bpfloader: remove duplicate code

(setting the sysctls is already done by NetBpfLoad.cpp before this,
while creating the loader subdir will happen after aosp/2983013,
but that is currently unused functionality anyway)

Test: TreeHugger
Signed-off-by: Maciej Żenczykowski <maze@google.com>
Change-Id: Ie465e4be459d5b77924799c486b5fe03bef6f521
diff --git a/bpfloader/BpfLoader.cpp b/bpfloader/BpfLoader.cpp
index 3cfdc15..08fd72d 100644
--- a/bpfloader/BpfLoader.cpp
+++ b/bpfloader/BpfLoader.cpp
@@ -191,25 +191,6 @@
     android::base::InitLogging(argv, &android::base::KernelLogger);
-    // Linux 5.16-rc1 changed the default to 2 (disabled but changeable), but we need 0 (enabled)
-    // (this writeFile is known to fail on at least 4.19, but always defaults to 0 on pre-5.13,
-    // on 5.13+ it depends on CONFIG_BPF_UNPRIV_DEFAULT_OFF)
-    if (writeProcSysFile("/proc/sys/kernel/unprivileged_bpf_disabled", "0\n") &&
-        android::bpf::isAtLeastKernelVersion(5, 13, 0)) return 1;
-    // Enable the eBPF JIT -- but do note that on 64-bit kernels it is likely
-    // already force enabled by the kernel config option BPF_JIT_ALWAYS_ON.
-    // (Note: this (open) will fail with ENOENT 'No such file or directory' if
-    //  kernel does not have CONFIG_BPF_JIT=y)
-    // BPF_JIT is required by R VINTF (which means 4.14/4.19/5.4 kernels),
-    // but 4.14/4.19 were released with P & Q, and only 5.4 is new in R+.
-    if (writeProcSysFile("/proc/sys/net/core/bpf_jit_enable", "1\n")) return 1;
-    // Enable JIT kallsyms export for privileged users only
-    // (Note: this (open) will fail with ENOENT 'No such file or directory' if
-    //  kernel does not have CONFIG_HAVE_EBPF_JIT=y)
-    if (writeProcSysFile("/proc/sys/net/core/bpf_jit_kallsyms", "1\n")) return 1;
     // Create all the pin subdirectories
     // (this must be done first to allow selinux_context and pin_subdir functionality,
     //  which could otherwise fail with ENOENT during object pinning or renaming,
@@ -218,13 +199,6 @@
         if (createSysFsBpfSubDir(location.prefix)) return 1;
-    // Note: there's no actual src dir for fs_bpf_loader .o's,
-    // so it is not listed in 'locations[].prefix'.
-    // This is because this is primarily meant for triggering genfscon rules,
-    // and as such this will likely always be the case.
-    // Thus we need to manually create the /sys/fs/bpf/loader subdirectory.
-    if (createSysFsBpfSubDir("loader")) return 1;
     // Load all ELF objects, create programs and maps, and pin them
     for (const auto& location : locations) {
         if (loadAllElfObjects(location) != 0) {