Move bazel prebuilts from tools/base to prebuilts/tools.

Test: bazel test `cat tools/base/bazel/targets`
Change-Id: I13848638d2c7e7ec4d72d3875152205edb3659ce
diff --git a/common/bazel/formc-deps/BUILD b/common/bazel/formc-deps/BUILD
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e3c514
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/bazel/formc-deps/BUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# Part of the standalone-jps-builder artifact from IDEA
+    name = "formc-deps",
+    jars = [
+        "asm-all.jar",
+        "jdom.jar",
+        "jgoodies-forms.jar",
+        "jps-builders.jar",
+    ],
+    visibility = ["//tools/base/bazel:__pkg__"],
diff --git a/common/bazel/formc-deps/asm-all.jar b/common/bazel/formc-deps/asm-all.jar
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8baaeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/bazel/formc-deps/asm-all.jar
Binary files differ
diff --git a/common/bazel/formc-deps/jdom.jar b/common/bazel/formc-deps/jdom.jar
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09d8845
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/bazel/formc-deps/jdom.jar
Binary files differ
diff --git a/common/bazel/formc-deps/jgoodies-forms.jar b/common/bazel/formc-deps/jgoodies-forms.jar
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbd3215
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/bazel/formc-deps/jgoodies-forms.jar
Binary files differ
diff --git a/common/bazel/formc-deps/jps-builders.jar b/common/bazel/formc-deps/jps-builders.jar
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed74e3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/bazel/formc-deps/jps-builders.jar
Binary files differ
diff --git a/darwin-x86/bazel/bazel-complete.bash b/darwin-x86/bazel/bazel-complete.bash
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..80fa925
--- /dev/null
+++ b/darwin-x86/bazel/bazel-complete.bash
@@ -0,0 +1,2849 @@
+# -*- sh -*- (Bash only)
+# Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Bash completion of Bazel commands.
+# The template is expanded at build time using tables of commands/options
+# derived from the bazel executable built in the same client; the expansion is
+# written to bazel-complete.bash.
+# Provides command-completion for:
+# - bazel prefix options (e.g. --host_jvm_args)
+# - blaze command-set (e.g. build, test)
+# - blaze command-specific options (e.g. --copts)
+# - values for enum-valued options
+# - package-names, exploring all package-path roots.
+# - targets within packages.
+# The package path used by the completion routines.  Unfortunately
+# this isn't necessarily the same as the actual package path used by
+# Bazel, but that's ok.  (It's impossible for us to reliably know what
+# the relevant package-path, so this is just a good guess.  Users can
+# override it if they want.)
+# Don't use it directly. Generate the final script with
+# bazel build //scripts:bash_completion instead.
+# If true, Bazel query is used for autocompletion.  This is more
+# accurate than the heuristic grep, especially for strangely-formatted
+# BUILD files.  But it can be slower, especially if the Bazel server
+# is busy, and more brittle, if the BUILD file contains serious
+# errors.   This is an experimental feature.
+# If true, Bazel run allows autocompletion for test targets. This is convenient
+# for users who run a lot of tests/benchmarks locally with blaze run.
+# Some commands might interfer with the important one, so don't complete them
+# Bazel command
+: ${BAZEL:=bazel}
+# Pattern to match for looking for a target
+#  BAZEL_BUILD_MATCH_PATTERN__* give the pattern for label-*
+#  when looking in the the build file.
+#  BAZEL_QUERY_MATCH_PATTERN__* give the pattern for label-*
+#  when using 'bazel query'.
+# is on.
+: ${BAZEL_BUILD_MATCH_PATTERN__test:='(.*_test|test_suite)'}
+: ${BAZEL_QUERY_MATCH_PATTERN__test:='(test|test_suite)'}
+: ${BAZEL_BUILD_MATCH_PATTERN__bin:='.*_binary'}
+: ${BAZEL_QUERY_MATCH_PATTERN__bin:='(binary)'}
+: ${BAZEL_BUILD_MATCH_PATTERN_RUNTEST__bin:='(.*_(binary|test)|test_suite)'}
+: ${BAZEL_QUERY_MATCH_PATTERN_RUNTEST__bin:='(binary|test)'}
+# Usage: _bazel__get_rule_match_pattern <command>
+# Determine what kind of rules to match, based on command.
+_bazel__get_rule_match_pattern() {
+  local var_name pattern
+  if _bazel__is_true "$BAZEL_COMPLETION_USE_QUERY"; then
+  else
+  fi
+  if [[ "$1" =~ ^label-?([a-z]*)$ ]]; then
+    pattern=${BASH_REMATCH[1]:-}
+    if _bazel__is_true "$BAZEL_COMPLETION_ALLOW_TESTS_FOR_RUN"; then
+      eval "echo \"\${${var_name}_RUNTEST__${pattern}:-\$${var_name}__${pattern}}\""
+    else
+      eval "echo \"\$${var_name}__${pattern}\""
+    fi
+  fi
+# Compute workspace directory. Search for the innermost
+# enclosing directory with a WORKSPACE file.
+_bazel__get_workspace_path() {
+  local workspace=$PWD
+  while true; do
+    if [ -f "${workspace}/WORKSPACE" ]; then
+      break
+    elif [ -z "$workspace" -o "$workspace" = "/" ]; then
+      workspace=$PWD
+      break;
+    fi
+    workspace=${workspace%/*}
+  done
+  echo $workspace
+# Find the current piece of the line to complete, but only do word breaks at
+# certain characters. In particular, ignore these: "':=
+# This method also takes into account the current cursor position.
+# Works with both bash 3 and 4! Bash 3 and 4 perform different word breaks when
+# computing the COMP_WORDS array. We need this here because Bazel options are of
+# the form --a=b, and labels of the form //some/label:target.
+_bazel__get_cword() {
+  local cur=${COMP_LINE:0:$COMP_POINT}
+  # This expression finds the last word break character, as defined in the
+  # COMP_WORDBREAKS variable, but without '=' or ':', which is not preceeded by
+  # a slash. Quote characters are also excluded.
+  local wordbreaks="$COMP_WORDBREAKS"
+  wordbreaks="${wordbreaks//\'/}"
+  wordbreaks="${wordbreaks//\"/}"
+  wordbreaks="${wordbreaks//:/}"
+  wordbreaks="${wordbreaks//=/}"
+  local word_start=$(expr "$cur" : '.*[^\]['"${wordbreaks}"']')
+  echo "${cur:$word_start}"
+# Usage: _bazel__package_path <workspace> <displacement>
+# Prints a list of package-path root directories, displaced using the
+# current displacement from the workspace.  All elements have a
+# trailing slash.
+_bazel__package_path() {
+  local workspace=$1 displacement=$2 root
+  IFS=:
+  for root in ${BAZEL_COMPLETION_PACKAGE_PATH//\%workspace\%/$workspace}; do
+    unset IFS
+    echo "$root/$displacement"
+  done
+# Usage: _bazel__options_for <command>
+# Prints the set of options for a given Bazel command, e.g. "build".
+_bazel__options_for() {
+  local options
+  if [[ "${BAZEL_COMMAND_LIST}" =~ ^(.* )?$1( .*)?$ ]]; then
+      local option_name=$(echo $1 | perl -ne 'print uc' | tr "-" "_")
+      eval "echo \${BAZEL_COMMAND_${option_name}_FLAGS}" | tr " " "\n"
+  fi
+# Usage: _bazel__expansion_for <command>
+# Prints the completion pattern for a given Bazel command, e.g. "build".
+_bazel__expansion_for() {
+  local options
+  if [[ "${BAZEL_COMMAND_LIST}" =~ ^(.* )?$1( .*)?$ ]]; then
+      local option_name=$(echo $1 | perl -ne 'print uc' | tr "-" "_")
+      eval "echo \${BAZEL_COMMAND_${option_name}_ARGUMENT}"
+  fi
+# Usage: _bazel__matching_targets <kind> <prefix>
+# Prints target names of kind <kind> and starting with <prefix> in the BUILD
+# file given as standard input.  <kind> is a basic regex (BRE) used to match the
+# bazel rule kind and <prefix> is the prefix of the target name.
+_bazel__matching_targets() {
+  local kind_pattern="$1"
+  local target_prefix="$2"
+  # The following commands do respectively:
+  #   Remove BUILD file comments
+  #   Replace \n by spaces to have the BUILD file in a single line
+  #   Extract all rule types and target names
+  #   Grep the kind pattern and the target prefix
+  #   Returns the target name
+  sed 's/#.*$//' \
+      | tr "\n" " " \
+      | sed 's/\([a-zA-Z0-9_]*\) *(\([^)]* \)\{0,1\}name *= *['\''"]\([a-zA-Z0-9_/.+=,@~-]*\)['\''"][^)]*)/\
+type:\1 name:\3\
+/g' \
+      | "grep" -E "^type:$kind_pattern name:$target_prefix" \
+      | cut -d ':' -f 3
+# Usage: _bazel__is_true <string>
+# Returns true or false based on the input string. The following are
+# valid true values (the rest are false): "1", "true".
+_bazel__is_true() {
+  local str="$1"
+  [[ "$str" == "1" || "$str" == "true" ]]
+# Usage: _bazel__expand_rules_in_package <workspace> <displacement>
+#                                        <current> <label-type>
+# Expands rules in specified packages, exploring all roots of
+# $BAZEL_COMPLETION_PACKAGE_PATH, not just $(pwd).  Only rules
+# appropriate to the command are printed.  Sets $COMPREPLY array to
+# result.
+# If $BAZEL_COMPLETION_USE_QUERY is true, 'bazel query' is used
+# instead, with the actual Bazel package path;
+# $BAZEL_COMPLETION_PACKAGE_PATH is ignored in this case, since the
+# actual Bazel value is likely to be more accurate.
+_bazel__expand_rules_in_package() {
+  local workspace=$1 displacement=$2 current=$3 label_type=$4
+  local package_name=$(echo "$current" | cut -f1 -d:)
+  local rule_prefix=$(echo "$current" | cut -f2 -d:)
+  local root buildfile rule_pattern r result
+  result=
+  pattern=$(_bazel__get_rule_match_pattern "$label_type")
+  if _bazel__is_true "$BAZEL_COMPLETION_USE_QUERY"; then
+    package_name=$(echo "$package_name" | tr -d "'\"") # remove quotes
+    result=$(${BAZEL} --output_base=/tmp/${BAZEL}-completion-$USER query \
+                   --keep_going --noshow_progress \
+      "kind('$pattern rule', '$package_name:*')" 2>/dev/null |
+      cut -f2 -d: | "grep" "^$rule_prefix")
+  else
+    for root in $(_bazel__package_path "$workspace" "$displacement"); do
+      buildfile="$root/$package_name/BUILD"
+      if [ -f "$buildfile" ]; then
+        result=$(_bazel__matching_targets \
+                   "$pattern" "$rule_prefix" <"$buildfile")
+        break
+      fi
+    done
+  fi
+  index=$(echo $result | wc -w)
+  if [ -n "$result" ]; then
+      echo "$result" | tr " " "\n" | sed 's|$| |'
+  fi
+  # Include ":all" wildcard if there was no unique match.  (The zero
+  # case is tricky: we need to include "all" in that case since
+  # otherwise we won't expand "a" to "all" in the absence of rules
+  # starting with "a".)
+  if [ $index -ne 1 ] && expr all : "\\($rule_prefix\\)" >/dev/null; then
+    echo "all "
+  fi
+# Usage: _bazel__expand_package_name <workspace> <displacement> <current-word>
+#                                    <label-type>
+# Expands directories, but explores all roots of
+# BAZEL_COMPLETION_PACKAGE_PATH, not just $(pwd).  When a directory is
+# a bazel package, the completion offers "pkg:" so you can expand
+# inside the package.
+# Sets $COMPREPLY array to result.
+_bazel__expand_package_name() {
+  local workspace=$1 displacement=$2 current=$3 type=${4:-} root dir index
+  for root in $(_bazel__package_path "$workspace" "$displacement"); do
+    found=0
+    for dir in $(compgen -d $root$current); do
+      [ -L "$dir" ] && continue  # skip symlinks (e.g. bazel-bin)
+      [[ "$dir" =~ ^(.*/)?\.[^/]*$ ]] && continue  # skip dotted dir (e.g. .git)
+      found=1
+      echo "${dir#$root}/"
+      if [ -f $dir/BUILD ]; then
+        if [ "${type}" = "label-package" ]; then
+          echo "${dir#$root} "
+        else
+          echo "${dir#$root}:"
+        fi
+      fi
+    done
+    [ $found -gt 0 ] && break  # Stop searching package path upon first match.
+  done
+# Usage: _bazel__expand_target_pattern <workspace> <displacement>
+#                                      <word> <label-syntax>
+# Expands "word" to match target patterns, using the current workspace
+# and displacement from it.  "command" is used to filter rules.
+# Sets $COMPREPLY array to result.
+_bazel__expand_target_pattern() {
+  local workspace=$1 displacement=$2 current=$3 label_syntax=$4
+  case "$current" in
+    //*:*) # Expand rule names within package, no displacement.
+      if [ "${label_syntax}" = "label-package" ]; then
+        compgen -S " " -W "BUILD" "$(echo current | cut -f ':' -d2)"
+      else
+        _bazel__expand_rules_in_package "$workspace" "" "$current" "$label_syntax"
+      fi
+      ;;
+    *:*) # Expand rule names within package, displaced.
+      if [ "${label_syntax}" = "label-package" ]; then
+        compgen -S " " -W "BUILD" "$(echo current | cut -f ':' -d2)"
+      else
+        _bazel__expand_rules_in_package \
+          "$workspace" "$displacement" "$current" "$label_syntax"
+      fi
+      ;;
+    //*) # Expand filenames using package-path, no displacement
+      _bazel__expand_package_name "$workspace" "" "$current" "$label_syntax"
+      ;;
+    *) # Expand filenames using package-path, displaced.
+      if [ -n "$current" ]; then
+        _bazel__expand_package_name "$workspace" "$displacement" "$current" "$label_syntax"
+      fi
+      ;;
+  esac
+_bazel__get_command() {
+  for word in "${COMP_WORDS[@]:1:COMP_CWORD-1}"; do
+    if echo "$BAZEL_COMMAND_LIST" | "grep" -wsq -e "$word"; then
+      echo $word
+      break
+    fi
+  done
+# Returns the displacement to the workspace given in $1
+_bazel__get_displacement() {
+  if [[ "$PWD" =~ ^$1/.*$ ]]; then
+    echo ${PWD##$1/}/
+  fi
+# Usage: _bazel__complete_pattern <workspace> <displacement> <current>
+#                                 <type>
+# Expand a word according to a type. The currently supported types are:
+#  - {a,b,c}: an enum that can take value a, b or c
+#  - label: a label of any kind
+#  - label-bin: a label to a runnable rule (basically to a _binary rule)
+#  - label-test: a label to a test rule
+#  - info-key: an info key as listed by `bazel help info-keys`
+#  - command: the name of a command
+#  - path: a file path
+#  - combinaison of previous type using | as separator
+_bazel__complete_pattern() {
+  local workspace=$1 displacement=$2 current=$3 types=$4
+  for type in $(echo $types | tr "|" "\n"); do
+    case "$type" in
+      label*)
+        _bazel__expand_target_pattern "$workspace" "$displacement" \
+            "$current" "$type"
+        ;;
+      info-key)
+    compgen -S " " -W "${BAZEL_INFO_KEYS}" -- "$current"
+        ;;
+      "command")
+        local commands=$(echo "${BAZEL_COMMAND_LIST}" \
+          | tr " " "\n" | "grep" -v "^${BAZEL_IGNORED_COMMAND_REGEX}$")
+    compgen -S " " -W "${commands}" -- "$current"
+        ;;
+      path)
+        compgen -f -- "$current"
+        ;;
+      *)
+        compgen -S " " -W "$type" -- "$current"
+        ;;
+    esac
+  done
+# Usage: _bazel__expand_options <workspace> <displacement> <current-word>
+#                               <options>
+# Expands options, making sure that if current-word contains an equals sign,
+# it is handled appropriately.
+_bazel__expand_options() {
+  local workspace="$1" displacement="$2" cur="$3" options="$4"
+  if [[ $cur =~ = ]]; then
+    # also expands special labels
+    current=$(echo "$cur" | cut -f2 -d=)
+    _bazel__complete_pattern "$workspace" "$displacement" "$current" \
+    "$(compgen -W "$options" -- "$cur" | cut -f2 -d=)" \
+        | sort -u
+  else
+    compgen -W "$(echo "$options" | sed 's|=.*$|=|')" -- "$cur" \
+    | sed 's|\([^=]\)$|\1 |'
+  fi
+_bazel__complete_stdout() {
+  local cur=$(_bazel__get_cword) word command displacement workspace
+  # Determine command: "" (startup-options) or one of $BAZEL_COMMAND_LIST.
+  command="$(_bazel__get_command)"
+  workspace="$(_bazel__get_workspace_path)"
+  displacement="$(_bazel__get_displacement ${workspace})"
+  case "$command" in
+    "") # Expand startup-options or commands
+      local commands=$(echo "${BAZEL_COMMAND_LIST}" \
+        | tr " " "\n" | "grep" -v "^${BAZEL_IGNORED_COMMAND_REGEX}$")
+      _bazel__expand_options  "$workspace" "$displacement" "$cur" \
+          "${commands}\
+      ;;
+    *)
+      case "$cur" in
+        -*) # Expand options:
+          _bazel__expand_options  "$workspace" "$displacement" "$cur" \
+              "$(_bazel__options_for $command)"
+          ;;
+        *)  # Expand target pattern
+      expansion_pattern="$(_bazel__expansion_for $command)"
+          NON_QUOTE_REGEX="^[\"']"
+          if [[ $command = query && $cur =~ $NON_QUOTE_REGEX ]]; then
+            : # Ideally we would expand query expressions---it's not
+              # that hard, conceptually---but readline is just too
+              # damn complex when it comes to quotation.  Instead,
+              # for query, we just expand target patterns, unless
+              # the first char is a quote.
+          elif [ -n "$expansion_pattern" ]; then
+            _bazel__complete_pattern \
+        "$workspace" "$displacement" "$cur" "$expansion_pattern"
+          fi
+          ;;
+      esac
+      ;;
+  esac
+_bazel__to_compreply() {
+  local replies="$1"
+  # Trick to preserve whitespaces
+  while IFS="" read -r reply; do
+    COMPREPLY+=("${reply}")
+  done < <(echo "${replies}")
+_bazel__complete() {
+  _bazel__to_compreply "$(_bazel__complete_stdout)"
+# Some users have aliases such as bt="bazel test" or bb="bazel build", this
+# completion function allows them to have auto-completion for these aliases.
+_bazel__complete_target_stdout() {
+  local cur=$(_bazel__get_cword) word command displacement workspace
+  # Determine command: "" (startup-options) or one of $BAZEL_COMMAND_LIST.
+  command="$1"
+  workspace="$(_bazel__get_workspace_path)"
+  displacement="$(_bazel__get_displacement ${workspace})"
+  _bazel__to_compreply "$(_bazel__expand_target_pattern "$workspace" "$displacement" \
+      "$cur" "$(_bazel__expansion_for $command)")"
+# default completion for bazel
+complete -F _bazel__complete -o nospace "${BAZEL}"
+BAZEL_COMMAND_LIST="analyze-profile build canonicalize-flags clean dump fetch help info mobile-install query run shutdown test version"
diff --git a/darwin-x86/bazel/buildifier b/darwin-x86/bazel/buildifier
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6f40f87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/darwin-x86/bazel/buildifier
Binary files differ
diff --git a/darwin-x86_64/bazel/bazel-real b/darwin-x86_64/bazel/bazel-real
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3467975
--- /dev/null
+++ b/darwin-x86_64/bazel/bazel-real
Binary files differ
diff --git a/linux-x86/bazel/bazel-complete.bash b/linux-x86/bazel/bazel-complete.bash
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..80fa925
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linux-x86/bazel/bazel-complete.bash
@@ -0,0 +1,2849 @@
+# -*- sh -*- (Bash only)
+# Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Bash completion of Bazel commands.
+# The template is expanded at build time using tables of commands/options
+# derived from the bazel executable built in the same client; the expansion is
+# written to bazel-complete.bash.
+# Provides command-completion for:
+# - bazel prefix options (e.g. --host_jvm_args)
+# - blaze command-set (e.g. build, test)
+# - blaze command-specific options (e.g. --copts)
+# - values for enum-valued options
+# - package-names, exploring all package-path roots.
+# - targets within packages.
+# The package path used by the completion routines.  Unfortunately
+# this isn't necessarily the same as the actual package path used by
+# Bazel, but that's ok.  (It's impossible for us to reliably know what
+# the relevant package-path, so this is just a good guess.  Users can
+# override it if they want.)
+# Don't use it directly. Generate the final script with
+# bazel build //scripts:bash_completion instead.
+# If true, Bazel query is used for autocompletion.  This is more
+# accurate than the heuristic grep, especially for strangely-formatted
+# BUILD files.  But it can be slower, especially if the Bazel server
+# is busy, and more brittle, if the BUILD file contains serious
+# errors.   This is an experimental feature.
+# If true, Bazel run allows autocompletion for test targets. This is convenient
+# for users who run a lot of tests/benchmarks locally with blaze run.
+# Some commands might interfer with the important one, so don't complete them
+# Bazel command
+: ${BAZEL:=bazel}
+# Pattern to match for looking for a target
+#  BAZEL_BUILD_MATCH_PATTERN__* give the pattern for label-*
+#  when looking in the the build file.
+#  BAZEL_QUERY_MATCH_PATTERN__* give the pattern for label-*
+#  when using 'bazel query'.
+# is on.
+: ${BAZEL_BUILD_MATCH_PATTERN__test:='(.*_test|test_suite)'}
+: ${BAZEL_QUERY_MATCH_PATTERN__test:='(test|test_suite)'}
+: ${BAZEL_BUILD_MATCH_PATTERN__bin:='.*_binary'}
+: ${BAZEL_QUERY_MATCH_PATTERN__bin:='(binary)'}
+: ${BAZEL_BUILD_MATCH_PATTERN_RUNTEST__bin:='(.*_(binary|test)|test_suite)'}
+: ${BAZEL_QUERY_MATCH_PATTERN_RUNTEST__bin:='(binary|test)'}
+# Usage: _bazel__get_rule_match_pattern <command>
+# Determine what kind of rules to match, based on command.
+_bazel__get_rule_match_pattern() {
+  local var_name pattern
+  if _bazel__is_true "$BAZEL_COMPLETION_USE_QUERY"; then
+  else
+  fi
+  if [[ "$1" =~ ^label-?([a-z]*)$ ]]; then
+    pattern=${BASH_REMATCH[1]:-}
+    if _bazel__is_true "$BAZEL_COMPLETION_ALLOW_TESTS_FOR_RUN"; then
+      eval "echo \"\${${var_name}_RUNTEST__${pattern}:-\$${var_name}__${pattern}}\""
+    else
+      eval "echo \"\$${var_name}__${pattern}\""
+    fi
+  fi
+# Compute workspace directory. Search for the innermost
+# enclosing directory with a WORKSPACE file.
+_bazel__get_workspace_path() {
+  local workspace=$PWD
+  while true; do
+    if [ -f "${workspace}/WORKSPACE" ]; then
+      break
+    elif [ -z "$workspace" -o "$workspace" = "/" ]; then
+      workspace=$PWD
+      break;
+    fi
+    workspace=${workspace%/*}
+  done
+  echo $workspace
+# Find the current piece of the line to complete, but only do word breaks at
+# certain characters. In particular, ignore these: "':=
+# This method also takes into account the current cursor position.
+# Works with both bash 3 and 4! Bash 3 and 4 perform different word breaks when
+# computing the COMP_WORDS array. We need this here because Bazel options are of
+# the form --a=b, and labels of the form //some/label:target.
+_bazel__get_cword() {
+  local cur=${COMP_LINE:0:$COMP_POINT}
+  # This expression finds the last word break character, as defined in the
+  # COMP_WORDBREAKS variable, but without '=' or ':', which is not preceeded by
+  # a slash. Quote characters are also excluded.
+  local wordbreaks="$COMP_WORDBREAKS"
+  wordbreaks="${wordbreaks//\'/}"
+  wordbreaks="${wordbreaks//\"/}"
+  wordbreaks="${wordbreaks//:/}"
+  wordbreaks="${wordbreaks//=/}"
+  local word_start=$(expr "$cur" : '.*[^\]['"${wordbreaks}"']')
+  echo "${cur:$word_start}"
+# Usage: _bazel__package_path <workspace> <displacement>
+# Prints a list of package-path root directories, displaced using the
+# current displacement from the workspace.  All elements have a
+# trailing slash.
+_bazel__package_path() {
+  local workspace=$1 displacement=$2 root
+  IFS=:
+  for root in ${BAZEL_COMPLETION_PACKAGE_PATH//\%workspace\%/$workspace}; do
+    unset IFS
+    echo "$root/$displacement"
+  done
+# Usage: _bazel__options_for <command>
+# Prints the set of options for a given Bazel command, e.g. "build".
+_bazel__options_for() {
+  local options
+  if [[ "${BAZEL_COMMAND_LIST}" =~ ^(.* )?$1( .*)?$ ]]; then
+      local option_name=$(echo $1 | perl -ne 'print uc' | tr "-" "_")
+      eval "echo \${BAZEL_COMMAND_${option_name}_FLAGS}" | tr " " "\n"
+  fi
+# Usage: _bazel__expansion_for <command>
+# Prints the completion pattern for a given Bazel command, e.g. "build".
+_bazel__expansion_for() {
+  local options
+  if [[ "${BAZEL_COMMAND_LIST}" =~ ^(.* )?$1( .*)?$ ]]; then
+      local option_name=$(echo $1 | perl -ne 'print uc' | tr "-" "_")
+      eval "echo \${BAZEL_COMMAND_${option_name}_ARGUMENT}"
+  fi
+# Usage: _bazel__matching_targets <kind> <prefix>
+# Prints target names of kind <kind> and starting with <prefix> in the BUILD
+# file given as standard input.  <kind> is a basic regex (BRE) used to match the
+# bazel rule kind and <prefix> is the prefix of the target name.
+_bazel__matching_targets() {
+  local kind_pattern="$1"
+  local target_prefix="$2"
+  # The following commands do respectively:
+  #   Remove BUILD file comments
+  #   Replace \n by spaces to have the BUILD file in a single line
+  #   Extract all rule types and target names
+  #   Grep the kind pattern and the target prefix
+  #   Returns the target name
+  sed 's/#.*$//' \
+      | tr "\n" " " \
+      | sed 's/\([a-zA-Z0-9_]*\) *(\([^)]* \)\{0,1\}name *= *['\''"]\([a-zA-Z0-9_/.+=,@~-]*\)['\''"][^)]*)/\
+type:\1 name:\3\
+/g' \
+      | "grep" -E "^type:$kind_pattern name:$target_prefix" \
+      | cut -d ':' -f 3
+# Usage: _bazel__is_true <string>
+# Returns true or false based on the input string. The following are
+# valid true values (the rest are false): "1", "true".
+_bazel__is_true() {
+  local str="$1"
+  [[ "$str" == "1" || "$str" == "true" ]]
+# Usage: _bazel__expand_rules_in_package <workspace> <displacement>
+#                                        <current> <label-type>
+# Expands rules in specified packages, exploring all roots of
+# $BAZEL_COMPLETION_PACKAGE_PATH, not just $(pwd).  Only rules
+# appropriate to the command are printed.  Sets $COMPREPLY array to
+# result.
+# If $BAZEL_COMPLETION_USE_QUERY is true, 'bazel query' is used
+# instead, with the actual Bazel package path;
+# $BAZEL_COMPLETION_PACKAGE_PATH is ignored in this case, since the
+# actual Bazel value is likely to be more accurate.
+_bazel__expand_rules_in_package() {
+  local workspace=$1 displacement=$2 current=$3 label_type=$4
+  local package_name=$(echo "$current" | cut -f1 -d:)
+  local rule_prefix=$(echo "$current" | cut -f2 -d:)
+  local root buildfile rule_pattern r result
+  result=
+  pattern=$(_bazel__get_rule_match_pattern "$label_type")
+  if _bazel__is_true "$BAZEL_COMPLETION_USE_QUERY"; then
+    package_name=$(echo "$package_name" | tr -d "'\"") # remove quotes
+    result=$(${BAZEL} --output_base=/tmp/${BAZEL}-completion-$USER query \
+                   --keep_going --noshow_progress \
+      "kind('$pattern rule', '$package_name:*')" 2>/dev/null |
+      cut -f2 -d: | "grep" "^$rule_prefix")
+  else
+    for root in $(_bazel__package_path "$workspace" "$displacement"); do
+      buildfile="$root/$package_name/BUILD"
+      if [ -f "$buildfile" ]; then
+        result=$(_bazel__matching_targets \
+                   "$pattern" "$rule_prefix" <"$buildfile")
+        break
+      fi
+    done
+  fi
+  index=$(echo $result | wc -w)
+  if [ -n "$result" ]; then
+      echo "$result" | tr " " "\n" | sed 's|$| |'
+  fi
+  # Include ":all" wildcard if there was no unique match.  (The zero
+  # case is tricky: we need to include "all" in that case since
+  # otherwise we won't expand "a" to "all" in the absence of rules
+  # starting with "a".)
+  if [ $index -ne 1 ] && expr all : "\\($rule_prefix\\)" >/dev/null; then
+    echo "all "
+  fi
+# Usage: _bazel__expand_package_name <workspace> <displacement> <current-word>
+#                                    <label-type>
+# Expands directories, but explores all roots of
+# BAZEL_COMPLETION_PACKAGE_PATH, not just $(pwd).  When a directory is
+# a bazel package, the completion offers "pkg:" so you can expand
+# inside the package.
+# Sets $COMPREPLY array to result.
+_bazel__expand_package_name() {
+  local workspace=$1 displacement=$2 current=$3 type=${4:-} root dir index
+  for root in $(_bazel__package_path "$workspace" "$displacement"); do
+    found=0
+    for dir in $(compgen -d $root$current); do
+      [ -L "$dir" ] && continue  # skip symlinks (e.g. bazel-bin)
+      [[ "$dir" =~ ^(.*/)?\.[^/]*$ ]] && continue  # skip dotted dir (e.g. .git)
+      found=1
+      echo "${dir#$root}/"
+      if [ -f $dir/BUILD ]; then
+        if [ "${type}" = "label-package" ]; then
+          echo "${dir#$root} "
+        else
+          echo "${dir#$root}:"
+        fi
+      fi
+    done
+    [ $found -gt 0 ] && break  # Stop searching package path upon first match.
+  done
+# Usage: _bazel__expand_target_pattern <workspace> <displacement>
+#                                      <word> <label-syntax>
+# Expands "word" to match target patterns, using the current workspace
+# and displacement from it.  "command" is used to filter rules.
+# Sets $COMPREPLY array to result.
+_bazel__expand_target_pattern() {
+  local workspace=$1 displacement=$2 current=$3 label_syntax=$4
+  case "$current" in
+    //*:*) # Expand rule names within package, no displacement.
+      if [ "${label_syntax}" = "label-package" ]; then
+        compgen -S " " -W "BUILD" "$(echo current | cut -f ':' -d2)"
+      else
+        _bazel__expand_rules_in_package "$workspace" "" "$current" "$label_syntax"
+      fi
+      ;;
+    *:*) # Expand rule names within package, displaced.
+      if [ "${label_syntax}" = "label-package" ]; then
+        compgen -S " " -W "BUILD" "$(echo current | cut -f ':' -d2)"
+      else
+        _bazel__expand_rules_in_package \
+          "$workspace" "$displacement" "$current" "$label_syntax"
+      fi
+      ;;
+    //*) # Expand filenames using package-path, no displacement
+      _bazel__expand_package_name "$workspace" "" "$current" "$label_syntax"
+      ;;
+    *) # Expand filenames using package-path, displaced.
+      if [ -n "$current" ]; then
+        _bazel__expand_package_name "$workspace" "$displacement" "$current" "$label_syntax"
+      fi
+      ;;
+  esac
+_bazel__get_command() {
+  for word in "${COMP_WORDS[@]:1:COMP_CWORD-1}"; do
+    if echo "$BAZEL_COMMAND_LIST" | "grep" -wsq -e "$word"; then
+      echo $word
+      break
+    fi
+  done
+# Returns the displacement to the workspace given in $1
+_bazel__get_displacement() {
+  if [[ "$PWD" =~ ^$1/.*$ ]]; then
+    echo ${PWD##$1/}/
+  fi
+# Usage: _bazel__complete_pattern <workspace> <displacement> <current>
+#                                 <type>
+# Expand a word according to a type. The currently supported types are:
+#  - {a,b,c}: an enum that can take value a, b or c
+#  - label: a label of any kind
+#  - label-bin: a label to a runnable rule (basically to a _binary rule)
+#  - label-test: a label to a test rule
+#  - info-key: an info key as listed by `bazel help info-keys`
+#  - command: the name of a command
+#  - path: a file path
+#  - combinaison of previous type using | as separator
+_bazel__complete_pattern() {
+  local workspace=$1 displacement=$2 current=$3 types=$4
+  for type in $(echo $types | tr "|" "\n"); do
+    case "$type" in
+      label*)
+        _bazel__expand_target_pattern "$workspace" "$displacement" \
+            "$current" "$type"
+        ;;
+      info-key)
+    compgen -S " " -W "${BAZEL_INFO_KEYS}" -- "$current"
+        ;;
+      "command")
+        local commands=$(echo "${BAZEL_COMMAND_LIST}" \
+          | tr " " "\n" | "grep" -v "^${BAZEL_IGNORED_COMMAND_REGEX}$")
+    compgen -S " " -W "${commands}" -- "$current"
+        ;;
+      path)
+        compgen -f -- "$current"
+        ;;
+      *)
+        compgen -S " " -W "$type" -- "$current"
+        ;;
+    esac
+  done
+# Usage: _bazel__expand_options <workspace> <displacement> <current-word>
+#                               <options>
+# Expands options, making sure that if current-word contains an equals sign,
+# it is handled appropriately.
+_bazel__expand_options() {
+  local workspace="$1" displacement="$2" cur="$3" options="$4"
+  if [[ $cur =~ = ]]; then
+    # also expands special labels
+    current=$(echo "$cur" | cut -f2 -d=)
+    _bazel__complete_pattern "$workspace" "$displacement" "$current" \
+    "$(compgen -W "$options" -- "$cur" | cut -f2 -d=)" \
+        | sort -u
+  else
+    compgen -W "$(echo "$options" | sed 's|=.*$|=|')" -- "$cur" \
+    | sed 's|\([^=]\)$|\1 |'
+  fi
+_bazel__complete_stdout() {
+  local cur=$(_bazel__get_cword) word command displacement workspace
+  # Determine command: "" (startup-options) or one of $BAZEL_COMMAND_LIST.
+  command="$(_bazel__get_command)"
+  workspace="$(_bazel__get_workspace_path)"
+  displacement="$(_bazel__get_displacement ${workspace})"
+  case "$command" in
+    "") # Expand startup-options or commands
+      local commands=$(echo "${BAZEL_COMMAND_LIST}" \
+        | tr " " "\n" | "grep" -v "^${BAZEL_IGNORED_COMMAND_REGEX}$")
+      _bazel__expand_options  "$workspace" "$displacement" "$cur" \
+          "${commands}\
+      ;;
+    *)
+      case "$cur" in
+        -*) # Expand options:
+          _bazel__expand_options  "$workspace" "$displacement" "$cur" \
+              "$(_bazel__options_for $command)"
+          ;;
+        *)  # Expand target pattern
+      expansion_pattern="$(_bazel__expansion_for $command)"
+          NON_QUOTE_REGEX="^[\"']"
+          if [[ $command = query && $cur =~ $NON_QUOTE_REGEX ]]; then
+            : # Ideally we would expand query expressions---it's not
+              # that hard, conceptually---but readline is just too
+              # damn complex when it comes to quotation.  Instead,
+              # for query, we just expand target patterns, unless
+              # the first char is a quote.
+          elif [ -n "$expansion_pattern" ]; then
+            _bazel__complete_pattern \
+        "$workspace" "$displacement" "$cur" "$expansion_pattern"
+          fi
+          ;;
+      esac
+      ;;
+  esac
+_bazel__to_compreply() {
+  local replies="$1"
+  # Trick to preserve whitespaces
+  while IFS="" read -r reply; do
+    COMPREPLY+=("${reply}")
+  done < <(echo "${replies}")
+_bazel__complete() {
+  _bazel__to_compreply "$(_bazel__complete_stdout)"
+# Some users have aliases such as bt="bazel test" or bb="bazel build", this
+# completion function allows them to have auto-completion for these aliases.
+_bazel__complete_target_stdout() {
+  local cur=$(_bazel__get_cword) word command displacement workspace
+  # Determine command: "" (startup-options) or one of $BAZEL_COMMAND_LIST.
+  command="$1"
+  workspace="$(_bazel__get_workspace_path)"
+  displacement="$(_bazel__get_displacement ${workspace})"
+  _bazel__to_compreply "$(_bazel__expand_target_pattern "$workspace" "$displacement" \
+      "$cur" "$(_bazel__expansion_for $command)")"
+# default completion for bazel
+complete -F _bazel__complete -o nospace "${BAZEL}"
+BAZEL_COMMAND_LIST="analyze-profile build canonicalize-flags clean dump fetch help info mobile-install query run shutdown test version"
diff --git a/linux-x86/bazel/buildifier b/linux-x86/bazel/buildifier
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6cf272b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linux-x86/bazel/buildifier
Binary files differ
diff --git a/linux-x86_64/bazel/bazel-real b/linux-x86_64/bazel/bazel-real
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1fe5ca4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linux-x86_64/bazel/bazel-real
Binary files differ