blob: 87a378631050a941a45094f29bc8735b0bb8ab3b [file] [log] [blame]
/// Are values of a type transmutable into values of another type?
/// This trait is implemented on-the-fly by the compiler for types `Src` and `Self` when the bits of
/// any value of type `Self` are safely transmutable into a value of type `Dst`, in a given `Context`,
/// notwithstanding whatever safety checks you have asked the compiler to [`Assume`] are satisfied.
#[unstable(feature = "transmutability", issue = "99571")]
#[cfg_attr(not(bootstrap), lang = "transmute_trait")]
message = "`{Src}` cannot be safely transmuted into `{Self}` in the defining scope of `{Context}`.",
label = "`{Src}` cannot be safely transmuted into `{Self}` in the defining scope of `{Context}`."
pub unsafe trait BikeshedIntrinsicFrom<Src, Context, const ASSUME: Assume = { Assume::NOTHING }>
Src: ?Sized,
/// What transmutation safety conditions shall the compiler assume that *you* are checking?
#[unstable(feature = "transmutability", issue = "99571")]
#[cfg_attr(not(bootstrap), lang = "transmute_opts")]
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct Assume {
/// When `true`, the compiler assumes that *you* are ensuring (either dynamically or statically) that
/// destination referents do not have stricter alignment requirements than source referents.
pub alignment: bool,
/// When `true`, the compiler assume that *you* are ensuring that lifetimes are not extended in a manner
/// that violates Rust's memory model.
pub lifetimes: bool,
/// When `true`, the compiler assumes that *you* have ensured that it is safe for you to violate the
/// type and field privacy of the destination type (and sometimes of the source type, too).
pub safety: bool,
/// When `true`, the compiler assumes that *you* are ensuring that the source type is actually a valid
/// instance of the destination type.
pub validity: bool,
impl Assume {
/// Do not assume that *you* have ensured any safety properties are met.
#[unstable(feature = "transmutability", issue = "99571")]
pub const NOTHING: Self =
Self { alignment: false, lifetimes: false, safety: false, validity: false };
/// Assume only that alignment conditions are met.
#[unstable(feature = "transmutability", issue = "99571")]
pub const ALIGNMENT: Self = Self { alignment: true, ..Self::NOTHING };
/// Assume only that lifetime conditions are met.
#[unstable(feature = "transmutability", issue = "99571")]
pub const LIFETIMES: Self = Self { lifetimes: true, ..Self::NOTHING };
/// Assume only that safety conditions are met.
#[unstable(feature = "transmutability", issue = "99571")]
pub const SAFETY: Self = Self { safety: true, ..Self::NOTHING };
/// Assume only that dynamically-satisfiable validity conditions are met.
#[unstable(feature = "transmutability", issue = "99571")]
pub const VALIDITY: Self = Self { validity: true, ..Self::NOTHING };
/// Assume both `self` and `other_assumptions`.
#[unstable(feature = "transmutability", issue = "99571")]
pub const fn and(self, other_assumptions: Self) -> Self {
Self {
alignment: self.alignment || other_assumptions.alignment,
lifetimes: self.lifetimes || other_assumptions.lifetimes,
safety: ||,
validity: self.validity || other_assumptions.validity,
/// Assume `self`, excepting `other_assumptions`.
#[unstable(feature = "transmutability", issue = "99571")]
pub const fn but_not(self, other_assumptions: Self) -> Self {
Self {
alignment: self.alignment && !other_assumptions.alignment,
lifetimes: self.lifetimes && !other_assumptions.lifetimes,
safety: && !,
validity: self.validity && !other_assumptions.validity,
// FIXME(jswrenn): This const op is not actually usable. Why?
#[unstable(feature = "transmutability", issue = "99571")]
#[rustc_const_unstable(feature = "transmutability", issue = "99571")]
impl const core::ops::Add for Assume {
type Output = Assume;
fn add(self, other_assumptions: Assume) -> Assume {
// FIXME(jswrenn): This const op is not actually usable. Why?
#[unstable(feature = "transmutability", issue = "99571")]
#[rustc_const_unstable(feature = "transmutability", issue = "99571")]
impl const core::ops::Sub for Assume {
type Output = Assume;
fn sub(self, other_assumptions: Assume) -> Assume {