blob: c16e22e74133b822e3bbd1a868adc788791373ef [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package rustprebuilts
import (
// This module is used to generate the rust host stdlib prebuilts
// When RUST_PREBUILTS_VERSION is set, the library will generated
// from the given Rust version.
func init() {
func getRustPrebuiltVersion(ctx android.LoadHookContext) string {
return ctx.AConfig().GetenvWithDefault("RUST_PREBUILTS_VERSION", config.RustDefaultVersion)
func getRustLibDir(ctx android.LoadHookContext) string {
rustDir := getRustPrebuiltVersion(ctx)
return path.Join(rustDir, "lib", "rustlib")
// getPrebuilt returns the module relative Rust library path and the suffix hash.
func getPrebuilt(ctx android.LoadHookContext, dir, lib, extension string) (string, string) {
globPath := path.Join(ctx.ModuleDir(), dir, lib) + "-*" + extension
libMatches := ctx.Glob(globPath, nil)
if len(libMatches) != 1 {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("Unexpected number of matches for prebuilt libraries at path %q, found %d matches", globPath, len(libMatches))
return "", ""
// Collect the suffix by trimming the extension from the Base, then removing the library name and hyphen.
suffix := strings.TrimSuffix(libMatches[0].Base(), extension)[len(lib)+1:]
// Get the relative path from the match by trimming out the module directory.
relPath := strings.TrimPrefix(libMatches[0].String(), ctx.ModuleDir()+"/")
return relPath, suffix
func rustHostPrebuiltSysrootLibrary(ctx android.LoadHookContext) {
rustDir := getRustLibDir(ctx)
name := android.RemoveOptionalPrebuiltPrefix(ctx.ModuleName())
type props struct {
Target struct {
Linux_glibc_x86_64 struct {
Suffix *string
Dylib struct {
Srcs []string
Rlib struct {
Srcs []string
Link_dirs []string
Enabled *bool
Linux_glibc_x86 struct {
Suffix *string
Dylib struct {
Srcs []string
Rlib struct {
Srcs []string
Link_dirs []string
Enabled *bool
Linux_musl_x86_64 struct {
Suffix *string
Dylib struct {
Srcs []string
Rlib struct {
Srcs []string
Link_dirs []string
Enabled *bool
Linux_musl_x86 struct {
Suffix *string
Dylib struct {
Srcs []string
Rlib struct {
Srcs []string
Link_dirs []string
Enabled *bool
Darwin_x86_64 struct {
Suffix *string
Dylib struct {
Srcs []string
Rlib struct {
Srcs []string
Link_dirs []string
Enabled *bool
Enabled *bool
p := &props{}
p.Enabled = proptools.BoolPtr(false)
if ctx.Config().BuildOS == android.Linux {
// The suffixes are the same between the dylib and the rlib,
// so we only need to collect this value once for each target.
linux64Dir := path.Join("linux-x86", rustDir, "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", "lib")
linux64Dylib, linux64Suffix := getPrebuilt(ctx, linux64Dir, name, ".so")
linux64Rlib, _ := getPrebuilt(ctx, linux64Dir, name, ".rlib")
linux32Dir := path.Join("linux-x86", rustDir, "i686-unknown-linux-gnu", "lib")
linux32Rlib, _ := getPrebuilt(ctx, linux32Dir, name, ".rlib")
linux32Dylib, linux32Suffix := getPrebuilt(ctx, linux32Dir, name, ".so")
p.Target.Linux_glibc_x86_64.Suffix = proptools.StringPtr(linux64Suffix)
p.Target.Linux_glibc_x86_64.Dylib.Srcs = []string{linux64Dylib}
p.Target.Linux_glibc_x86_64.Rlib.Srcs = []string{linux64Rlib}
p.Target.Linux_glibc_x86_64.Link_dirs = []string{linux64Dir}
p.Target.Linux_glibc_x86_64.Enabled = proptools.BoolPtr(true)
p.Target.Linux_glibc_x86.Suffix = proptools.StringPtr(linux32Suffix)
p.Target.Linux_glibc_x86.Dylib.Srcs = []string{linux32Dylib}
p.Target.Linux_glibc_x86.Rlib.Srcs = []string{linux32Rlib}
p.Target.Linux_glibc_x86.Link_dirs = []string{linux32Dir}
p.Target.Linux_glibc_x86.Enabled = proptools.BoolPtr(true)
} else if ctx.Config().BuildOS == android.LinuxMusl {
muslLinux64Dir := path.Join("linux-musl-x86", rustDir, "x86_64-unknown-linux-musl", "lib")
muslLinux64Dylib, muslLinux64Suffix := getPrebuilt(ctx, muslLinux64Dir, name, ".so")
muslLinux64Rlib, _ := getPrebuilt(ctx, muslLinux64Dir, name, ".rlib")
muslLinux32Dir := path.Join("linux-musl-x86", rustDir, "i686-unknown-linux-musl", "lib")
muslLinux32Dylib, muslLinux32Suffix := getPrebuilt(ctx, muslLinux32Dir, name, ".so")
muslLinux32Rlib, _ := getPrebuilt(ctx, muslLinux32Dir, name, ".rlib")
p.Target.Linux_musl_x86_64.Suffix = proptools.StringPtr(muslLinux64Suffix)
p.Target.Linux_musl_x86_64.Dylib.Srcs = []string{muslLinux64Dylib}
p.Target.Linux_musl_x86_64.Rlib.Srcs = []string{muslLinux64Rlib}
p.Target.Linux_musl_x86_64.Link_dirs = []string{muslLinux64Dir}
p.Target.Linux_musl_x86_64.Enabled = proptools.BoolPtr(true)
p.Target.Linux_musl_x86.Suffix = proptools.StringPtr(muslLinux32Suffix)
p.Target.Linux_musl_x86.Dylib.Srcs = []string{muslLinux32Dylib}
p.Target.Linux_musl_x86.Rlib.Srcs = []string{muslLinux32Rlib}
p.Target.Linux_musl_x86.Link_dirs = []string{muslLinux32Dir}
p.Target.Linux_musl_x86.Enabled = proptools.BoolPtr(true)
} else if ctx.Config().BuildOS == android.Darwin {
darwinDir := path.Join("darwin-x86", rustDir, "x86_64-apple-darwin", "lib")
darwinDylib, darwinSuffix := getPrebuilt(ctx, darwinDir, name, ".dylib")
darwinRlib, _ := getPrebuilt(ctx, darwinDir, name, ".rlib")
p.Target.Darwin_x86_64.Suffix = proptools.StringPtr(darwinSuffix)
p.Target.Darwin_x86_64.Dylib.Srcs = []string{darwinDylib}
p.Target.Darwin_x86_64.Rlib.Srcs = []string{darwinRlib}
p.Target.Darwin_x86_64.Link_dirs = []string{darwinDir}
p.Target.Darwin_x86_64.Enabled = proptools.BoolPtr(true)
func rustHostPrebuiltSysrootLibraryFactory() android.Module {
module, _ := rust.NewPrebuiltLibrary(android.HostSupported)
android.AddLoadHook(module, rustHostPrebuiltSysrootLibrary)
return module.Init()