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// ? 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use:
* Copyright (C) 1996-2016, International Business Machines Corporation and
* others. All Rights Reserved.
import java.util.Locale;
import java.text.FieldPosition;
import java.text.ParsePosition;
import java.text.Format;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.Set;
* <strong>[icu enhancement]</strong> ICU's replacement for {@link java.text.NumberFormat}.&nbsp;Methods, fields, and other functionality specific to ICU are labeled '<strong>[icu]</strong>'.
* <p>
* <strong>IMPORTANT:</strong> New users are strongly encouraged to see if
* {@code NumberFormatter} fits their use case. Although not deprecated, this
* class, NumberFormat, is only provided for java.text.NumberFormat compatibility.
* <hr>
* <code>NumberFormat</code> is the abstract base class for all number
* formats. This class provides the interface for formatting and parsing
* numbers. <code>NumberFormat</code> also provides methods for determining
* which locales have number formats, and what their names are.
* <code>NumberFormat</code> helps you to format and parse numbers for any locale.
* Your code can be completely independent of the locale conventions for
* decimal points, thousands-separators, or even the particular decimal
* digits used, or whether the number format is even decimal.
* <p>
* To format a number for the current Locale, use one of the factory
* class methods:
* <blockquote>
* <pre>
* myString = NumberFormat.getInstance().format(myNumber);
* </pre>
* </blockquote>
* If you are formatting multiple numbers, it is
* more efficient to get the format and use it multiple times so that
* the system doesn't have to fetch the information about the local
* language and country conventions multiple times.
* <blockquote>
* <pre>
* NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance();
* for (int i = 0; i &lt; a.length; ++i) {
* output.println(nf.format(myNumber[i]) + "; ");
* }
* </pre>
* </blockquote>
* To format a number for a different Locale, specify it in the
* call to <code>getInstance</code>.
* <blockquote>
* <pre>
* NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.FRENCH);
* </pre>
* </blockquote>
* You can also use a <code>NumberFormat</code> to parse numbers:
* <blockquote>
* <pre>
* myNumber = nf.parse(myString);
* </pre>
* </blockquote>
* Use <code>getInstance</code> or <code>getNumberInstance</code> to get the
* normal number format. Use <code>getIntegerInstance</code> to get an
* integer number format. Use <code>getCurrencyInstance</code> to get the
* currency number format. And use <code>getPercentInstance</code> to get a
* format for displaying percentages. Some factory methods are found within
* subclasses of NumberFormat. With this format, a fraction like
* 0.53 is displayed as 53%.
* <p>
* Starting from ICU 4.2, you can use getInstance() by passing in a 'style'
* as parameter to get the correct instance.
* For example,
* use getInstance(...NUMBERSTYLE) to get the normal number format,
* getInstance(...PERCENTSTYLE) to get a format for displaying percentage,
* getInstance(...SCIENTIFICSTYLE) to get a format for displaying scientific number,
* getInstance(...INTEGERSTYLE) to get an integer number format,
* getInstance(...CURRENCYSTYLE) to get the currency number format,
* in which the currency is represented by its symbol, for example, "$3.00".
* getInstance(...ISOCURRENCYSTYLE) to get the currency number format,
* in which the currency is represented by its ISO code, for example "USD3.00".
* getInstance(...PLURALCURRENCYSTYLE) to get the currency number format,
* in which the currency is represented by its full name in plural format,
* for example, "3.00 US dollars" or "1.00 US dollar".
* <p>
* You can also control the display of numbers with such methods as
* <code>setMinimumFractionDigits</code>.
* If you want even more control over the format or parsing,
* or want to give your users more control,
* you can try casting the <code>NumberFormat</code> you get from the factory methods
* to a <code>DecimalFormat</code>. This will work for the vast majority
* of locales; just remember to put it in a <code>try</code> block in case you
* encounter an unusual one.
* <p>
* NumberFormat is designed such that some controls
* work for formatting and others work for parsing. The following is
* the detailed description for each these control methods,
* <p>
* setParseIntegerOnly : only affects parsing, e.g.
* if true, "3456.78" -&gt; 3456 (and leaves the parse position just after '6')
* if false, "3456.78" -&gt; 3456.78 (and leaves the parse position just after '8')
* This is independent of formatting. If you want to not show a decimal point
* where there might be no digits after the decimal point, use
* setDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown on DecimalFormat.
* <p>
* You can also use forms of the <code>parse</code> and <code>format</code>
* methods with <code>ParsePosition</code> and <code>FieldPosition</code> to
* allow you to:
* <ul>
* <li> progressively parse through pieces of a string
* <li> align the decimal point and other areas
* </ul>
* For example, you can align numbers in two ways:
* <ol>
* <li> If you are using a monospaced font with spacing for alignment,
* you can pass the <code>FieldPosition</code> in your format call, with
* <code>field</code> = <code>INTEGER_FIELD</code>. On output,
* <code>getEndIndex</code> will be set to the offset between the
* last character of the integer and the decimal. Add
* (desiredSpaceCount - getEndIndex) spaces at the front of the string.
* <li> If you are using proportional fonts,
* instead of padding with spaces, measure the width
* of the string in pixels from the start to <code>getEndIndex</code>.
* Then move the pen by
* (desiredPixelWidth - widthToAlignmentPoint) before drawing the text.
* It also works where there is no decimal, but possibly additional
* characters at the end, e.g., with parentheses in negative
* numbers: "(12)" for -12.
* </ol>
* <h3>Synchronization</h3>
* <p>
* Number formats are generally not synchronized. It is recommended to create
* separate format instances for each thread. If multiple threads access a format
* concurrently, it must be synchronized externally.
* <h4>DecimalFormat</h4>
* <p>DecimalFormat is the concrete implementation of NumberFormat, and the
* NumberFormat API is essentially an abstraction from DecimalFormat's API.
* Refer to DecimalFormat for more information about this API.</p>
* see DecimalFormat
* see java.text.ChoiceFormat
* @author Mark Davis
* @author Helena Shih
* @author Alan Liu
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "deprecation", "all"})
public abstract class NumberFormat extends {
* Empty constructor. Public for API compatibility with historic versions of
* {@link java.text.NumberFormat} which had public constructor even though this is
* an abstract class.
public NumberFormat() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Formats a number and appends the resulting text to the given string buffer.
* <strong>[icu] Note:</strong> recognizes <code>BigInteger</code>
* and <code>BigDecimal</code> objects.
* @see java.text.Format#format(Object, StringBuffer, FieldPosition)
public java.lang.StringBuffer format(java.lang.Object number, java.lang.StringBuffer toAppendTo, java.text.FieldPosition pos) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Parses text from a string to produce a number.
* @param source the String to parse
* @param parsePosition the position at which to start the parse
* @return the parsed number, or null
* @see java.text.NumberFormat#parseObject(String, ParsePosition)
public final java.lang.Object parseObject(java.lang.String source, java.text.ParsePosition parsePosition) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Specialization of format.
* @see java.text.Format#format(Object)
public final java.lang.String format(double number) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Specialization of format.
* @see java.text.Format#format(Object)
public final java.lang.String format(long number) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Convenience method to format a BigInteger.
public final java.lang.String format(java.math.BigInteger number) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Convenience method to format a BigDecimal.
public final java.lang.String format(java.math.BigDecimal number) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Convenience method to format an ICU BigDecimal.
public final java.lang.String format( number) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Convenience method to format a CurrencyAmount.
public final java.lang.String format( currAmt) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Specialization of format.
* @see java.text.Format#format(Object, StringBuffer, FieldPosition)
public abstract java.lang.StringBuffer format(double number, java.lang.StringBuffer toAppendTo, java.text.FieldPosition pos);
* Specialization of format.
* @see java.text.Format#format(Object, StringBuffer, FieldPosition)
public abstract java.lang.StringBuffer format(long number, java.lang.StringBuffer toAppendTo, java.text.FieldPosition pos);
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Formats a BigInteger. Specialization of format.
* @see java.text.Format#format(Object, StringBuffer, FieldPosition)
public abstract java.lang.StringBuffer format(java.math.BigInteger number, java.lang.StringBuffer toAppendTo, java.text.FieldPosition pos);
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Formats a BigDecimal. Specialization of format.
* @see java.text.Format#format(Object, StringBuffer, FieldPosition)
public abstract java.lang.StringBuffer format(java.math.BigDecimal number, java.lang.StringBuffer toAppendTo, java.text.FieldPosition pos);
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Formats an ICU BigDecimal. Specialization of format.
* @see java.text.Format#format(Object, StringBuffer, FieldPosition)
public abstract java.lang.StringBuffer format( number, java.lang.StringBuffer toAppendTo, java.text.FieldPosition pos);
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Formats a CurrencyAmount. Specialization of format.
* @see java.text.Format#format(Object, StringBuffer, FieldPosition)
public java.lang.StringBuffer format( currAmt, java.lang.StringBuffer toAppendTo, java.text.FieldPosition pos) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Returns a Long if possible (e.g., within the range [Long.MIN_VALUE,
* Long.MAX_VALUE] and with no decimals); otherwise, returns another type,
* such as a BigDecimal, BigInteger, or Double. The return type is not
* guaranteed other than for the Long case.
* <p>If IntegerOnly is set, will stop at a decimal
* point (or equivalent; e.g., for rational numbers "1 2/3", will stop
* after the 1).
* <p>Does not throw an exception; if no object can be parsed, index is
* unchanged!
* <p>For more detail on parsing, see the "Parsing" header in the class
* documentation of {@link DecimalFormat}.
* @see #isParseIntegerOnly
* @see
* @see java.text.Format#parseObject(String, ParsePosition)
public abstract java.lang.Number parse(java.lang.String text, java.text.ParsePosition parsePosition);
* Parses text from the beginning of the given string to produce a number.
* The method might not use the entire text of the given string.
* @param text A String whose beginning should be parsed.
* @return A Number parsed from the string.
* @throws java.text.ParseException if the beginning of the specified string
* cannot be parsed.
* @see #format
public java.lang.Number parse(java.lang.String text) throws java.text.ParseException { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Parses text from the given string as a CurrencyAmount. Unlike
* the parse() method, this method will attempt to parse a generic
* currency name, searching for a match of this object's locale's
* currency display names, or for a 3-letter ISO currency code.
* This method will fail if this format is not a currency format,
* that is, if it does not contain the currency pattern symbol
* (U+00A4) in its prefix or suffix.
* @param text the text to parse
* @param pos input-output position; on input, the position within
* text to match; must have 0 &lt;= pos.getIndex() &lt; text.length();
* on output, the position after the last matched character. If
* the parse fails, the position in unchanged upon output.
* @return a CurrencyAmount, or null upon failure
public parseCurrency(java.lang.CharSequence text, java.text.ParsePosition pos) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Returns true if this format will parse numbers as integers only.
* For example in the English locale, with ParseIntegerOnly true, the
* string "1234." would be parsed as the integer value 1234 and parsing
* would stop at the "." character. The decimal separator accepted
* by the parse operation is locale-dependent and determined by the
* subclass.
* @return true if this will parse integers only
public boolean isParseIntegerOnly() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Sets whether to ignore the fraction part of a number when parsing
* (defaults to false). If a string contains a decimal point, parsing will stop before the decimal
* point. Note that determining whether a character is a decimal point depends on the locale.
* <p>For example, in <em>en-US</em>, parsing the string "123.45" will return the number 123 and
* parse position 3.
* @param value true if this should parse integers only
* @see #isParseIntegerOnly
public void setParseIntegerOnly(boolean value) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Sets whether strict parsing is in effect. When this is true, the string
* is required to be a stronger match to the pattern than when lenient parsing is in
* effect. More specifically, the following conditions cause a parse failure relative
* to lenient mode (examples use the pattern "#,##0.#"):<ul>
* <li>The presence and position of special symbols, including currency, must match the
* pattern.<br>
* '+123' fails (there is no plus sign in the pattern)</li>
* <li>Leading or doubled grouping separators<br>
* ',123' and '1,,234" fail</li>
* <li>Groups of incorrect length when grouping is used<br>
* '1,23' and '1234,567' fail, but '1234' passes</li>
* <li>Grouping separators used in numbers followed by exponents<br>
* '1,234E5' fails, but '1234E5' and '1,234E' pass ('E' is not an exponent when
* not followed by a number)</li>
* </ul>
* When strict parsing is off, all grouping separators are ignored.
* This is the default behavior.
* @param value True to enable strict parsing. Default is false.
* @see #isParseStrict
public void setParseStrict(boolean value) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Returns whether strict parsing is in effect.
* @return true if strict parsing is in effect
* @see #setParseStrict
public boolean isParseStrict() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Set a particular DisplayContext value in the formatter,
* @param context The DisplayContext value to set.
public void setContext( context) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Get the formatter's DisplayContext value for the specified DisplayContext.Type,
* @param type the DisplayContext.Type whose value to return
* @return the current DisplayContext setting for the specified type
public getContext( type) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Returns the default number format for the current default <code>FORMAT</code> locale.
* The default format is one of the styles provided by the other
* factory methods: getNumberInstance, getIntegerInstance,
* getCurrencyInstance or getPercentInstance.
* Exactly which one is locale-dependent.
* @see
public static final getInstance() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Returns the default number format for the specified locale.
* The default format is one of the styles provided by the other
* factory methods: getNumberInstance, getCurrencyInstance or getPercentInstance.
* Exactly which one is locale-dependent.
public static getInstance(java.util.Locale inLocale) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Returns the default number format for the specified locale.
* The default format is one of the styles provided by the other
* factory methods: getNumberInstance, getCurrencyInstance or getPercentInstance.
* Exactly which one is locale-dependent.
public static getInstance( inLocale) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Returns a specific style number format for default <code>FORMAT</code> locale.
* @param style number format style
* @see
public static final getInstance(int style) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Returns a specific style number format for a specific locale.
* @param inLocale the specific locale.
* @param style number format style
public static getInstance(java.util.Locale inLocale, int style) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Returns a general-purpose number format for the current default <code>FORMAT</code> locale.
* @see
public static final getNumberInstance() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Returns a general-purpose number format for the specified locale.
public static getNumberInstance(java.util.Locale inLocale) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Returns a general-purpose number format for the specified locale.
public static getNumberInstance( inLocale) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Returns an integer number format for the current default <code>FORMAT</code> locale. The
* returned number format is configured to round floating point numbers
* to the nearest integer using IEEE half-even rounding (see {@link
* ROUND_HALF_EVEN}) for formatting,
* and to parse only the integer part of an input string (see {@link
* #isParseIntegerOnly isParseIntegerOnly}).
* @return a number format for integer values
* @see
public static final getIntegerInstance() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Returns an integer number format for the specified locale. The
* returned number format is configured to round floating point numbers
* to the nearest integer using IEEE half-even rounding (see {@link
* ROUND_HALF_EVEN}) for formatting,
* and to parse only the integer part of an input string (see {@link
* #isParseIntegerOnly isParseIntegerOnly}).
* @param inLocale the locale for which a number format is needed
* @return a number format for integer values
public static getIntegerInstance(java.util.Locale inLocale) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Returns an integer number format for the specified locale. The
* returned number format is configured to round floating point numbers
* to the nearest integer using IEEE half-even rounding (see {@link
* ROUND_HALF_EVEN}) for formatting,
* and to parse only the integer part of an input string (see {@link
* #isParseIntegerOnly isParseIntegerOnly}).
* @param inLocale the locale for which a number format is needed
* @return a number format for integer values
public static getIntegerInstance( inLocale) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Returns a currency format for the current default <code>FORMAT</code> locale.
* @return a number format for currency
* @see
public static final getCurrencyInstance() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Returns a currency format for the specified locale.
* @return a number format for currency
public static getCurrencyInstance(java.util.Locale inLocale) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Returns a currency format for the specified locale.
* @return a number format for currency
public static getCurrencyInstance( inLocale) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Returns a percentage format for the current default <code>FORMAT</code> locale.
* @return a number format for percents
* @see
public static final getPercentInstance() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Returns a percentage format for the specified locale.
* @return a number format for percents
public static getPercentInstance(java.util.Locale inLocale) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Returns a percentage format for the specified locale.
* @return a number format for percents
public static getPercentInstance( inLocale) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Returns a scientific format for the current default <code>FORMAT</code> locale.
* @return a scientific number format
* @see
public static final getScientificInstance() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Returns a scientific format for the specified locale.
* @return a scientific number format
public static getScientificInstance(java.util.Locale inLocale) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Returns a scientific format for the specified locale.
* @return a scientific number format
public static getScientificInstance( inLocale) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Returns the list of Locales for which NumberFormats are available.
* @return the available locales
public static java.util.Locale[] getAvailableLocales() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* {@inheritDoc}
public int hashCode() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Overrides equals.
* Two NumberFormats are equal they are of the same class
* and the user-specified values for settings
* (groupingUsed, parseIntegerOnly, maximumIntegerDigits, etc.)
* are equal.
* @param obj the object to compare against
* @return true if the object is equal to this.
public boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Overrides clone.
public java.lang.Object clone() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Returns true if grouping is used in this format. For example, in the
* en_US locale, with grouping on, the number 1234567 will be formatted
* as "1,234,567". The grouping separator as well as the size of each group
* is locale-dependent and is determined by subclasses of NumberFormat.
* Grouping affects both parsing and formatting.
* @return true if grouping is used
* @see #setGroupingUsed
public boolean isGroupingUsed() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Sets whether or not grouping will be used in this format. Grouping
* affects both parsing and formatting.
* @see #isGroupingUsed
* @param newValue true to use grouping.
public void setGroupingUsed(boolean newValue) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Returns the maximum number of digits allowed in the integer portion of a
* number. The default value is 40, which subclasses can override.
* When formatting, if the number of digits exceeds this value, the highest-
* significance digits are truncated until the limit is reached, in accordance
* with UTS#35.
* This setting has no effect on parsing.
* @return the maximum number of integer digits
* @see #setMaximumIntegerDigits
public int getMaximumIntegerDigits() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Sets the maximum number of digits allowed in the integer portion of a
* number. This must be &gt;= minimumIntegerDigits. If the
* new value for maximumIntegerDigits is less than the current value
* of minimumIntegerDigits, then minimumIntegerDigits will also be set to
* the new value.
* @param newValue the maximum number of integer digits to be shown; if
* less than zero, then zero is used. Subclasses might enforce an
* upper limit to this value appropriate to the numeric type being formatted.
* @see #getMaximumIntegerDigits
public void setMaximumIntegerDigits(int newValue) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Returns the minimum number of digits allowed in the integer portion of a
* number. The default value is 1, which subclasses can override.
* When formatting, if this value is not reached, numbers are padded on the
* left with the locale-specific '0' character to ensure at least this
* number of integer digits. When parsing, this has no effect.
* @return the minimum number of integer digits
* @see #setMinimumIntegerDigits
public int getMinimumIntegerDigits() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Sets the minimum number of digits allowed in the integer portion of a
* number. This must be &lt;= maximumIntegerDigits. If the
* new value for minimumIntegerDigits is more than the current value
* of maximumIntegerDigits, then maximumIntegerDigits will also be set to
* the new value.
* @param newValue the minimum number of integer digits to be shown; if
* less than zero, then zero is used. Subclasses might enforce an
* upper limit to this value appropriate to the numeric type being formatted.
* @see #getMinimumIntegerDigits
public void setMinimumIntegerDigits(int newValue) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Returns the maximum number of digits allowed in the fraction
* portion of a number. The default value is 3, which subclasses
* can override. When formatting, the exact behavior when this
* value is exceeded is subclass-specific. When parsing, this has
* no effect.
* @return the maximum number of fraction digits
* @see #setMaximumFractionDigits
public int getMaximumFractionDigits() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Sets the maximum number of digits allowed in the fraction portion of a
* number. This must be &gt;= minimumFractionDigits. If the
* new value for maximumFractionDigits is less than the current value
* of minimumFractionDigits, then minimumFractionDigits will also be set to
* the new value.
* @param newValue the maximum number of fraction digits to be shown; if
* less than zero, then zero is used. The concrete subclass may enforce an
* upper limit to this value appropriate to the numeric type being formatted.
* @see #getMaximumFractionDigits
public void setMaximumFractionDigits(int newValue) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Returns the minimum number of digits allowed in the fraction portion of a
* number. The default value is 0, which subclasses can override.
* When formatting, if this value is not reached, numbers are padded on
* the right with the locale-specific '0' character to ensure at least
* this number of fraction digits. When parsing, this has no effect.
* @return the minimum number of fraction digits
* @see #setMinimumFractionDigits
public int getMinimumFractionDigits() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Sets the minimum number of digits allowed in the fraction portion of a
* number. This must be &lt;= maximumFractionDigits. If the
* new value for minimumFractionDigits exceeds the current value
* of maximumFractionDigits, then maximumFractionDigits will also be set to
* the new value.
* @param newValue the minimum number of fraction digits to be shown; if
* less than zero, then zero is used. Subclasses might enforce an
* upper limit to this value appropriate to the numeric type being formatted.
* @see #getMinimumFractionDigits
public void setMinimumFractionDigits(int newValue) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Sets the <tt>Currency</tt> object used to display currency
* amounts. This takes effect immediately, if this format is a
* currency format. If this format is not a currency format, then
* the currency object is used if and when this object becomes a
* currency format.
* @param theCurrency new currency object to use. May be null for
* some subclasses.
public void setCurrency( theCurrency) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Returns the <tt>Currency</tt> object used to display currency
* amounts. This may be null.
public getCurrency() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Returns the rounding mode used in this NumberFormat. The default implementation of
* tis method in NumberFormat always throws <code>UnsupportedOperationException</code>.
* @return A rounding mode, between <code>BigDecimal.ROUND_UP</code>
* and <code>BigDecimal.ROUND_UNNECESSARY</code>.
* @see #setRoundingMode(int)
public int getRoundingMode() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Set the rounding mode used in this NumberFormat. The default implementation of
* tis method in NumberFormat always throws <code>UnsupportedOperationException</code>.
* @param roundingMode A rounding mode, between
* <code>BigDecimal.ROUND_UP</code> and
* <code>BigDecimal.ROUND_UNNECESSARY</code>.
* @see #getRoundingMode()
public void setRoundingMode(int roundingMode) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Returns a specific style number format for a specific locale.
* @param desiredLocale the specific locale.
* @param choice number format style
* @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if choice is not one of
public static getInstance( desiredLocale, int choice) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Returns the pattern for the provided locale and choice.
* @param forLocale the locale of the data.
* @param choice the pattern format.
* @return the pattern
protected static java.lang.String getPattern( forLocale, int choice) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Constant to specify currency style of format which uses currency symbol
* to represent currency for accounting, for example: "($3.00), instead of
* "-$3.00" ({@link #CURRENCYSTYLE}).
* Overrides any style specified using -cf- key in locale.
public static final int ACCOUNTINGCURRENCYSTYLE = 7; // 0x7
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Constant to specify currency cash style of format which uses currency
* ISO code to represent currency, for example: "NT$3" instead of "NT$3.23".
public static final int CASHCURRENCYSTYLE = 8; // 0x8
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Constant to specify general currency style of format. Defaults to
* STANDARDCURRENCYSTYLE, using currency symbol, for example "$3.00", with
* non-accounting style for negative values (e.g. minus sign).
* The specific style may be specified using the -cf- locale key.
public static final int CURRENCYSTYLE = 1; // 0x1
* Field constant used to construct a FieldPosition object. Signifies that
* the position of the fraction part of a formatted number should be returned.
* @see java.text.FieldPosition
public static final int FRACTION_FIELD = 1; // 0x1
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Constant to specify a integer number style format.
public static final int INTEGERSTYLE = 4; // 0x4
* Field constant used to construct a FieldPosition object. Signifies that
* the position of the integer part of a formatted number should be returned.
* @see java.text.FieldPosition
public static final int INTEGER_FIELD = 0; // 0x0
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Constant to specify currency style of format which uses currency
* ISO code to represent currency, for example: "USD3.00".
public static final int ISOCURRENCYSTYLE = 5; // 0x5
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Constant to specify normal number style of format.
public static final int NUMBERSTYLE = 0; // 0x0
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Constant to specify a style of format to display percent.
public static final int PERCENTSTYLE = 2; // 0x2
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Constant to specify currency style of format which uses currency
* long name with plural format to represent currency, for example,
* "3.00 US Dollars".
public static final int PLURALCURRENCYSTYLE = 6; // 0x6
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Constant to specify a style of format to display scientific number.
public static final int SCIENTIFICSTYLE = 3; // 0x3
* <strong>[icu]</strong> Constant to specify currency style of format which uses currency symbol
* to represent currency, for example "$3.00", using non-accounting style for
* negative values (e.g. minus sign).
* Overrides any style specified using -cf- key in locale.
public static final int STANDARDCURRENCYSTYLE = 9; // 0x9
* The instances of this inner class are used as attribute keys and values
* in AttributedCharacterIterator that
* NumberFormat.formatToCharacterIterator() method returns.
* <p>
* There is no public constructor to this class, the only instances are the
* constants defined here.
* <p>
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "deprecation", "all"})
public static class Field extends java.text.Format.Field {
* Constructs a new instance of NumberFormat.Field with the given field
* name.
protected Field(java.lang.String fieldName) { super(null); throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* serizalization method resolve instances to the constant
* NumberFormat.Field values
protected java.lang.Object readResolve() throws { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
public static final COMPACT;
static { COMPACT = null; }
public static final CURRENCY;
static { CURRENCY = null; }
public static final DECIMAL_SEPARATOR;
static { DECIMAL_SEPARATOR = null; }
public static final EXPONENT;
static { EXPONENT = null; }
public static final EXPONENT_SIGN;
static { EXPONENT_SIGN = null; }
public static final EXPONENT_SYMBOL;
static { EXPONENT_SYMBOL = null; }
public static final FRACTION;
static { FRACTION = null; }
public static final GROUPING_SEPARATOR;
static { GROUPING_SEPARATOR = null; }
public static final INTEGER;
static { INTEGER = null; }
public static final MEASURE_UNIT;
static { MEASURE_UNIT = null; }
public static final PERCENT;
static { PERCENT = null; }
public static final PERMILLE;
static { PERMILLE = null; }
public static final SIGN;
static { SIGN = null; }