blob: 2a8d30d2daab52cfbd6973b4f1429bb4058008d0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <android/native_window.h>
#include <gui/IGraphicBufferProducer.h>
#include <gui/ITransactionCompletedListener.h>
#include <math/mat4.h>
#include <android/gui/DropInputMode.h>
#include <android/gui/FocusRequest.h>
#include <gui/ISurfaceComposer.h>
#include <gui/LayerMetadata.h>
#include <gui/SurfaceControl.h>
#include <gui/WindowInfo.h>
#include <math/vec3.h>
#include <ui/BlurRegion.h>
#include <ui/GraphicTypes.h>
#include <ui/Rect.h>
#include <ui/Region.h>
#include <ui/Rotation.h>
#include <ui/StretchEffect.h>
#include <ui/Transform.h>
#include <utils/Errors.h>
namespace android {
class Parcel;
class ISurfaceComposerClient;
struct client_cache_t {
wp<IBinder> token = nullptr;
uint64_t id;
bool operator==(const client_cache_t& other) const { return id ==; }
bool isValid() const { return token != nullptr; }
* Used to communicate layer information between SurfaceFlinger and its clients.
struct layer_state_t {
enum Permission {
enum {
eLayerHidden = 0x01, // SURFACE_HIDDEN in
eLayerOpaque = 0x02, // SURFACE_OPAQUE
eLayerSkipScreenshot = 0x40, // SKIP_SCREENSHOT
eLayerSecure = 0x80, // SECURE
// Queue up BufferStateLayer buffers instead of dropping the oldest buffer when this flag is
// set. This blocks the client until all the buffers have been presented. If the buffers
// have presentation timestamps, then we may drop buffers.
eEnableBackpressure = 0x100, // ENABLE_BACKPRESSURE
enum {
ePositionChanged = 0x00000001,
eLayerChanged = 0x00000002,
eSizeChanged = 0x00000004,
eAlphaChanged = 0x00000008,
eMatrixChanged = 0x00000010,
eTransparentRegionChanged = 0x00000020,
eFlagsChanged = 0x00000040,
eLayerStackChanged = 0x00000080,
eReleaseBufferListenerChanged = 0x00000400,
eShadowRadiusChanged = 0x00000800,
eLayerCreated = 0x00001000,
eBufferCropChanged = 0x00002000,
eRelativeLayerChanged = 0x00004000,
eReparent = 0x00008000,
eColorChanged = 0x00010000,
eDestroySurface = 0x00020000,
eTransformChanged = 0x00040000,
eTransformToDisplayInverseChanged = 0x00080000,
eCropChanged = 0x00100000,
eBufferChanged = 0x00200000,
eAcquireFenceChanged = 0x00400000,
eDataspaceChanged = 0x00800000,
eHdrMetadataChanged = 0x01000000,
eSurfaceDamageRegionChanged = 0x02000000,
eApiChanged = 0x04000000,
eSidebandStreamChanged = 0x08000000,
eColorTransformChanged = 0x10000000,
eHasListenerCallbacksChanged = 0x20000000,
eInputInfoChanged = 0x40000000,
eCornerRadiusChanged = 0x80000000,
eDestinationFrameChanged = 0x1'00000000,
eCachedBufferChanged = 0x2'00000000,
eBackgroundColorChanged = 0x4'00000000,
eMetadataChanged = 0x8'00000000,
eColorSpaceAgnosticChanged = 0x10'00000000,
eFrameRateSelectionPriority = 0x20'00000000,
eFrameRateChanged = 0x40'00000000,
eBackgroundBlurRadiusChanged = 0x80'00000000,
eProducerDisconnect = 0x100'00000000,
eFixedTransformHintChanged = 0x200'00000000,
eFrameNumberChanged = 0x400'00000000,
eBlurRegionsChanged = 0x800'00000000,
eAutoRefreshChanged = 0x1000'00000000,
eStretchChanged = 0x2000'00000000,
eTrustedOverlayChanged = 0x4000'00000000,
eDropInputModeChanged = 0x8000'00000000,
void merge(const layer_state_t& other);
status_t write(Parcel& output) const;
status_t read(const Parcel& input);
bool hasBufferChanges() const;
bool hasValidBuffer() const;
void sanitize(int32_t permissions);
struct matrix22_t {
float dsdx{0};
float dtdx{0};
float dtdy{0};
float dsdy{0};
status_t write(Parcel& output) const;
status_t read(const Parcel& input);
sp<IBinder> surface;
int32_t layerId;
uint64_t what;
float x;
float y;
int32_t z;
uint32_t w;
uint32_t h;
uint32_t layerStack;
float alpha;
uint32_t flags;
uint32_t mask;
uint8_t reserved;
matrix22_t matrix;
float cornerRadius;
uint32_t backgroundBlurRadius;
sp<SurfaceControl> reparentSurfaceControl;
sp<SurfaceControl> relativeLayerSurfaceControl;
sp<SurfaceControl> parentSurfaceControlForChild;
half3 color;
// non POD must be last. see write/read
Region transparentRegion;
uint32_t transform;
bool transformToDisplayInverse;
Rect crop;
Rect orientedDisplaySpaceRect;
sp<GraphicBuffer> buffer;
sp<Fence> acquireFence;
ui::Dataspace dataspace;
HdrMetadata hdrMetadata;
Region surfaceDamageRegion;
int32_t api;
sp<NativeHandle> sidebandStream;
mat4 colorTransform;
std::vector<BlurRegion> blurRegions;
sp<gui::WindowInfoHandle> windowInfoHandle = new gui::WindowInfoHandle();
client_cache_t cachedBuffer;
LayerMetadata metadata;
// The following refer to the alpha, and dataspace, respectively of
// the background color layer
float bgColorAlpha;
ui::Dataspace bgColorDataspace;
// A color space agnostic layer means the color of this layer can be
// interpreted in any color space.
bool colorSpaceAgnostic;
std::vector<ListenerCallbacks> listeners;
// Draws a shadow around the surface.
float shadowRadius;
// Priority of the layer assigned by Window Manager.
int32_t frameRateSelectionPriority;
// Layer frame rate and compatibility. See ANativeWindow_setFrameRate().
float frameRate;
int8_t frameRateCompatibility;
int8_t changeFrameRateStrategy;
// Set by window manager indicating the layer and all its children are
// in a different orientation than the display. The hint suggests that
// the graphic producers should receive a transform hint as if the
// display was in this orientation. When the display changes to match
// the layer orientation, the graphic producer may not need to allocate
// a buffer of a different size. -1 means the transform hint is not set,
// otherwise the value will be a valid ui::Rotation.
ui::Transform::RotationFlags fixedTransformHint;
// Used by BlastBufferQueue to forward the framenumber generated by the
// graphics producer.
uint64_t frameNumber;
// Indicates that the consumer should acquire the next frame as soon as it
// can and not wait for a frame to become available. This is only relevant
// in shared buffer mode.
bool autoRefresh;
// An inherited state that indicates that this surface control and its children
// should be trusted for input occlusion detection purposes
bool isTrustedOverlay;
// Stretch effect to be applied to this layer
StretchEffect stretchEffect;
Rect bufferCrop;
Rect destinationFrame;
// Listens to when the buffer is safe to be released. This is used for blast
// layers only. The callback includes a release fence as well as the graphic
// buffer id to identify the buffer.
sp<ITransactionCompletedListener> releaseBufferListener;
// Keeps track of the release callback id associated with the listener. This
// is not sent to the server since the id can be reconstructed there. This
// is used to remove the old callback from the client process map if it is
// overwritten by another setBuffer call.
ReleaseCallbackId releaseCallbackId;
// Stores which endpoint the release information should be sent to. We don't want to send the
// releaseCallbackId and release fence to all listeners so we store which listener the setBuffer
// was called with.
sp<IBinder> releaseBufferEndpoint;
// Force inputflinger to drop all input events for the layer and its children.
gui::DropInputMode dropInputMode;
struct ComposerState {
layer_state_t state;
status_t write(Parcel& output) const;
status_t read(const Parcel& input);
struct DisplayState {
enum {
eSurfaceChanged = 0x01,
eLayerStackChanged = 0x02,
eDisplayProjectionChanged = 0x04,
eDisplaySizeChanged = 0x08,
eFlagsChanged = 0x10
void merge(const DisplayState& other);
uint32_t what;
sp<IBinder> token;
sp<IGraphicBufferProducer> surface;
uint32_t layerStack;
uint32_t flags;
// These states define how layers are projected onto the physical display.
// Layers are first clipped to `layerStackSpaceRect'. They are then translated and
// scaled from `layerStackSpaceRect' to `orientedDisplaySpaceRect'. Finally, they are rotated
// according to `orientation', `width', and `height'.
// For example, assume layerStackSpaceRect is Rect(0, 0, 200, 100), orientedDisplaySpaceRect is
// Rect(20, 10, 420, 210), and the size of the display is WxH. When orientation is 0, layers
// will be scaled by a factor of 2 and translated by (20, 10). When orientation is 1, layers
// will be additionally rotated by 90 degrees around the origin clockwise and translated by (W,
// 0).
ui::Rotation orientation = ui::ROTATION_0;
Rect layerStackSpaceRect;
Rect orientedDisplaySpaceRect;
uint32_t width, height;
status_t write(Parcel& output) const;
status_t read(const Parcel& input);
struct InputWindowCommands {
std::vector<gui::FocusRequest> focusRequests;
bool syncInputWindows{false};
// Merges the passed in commands and returns true if there were any changes.
bool merge(const InputWindowCommands& other);
bool empty() const;
void clear();
status_t write(Parcel& output) const;
status_t read(const Parcel& input);
static inline int compare_type(const ComposerState& lhs, const ComposerState& rhs) {
if (lhs.state.surface < rhs.state.surface) return -1;
if (lhs.state.surface > rhs.state.surface) return 1;
return 0;
static inline int compare_type(const DisplayState& lhs, const DisplayState& rhs) {
return compare_type(lhs.token, rhs.token);
// Returns true if the frameRate is valid.
// @param frameRate the frame rate in Hz
// @param changeFrameRateStrategy a ANATIVEWINDOW_CHANGE_FRAME_RATE_*
// @param functionName calling function or nullptr. Used for logging
// @param privileged whether caller has unscoped surfaceflinger access
bool ValidateFrameRate(float frameRate, int8_t compatibility, int8_t changeFrameRateStrategy,
const char* functionName, bool privileged = false);
struct CaptureArgs {
const static int32_t UNSET_UID = -1;
virtual ~CaptureArgs() = default;
ui::PixelFormat pixelFormat{ui::PixelFormat::RGBA_8888};
Rect sourceCrop;
float frameScaleX{1};
float frameScaleY{1};
bool captureSecureLayers{false};
int32_t uid{UNSET_UID};
// Force capture to be in a color space. If the value is ui::Dataspace::UNKNOWN, the captured
// result will be in the display's colorspace.
// The display may use non-RGB dataspace (ex. displayP3) that could cause pixel data could be
// different from SRGB (byte per color), and failed when checking colors in tests.
// NOTE: In normal cases, we want the screen to be captured in display's colorspace.
ui::Dataspace dataspace = ui::Dataspace::UNKNOWN;
// The receiver of the capture can handle protected buffer. A protected buffer has
// GRALLOC_USAGE_PROTECTED usage bit and must not be accessed unprotected behaviour.
// Any read/write access from unprotected context will result in undefined behaviour.
// Protected contents are typically DRM contents. This has no direct implication to the
// secure property of the surface, which is specified by the application explicitly to avoid
// the contents being accessed/captured by screenshot or unsecure display.
bool allowProtected = false;
bool grayscale = false;
virtual status_t write(Parcel& output) const;
virtual status_t read(const Parcel& input);
struct DisplayCaptureArgs : CaptureArgs {
sp<IBinder> displayToken;
uint32_t width{0};
uint32_t height{0};
bool useIdentityTransform{false};
status_t write(Parcel& output) const override;
status_t read(const Parcel& input) override;
struct LayerCaptureArgs : CaptureArgs {
sp<IBinder> layerHandle;
std::unordered_set<sp<IBinder>, ISurfaceComposer::SpHash<IBinder>> excludeHandles;
bool childrenOnly{false};
status_t write(Parcel& output) const override;
status_t read(const Parcel& input) override;
}; // namespace android