blob: 911a747c579cd9b8480f84e67faf243fe4623b89 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <android/hardware/audio/effect/5.0/IEffect.h>
#include <android/hardware/audio/effect/5.0/types.h>
#include <android/hidl/manager/1.0/IServiceNotification.h>
#include <hidl/HidlSupport.h>
#include <hidl/MQDescriptor.h>
#include <hidl/Status.h>
#include <utils/NativeHandle.h>
#include <utils/misc.h>
namespace android {
namespace hardware {
namespace audio {
namespace effect {
namespace V5_0 {
struct IEnvironmentalReverbEffect : public ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEffect {
* Type tag for use in template logic that indicates this is a 'pure' class.
typedef ::android::hardware::details::i_tag _hidl_tag;
* Fully qualified interface name: ""
static const char* descriptor;
// Forward declaration for forward reference support:
enum class ParamRange : int16_t;
struct AllProperties;
enum class ParamRange : int16_t {
ROOM_LEVEL_MIN = -6000 /* -6000 */,
ROOM_HF_LEVEL_MIN = -4000 /* -4000 */,
REFLECTIONS_LEVEL_MIN = -6000 /* -6000 */,
REVERB_LEVEL_MIN = -6000 /* -6000 */,
struct AllProperties final {
int16_t roomLevel __attribute__ ((aligned(2)));
int16_t roomHfLevel __attribute__ ((aligned(2)));
uint32_t decayTime __attribute__ ((aligned(4)));
int16_t decayHfRatio __attribute__ ((aligned(2)));
int16_t reflectionsLevel __attribute__ ((aligned(2)));
uint32_t reflectionsDelay __attribute__ ((aligned(4)));
int16_t reverbLevel __attribute__ ((aligned(2)));
uint32_t reverbDelay __attribute__ ((aligned(4)));
int16_t diffusion __attribute__ ((aligned(2)));
int16_t density __attribute__ ((aligned(2)));
static_assert(offsetof(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::AllProperties, roomLevel) == 0, "wrong offset");
static_assert(offsetof(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::AllProperties, roomHfLevel) == 2, "wrong offset");
static_assert(offsetof(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::AllProperties, decayTime) == 4, "wrong offset");
static_assert(offsetof(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::AllProperties, decayHfRatio) == 8, "wrong offset");
static_assert(offsetof(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::AllProperties, reflectionsLevel) == 10, "wrong offset");
static_assert(offsetof(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::AllProperties, reflectionsDelay) == 12, "wrong offset");
static_assert(offsetof(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::AllProperties, reverbLevel) == 16, "wrong offset");
static_assert(offsetof(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::AllProperties, reverbDelay) == 20, "wrong offset");
static_assert(offsetof(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::AllProperties, diffusion) == 24, "wrong offset");
static_assert(offsetof(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::AllProperties, density) == 26, "wrong offset");
static_assert(sizeof(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::AllProperties) == 28, "wrong size");
static_assert(__alignof(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::AllProperties) == 4, "wrong alignment");
* Returns whether this object's implementation is outside of the current process.
virtual bool isRemote() const override { return false; }
* Initialize effect engine--all configurations return to default.
* @return retval operation completion status.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result> init() = 0;
* Apply new audio parameters configurations for input and output buffers.
* The provider callbacks may be empty, but in this case the buffer
* must be provided in the EffectConfig structure.
* @param config configuration descriptor.
* @param inputBufferProvider optional buffer provider reference.
* @param outputBufferProvider optional buffer provider reference.
* @return retval operation completion status.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result> setConfig(const ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::EffectConfig& config, const ::android::sp<::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEffectBufferProviderCallback>& inputBufferProvider, const ::android::sp<::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEffectBufferProviderCallback>& outputBufferProvider) = 0;
* Reset the effect engine. Keep configuration but resets state and buffer
* content.
* @return retval operation completion status.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result> reset() = 0;
* Enable processing.
* @return retval operation completion status.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result> enable() = 0;
* Disable processing.
* @return retval operation completion status.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result> disable() = 0;
* Set the rendering device the audio output path is connected to. The
* effect implementation must set EFFECT_FLAG_DEVICE_IND flag in its
* descriptor to receive this command when the device changes.
* Note: this method is only supported for effects inserted into
* the output chain.
* @param device output device specification.
* @return retval operation completion status.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result> setDevice(::android::hardware::hidl_bitfield<::android::hardware::audio::common::V5_0::AudioDevice> device) = 0;
* Return callback for setAndGetVolume
using setAndGetVolume_cb = std::function<void(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result retval, const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<uint32_t>& result)>;
* Set and get volume. Used by audio framework to delegate volume control to
* effect engine. The effect implementation must set EFFECT_FLAG_VOLUME_CTRL
* flag in its descriptor to receive this command. The effect engine must
* return the volume that should be applied before the effect is
* processed. The overall volume (the volume actually applied by the effect
* engine multiplied by the returned value) should match the value indicated
* in the command.
* @param volumes vector containing volume for each channel defined in
* EffectConfig for output buffer expressed in 8.24 fixed
* point format.
* @return result updated volume values.
* @return retval operation completion status.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> setAndGetVolume(const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<uint32_t>& volumes, setAndGetVolume_cb _hidl_cb) = 0;
* Notify the effect of the volume change. The effect implementation must
* set EFFECT_FLAG_VOLUME_IND flag in its descriptor to receive this
* command.
* @param volumes vector containing volume for each channel defined in
* EffectConfig for output buffer expressed in 8.24 fixed
* point format.
* @return retval operation completion status.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result> volumeChangeNotification(const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<uint32_t>& volumes) = 0;
* Set the audio mode. The effect implementation must set
* EFFECT_FLAG_AUDIO_MODE_IND flag in its descriptor to receive this command
* when the audio mode changes.
* @param mode desired audio mode.
* @return retval operation completion status.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result> setAudioMode(::android::hardware::audio::common::V5_0::AudioMode mode) = 0;
* Apply new audio parameters configurations for input and output buffers of
* reverse stream. An example of reverse stream is the echo reference
* supplied to an Acoustic Echo Canceler.
* @param config configuration descriptor.
* @param inputBufferProvider optional buffer provider reference.
* @param outputBufferProvider optional buffer provider reference.
* @return retval operation completion status.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result> setConfigReverse(const ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::EffectConfig& config, const ::android::sp<::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEffectBufferProviderCallback>& inputBufferProvider, const ::android::sp<::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEffectBufferProviderCallback>& outputBufferProvider) = 0;
* Set the capture device the audio input path is connected to. The effect
* implementation must set EFFECT_FLAG_DEVICE_IND flag in its descriptor to
* receive this command when the device changes.
* Note: this method is only supported for effects inserted into
* the input chain.
* @param device input device specification.
* @return retval operation completion status.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result> setInputDevice(::android::hardware::hidl_bitfield<::android::hardware::audio::common::V5_0::AudioDevice> device) = 0;
* Return callback for getConfig
using getConfig_cb = std::function<void(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result retval, const ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::EffectConfig& config)>;
* Read audio parameters configurations for input and output buffers.
* @return retval operation completion status.
* @return config configuration descriptor.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> getConfig(getConfig_cb _hidl_cb) = 0;
* Return callback for getConfigReverse
using getConfigReverse_cb = std::function<void(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result retval, const ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::EffectConfig& config)>;
* Read audio parameters configurations for input and output buffers of
* reverse stream.
* @return retval operation completion status.
* @return config configuration descriptor.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> getConfigReverse(getConfigReverse_cb _hidl_cb) = 0;
* Return callback for getSupportedAuxChannelsConfigs
using getSupportedAuxChannelsConfigs_cb = std::function<void(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result retval, const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::EffectAuxChannelsConfig>& result)>;
* Queries for supported combinations of main and auxiliary channels
* (e.g. for a multi-microphone noise suppressor).
* @param maxConfigs maximum number of the combinations to return.
* @return retval absence of the feature support is indicated using
* NOT_SUPPORTED code. RESULT_TOO_BIG is returned if
* the number of supported combinations exceeds 'maxConfigs'.
* @return result list of configuration descriptors.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> getSupportedAuxChannelsConfigs(uint32_t maxConfigs, getSupportedAuxChannelsConfigs_cb _hidl_cb) = 0;
* Return callback for getAuxChannelsConfig
using getAuxChannelsConfig_cb = std::function<void(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result retval, const ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::EffectAuxChannelsConfig& result)>;
* Retrieves the current configuration of main and auxiliary channels.
* @return retval absence of the feature support is indicated using
* @return result configuration descriptor.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> getAuxChannelsConfig(getAuxChannelsConfig_cb _hidl_cb) = 0;
* Sets the current configuration of main and auxiliary channels.
* @return retval operation completion status; absence of the feature
* support is indicated using NOT_SUPPORTED code.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result> setAuxChannelsConfig(const ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::EffectAuxChannelsConfig& config) = 0;
* Set the audio source the capture path is configured for (Camcorder, voice
* recognition...).
* Note: this method is only supported for effects inserted into
* the input chain.
* @param source source descriptor.
* @return retval operation completion status.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result> setAudioSource(::android::hardware::audio::common::V5_0::AudioSource source) = 0;
* This command indicates if the playback thread the effect is attached to
* is offloaded or not, and updates the I/O handle of the playback thread
* the effect is attached to.
* @param param effect offload descriptor.
* @return retval operation completion status.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result> offload(const ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::EffectOffloadParameter& param) = 0;
* Return callback for getDescriptor
using getDescriptor_cb = std::function<void(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result retval, const ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::EffectDescriptor& descriptor)>;
* Returns the effect descriptor.
* @return retval operation completion status.
* @return descriptor effect descriptor.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> getDescriptor(getDescriptor_cb _hidl_cb) = 0;
* Return callback for prepareForProcessing
using prepareForProcessing_cb = std::function<void(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result retval, const ::android::hardware::MQDescriptorSync<::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result>& statusMQ)>;
* Set up required transports for passing audio buffers to the effect.
* The transport consists of shared memory and a message queue for reporting
* effect processing operation status. The shared memory is set up
* separately using 'setProcessBuffers' method.
* Processing is requested by setting 'REQUEST_PROCESS' or
* 'REQUEST_PROCESS_REVERSE' EventFlags associated with the status message
* queue. The result of processing may be one of the following:
* OK if there were no errors during processing;
* INVALID_ARGUMENTS if audio buffers are invalid;
* INVALID_STATE if the engine has finished the disable phase;
* NOT_INITIALIZED if the audio buffers were not set;
* NOT_SUPPORTED if the requested processing type is not supported by
* the effect.
* @return retval OK if both message queues were created successfully.
* INVALID_STATE if the method was already called.
* INVALID_ARGUMENTS if there was a problem setting up
* the queue.
* @return statusMQ a message queue used for passing status from the effect.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> prepareForProcessing(prepareForProcessing_cb _hidl_cb) = 0;
* Set up input and output buffers for processing audio data. The effect
* may modify both the input and the output buffer during the operation.
* Buffers may be set multiple times during effect lifetime.
* The input and the output buffer may be reused between different effects,
* and the input buffer may be used as an output buffer. Buffers are
* distinguished using '' field.
* @param inBuffer input audio buffer.
* @param outBuffer output audio buffer.
* @return retval OK if both buffers were mapped successfully.
* INVALID_ARGUMENTS if there was a problem with mapping
* any of the buffers.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result> setProcessBuffers(const ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::AudioBuffer& inBuffer, const ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::AudioBuffer& outBuffer) = 0;
* Return callback for command
using command_cb = std::function<void(int32_t status, const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<uint8_t>& result)>;
* Execute a vendor specific command on the effect. The command code
* and data, as well as result data are not interpreted by Android
* Framework and are passed as-is between the application and the effect.
* The effect must use standard POSIX.1-2001 error codes for the operation
* completion status.
* Use this method only if the effect is provided by a third party, and
* there is no interface defined for it. This method only works for effects
* implemented in software.
* @param commandId the ID of the command.
* @param data command data.
* @param resultMaxSize maximum size in bytes of the result; can be 0.
* @return status command completion status.
* @return result result data.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> command(uint32_t commandId, const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<uint8_t>& data, uint32_t resultMaxSize, command_cb _hidl_cb) = 0;
* Set a vendor-specific parameter and apply it immediately. The parameter
* code and data are not interpreted by Android Framework and are passed
* as-is between the application and the effect.
* The effect must use INVALID_ARGUMENTS return code if the parameter ID is
* unknown or if provided parameter data is invalid. If the effect does not
* support setting vendor-specific parameters, it must return NOT_SUPPORTED.
* Use this method only if the effect is provided by a third party, and
* there is no interface defined for it. This method only works for effects
* implemented in software.
* @param parameter identifying data of the parameter.
* @param value the value of the parameter.
* @return retval operation completion status.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result> setParameter(const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<uint8_t>& parameter, const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<uint8_t>& value) = 0;
* Return callback for getParameter
using getParameter_cb = std::function<void(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result retval, const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<uint8_t>& value)>;
* Get a vendor-specific parameter value. The parameter code and returned
* data are not interpreted by Android Framework and are passed as-is
* between the application and the effect.
* The effect must use INVALID_ARGUMENTS return code if the parameter ID is
* unknown. If the effect does not support setting vendor-specific
* parameters, it must return NOT_SUPPORTED.
* Use this method only if the effect is provided by a third party, and
* there is no interface defined for it. This method only works for effects
* implemented in software.
* @param parameter identifying data of the parameter.
* @param valueMaxSize maximum size in bytes of the value.
* @return retval operation completion status.
* @return result the value of the parameter.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> getParameter(const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<uint8_t>& parameter, uint32_t valueMaxSize, getParameter_cb _hidl_cb) = 0;
* Return callback for getSupportedConfigsForFeature
using getSupportedConfigsForFeature_cb = std::function<void(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result retval, uint32_t configsCount, const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<uint8_t>& configsData)>;
* Get supported configs for a vendor-specific feature. The configs returned
* are not interpreted by Android Framework and are passed as-is between the
* application and the effect.
* The effect must use INVALID_ARGUMENTS return code if the feature ID is
* unknown. If the effect does not support getting vendor-specific feature
* configs, it must return NOT_SUPPORTED. If the feature is supported but
* the total number of supported configurations exceeds the maximum number
* indicated by the caller, the method must return RESULT_TOO_BIG.
* Use this method only if the effect is provided by a third party, and
* there is no interface defined for it. This method only works for effects
* implemented in software.
* @param featureId feature identifier.
* @param maxConfigs maximum number of configs to return.
* @param configSize size of each config in bytes.
* @return retval operation completion status.
* @return configsCount number of configs returned.
* @return configsData data for all the configs returned.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> getSupportedConfigsForFeature(uint32_t featureId, uint32_t maxConfigs, uint32_t configSize, getSupportedConfigsForFeature_cb _hidl_cb) = 0;
* Return callback for getCurrentConfigForFeature
using getCurrentConfigForFeature_cb = std::function<void(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result retval, const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<uint8_t>& configData)>;
* Get the current config for a vendor-specific feature. The config returned
* is not interpreted by Android Framework and is passed as-is between the
* application and the effect.
* The effect must use INVALID_ARGUMENTS return code if the feature ID is
* unknown. If the effect does not support getting vendor-specific
* feature configs, it must return NOT_SUPPORTED.
* Use this method only if the effect is provided by a third party, and
* there is no interface defined for it. This method only works for effects
* implemented in software.
* @param featureId feature identifier.
* @param configSize size of the config in bytes.
* @return retval operation completion status.
* @return configData config data.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> getCurrentConfigForFeature(uint32_t featureId, uint32_t configSize, getCurrentConfigForFeature_cb _hidl_cb) = 0;
* Set the current config for a vendor-specific feature. The config data
* is not interpreted by Android Framework and is passed as-is between the
* application and the effect.
* The effect must use INVALID_ARGUMENTS return code if the feature ID is
* unknown. If the effect does not support getting vendor-specific
* feature configs, it must return NOT_SUPPORTED.
* Use this method only if the effect is provided by a third party, and
* there is no interface defined for it. This method only works for effects
* implemented in software.
* @param featureId feature identifier.
* @param configData config data.
* @return retval operation completion status.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result> setCurrentConfigForFeature(uint32_t featureId, const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<uint8_t>& configData) = 0;
* Called by the framework to deinitialize the effect and free up
* all the currently allocated resources. It is recommended to close
* the effect on the client side as soon as it is becomes unused.
* @return retval OK in case the success.
* INVALID_STATE if the effect was already closed.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result> close() = 0;
* Sets whether the effect should be bypassed.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result> setBypass(bool bypass) = 0;
* Return callback for getBypass
using getBypass_cb = std::function<void(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result retval, bool bypass)>;
* Gets whether the effect should be bypassed.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> getBypass(getBypass_cb _hidl_cb) = 0;
* Sets the room level.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result> setRoomLevel(int16_t roomLevel) = 0;
* Return callback for getRoomLevel
using getRoomLevel_cb = std::function<void(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result retval, int16_t roomLevel)>;
* Gets the room level.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> getRoomLevel(getRoomLevel_cb _hidl_cb) = 0;
* Sets the room high frequencies level.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result> setRoomHfLevel(int16_t roomHfLevel) = 0;
* Return callback for getRoomHfLevel
using getRoomHfLevel_cb = std::function<void(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result retval, int16_t roomHfLevel)>;
* Gets the room high frequencies level.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> getRoomHfLevel(getRoomHfLevel_cb _hidl_cb) = 0;
* Sets the room decay time.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result> setDecayTime(uint32_t decayTime) = 0;
* Return callback for getDecayTime
using getDecayTime_cb = std::function<void(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result retval, uint32_t decayTime)>;
* Gets the room decay time.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> getDecayTime(getDecayTime_cb _hidl_cb) = 0;
* Sets the ratio of high frequencies decay.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result> setDecayHfRatio(int16_t decayHfRatio) = 0;
* Return callback for getDecayHfRatio
using getDecayHfRatio_cb = std::function<void(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result retval, int16_t decayHfRatio)>;
* Gets the ratio of high frequencies decay.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> getDecayHfRatio(getDecayHfRatio_cb _hidl_cb) = 0;
* Sets the level of reflections in the room.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result> setReflectionsLevel(int16_t reflectionsLevel) = 0;
* Return callback for getReflectionsLevel
using getReflectionsLevel_cb = std::function<void(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result retval, int16_t reflectionsLevel)>;
* Gets the level of reflections in the room.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> getReflectionsLevel(getReflectionsLevel_cb _hidl_cb) = 0;
* Sets the reflections delay in the room.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result> setReflectionsDelay(uint32_t reflectionsDelay) = 0;
* Return callback for getReflectionsDelay
using getReflectionsDelay_cb = std::function<void(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result retval, uint32_t reflectionsDelay)>;
* Gets the reflections delay in the room.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> getReflectionsDelay(getReflectionsDelay_cb _hidl_cb) = 0;
* Sets the reverb level of the room.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result> setReverbLevel(int16_t reverbLevel) = 0;
* Return callback for getReverbLevel
using getReverbLevel_cb = std::function<void(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result retval, int16_t reverbLevel)>;
* Gets the reverb level of the room.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> getReverbLevel(getReverbLevel_cb _hidl_cb) = 0;
* Sets the reverb delay of the room.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result> setReverbDelay(uint32_t reverDelay) = 0;
* Return callback for getReverbDelay
using getReverbDelay_cb = std::function<void(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result retval, uint32_t reverbDelay)>;
* Gets the reverb delay of the room.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> getReverbDelay(getReverbDelay_cb _hidl_cb) = 0;
* Sets room diffusion.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result> setDiffusion(int16_t diffusion) = 0;
* Return callback for getDiffusion
using getDiffusion_cb = std::function<void(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result retval, int16_t diffusion)>;
* Gets room diffusion.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> getDiffusion(getDiffusion_cb _hidl_cb) = 0;
* Sets room wall density.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result> setDensity(int16_t density) = 0;
* Return callback for getDensity
using getDensity_cb = std::function<void(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result retval, int16_t density)>;
* Gets room wall density.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> getDensity(getDensity_cb _hidl_cb) = 0;
* Sets all properties at once.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result> setAllProperties(const ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::AllProperties& properties) = 0;
* Return callback for getAllProperties
using getAllProperties_cb = std::function<void(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::Result retval, const ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::AllProperties& properties)>;
* Gets all properties at once.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> getAllProperties(getAllProperties_cb _hidl_cb) = 0;
* Return callback for interfaceChain
using interfaceChain_cb = std::function<void(const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<::android::hardware::hidl_string>& descriptors)>;
* Provides run-time type information for this object.
* For example, for the following interface definition:
* package;
* interface IParent {};
* interface IChild extends IParent {};
* Calling interfaceChain on an IChild object must yield the following:
* ["",
* ""
* "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase"]
* @return descriptors a vector of descriptors of the run-time type of the
* object.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> interfaceChain(interfaceChain_cb _hidl_cb) override;
* Emit diagnostic information to the given file.
* Optionally overriden.
* @param fd File descriptor to dump data to.
* Must only be used for the duration of this call.
* @param options Arguments for debugging.
* Must support empty for default debug information.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> debug(const ::android::hardware::hidl_handle& fd, const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<::android::hardware::hidl_string>& options) override;
* Return callback for interfaceDescriptor
using interfaceDescriptor_cb = std::function<void(const ::android::hardware::hidl_string& descriptor)>;
* Provides run-time type information for this object.
* For example, for the following interface definition:
* package;
* interface IParent {};
* interface IChild extends IParent {};
* Calling interfaceDescriptor on an IChild object must yield
* ""
* @return descriptor a descriptor of the run-time type of the
* object (the first element of the vector returned by
* interfaceChain())
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> interfaceDescriptor(interfaceDescriptor_cb _hidl_cb) override;
* Return callback for getHashChain
using getHashChain_cb = std::function<void(const ::android::hardware::hidl_vec<::android::hardware::hidl_array<uint8_t, 32>>& hashchain)>;
* Returns hashes of the source HAL files that define the interfaces of the
* runtime type information on the object.
* For example, for the following interface definition:
* package;
* interface IParent {};
* interface IChild extends IParent {};
* Calling interfaceChain on an IChild object must yield the following:
* [(hash of IChild.hal),
* (hash of IParent.hal)
* (hash of IBase.hal)].
* SHA-256 is used as the hashing algorithm. Each hash has 32 bytes
* according to SHA-256 standard.
* @return hashchain a vector of SHA-1 digests
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> getHashChain(getHashChain_cb _hidl_cb) override;
* This method trigger the interface to enable/disable instrumentation based
* on system property hal.instrumentation.enable.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> setHALInstrumentation() override;
* Registers a death recipient, to be called when the process hosting this
* interface dies.
* @param recipient a hidl_death_recipient callback object
* @param cookie a cookie that must be returned with the callback
* @return success whether the death recipient was registered successfully.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<bool> linkToDeath(const ::android::sp<::android::hardware::hidl_death_recipient>& recipient, uint64_t cookie) override;
* Provides way to determine if interface is running without requesting
* any functionality.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> ping() override;
* Return callback for getDebugInfo
using getDebugInfo_cb = std::function<void(const ::android::hidl::base::V1_0::DebugInfo& info)>;
* Get debug information on references on this interface.
* @return info debugging information. See comments of DebugInfo.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> getDebugInfo(getDebugInfo_cb _hidl_cb) override;
* This method notifies the interface that one or more system properties
* have changed. The default implementation calls
* (C++) report_sysprop_change() in libcutils or
* (Java) android.os.SystemProperties.reportSyspropChanged,
* which in turn calls a set of registered callbacks (eg to update trace
* tags).
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> notifySyspropsChanged() override;
* Unregisters the registered death recipient. If this service was registered
* multiple times with the same exact death recipient, this unlinks the most
* recently registered one.
* @param recipient a previously registered hidl_death_recipient callback
* @return success whether the death recipient was unregistered successfully.
virtual ::android::hardware::Return<bool> unlinkToDeath(const ::android::sp<::android::hardware::hidl_death_recipient>& recipient) override;
// cast static functions
* This performs a checked cast based on what the underlying implementation actually is.
static ::android::hardware::Return<::android::sp<::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect>> castFrom(const ::android::sp<::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect>& parent, bool emitError = false);
* This performs a checked cast based on what the underlying implementation actually is.
static ::android::hardware::Return<::android::sp<::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect>> castFrom(const ::android::sp<::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEffect>& parent, bool emitError = false);
* This performs a checked cast based on what the underlying implementation actually is.
static ::android::hardware::Return<::android::sp<::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect>> castFrom(const ::android::sp<::android::hidl::base::V1_0::IBase>& parent, bool emitError = false);
// helper methods for interactions with the hwservicemanager
* This gets the service of this type with the specified instance name. If the
* service is currently not available or not in the VINTF manifest on a Trebilized
* device, this will return nullptr. This is useful when you don't want to block
* during device boot. If getStub is true, this will try to return an unwrapped
* passthrough implementation in the same process. This is useful when getting an
* implementation from the same partition/compilation group.
* In general, prefer getService(std::string,bool)
static ::android::sp<IEnvironmentalReverbEffect> tryGetService(const std::string &serviceName="default", bool getStub=false);
* Deprecated. See tryGetService(std::string, bool)
static ::android::sp<IEnvironmentalReverbEffect> tryGetService(const char serviceName[], bool getStub=false) { std::string str(serviceName ? serviceName : ""); return tryGetService(str, getStub); }
* Deprecated. See tryGetService(std::string, bool)
static ::android::sp<IEnvironmentalReverbEffect> tryGetService(const ::android::hardware::hidl_string& serviceName, bool getStub=false) { std::string str(serviceName.c_str()); return tryGetService(str, getStub); }
* Calls tryGetService("default", bool). This is the recommended instance name for singleton services.
static ::android::sp<IEnvironmentalReverbEffect> tryGetService(bool getStub) { return tryGetService("default", getStub); }
* This gets the service of this type with the specified instance name. If the
* service is not in the VINTF manifest on a Trebilized device, this will return
* nullptr. If the service is not available, this will wait for the service to
* become available. If the service is a lazy service, this will start the service
* and return when it becomes available. If getStub is true, this will try to
* return an unwrapped passthrough implementation in the same process. This is
* useful when getting an implementation from the same partition/compilation group.
static ::android::sp<IEnvironmentalReverbEffect> getService(const std::string &serviceName="default", bool getStub=false);
* Deprecated. See getService(std::string, bool)
static ::android::sp<IEnvironmentalReverbEffect> getService(const char serviceName[], bool getStub=false) { std::string str(serviceName ? serviceName : ""); return getService(str, getStub); }
* Deprecated. See getService(std::string, bool)
static ::android::sp<IEnvironmentalReverbEffect> getService(const ::android::hardware::hidl_string& serviceName, bool getStub=false) { std::string str(serviceName.c_str()); return getService(str, getStub); }
* Calls getService("default", bool). This is the recommended instance name for singleton services.
static ::android::sp<IEnvironmentalReverbEffect> getService(bool getStub) { return getService("default", getStub); }
* Registers a service with the service manager. For Trebilized devices, the service
* must also be in the VINTF manifest.
__attribute__ ((warn_unused_result))::android::status_t registerAsService(const std::string &serviceName="default");
* Registers for notifications for when a service is registered.
static bool registerForNotifications(
const std::string &serviceName,
const ::android::sp<::android::hidl::manager::V1_0::IServiceNotification> &notification);
// type declarations for package
static inline std::string toString(int16_t o);
static inline std::string toString(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange o);
static inline void PrintTo(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange o, ::std::ostream* os);
constexpr int16_t operator|(const ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange lhs, const ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange rhs) {
return static_cast<int16_t>(static_cast<int16_t>(lhs) | static_cast<int16_t>(rhs));
constexpr int16_t operator|(const int16_t lhs, const ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange rhs) {
return static_cast<int16_t>(lhs | static_cast<int16_t>(rhs));
constexpr int16_t operator|(const ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange lhs, const int16_t rhs) {
return static_cast<int16_t>(static_cast<int16_t>(lhs) | rhs);
constexpr int16_t operator&(const ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange lhs, const ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange rhs) {
return static_cast<int16_t>(static_cast<int16_t>(lhs) & static_cast<int16_t>(rhs));
constexpr int16_t operator&(const int16_t lhs, const ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange rhs) {
return static_cast<int16_t>(lhs & static_cast<int16_t>(rhs));
constexpr int16_t operator&(const ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange lhs, const int16_t rhs) {
return static_cast<int16_t>(static_cast<int16_t>(lhs) & rhs);
constexpr int16_t &operator|=(int16_t& v, const ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange e) {
v |= static_cast<int16_t>(e);
return v;
constexpr int16_t &operator&=(int16_t& v, const ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange e) {
v &= static_cast<int16_t>(e);
return v;
static inline std::string toString(const ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::AllProperties& o);
static inline void PrintTo(const ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::AllProperties& o, ::std::ostream*);
static inline bool operator==(const ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::AllProperties& lhs, const ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::AllProperties& rhs);
static inline bool operator!=(const ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::AllProperties& lhs, const ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::AllProperties& rhs);
static inline std::string toString(const ::android::sp<::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect>& o);
// type header definitions for package
inline std::string toString<::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange>(int16_t o) {
using ::android::hardware::details::toHexString;
std::string os;
::android::hardware::hidl_bitfield<::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange> flipped = 0;
bool first = true;
if ((o & ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::ROOM_LEVEL_MIN) == static_cast<int16_t>(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::ROOM_LEVEL_MIN)) {
os += (first ? "" : " | ");
first = false;
flipped |= ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::ROOM_LEVEL_MIN;
if ((o & ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::ROOM_LEVEL_MAX) == static_cast<int16_t>(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::ROOM_LEVEL_MAX)) {
os += (first ? "" : " | ");
first = false;
flipped |= ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::ROOM_LEVEL_MAX;
if ((o & ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::ROOM_HF_LEVEL_MIN) == static_cast<int16_t>(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::ROOM_HF_LEVEL_MIN)) {
os += (first ? "" : " | ");
first = false;
flipped |= ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::ROOM_HF_LEVEL_MIN;
if ((o & ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::ROOM_HF_LEVEL_MAX) == static_cast<int16_t>(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::ROOM_HF_LEVEL_MAX)) {
os += (first ? "" : " | ");
first = false;
flipped |= ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::ROOM_HF_LEVEL_MAX;
if ((o & ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::DECAY_TIME_MIN) == static_cast<int16_t>(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::DECAY_TIME_MIN)) {
os += (first ? "" : " | ");
first = false;
flipped |= ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::DECAY_TIME_MIN;
if ((o & ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::DECAY_TIME_MAX) == static_cast<int16_t>(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::DECAY_TIME_MAX)) {
os += (first ? "" : " | ");
first = false;
flipped |= ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::DECAY_TIME_MAX;
if ((o & ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::DECAY_HF_RATIO_MIN) == static_cast<int16_t>(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::DECAY_HF_RATIO_MIN)) {
os += (first ? "" : " | ");
first = false;
flipped |= ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::DECAY_HF_RATIO_MIN;
if ((o & ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::DECAY_HF_RATIO_MAX) == static_cast<int16_t>(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::DECAY_HF_RATIO_MAX)) {
os += (first ? "" : " | ");
first = false;
flipped |= ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::DECAY_HF_RATIO_MAX;
if ((o & ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::REFLECTIONS_LEVEL_MIN) == static_cast<int16_t>(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::REFLECTIONS_LEVEL_MIN)) {
os += (first ? "" : " | ");
first = false;
flipped |= ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::REFLECTIONS_LEVEL_MIN;
if ((o & ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::REFLECTIONS_LEVEL_MAX) == static_cast<int16_t>(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::REFLECTIONS_LEVEL_MAX)) {
os += (first ? "" : " | ");
first = false;
flipped |= ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::REFLECTIONS_LEVEL_MAX;
if ((o & ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::REFLECTIONS_DELAY_MIN) == static_cast<int16_t>(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::REFLECTIONS_DELAY_MIN)) {
os += (first ? "" : " | ");
first = false;
flipped |= ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::REFLECTIONS_DELAY_MIN;
if ((o & ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::REFLECTIONS_DELAY_MAX) == static_cast<int16_t>(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::REFLECTIONS_DELAY_MAX)) {
os += (first ? "" : " | ");
first = false;
flipped |= ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::REFLECTIONS_DELAY_MAX;
if ((o & ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::REVERB_LEVEL_MIN) == static_cast<int16_t>(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::REVERB_LEVEL_MIN)) {
os += (first ? "" : " | ");
first = false;
flipped |= ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::REVERB_LEVEL_MIN;
if ((o & ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::REVERB_LEVEL_MAX) == static_cast<int16_t>(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::REVERB_LEVEL_MAX)) {
os += (first ? "" : " | ");
first = false;
flipped |= ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::REVERB_LEVEL_MAX;
if ((o & ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::REVERB_DELAY_MIN) == static_cast<int16_t>(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::REVERB_DELAY_MIN)) {
os += (first ? "" : " | ");
first = false;
flipped |= ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::REVERB_DELAY_MIN;
if ((o & ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::REVERB_DELAY_MAX) == static_cast<int16_t>(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::REVERB_DELAY_MAX)) {
os += (first ? "" : " | ");
first = false;
flipped |= ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::REVERB_DELAY_MAX;
if ((o & ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::DIFFUSION_MIN) == static_cast<int16_t>(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::DIFFUSION_MIN)) {
os += (first ? "" : " | ");
first = false;
flipped |= ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::DIFFUSION_MIN;
if ((o & ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::DIFFUSION_MAX) == static_cast<int16_t>(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::DIFFUSION_MAX)) {
os += (first ? "" : " | ");
first = false;
flipped |= ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::DIFFUSION_MAX;
if ((o & ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::DENSITY_MIN) == static_cast<int16_t>(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::DENSITY_MIN)) {
os += (first ? "" : " | ");
os += "DENSITY_MIN";
first = false;
flipped |= ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::DENSITY_MIN;
if ((o & ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::DENSITY_MAX) == static_cast<int16_t>(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::DENSITY_MAX)) {
os += (first ? "" : " | ");
os += "DENSITY_MAX";
first = false;
flipped |= ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::DENSITY_MAX;
if (o != flipped) {
os += (first ? "" : " | ");
os += toHexString(o & (~flipped));
}os += " (";
os += toHexString(o);
os += ")";
return os;
static inline std::string toString(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange o) {
using ::android::hardware::details::toHexString;
if (o == ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::ROOM_LEVEL_MIN) {
return "ROOM_LEVEL_MIN";
if (o == ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::ROOM_LEVEL_MAX) {
return "ROOM_LEVEL_MAX";
if (o == ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::ROOM_HF_LEVEL_MIN) {
if (o == ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::ROOM_HF_LEVEL_MAX) {
if (o == ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::DECAY_TIME_MIN) {
return "DECAY_TIME_MIN";
if (o == ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::DECAY_TIME_MAX) {
return "DECAY_TIME_MAX";
if (o == ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::DECAY_HF_RATIO_MIN) {
if (o == ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::DECAY_HF_RATIO_MAX) {
if (o == ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::REFLECTIONS_LEVEL_MIN) {
if (o == ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::REFLECTIONS_LEVEL_MAX) {
if (o == ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::REFLECTIONS_DELAY_MIN) {
if (o == ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::REFLECTIONS_DELAY_MAX) {
if (o == ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::REVERB_LEVEL_MIN) {
if (o == ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::REVERB_LEVEL_MAX) {
if (o == ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::REVERB_DELAY_MIN) {
if (o == ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::REVERB_DELAY_MAX) {
if (o == ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::DIFFUSION_MIN) {
if (o == ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::DIFFUSION_MAX) {
if (o == ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::DENSITY_MIN) {
return "DENSITY_MIN";
if (o == ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange::DENSITY_MAX) {
return "DENSITY_MAX";
std::string os;
os += toHexString(static_cast<int16_t>(o));
return os;
static inline void PrintTo(::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange o, ::std::ostream* os) {
*os << toString(o);
static inline std::string toString(const ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::AllProperties& o) {
using ::android::hardware::toString;
std::string os;
os += "{";
os += ".roomLevel = ";
os += ::android::hardware::toString(o.roomLevel);
os += ", .roomHfLevel = ";
os += ::android::hardware::toString(o.roomHfLevel);
os += ", .decayTime = ";
os += ::android::hardware::toString(o.decayTime);
os += ", .decayHfRatio = ";
os += ::android::hardware::toString(o.decayHfRatio);
os += ", .reflectionsLevel = ";
os += ::android::hardware::toString(o.reflectionsLevel);
os += ", .reflectionsDelay = ";
os += ::android::hardware::toString(o.reflectionsDelay);
os += ", .reverbLevel = ";
os += ::android::hardware::toString(o.reverbLevel);
os += ", .reverbDelay = ";
os += ::android::hardware::toString(o.reverbDelay);
os += ", .diffusion = ";
os += ::android::hardware::toString(o.diffusion);
os += ", .density = ";
os += ::android::hardware::toString(o.density);
os += "}"; return os;
static inline void PrintTo(const ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::AllProperties& o, ::std::ostream* os) {
*os << toString(o);
static inline bool operator==(const ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::AllProperties& lhs, const ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::AllProperties& rhs) {
if (lhs.roomLevel != rhs.roomLevel) {
return false;
if (lhs.roomHfLevel != rhs.roomHfLevel) {
return false;
if (lhs.decayTime != rhs.decayTime) {
return false;
if (lhs.decayHfRatio != rhs.decayHfRatio) {
return false;
if (lhs.reflectionsLevel != rhs.reflectionsLevel) {
return false;
if (lhs.reflectionsDelay != rhs.reflectionsDelay) {
return false;
if (lhs.reverbLevel != rhs.reverbLevel) {
return false;
if (lhs.reverbDelay != rhs.reverbDelay) {
return false;
if (lhs.diffusion != rhs.diffusion) {
return false;
if (lhs.density != rhs.density) {
return false;
return true;
static inline bool operator!=(const ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::AllProperties& lhs, const ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::AllProperties& rhs){
return !(lhs == rhs);
static inline std::string toString(const ::android::sp<::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect>& o) {
std::string os = "[class or subclass of ";
os += ::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::descriptor;
os += "]";
os += o->isRemote() ? "@remote" : "@local";
return os;
} // namespace V5_0
} // namespace effect
} // namespace audio
} // namespace hardware
} // namespace android
// global type declarations for package
namespace android {
namespace hardware {
namespace details {
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wc++17-extensions"
template<> inline constexpr std::array<::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange, 20> hidl_enum_values<::android::hardware::audio::effect::V5_0::IEnvironmentalReverbEffect::ParamRange> = {
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
} // namespace details
} // namespace hardware
} // namespace android