blob: 8c35931da156ae866a276de614a8289fc3c83d76 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef BPF_BPFMAP_H
#define BPF_BPFMAP_H
#include <linux/bpf.h>
#include <android-base/result.h>
#include <android-base/stringprintf.h>
#include <android-base/unique_fd.h>
#include <utils/Log.h>
#include "bpf/BpfUtils.h"
namespace android {
namespace bpf {
// This is a class wrapper for eBPF maps. The eBPF map is a special in-kernel
// data structure that stores data in <Key, Value> pairs. It can be read/write
// from userspace by passing syscalls with the map file descriptor. This class
// is used to generalize the procedure of interacting with eBPF maps and hide
// the implementation detail from other process. Besides the basic syscalls
// wrapper, it also provides some useful helper functions as well as an iterator
// nested class to iterate the map more easily.
// NOTE: A kernel eBPF map may be accessed by both kernel and userspace
// processes at the same time. Or if the map is pinned as a virtual file, it can
// be obtained by multiple eBPF map class object and accessed concurrently.
// Though the map class object and the underlying kernel map are thread safe, it
// is not safe to iterate over a map while another thread or process is deleting
// from it. In this case the iteration can return duplicate entries.
template <class Key, class Value>
class BpfMap {
BpfMap<Key, Value>() {};
// flag must be within BPF_OBJ_FLAG_MASK, ie. 0, BPF_F_RDONLY, BPF_F_WRONLY
BpfMap<Key, Value>(const char* pathname, uint32_t flags) {
int map_fd = mapRetrieve(pathname, flags);
if (map_fd >= 0) mMapFd.reset(map_fd);
explicit BpfMap<Key, Value>(const char* pathname) : BpfMap<Key, Value>(pathname, 0) {}
BpfMap<Key, Value>(bpf_map_type map_type, uint32_t max_entries, uint32_t map_flags = 0) {
int map_fd = createMap(map_type, sizeof(Key), sizeof(Value), max_entries, map_flags);
if (map_fd >= 0) mMapFd.reset(map_fd);
base::Result<Key> getFirstKey() const {
Key firstKey;
if (getFirstMapKey(mMapFd, &firstKey)) {
return ErrnoErrorf("Get firstKey map {} failed", mMapFd.get());
return firstKey;
base::Result<Key> getNextKey(const Key& key) const {
Key nextKey;
if (getNextMapKey(mMapFd, &key, &nextKey)) {
return ErrnoErrorf("Get next key of map {} failed", mMapFd.get());
return nextKey;
base::Result<void> writeValue(const Key& key, const Value& value, uint64_t flags) {
if (writeToMapEntry(mMapFd, &key, &value, flags)) {
return ErrnoErrorf("Write to map {} failed", mMapFd.get());
return {};
base::Result<Value> readValue(const Key key) const {
Value value;
if (findMapEntry(mMapFd, &key, &value)) {
return ErrnoErrorf("Read value of map {} failed", mMapFd.get());
return value;
base::Result<void> deleteValue(const Key& key) {
if (deleteMapEntry(mMapFd, &key)) {
return ErrnoErrorf("Delete entry from map {} failed", mMapFd.get());
return {};
// Function that tries to get map from a pinned path.
base::Result<void> init(const char* path);
// Iterate through the map and handle each key retrieved based on the filter
// without modification of map content.
base::Result<void> iterate(
const std::function<base::Result<void>(const Key& key, const BpfMap<Key, Value>& map)>&
filter) const;
// Iterate through the map and get each <key, value> pair, handle each <key,
// value> pair based on the filter without modification of map content.
base::Result<void> iterateWithValue(
const std::function<base::Result<void>(const Key& key, const Value& value,
const BpfMap<Key, Value>& map)>& filter) const;
// Iterate through the map and handle each key retrieved based on the filter
base::Result<void> iterate(
const std::function<base::Result<void>(const Key& key, BpfMap<Key, Value>& map)>&
// Iterate through the map and get each <key, value> pair, handle each <key,
// value> pair based on the filter.
base::Result<void> iterateWithValue(
const std::function<base::Result<void>(const Key& key, const Value& value,
BpfMap<Key, Value>& map)>& filter);
const base::unique_fd& getMap() const { return mMapFd; };
// Copy assignment operator
void operator=(const BpfMap<Key, Value>& other) {
mMapFd.reset(fcntl(other.mMapFd.get(), F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC, 0));
// Move constructor
void operator=(BpfMap<Key, Value>&& other) noexcept {
mMapFd = std::move(other.mMapFd);
void reset(base::unique_fd fd) = delete;
void reset(int fd) { mMapFd.reset(fd); }
bool isValid() const { return mMapFd != -1; }
base::Result<void> clear() {
while (true) {
auto key = getFirstKey();
if (!key.ok()) {
if (key.error().code() == ENOENT) return {}; // empty: success
return key.error(); // Anything else is an error
auto res = deleteValue(key.value());
if (!res.ok()) {
// Someone else could have deleted the key, so ignore ENOENT
if (res.error().code() == ENOENT) continue;
ALOGE("Failed to delete data %s", strerror(res.error().code()));
return res.error();
base::Result<bool> isEmpty() const {
auto key = getFirstKey();
if (!key.ok()) {
// Return error code ENOENT means the map is empty
if (key.error().code() == ENOENT) return true;
return key.error();
return false;
base::unique_fd mMapFd;
template <class Key, class Value>
base::Result<void> BpfMap<Key, Value>::init(const char* path) {
mMapFd = base::unique_fd(mapRetrieve(path, 0));
if (mMapFd == -1) {
return ErrnoErrorf("Pinned map not accessible or does not exist: ({})", path);
return {};
template <class Key, class Value>
base::Result<void> BpfMap<Key, Value>::iterate(
const std::function<base::Result<void>(const Key& key, const BpfMap<Key, Value>& map)>&
filter) const {
base::Result<Key> curKey = getFirstKey();
while (curKey.ok()) {
const base::Result<Key>& nextKey = getNextKey(curKey.value());
base::Result<void> status = filter(curKey.value(), *this);
if (!status.ok()) return status;
curKey = nextKey;
if (curKey.error().code() == ENOENT) return {};
return curKey.error();
template <class Key, class Value>
base::Result<void> BpfMap<Key, Value>::iterateWithValue(
const std::function<base::Result<void>(const Key& key, const Value& value,
const BpfMap<Key, Value>& map)>& filter) const {
base::Result<Key> curKey = getFirstKey();
while (curKey.ok()) {
const base::Result<Key>& nextKey = getNextKey(curKey.value());
base::Result<Value> curValue = readValue(curKey.value());
if (!curValue.ok()) return curValue.error();
base::Result<void> status = filter(curKey.value(), curValue.value(), *this);
if (!status.ok()) return status;
curKey = nextKey;
if (curKey.error().code() == ENOENT) return {};
return curKey.error();
template <class Key, class Value>
base::Result<void> BpfMap<Key, Value>::iterate(
const std::function<base::Result<void>(const Key& key, BpfMap<Key, Value>& map)>& filter) {
base::Result<Key> curKey = getFirstKey();
while (curKey.ok()) {
const base::Result<Key>& nextKey = getNextKey(curKey.value());
base::Result<void> status = filter(curKey.value(), *this);
if (!status.ok()) return status;
curKey = nextKey;
if (curKey.error().code() == ENOENT) return {};
return curKey.error();
template <class Key, class Value>
base::Result<void> BpfMap<Key, Value>::iterateWithValue(
const std::function<base::Result<void>(const Key& key, const Value& value,
BpfMap<Key, Value>& map)>& filter) {
base::Result<Key> curKey = getFirstKey();
while (curKey.ok()) {
const base::Result<Key>& nextKey = getNextKey(curKey.value());
base::Result<Value> curValue = readValue(curKey.value());
if (!curValue.ok()) return curValue.error();
base::Result<void> status = filter(curKey.value(), curValue.value(), *this);
if (!status.ok()) return status;
curKey = nextKey;
if (curKey.error().code() == ENOENT) return {};
return curKey.error();
template <class Key, class Value>
class BpfMapRO : public BpfMap<Key, Value> {
explicit BpfMapRO<Key, Value>(const char* pathname)
: BpfMap<Key, Value>(pathname, BPF_F_RDONLY) {}
} // namespace bpf
} // namespace android