blob: b7569fe5a2cc511c88860882a8f51017f521e21f [file] [log] [blame]
extern crate proc_macro;
extern crate proc_macro2;
extern crate quote;
extern crate syn;
use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use proc_macro2::Span;
use std::{fs::File, io::Read, path::Path};
use syn::ext::IdentExt;
pub fn x86_functions(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
functions(input, &["core_arch/src/x86", "core_arch/src/x86_64"])
pub fn arm_functions(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
functions(input, &["core_arch/src/arm", "core_arch/src/aarch64"])
pub fn mips_functions(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
functions(input, &["core_arch/src/mips"])
fn functions(input: TokenStream, dirs: &[&str]) -> TokenStream {
let dir = Path::new(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"));
let root = dir.parent().expect("root-dir not found");
let mut files = Vec::new();
for dir in dirs {
walk(&root.join(dir), &mut files);
let mut functions = Vec::new();
for &mut (ref mut file, ref path) in &mut files {
for mut item in file.items.drain(..) {
match item {
syn::Item::Fn(f) => functions.push((f, path)),
syn::Item::Mod(ref mut m) => {
if let Some(ref mut m) = m.content {
for i in m.1.drain(..) {
if let syn::Item::Fn(f) = i {
functions.push((f, path))
_ => (),
let mut tests = std::collections::HashSet::<String>::new();
for f in &functions {
let id = format!("{}", f.0.ident);
if id.starts_with("test_") {
functions.retain(|&(ref f, _)| {
if let syn::Visibility::Public(_) = f.vis {
if f.unsafety.is_some() {
return true;
let input = proc_macro2::TokenStream::from(input);
let functions = functions
.map(|&(ref f, path)| {
let name = &f.ident;
// println!("{}", name);
let mut arguments = Vec::new();
for input in f.decl.inputs.iter() {
let ty = match *input {
syn::FnArg::Captured(ref c) => &c.ty,
_ => panic!("invalid argument on {}", name),
let ret = match f.decl.output {
syn::ReturnType::Default => quote! { None },
syn::ReturnType::Type(_, ref t) => {
let ty = to_type(t);
quote! { Some(#ty) }
let instrs = find_instrs(&f.attrs);
let target_feature = if let Some(i) = find_target_feature(&f.attrs) {
quote! { Some(#i) }
} else {
quote! { None }
let required_const = find_required_const(&f.attrs);
// strip leading underscore from fn name when building a test
// _mm_foo -> mm_foo such that the test name is test_mm_foo.
let test_name_string = format!("{}", name);
let mut test_name_id = test_name_string.as_str();
while test_name_id.starts_with('_') {
test_name_id = &test_name_id[1..];
let has_test = tests.contains(&format!("test_{}", test_name_id));
quote! {
Function {
name: stringify!(#name),
arguments: &[#(#arguments),*],
ret: #ret,
target_feature: #target_feature,
instrs: &[#(#instrs),*],
file: stringify!(#path),
required_const: &[#(#required_const),*],
has_test: #has_test,
let ret = quote! { #input: &[Function] = &[#(#functions),*]; };
// println!("{}", ret);
fn to_type(t: &syn::Type) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
match *t {
syn::Type::Path(ref p) => match extract_path_ident(&p.path).to_string().as_ref() {
// x86 ...
"__m128" => quote! { &M128 },
"__m128d" => quote! { &M128D },
"__m128i" => quote! { &M128I },
"__m256" => quote! { &M256 },
"__m256d" => quote! { &M256D },
"__m256i" => quote! { &M256I },
"__m512" => quote! { &M512 },
"__m512d" => quote! { &M512D },
"__m512i" => quote! { &M512I },
"__mmask16" => quote! { &MMASK16 },
"__m64" => quote! { &M64 },
"bool" => quote! { &BOOL },
"f32" => quote! { &F32 },
"f64" => quote! { &F64 },
"i16" => quote! { &I16 },
"i32" => quote! { &I32 },
"i64" => quote! { &I64 },
"i8" => quote! { &I8 },
"u16" => quote! { &U16 },
"u32" => quote! { &U32 },
"u64" => quote! { &U64 },
"u128" => quote! { &U128 },
"u8" => quote! { &U8 },
"Ordering" => quote! { &ORDERING },
"CpuidResult" => quote! { &CPUID },
// arm ...
"int8x4_t" => quote! { &I8X4 },
"int8x8_t" => quote! { &I8X8 },
"int8x8x2_t" => quote! { &I8X8X2 },
"int8x8x3_t" => quote! { &I8X8X3 },
"int8x8x4_t" => quote! { &I8X8X4 },
"int8x16x2_t" => quote! { &I8X16X2 },
"int8x16x3_t" => quote! { &I8X16X3 },
"int8x16x4_t" => quote! { &I8X16X4 },
"int8x16_t" => quote! { &I8X16 },
"int16x2_t" => quote! { &I16X2 },
"int16x4_t" => quote! { &I16X4 },
"int16x8_t" => quote! { &I16X8 },
"int32x2_t" => quote! { &I32X2 },
"int32x4_t" => quote! { &I32X4 },
"int64x1_t" => quote! { &I64X1 },
"int64x2_t" => quote! { &I64X2 },
"uint8x8_t" => quote! { &U8X8 },
"uint8x8x2_t" => quote! { &U8X8X2 },
"uint8x16x2_t" => quote! { &U8X16X2 },
"uint8x16x3_t" => quote! { &U8X16X3 },
"uint8x16x4_t" => quote! { &U8X16X4 },
"uint8x8x3_t" => quote! { &U8X8X3 },
"uint8x8x4_t" => quote! { &U8X8X4 },
"uint8x16_t" => quote! { &U8X16 },
"uint16x4_t" => quote! { &U16X4 },
"uint16x8_t" => quote! { &U16X8 },
"uint32x2_t" => quote! { &U32X2 },
"uint32x4_t" => quote! { &U32X4 },
"uint64x1_t" => quote! { &U64X1 },
"uint64x2_t" => quote! { &U64X2 },
"float32x2_t" => quote! { &F32X2 },
"float32x4_t" => quote! { &F32X4 },
"float64x1_t" => quote! { &F64X1 },
"float64x2_t" => quote! { &F64X2 },
"poly8x8_t" => quote! { &POLY8X8 },
"poly8x8x2_t" => quote! { &POLY8X8X2 },
"poly8x8x3_t" => quote! { &POLY8X8X3 },
"poly8x8x4_t" => quote! { &POLY8X8X4 },
"poly8x16x2_t" => quote! { &POLY8X16X2 },
"poly8x16x3_t" => quote! { &POLY8X16X3 },
"poly8x16x4_t" => quote! { &POLY8X16X4 },
"poly64x1_t" => quote! { &POLY64X1 },
"poly64x2_t" => quote! { &POLY64X2 },
"poly8x16_t" => quote! { &POLY8X16 },
"poly16x4_t" => quote! { &POLY16X4 },
"poly16x8_t" => quote! { &POLY16X8 },
"v16i8" => quote! { &v16i8 },
"v8i16" => quote! { &v8i16 },
"v4i32" => quote! { &v4i32 },
"v2i64" => quote! { &v2i64 },
"v16u8" => quote! { &v16u8 },
"v8u16" => quote! { &v8u16 },
"v4u32" => quote! { &v4u32 },
"v2u64" => quote! { &v2u64 },
"v8f16" => quote! { &v8f16 },
"v4f32" => quote! { &v4f32 },
"v2f64" => quote! { &v2f64 },
s => panic!("unspported type: \"{}\"", s),
syn::Type::Ptr(syn::TypePtr {
ref elem,
ref mutability,
| syn::Type::Reference(syn::TypeReference {
ref elem,
ref mutability,
}) => {
// Both pointers and references can have a mut token (*mut and &mut)
if mutability.is_some() {
let tokens = to_type(&elem);
quote! { &Type::MutPtr(#tokens) }
} else {
// If they don't (*const or &) then they are "const"
let tokens = to_type(&elem);
quote! { &Type::ConstPtr(#tokens) }
syn::Type::Slice(_) => panic!("unsupported slice"),
syn::Type::Array(_) => panic!("unsupported array"),
syn::Type::Tuple(_) => quote! { &TUPLE },
syn::Type::Never(_) => quote! { &NEVER },
_ => panic!("unsupported type"),
fn extract_path_ident(path: &syn::Path) -> syn::Ident {
if path.leading_colon.is_some() {
panic!("unsupported leading colon in path")
if path.segments.len() != 1 {
panic!("unsupported path that needs name resolution")
match path
.expect("segment not found")
syn::PathArguments::None => {}
_ => panic!("unsupported path that has path arguments"),
.expect("segment not found")
fn walk(root: &Path, files: &mut Vec<(syn::File, String)>) {
for file in root.read_dir().unwrap() {
let file = file.unwrap();
if file.file_type().unwrap().is_dir() {
walk(&file.path(), files);
let path = file.path();
if path.extension().and_then(std::ffi::OsStr::to_str) != Some("rs") {
if path.file_name().and_then(std::ffi::OsStr::to_str) == Some("") {
let mut contents = String::new();
.unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("can't open file at path: {}", path.display()))
.read_to_string(&mut contents)
.expect("failed to read file to string");
syn::parse_str::<syn::File>(&contents).expect("failed to parse"),
fn find_instrs(attrs: &[syn::Attribute]) -> Vec<String> {
struct AssertInstr {
instr: String,
// A small custom parser to parse out the instruction in `assert_instr`.
// TODO: should probably just reuse `Invoc` from the `assert-instr-macro`
// crate.
impl syn::parse::Parse for AssertInstr {
fn parse(content: syn::parse::ParseStream) -> syn::parse::Result<Self> {
let input;
parenthesized!(input in content);
let _ = input.parse::<syn::Meta>()?;
let _ = input.parse::<Token![,]>()?;
let ident = input.parse::<syn::Ident>()?;
if ident != "assert_instr" {
return Err(input.error("expected `assert_instr`"));
let instrs;
parenthesized!(instrs in input);
let mut instr = String::new();
while !instrs.is_empty() {
if let Ok(lit) = instrs.parse::<syn::LitStr>() {
} else if let Ok(ident) = {
} else if instrs.parse::<Token![.]>().is_ok() {
} else if instrs.parse::<Token![,]>().is_ok() {
// consume everything remaining
} else {
return Err(input.error("failed to parse instruction"));
Ok(Self { instr })
.filter(|a| a.path == syn::Ident::new("cfg_attr", Span::call_site()).into())
.filter_map(|a| {
.map(|a| a.instr)
fn find_target_feature(attrs: &[syn::Attribute]) -> Option<syn::Lit> {
.flat_map(|a| {
if let Some(a) = a.interpret_meta() {
if let syn::Meta::List(i) = a {
if i.ident == "target_feature" {
return i.nested;
.filter_map(|nested| match nested {
syn::NestedMeta::Meta(m) => Some(m),
syn::NestedMeta::Literal(_) => None,
.find_map(|m| match m {
syn::Meta::NameValue(ref i) if i.ident == "enable" => Some(i.clone().lit),
_ => None,
fn find_required_const(attrs: &[syn::Attribute]) -> Vec<usize> {
.flat_map(|a| {
if a.path.segments[0].ident == "rustc_args_required_const" {
} else {
struct RustcArgsRequiredConst {
args: Vec<usize>,
impl syn::parse::Parse for RustcArgsRequiredConst {
fn parse(input: syn::parse::ParseStream) -> syn::parse::Result<Self> {
let content;
parenthesized!(content in input);
let list =
syn::punctuated::Punctuated::<syn::LitInt, Token![,]>::parse_terminated(&content)?;
Ok(Self {
args: list.into_iter().map(|a| a.value() as usize).collect(),