blob: 03f4fce30edb5b9230e7e4d212862a830e14a6ff [file] [log] [blame]
// DO NOT EDIT. Autogenerated by Perfetto cppgen_plugin
#include <stdint.h>
#include <bitset>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include "perfetto/protozero/cpp_message_obj.h"
#include "perfetto/protozero/copyable_ptr.h"
#include "perfetto/base/export.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace gen {
class DebugAnnotationName;
class DebugAnnotation;
class DebugAnnotation_NestedValue;
enum DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_NestedType : int;
} // namespace perfetto
} // namespace protos
} // namespace gen
namespace protozero {
class Message;
} // namespace protozero
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace gen {
enum DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_NestedType : int {
DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_NestedType_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_NestedType_DICT = 1,
DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_NestedType_ARRAY = 2,
class PERFETTO_EXPORT DebugAnnotationName : public ::protozero::CppMessageObj {
enum FieldNumbers {
kIidFieldNumber = 1,
kNameFieldNumber = 2,
~DebugAnnotationName() override;
DebugAnnotationName(DebugAnnotationName&&) noexcept;
DebugAnnotationName& operator=(DebugAnnotationName&&);
DebugAnnotationName(const DebugAnnotationName&);
DebugAnnotationName& operator=(const DebugAnnotationName&);
bool operator==(const DebugAnnotationName&) const;
bool operator!=(const DebugAnnotationName& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
bool ParseFromArray(const void*, size_t) override;
std::string SerializeAsString() const override;
std::vector<uint8_t> SerializeAsArray() const override;
void Serialize(::protozero::Message*) const;
bool has_iid() const { return _has_field_[1]; }
uint64_t iid() const { return iid_; }
void set_iid(uint64_t value) { iid_ = value; _has_field_.set(1); }
bool has_name() const { return _has_field_[2]; }
const std::string& name() const { return name_; }
void set_name(const std::string& value) { name_ = value; _has_field_.set(2); }
uint64_t iid_{};
std::string name_{};
// Allows to preserve unknown protobuf fields for compatibility
// with future versions of .proto files.
std::string unknown_fields_;
std::bitset<3> _has_field_{};
class PERFETTO_EXPORT DebugAnnotation : public ::protozero::CppMessageObj {
using NestedValue = DebugAnnotation_NestedValue;
enum FieldNumbers {
kNameIidFieldNumber = 1,
kNameFieldNumber = 10,
kBoolValueFieldNumber = 2,
kUintValueFieldNumber = 3,
kIntValueFieldNumber = 4,
kDoubleValueFieldNumber = 5,
kStringValueFieldNumber = 6,
kPointerValueFieldNumber = 7,
kNestedValueFieldNumber = 8,
kLegacyJsonValueFieldNumber = 9,
kDictEntriesFieldNumber = 11,
kArrayValuesFieldNumber = 12,
~DebugAnnotation() override;
DebugAnnotation(DebugAnnotation&&) noexcept;
DebugAnnotation& operator=(DebugAnnotation&&);
DebugAnnotation(const DebugAnnotation&);
DebugAnnotation& operator=(const DebugAnnotation&);
bool operator==(const DebugAnnotation&) const;
bool operator!=(const DebugAnnotation& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
bool ParseFromArray(const void*, size_t) override;
std::string SerializeAsString() const override;
std::vector<uint8_t> SerializeAsArray() const override;
void Serialize(::protozero::Message*) const;
bool has_name_iid() const { return _has_field_[1]; }
uint64_t name_iid() const { return name_iid_; }
void set_name_iid(uint64_t value) { name_iid_ = value; _has_field_.set(1); }
bool has_name() const { return _has_field_[10]; }
const std::string& name() const { return name_; }
void set_name(const std::string& value) { name_ = value; _has_field_.set(10); }
bool has_bool_value() const { return _has_field_[2]; }
bool bool_value() const { return bool_value_; }
void set_bool_value(bool value) { bool_value_ = value; _has_field_.set(2); }
bool has_uint_value() const { return _has_field_[3]; }
uint64_t uint_value() const { return uint_value_; }
void set_uint_value(uint64_t value) { uint_value_ = value; _has_field_.set(3); }
bool has_int_value() const { return _has_field_[4]; }
int64_t int_value() const { return int_value_; }
void set_int_value(int64_t value) { int_value_ = value; _has_field_.set(4); }
bool has_double_value() const { return _has_field_[5]; }
double double_value() const { return double_value_; }
void set_double_value(double value) { double_value_ = value; _has_field_.set(5); }
bool has_string_value() const { return _has_field_[6]; }
const std::string& string_value() const { return string_value_; }
void set_string_value(const std::string& value) { string_value_ = value; _has_field_.set(6); }
bool has_pointer_value() const { return _has_field_[7]; }
uint64_t pointer_value() const { return pointer_value_; }
void set_pointer_value(uint64_t value) { pointer_value_ = value; _has_field_.set(7); }
bool has_nested_value() const { return _has_field_[8]; }
const DebugAnnotation_NestedValue& nested_value() const { return *nested_value_; }
DebugAnnotation_NestedValue* mutable_nested_value() { _has_field_.set(8); return nested_value_.get(); }
bool has_legacy_json_value() const { return _has_field_[9]; }
const std::string& legacy_json_value() const { return legacy_json_value_; }
void set_legacy_json_value(const std::string& value) { legacy_json_value_ = value; _has_field_.set(9); }
const std::vector<DebugAnnotation>& dict_entries() const { return dict_entries_; }
std::vector<DebugAnnotation>* mutable_dict_entries() { return &dict_entries_; }
int dict_entries_size() const;
void clear_dict_entries();
DebugAnnotation* add_dict_entries();
const std::vector<DebugAnnotation>& array_values() const { return array_values_; }
std::vector<DebugAnnotation>* mutable_array_values() { return &array_values_; }
int array_values_size() const;
void clear_array_values();
DebugAnnotation* add_array_values();
uint64_t name_iid_{};
std::string name_{};
bool bool_value_{};
uint64_t uint_value_{};
int64_t int_value_{};
double double_value_{};
std::string string_value_{};
uint64_t pointer_value_{};
::protozero::CopyablePtr<DebugAnnotation_NestedValue> nested_value_;
std::string legacy_json_value_{};
std::vector<DebugAnnotation> dict_entries_;
std::vector<DebugAnnotation> array_values_;
// Allows to preserve unknown protobuf fields for compatibility
// with future versions of .proto files.
std::string unknown_fields_;
std::bitset<13> _has_field_{};
class PERFETTO_EXPORT DebugAnnotation_NestedValue : public ::protozero::CppMessageObj {
using NestedType = DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_NestedType;
static constexpr auto UNSPECIFIED = DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_NestedType_UNSPECIFIED;
static constexpr auto DICT = DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_NestedType_DICT;
static constexpr auto ARRAY = DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_NestedType_ARRAY;
static constexpr auto NestedType_MIN = DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_NestedType_UNSPECIFIED;
static constexpr auto NestedType_MAX = DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_NestedType_ARRAY;
enum FieldNumbers {
kNestedTypeFieldNumber = 1,
kDictKeysFieldNumber = 2,
kDictValuesFieldNumber = 3,
kArrayValuesFieldNumber = 4,
kIntValueFieldNumber = 5,
kDoubleValueFieldNumber = 6,
kBoolValueFieldNumber = 7,
kStringValueFieldNumber = 8,
~DebugAnnotation_NestedValue() override;
DebugAnnotation_NestedValue(DebugAnnotation_NestedValue&&) noexcept;
DebugAnnotation_NestedValue& operator=(DebugAnnotation_NestedValue&&);
DebugAnnotation_NestedValue(const DebugAnnotation_NestedValue&);
DebugAnnotation_NestedValue& operator=(const DebugAnnotation_NestedValue&);
bool operator==(const DebugAnnotation_NestedValue&) const;
bool operator!=(const DebugAnnotation_NestedValue& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
bool ParseFromArray(const void*, size_t) override;
std::string SerializeAsString() const override;
std::vector<uint8_t> SerializeAsArray() const override;
void Serialize(::protozero::Message*) const;
bool has_nested_type() const { return _has_field_[1]; }
DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_NestedType nested_type() const { return nested_type_; }
void set_nested_type(DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_NestedType value) { nested_type_ = value; _has_field_.set(1); }
const std::vector<std::string>& dict_keys() const { return dict_keys_; }
std::vector<std::string>* mutable_dict_keys() { return &dict_keys_; }
int dict_keys_size() const { return static_cast<int>(dict_keys_.size()); }
void clear_dict_keys() { dict_keys_.clear(); }
void add_dict_keys(std::string value) { dict_keys_.emplace_back(value); }
std::string* add_dict_keys() { dict_keys_.emplace_back(); return &dict_keys_.back(); }
const std::vector<DebugAnnotation_NestedValue>& dict_values() const { return dict_values_; }
std::vector<DebugAnnotation_NestedValue>* mutable_dict_values() { return &dict_values_; }
int dict_values_size() const;
void clear_dict_values();
DebugAnnotation_NestedValue* add_dict_values();
const std::vector<DebugAnnotation_NestedValue>& array_values() const { return array_values_; }
std::vector<DebugAnnotation_NestedValue>* mutable_array_values() { return &array_values_; }
int array_values_size() const;
void clear_array_values();
DebugAnnotation_NestedValue* add_array_values();
bool has_int_value() const { return _has_field_[5]; }
int64_t int_value() const { return int_value_; }
void set_int_value(int64_t value) { int_value_ = value; _has_field_.set(5); }
bool has_double_value() const { return _has_field_[6]; }
double double_value() const { return double_value_; }
void set_double_value(double value) { double_value_ = value; _has_field_.set(6); }
bool has_bool_value() const { return _has_field_[7]; }
bool bool_value() const { return bool_value_; }
void set_bool_value(bool value) { bool_value_ = value; _has_field_.set(7); }
bool has_string_value() const { return _has_field_[8]; }
const std::string& string_value() const { return string_value_; }
void set_string_value(const std::string& value) { string_value_ = value; _has_field_.set(8); }
DebugAnnotation_NestedValue_NestedType nested_type_{};
std::vector<std::string> dict_keys_;
std::vector<DebugAnnotation_NestedValue> dict_values_;
std::vector<DebugAnnotation_NestedValue> array_values_;
int64_t int_value_{};
double double_value_{};
bool bool_value_{};
std::string string_value_{};
// Allows to preserve unknown protobuf fields for compatibility
// with future versions of .proto files.
std::string unknown_fields_;
std::bitset<9> _has_field_{};
} // namespace perfetto
} // namespace protos
} // namespace gen