blob: 9a000979ee6dcc6e45a33bb1ecefac9ce1ae4ea9 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <android/hardware/camera/common/1.0/types.h>
#include <android/hardware/camera/device/3.2/types.h>
#include <android/hidl/base/1.0/IBase.h>
#include <android/hidl/manager/1.0/IServiceNotification.h>
#include <hidl/HidlSupport.h>
#include <hidl/MQDescriptor.h>
#include <hidl/Status.h>
#include <utils/NativeHandle.h>
#include <utils/misc.h>
namespace android {
namespace hardware {
namespace camera {
namespace device {
namespace V3_2 {
* Camera device active session interface.
* Obtained via ICameraDevice::open(), this interface contains the methods to
* configure and request captures from an active camera device.
struct ICameraDeviceSession : public ::android::hidl::base::V1_0::IBase {
* Type tag for use in template logic that indicates this is a 'pure' class.
typedef ::android::hardware::details::i_tag _hidl_tag;
* Fully qualified interface name: ""
static const char* descriptor;
* Returns whether this object's implementation is outside of the current process.
virtual bool isRemote() const override { return false; }
* Return callback for constructDefaultRequestSettings
using constructDefaultRequestSettings_cb = std::function<void(::android::hardware::camera::common::V1_0::Status status, const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<uint8_t>& requestTemplate)>;
* constructDefaultRequestSettings:
* Create capture settings for standard camera use cases.
* The device must return a settings buffer that is configured to meet the
* requested use case, which must be one of the CAMERA3_TEMPLATE_*
* enums. All request control fields must be included.
* Performance requirements:
* This must be a non-blocking call. The HAL should return from this call
* in 1ms, and must return from this call in 5ms.
* Return values:
* @return status Status code for the operation, one of:
* OK:
* On a successful construction of default settings.
* An unexpected internal error occurred, and the default settings
* are not available.
* The camera HAL does not support the input template type
* An external camera device has been disconnected, and is no longer
* available. This camera device interface is now stale, and a new
* instance must be acquired if the device is reconnected. All
* subsequent calls on this interface must return
* @return template The default capture request settings for the requested
* use case, or an empty metadata structure if status is not OK.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> constructDefaultRequestSettings(::android::hardware::camera::device::V3_2::RequestTemplate type, constructDefaultRequestSettings_cb _hidl_cb) = 0;
* Return callback for configureStreams
using configureStreams_cb = std::function<void(::android::hardware::camera::common::V1_0::Status status, const ::android::hardware::camera::device::V3_2::HalStreamConfiguration& halConfiguration)>;
* configureStreams:
* Reset the HAL camera device processing pipeline and set up new input and
* output streams. This call replaces any existing stream configuration with
* the streams defined in the streamList. This method must be called at
* least once before a request is submitted with processCaptureRequest().
* The streamList must contain at least one output-capable stream, and may
* not contain more than one input-capable stream.
* The streamList may contain streams that are also in the currently-active
* set of streams (from the previous call to configureStreams()). These
* streams must already have valid values for usage, maxBuffers, and the
* private pointer.
* If the HAL needs to change the stream configuration for an existing
* stream due to the new configuration, it may rewrite the values of usage
* and/or maxBuffers during the configure call.
* The framework must detect such a change, and may then reallocate the
* stream buffers before using buffers from that stream in a request.
* If a currently-active stream is not included in streamList, the HAL may
* safely remove any references to that stream. It must not be reused in a
* later configureStreams() call by the framework, and all the gralloc
* buffers for it must be freed after the configureStreams() call returns.
* If the stream is new, the client must set the consumer usage flags in
* requestedConfiguration. Upon return, the HAL device must set producerUsage,
* maxBuffers, and other fields in the configureStreams() return values. These
* fields are then used by the framework and the platform gralloc module to
* allocate the gralloc buffers for each stream.
* Newly allocated buffers may be included in a capture request at any time
* by the framework. Once a gralloc buffer is returned to the framework
* with processCaptureResult (and its respective releaseFence has been
* signaled) the framework may free or reuse it at any time.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Preconditions:
* The framework must only call this method when no captures are being
* processed. That is, all results have been returned to the framework, and
* all in-flight input and output buffers have been returned and their
* release sync fences have been signaled by the HAL. The framework must not
* submit new requests for capture while the configureStreams() call is
* underway.
* Postconditions:
* The HAL device must configure itself to provide maximum possible output
* frame rate given the sizes and formats of the output streams, as
* documented in the camera device's static metadata.
* Performance requirements:
* This call is expected to be heavyweight and possibly take several hundred
* milliseconds to complete, since it may require resetting and
* reconfiguring the image sensor and the camera processing pipeline.
* Nevertheless, the HAL device should attempt to minimize the
* reconfiguration delay to minimize the user-visible pauses during
* application operational mode changes (such as switching from still
* capture to video recording).
* The HAL should return from this call in 500ms, and must return from this
* call in 1000ms.
* @return Status Status code for the operation, one of:
* OK:
* On successful stream configuration.
* If there has been a fatal error and the device is no longer
* operational. Only close() can be called successfully by the
* framework after this error is returned.
* If the requested stream configuration is invalid. Some examples
* of invalid stream configurations include:
* - Including more than 1 INPUT stream
* - Not including any OUTPUT streams
* - Including streams with unsupported formats, or an unsupported
* size for that format.
* - Including too many output streams of a certain format.
* - Unsupported rotation configuration
* - Stream sizes/formats don't satisfy the
* StreamConfigurationMode requirements for non-NORMAL mode, or
* the requested operation_mode is not supported by the HAL.
* - Unsupported usage flag
* The camera service cannot filter out all possible illegal stream
* configurations, since some devices may support more simultaneous
* streams or larger stream resolutions than the minimum required
* for a given camera device hardware level. The HAL must return an
* ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT for any unsupported stream set, and then be
* ready to accept a future valid stream configuration in a later
* configureStreams call.
* @return finalConfiguration The stream parameters desired by the HAL for
* each stream, including maximum buffers, the usage flags, and the
* override format.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> configureStreams(const ::android::hardware::camera::device::V3_2::StreamConfiguration& requestedConfiguration, configureStreams_cb _hidl_cb) = 0;
* Return callback for processCaptureRequest
using processCaptureRequest_cb = std::function<void(::android::hardware::camera::common::V1_0::Status status, uint32_t numRequestProcessed)>;
* processCaptureRequest:
* Send a list of capture requests to the HAL. The HAL must not return from
* this call until it is ready to accept the next set of requests to
* process. Only one call to processCaptureRequest() must be made at a time
* by the framework, and the calls must all be from the same thread. The
* next call to processCaptureRequest() must be made as soon as a new
* request and its associated buffers are available. In a normal preview
* scenario, this means the function is generally called again by the
* framework almost instantly. If more than one request is provided by the
* client, the HAL must process the requests in order of lowest index to
* highest index.
* The cachesToRemove argument contains a list of buffer caches (see
* StreamBuffer document for more information on buffer cache) to be removed
* by camera HAL. Camera HAL must remove these cache entries whether or not
* this method returns OK.
* The actual request processing is asynchronous, with the results of
* capture being returned by the HAL through the processCaptureResult()
* call. This call requires the result metadata to be available, but output
* buffers may simply provide sync fences to wait on. Multiple requests are
* expected to be in flight at once, to maintain full output frame rate.
* The framework retains ownership of the request structure. It is only
* guaranteed to be valid during this call. The HAL device must make copies
* of the information it needs to retain for the capture processing. The HAL
* is responsible for waiting on and closing the buffers' fences and
* returning the buffer handles to the framework.
* The HAL must write the file descriptor for the input buffer's release
* sync fence into input_buffer->release_fence, if input_buffer is not
* valid. If the HAL returns -1 for the input buffer release sync fence, the
* framework is free to immediately reuse the input buffer. Otherwise, the
* framework must wait on the sync fence before refilling and reusing the
* input buffer.
* The input/output buffers provided by the framework in each request
* may be brand new (having never before seen by the HAL).
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Performance considerations:
* Handling a new buffer should be extremely lightweight and there must be
* no frame rate degradation or frame jitter introduced.
* This call must return fast enough to ensure that the requested frame
* rate can be sustained, especially for streaming cases (post-processing
* quality settings set to FAST). The HAL should return this call in 1
* frame interval, and must return from this call in 4 frame intervals.
* @return status Status code for the operation, one of:
* OK:
* On a successful start to processing the capture request
* If the input is malformed (the settings are empty when not
* allowed, there are 0 output buffers, etc) and capture processing
* cannot start. Failures during request processing must be
* handled by calling ICameraDeviceCallback::notify(). In case of
* this error, the framework retains responsibility for the
* stream buffers' fences and the buffer handles; the HAL must not
* close the fences or return these buffers with
* ICameraDeviceCallback::processCaptureResult().
* If the camera device has encountered a serious error. After this
* error is returned, only the close() method can be successfully
* called by the framework.
* @return numRequestProcessed Number of requests successfully processed by
* camera HAL. When status is OK, this must be equal to the size of
* requests. When the call fails, this number is the number of requests
* that HAL processed successfully before HAL runs into an error.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> processCaptureRequest(const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<::android::hardware::camera::device::V3_2::CaptureRequest>& requests, const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<::android::hardware::camera::device::V3_2::BufferCache>& cachesToRemove, processCaptureRequest_cb _hidl_cb) = 0;
* Return callback for getCaptureRequestMetadataQueue
using getCaptureRequestMetadataQueue_cb = std::function<void(const ::android::hardware::MQDescriptorSync<uint8_t>& queue)>;
* getCaptureRequestMetadataQueue:
* Retrieves the queue used along with processCaptureRequest. If
* client decides to use fast message queue to pass request metadata,
* it must:
* - Call getCaptureRequestMetadataQueue to retrieve the fast message queue;
* - In each of the requests sent in processCaptureRequest, set
* fmqSettingsSize field of CaptureRequest to be the size to read from the
* fast message queue; leave settings field of CaptureRequest empty.
* @return queue the queue that client writes request metadata to.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> getCaptureRequestMetadataQueue(getCaptureRequestMetadataQueue_cb _hidl_cb) = 0;
* Return callback for getCaptureResultMetadataQueue
using getCaptureResultMetadataQueue_cb = std::function<void(const ::android::hardware::MQDescriptorSync<uint8_t>& queue)>;
* getCaptureResultMetadataQueue:
* Retrieves the queue used along with
* ICameraDeviceCallback.processCaptureResult.
* Clients to ICameraDeviceSession must:
* - Call getCaptureRequestMetadataQueue to retrieve the fast message queue;
* - In implementation of ICameraDeviceCallback, test whether
* .fmqResultSize field is zero.
* - If .fmqResultSize != 0, read result metadata from the fast message
* queue;
* - otherwise, read result metadata in CaptureResult.result.
* @return queue the queue that implementation writes result metadata to.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> getCaptureResultMetadataQueue(getCaptureResultMetadataQueue_cb _hidl_cb) = 0;
* flush:
* Flush all currently in-process captures and all buffers in the pipeline
* on the given device. Generally, this method is used to dump all state as
* quickly as possible in order to prepare for a configure_streams() call.
* No buffers are required to be successfully returned, so every buffer
* held at the time of flush() (whether successfully filled or not) may be
* returned with CAMERA3_BUFFER_STATUS_ERROR. Note the HAL is still allowed
* to return valid (CAMERA3_BUFFER_STATUS_OK) buffers during this call,
* provided they are successfully filled.
* All requests currently in the HAL are expected to be returned as soon as
* possible. Not-in-process requests must return errors immediately. Any
* interruptible hardware blocks must be stopped, and any uninterruptible
* blocks must be waited on.
* flush() may be called concurrently to processCaptureRequest(), with the
* expectation that processCaptureRequest returns quickly and the
* request submitted in that processCaptureRequest call is treated like
* all other in-flight requests. Due to concurrency issues, it is possible
* that from the HAL's point of view, a processCaptureRequest() call may
* be started after flush has been invoked but has not returned yet. If such
* a call happens before flush() returns, the HAL must treat the new
* capture request like other in-flight pending requests (see #4 below).
* More specifically, the HAL must follow below requirements for various
* cases:
* 1. For captures that are too late for the HAL to cancel/stop, and must be
* completed normally by the HAL; i.e. the HAL can send shutter/notify
* and processCaptureResult and buffers as normal.
* 2. For pending requests that have not done any processing, the HAL must
* call notify CAMERA3_MSG_ERROR_REQUEST, and return all the output
* buffers with processCaptureResult in the error state
* (CAMERA3_BUFFER_STATUS_ERROR). The HAL must not place the release
* fence into an error state, instead, the release fences must be set to
* the acquire fences passed by the framework, or -1 if they have been
* waited on by the HAL already. This is also the path to follow for any
* captures for which the HAL already called notify() with
* CAMERA3_MSG_SHUTTER but won't be producing any metadata/valid buffers
* for. After CAMERA3_MSG_ERROR_REQUEST, for a given frame, only
* processCaptureResults with buffers in CAMERA3_BUFFER_STATUS_ERROR
* are allowed. No further notifys or processCaptureResult with
* non-empty metadata is allowed.
* 3. For partially completed pending requests that do not have all the
* output buffers or perhaps missing metadata, the HAL must follow
* below:
* 3.1. Call notify with CAMERA3_MSG_ERROR_RESULT if some of the expected
* result metadata (i.e. one or more partial metadata) won't be
* available for the capture.
* 3.2. Call notify with CAMERA3_MSG_ERROR_BUFFER for every buffer that
* won't be produced for the capture.
* 3.3. Call notify with CAMERA3_MSG_SHUTTER with the capture timestamp
* before any buffers/metadata are returned with
* processCaptureResult.
* 3.4. For captures that will produce some results, the HAL must not
* call CAMERA3_MSG_ERROR_REQUEST, since that indicates complete
* failure.
* 3.5. Valid buffers/metadata must be passed to the framework as
* normal.
* 3.6. Failed buffers must be returned to the framework as described
* for case 2. But failed buffers do not have to follow the strict
* ordering valid buffers do, and may be out-of-order with respect
* to valid buffers. For example, if buffers A, B, C, D, E are sent,
* D and E are failed, then A, E, B, D, C is an acceptable return
* order.
* 3.7. For fully-missing metadata, calling CAMERA3_MSG_ERROR_RESULT is
* sufficient, no need to call processCaptureResult with empty
* metadata or equivalent.
* 4. If a flush() is invoked while a processCaptureRequest() invocation
* is active, that process call must return as soon as possible. In
* addition, if a processCaptureRequest() call is made after flush()
* has been invoked but before flush() has returned, the capture request
* provided by the late processCaptureRequest call must be treated
* like a pending request in case #2 above.
* flush() must only return when there are no more outstanding buffers or
* requests left in the HAL. The framework may call configure_streams (as
* the HAL state is now quiesced) or may issue new requests.
* Note that it's sufficient to only support fully-succeeded and
* fully-failed result cases. However, it is highly desirable to support
* the partial failure cases as well, as it could help improve the flush
* call overall performance.
* Performance requirements:
* The HAL should return from this call in 100ms, and must return from this
* call in 1000ms. And this call must not be blocked longer than pipeline
* latency (see S7 for definition).
* @return status Status code for the operation, one of:
* OK:
* On a successful flush of the camera HAL.
* If the camera device has encountered a serious error. After this
* error is returned, only the close() method can be successfully
* called by the framework.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<::android::hardware::camera::common::V1_0::Status> flush() = 0;
* close:
* Shut down the camera device.
* After this call, all calls to this session instance must return
* This method must always succeed, even if the device has encountered a
* serious error.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> close() = 0;
* Return callback for interfaceChain
using interfaceChain_cb = std::function<void(const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<::android::hardware::hidl_string>& descriptors)>;
* Provides run-time type information for this object.
* For example, for the following interface definition:
* package;
* interface IParent {};
* interface IChild extends IParent {};
* Calling interfaceChain on an IChild object must yield the following:
* ["",
* ""
* "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase"]
* @return descriptors a vector of descriptors of the run-time type of the
* object.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> interfaceChain(interfaceChain_cb _hidl_cb) override;
* Emit diagnostic information to the given file.
* Optionally overriden.
* @param fd File descriptor to dump data to.
* Must only be used for the duration of this call.
* @param options Arguments for debugging.
* Must support empty for default debug information.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> debug(const ::android::hardware::hidl_handle& fd, const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<::android::hardware::hidl_string>& options) override;
* Return callback for interfaceDescriptor
using interfaceDescriptor_cb = std::function<void(const ::android::hardware::hidl_string& descriptor)>;
* Provides run-time type information for this object.
* For example, for the following interface definition:
* package;
* interface IParent {};
* interface IChild extends IParent {};
* Calling interfaceDescriptor on an IChild object must yield
* ""
* @return descriptor a descriptor of the run-time type of the
* object (the first element of the vector returned by
* interfaceChain())
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> interfaceDescriptor(interfaceDescriptor_cb _hidl_cb) override;
* Return callback for getHashChain
using getHashChain_cb = std::function<void(const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<::android::hardware::hidl_array<uint8_t, 32>>& hashchain)>;
* Returns hashes of the source HAL files that define the interfaces of the
* runtime type information on the object.
* For example, for the following interface definition:
* package;
* interface IParent {};
* interface IChild extends IParent {};
* Calling interfaceChain on an IChild object must yield the following:
* [(hash of IChild.hal),
* (hash of IParent.hal)
* (hash of IBase.hal)].
* SHA-256 is used as the hashing algorithm. Each hash has 32 bytes
* according to SHA-256 standard.
* @return hashchain a vector of SHA-1 digests
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> getHashChain(getHashChain_cb _hidl_cb) override;
* This method trigger the interface to enable/disable instrumentation based
* on system property hal.instrumentation.enable.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> setHALInstrumentation() override;
* Registers a death recipient, to be called when the process hosting this
* interface dies.
* @param recipient a hidl_death_recipient callback object
* @param cookie a cookie that must be returned with the callback
* @return success whether the death recipient was registered successfully.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<bool> linkToDeath(const ::android::sp<::android::hardware::hidl_death_recipient>& recipient, uint64_t cookie) override;
* Provides way to determine if interface is running without requesting
* any functionality.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> ping() override;
* Return callback for getDebugInfo
using getDebugInfo_cb = std::function<void(const ::android::hidl::base::V1_0::DebugInfo& info)>;
* Get debug information on references on this interface.
* @return info debugging information. See comments of DebugInfo.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> getDebugInfo(getDebugInfo_cb _hidl_cb) override;
* This method notifies the interface that one or more system properties
* have changed. The default implementation calls
* (C++) report_sysprop_change() in libcutils or
* (Java) android.os.SystemProperties.reportSyspropChanged,
* which in turn calls a set of registered callbacks (eg to update trace
* tags).
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> notifySyspropsChanged() override;
* Unregisters the registered death recipient. If this service was registered
* multiple times with the same exact death recipient, this unlinks the most
* recently registered one.
* @param recipient a previously registered hidl_death_recipient callback
* @return success whether the death recipient was unregistered successfully.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<bool> unlinkToDeath(const ::android::sp<::android::hardware::hidl_death_recipient>& recipient) override;
// cast static functions
* This performs a checked cast based on what the underlying implementation actually is.
static ::android::hardware::Return<::android::sp<::android::hardware::camera::device::V3_2::ICameraDeviceSession>> castFrom(const ::android::sp<::android::hardware::camera::device::V3_2::ICameraDeviceSession>& parent, bool emitError = false);
* This performs a checked cast based on what the underlying implementation actually is.
static ::android::hardware::Return<::android::sp<::android::hardware::camera::device::V3_2::ICameraDeviceSession>> castFrom(const ::android::sp<::android::hidl::base::V1_0::IBase>& parent, bool emitError = false);
// helper methods for interactions with the hwservicemanager
* This gets the service of this type with the specified instance name. If the
* service is currently not available or not in the VINTF manifest on a Trebilized
* device, this will return nullptr. This is useful when you don't want to block
* during device boot. If getStub is true, this will try to return an unwrapped
* passthrough implementation in the same process. This is useful when getting an
* implementation from the same partition/compilation group.
* In general, prefer getService(std::string,bool)
static ::android::sp<ICameraDeviceSession> tryGetService(const std::string &serviceName="default", bool getStub=false);
* Deprecated. See tryGetService(std::string, bool)
static ::android::sp<ICameraDeviceSession> tryGetService(const char serviceName[], bool getStub=false) { std::string str(serviceName ? serviceName : ""); return tryGetService(str, getStub); }
* Deprecated. See tryGetService(std::string, bool)
static ::android::sp<ICameraDeviceSession> tryGetService(const ::android::hardware::hidl_string& serviceName, bool getStub=false) { std::string str(serviceName.c_str()); return tryGetService(str, getStub); }
* Calls tryGetService("default", bool). This is the recommended instance name for singleton services.
static ::android::sp<ICameraDeviceSession> tryGetService(bool getStub) { return tryGetService("default", getStub); }
* This gets the service of this type with the specified instance name. If the
* service is not in the VINTF manifest on a Trebilized device, this will return
* nullptr. If the service is not available, this will wait for the service to
* become available. If the service is a lazy service, this will start the service
* and return when it becomes available. If getStub is true, this will try to
* return an unwrapped passthrough implementation in the same process. This is
* useful when getting an implementation from the same partition/compilation group.
static ::android::sp<ICameraDeviceSession> getService(const std::string &serviceName="default", bool getStub=false);
* Deprecated. See getService(std::string, bool)
static ::android::sp<ICameraDeviceSession> getService(const char serviceName[], bool getStub=false) { std::string str(serviceName ? serviceName : ""); return getService(str, getStub); }
* Deprecated. See getService(std::string, bool)
static ::android::sp<ICameraDeviceSession> getService(const ::android::hardware::hidl_string& serviceName, bool getStub=false) { std::string str(serviceName.c_str()); return getService(str, getStub); }
* Calls getService("default", bool). This is the recommended instance name for singleton services.
static ::android::sp<ICameraDeviceSession> getService(bool getStub) { return getService("default", getStub); }
* Registers a service with the service manager. For Trebilized devices, the service
* must also be in the VINTF manifest.
__attribute__ ((warn_unused_result))::android::status_t registerAsService(const std::string &serviceName="default");
* Registers for notifications for when a service is registered.
static bool registerForNotifications(
const std::string &serviceName,
const ::android::sp<::android::hidl::manager::V1_0::IServiceNotification> &notification);
// type declarations for package
static inline std::string toString(const ::android::sp<::android::hardware::camera::device::V3_2::ICameraDeviceSession>& o);
// type header definitions for package
static inline std::string toString(const ::android::sp<::android::hardware::camera::device::V3_2::ICameraDeviceSession>& o) {
std::string os = "[class or subclass of ";
os += ::android::hardware::camera::device::V3_2::ICameraDeviceSession::descriptor;
os += "]";
os += o->isRemote() ? "@remote" : "@local";
return os;
} // namespace V3_2
} // namespace device
} // namespace camera
} // namespace hardware
} // namespace android
// global type declarations for package