blob: c6d2ecfa4c298450f79fe1c099acd51a27162bc8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "fields/scalar_field.h"
#include "util.h"
const std::string ScalarField::kFieldType = "ScalarField";
ScalarField::ScalarField(std::string name, int size, ParseLocation loc) : PacketField(name, loc), size_(size) {
if (size_ > 64 || size_ < 0) {
ERROR(this) << "Not implemented for size_ = " << size_;
const std::string& ScalarField::GetFieldType() const {
return ScalarField::kFieldType;
Size ScalarField::GetSize() const {
return size_;
std::string ScalarField::GetDataType() const {
return util::GetTypeForSize(size_);
int GetShiftBits(int i) {
int bits_past_byte_boundary = i % 8;
if (bits_past_byte_boundary == 0) {
return 0;
} else {
return 8 - bits_past_byte_boundary;
int ScalarField::GenBounds(std::ostream& s, Size start_offset, Size end_offset, Size size) const {
int num_leading_bits = 0;
if (!start_offset.empty()) {
// Default to start if available.
num_leading_bits = start_offset.bits() % 8;
s << "auto " << GetName() << "_it = to_bound + (" << start_offset << ") / 8;";
} else if (!end_offset.empty()) {
num_leading_bits = GetShiftBits(end_offset.bits() + size.bits());
Size byte_offset = Size(num_leading_bits + size.bits()) + end_offset;
s << "auto " << GetName() << "_it = to_bound + (to_bound.NumBytesRemaining() - (" << byte_offset << ") / 8);";
} else {
ERROR(this) << "Ambiguous offset for field.";
return num_leading_bits;
void ScalarField::GenExtractor(std::ostream& s, int num_leading_bits, bool) const {
Size size = GetSize();
// Extract the correct number of bytes. The return type could be different
// from the extract type if an earlier field causes the beginning of the
// current field to start in the middle of a byte.
std::string extract_type = util::GetTypeForSize(size.bits() + num_leading_bits);
s << "auto extracted_value = " << GetName() << "_it.extract<" << extract_type << ">();";
// Right shift the result to remove leading bits.
if (num_leading_bits != 0) {
s << "extracted_value >>= " << num_leading_bits << ";";
// Mask the result if necessary.
if (util::RoundSizeUp(size.bits()) != size.bits()) {
uint64_t mask = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < size.bits(); i++) {
mask <<= 1;
mask |= 1;
s << "extracted_value &= 0x" << std::hex << mask << std::dec << ";";
s << "*" << GetName() << "_ptr = static_cast<" << GetDataType() << ">(extracted_value);";
std::string ScalarField::GetGetterFunctionName() const {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Get" << util::UnderscoreToCamelCase(GetName());
return ss.str();
void ScalarField::GenGetter(std::ostream& s, Size start_offset, Size end_offset) const {
s << GetDataType() << " " << GetGetterFunctionName() << "() const {";
s << "ASSERT(was_validated_);";
s << "auto to_bound = begin();";
int num_leading_bits = GenBounds(s, start_offset, end_offset, GetSize());
s << GetDataType() << " " << GetName() << "_value;";
s << GetDataType() << "* " << GetName() << "_ptr = &" << GetName() << "_value;";
GenExtractor(s, num_leading_bits, false);
s << "return " << GetName() << "_value;";
s << "}";
std::string ScalarField::GetBuilderParameterType() const {
return GetDataType();
bool ScalarField::HasParameterValidator() const {
return util::RoundSizeUp(GetSize().bits()) != GetSize().bits();
void ScalarField::GenParameterValidator(std::ostream& s) const {
s << "ASSERT(" << GetName() << " < (static_cast<uint64_t>(1) << " << GetSize().bits() << "));";
void ScalarField::GenInserter(std::ostream& s) const {
if (GetSize().bits() == 8) {
s << "i.insert_byte(" << GetName() << "_);";
} else if (GetSize().bits() % 8 == 0) {
s << "insert(" << GetName() << "_, i);";
} else {
s << "insert(" << GetName() << "_, i," << GetSize().bits() << ");";
void ScalarField::GenValidator(std::ostream&) const {
// Do nothing