blob: 8666171f9709788f72ac165b48da58ae1ae5f70d [file] [log] [blame]
#include <android/hardware/renderscript/1.0/types.h>
#include <android/hidl/base/1.0/IBase.h>
#include <android/hidl/manager/1.0/IServiceNotification.h>
#include <hidl/HidlSupport.h>
#include <hidl/MQDescriptor.h>
#include <hidl/Status.h>
#include <utils/NativeHandle.h>
#include <utils/misc.h>
namespace android {
namespace hardware {
namespace renderscript {
namespace V1_0 {
struct IContext : public ::android::hidl::base::V1_0::IBase {
* Type tag for use in template logic that indicates this is a 'pure' class.
typedef ::android::hardware::details::i_tag _hidl_tag;
* Fully qualified interface name: "android.hardware.renderscript@1.0::IContext"
static const char* descriptor;
* Returns whether this object's implementation is outside of the current process.
virtual bool isRemote() const override { return false; }
* TODO: Do we need to define "selectors"? It may be a property of the
* "adapted allocation" that's returned.
* Creates an arbitrary window into the base allocation. The type describes
* the shape of the window. Any dimensions present in the type must be
* equal to or smaller than the dimensions in the source allocation. A
* dimension present in the allocation that is not present in the type must
* be constrained away with the selectors. If a dimension is present in
* both the type and allocation, one of two things must happen. If the type
* is smaller than the allocation, a window must be created, the selected
* value in the adapter for that dimension must act as the base address,
* and the type must describe the size of the view starting at that point.
* If the type and allocation dimension are of the same size, then setting
* the selector for the dimension must be an error.
* @param type Type describing data layout
* @param baseAlloc Allocation
* @return subAlloc AllocationAdapter
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<uint64_t> allocationAdapterCreate(uint64_t type, uint64_t baseAlloc) = 0;
* TODO: Need to relate "offset" back to the terminology in
* allocationAdapterCreate() -- the latter uses the terms "selector" and
* "selected value". Can we use consistent terminology? Are "offset" and
* "selector" actually two different things?
* TODO: Explain the flattened layout in the offsets vec
* Sets the offsets for an Allocation Adapter.
* @param alloc AllocationAdapter
* @param offsets Collection of offsets
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> allocationAdapterOffset(uint64_t alloc, const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<uint32_t>& offsets) = 0;
* TODO: add more explanation here.
* Returns the Type of the Allocation.
* @param allocation Allocation
* @return type Allocation's Type
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<uint64_t> allocationGetType(uint64_t allocation) = 0;
* TODO: more clarification needed describing if the pointer can be aliased
* or if the data can outlive the allocation.
* Creates an Allocation for use by scripts with a given Type and a backing
* pointer. For use with ALLOCATION_USAGE_SHARED.
* @param type Type describing data layout
* @param mips AllocationMipmapControl specifies desired mipmap behavior for
* the allocation
* @param usage Bit field specifying how the Allocation is utilized
* @param ptr Pointer to client-side data
* @return allocation Created Allocation
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<uint64_t> allocationCreateTyped(uint64_t type, ::android::hardware::renderscript::V1_0::AllocationMipmapControl mips, ::android::hardware::hidl_bitfield<::android::hardware::renderscript::V1_0::AllocationUsageType> usage, void* ptr) = 0;
* Creates an Allocation from a Bitmap.
* @param type Type describing data layout
* @param mips AllocationMipmapControl specifies desired mipmap behavior for
* the allocation
* @param bitmap Bitmap source for the allocation data
* @param usage Bit field specifying how the Allocation is utilized
* @return allocation Created Allocation containing bitmap data
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<uint64_t> allocationCreateFromBitmap(uint64_t type, ::android::hardware::renderscript::V1_0::AllocationMipmapControl mips, const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<uint8_t>& bitmap, ::android::hardware::hidl_bitfield<::android::hardware::renderscript::V1_0::AllocationUsageType> usage) = 0;
* Creates a Cubemapped Allocation from a Bitmap.
* @param type Type describing data layout
* @param mips AllocationMipmapControl specifies desired mipmap behavior
* for the allocation
* @param bitmap Bitmap with cubemap faces layed out in the following
* format: right, left, top, bottom, front, back
* @param usage Bit field specifying how the Allocation is used
* @return allocation Created Allocation containing cubemap data
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<uint64_t> allocationCubeCreateFromBitmap(uint64_t type, ::android::hardware::renderscript::V1_0::AllocationMipmapControl mips, const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<uint8_t>& bitmap, ::android::hardware::hidl_bitfield<::android::hardware::renderscript::V1_0::AllocationUsageType> usage) = 0;
* Returns the handle to a raw buffer that is being managed by the screen
* compositor. This operation is only valid for Allocations with
* @param allocation Allocation
* @return nativeWindow NativeWindow object associated with allocation
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<uint64_t> allocationGetNativeWindow(uint64_t allocation) = 0;
* TODO: more clarification needed
* Sets the NativeWindow of an Allocation. This operation is only valid
* for Allocations with USAGE_IO_INPUT.
* @param allocation Allocation to be modified
* @pram nativeWindow NativeWindow to associate with allocation
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> allocationSetNativeWindow(uint64_t allocation, uint64_t nativewindow) = 0;
* Initialize BufferQueue with specified max number of buffers.
* @param alloc Allocation
* @param numBuffer Maximum number of buffers
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> allocationSetupBufferQueue(uint64_t alloc, uint32_t numBuffer) = 0;
* TODO: clearly define baseAlloc vs subAlloc
* Shares the BufferQueue with another Allocation. Both must be
* USAGE_IO_INPUT Allocations.
* @param baseAlloc Base Allocation
* @param subAlloc Allocation to use the same buffer queue as the Base
* Allocation
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> allocationShareBufferQueue(uint64_t baseAlloc, uint64_t subAlloc) = 0;
* Copies from the Allocation into a Bitmap. The bitmap must match the
* dimensions of the Allocation.
* HIDL is always running in Passthrough mode for RenderScript, so the
* buffer is modified directly by the driver.
* @param allocation Allocation
* @param data Buffer to be copied into
* @param sizeBytes Size of the buffer pointed to by "data"
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> allocationCopyToBitmap(uint64_t allocation, void* data, uint64_t sizeBytes) = 0;
* TODO: should we consolidate all [123]DWrite functions or [123]DRead
* functions into the same API call? Our current plan is to be very similar
* to the dispatch table API. How much should we deviate from the original
* API?
* TODO: better description on Vec3/Vec4 and padding.
* Copies data into a 1D region of this Allocation.
* When this HAL entry is executed, all Vec3 elements have been explicitly
* padded as Vec4 elements.
* The size of the region is: count * Element's size.
* @param allocation Allocation to be modified
* @param offset The offset of the first element to be copied
* @param lod Selected mipmap level of detail
* @param count Number of elements to be copied
* @param data Source data to be copied to Allocation
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> allocation1DWrite(uint64_t allocation, uint32_t offset, uint32_t lod, uint32_t count, const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<uint8_t>& data) = 0;
* Copies a value into a single sub-Element of this Allocation.
* @param allocation Allocation to be updated
* @param x X position of the first element in the Allocation to be updated
* @param y Y position of the first element in the Allocation to be
* updated; for a 1D Allocation, this value must be 0
* @param z Z position of the first element in the Allocation to be
* updated; for a 1D or 2D Allocation, this value must be 0
* @param lod Selected mipmap level of detail
* @param data Data to be copied from
* @param compIdx Component number to identify which sub-Element is updated
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> allocationElementWrite(uint64_t allocation, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z, uint32_t lod, const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<uint8_t>& data, uint64_t compIdx) = 0;
* Copies from an array into a rectangular region in this Allocation.
* When this HAL entry is executed, all Vec3 elements have been explicitly
* padded as Vec4 elements.
* The size of the region is: w * h * Element's size.
* @param allocation Allocation to be modified
* @param xoff X offset of the region to update in this Allocation
* @param yoff Y offset of the region to update in this Allocation
* @param lod Selected mipmap level of detail
* @param face AllocationCubemapFace
* @param w Width of the region to update
* @param h Height of the region to update
* @param data Data to be placed into the Allocation
* @param stride For 1D Allocation, the stride must be the number of bytes
* of this Allocation. For 2D and 3D Allocations, the stride
* must be the stride in X dimension measuring in bytes.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> allocation2DWrite(uint64_t allocation, uint32_t xoff, uint32_t yoff, uint32_t lod, ::android::hardware::renderscript::V1_0::AllocationCubemapFace face, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<uint8_t>& data, uint64_t stride) = 0;
* Copies from an array into a 3D region in this Allocation.
* When this HAL entry is executed, all Vec3 elements have been explicitly
* padded as Vec4 elements.
* The size of the region is: w * h * d * Element's size.
* @param allocation Allocation to be modified
* @param xoff X offset of the region to update in this Allocation
* @param yoff Y offset of the region to update in this Allocation
* @param zoff Z offset of the region to update in this Allocation
* @param lod Selected mipmap level of detail
* @param w Width of the region to update
* @param h Height of the region to update
* @param d Depth of the region to update
* @param data Data to be placed in the Allocation
* @param stride For 1D Allocation, the stride must be the number of bytes
* of this Allocation. For 2D and 3D Allocations, the stride
* must be the stride in X dimension measuring in bytes.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> allocation3DWrite(uint64_t allocation, uint32_t xoff, uint32_t yoff, uint32_t zoff, uint32_t lod, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, uint32_t d, const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<uint8_t>& data, uint64_t stride) = 0;
* Generates a mipmap chain. This is only valid if the Type of the
* Allocation includes mipmaps.
* This function generates a complete set of mipmaps from the top level
* LOD.
* If the Allocation is also using other memory spaces, a call to
* allocationSyncAll(context, allocation, usage) is required.
* @param allocation Allocation which has its top LOD read and lower LOD
* written to
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> allocationGenerateMipmaps(uint64_t allocation) = 0;
* Copies all of an Allocation's data into an array.
* All Vec3 elements of an Allocation are padded to be Vec4, so the data
* returned by this function automatically includes padding.
* HIDL is always running in Passthrough mode for RenderScript, so the
* buffer is modified directly by the driver.
* @param allocation Allocation to be read
* @param data Buffer to be copied into
* @param sizeBytes Size of the buffer pointed to by "data"
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> allocationRead(uint64_t allocation, void* data, uint64_t sizeBytes) = 0;
* Copies a 1D region of this Allocation into an array.
* All Vec3 elements of an Allocation are padded to be Vec4, so the data
* returned by this function automatically includes padding.
* The size of the region is: count * Element's size.
* HIDL is always running in Passthrough mode for RenderScript, so the
* buffer is modified directly by the driver.
* @param allocation Allocation to be read
* @param xoff X offset of the first element to be copied
* @param lod Mipmap level of detail
* @param count The number of elements to be copied
* @param data Buffer to be copied into
* @param sizeBytes Size of the buffer pointed to by "data"
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> allocation1DRead(uint64_t allocation, uint32_t xoff, uint32_t lod, uint32_t count, void* data, uint64_t sizeBytes) = 0;
* Returns the value of a single sub-Element of this Allocation.
* HIDL is always running in Passthrough mode for RenderScript, so the
* buffer is modified directly by the driver.
* @param allocation Allocation to be read
* @param x X position of the first element in the Allocation to be read
* @param y Y position of the first element in the Allocation to be read
* @param z Z position of the first element in the Allocation to be read
* @param lod Mipmap level of detail
* @param data Buffer to be copied into
* @param sizeBytes Size of the buffer pointed to by "data"
* @param compIdx Component number to identify which sub-Element is updated
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> allocationElementRead(uint64_t allocation, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z, uint32_t lod, void* data, uint64_t sizeBytes, uint64_t compIdx) = 0;
* Copies from a rectangular region in this Allocation to an array.
* All Vec3 elements of an Allocation are padded to be Vec4, so the data
* returned by this function automatically includes padding.
* The size of the region is: w * h * Element's size.
* HIDL is always running in Passthrough mode for RenderScript, so the
* buffer is modified directly by the driver.
* @param allocation Allocation to be read
* @param xoff X offset of the region to copy in this array
* @param yoff Y offset of the region to copy in this array
* @param lod Mipmap level of detail
* @param face AllocationCubemapFace
* @param w Width of the region to copy
* @param h Height of the region to copy
* @param data Buffer to be copied into
* @param sizeBytes Size of the buffer pointed to by "data"
* @param stride For 1D Allocation, the stride must be the number of bytes
* of this Allocation. For 2D and 3D Allocations, the stride
* must be the stride in X dimension measuring in bytes.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> allocation2DRead(uint64_t allocation, uint32_t xoff, uint32_t yoff, uint32_t lod, ::android::hardware::renderscript::V1_0::AllocationCubemapFace face, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, void* data, uint64_t sizeBytes, uint64_t stride) = 0;
* Copies from a rectangular cuboid region in this Allocation to an array.
* All Vec3 elements of an Allocation are padded to be Vec4, so the data
* returned by this function automatically includes padding.
* The size of the region is: w * h * d * Element's size.
* HIDL is always running in Passthrough mode for RenderScript, so the
* buffer is modified directly by the driver.
* @param allocation Allocation to be read
* @param xoff X offset of the region to copy in this array
* @param yoff Y offset of the region to copy in this array
* @param zoff Z offset of the region to copy in this array
* @param lod Mipmap level of detail
* @param w Width of the region to copy
* @param h Height of the region to copy
* @param d Depth of the region to copy
* @param data Buffer to be copied into
* @param sizeBytes Size of the buffer pointed to by "data"
* @param stride For 1D Allocation, the stride must be the number of bytes
* of this Allocation. For 2D and 3D Allocations, the stride
* must be the stride in X dimension measuring in bytes.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> allocation3DRead(uint64_t allocation, uint32_t xoff, uint32_t yoff, uint32_t zoff, uint32_t lod, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, uint32_t d, void* data, uint64_t sizeBytes, uint64_t stride) = 0;
* Propagates changes from one usage of the Allocation to the other usages
* of the Allocation.
* @param allocation First usage of the Allocation
* @param usageType Allocation usage type
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> allocationSyncAll(uint64_t allocation, ::android::hardware::renderscript::V1_0::AllocationUsageType usageType) = 0;
* TODO: describe the functionality of resize1D better
* TODO: original Java Doc description seems to contradict itself ("with
* null contents and the region is otherwise undefined")
* TODO: should "new elements" be "new cells"?
* TODO: what does "objects are created" mean?
* TODO: what does "new dimension" mean? IS the type of the resized
* allocation different than the type before resizing?
* Resizes a 1D allocation. The contents of the allocation are preserved.
* If new elements are allocated, objects are created with null contents
* and the new region is otherwise undefined.
* If the new region is smaller, the references of any object outside the
* new region must be released.
* A new type must be created with the new dimension.
* @param allocation Allocation to be resized
* @param dimX New size along the x dimension of the Allocation
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> allocationResize1D(uint64_t allocation, uint32_t dimX) = 0;
* TODO: There are allocationCopy2DRange and 3DRange, but no 1DRange. Should
* the interface be cleaned up more?
* Copies a rectangular region from an Allocation into a rectangular region
* in this Allocation.
* @param dstAlloc Allocation to be updated
* @param dstXoff X offset of the region to update
* @param dstYoff Y offset of the region to update
* @param dstMip Selected mipmap level of the Allocation to update
* @param dstFace Destination AllocationCubemapFace
* @param width Width of the region to update
* @param height Height of the region to update
* @param srcAlloc Source Allocation, to be read
* @param srcXoff X offset of the region in the source Allocation
* @param srcYoff Y offset of the region in the source Allocation
* @param srcMip Selected mipmap level of the source Allocation
* @param srcFace Source AllocationCubemapFace
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> allocationCopy2DRange(uint64_t dstAlloc, uint32_t dstXoff, uint32_t dstYoff, uint32_t dstMip, ::android::hardware::renderscript::V1_0::AllocationCubemapFace dstFace, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint64_t srcAlloc, uint32_t srcXoff, uint32_t srcYoff, uint32_t srcMip, ::android::hardware::renderscript::V1_0::AllocationCubemapFace srcFace) = 0;
* Copies a rectangular cuboid region into the allocation from another
* Allocation.
* @param dstAlloc Allocation to be updated
* @param dstXoff X offset of the region to update
* @param dstYoff Y offset of the region to update
* @param dstZoff Z offset of the region to update
* @param dstMip Selected mipmap level of the Allocation to update
* @param width Width of the region to update
* @param height Height of the region to update
* @param depth Depth of the region to update
* @param srcAlloc Source Allocation, to be read
* @param srcXoff Source X offset of the region in the source Allocation
* @param srcYoff Source Y offset of the region in the source Allocation
* @param srcZoff Source Z offset of the region in the souce Allocation
* @param srcMip Selected mipmap level of the Allocation to read
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> allocationCopy3DRange(uint64_t dstAlloc, uint32_t dstXoff, uint32_t dstYoff, uint32_t dstZoff, uint32_t dstMip, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t depth, uint64_t srcAlloc, uint32_t srcXoff, uint32_t srcYoff, uint32_t srcZoff, uint32_t srcMip) = 0;
* TODO: define buffer and output stream
* Sends a buffer to the output stream. The contents of the Allocation may
* be undefined after this operation. This operation is only valid if
* USAGE_IO_OUTPUT is set on the Allocation.
* @param allocation Allocation to be sent
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> allocationIoSend(uint64_t allocation) = 0;
* Receives the latest input into the Allocation. This operation is only
* valid if USAGE_IO_INPUT is set on the Allocation, otherwise an error
* must be reported and no operations may be executed.
* @param allocation Allocation to be updated
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> allocationIoReceive(uint64_t allocation) = 0;
* Return callback for allocationGetPointer
using allocationGetPointer_cb = std::function<void(void* dataPtr, uint64_t stride)>;
* TODO: describe default values for lod, face, and z better.
* TODO: what cases can invalidate the pointer? Resize? It should be
* clarified that this method should always return a valid pointer, but the
* returned pointer might become invalid later.
* Retrieves the pointer to the actual data an Allocation contains as well
* as the data's stride.
* If Allocation lacks the corresponding dimension for lod, face, or z, an
* error message must be sent to the message queue and nullptr must be
* returned for dataPtr and 0 for stride. All missing values must be 0 or
* NONE in the corresponding enum.
* @param allocation Allocation
* @param lod Mipmap level of detail
* @param face AllocationCubemapFace
* @param z Z position
* @return pointer Pointer to the server-side data; if this points to an
* invalid location in memory (because the buffer was
* freed), this may result in undefined behavior
* @return stride For 1D Allocation, the stride must be the number of bytes
* of this Allocation. For 2D and 3D Allocations, the stride
* must be the stride in X dimension measuring in bytes.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> allocationGetPointer(uint64_t allocation, uint32_t lod, ::android::hardware::renderscript::V1_0::AllocationCubemapFace face, uint32_t z, allocationGetPointer_cb _hidl_cb) = 0;
* Return callback for elementGetNativeMetadata
using elementGetNativeMetadata_cb = std::function<void(const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<uint32_t>& elemData)>;
* Retrieves an Element's metadata from native code.
* @param element Element to be read
* @return elemData Element data
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> elementGetNativeMetadata(uint64_t element, elementGetNativeMetadata_cb _hidl_cb) = 0;
* Return callback for elementGetSubElements
using elementGetSubElements_cb = std::function<void(const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<uint64_t>& ids, const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<::android::hardware::hidl_string>& names, const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<uint64_t>& arraySizes)>;
* TODO: define Sub-Element handles better.
* Retrieves an Element's sub Elements, specifically their identifiers,
* names, and sizes.
* @param element Element to be read
* @param numSubElem Number of sub-Elements
* @return ids Sub-Element handles
* @return names Sub-Element Names
* @return arraySizes Sizes of sub-Element arrays
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> elementGetSubElements(uint64_t element, uint64_t numSubElem, elementGetSubElements_cb _hidl_cb) = 0;
* TODO: can normalization flag be removed?
* Creates an Element.
* @param dt Data type
* @param dk Data kind
* @param norm Flag for normalization
* @param size Vector length, with scalar = 1
* @return element Created Element
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<uint64_t> elementCreate(::android::hardware::renderscript::V1_0::DataType dt, ::android::hardware::renderscript::V1_0::DataKind dk, bool norm, uint32_t size) = 0;
* Creates a complex Element.
* @param einsPtr Container of input Elements
* @param namesPtr Container of input names
* @param arraySizesPtr Container of array sizes
* @return element Created Element
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<uint64_t> elementComplexCreate(const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<uint64_t>& einsPtr, const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<::android::hardware::hidl_string>& names, const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<uint64_t>& arraySizesPtr) = 0;
* Return callback for typeGetNativeMetadata
using typeGetNativeMetadata_cb = std::function<void(const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<uint64_t>& metadata)>;
* Retrives a Type's metadata from native code.
* @param type Type describing data layout
* @return metadata Type's native metadata
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> typeGetNativeMetadata(uint64_t type, typeGetNativeMetadata_cb _hidl_cb) = 0;
* Creates a new Type.
* If Type is 1D, Y and Z must be 0. If Type is 2D, Z must be 0.
* @param element Element of the Type
* @param dimX X dimension
* @param dimY Y dimension
* @param dimZ Z dimension
* @param mipmaps Flag indicating whether Type has mipmaps
* @param faces Flag indicating whether Type has faces
* @param yuv Enumeration specifying which type of YUV format, if any, Type
* uses
* @return type Created Type
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<uint64_t> typeCreate(uint64_t element, uint32_t dimX, uint32_t dimY, uint32_t dimZ, bool mipmaps, bool faces, ::android::hardware::renderscript::V1_0::YuvFormat yuv) = 0;
* Destroys provided RenderScript context, including all objects created in
* this context.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> contextDestroy() = 0;
* Return callback for contextGetMessage
using contextGetMessage_cb = std::function<void(::android::hardware::renderscript::V1_0::MessageToClientType messageType, uint64_t receiveLen)>;
* TODO: provide overview of messaging model and figure out if this should
* be part of HAL or not.
* TODO: what is the "client" for purposes of this interface?
* TODO: consider using send/receive to be more similar to other calls
* TODO: define the purpose of size more
* Fills the provided buffer with message data. "size" should be at least
* as large as the message size. Returns the MessageType and size of the
* message are returned.
* @param data A pointer to a buffer to be filled with a message
* @param size Size in bytes of the buffer pointed to by "data"
* @return messageType Type of message sent to the client
* @return receiveLen Length of the message in bytes
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> contextGetMessage(void* data, uint64_t size, contextGetMessage_cb _hidl_cb) = 0;
* Return callback for contextPeekMessage
using contextPeekMessage_cb = std::function<void(::android::hardware::renderscript::V1_0::MessageToClientType messageType, uint64_t receiveLen, uint32_t subID)>;
* TODO: define subID better.
* Gets the metadata of a message to ensure entire message can be properly
* received. Can be used to determine size of data to allocate when calling
* contextGetMessage.
* @return messageType Type of message sent to the client
* @return receiveLen Length of message
* @return subID Message sub identifier
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> contextPeekMessage(contextPeekMessage_cb _hidl_cb) = 0;
* TODO: Define "previous commands" better
* TODO: Is the message identifier the same as subID?
* Places a message into the message queue to be sent back to the message
* handler once all previous commands have been executed. The message data
* is copied into the queue and can be discarded by the client after this
* call.
* @param id Message identifier
* @param data Message data
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> contextSendMessage(uint32_t id, const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<uint8_t>& data) = 0;
* TODO: Can this be done automatically as part of context creation? What
* happens if we perform message operations before doing this?
* Initializes the messaging thread, so that the front-end API can receive
* messages from the driver. This call also waits for the messaging FIFO to
* start up.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> contextInitToClient() = 0;
* TODO: Why doesn't this happen automatically as part of context
* destruction? What happens if the FIFO is not empty?
* Deinitializes a the messaging thread. Shuts down the FIFO.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> contextDeinitToClient() = 0;
* TODO: do we need to mark asynchronous operations in this interface
* definition?
* Waits for any pending asynchronous operations (such as copies to a RS
* allocation or RS script executions) to complete.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> contextFinish() = 0;
* Prints the currently available debugging information about the state of
* the RS context to the logcat.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> contextLog() = 0;
* TODO: full path? relative path? Investigate further.
* Sets the cache directory of the context.
* @param cacheDir Name of the application's cache directory
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> contextSetCacheDir(const ::android::hardware::hidl_string& cacheDir) = 0;
* TODO: does this apply to the GPU as well?
* Changes the priority of the cpu worker threads for this context.
* @param priority Priority of the thread
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> contextSetPriority(::android::hardware::renderscript::V1_0::ThreadPriorities priority) = 0;
* TODO: does this need to be part of the HAL? What if the object already
* has a name?
* Assigns a name to a base object.
* @param obj Object to be named
* @param name Assigned name
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> assignName(uint64_t obj, const ::android::hardware::hidl_string& name) = 0;
* Return callback for getName
using getName_cb = std::function<void(const ::android::hardware::hidl_string& name)>;
* TODO: what if the object has no name?
* Returns the name of an object.
* @param obj Object to be read
* @return name Name of the object
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> getName(uint64_t obj, getName_cb _hidl_cb) = 0;
* TODO: starting here we have a set of interfaces for use with
* ScriptGroups. At the very least we should indicate for each one that's
* what it's for. Should we include ScriptGroup in the interface names?
* TODO: sweep whole file and remove prefix "v" from all parameter names
* TODO: there are some places where we use Size for size, and others where
* we use int32_t. Is there a reason it's int32_t? In some cases, it
* requires a negative value.
* Creates a Closure which represents a function call to a ForEach Kernel
* combined with arguments and values for global variables.
* @param kernelID Kernel identifier
* @param returnValue Allocation used in output of Closure
* @param fieldIDS Collection of Script's Field identifiers
* @param values Collection of Script's data values
* @param sizes Collection of Script's data sizes
* @param depClosures Collection of Closures
* @param depFieldIDS Collection of Script's dependent Field identifiers
* @return closure Created Closure
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<uint64_t> closureCreate(uint64_t kernelID, uint64_t returnValue, const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<uint64_t>& fieldIDS, const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<int64_t>& values, const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<int32_t>& sizes, const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<uint64_t>& depClosures, const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<uint64_t>& depFieldIDS) = 0;
* Creates a Closure which represents a function call to a invocable
* function, combined with arguments and values for global variables.
* @param invokeID Invokable function identifier
* @param params Collection of Invoke script parameters
* @param fieldIDS Collection of Script Field identifiers
* @param values Collection of values
* @param sizes Collection of sizes
* @return closure Created Closure
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<uint64_t> invokeClosureCreate(uint64_t invokeID, const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<uint8_t>& params, const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<uint64_t>& fieldIDS, const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<int64_t>& values, const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<int32_t>& sizes) = 0;
* Sets the argument of a Closure at specified index and size to provided
* value.
* @param closure Closure to be modified
* @param index Index
* @param value Value
* @param size Size
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> closureSetArg(uint64_t closure, uint32_t index, void* value, int32_t size) = 0;
* Sets a global variable in a Closure.
* @param closure Closure
* @param fieldID Global's Field identifier
* @param value Value
* @param size Size
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> closureSetGlobal(uint64_t closure, uint64_t fieldID, int64_t value, int32_t size) = 0;
* TODO: should slot be unsigned? (applies to other two ID interfaces, too)
* Creates a Script Kernel ID.
* @param script Script
* @param slot Slot
* @param sig Bitfield describing Kernel signature and operation
* @return scriptKernelID Script's Kernel identifier
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<uint64_t> scriptKernelIDCreate(uint64_t script, int32_t slot, ::android::hardware::hidl_bitfield<::android::hardware::renderscript::V1_0::MetadataSignatureBitval> sig) = 0;
* Creates a Script Invoke ID.
* @param script Script
* @param slot Slot
* @return scriptInvokeID Invoke Script's identifier
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<uint64_t> scriptInvokeIDCreate(uint64_t script, int32_t slot) = 0;
* TODO: describe the return value better. What is it?
* Creates a Script Field ID.
* @param script Script
* @param slot Slot
* @return scriptFieldID Script's Field identifier
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<uint64_t> scriptFieldIDCreate(uint64_t script, int32_t slot) = 0;
* TODO: add more description
* Creates a Script Group.
* @param kernels Collection of Scripts' Kernel identifiers
* @param srcK Source Kernel identifiers
* @param dstK Destination Kernel identifiers
* @param dstF Destination Script Field identifiers
* @param types Collection of Types describing data layout
* @return scriptGroup Created Script Group
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<uint64_t> scriptGroupCreate(const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<uint64_t>& kernels, const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<uint64_t>& srcK, const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<uint64_t>& dstK, const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<uint64_t>& dstF, const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<uint64_t>& types) = 0;
* Creates a Script Group.
* @param name Name
* @param cacheDir Cache directory
* @param closures Collection of Closures
* @return scriptGroup2 Created Script Group
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<uint64_t> scriptGroup2Create(const ::android::hardware::hidl_string& name, const ::android::hardware::hidl_string& cacheDir, const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<uint64_t>& closures) = 0;
* TODO: if SetInput/Output corresponds to the Java API setInput() and
* setOutput(), which are documented as deprecated in API 23, do we need to
* support them? Or can we fallback to the CPU when they're used? Or can't
* we tell whether they're used early enough to do fallback?
* Sets an output of the ScriptGroup. This specifies an Allocation to be
* used for the kernels that require an output Allocation visible after the
* ScriptGroup is executed.
* @param sg Script Group
* @param kid Script's Kernel identifier to be changed
* @param alloc Allocation to be filled by output
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> scriptGroupSetOutput(uint64_t sg, uint64_t kid, uint64_t alloc) = 0;
* Sets an input of the Script Group. This specifies an Allocation to be
* used for kernels that require an input Allocation provided from outside
* of the Script Group.
* @param sg Script Group
* @param kid Script's Kernel identifier to be changed
* @param alloc Allocation to be read as input
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> scriptGroupSetInput(uint64_t sg, uint64_t kid, uint64_t alloc) = 0;
* Executes a Script Group.
* @param sg Script Group to be executed.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> scriptGroupExecute(uint64_t sg) = 0;
* Frees any native resources associated with this object. The primary use
* is to force immediate cleanup of resources when it is believed the GC
* may not respond quickly enough.
* @param handle Opaque handle to the server-side object to be destroyed
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> objDestroy(uint64_t obj) = 0;
* Creates a Sampler.
* @param magFilter Magnification value for the filter
* @param minFilter Minification value for the filter
* @param wrapS S wrapping mode for the sampler
* @param wrapT T wrapping mode for the sampler
* @param wrapR R wrapping mode for the sampler
* @param aniso Anisotropy setting for the sampler
* @return sampler Created Sampler
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<uint64_t> samplerCreate(::android::hardware::renderscript::V1_0::SamplerValue magFilter, ::android::hardware::renderscript::V1_0::SamplerValue minFilter, ::android::hardware::renderscript::V1_0::SamplerValue wrapS, ::android::hardware::renderscript::V1_0::SamplerValue wrapT, ::android::hardware::renderscript::V1_0::SamplerValue wrapR, float aniso) = 0;
* Binds an Allocation to a global pointer in the Script.
* @param script Script to be bound to
* @param allocation Allocation to be bound
* @param slot Slot of a global variable
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> scriptBindAllocation(uint64_t script, uint64_t allocation, uint32_t slot) = 0;
* TODO: is this necessary?
* Sets the timezone of a Script.
* @param script Script to be altered
* @param timeZone Time Zone value as text
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> scriptSetTimeZone(uint64_t script, const ::android::hardware::hidl_string& timeZone) = 0;
* TODO: can scriptInvoke be combined with scriptInvokeV?
* Launches an invokable function.
* @param vs Script to be invoked
* @param slot Slot of invokable function
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> scriptInvoke(uint64_t vs, uint32_t slot) = 0;
* Invokes a Script with values.
* @param vs Script to be invoked
* @param slot Slot
* @param data Data buffer of packed arguments
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> scriptInvokeV(uint64_t vs, uint32_t slot, const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<uint8_t>& data) = 0;
* TODO: add documentation for params
* TODO: Should we rename "ScriptCall" to "LaunchOptions"?
* Launches a ForEach kernel.
* @param vs Script
* @param slot Slot of ForEach Kernel
* @param vains Collection of input Allocations or null
* @param vaout Output Allocation or null
* @param params Collection of parameters
* @param sc Pointer to a ScriptCall, nullptr if unused
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> scriptForEach(uint64_t vs, uint32_t slot, const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<uint64_t>& vains, uint64_t vaout, const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<uint8_t>& params, void* sc) = 0;
* Launches a Reduction kernel.
* @param vs Script
* @param slot Slot of Reduction Kernel
* @param vains Collection of input Allocations
* @param vaout Output Allocation
* @param sc Pointer to a ScriptCall, nullptr if unused
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> scriptReduce(uint64_t vs, uint32_t slot, const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<uint64_t>& vains, uint64_t vaout, void* sc) = 0;
* Sets a Script's integer variable to a value.
* @param vs RenderScript Script
* @param slot Slot number of variable to be updated
* @param value Value to be pushed to variable
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> scriptSetVarI(uint64_t vs, uint32_t slot, int32_t value) = 0;
* Sets a Script's Object variable to a value
* @param vs RenderScript Script
* @param slot Slot number of variable to be updated
* @param obj ObjectBase
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> scriptSetVarObj(uint64_t vs, uint32_t slot, uint64_t obj) = 0;
* Sets a Script's long variable to a value.
* @param vs RenderScript Script
* @param slot Slot number of variable to be updated
* @param value Value to be pushed to variable
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> scriptSetVarJ(uint64_t vs, uint32_t slot, int64_t value) = 0;
* Sets a Script's float variable to a value.
* @param vs RenderScript Script
* @param slot Slot number of variable to be updated
* @param value Value to be pushed to variable
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> scriptSetVarF(uint64_t vs, uint32_t slot, float value) = 0;
* Sets a Script's double variable to a value.
* @param vs RenderScript Script
* @param slot Slot number of variable to be updated
* @param value Value to be pushed to variable
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> scriptSetVarD(uint64_t vs, uint32_t slot, double value) = 0;
* Sets a Script's struct variable to a value.
* @param vs RenderScript Script
* @param slot Slot number of variable to be updated
* @param data Data to be pushed to variable
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> scriptSetVarV(uint64_t vs, uint32_t slot, const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<uint8_t>& data) = 0;
* Return callback for scriptGetVarV
using scriptGetVarV_cb = std::function<void(const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<uint8_t>& data)>;
* TODO: Why do we have typed setters but only untyped getter?
* Retrieves the value from a global variable in a script.
* @param vs RenderScript Script
* @param slot Slot number of variable to be read
* @param len Size of data to be filled
* @return data Data to be updated
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> scriptGetVarV(uint64_t vs, uint32_t slot, uint64_t len, scriptGetVarV_cb _hidl_cb) = 0;
* TODO: Is this a value to be replicated for each member of the array? Or
* is there a representation for each separate member?
* Sets the value of a global array of structs, given the Element and
* dimension.
* @param vs RenderScript Script
* @param slot Slot number of variable to be updated
* @param data Data
* @param ve Element
* @param dims Collection of dimensions
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> scriptSetVarVE(uint64_t vs, uint32_t slot, const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<uint8_t>& data, uint64_t ve, const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<uint32_t>& dims) = 0;
* TODO: is cacheDir redundant with createCache() function? Can we remove
* it?
* TODO: define resName more clearly
* Creates a RenderScript C99 kernel script.
* @param resName Resource name of the bitcode
* @param cacheDir Cache directory name
* @param text The kernel's bitcode as a uint8_t vector
* @return script Created Script
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<uint64_t> scriptCCreate(const ::android::hardware::hidl_string& resName, const ::android::hardware::hidl_string& cacheDir, const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<uint8_t>& text) = 0;
* Creates a RenderScript Intrinsic script.
* @param id Intrinsic Script identifier
* @param elem Element
* @return script Created Script
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<uint64_t> scriptIntrinsicCreate(::android::hardware::renderscript::V1_0::ScriptIntrinsicID id, uint64_t elem) = 0;
* Return callback for interfaceChain
using interfaceChain_cb = std::function<void(const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<::android::hardware::hidl_string>& descriptors)>;
* Provides run-time type information for this object.
* For example, for the following interface definition:
* package;
* interface IParent {};
* interface IChild extends IParent {};
* Calling interfaceChain on an IChild object must yield the following:
* ["",
* ""
* "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase"]
* @return descriptors a vector of descriptors of the run-time type of the
* object.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> interfaceChain(interfaceChain_cb _hidl_cb) override;
* Emit diagnostic information to the given file.
* Optionally overriden.
* @param fd File descriptor to dump data to.
* Must only be used for the duration of this call.
* @param options Arguments for debugging.
* Must support empty for default debug information.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> debug(const ::android::hardware::hidl_handle& fd, const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<::android::hardware::hidl_string>& options) override;
* Return callback for interfaceDescriptor
using interfaceDescriptor_cb = std::function<void(const ::android::hardware::hidl_string& descriptor)>;
* Provides run-time type information for this object.
* For example, for the following interface definition:
* package;
* interface IParent {};
* interface IChild extends IParent {};
* Calling interfaceDescriptor on an IChild object must yield
* ""
* @return descriptor a descriptor of the run-time type of the
* object (the first element of the vector returned by
* interfaceChain())
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> interfaceDescriptor(interfaceDescriptor_cb _hidl_cb) override;
* Return callback for getHashChain
using getHashChain_cb = std::function<void(const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<::android::hardware::hidl_array<uint8_t, 32>>& hashchain)>;
* Returns hashes of the source HAL files that define the interfaces of the
* runtime type information on the object.
* For example, for the following interface definition:
* package;
* interface IParent {};
* interface IChild extends IParent {};
* Calling interfaceChain on an IChild object must yield the following:
* [(hash of IChild.hal),
* (hash of IParent.hal)
* (hash of IBase.hal)].
* SHA-256 is used as the hashing algorithm. Each hash has 32 bytes
* according to SHA-256 standard.
* @return hashchain a vector of SHA-1 digests
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> getHashChain(getHashChain_cb _hidl_cb) override;
* This method trigger the interface to enable/disable instrumentation based
* on system property hal.instrumentation.enable.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> setHALInstrumentation() override;
* Registers a death recipient, to be called when the process hosting this
* interface dies.
* @param recipient a hidl_death_recipient callback object
* @param cookie a cookie that must be returned with the callback
* @return success whether the death recipient was registered successfully.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<bool> linkToDeath(const ::android::sp<::android::hardware::hidl_death_recipient>& recipient, uint64_t cookie) override;
* Provides way to determine if interface is running without requesting
* any functionality.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> ping() override;
* Return callback for getDebugInfo
using getDebugInfo_cb = std::function<void(const ::android::hidl::base::V1_0::DebugInfo& info)>;
* Get debug information on references on this interface.
* @return info debugging information. See comments of DebugInfo.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> getDebugInfo(getDebugInfo_cb _hidl_cb) override;
* This method notifies the interface that one or more system properties
* have changed. The default implementation calls
* (C++) report_sysprop_change() in libcutils or
* (Java) android.os.SystemProperties.reportSyspropChanged,
* which in turn calls a set of registered callbacks (eg to update trace
* tags).
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> notifySyspropsChanged() override;
* Unregisters the registered death recipient. If this service was registered
* multiple times with the same exact death recipient, this unlinks the most
* recently registered one.
* @param recipient a previously registered hidl_death_recipient callback
* @return success whether the death recipient was unregistered successfully.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<bool> unlinkToDeath(const ::android::sp<::android::hardware::hidl_death_recipient>& recipient) override;
// cast static functions
* This performs a checked cast based on what the underlying implementation actually is.
static ::android::hardware::Return<::android::sp<::android::hardware::renderscript::V1_0::IContext>> castFrom(const ::android::sp<::android::hardware::renderscript::V1_0::IContext>& parent, bool emitError = false);
* This performs a checked cast based on what the underlying implementation actually is.
static ::android::hardware::Return<::android::sp<::android::hardware::renderscript::V1_0::IContext>> castFrom(const ::android::sp<::android::hidl::base::V1_0::IBase>& parent, bool emitError = false);
// helper methods for interactions with the hwservicemanager
* This gets the service of this type with the specified instance name. If the
* service is currently not available or not in the VINTF manifest on a Trebilized
* device, this will return nullptr. This is useful when you don't want to block
* during device boot. If getStub is true, this will try to return an unwrapped
* passthrough implementation in the same process. This is useful when getting an
* implementation from the same partition/compilation group.
* In general, prefer getService(std::string,bool)
static ::android::sp<IContext> tryGetService(const std::string &serviceName="default", bool getStub=false);
* Deprecated. See tryGetService(std::string, bool)
static ::android::sp<IContext> tryGetService(const char serviceName[], bool getStub=false) { std::string str(serviceName ? serviceName : ""); return tryGetService(str, getStub); }
* Deprecated. See tryGetService(std::string, bool)
static ::android::sp<IContext> tryGetService(const ::android::hardware::hidl_string& serviceName, bool getStub=false) { std::string str(serviceName.c_str()); return tryGetService(str, getStub); }
* Calls tryGetService("default", bool). This is the recommended instance name for singleton services.
static ::android::sp<IContext> tryGetService(bool getStub) { return tryGetService("default", getStub); }
* This gets the service of this type with the specified instance name. If the
* service is not in the VINTF manifest on a Trebilized device, this will return
* nullptr. If the service is not available, this will wait for the service to
* become available. If the service is a lazy service, this will start the service
* and return when it becomes available. If getStub is true, this will try to
* return an unwrapped passthrough implementation in the same process. This is
* useful when getting an implementation from the same partition/compilation group.
static ::android::sp<IContext> getService(const std::string &serviceName="default", bool getStub=false);
* Deprecated. See getService(std::string, bool)
static ::android::sp<IContext> getService(const char serviceName[], bool getStub=false) { std::string str(serviceName ? serviceName : ""); return getService(str, getStub); }
* Deprecated. See getService(std::string, bool)
static ::android::sp<IContext> getService(const ::android::hardware::hidl_string& serviceName, bool getStub=false) { std::string str(serviceName.c_str()); return getService(str, getStub); }
* Calls getService("default", bool). This is the recommended instance name for singleton services.
static ::android::sp<IContext> getService(bool getStub) { return getService("default", getStub); }
* Registers a service with the service manager. For Trebilized devices, the service
* must also be in the VINTF manifest.
__attribute__ ((warn_unused_result))::android::status_t registerAsService(const std::string &serviceName="default");
* Registers for notifications for when a service is registered.
static bool registerForNotifications(
const std::string &serviceName,
const ::android::sp<::android::hidl::manager::V1_0::IServiceNotification> &notification);
// type declarations for package
static inline std::string toString(const ::android::sp<::android::hardware::renderscript::V1_0::IContext>& o);
// type header definitions for package
static inline std::string toString(const ::android::sp<::android::hardware::renderscript::V1_0::IContext>& o) {
std::string os = "[class or subclass of ";
os += ::android::hardware::renderscript::V1_0::IContext::descriptor;
os += "]";
os += o->isRemote() ? "@remote" : "@local";
return os;
} // namespace V1_0
} // namespace renderscript
} // namespace hardware
} // namespace android
// global type declarations for package