blob: c1af6ec12623c51bf7d9509b398f41e7452157d7 [file] [log] [blame]
//! This is an implementation of a global allocator on the wasm32 platform when
//! emscripten is not in use. In that situation there's no actual runtime for us
//! to lean on for allocation, so instead we provide our own!
//! The wasm32 instruction set has two instructions for getting the current
//! amount of memory and growing the amount of memory. These instructions are the
//! foundation on which we're able to build an allocator, so we do so! Note that
//! the instructions are also pretty "global" and this is the "global" allocator
//! after all!
//! The current allocator here is the `dlmalloc` crate which we've got included
//! in the rust-lang/rust repository as a submodule. The crate is a port of
//! dlmalloc.c from C to Rust and is basically just so we can have "pure Rust"
//! for now which is currently technically required (can't link with C yet).
//! The crate itself provides a global allocator which on wasm has no
//! synchronization as there are no threads!
use crate::alloc::{GlobalAlloc, Layout, System};
static mut DLMALLOC: dlmalloc::Dlmalloc = dlmalloc::DLMALLOC_INIT;
#[stable(feature = "alloc_system_type", since = "1.28.0")]
unsafe impl GlobalAlloc for System {
unsafe fn alloc(&self, layout: Layout) -> *mut u8 {
let _lock = lock::lock();
DLMALLOC.malloc(layout.size(), layout.align())
unsafe fn alloc_zeroed(&self, layout: Layout) -> *mut u8 {
let _lock = lock::lock();
DLMALLOC.calloc(layout.size(), layout.align())
unsafe fn dealloc(&self, ptr: *mut u8, layout: Layout) {
let _lock = lock::lock();, layout.size(), layout.align())
unsafe fn realloc(&self, ptr: *mut u8, layout: Layout, new_size: usize) -> *mut u8 {
let _lock = lock::lock();
DLMALLOC.realloc(ptr, layout.size(), layout.align(), new_size)
#[cfg(target_feature = "atomics")]
mod lock {
use crate::sync::atomic::{AtomicI32, Ordering::SeqCst};
static LOCKED: AtomicI32 = AtomicI32::new(0);
pub struct DropLock;
pub fn lock() -> DropLock {
loop {
if LOCKED.swap(1, SeqCst) == 0 {
return DropLock
// Ok so here's where things get a little depressing. At this point
// in time we need to synchronously acquire a lock, but we're
// contending with some other thread. Typically we'd execute some
// form of `i32.atomic.wait` like so:
// unsafe {
// let r = core::arch::wasm32::i32_atomic_wait(
// &LOCKED as *const AtomicI32 as *mut i32,
// 1, // expected value
// -1, // timeout
// );
// debug_assert!(r == 0 || r == 1);
// }
// Unfortunately though in doing so we would cause issues for the
// main thread. The main thread in a web browser *cannot ever
// block*, no exceptions. This means that the main thread can't
// actually execute the `i32.atomic.wait` instruction.
// As a result if we want to work within the context of browsers we
// need to figure out some sort of allocation scheme for the main
// thread where when there's contention on the global malloc lock we
// do... something.
// Possible ideas include:
// 1. Attempt to acquire the global lock. If it fails, fall back to
// memory allocation via `memory.grow`. Later just ... somehow
// ... inject this raw page back into the main allocator as it
// gets sliced up over time. This strategy has the downside of
// forcing allocation of a page to happen whenever the main
// thread contents with other threads, which is unfortunate.
// 2. Maintain a form of "two level" allocator scheme where the main
// thread has its own allocator. Somehow this allocator would
// also be balanced with a global allocator, not only to have
// allocations cross between threads but also to ensure that the
// two allocators stay "balanced" in terms of free'd memory and
// such. This, however, seems significantly complicated.
// Out of a lack of other ideas, the current strategy implemented
// here is to simply spin. Typical spin loop algorithms have some
// form of "hint" here to the CPU that it's what we're doing to
// ensure that the CPU doesn't get too hot, but wasm doesn't have
// such an instruction.
// To be clear, spinning here is not a great solution.
// Another thread with the lock may take quite a long time to wake
// up. For example it could be in `memory.grow` or it could be
// evicted from the CPU for a timeslice like 10ms. For these periods
// of time our thread will "helpfully" sit here and eat CPU time
// until it itself is evicted or the lock holder finishes. This
// means we're just burning and wasting CPU time to no one's
// benefit.
// Spinning does have the nice properties, though, of being
// semantically correct, being fair to all threads for memory
// allocation, and being simple enough to implement.
// This will surely (hopefully) be replaced in the future with a
// real memory allocator that can handle the restriction of the main
// thread.
// FIXME: We can also possibly add an optimization here to detect
// when a thread is the main thread or not and block on all
// non-main-thread threads. Currently, however, we have no way
// of knowing which wasm thread is on the browser main thread, but
// if we could figure out we could at least somewhat mitigate the
// cost of this spinning.
impl Drop for DropLock {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let r = LOCKED.swap(0, SeqCst);
debug_assert_eq!(r, 1);
// Note that due to the above logic we don't actually need to wake
// anyone up, but if we did it'd likely look something like this:
// unsafe {
// core::arch::wasm32::atomic_notify(
// &LOCKED as *const AtomicI32 as *mut i32,
// 1, // only one thread
// );
// }
#[cfg(not(target_feature = "atomics"))]
mod lock {
pub fn lock() {} // no atomics, no threads, that's easy!