PARAM_UNDEF) ||
(p_cb->scan_int == BTM_BLE_SCAN_FAST_INT &&
p_cb->scan_win == BTM_BLE_SCAN_FAST_WIN)) {
p_cb->scan_int = BTM_BLE_SCAN_SLOW_INT_1;
p_cb->scan_win = BTM_BLE_SCAN_SLOW_WIN_1;
/** This function is to start auto connection procedure */
bool btm_ble_start_auto_conn() {
tBTM_BLE_CB* p_cb = &btm_cb.ble_ctr_cb;
BTM_TRACE_EVENT("%s", __func__);
uint16_t scan_int = (p_cb->scan_int == BTM_BLE_SCAN_PARAM_UNDEF)
: p_cb->scan_int;
uint16_t scan_win = (p_cb->scan_win == BTM_BLE_SCAN_PARAM_UNDEF)
: p_cb->scan_win;
uint8_t own_addr_type = p_cb->addr_mgnt_cb.own_addr_type;
uint8_t peer_addr_type = BLE_ADDR_PUBLIC;
uint8_t phy = PHY_LE_1M;
if (controller_get_interface()->supports_ble_2m_phy()) phy |= PHY_LE_2M;
if (controller_get_interface()->supports_ble_coded_phy()) phy |= PHY_LE_CODED;
if (!btm_ble_topology_check(BTM_BLE_STATE_INIT)) {
LOG(INFO) << "initate background connection fail, topology limitation";
return false;
if (btm_ble_get_conn_st() != BLE_CONN_IDLE ||
!background_connections_pending() || !l2cu_can_allocate_lcb()) {
return false;
p_cb->wl_state |= BTM_BLE_WL_INIT;
if (btm_cb.ble_ctr_cb.rl_state != BTM_BLE_RL_IDLE &&
controller_get_interface()->supports_ble_privacy()) {
own_addr_type |= BLE_ADDR_TYPE_ID_BIT;
peer_addr_type |= BLE_ADDR_TYPE_ID_BIT;
scan_int, /* uint16_t scan_int */
scan_win, /* uint16_t scan_win */
0x01, /* uint8_t white_list */
peer_addr_type, /* uint8_t addr_type_peer */
RawAddress::kEmpty, /* BD_ADDR bda_peer */
own_addr_type, /* uint8_t addr_type_own */
BTM_BLE_CONN_INT_MIN_DEF, /* uint16_t conn_int_min */
BTM_BLE_CONN_INT_MAX_DEF, /* uint16_t conn_int_max */
BTM_BLE_CONN_SLAVE_LATENCY_DEF, /* uint16_t conn_latency */
BTM_BLE_CONN_TIMEOUT_DEF, /* uint16_t conn_timeout */
0, /* uint16_t min_len */
0, /* uint16_t max_len */
return true;
/** This function is to stop auto connection procedure */
bool btm_ble_stop_auto_conn() {
BTM_TRACE_EVENT("%s", __func__);
if (btm_ble_get_conn_st() != BLE_CONNECTING) {
BTM_TRACE_DEBUG("conn_st = %d, not in auto conn state, cannot stop",
return false;
btm_cb.ble_ctr_cb.wl_state &= ~BTM_BLE_WL_INIT;
return true;
* Function btm_ble_suspend_bg_conn
* Description This function is to suspend an active background connection
* procedure.
* Parameters none.
* Returns none.
bool btm_ble_suspend_bg_conn(void) {
BTM_TRACE_EVENT("%s", __func__);
return btm_ble_stop_auto_conn();
* Function btm_ble_resume_bg_conn
* Description This function is to resume a background auto connection
* procedure.
* Parameters none.
* Returns none.
bool btm_ble_resume_bg_conn(void) { return btm_ble_start_auto_conn(); }
/** Adds the device into white list. Returns false if white list is full and
* device can't be added, true otherwise. */
bool BTM_WhiteListAdd(const RawAddress& address) {
VLOG(1) << __func__ << ": " << address;
if (background_connections_count() ==
controller_get_interface()->get_ble_white_list_size()) {
BTM_TRACE_ERROR("%s Whitelist full, unable to add device", __func__);
return false;
if (btm_cb.ble_ctr_cb.wl_state & BTM_BLE_WL_INIT) {
btm_add_dev_to_controller(true, address);
return true;
/** Removes the device from white list */
void BTM_WhiteListRemove(const RawAddress& address) {
VLOG(1) << __func__ << ": " << address;
if (btm_cb.ble_ctr_cb.wl_state & BTM_BLE_WL_INIT) {
btm_add_dev_to_controller(false, address);
/** clear white list complete */
void wl_clear_complete(uint8_t* p_data, uint16_t /* evt_len */) {
uint8_t status;
STREAM_TO_UINT8(status, p_data);
VLOG(2) << __func__ << ": status=" << loghex(status);
/** Clear the whitelist, end any pending whitelist connections */
void BTM_WhiteListClear() {
VLOG(1) << __func__;
if (!controller_get_interface()->supports_ble()) return;