blob: d1df7b397e6bdccd7dc6f40c90b67be1f9ab5a1f [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<name>Byte Buddy (parent)</name>
Byte Buddy is a Java library for creating Java classes at run time.
The parent artifact contains configuration information that concern all modules.
There are several build profiles available:
- extras: Creates additional artifacts containing source files and javadoc. (activated on release)
- gpg: Sign all artifacts using gpg. (activated on release)
- checks: Applies style checks to the source files. (activated by default, activated on release)
- integration: Runs additional unit tests and executes static code analysis (activated on Travis CI)
- android: Builds an Android test application. An Android SDK is required for doing so. (excluded from release)
It is also possible to build Byte Buddy against a specific byte code level. By default, Byte Buddy is Java 6 compatible:
- java7: Sets the target level to Java 7.
- java8: Sets the target level to Java 8.
Additionally, the following reports are available via Maven:
- jacoco:prepare-agent verify jacoco:report - Computes coverage for test suite (all modules)
- org.pitest:pitest-maven:mutationCoverage - Runs mutation tests (all modules)
- findbugs:findbugs findbugs:gui - Runs findbugs and shows a report in a graphical interface (module specific)
- com.github.ferstl:jitwatch-jarscan-maven-plugin:scan - Finds all methods above HotSpot's inlining threshold
- clirr:check - Checks for binary changes in the API
<name>The Apache Software License, Version 2.0</name>
<comments>A business-friendly OSS license</comments>
<name>Rafael Winterhalter</name>
<!-- Allows the suppression of find bugs false-positives by annotations without adding an actual dependency. -->
<!-- Allow usage of Lombok annotations. -->
<!-- Define release properties. -->
<!-- Enable mutation testing. -->
<!-- Configure Jacoco support for evaluating test case coverage. -->
<!-- Avoid adding synthetic members to test classes as test assert class members. -->
<!-- Generate coveralls reports from Travis. -->
<!-- Also allow for manual findbugs execution. Note that the generated warnings do not always apply for Byte Buddy's use case. -->
<!-- Enable scanning for methods above the inlining threshold (JDK 7+) -->
<!-- Enable scanning for binar changes between releases -->
<!-- Define explicit version to overcome problem with generated reports. -->
<!-- Fallback for Java 6 build to use older, compatible versions of plugins. -->
<!-- Runs the build with a target version for Java 7 -->
<!-- Runs the build with a target version for Java 8 -->
<!-- Runs the build with a target version for Java 9 -->
<!-- Creates additional artifacts that are required for deployment. -->
<!-- Create source code artifact. -->
<!-- Create javadoc artifact. -->
<!-- Additionally to the regular jar file specified above, create an aggregated jar. -->
<doctitle>Byte Buddy (full API), version ${project.version}</doctitle>
<!-- Fails due to repacking of ASM by the Shade plugin. -->
<!-- Sign any created artifact. (Requires configuration of gpg on the executing machine.) -->
<!-- Sign artifacts. -->
<!-- Basic checks that are not requiring too much runtime. -->
<!-- Check style on build. -->
<!-- Check API compatibility. -->
<!-- Make sure that Byte Buddy does never depend on ASM's tree API. -->
<!-- Integration profile that executes long-running tasks and additional static code analysis. -->
<!-- Enable non-fast-running unit tests by setting the integration profile. -->
<!-- Run findbugs if not specified differently in a module.-->
<!-- Only build the Android test application on demand as it requires Android SDK installation. -->