blob: 6c25e7c0287f9b178ff0d437ecde48abfcf8811d [file] [log] [blame]
#include <android/hardware/wifi/1.3/IHwWifi.h>
namespace android {
namespace hardware {
namespace wifi {
namespace V1_3 {
struct BnHwWifi : public ::android::hidl::base::V1_0::BnHwBase {
explicit BnHwWifi(const ::android::sp<IWifi> &_hidl_impl);
explicit BnHwWifi(const ::android::sp<IWifi> &_hidl_impl, const std::string& HidlInstrumentor_package, const std::string& HidlInstrumentor_interface);
virtual ~BnHwWifi();
::android::status_t onTransact(
uint32_t _hidl_code,
const ::android::hardware::Parcel &_hidl_data,
::android::hardware::Parcel *_hidl_reply,
uint32_t _hidl_flags = 0,
TransactCallback _hidl_cb = nullptr) override;
* The pure class is what this class wraps.
typedef IWifi Pure;
* Type tag for use in template logic that indicates this is a 'native' class.
typedef ::android::hardware::details::bnhw_tag _hidl_tag;
::android::sp<IWifi> getImpl() { return _hidl_mImpl; }
// Methods from ::android::hardware::wifi::V1_0::IWifi follow.
// Methods from ::android::hidl::base::V1_0::IBase follow.
::android::hardware::Return<void> ping();
using getDebugInfo_cb = ::android::hidl::base::V1_0::IBase::getDebugInfo_cb;
::android::hardware::Return<void> getDebugInfo(getDebugInfo_cb _hidl_cb);
::android::sp<IWifi> _hidl_mImpl;
} // namespace V1_3
} // namespace wifi
} // namespace hardware
} // namespace android