blob: bf68121a81511112b4178b89e3c08d566b299cbf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <base/callback_forward.h>
#include "attestation/common/export.h"
#include "attestation/common/interface.pb.h"
namespace attestation {
// The main attestation interface implemented by proxies and services. The
// anticipated flow looks like this:
// [APP] -> AttestationInterface -> [IPC] -> AttestationInterface
class ATTESTATION_EXPORT AttestationInterface {
virtual ~AttestationInterface() = default;
// Performs initialization tasks that may take a long time. This method must
// be successfully called before calling any other method. Returns true on
// success.
virtual bool Initialize() = 0;
// Creates a key certified by the Google Attestation CA which corresponds to
// the given |key_label|, |key_type|, and |key_usage|. The certificate issued
// by the CA will correspond to |certificate_profile|. On success, |status|
// will be SUCCESS and |certificate_chain| will contain a PEM-encoded list of
// X.509 certificates starting with the requested certificate issued by the CA
// and followed by certificates for any intermediate authorities, in order.
// The Google Attestation CA root certificate is well-known and not included.
// If the CA refuses to issue a certificate, |status| will be
// REQUEST_DENIED_BY_CA and |server_error_details| will contain an error
// message from the CA. On success both the key and certificate are associated
// with |username|, which must be a canonical email address or the empty
// string (in which case it will be associated to the device). The |origin|
// parameter is passed to the CA; it is required by some certificate profiles.
using CreateGoogleAttestedKeyCallback =
base::Callback<void(const std::string& certificate_chain,
const std::string& server_error_details,
AttestationStatus status)>;
virtual void CreateGoogleAttestedKey(
const std::string& key_label,
KeyType key_type,
KeyUsage key_usage,
CertificateProfile certificate_profile,
const std::string& username,
const std::string& origin,
const CreateGoogleAttestedKeyCallback& callback) = 0;
} // namespace attestation