blob: 98ca78b9ecfa4e32fd3bd20598297f188d1202f2 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <hidl/HidlSupport.h>
#include <hidl/MQDescriptor.h>
#include <utils/NativeHandle.h>
#include <utils/misc.h>
namespace android {
namespace hardware {
namespace graphics {
namespace mapper {
namespace V3_0 {
// Forward declaration for forward reference support:
enum class Error : int32_t;
struct YCbCrLayout;
* Error values that may be returned by a method of IAllocator or IMapper.
enum class Error : int32_t {
* No error.
NONE = 0,
* Invalid BufferDescriptor.
* Invalid buffer handle.
* Invalid HardwareBufferDescription.
* Resource unavailable.
* Permanent failure.
* A buffer descriptor is an implementation-defined opaque data returned by
* createDescriptor(). It describes the properties of a buffer and is consumed
* by the allocator.
typedef ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<uint32_t> BufferDescriptor;
* Structure for describing YCbCr formats for consumption by applications.
* This is used with PixelFormat::YCBCR_*_888.
* Buffer chroma subsampling is defined in the format.
* e.g. PixelFormat::YCBCR_420_888 has subsampling 4:2:0.
* Buffers must have a 8 bit depth.
* y, cb, and cr point to the first byte of their respective planes.
* Stride describes the distance in bytes from the first value of one row of
* the image to the first value of the next row. It includes the width of the
* image plus padding.
* yStride is the stride of the luma plane.
* cStride is the stride of the chroma planes.
* chromaStep is the distance in bytes from one chroma pixel value to the
* next. This is 2 bytes for semiplanar (because chroma values are interleaved
* and each chroma value is one byte) and 1 for planar.
struct YCbCrLayout final {
void* y;
void* cb;
void* cr;
uint32_t yStride;
uint32_t cStride;
uint32_t chromaStep;
// type declarations for package
static inline std::string toString(int32_t o);
static inline std::string toString(::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V3_0::Error o);
static inline void PrintTo(::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V3_0::Error o, ::std::ostream* os);
constexpr int32_t operator|(const ::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V3_0::Error lhs, const ::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V3_0::Error rhs) {
return static_cast<int32_t>(static_cast<int32_t>(lhs) | static_cast<int32_t>(rhs));
constexpr int32_t operator|(const int32_t lhs, const ::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V3_0::Error rhs) {
return static_cast<int32_t>(lhs | static_cast<int32_t>(rhs));
constexpr int32_t operator|(const ::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V3_0::Error lhs, const int32_t rhs) {
return static_cast<int32_t>(static_cast<int32_t>(lhs) | rhs);
constexpr int32_t operator&(const ::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V3_0::Error lhs, const ::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V3_0::Error rhs) {
return static_cast<int32_t>(static_cast<int32_t>(lhs) & static_cast<int32_t>(rhs));
constexpr int32_t operator&(const int32_t lhs, const ::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V3_0::Error rhs) {
return static_cast<int32_t>(lhs & static_cast<int32_t>(rhs));
constexpr int32_t operator&(const ::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V3_0::Error lhs, const int32_t rhs) {
return static_cast<int32_t>(static_cast<int32_t>(lhs) & rhs);
constexpr int32_t &operator|=(int32_t& v, const ::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V3_0::Error e) {
v |= static_cast<int32_t>(e);
return v;
constexpr int32_t &operator&=(int32_t& v, const ::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V3_0::Error e) {
v &= static_cast<int32_t>(e);
return v;
static inline std::string toString(const ::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V3_0::YCbCrLayout& o);
static inline void PrintTo(const ::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V3_0::YCbCrLayout& o, ::std::ostream*);
// operator== and operator!= are not generated for YCbCrLayout
// type header definitions for package
inline std::string toString<::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V3_0::Error>(int32_t o) {
using ::android::hardware::details::toHexString;
std::string os;
::android::hardware::hidl_bitfield<::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V3_0::Error> flipped = 0;
bool first = true;
if ((o & ::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V3_0::Error::NONE) == static_cast<int32_t>(::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V3_0::Error::NONE)) {
os += (first ? "" : " | ");
os += "NONE";
first = false;
flipped |= ::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V3_0::Error::NONE;
if ((o & ::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V3_0::Error::BAD_DESCRIPTOR) == static_cast<int32_t>(::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V3_0::Error::BAD_DESCRIPTOR)) {
os += (first ? "" : " | ");
first = false;
flipped |= ::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V3_0::Error::BAD_DESCRIPTOR;
if ((o & ::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V3_0::Error::BAD_BUFFER) == static_cast<int32_t>(::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V3_0::Error::BAD_BUFFER)) {
os += (first ? "" : " | ");
os += "BAD_BUFFER";
first = false;
flipped |= ::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V3_0::Error::BAD_BUFFER;
if ((o & ::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V3_0::Error::BAD_VALUE) == static_cast<int32_t>(::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V3_0::Error::BAD_VALUE)) {
os += (first ? "" : " | ");
os += "BAD_VALUE";
first = false;
flipped |= ::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V3_0::Error::BAD_VALUE;
if ((o & ::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V3_0::Error::NO_RESOURCES) == static_cast<int32_t>(::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V3_0::Error::NO_RESOURCES)) {
os += (first ? "" : " | ");
first = false;
flipped |= ::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V3_0::Error::NO_RESOURCES;
if ((o & ::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V3_0::Error::UNSUPPORTED) == static_cast<int32_t>(::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V3_0::Error::UNSUPPORTED)) {
os += (first ? "" : " | ");
first = false;
flipped |= ::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V3_0::Error::UNSUPPORTED;
if (o != flipped) {
os += (first ? "" : " | ");
os += toHexString(o & (~flipped));
}os += " (";
os += toHexString(o);
os += ")";
return os;
static inline std::string toString(::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V3_0::Error o) {
using ::android::hardware::details::toHexString;
if (o == ::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V3_0::Error::NONE) {
return "NONE";
if (o == ::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V3_0::Error::BAD_DESCRIPTOR) {
if (o == ::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V3_0::Error::BAD_BUFFER) {
return "BAD_BUFFER";
if (o == ::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V3_0::Error::BAD_VALUE) {
return "BAD_VALUE";
if (o == ::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V3_0::Error::NO_RESOURCES) {
return "NO_RESOURCES";
if (o == ::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V3_0::Error::UNSUPPORTED) {
std::string os;
os += toHexString(static_cast<int32_t>(o));
return os;
static inline void PrintTo(::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V3_0::Error o, ::std::ostream* os) {
*os << toString(o);
static inline std::string toString(const ::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V3_0::YCbCrLayout& o) {
using ::android::hardware::toString;
std::string os;
os += "{";
os += ".y = ";
os += ::android::hardware::toString(o.y);
os += ", .cb = ";
os += ::android::hardware::toString(o.cb);
os += ", .cr = ";
os += ::android::hardware::toString(;
os += ", .yStride = ";
os += ::android::hardware::toString(o.yStride);
os += ", .cStride = ";
os += ::android::hardware::toString(o.cStride);
os += ", .chromaStep = ";
os += ::android::hardware::toString(o.chromaStep);
os += "}"; return os;
static inline void PrintTo(const ::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V3_0::YCbCrLayout& o, ::std::ostream* os) {
*os << toString(o);
// operator== and operator!= are not generated for YCbCrLayout
} // namespace V3_0
} // namespace mapper
} // namespace graphics
} // namespace hardware
} // namespace android
// global type declarations for package
namespace android {
namespace hardware {
namespace details {
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wc++17-extensions"
template<> inline constexpr std::array<::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V3_0::Error, 6> hidl_enum_values<::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V3_0::Error> = {
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
} // namespace details
} // namespace hardware
} // namespace android