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// ? 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use:
* Copyright (C) 2006-2016, Google, International Business Machines Corporation
* and others. All Rights Reserved.
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
* This class provides flexible generation of date format patterns, like
* "yy-MM-dd". The user can build up the generator by adding successive
* patterns. Once that is done, a query can be made using a "skeleton", which is
* a pattern which just includes the desired fields and lengths. The generator
* will return the "best fit" pattern corresponding to that skeleton.
* <p>
* The main method people will use is getBestPattern(String skeleton), since
* normally this class is pre-built with data from a particular locale. However,
* generators can be built directly from other data as well.
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "deprecation", "all"})
public class DateTimePatternGenerator implements<>, java.lang.Cloneable {
* Only for use by subclasses
protected DateTimePatternGenerator() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Create empty generator, to be constructed with addPattern(...) etc.
public static getEmptyInstance() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Construct a flexible generator according to data for the default <code>FORMAT</code> locale.
* @see
public static getInstance() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Construct a flexible generator according to data for a given locale.
* @param uLocale The locale to pass.
public static getInstance( uLocale) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Construct a flexible generator according to data for a given locale.
* @param locale The {@link java.util.Locale} to pass.
public static getInstance(java.util.Locale locale) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Return the best pattern matching the input skeleton. It is guaranteed to
* have all of the fields in the skeleton.
* <p>Example code:{@sample external/icu/android_icu4j/src/samples/java/android/icu/samples/text/datetimepatterngenerator/ getBestPatternExample}
* @param skeleton The skeleton is a pattern containing only the variable fields.
* For example, "MMMdd" and "mmhh" are skeletons.
* @return Best pattern matching the input skeleton.
public java.lang.String getBestPattern(java.lang.String skeleton) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Return the best pattern matching the input skeleton. It is guaranteed to
* have all of the fields in the skeleton.
* @param skeleton The skeleton is a pattern containing only the variable fields.
* For example, "MMMdd" and "mmhh" are skeletons.
* @param options MATCH_xxx options for forcing the length of specified fields in
* the returned pattern to match those in the skeleton (when this would
* not happen otherwise). For default behavior, use MATCH_NO_OPTIONS.
* @return Best pattern matching the input skeleton (and options).
public java.lang.String getBestPattern(java.lang.String skeleton, int options) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Adds a pattern to the generator. If the pattern has the same skeleton as
* an existing pattern, and the override parameter is set, then the previous
* value is overridden. Otherwise, the previous value is retained. In either
* case, the conflicting information is returned in PatternInfo.
* <p>
* Note that single-field patterns (like "MMM") are automatically added, and
* don't need to be added explicitly!
* * <p>Example code:{@sample external/icu/android_icu4j/src/samples/java/android/icu/samples/text/datetimepatterngenerator/ addPatternExample}
* @param pattern Pattern to add.
* @param override When existing values are to be overridden use true, otherwise
* use false.
* @param returnInfo Returned information.
public addPattern(java.lang.String pattern, boolean override, returnInfo) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Utility to return a unique skeleton from a given pattern. For example,
* both "MMM-dd" and "dd/MMM" produce the skeleton "MMMdd".
* @param pattern Input pattern, such as "dd/MMM"
* @return skeleton, such as "MMMdd"
public java.lang.String getSkeleton(java.lang.String pattern) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Utility to return a unique base skeleton from a given pattern. This is
* the same as the skeleton, except that differences in length are minimized
* so as to only preserve the difference between string and numeric form. So
* for example, both "MMM-dd" and "d/MMM" produce the skeleton "MMMd"
* (notice the single d).
* @param pattern Input pattern, such as "dd/MMM"
* @return skeleton, such as "MMMdd"
public java.lang.String getBaseSkeleton(java.lang.String pattern) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Return a list of all the skeletons (in canonical form) from this class,
* and the patterns that they map to.
* @param result an output Map in which to place the mapping from skeleton to
* pattern. If you want to see the internal order being used,
* supply a LinkedHashMap. If the input value is null, then a
* LinkedHashMap is allocated.
* <p>
* <i>Issue: an alternate API would be to just return a list of
* the skeletons, and then have a separate routine to get from
* skeleton to pattern.</i>
* @return the input Map containing the values.
public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> getSkeletons(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> result) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Return a list of all the base skeletons (in canonical form) from this class
public java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getBaseSkeletons(java.util.Set<java.lang.String> result) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Adjusts the field types (width and subtype) of a pattern to match what is
* in a skeleton. That is, if you supply a pattern like "d-M H:m", and a
* skeleton of "MMMMddhhmm", then the input pattern is adjusted to be
* "dd-MMMM hh:mm". This is used internally to get the best match for the
* input skeleton, but can also be used externally.
* <p>Example code:{@sample external/icu/android_icu4j/src/samples/java/android/icu/samples/text/datetimepatterngenerator/ replaceFieldTypesExample}
* @param pattern input pattern
* @param skeleton For the pattern to match to.
* @return pattern adjusted to match the skeleton fields widths and subtypes.
public java.lang.String replaceFieldTypes(java.lang.String pattern, java.lang.String skeleton) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Adjusts the field types (width and subtype) of a pattern to match what is
* in a skeleton. That is, if you supply a pattern like "d-M H:m", and a
* skeleton of "MMMMddhhmm", then the input pattern is adjusted to be
* "dd-MMMM hh:mm". This is used internally to get the best match for the
* input skeleton, but can also be used externally.
* @param pattern input pattern
* @param skeleton For the pattern to match to.
* @param options MATCH_xxx options for forcing the length of specified fields in
* the returned pattern to match those in the skeleton (when this would
* not happen otherwise). For default behavior, use MATCH_NO_OPTIONS.
* @return pattern adjusted to match the skeleton fields widths and subtypes.
public java.lang.String replaceFieldTypes(java.lang.String pattern, java.lang.String skeleton, int options) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* The date time format is a message format pattern used to compose date and
* time patterns. The default value is "{1} {0}", where {1} will be replaced
* by the date pattern and {0} will be replaced by the time pattern.
* <p>
* This is used when the input skeleton contains both date and time fields,
* but there is not a close match among the added patterns. For example,
* suppose that this object was created by adding "dd-MMM" and "hh:mm", and
* its datetimeFormat is the default "{1} {0}". Then if the input skeleton
* is "MMMdhmm", there is not an exact match, so the input skeleton is
* broken up into two components "MMMd" and "hmm". There are close matches
* for those two skeletons, so the result is put together with this pattern,
* resulting in "d-MMM h:mm".
* @param dateTimeFormat message format pattern, where {1} will be replaced by the date
* pattern and {0} will be replaced by the time pattern.
public void setDateTimeFormat(java.lang.String dateTimeFormat) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Getter corresponding to setDateTimeFormat.
* @return pattern
public java.lang.String getDateTimeFormat() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* The decimal value is used in formatting fractions of seconds. If the
* skeleton contains fractional seconds, then this is used with the
* fractional seconds. For example, suppose that the input pattern is
* "hhmmssSSSS", and the best matching pattern internally is "H:mm:ss", and
* the decimal string is ",". Then the resulting pattern is modified to be
* "H:mm:ss,SSSS"
* @param decimal The decimal to set to.
public void setDecimal(java.lang.String decimal) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Getter corresponding to setDecimal.
* @return string corresponding to the decimal point
public java.lang.String getDecimal() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* An AppendItem format is a pattern used to append a field if there is no
* good match. For example, suppose that the input skeleton is "GyyyyMMMd",
* and there is no matching pattern internally, but there is a pattern
* matching "yyyyMMMd", say "d-MM-yyyy". Then that pattern is used, plus the
* G. The way these two are conjoined is by using the AppendItemFormat for G
* (era). So if that value is, say "{0}, {1}" then the final resulting
* pattern is "d-MM-yyyy, G".
* <p>
* There are actually three available variables: {0} is the pattern so far,
* {1} is the element we are adding, and {2} is the name of the element.
* <p>
* This reflects the way that the CLDR data is organized.
* @param field such as ERA
* @param value pattern, such as "{0}, {1}"
public void setAppendItemFormat(int field, java.lang.String value) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Getter corresponding to setAppendItemFormats. Values below 0 or at or
* above TYPE_LIMIT are illegal arguments.
* @param field The index to retrieve the append item formats.
* @return append pattern for field
public java.lang.String getAppendItemFormat(int field) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Sets the names of fields, eg "era" in English for ERA. These are only
* used if the corresponding AppendItemFormat is used, and if it contains a
* {2} variable.
* <p>
* This reflects the way that the CLDR data is organized.
* @param field Index of the append item names.
* @param value The value to set the item to.
public void setAppendItemName(int field, java.lang.String value) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Getter corresponding to setAppendItemName. Values below 0 or at or above
* TYPE_LIMIT are illegal arguments. Note: The more general method
* for getting date/time field display names is getFieldDisplayName.
* @param field The index to get the append item name.
* @return name for field
public java.lang.String getAppendItemName(int field) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* The general interface to get a display name for a particular date/time field,
* in one of several possible display widths.
* @param field The field type, such as ERA.
* @param width The desired DisplayWidth, such as DisplayWidth.ABBREVIATED.
* @return The display name for the field
public java.lang.String getFieldDisplayName(int field, width) { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean isFrozen() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* {@inheritDoc}
public freeze() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* {@inheritDoc}
public cloneAsThawed() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
* Returns a copy of this <code>DateTimePatternGenerator</code> object.
* @return A copy of this <code>DateTimePatternGenerator</code> object.
public java.lang.Object clone() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
public static final int DAY = 7; // 0x7
public static final int DAYPERIOD = 10; // 0xa
public static final int DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH = 9; // 0x9
public static final int DAY_OF_YEAR = 8; // 0x8
public static final int ERA = 0; // 0x0
public static final int FRACTIONAL_SECOND = 14; // 0xe
public static final int HOUR = 11; // 0xb
* Option mask for forcing the width of all date and time fields.
* @see #getBestPattern(String, int)
* @see #replaceFieldTypes(String, String, int)
public static final int MATCH_ALL_FIELDS_LENGTH = 65535; // 0xffff
* Option mask for forcing the width of hour field.
* @see #getBestPattern(String, int)
* @see #replaceFieldTypes(String, String, int)
public static final int MATCH_HOUR_FIELD_LENGTH = 2048; // 0x800
* Default option mask used for {@link #getBestPattern(java.lang.String,int)}
* and {@link #replaceFieldTypes(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,int)}.
* @see #getBestPattern(String, int)
* @see #replaceFieldTypes(String, String, int)
public static final int MATCH_NO_OPTIONS = 0; // 0x0
public static final int MINUTE = 12; // 0xc
public static final int MONTH = 3; // 0x3
public static final int QUARTER = 2; // 0x2
public static final int SECOND = 13; // 0xd
public static final int WEEKDAY = 6; // 0x6
public static final int WEEK_OF_MONTH = 5; // 0x5
public static final int WEEK_OF_YEAR = 4; // 0x4
public static final int YEAR = 1; // 0x1
public static final int ZONE = 15; // 0xf
* Field display name width constants for getFieldDisplayName
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "deprecation", "all"})
public enum DisplayWidth {
* The full field name
* An abbreviated field name
* (may be the same as the wide version, if short enough)
* The shortest possible field name
* (may be the same as the abbreviated version)
* PatternInfo supplies output parameters for addPattern(...). It is used because
* Java doesn't have real output parameters. It is treated like a struct (eg
* Point), so all fields are public.
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "deprecation", "all"})
public static final class PatternInfo {
* Simple constructor, since this is treated like a struct.
public PatternInfo() { throw new RuntimeException("Stub!"); }
public static final int BASE_CONFLICT = 1; // 0x1
public static final int CONFLICT = 2; // 0x2
public static final int OK = 0; // 0x0
public java.lang.String conflictingPattern;
public int status;