Merge "Add sepolgen for audit2allow"
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+# Authors: Karl MacMillan <>
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Red Hat 
+# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+Classes representing basic access.
+SELinux - at the most basic level - represents access as
+the 4-tuple subject (type or context), target (type or context),
+object class, permission. The policy language elaborates this basic
+access to faciliate more concise rules (e.g., allow rules can have multiple
+source or target types - see refpolicy for more information).
+This module has objects for representing the most basic access (AccessVector)
+and sets of that access (AccessVectorSet). These objects are used in Madison
+in a variety of ways, but they are the fundamental representation of access.
+from . import refpolicy
+from . import util
+from selinux import audit2why
+def is_idparam(id):
+    """Determine if an id is a paramater in the form $N, where N is
+    an integer.
+    Returns:
+      True if the id is a paramater
+      False if the id is not a paramater
+    """
+    if len(id) > 1 and id[0] == '$':
+        try:
+            int(id[1:])
+        except ValueError:
+            return False
+        return True
+    else:
+        return False
+class AccessVector(util.Comparison):
+    """
+    An access vector is the basic unit of access in SELinux.
+    Access vectors are the most basic representation of access within
+    SELinux. It represents the access a source type has to a target
+    type in terms of an object class and a set of permissions.
+    Access vectors are distinct from AVRules in that they can only
+    store a single source type, target type, and object class. The
+    simplicity of AccessVectors makes them useful for storing access
+    in a form that is easy to search and compare.
+    The source, target, and object are stored as string. No checking
+    done to verify that the strings are valid SELinux identifiers.
+    Identifiers in the form $N (where N is an integer) are reserved as
+    interface parameters and are treated as wild cards in many
+    circumstances.
+    Properties:
+     .src_type - The source type allowed access. [String or None]
+     .tgt_type - The target type to which access is allowed. [String or None]
+     .obj_class - The object class to which access is allowed. [String or None]
+     .perms - The permissions allowed to the object class. [IdSet]
+     .audit_msgs - The audit messages that generated this access vector [List of strings]
+    """
+    def __init__(self, init_list=None):
+        if init_list:
+            self.from_list(init_list)
+        else:
+            self.src_type = None
+            self.tgt_type = None
+            self.obj_class = None
+            self.perms = refpolicy.IdSet()
+            self.audit_msgs = []
+            self.type = audit2why.TERULE
+   = []
+        # when implementing __eq__ also __hash__ is needed on py2
+        # if object is muttable __hash__ should be None
+        self.__hash__ = None
+        # The direction of the information flow represented by this
+        # access vector - used for matching
+        self.info_flow_dir = None
+    def from_list(self, list):
+        """Initialize an access vector from a list.
+        Initialize an access vector from a list treating the list as
+        positional arguments - i.e., 0 = src_type, 1 = tgt_type, etc.
+        All of the list elements 3 and greater are treated as perms.
+        For example, the list ['foo_t', 'bar_t', 'file', 'read', 'write']
+        would create an access vector list with the source type 'foo_t',
+        target type 'bar_t', object class 'file', and permissions 'read'
+        and 'write'.
+        This format is useful for very simple storage to strings or disc
+        (see to_list) and for initializing access vectors.
+        """
+        if len(list) < 4:
+            raise ValueError("List must contain at least four elements %s" % str(list))
+        self.src_type = list[0]
+        self.tgt_type = list[1]
+        self.obj_class = list[2]
+        self.perms = refpolicy.IdSet(list[3:])
+    def to_list(self):
+        """
+        Convert an access vector to a list.
+        Convert an access vector to a list treating the list as positional
+        values. See from_list for more information on how an access vector
+        is represented in a list.
+        """
+        l = [self.src_type, self.tgt_type, self.obj_class]
+        l.extend(sorted(self.perms))
+        return l
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.to_string()
+    def to_string(self):
+        return "allow %s %s:%s %s;" % (self.src_type, self.tgt_type,
+                                        self.obj_class, self.perms.to_space_str())
+    def _compare(self, other, method):
+        try:
+            x = list(self.perms)
+            a = (self.src_type, self.tgt_type, self.obj_class, x)
+            y = list(other.perms)
+            x.sort()
+            y.sort()
+            b = (other.src_type, other.tgt_type, other.obj_class, y)
+            return method(a, b)
+        except (AttributeError, TypeError):
+            # trying to compare to foreign type
+            return NotImplemented
+def avrule_to_access_vectors(avrule):
+    """Convert an avrule into a list of access vectors.
+    AccessVectors and AVRules are similary, but differ in that
+    an AVRule can more than one source type, target type, and
+    object class. This function expands a single avrule into a
+    list of one or more AccessVectors representing the access
+    defined in the AVRule.
+    """
+    if isinstance(avrule, AccessVector):
+        return [avrule]
+    a = []
+    for src_type in avrule.src_types:
+        for tgt_type in avrule.tgt_types:
+            for obj_class in avrule.obj_classes:
+                access = AccessVector()
+                access.src_type = src_type
+                access.tgt_type = tgt_type
+                access.obj_class = obj_class
+                access.perms = avrule.perms.copy()
+                a.append(access)
+    return a
+class AccessVectorSet:
+    """A non-overlapping set of access vectors.
+    An AccessVectorSet is designed to store one or more access vectors
+    that are non-overlapping. Access can be added to the set
+    incrementally and access vectors will be added or merged as
+    necessary.  For example, adding the following access vectors using
+    add_av:
+       allow $1 etc_t : read;
+       allow $1 etc_t : write;
+       allow $1 var_log_t : read;
+    Would result in an access vector set with the access vectors:
+       allow $1 etc_t : { read write};
+       allow $1 var_log_t : read;
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        """Initialize an access vector set.
+        """
+        self.src = {}
+        # The information flow direction of this access vector
+        # set - see for more information. This
+        # stored here to speed up searching - see
+        self.info_dir = None
+    def __iter__(self):
+        """Iterate over all of the unique access vectors in the set."""
+        for tgts in self.src.values():
+            for objs in tgts.values():
+                for av in objs.values():
+                    yield av
+    def __len__(self):
+        """Return the number of unique access vectors in the set.
+        Because of the inernal representation of the access vector set,
+        __len__ is not a constant time operation. Worst case is O(N)
+        where N is the number of unique access vectors, but the common
+        case is probably better.
+        """
+        l = 0
+        for tgts in self.src.values():
+            for objs in tgts.values():
+               l += len(objs)
+        return l
+    def to_list(self):
+        """Return the unique access vectors in the set as a list.
+        The format of the returned list is a set of nested lists,
+        each access vector represented by a list. This format is
+        designed to be simply  serializable to a file.
+        For example, consider an access vector set with the following
+        access vectors:
+          allow $1 user_t : file read;
+          allow $1 etc_t : file { read write};
+        to_list would return the following:
+          [[$1, user_t, file, read]
+           [$1, etc_t, file, read, write]]
+        See AccessVector.to_list for more information.
+        """
+        l = []
+        for av in self:
+            l.append(av.to_list())
+        return l
+    def from_list(self, l):
+        """Add access vectors stored in a list.
+        See to list for more information on the list format that this
+        method accepts.
+        This will add all of the access from the list. Any existing
+        access vectors in the set will be retained.
+        """
+        for av in l:
+            self.add_av(AccessVector(av))
+    def add(self, src_type, tgt_type, obj_class, perms, audit_msg=None, avc_type=audit2why.TERULE, data=[]):
+        """Add an access vector to the set.
+        """
+        tgt = self.src.setdefault(src_type, { })
+        cls = tgt.setdefault(tgt_type, { })
+        if (obj_class, avc_type) in cls:
+            access = cls[obj_class, avc_type]
+        else:
+            access = AccessVector()
+            access.src_type = src_type
+            access.tgt_type = tgt_type
+            access.obj_class = obj_class
+   = data
+            access.type = avc_type
+            cls[obj_class, avc_type] = access
+        access.perms.update(perms)
+        if audit_msg:
+            access.audit_msgs.append(audit_msg)
+    def add_av(self, av, audit_msg=None):
+        """Add an access vector to the set."""
+        self.add(av.src_type, av.tgt_type, av.obj_class, av.perms)
+def avs_extract_types(avs):
+    types = refpolicy.IdSet()
+    for av in avs:
+        types.add(av.src_type)
+        types.add(av.tgt_type)
+    return types
+def avs_extract_obj_perms(avs):
+    perms = { }
+    for av in avs:
+        if av.obj_class in perms:
+            s = perms[av.obj_class]
+        else:
+            s = refpolicy.IdSet()
+            perms[av.obj_class] = s
+        s.update(av.perms)
+    return perms
+class RoleTypeSet:
+    """A non-overlapping set of role type statements.
+    This clas allows the incremental addition of role type statements and
+    maintains a non-overlapping list of statements.
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        """Initialize an access vector set."""
+        self.role_types = {}
+    def __iter__(self):
+        """Iterate over all of the unique role allows statements in the set."""
+        for role_type in self.role_types.values():
+            yield role_type
+    def __len__(self):
+        """Return the unique number of role allow statements."""
+        return len(self.role_types.keys())
+    def add(self, role, type):
+        if role in self.role_types:
+            role_type = self.role_types[role]
+        else:
+            role_type = refpolicy.RoleType()
+            role_type.role = role
+            self.role_types[role] = role_type
+        role_type.types.add(type)
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+# Authors: Karl MacMillan <>
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Red Hat 
+# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+import re
+import sys
+from . import refpolicy
+from . import access
+from . import util
+# Convenience functions
+def get_audit_boot_msgs():
+    """Obtain all of the avc and policy load messages from the audit
+    log. This function uses ausearch and requires that the current
+    process have sufficient rights to run ausearch.
+    Returns:
+       string contain all of the audit messages returned by ausearch.
+    """
+    import subprocess
+    import time
+    fd=open("/proc/uptime", "r")
+    off=float([0])
+    fd.close
+    s = time.localtime(time.time() - off)
+    bootdate = time.strftime("%x", s)
+    boottime = time.strftime("%X", s)
+    output = subprocess.Popen(["/sbin/ausearch", "-m", "AVC,USER_AVC,MAC_POLICY_LOAD,DAEMON_START,SELINUX_ERR", "-ts", bootdate, boottime],
+                              stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
+    if util.PY3:
+        output = util.decode_input(output)
+    return output
+def get_audit_msgs():
+    """Obtain all of the avc and policy load messages from the audit
+    log. This function uses ausearch and requires that the current
+    process have sufficient rights to run ausearch.
+    Returns:
+       string contain all of the audit messages returned by ausearch.
+    """
+    import subprocess
+    output = subprocess.Popen(["/sbin/ausearch", "-m", "AVC,USER_AVC,MAC_POLICY_LOAD,DAEMON_START,SELINUX_ERR"],
+                              stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
+    if util.PY3:
+        output = util.decode_input(output)
+    return output
+def get_dmesg_msgs():
+    """Obtain all of the avc and policy load messages from /bin/dmesg.
+    Returns:
+       string contain all of the audit messages returned by dmesg.
+    """
+    import subprocess
+    output = subprocess.Popen(["/bin/dmesg"],
+                              stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
+    if util.PY3:
+        output = util.decode_input(output)
+    return output
+# Classes representing audit messages
+class AuditMessage:
+    """Base class for all objects representing audit messages.
+    AuditMessage is a base class for all audit messages and only
+    provides storage for the raw message (as a string) and a
+    parsing function that does nothing.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, message):
+        self.message = message
+        self.header = ""
+    def from_split_string(self, recs):
+        """Parse a string that has been split into records by space into
+        an audit message.
+        This method should be overridden by subclasses. Error reporting
+        should be done by raise ValueError exceptions.
+        """
+        for msg in recs:
+            fields = msg.split("=")
+            if len(fields) != 2:
+                if msg[:6] == "audit(":
+                    self.header = msg
+                    return
+                else:
+                    continue
+            if fields[0] == "msg":
+                self.header = fields[1]
+                return
+class InvalidMessage(AuditMessage):
+    """Class representing invalid audit messages. This is used to differentiate
+    between audit messages that aren't recognized (that should return None from
+    the audit message parser) and a message that is recognized but is malformed
+    in some way.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, message):
+        AuditMessage.__init__(self, message)
+class PathMessage(AuditMessage):
+    """Class representing a path message"""
+    def __init__(self, message):
+        AuditMessage.__init__(self, message)
+        self.path = ""
+    def from_split_string(self, recs):
+        AuditMessage.from_split_string(self, recs)
+        for msg in recs:
+            fields = msg.split("=")
+            if len(fields) != 2:
+                continue
+            if fields[0] == "path":
+                self.path = fields[1][1:-1]
+                return
+import selinux.audit2why as audit2why
+avcdict = {}
+class AVCMessage(AuditMessage):
+    """AVC message representing an access denial or granted message.
+    This is a very basic class and does not represent all possible fields
+    in an avc message. Currently the fields are:
+       scontext - context for the source (process) that generated the message
+       tcontext - context for the target
+       tclass - object class for the target (only one)
+       comm - the process name
+       exe - the on-disc binary
+       path - the path of the target
+       access - list of accesses that were allowed or denied
+       denial - boolean indicating whether this was a denial (True) or granted
+          (False) message.
+    An example audit message generated from the audit daemon looks like (line breaks
+    added):
+       'type=AVC msg=audit(1155568085.407:10877): avc:  denied  { search } for
+       pid=677 comm="python" name="modules" dev=dm-0 ino=13716388
+       scontext=user_u:system_r:setroubleshootd_t:s0
+       tcontext=system_u:object_r:modules_object_t:s0 tclass=dir'
+    An example audit message stored in syslog (not processed by the audit daemon - line
+    breaks added):
+       'Sep 12 08:26:43 dhcp83-5 kernel: audit(1158064002.046:4): avc:  denied  { read }
+       for  pid=2 496 comm="bluez-pin" name=".gdm1K3IFT" dev=dm-0 ino=3601333
+       scontext=user_u:system_r:bluetooth_helper_t:s0-s0:c0
+       tcontext=system_u:object_r:xdm_tmp_t:s0 tclass=file
+    """
+    def __init__(self, message):
+        AuditMessage.__init__(self, message)
+        self.scontext = refpolicy.SecurityContext()
+        self.tcontext = refpolicy.SecurityContext()
+        self.tclass = ""
+        self.comm = ""
+        self.exe = ""
+        self.path = ""
+ = ""
+        self.accesses = []
+        self.denial = True
+        self.type = audit2why.TERULE
+    def __parse_access(self, recs, start):
+        # This is kind of sucky - the access that is in a space separated
+        # list like '{ read write }'. This doesn't fit particularly well with splitting
+        # the string on spaces. This function takes the list of recs and a starting
+        # position one beyond the open brace. It then adds the accesses until it finds
+        # the close brace or the end of the list (which is an error if reached without
+        # seeing a close brace).
+        found_close = False
+        i = start
+        if i == (len(recs) - 1):
+            raise ValueError("AVC message in invalid format [%s]\n" % self.message)
+        while i < len(recs):
+            if recs[i] == "}":
+                found_close = True
+                break
+            self.accesses.append(recs[i])
+            i = i + 1
+        if not found_close:
+            raise ValueError("AVC message in invalid format [%s]\n" % self.message)
+        return i + 1
+    def from_split_string(self, recs):
+        AuditMessage.from_split_string(self, recs)        
+        # FUTURE - fully parse avc messages and store all possible fields
+        # Required fields
+        found_src = False
+        found_tgt = False
+        found_class = False
+        found_access = False
+        for i in range(len(recs)):
+            if recs[i] == "{":
+                i = self.__parse_access(recs, i + 1)
+                found_access = True
+                continue
+            elif recs[i] == "granted":
+                self.denial = False
+            fields = recs[i].split("=")
+            if len(fields) != 2:
+                continue
+            if fields[0] == "scontext":
+                self.scontext = refpolicy.SecurityContext(fields[1])
+                found_src = True
+            elif fields[0] == "tcontext":
+                self.tcontext = refpolicy.SecurityContext(fields[1])
+                found_tgt = True
+            elif fields[0] == "tclass":
+                self.tclass = fields[1]
+                found_class = True
+            elif fields[0] == "comm":
+                self.comm = fields[1][1:-1]
+            elif fields[0] == "exe":
+                self.exe = fields[1][1:-1]
+            elif fields[0] == "name":
+       = fields[1][1:-1]
+        if not found_src or not found_tgt or not found_class or not found_access:
+            raise ValueError("AVC message in invalid format [%s]\n" % self.message)
+        self.analyze()
+    def analyze(self):
+        tcontext = self.tcontext.to_string()
+        scontext = self.scontext.to_string()
+        access_tuple = tuple( self.accesses)
+ = []
+        if (scontext, tcontext, self.tclass, access_tuple) in avcdict.keys():
+            self.type, = avcdict[(scontext, tcontext, self.tclass, access_tuple)]
+        else:
+            self.type, = audit2why.analyze(scontext, tcontext, self.tclass, self.accesses);
+            if self.type == audit2why.NOPOLICY:
+                self.type = audit2why.TERULE
+            if self.type == audit2why.BADTCON:
+                raise ValueError("Invalid Target Context %s\n" % tcontext)
+            if self.type == audit2why.BADSCON:
+                raise ValueError("Invalid Source Context %s\n" % scontext)
+            if self.type == audit2why.BADSCON:
+                raise ValueError("Invalid Type Class %s\n" % self.tclass)
+            if self.type == audit2why.BADPERM:
+                raise ValueError("Invalid permission %s\n" % " ".join(self.accesses))
+            if self.type == audit2why.BADCOMPUTE:
+                raise ValueError("Error during access vector computation")
+            if self.type == audit2why.CONSTRAINT:
+       = [ ]
+                if self.scontext.user != self.tcontext.user:
+          "user (%s)" % self.scontext.user, 'user (%s)' % self.tcontext.user))
+                if self.scontext.role != self.tcontext.role and self.tcontext.role != "object_r":
+          "role (%s)" % self.scontext.role, 'role (%s)' % self.tcontext.role))
+                if self.scontext.level != self.tcontext.level:
+          "level (%s)" % self.scontext.level, 'level (%s)' % self.tcontext.level))
+            avcdict[(scontext, tcontext, self.tclass, access_tuple)] = (self.type,
+class PolicyLoadMessage(AuditMessage):
+    """Audit message indicating that the policy was reloaded."""
+    def __init__(self, message):
+        AuditMessage.__init__(self, message)
+class DaemonStartMessage(AuditMessage):
+    """Audit message indicating that a daemon was started."""
+    def __init__(self, message):
+        AuditMessage.__init__(self, message)
+        self.auditd = False
+    def from_split_string(self, recs):
+        AuditMessage.from_split_string(self, recs)
+        if "auditd" in recs:
+            self.auditd = True
+class ComputeSidMessage(AuditMessage):
+    """Audit message indicating that a sid was not valid.
+    Compute sid messages are generated on attempting to create a security
+    context that is not valid. Security contexts are invalid if the role is
+    not authorized for the user or the type is not authorized for the role.
+    This class does not store all of the fields from the compute sid message -
+    just the type and role.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, message):
+        AuditMessage.__init__(self, message)
+        self.invalid_context = refpolicy.SecurityContext()
+        self.scontext = refpolicy.SecurityContext()
+        self.tcontext = refpolicy.SecurityContext()
+        self.tclass = ""
+    def from_split_string(self, recs):
+        AuditMessage.from_split_string(self, recs)
+        if len(recs) < 10:
+            raise ValueError("Split string does not represent a valid compute sid message")
+        try:
+            self.invalid_context = refpolicy.SecurityContext(recs[5])
+            self.scontext = refpolicy.SecurityContext(recs[7].split("=")[1])
+            self.tcontext = refpolicy.SecurityContext(recs[8].split("=")[1])
+            self.tclass = recs[9].split("=")[1]
+        except:
+            raise ValueError("Split string does not represent a valid compute sid message")
+    def output(self):
+        return "role %s types %s;\n" % (self.role, self.type)
+# Parser for audit messages
+class AuditParser:
+    """Parser for audit messages.
+    This class parses audit messages and stores them according to their message
+    type. This is not a general purpose audit message parser - it only extracts
+    selinux related messages.
+    Each audit messages are stored in one of four lists:
+       avc_msgs - avc denial or granted messages. Messages are stored in
+          AVCMessage objects.
+       comput_sid_messages - invalid sid messages. Messages are stored in
+          ComputSidMessage objects.
+       invalid_msgs - selinux related messages that are not valid. Messages
+          are stored in InvalidMessageObjects.
+       policy_load_messages - policy load messages. Messages are stored in
+          PolicyLoadMessage objects.
+    These lists will be reset when a policy load message is seen if
+    AuditParser.last_load_only is set to true. It is assumed that messages
+    are fed to the parser in chronological order - time stamps are not
+    parsed.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, last_load_only=False):
+        self.__initialize()
+        self.last_load_only = last_load_only
+    def __initialize(self):
+        self.avc_msgs = []
+        self.compute_sid_msgs = []
+        self.invalid_msgs = []
+        self.policy_load_msgs = []
+        self.path_msgs = []
+        self.by_header = { }
+        self.check_input_file = False
+    # Low-level parsing function - tries to determine if this audit
+    # message is an SELinux related message and then parses it into
+    # the appropriate AuditMessage subclass. This function deliberately
+    # does not impose policy (e.g., on policy load message) or store
+    # messages to make as simple and reusable as possible.
+    #
+    # Return values:
+    #   None - no recognized audit message found in this line
+    #
+    #   InvalidMessage - a recognized but invalid message was found.
+    #
+    #   AuditMessage (or subclass) - object representing a parsed
+    #      and valid audit message.
+    def __parse_line(self, line):
+        rec = line.split()
+        for i in rec:
+            found = False
+            if i == "avc:" or i == "message=avc:" or i == "msg='avc:":
+                msg = AVCMessage(line)
+                found = True
+            elif i == "security_compute_sid:":
+                msg = ComputeSidMessage(line)
+                found = True
+            elif i == "type=MAC_POLICY_LOAD" or i == "type=1403":
+                msg = PolicyLoadMessage(line)
+                found = True
+            elif i == "type=AVC_PATH":
+                msg = PathMessage(line)
+                found = True
+            elif i == "type=DAEMON_START":
+                msg = DaemonStartMessage(list)
+                found = True
+            if found:
+                self.check_input_file = True
+                try:
+                    msg.from_split_string(rec)
+                except ValueError:
+                    msg = InvalidMessage(line)
+                return msg
+        return None
+    # Higher-level parse function - take a line, parse it into an
+    # AuditMessage object, and store it in the appropriate list.
+    # This function will optionally reset all of the lists when
+    # it sees a load policy message depending on the value of
+    # self.last_load_only.
+    def __parse(self, line):
+        msg = self.__parse_line(line)
+        if msg is None:
+            return
+        # Append to the correct list
+        if isinstance(msg, PolicyLoadMessage):
+            if self.last_load_only:
+                self.__initialize()
+        elif isinstance(msg, DaemonStartMessage):
+            # We initialize every time the auditd is started. This
+            # is less than ideal, but unfortunately it is the only
+            # way to catch reboots since the initial policy load
+            # by init is not stored in the audit log.
+            if msg.auditd and self.last_load_only:
+                self.__initialize()
+            self.policy_load_msgs.append(msg)
+        elif isinstance(msg, AVCMessage):
+            self.avc_msgs.append(msg)
+        elif isinstance(msg, ComputeSidMessage):
+            self.compute_sid_msgs.append(msg)
+        elif isinstance(msg, InvalidMessage):
+            self.invalid_msgs.append(msg)
+        elif isinstance(msg, PathMessage):
+            self.path_msgs.append(msg)
+        # Group by audit header
+        if msg.header != "":
+            if msg.header in self.by_header:
+                self.by_header[msg.header].append(msg)
+            else:
+                self.by_header[msg.header] = [msg]
+    # Post processing will add additional information from AVC messages
+    # from related messages - only works on messages generated by
+    # the audit system.
+    def __post_process(self):
+        for value in self.by_header.values():
+            avc = []
+            path = None
+            for msg in value:
+                if isinstance(msg, PathMessage):
+                    path = msg
+                elif isinstance(msg, AVCMessage):
+                    avc.append(msg)
+            if len(avc) > 0 and path:
+                for a in avc:
+                    a.path = path.path
+    def parse_file(self, input):
+        """Parse the contents of a file object. This method can be called
+        multiple times (along with parse_string)."""
+        line = input.readline()
+        while line:
+            self.__parse(line)
+            line = input.readline()
+        if not self.check_input_file:
+            sys.stderr.write("Nothing to do\n")
+            sys.exit(0)
+        self.__post_process()
+    def parse_string(self, input):
+        """Parse a string containing audit messages - messages should
+        be separated by new lines. This method can be called multiple
+        times (along with parse_file)."""
+        lines = input.split('\n')
+        for l in lines:
+            self.__parse(l)
+        self.__post_process()
+    def to_role(self, role_filter=None):
+        """Return RoleAllowSet statements matching the specified filter
+        Filter out types that match the filer, or all roles
+        Params:
+           role_filter - [optional] Filter object used to filter the
+              output.
+        Returns:
+           Access vector set representing the denied access in the
+           audit logs parsed by this object.
+        """
+        role_types = access.RoleTypeSet()
+        for cs in self.compute_sid_msgs:
+            if not role_filter or role_filter.filter(cs):
+                role_types.add(cs.invalid_context.role, cs.invalid_context.type)
+        return role_types
+    def to_access(self, avc_filter=None, only_denials=True):
+        """Convert the audit logs access into a an access vector set.
+        Convert the audit logs into an access vector set, optionally
+        filtering the restults with the passed in filter object.
+        Filter objects are object instances with a .filter method
+        that takes and access vector and returns True if the message
+        should be included in the final output and False otherwise.
+        Params:
+           avc_filter - [optional] Filter object used to filter the
+              output.
+        Returns:
+           Access vector set representing the denied access in the
+           audit logs parsed by this object.
+        """
+        av_set = access.AccessVectorSet()
+        for avc in self.avc_msgs:
+            if avc.denial != True and only_denials:
+                continue
+            if avc_filter:
+                if avc_filter.filter(avc):
+                    av_set.add(avc.scontext.type, avc.tcontext.type, avc.tclass,
+                               avc.accesses, avc, avc_type=avc.type,
+            else:
+                av_set.add(avc.scontext.type, avc.tcontext.type, avc.tclass,
+                           avc.accesses, avc, avc_type=avc.type,
+        return av_set
+class AVCTypeFilter:
+    def __init__(self, regex):
+        self.regex = re.compile(regex)
+    def filter(self, avc):
+        if self.regex.match(avc.scontext.type):
+            return True
+        if self.regex.match(avc.tcontext.type):
+            return True
+        return False
+class ComputeSidTypeFilter:
+    def __init__(self, regex):
+        self.regex = re.compile(regex)
+    def filter(self, avc):
+        if self.regex.match(avc.invalid_context.type):
+            return True
+        if self.regex.match(avc.scontext.type):
+            return True
+        if self.regex.match(avc.tcontext.type):
+            return True
+        return False
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sepolgen/ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sepolgen/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4fd899
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sepolgen/
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+# Authors: Karl MacMillan <>
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Red Hat 
+# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+import sys
+tokens = ('DEFINE',
+          'NAME',
+          'TICK',
+          'SQUOTE',
+          'OBRACE',
+          'CBRACE',
+          'SEMI',
+          'OPAREN',
+          'CPAREN',
+          'COMMA')
+reserved = {
+    'define' : 'DEFINE' }
+t_TICK      = r'\`'
+t_SQUOTE    = r'\''
+t_OBRACE    = r'\{'
+t_CBRACE    = r'\}'
+t_SEMI      = r'\;'
+t_OPAREN    = r'\('
+t_CPAREN    = r'\)'
+t_COMMA     = r'\,'
+t_ignore    = " \t\n"
+def t_NAME(t):
+    r'[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*'
+    t.type = reserved.get(t.value,'NAME')
+    return t
+def t_error(t):
+    print("Illegal character '%s'" % t.value[0])
+    t.skip(1)
+from . import lex
+def p_statements(p):
+    '''statements : define_stmt
+                  | define_stmt statements
+    '''
+    if len(p) == 2:
+        p[0] = [p[1]]
+    else:
+        p[0] = [p[1]] + [p[2]]
+def p_define_stmt(p):
+    # This sucks - corresponds to 'define(`foo',`{ read write }')
+    '''
+    p[0] = [p[4], p[8]]
+def p_list(p):
+    '''list : NAME
+            | OBRACE names CBRACE
+    '''
+    if p[1] == "{":
+        p[0] = p[2]
+    else:
+        p[0] = [p[1]]
+def p_names(p):
+    '''names : NAME
+             | NAME names
+    '''
+    if len(p) == 2:
+        p[0] = [p[1]]
+    else:
+        p[0] = [p[1]] + p[2]
+def p_error(p):
+    print("Syntax error on line %d %s [type=%s]" % (p.lineno, p.value, p.type))
+from . import yacc
+f = open("all_perms.spt")
+txt =
+#while 1:
+#    tok = lex.token()
+#    if not tok:
+#        break
+#    print tok
+test = "define(`foo',`{ read write append }')"
+test2 = """define(`all_filesystem_perms',`{ mount remount unmount getattr relabelfrom relabelto transition associate quotamod quotaget }')
+define(`all_security_perms',`{ compute_av compute_create compute_member check_context load_policy compute_relabel compute_user setenforce setbool setsecparam setcheckreqprot }')
+result = yacc.parse(txt)
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sepolgen/ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sepolgen/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9591063
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sepolgen/
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# Authors: Karl MacMillan <>
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Red Hat
+# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+import os
+import re
+# Select the correct location for the development files based on a
+# path variable (optionally read from a configuration file)
+class PathChoooser(object):
+    def __init__(self, pathname):
+        self.config = dict()
+        if not os.path.exists(pathname):
+            self.config_pathname = "(defaults)"
+            self.config["SELINUX_DEVEL_PATH"] = "/usr/share/selinux/default:/usr/share/selinux/mls:/usr/share/selinux/devel"
+            return
+        self.config_pathname = pathname
+        ignore = re.compile(r"^\s*(?:#.+)?$")
+        consider = re.compile(r"^\s*(\w+)\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*$")
+        for lineno, line in enumerate(open(pathname)):
+            if ignore.match(line): continue
+            mo = consider.match(line)
+            if not mo:
+                raise ValueError("%s:%d: line is not in key = value format" % (pathname, lineno+1))
+            self.config[] =
+    # We're only exporting one useful function, so why not be a function
+    def __call__(self, testfilename, pathset="SELINUX_DEVEL_PATH"):
+        paths = self.config.get(pathset, None)
+        if paths is None:
+            raise ValueError("%s was not in %s" % (pathset, self.config_pathname))
+        paths = paths.split(":")
+        for p in paths:
+            target = os.path.join(p, testfilename)
+            if os.path.exists(target): return target
+        return os.path.join(paths[0], testfilename)
+Various default settings, including file and directory locations.
+def data_dir():
+    return "/var/lib/sepolgen"
+def perm_map():
+    return data_dir() + "/perm_map"
+def interface_info():
+    return data_dir() + "/interface_info"
+def attribute_info():
+    return data_dir() + "/attribute_info"
+def refpolicy_makefile():
+    chooser = PathChoooser("/etc/selinux/sepolgen.conf")
+    return chooser("Makefile")
+def headers():
+    chooser = PathChoooser("/etc/selinux/sepolgen.conf")
+    return chooser("include")
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sepolgen/ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sepolgen/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48ae4f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sepolgen/
@@ -0,0 +1,509 @@
+# Authors: Karl MacMillan <>
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Red Hat
+# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+Classes for representing and manipulating interfaces.
+import copy
+import itertools
+from . import access
+from . import refpolicy
+from . import objectmodel
+from . import matching
+from .sepolgeni18n import _
+class Param:
+    """
+    Object representing a paramater for an interface.
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.__name = ""
+        self.type = refpolicy.SRC_TYPE
+        self.obj_classes = refpolicy.IdSet()
+        self.required = True
+    def set_name(self, name):
+        if not access.is_idparam(name):
+            raise ValueError("Name [%s] is not a param" % name)
+        self.__name = name
+    def get_name(self):
+        return self.__name
+    name = property(get_name, set_name)
+    num = property(fget=lambda self: int([1:]))
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<sepolgen.policygen.Param instance [%s, %s, %s]>" % \
+               (, refpolicy.field_to_str[self.type], " ".join(self.obj_classes))
+# Helper for extract perms
+def __param_insert(name, type, av, params):
+    ret = 0
+    if name in params:
+        p = params[name]
+        # The entries are identical - we're done
+        if type == p.type:
+            return
+        # Hanldle implicitly typed objects (like process)
+        if (type == refpolicy.SRC_TYPE or type == refpolicy.TGT_TYPE) and \
+           (p.type == refpolicy.TGT_TYPE or p.type == refpolicy.SRC_TYPE):
+            #print name, refpolicy.field_to_str[p.type]
+            # If the object is not implicitly typed, tell the
+            # caller there is a likely conflict.
+            ret = 1
+            if av:
+                avobjs = [av.obj_class]
+            else:
+                avobjs = []
+            for obj in itertools.chain(p.obj_classes, avobjs):
+                if obj in objectmodel.implicitly_typed_objects:
+                    ret = 0
+                    break
+            # "Promote" to a SRC_TYPE as this is the likely usage.
+            # We do this even if the above test fails on purpose
+            # as there is really no sane way to resolve the conflict
+            # here. The caller can take other actions if needed.
+            p.type = refpolicy.SRC_TYPE
+        else:
+            # There is some conflict - no way to resolve it really
+            # so we just leave the first entry and tell the caller
+            # there was a conflict.
+            ret = 1
+    else:
+        p = Param()
+ = name
+        p.type = type
+        params[] = p
+    if av:
+        p.obj_classes.add(av.obj_class)
+    return ret
+def av_extract_params(av, params):
+    """Extract the paramaters from an access vector.
+    Extract the paramaters (in the form $N) from an access
+    vector, storing them as Param objects in a dictionary.
+    Some attempt is made at resolving conflicts with other
+    entries in the dict, but if an unresolvable conflict is
+    found it is reported to the caller.
+    The goal here is to figure out how interface paramaters are
+    actually used in the interface - e.g., that $1 is a domain used as
+    a SRC_TYPE. In general an interface will look like this:
+    interface(`foo', `
+       allow $1 foo : file read;
+    ')
+    This is simple to figure out - $1 is a SRC_TYPE. A few interfaces
+    are more complex, for example:
+    interface(`foo_trans',`
+       domain_auto_trans($1,fingerd_exec_t,fingerd_t)
+       allow $1 fingerd_t:fd use;
+       allow fingerd_t $1:fd use;
+       allow fingerd_t $1:fifo_file rw_file_perms;
+       allow fingerd_t $1:process sigchld;
+    ')
+    Here the usage seems ambigious, but it is not. $1 is still domain
+    and therefore should be returned as a SRC_TYPE.
+    Returns:
+      0  - success
+      1  - conflict found
+    """
+    ret = 0
+    found_src = False
+    if access.is_idparam(av.src_type):
+        if __param_insert(av.src_type, refpolicy.SRC_TYPE, av, params) == 1:
+            ret = 1
+    if access.is_idparam(av.tgt_type):
+        if __param_insert(av.tgt_type, refpolicy.TGT_TYPE, av, params) == 1:
+            ret = 1
+    if access.is_idparam(av.obj_class):
+        if __param_insert(av.obj_class, refpolicy.OBJ_CLASS, av, params) == 1:
+            ret = 1
+    for perm in av.perms:
+        if access.is_idparam(perm):
+            if __param_insert(perm, PERM) == 1:
+                ret = 1
+    return ret
+def role_extract_params(role, params):
+    if access.is_idparam(role.role):
+        return __param_insert(role.role, refpolicy.ROLE, None, params)
+def type_rule_extract_params(rule, params):
+    def extract_from_set(set, type):
+        ret = 0
+        for x in set:
+            if access.is_idparam(x):
+                if __param_insert(x, type, None, params):
+                    ret = 1
+        return ret
+    ret = 0
+    if extract_from_set(rule.src_types, refpolicy.SRC_TYPE):
+        ret = 1
+    if extract_from_set(rule.tgt_types, refpolicy.TGT_TYPE):
+        ret = 1
+    if extract_from_set(rule.obj_classes, refpolicy.OBJ_CLASS):
+        ret = 1
+    if access.is_idparam(rule.dest_type):
+        if __param_insert(rule.dest_type, refpolicy.DEST_TYPE, None, params):
+            ret = 1
+    return ret
+def ifcall_extract_params(ifcall, params):
+    ret = 0
+    for arg in ifcall.args:
+        if access.is_idparam(arg):
+            # Assume interface arguments are source types. Fairly safe
+            # assumption for most interfaces
+            if __param_insert(arg, refpolicy.SRC_TYPE, None, params):
+                ret = 1
+    return ret
+class AttributeVector:
+    def __init__(self):
+ = ""
+        self.access = access.AccessVectorSet()
+    def add_av(self, av):
+        self.access.add_av(av)
+class AttributeSet:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.attributes = { }
+    def add_attr(self, attr):
+        self.attributes[] = attr
+    def from_file(self, fd):
+        def parse_attr(line):
+            fields = line[1:-1].split()
+            if len(fields) != 2 or fields[0] != "Attribute":
+                raise SyntaxError("Syntax error Attribute statement %s" % line)
+            a = AttributeVector()
+   = fields[1]
+            return a
+        a = None
+        for line in fd:
+            line = line[:-1]
+            if line[0] == "[":
+                if a:
+                    self.add_attr(a)
+                a = parse_attr(line)
+            elif a:
+                l = line.split(",")
+                av = access.AccessVector(l)
+                a.add_av(av)
+        if a:
+            self.add_attr(a)
+class InterfaceVector:
+    def __init__(self, interface=None, attributes={}):
+        # Enabled is a loose concept currently - we are essentially
+        # not enabling interfaces that we can't handle currently.
+        # See InterfaceVector.add_ifv for more information.
+        self.enabled = True
+ = ""
+        # The access that is enabled by this interface - eventually
+        # this will include indirect access from typeattribute
+        # statements.
+        self.access = access.AccessVectorSet()
+        # Paramaters are stored in a dictionary (key: param name
+        # value: Param object).
+        self.params = { }
+        if interface:
+            self.from_interface(interface, attributes)
+        self.expanded = False
+    def from_interface(self, interface, attributes={}):
+ =
+        # Add allow rules
+        for avrule in interface.avrules():
+            if avrule.rule_type != refpolicy.AVRule.ALLOW:
+                continue
+            # Handle some policy bugs
+            if "dontaudit" in
+                #print "allow rule in interface: %s" % interface
+                continue
+            avs = access.avrule_to_access_vectors(avrule)
+            for av in avs:
+                self.add_av(av)
+        # Add typeattribute access
+        if attributes:
+            for typeattribute in interface.typeattributes():
+                for attr in typeattribute.attributes:
+                    if attr not in attributes.attributes:
+                        # print "missing attribute " + attr
+                        continue
+                    attr_vec = attributes.attributes[attr]
+                    for a in attr_vec.access:
+                        av = copy.copy(a)
+                        if av.src_type ==
+                            av.src_type = typeattribute.type
+                        if av.tgt_type ==
+                            av.tgt_type = typeattribute.type
+                        self.add_av(av)
+        # Extract paramaters from roles
+        for role in interface.roles():
+            if role_extract_params(role, self.params):
+                pass
+                #print "found conflicting role param %s for interface %s" % \
+                #      (,
+        # Extract paramaters from type rules
+        for rule in interface.typerules():
+            if type_rule_extract_params(rule, self.params):
+                pass
+                #print "found conflicting params in rule %s in interface %s" % \
+                #      (str(rule),
+        for ifcall in interface.interface_calls():
+            if ifcall_extract_params(ifcall, self.params):
+                pass
+                #print "found conflicting params in ifcall %s in interface %s" % \
+                #      (str(ifcall),
+    def add_av(self, av):
+        if av_extract_params(av, self.params) == 1:
+            pass
+            #print "found conflicting perms [%s]" % str(av)
+        self.access.add_av(av)
+    def to_string(self):
+        s = []
+        s.append("[InterfaceVector %s]" %
+        for av in self.access:
+            s.append(str(av))
+        return "\n".join(s)
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.__repr__()
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<InterfaceVector %s:%s>" % (, self.enabled)
+class InterfaceSet:
+    def __init__(self, output=None):
+        self.interfaces = { }
+        self.tgt_type_map = { }
+        self.tgt_type_all = []
+        self.output = output
+    def o(self, str):
+        if self.output:
+            self.output.write(str + "\n")
+    def to_file(self, fd):
+        for iv in sorted(self.interfaces.values(), key=lambda x:
+            fd.write("[InterfaceVector %s " %
+            for param in sorted(iv.params.values(), key=lambda x:
+                fd.write("%s:%s " % (, refpolicy.field_to_str[param.type]))
+            fd.write("]\n")
+            avl = sorted(iv.access.to_list())
+            for av in avl:
+                fd.write(",".join(av))
+                fd.write("\n")
+    def from_file(self, fd):
+        def parse_ifv(line):
+            fields = line[1:-1].split()
+            if len(fields) < 2 or fields[0] != "InterfaceVector":
+                raise SyntaxError("Syntax error InterfaceVector statement %s" % line)
+            ifv = InterfaceVector()
+   = fields[1]
+            if len(fields) == 2:
+                return
+            for field in fields[2:]:
+                p = field.split(":")
+                if len(p) != 2:
+                    raise SyntaxError("Invalid param in InterfaceVector statement %s" % line)
+                param = Param()
+       = p[0]
+                param.type = refpolicy.str_to_field[p[1]]
+                ifv.params[] = param
+            return ifv
+        ifv = None
+        for line in fd:
+            line = line[:-1]
+            if line[0] == "[":
+                if ifv:
+                    self.add_ifv(ifv)
+                ifv = parse_ifv(line)
+            elif ifv:
+                l = line.split(",")
+                av = access.AccessVector(l)
+                ifv.add_av(av)
+        if ifv:
+            self.add_ifv(ifv)
+        self.index()
+    def add_ifv(self, ifv):
+        self.interfaces[] = ifv
+    def index(self):
+        for ifv in self.interfaces.values():
+            tgt_types = set()
+            for av in ifv.access:
+                if access.is_idparam(av.tgt_type):
+                    self.tgt_type_all.append(ifv)
+                    tgt_types = set()
+                    break
+                tgt_types.add(av.tgt_type)
+            for type in tgt_types:
+                l = self.tgt_type_map.setdefault(type, [])
+                l.append(ifv)
+    def add(self, interface, attributes={}):
+        ifv = InterfaceVector(interface, attributes)
+        self.add_ifv(ifv)
+    def add_headers(self, headers, output=None, attributes={}):
+        for i in itertools.chain(headers.interfaces(), headers.templates()):
+            self.add(i, attributes)
+        self.expand_ifcalls(headers)
+        self.index()
+    def map_param(self, id, ifcall):
+        if access.is_idparam(id):
+            num = int(id[1:])
+            if num > len(ifcall.args):
+                # Tell caller to drop this because it must have
+                # been generated from an optional param.
+                return None
+            else:
+                arg = ifcall.args[num - 1]
+                if isinstance(arg, list):
+                    return arg
+                else:
+                    return [arg]
+        else:
+            return [id]
+    def map_add_av(self, ifv, av, ifcall):
+        src_types = self.map_param(av.src_type, ifcall)
+        if src_types is None:
+            return
+        tgt_types = self.map_param(av.tgt_type, ifcall)
+        if tgt_types is None:
+            return
+        obj_classes = self.map_param(av.obj_class, ifcall)
+        if obj_classes is None:
+            return
+        new_perms = refpolicy.IdSet()
+        for perm in av.perms:
+            p = self.map_param(perm, ifcall)
+            if p is None:
+                continue
+            else:
+                new_perms.update(p)
+        if len(new_perms) == 0:
+            return
+        for src_type in src_types:
+            for tgt_type in tgt_types:
+                for obj_class in obj_classes:
+                    ifv.access.add(src_type, tgt_type, obj_class, new_perms)
+    def do_expand_ifcalls(self, interface, if_by_name):
+        # Descend an interface call tree adding the access
+        # from each interface. This is a depth first walk
+        # of the tree.
+        stack = [(interface, None)]
+        ifv = self.interfaces[]
+        ifv.expanded = True
+        while len(stack) > 0:
+            cur, cur_ifcall = stack.pop(-1)
+            cur_ifv = self.interfaces[]
+            if cur != interface:
+                for av in cur_ifv.access:
+                    self.map_add_av(ifv, av, cur_ifcall)
+                # If we have already fully expanded this interface
+                # there is no reason to descend further.
+                if cur_ifv.expanded:
+                    continue
+            for ifcall in cur.interface_calls():
+                if ifcall.ifname ==
+                    self.o(_("Found circular interface class"))
+                    return
+                try:
+                    newif = if_by_name[ifcall.ifname]
+                except KeyError:
+                    self.o(_("Missing interface definition for %s" % ifcall.ifname))
+                    continue
+                stack.append((newif, ifcall))
+    def expand_ifcalls(self, headers):
+        # Create a map of interface names to interfaces -
+        # this mirrors the interface vector map we already
+        # have.
+        if_by_name = { }
+        for i in itertools.chain(headers.interfaces(), headers.templates()):
+            if_by_name[] = i
+        for interface in itertools.chain(headers.interfaces(), headers.templates()):
+            self.do_expand_ifcalls(interface, if_by_name)
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sepolgen/ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sepolgen/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c13acef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sepolgen/
@@ -0,0 +1,872 @@
+# ply:
+# Author: David M. Beazley (
+# Copyright (C) 2001-2006, David M. Beazley
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+# See the file COPYING for a complete copy of the LGPL.
+__version__ = "2.2"
+import re, sys, types
+from . import util
+import collections
+# Regular expression used to match valid token names
+_is_identifier = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$')
+# Available instance types.  This is used when parsers are defined by a class.
+# In Python3 the InstanceType and ObjectType are no more, they've passed, ceased
+# to be, they are ex-classes along with old-style classes
+   _INSTANCETYPE = (types.InstanceType, types.ObjectType)
+except AttributeError:
+   _INSTANCETYPE = object
+# Exception thrown when invalid token encountered and no default error
+# handler is defined.
+class LexError(Exception):
+    def __init__(self,message,s):
+         self.args = (message,)
+         self.text = s
+# Token class
+class LexToken(object):
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "LexToken(%s,%r,%d,%d)" % (self.type,self.value,self.lineno,self.lexpos)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return str(self)
+    def skip(self,n):
+        self.lexer.skip(n)
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Lexer class
+# This class encapsulates all of the methods and data associated with a lexer.
+#    input()          -  Store a new string in the lexer
+#    token()          -  Get the next token
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class Lexer:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.lexre = None             # Master regular expression. This is a list of 
+                                      # tuples (re,findex) where re is a compiled
+                                      # regular expression and findex is a list
+                                      # mapping regex group numbers to rules
+        self.lexretext = None         # Current regular expression strings
+        self.lexstatere = {}          # Dictionary mapping lexer states to master regexs
+        self.lexstateretext = {}      # Dictionary mapping lexer states to regex strings
+        self.lexstate = "INITIAL"     # Current lexer state
+        self.lexstatestack = []       # Stack of lexer states
+        self.lexstateinfo = None      # State information
+        self.lexstateignore = {}      # Dictionary of ignored characters for each state
+        self.lexstateerrorf = {}      # Dictionary of error functions for each state
+        self.lexreflags = 0           # Optional re compile flags
+        self.lexdata = None           # Actual input data (as a string)
+        self.lexpos = 0               # Current position in input text
+        self.lexlen = 0               # Length of the input text
+        self.lexerrorf = None         # Error rule (if any)
+        self.lextokens = None         # List of valid tokens
+        self.lexignore = ""           # Ignored characters
+        self.lexliterals = ""         # Literal characters that can be passed through
+        self.lexmodule = None         # Module
+        self.lineno = 1               # Current line number
+        self.lexdebug = 0             # Debugging mode
+        self.lexoptimize = 0          # Optimized mode
+    def clone(self,object=None):
+        c = Lexer()
+        c.lexstatere = self.lexstatere
+        c.lexstateinfo = self.lexstateinfo
+        c.lexstateretext = self.lexstateretext
+        c.lexstate = self.lexstate
+        c.lexstatestack = self.lexstatestack
+        c.lexstateignore = self.lexstateignore
+        c.lexstateerrorf = self.lexstateerrorf
+        c.lexreflags = self.lexreflags
+        c.lexdata = self.lexdata
+        c.lexpos = self.lexpos
+        c.lexlen = self.lexlen
+        c.lextokens = self.lextokens
+        c.lexdebug = self.lexdebug
+        c.lineno = self.lineno
+        c.lexoptimize = self.lexoptimize
+        c.lexliterals = self.lexliterals
+        c.lexmodule   = self.lexmodule
+        # If the object parameter has been supplied, it means we are attaching the
+        # lexer to a new object.  In this case, we have to rebind all methods in
+        # the lexstatere and lexstateerrorf tables.
+        if object:
+            newtab = { }
+            for key, ritem in self.lexstatere.items():
+                newre = []
+                for cre, findex in ritem:
+                     newfindex = []
+                     for f in findex:
+                         if not f or not f[0]:
+                             newfindex.append(f)
+                             continue
+                         newfindex.append((getattr(object,f[0].__name__),f[1]))
+                newre.append((cre,newfindex))
+                newtab[key] = newre
+            c.lexstatere = newtab
+            c.lexstateerrorf = { }
+            for key, ef in self.lexstateerrorf.items():
+                c.lexstateerrorf[key] = getattr(object,ef.__name__)
+            c.lexmodule = object
+        # Set up other attributes
+        c.begin(c.lexstate)
+        return c
+    # ------------------------------------------------------------
+    # writetab() - Write lexer information to a table file
+    # ------------------------------------------------------------
+    def writetab(self,tabfile):
+        tf = open(tabfile+".py","w")
+        tf.write("# This file automatically created by PLY (version %s). Don't edit!\n" % (tabfile,__version__))
+        tf.write("_lextokens    = %s\n" % repr(self.lextokens))
+        tf.write("_lexreflags   = %s\n" % repr(self.lexreflags))
+        tf.write("_lexliterals  = %s\n" % repr(self.lexliterals))
+        tf.write("_lexstateinfo = %s\n" % repr(self.lexstateinfo))
+        tabre = { }
+        for key, lre in self.lexstatere.items():
+             titem = []
+             for i in range(len(lre)):
+                  titem.append((self.lexstateretext[key][i],_funcs_to_names(lre[i][1])))
+             tabre[key] = titem
+        tf.write("_lexstatere   = %s\n" % repr(tabre))
+        tf.write("_lexstateignore = %s\n" % repr(self.lexstateignore))
+        taberr = { }
+        for key, ef in self.lexstateerrorf.items():
+             if ef:
+                  taberr[key] = ef.__name__
+             else:
+                  taberr[key] = None
+        tf.write("_lexstateerrorf = %s\n" % repr(taberr))
+        tf.close()
+    # ------------------------------------------------------------
+    # readtab() - Read lexer information from a tab file
+    # ------------------------------------------------------------
+    def readtab(self,tabfile,fdict):
+        exec("import %s as lextab" % tabfile)
+        self.lextokens      = lextab._lextokens
+        self.lexreflags     = lextab._lexreflags
+        self.lexliterals    = lextab._lexliterals
+        self.lexstateinfo   = lextab._lexstateinfo
+        self.lexstateignore = lextab._lexstateignore
+        self.lexstatere     = { }
+        self.lexstateretext = { }
+        for key,lre in lextab._lexstatere.items():
+             titem = []
+             txtitem = []
+             for i in range(len(lre)):
+                  titem.append((re.compile(lre[i][0],lextab._lexreflags),_names_to_funcs(lre[i][1],fdict)))
+                  txtitem.append(lre[i][0])
+             self.lexstatere[key] = titem
+             self.lexstateretext[key] = txtitem
+        self.lexstateerrorf = { }
+        for key,ef in lextab._lexstateerrorf.items():
+             self.lexstateerrorf[key] = fdict[ef]
+        self.begin('INITIAL')
+    # ------------------------------------------------------------
+    # input() - Push a new string into the lexer
+    # ------------------------------------------------------------
+    def input(self,s):
+        if not (isinstance(s,util.bytes_type) or isinstance(s, util.string_type)):
+            raise ValueError("Expected a string")
+        self.lexdata = s
+        self.lexpos = 0
+        self.lexlen = len(s)
+    # ------------------------------------------------------------
+    # begin() - Changes the lexing state
+    # ------------------------------------------------------------
+    def begin(self,state):
+        if state not in self.lexstatere:
+            raise ValueError("Undefined state")
+        self.lexre = self.lexstatere[state]
+        self.lexretext = self.lexstateretext[state]
+        self.lexignore = self.lexstateignore.get(state,"")
+        self.lexerrorf = self.lexstateerrorf.get(state,None)
+        self.lexstate = state
+    # ------------------------------------------------------------
+    # push_state() - Changes the lexing state and saves old on stack
+    # ------------------------------------------------------------
+    def push_state(self,state):
+        self.lexstatestack.append(self.lexstate)
+        self.begin(state)
+    # ------------------------------------------------------------
+    # pop_state() - Restores the previous state
+    # ------------------------------------------------------------
+    def pop_state(self):
+        self.begin(self.lexstatestack.pop())
+    # ------------------------------------------------------------
+    # current_state() - Returns the current lexing state
+    # ------------------------------------------------------------
+    def current_state(self):
+        return self.lexstate
+    # ------------------------------------------------------------
+    # skip() - Skip ahead n characters
+    # ------------------------------------------------------------
+    def skip(self,n):
+        self.lexpos += n
+    # ------------------------------------------------------------
+    # token() - Return the next token from the Lexer
+    #
+    # Note: This function has been carefully implemented to be as fast
+    # as possible.  Don't make changes unless you really know what
+    # you are doing
+    # ------------------------------------------------------------
+    def token(self):
+        # Make local copies of frequently referenced attributes
+        lexpos    = self.lexpos
+        lexlen    = self.lexlen
+        lexignore = self.lexignore
+        lexdata   = self.lexdata
+        while lexpos < lexlen:
+            # This code provides some short-circuit code for whitespace, tabs, and other ignored characters
+            if lexdata[lexpos] in lexignore:
+                lexpos += 1
+                continue
+            # Look for a regular expression match
+            for lexre,lexindexfunc in self.lexre:
+                m = lexre.match(lexdata,lexpos)
+                if not m: continue
+                # Set last match in lexer so that rules can access it if they want
+                self.lexmatch = m
+                # Create a token for return
+                tok = LexToken()
+                tok.value =
+                tok.lineno = self.lineno
+                tok.lexpos = lexpos
+                tok.lexer = self
+                lexpos = m.end()
+                i = m.lastindex
+                func,tok.type = lexindexfunc[i]
+                self.lexpos = lexpos
+                if not func:
+                   # If no token type was set, it's an ignored token
+                   if tok.type: return tok      
+                   break
+                # if func not callable, it means it's an ignored token                
+                if not isinstance(func, collections.Callable):
+                   break 
+                # If token is processed by a function, call it
+                newtok = func(tok)
+                # Every function must return a token, if nothing, we just move to next token
+                if not newtok: 
+                    lexpos = self.lexpos        # This is here in case user has updated lexpos.
+                    break
+                # Verify type of the token.  If not in the token map, raise an error
+                if not self.lexoptimize:
+                    if newtok.type not in self.lextokens:
+                        raise LexError("%s:%d: Rule '%s' returned an unknown token type '%s'" % (
+                            func.__code__.co_filename, func.__code__.co_firstlineno,
+                            func.__name__, newtok.type),lexdata[lexpos:])
+                return newtok
+            else:
+                # No match, see if in literals
+                if lexdata[lexpos] in self.lexliterals:
+                    tok = LexToken()
+                    tok.value = lexdata[lexpos]
+                    tok.lineno = self.lineno
+                    tok.lexer = self
+                    tok.type = tok.value
+                    tok.lexpos = lexpos
+                    self.lexpos = lexpos + 1
+                    return tok
+                # No match. Call t_error() if defined.
+                if self.lexerrorf:
+                    tok = LexToken()
+                    tok.value = self.lexdata[lexpos:]
+                    tok.lineno = self.lineno
+                    tok.type = "error"
+                    tok.lexer = self
+                    tok.lexpos = lexpos
+                    self.lexpos = lexpos
+                    newtok = self.lexerrorf(tok)
+                    if lexpos == self.lexpos:
+                        # Error method didn't change text position at all. This is an error.
+                        raise LexError("Scanning error. Illegal character '%s'" % (lexdata[lexpos]), lexdata[lexpos:])
+                    lexpos = self.lexpos
+                    if not newtok: continue
+                    return newtok
+                self.lexpos = lexpos
+                raise LexError("Illegal character '%s' at index %d" % (lexdata[lexpos],lexpos), lexdata[lexpos:])
+        self.lexpos = lexpos + 1
+        if self.lexdata is None:
+             raise RuntimeError("No input string given with input()")
+        return None
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# _validate_file()
+# This checks to see if there are duplicated t_rulename() functions or strings
+# in the parser input file.  This is done using a simple regular expression
+# match on each line in the filename.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def _validate_file(filename):
+    import os.path
+    base,ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
+    if ext != '.py': return 1        # No idea what the file is. Return OK
+    try:
+        f = open(filename)
+        lines = f.readlines()
+        f.close()
+    except IOError:
+        return 1                       # Oh well
+    fre = re.compile(r'\s*def\s+(t_[a-zA-Z_0-9]*)\(')
+    sre = re.compile(r'\s*(t_[a-zA-Z_0-9]*)\s*=')
+    counthash = { }
+    linen = 1
+    noerror = 1
+    for l in lines:
+        m = fre.match(l)
+        if not m:
+            m = sre.match(l)
+        if m:
+            name =
+            prev = counthash.get(name)
+            if not prev:
+                counthash[name] = linen
+            else:
+                print("%s:%d: Rule %s redefined. Previously defined on line %d" % (filename,linen,name,prev))
+                noerror = 0
+        linen += 1
+    return noerror
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# _funcs_to_names()
+# Given a list of regular expression functions, this converts it to a list
+# suitable for output to a table file
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def _funcs_to_names(funclist):
+    result = []
+    for f in funclist:
+         if f and f[0]:
+             result.append((f[0].__name__,f[1]))
+         else:
+             result.append(f)
+    return result
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# _names_to_funcs()
+# Given a list of regular expression function names, this converts it back to
+# functions.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def _names_to_funcs(namelist,fdict):
+     result = []
+     for n in namelist:
+          if n and n[0]:
+              result.append((fdict[n[0]],n[1]))
+          else:
+              result.append(n)
+     return result
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# _form_master_re()
+# This function takes a list of all of the regex components and attempts to
+# form the master regular expression.  Given limitations in the Python re
+# module, it may be necessary to break the master regex into separate expressions.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def _form_master_re(relist,reflags,ldict):
+    if not relist: return []
+    regex = "|".join(relist)
+    try:
+        lexre = re.compile(regex,re.VERBOSE | reflags)
+        # Build the index to function map for the matching engine
+        lexindexfunc = [ None ] * (max(lexre.groupindex.values())+1)
+        for f,i in lexre.groupindex.items():
+            handle = ldict.get(f,None)
+            if type(handle) in (types.FunctionType, types.MethodType):
+                lexindexfunc[i] = (handle,handle.__name__[2:])
+            elif handle is not None:
+                # If rule was specified as a string, we build an anonymous
+                # callback function to carry out the action
+                if f.find("ignore_") > 0:
+                    lexindexfunc[i] = (None,None)
+                    print("IGNORE", f)
+                else:
+                    lexindexfunc[i] = (None, f[2:])
+        return [(lexre,lexindexfunc)],[regex]
+    except Exception as e:
+        m = int(len(relist)/2)
+        if m == 0: m = 1
+        llist, lre = _form_master_re(relist[:m],reflags,ldict)
+        rlist, rre = _form_master_re(relist[m:],reflags,ldict)
+        return llist+rlist, lre+rre
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# def _statetoken(s,names)
+# Given a declaration name s of the form "t_" and a dictionary whose keys are
+# state names, this function returns a tuple (states,tokenname) where states
+# is a tuple of state names and tokenname is the name of the token.  For example,
+# calling this with s = "t_foo_bar_SPAM" might return (('foo','bar'),'SPAM')
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def _statetoken(s,names):
+    nonstate = 1
+    parts = s.split("_")
+    for i in range(1,len(parts)):
+         if parts[i] not in names and parts[i] != 'ANY': break
+    if i > 1:
+       states = tuple(parts[1:i])
+    else:
+       states = ('INITIAL',)
+    if 'ANY' in states:
+       states = tuple(names.keys())
+    tokenname = "_".join(parts[i:])
+    return (states,tokenname)
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# lex(module)
+# Build all of the regular expression rules from definitions in the supplied module
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def lex(module=None,object=None,debug=0,optimize=0,lextab="lextab",reflags=0,nowarn=0):
+    global lexer
+    ldict = None
+    stateinfo  = { 'INITIAL' : 'inclusive'}
+    error = 0
+    files = { }
+    lexobj = Lexer()
+    lexobj.lexdebug = debug
+    lexobj.lexoptimize = optimize
+    global token,input
+    if nowarn: warn = 0
+    else: warn = 1
+    if object: module = object
+    if module:
+        # User supplied a module object.
+        if isinstance(module, types.ModuleType):
+            ldict = module.__dict__
+        elif isinstance(module, _INSTANCETYPE):
+            _items = [(k,getattr(module,k)) for k in dir(module)]
+            ldict = { }
+            for (i,v) in _items:
+                ldict[i] = v
+        else:
+            raise ValueError("Expected a module or instance")
+        lexobj.lexmodule = module
+    else:
+        # No module given.  We might be able to get information from the caller.
+        try:
+            raise RuntimeError
+        except RuntimeError:
+            e,b,t = sys.exc_info()
+            f = t.tb_frame
+            f = f.f_back           # Walk out to our calling function
+            ldict = f.f_globals    # Grab its globals dictionary
+    if optimize and lextab:
+        try:
+            lexobj.readtab(lextab,ldict)
+            token = lexobj.token
+            input = lexobj.input
+            lexer = lexobj
+            return lexobj
+        except ImportError:
+            pass
+    # Get the tokens, states, and literals variables (if any)
+    if (module and isinstance(module,_INSTANCETYPE)):
+        tokens   = getattr(module,"tokens",None)
+        states   = getattr(module,"states",None)
+        literals = getattr(module,"literals","")
+    else:
+        tokens   = ldict.get("tokens",None)
+        states   = ldict.get("states",None)
+        literals = ldict.get("literals","")
+    if not tokens:
+        raise SyntaxError("lex: module does not define 'tokens'")
+    if not (isinstance(tokens,list) or isinstance(tokens,tuple)):
+        raise SyntaxError("lex: tokens must be a list or tuple.")
+    # Build a dictionary of valid token names
+    lexobj.lextokens = { }
+    if not optimize:
+        for n in tokens:
+            if not _is_identifier.match(n):
+                print("lex: Bad token name '%s'" % n)
+                error = 1
+            if warn and n in lexobj.lextokens:
+                print("lex: Warning. Token '%s' multiply defined." % n)
+            lexobj.lextokens[n] = None
+    else:
+        for n in tokens: lexobj.lextokens[n] = None
+    if debug:
+        print("lex: tokens = '%s'" % list(lexobj.lextokens.keys()))
+    try:
+         for c in literals:
+               if not (isinstance(c,util.bytes_type) or isinstance(c, util.string_type)) or len(c) > 1:
+                    print("lex: Invalid literal %s. Must be a single character" % repr(c))
+                    error = 1
+                    continue
+    except TypeError:
+         print("lex: Invalid literals specification. literals must be a sequence of characters.")
+         error = 1
+    lexobj.lexliterals = literals
+    # Build statemap
+    if states:
+         if not (isinstance(states,tuple) or isinstance(states,list)):
+              print("lex: states must be defined as a tuple or list.")
+              error = 1
+         else:
+              for s in states:
+                    if not isinstance(s,tuple) or len(s) != 2:
+                           print("lex: invalid state specifier %s. Must be a tuple (statename,'exclusive|inclusive')" % repr(s))
+                           error = 1
+                           continue
+                    name, statetype = s
+                    if isinstance(name, util.string_type):
+                           original_name = name
+                           name = util.encode_input(name)
+                    if not isinstance(name,util.bytes_type) or len(original_name) != len(name):
+                           print("lex: state name %s must be a byte string" % repr(original_name))
+                           error = 1
+                           continue
+                    if not (statetype == 'inclusive' or statetype == 'exclusive'):
+                           print("lex: state type for state %s must be 'inclusive' or 'exclusive'" % name)
+                           error = 1
+                           continue
+                    if name in stateinfo:
+                           print("lex: state '%s' already defined." % name)
+                           error = 1
+                           continue
+                    stateinfo[name] = statetype
+    # Get a list of symbols with the t_ or s_ prefix
+    tsymbols = [f for f in ldict.keys() if f[:2] == 't_' ]
+    # Now build up a list of functions and a list of strings
+    funcsym =  { }        # Symbols defined as functions
+    strsym =   { }        # Symbols defined as strings
+    toknames = { }        # Mapping of symbols to token names
+    for s in stateinfo.keys():
+         funcsym[s] = []
+         strsym[s] = []
+    ignore   = { }        # Ignore strings by state
+    errorf   = { }        # Error functions by state
+    if len(tsymbols) == 0:
+        raise SyntaxError("lex: no rules of the form t_rulename are defined.")
+    for f in tsymbols:
+        t = ldict[f]
+        states, tokname = _statetoken(f,stateinfo)
+        toknames[f] = tokname
+        if isinstance(t, collections.Callable):
+            for s in states: funcsym[s].append((f,t))
+        elif (isinstance(t, util.bytes_type) or isinstance(t,util.string_type)):
+            for s in states: strsym[s].append((f,t))
+        else:
+            print("lex: %s not defined as a function or string" % f)
+            error = 1
+    # Sort the functions by line number
+    for f in funcsym.values():
+        f.sort(key=lambda x: x[1].__code__.co_firstlineno)
+    # Sort the strings by regular expression length
+    for s in strsym.values():
+        s.sort(key=lambda x: len(x[1]))
+    regexs = { }
+    # Build the master regular expressions
+    for state in stateinfo.keys():
+        regex_list = []
+        # Add rules defined by functions first
+        for fname, f in funcsym[state]:
+            line = f.__code__.co_firstlineno
+            file = f.__code__.co_filename
+            files[file] = None
+            tokname = toknames[fname]
+            ismethod = isinstance(f, types.MethodType)
+            if not optimize:
+                nargs = f.__code__.co_argcount
+                if ismethod:
+                    reqargs = 2
+                else:
+                    reqargs = 1
+                if nargs > reqargs:
+                    print("%s:%d: Rule '%s' has too many arguments." % (file,line,f.__name__))
+                    error = 1
+                    continue
+                if nargs < reqargs:
+                    print("%s:%d: Rule '%s' requires an argument." % (file,line,f.__name__))
+                    error = 1
+                    continue
+                if tokname == 'ignore':
+                    print("%s:%d: Rule '%s' must be defined as a string." % (file,line,f.__name__))
+                    error = 1
+                    continue
+            if tokname == 'error':
+                errorf[state] = f
+                continue
+            if f.__doc__:
+                if not optimize:
+                    try:
+                        c = re.compile("(?P<%s>%s)" % (f.__name__,f.__doc__), re.VERBOSE | reflags)
+                        if c.match(""):
+                             print("%s:%d: Regular expression for rule '%s' matches empty string." % (file,line,f.__name__))
+                             error = 1
+                             continue
+                    except re.error as e:
+                        print("%s:%d: Invalid regular expression for rule '%s'. %s" % (file,line,f.__name__,e))
+                        if '#' in f.__doc__:
+                             print("%s:%d. Make sure '#' in rule '%s' is escaped with '\\#'." % (file,line, f.__name__))
+                        error = 1
+                        continue
+                    if debug:
+                        print("lex: Adding rule %s -> '%s' (state '%s')" % (f.__name__,f.__doc__, state))
+                # Okay. The regular expression seemed okay.  Let's append it to the master regular
+                # expression we're building
+                regex_list.append("(?P<%s>%s)" % (f.__name__,f.__doc__))
+            else:
+                print("%s:%d: No regular expression defined for rule '%s'" % (file,line,f.__name__))
+        # Now add all of the simple rules
+        for name,r in strsym[state]:
+            tokname = toknames[name]       
+            if tokname == 'ignore':
+                 ignore[state] = r
+                 continue
+            if not optimize:
+                if tokname == 'error':
+                    raise SyntaxError("lex: Rule '%s' must be defined as a function" % name)
+                    error = 1
+                    continue
+                if tokname not in lexobj.lextokens and tokname.find("ignore_") < 0:
+                    print("lex: Rule '%s' defined for an unspecified token %s." % (name,tokname))
+                    error = 1
+                    continue
+                try:
+                    c = re.compile("(?P<%s>%s)" % (name,r),re.VERBOSE | reflags)
+                    if (c.match("")):
+                         print("lex: Regular expression for rule '%s' matches empty string." % name)
+                         error = 1
+                         continue
+                except re.error as e:
+                    print("lex: Invalid regular expression for rule '%s'. %s" % (name,e))
+                    if '#' in r:
+                         print("lex: Make sure '#' in rule '%s' is escaped with '\\#'." % name)
+                    error = 1
+                    continue
+                if debug:
+                    print("lex: Adding rule %s -> '%s' (state '%s')" % (name,r,state))
+            regex_list.append("(?P<%s>%s)" % (name,r))
+        if not regex_list:
+             print("lex: No rules defined for state '%s'" % state)
+             error = 1
+        regexs[state] = regex_list
+    if not optimize:
+        for f in files.keys(): 
+           if not _validate_file(f):
+                error = 1
+    if error:
+        raise SyntaxError("lex: Unable to build lexer.")
+    # From this point forward, we're reasonably confident that we can build the lexer.
+    # No more errors will be generated, but there might be some warning messages.
+    # Build the master regular expressions
+    for state in regexs.keys():
+        lexre, re_text = _form_master_re(regexs[state],reflags,ldict)
+        lexobj.lexstatere[state] = lexre
+        lexobj.lexstateretext[state] = re_text
+        if debug:
+            for i in range(len(re_text)):
+                 print("lex: state '%s'. regex[%d] = '%s'" % (state, i, re_text[i]))
+    # For inclusive states, we need to add the INITIAL state
+    for state,type in stateinfo.items():
+        if state != "INITIAL" and type == 'inclusive':
+             lexobj.lexstatere[state].extend(lexobj.lexstatere['INITIAL'])
+             lexobj.lexstateretext[state].extend(lexobj.lexstateretext['INITIAL'])
+    lexobj.lexstateinfo = stateinfo
+    lexobj.lexre = lexobj.lexstatere["INITIAL"]
+    lexobj.lexretext = lexobj.lexstateretext["INITIAL"]
+    # Set up ignore variables
+    lexobj.lexstateignore = ignore
+    lexobj.lexignore = lexobj.lexstateignore.get("INITIAL","")
+    # Set up error functions
+    lexobj.lexstateerrorf = errorf
+    lexobj.lexerrorf = errorf.get("INITIAL",None)
+    if warn and not lexobj.lexerrorf:
+        print("lex: Warning. no t_error rule is defined.")
+    # Check state information for ignore and error rules
+    for s,stype in stateinfo.items():
+        if stype == 'exclusive':
+              if warn and s not in errorf:
+                   print("lex: Warning. no error rule is defined for exclusive state '%s'" % s)
+              if warn and s not in ignore and lexobj.lexignore:
+                   print("lex: Warning. no ignore rule is defined for exclusive state '%s'" % s)
+        elif stype == 'inclusive':
+              if s not in errorf:
+                   errorf[s] = errorf.get("INITIAL",None)
+              if s not in ignore:
+                   ignore[s] = ignore.get("INITIAL","")
+    # Create global versions of the token() and input() functions
+    token = lexobj.token
+    input = lexobj.input
+    lexer = lexobj
+    # If in optimize mode, we write the lextab   
+    if lextab and optimize:
+        lexobj.writetab(lextab)
+    return lexobj
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# runmain()
+# This runs the lexer as a main program
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def runmain(lexer=None,data=None):
+    if not data:
+        try:
+            filename = sys.argv[1]
+            f = open(filename)
+            data =
+            f.close()
+        except IndexError:
+            print("Reading from standard input (type EOF to end):")
+            data =
+    if lexer:
+        _input = lexer.input
+    else:
+        _input = input
+    _input(data)
+    if lexer:
+        _token = lexer.token
+    else:
+        _token = token
+    while 1:
+        tok = _token()
+        if not tok: break
+        print("(%s,%r,%d,%d)" % (tok.type, tok.value, tok.lineno,tok.lexpos))
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# @TOKEN(regex)
+# This decorator function can be used to set the regex expression on a function
+# when its docstring might need to be set in an alternative way
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def TOKEN(r):
+    def set_doc(f):
+        f.__doc__ = r
+        return f
+    return set_doc
+# Alternative spelling of the TOKEN decorator
+Token = TOKEN
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f86359
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+# Authors: Karl MacMillan <>
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Red Hat
+# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+Classes and algorithms for matching requested access to access vectors.
+import itertools
+from . import access
+from . import objectmodel
+from . import util
+class Match(util.Comparison):
+    def __init__(self, interface=None, dist=0):
+        self.interface = interface
+        self.dist = dist
+        self.info_dir_change = False
+        # when implementing __eq__ also __hash__ is needed on py2
+        # if object is muttable __hash__ should be None
+        self.__hash__ = None
+    def _compare(self, other, method):
+        try:
+            a = (self.dist, self.info_dir_change)
+            b = (other.dist, other.info_dir_change)
+            return method(a, b)
+        except (AttributeError, TypeError):
+            # trying to compare to foreign type
+            return NotImplemented
+class MatchList:
+    def __init__(self):
+        # Match objects that pass the threshold
+        self.children = []
+        # Match objects over the threshold
+        self.bastards = []
+        self.threshold = self.DEFAULT_THRESHOLD
+        self.allow_info_dir_change = False
+        self.av = None
+    def best(self):
+        if len(self.children):
+            return self.children[0]
+        if len(self.bastards):
+            return self.bastards[0]
+        return None
+    def __len__(self):
+        # Only return the length of the matches so
+        # that this can be used to test if there is
+        # a match.
+        return len(self.children) + len(self.bastards)
+    def __iter__(self):
+        return iter(self.children)
+    def all(self):
+        return itertools.chain(self.children, self.bastards)
+    def append(self, match):
+        if match.dist <= self.threshold:
+            if not match.info_dir_change or self.allow_info_dir_change:
+                self.children.append(match)
+            else:
+                self.bastards.append(match)
+        else:
+            self.bastards.append(match)
+    def sort(self):
+        self.children.sort()
+        self.bastards.sort()
+class AccessMatcher:
+    def __init__(self, perm_maps=None):
+        self.type_penalty = 10
+        self.obj_penalty = 10
+        if perm_maps:
+            self.perm_maps = perm_maps
+        else:
+            self.perm_maps = objectmodel.PermMappings()
+        # We want a change in the information flow direction
+        # to be a strong penalty - stronger than access to
+        # a few unrelated types.
+        self.info_dir_penalty = 100
+    def type_distance(self, a, b):
+        if a == b or access.is_idparam(b):
+            return 0
+        else:
+            return -self.type_penalty
+    def perm_distance(self, av_req, av_prov):
+        # First check that we have enough perms
+        diff = av_req.perms.difference(av_prov.perms)
+        if len(diff) != 0:
+            total = self.perm_maps.getdefault_distance(av_req.obj_class, diff)
+            return -total
+        else:
+            diff = av_prov.perms.difference(av_req.perms)
+            return self.perm_maps.getdefault_distance(av_req.obj_class, diff)
+    def av_distance(self, req, prov):
+        """Determine the 'distance' between 2 access vectors.
+        This function is used to find an access vector that matches
+        a 'required' access. To do this we comput a signed numeric
+        value that indicates how close the req access is to the
+        'provided' access vector. The closer the value is to 0
+        the closer the match, with 0 being an exact match.
+        A value over 0 indicates that the prov access vector provides more
+        access than the req (in practice, this means that the source type,
+        target type, and object class is the same and the perms in prov is
+        a superset of those in req.
+        A value under 0 indicates that the prov access less - or unrelated
+        - access to the req access. A different type or object class will
+        result in a very low value.
+        The values other than 0 should only be interpreted relative to
+        one another - they have no exact meaning and are likely to
+        change.
+        Params:
+          req - [AccessVector] The access that is required. This is the
+                access being matched.
+          prov - [AccessVector] The access provided. This is the potential
+                 match that is being evaluated for req.
+        Returns:
+          0   : Exact match between the acess vectors.
+          < 0 : The prov av does not provide all of the access in req.
+                A smaller value indicates that the access is further.
+          > 0 : The prov av provides more access than req. The larger
+                the value the more access over req.
+        """
+        # FUTURE - this is _very_ expensive and probably needs some
+        # thorough performance work. This version is meant to give
+        # meaningful results relatively simply.
+        dist = 0
+        # Get the difference between the types. The addition is safe
+        # here because type_distance only returns 0 or negative.
+        dist += self.type_distance(req.src_type, prov.src_type)
+        dist += self.type_distance(req.tgt_type, prov.tgt_type)
+        # Object class distance
+        if req.obj_class != prov.obj_class and not access.is_idparam(prov.obj_class):
+            dist -= self.obj_penalty
+        # Permission distance
+        # If this av doesn't have a matching source type, target type, and object class
+        # count all of the permissions against it. Otherwise determine the perm
+        # distance and dir.
+        if dist < 0:
+            pdist = self.perm_maps.getdefault_distance(prov.obj_class, prov.perms)
+        else:
+            pdist = self.perm_distance(req, prov)
+        # Combine the perm and other distance
+        if dist < 0:
+            if pdist < 0:
+                return dist + pdist
+            else:
+                return dist - pdist
+        elif dist >= 0:
+            if pdist < 0:
+                return pdist - dist
+            else:
+                return dist + pdist
+    def av_set_match(self, av_set, av):
+        """
+        """
+        dist = None
+        # Get the distance for each access vector
+        for x in av_set:
+            tmp = self.av_distance(av, x)
+            if dist is None:
+                dist = tmp
+            elif tmp >= 0:
+                if dist >= 0:
+                    dist += tmp
+                else:
+                    dist = tmp + -dist
+            else:
+                if dist < 0:
+                    dist += tmp
+                else:
+                    dist -= tmp
+        # Penalize for information flow - we want to prevent the
+        # addition of a write if the requested is read none. We are
+        # much less concerned about the reverse.
+        av_dir = self.perm_maps.getdefault_direction(av.obj_class, av.perms)
+        if av_set.info_dir is None:
+            av_set.info_dir = objectmodel.FLOW_NONE
+            for x in av_set:
+                av_set.info_dir = av_set.info_dir | \
+                                  self.perm_maps.getdefault_direction(x.obj_class, x.perms)
+        if (av_dir & objectmodel.FLOW_WRITE == 0) and (av_set.info_dir & objectmodel.FLOW_WRITE):
+            if dist < 0:
+                dist -= self.info_dir_penalty
+            else:
+                dist += self.info_dir_penalty
+        return dist
+    def search_ifs(self, ifset, av, match_list):
+        match_list.av = av
+        for iv in itertools.chain(ifset.tgt_type_all,
+                                  ifset.tgt_type_map.get(av.tgt_type, [])):
+            if not iv.enabled:
+                #print "iv %s not enabled" %
+                continue
+            dist = self.av_set_match(iv.access, av)
+            if dist >= 0:
+                m = Match(iv, dist)
+                match_list.append(m)
+        match_list.sort()
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c09676a
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+# Authors: Karl MacMillan <>
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Red Hat 
+# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+Utilities for dealing with the compilation of modules and creation
+of module tress.
+import re
+import tempfile
+    from subprocess import getstatusoutput
+except ImportError:
+    from commands import getstatusoutput
+import os
+import os.path
+import shutil
+import selinux
+from . import defaults
+def is_valid_name(modname):
+    """Check that a module name is valid.
+    """
+    m = re.findall("[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]", modname)
+    if len(m) == 0 and modname[0].isalpha():
+        return True
+    else:
+        return False
+class ModuleTree:
+    def __init__(self, modname):
+        self.modname = modname
+        self.dirname = None
+    def dir_name(self):
+        return self.dirname
+    def te_name(self):
+        return self.dirname + "/" + self.modname + ".te"
+    def fc_name(self):
+        return self.dirname + "/" + self.modname + ".fc"
+    def if_name(self):
+        return self.dirname + "/" + self.modname + ".if"
+    def package_name(self):
+        return self.dirname + "/" + self.modname + ".pp"
+    def makefile_name(self):
+        return self.dirname + "/Makefile"
+    def create(self, parent_dirname, makefile_include=None):
+        self.dirname = parent_dirname + "/" + self.modname
+        os.mkdir(self.dirname)
+        fd = open(self.makefile_name(), "w")
+        if makefile_include:
+            fd.write("include " + makefile_include)
+        else:
+            fd.write("include " + defaults.refpolicy_makefile())
+        fd.close()
+        # Create empty files for the standard refpolicy
+        # module files
+        open(self.te_name(), "w").close()
+        open(self.fc_name(), "w").close()
+        open(self.if_name(), "w").close()
+def modname_from_sourcename(sourcename):
+    return os.path.splitext(os.path.split(sourcename)[1])[0]
+class ModuleCompiler:
+    """ModuleCompiler eases running of the module compiler.
+    The ModuleCompiler class encapsulates running the commandline
+    module compiler (checkmodule) and module packager (semodule_package).
+    You are likely interested in the create_module_package method.
+    Several options are controlled via paramaters (only effects the 
+    non-refpol builds):
+     .mls          [boolean] Generate an MLS module (by passed -M to
+                   checkmodule). True to generate an MLS module, false
+                   otherwise.
+     .module       [boolean] Generate a module instead of a base module.
+                   True to generate a module, false to generate a base.
+     .checkmodule  [string] Fully qualified path to the module compiler.
+                   Default is /usr/bin/checkmodule.
+     .semodule_package [string] Fully qualified path to the module
+                   packager. Defaults to /usr/bin/semodule_package.
+     .output       [file object] File object used to write verbose
+                   output of the compililation and packaging process.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, output=None):
+        """Create a ModuleCompiler instance, optionally with an
+        output file object for verbose output of the compilation process.
+        """
+ = selinux.is_selinux_mls_enabled()
+        self.module = True
+        self.checkmodule = "/usr/bin/checkmodule"
+        self.semodule_package = "/usr/bin/semodule_package"
+        self.output = output
+        self.last_output = ""
+        self.refpol_makefile = defaults.refpolicy_makefile()
+        self.make = "/usr/bin/make"
+    def o(self, str):
+        if self.output:
+            self.output.write(str + "\n")
+        self.last_output = str
+    def run(self, command):
+        self.o(command)
+        rc, output = getstatusoutput(command)
+        self.o(output)
+        return rc
+    def gen_filenames(self, sourcename):
+        """Generate the module and policy package filenames from
+        a source file name. The source file must be in the form
+        of "foo.te". This will generate "foo.mod" and "foo.pp".
+        Returns a tuple with (modname, policypackage).
+        """
+        splitname = sourcename.split(".")
+        if len(splitname) < 2:
+            raise RuntimeError("invalid sourcefile name %s (must end in .te)", sourcename)
+        # Handle other periods in the filename correctly
+        basename = ".".join(splitname[0:-1])
+        modname = basename + ".mod"
+        packagename = basename + ".pp"
+        return (modname, packagename)
+    def create_module_package(self, sourcename, refpolicy=True):
+        """Create a module package saved in a packagename from a
+        sourcename.
+        The create_module_package creates a module package saved in a
+        file named sourcename (.pp is the standard extension) from a
+        source file (.te is the standard extension). The source file
+        should contain SELinux policy statements appropriate for a
+        base or non-base module (depending on the setting of .module).
+        Only file names are accepted, not open file objects or
+        descriptors because the command line SELinux tools are used.
+        On error a RuntimeError will be raised with a descriptive
+        error message.
+        """
+        if refpolicy:
+            self.refpol_build(sourcename)
+        else:
+            modname, packagename = self.gen_filenames(sourcename)
+            self.compile(sourcename, modname)
+            self.package(modname, packagename)
+            os.unlink(modname)
+    def refpol_build(self, sourcename):
+        # Compile
+        command = self.make + " -f " + self.refpol_makefile
+        rc =
+        # Raise an error if the process failed
+        if rc != 0:
+            raise RuntimeError("compilation failed:\n%s" % self.last_output)
+    def compile(self, sourcename, modname):
+        s = [self.checkmodule]
+        if
+            s.append("-M")
+        if self.module:
+            s.append("-m")
+        s.append("-o")
+        s.append(modname)
+        s.append(sourcename)
+        rc =" ".join(s))
+        if rc != 0:
+            raise RuntimeError("compilation failed:\n%s" % self.last_output)
+    def package(self, modname, packagename):
+        s = [self.semodule_package]
+        s.append("-o")
+        s.append(packagename)
+        s.append("-m")
+        s.append(modname)
+        rc =" ".join(s))
+        if rc != 0:
+            raise RuntimeError("packaging failed [%s]" % self.last_output)
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new file mode 100644
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+++ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sepolgen/
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+# Authors: Karl MacMillan <>
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Red Hat
+# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+This module provides knowledge object classes and permissions. It should
+be used to keep this knowledge from leaking into the more generic parts of
+the policy generation.
+# Objects that can be implicitly typed - these objects do
+# not _have_ to be implicitly typed (e.g., sockets can be
+# explicitly labeled), but they often are.
+# File is in this list for /proc/self
+# This list is useful when dealing with rules that have a
+# type (or param) used as both a subject and object. For
+# example:
+#   allow httpd_t httpd_t : socket read;
+# This rule makes sense because the socket was (presumably) created
+# by a process with the type httpd_t.
+implicitly_typed_objects = ["socket", "fd", "process", "file", "lnk_file", "fifo_file",
+                            "dbus", "capability", "unix_stream_socket"]
+#Information Flow
+# All of the permissions in SELinux can be described in terms of
+# information flow. For example, a read of a file is a flow of
+# information from that file to the process reading. Viewing
+# permissions in these terms can be used to model a varity of
+# security properties.
+# Here we have some infrastructure for understanding permissions
+# in terms of information flow
+# Information flow deals with information either flowing from a subject
+# to and object ("write") or to a subject from an object ("read"). Read
+# or write is described from the subject point-of-view. It is also possible
+# for a permission to represent both a read and write (though the flow is
+# typical asymettric in terms of bandwidth). It is also possible for
+# permission to not flow information (meaning that the result is pure
+# side-effect).
+# The following constants are for representing the directionality
+# of information flow.
+# These are used by the parser and for nice disply of the directions
+str_to_dir = { "n" : FLOW_NONE, "r" : FLOW_READ, "w" : FLOW_WRITE, "b" : FLOW_BOTH }
+dir_to_str = { FLOW_NONE : "n", FLOW_READ : "r", FLOW_WRITE : "w", FLOW_BOTH : "b" }
+class PermMap:
+    """A mapping between a permission and its information flow properties.
+    PermMap represents the information flow properties of a single permission
+    including the direction (read, write, etc.) and an abstract representation
+    of the bandwidth of the flow (weight).
+    """
+    def __init__(self, perm, dir, weight):
+        self.perm = perm
+        self.dir = dir
+        self.weight = weight
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<sepolgen.objectmodel.PermMap %s %s %d>" % (self.perm,
+                                                           dir_to_str[self.dir],
+                                                           self.weight)
+class PermMappings:
+    """The information flow properties of a set of object classes and permissions.
+    PermMappings maps one or more classes and permissions to their PermMap objects
+    describing their information flow charecteristics.
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.classes = { }
+        self.default_weight = 5
+        self.default_dir = FLOW_BOTH
+    def from_file(self, fd):
+        """Read the permission mappings from a file. This reads the format used
+        by Apol in the setools suite.
+        """
+        # This parsing is deliberitely picky and bails at the least error. It
+        # is assumed that the permission map file will be shipped as part
+        # of sepolgen and not user modified, so this is a reasonable design
+        # choice. If user supplied permission mappings are needed the parser
+        # should be made a little more robust and give better error messages.
+        cur = None
+        for line in fd:
+            fields = line.split()
+            if len(fields) == 0 or len(fields) == 1 or fields[0] == "#":
+                continue
+            if fields[0] == "class":
+                c = fields[1]
+                if c in self.classes:
+                    raise ValueError("duplicate class in perm map")
+                self.classes[c] = { }
+                cur = self.classes[c]
+            else:
+                if len(fields) != 3:
+                    raise ValueError("error in object classs permissions")
+                if cur is None:
+                    raise ValueError("permission outside of class")
+                pm = PermMap(fields[0], str_to_dir[fields[1]], int(fields[2]))
+                cur[pm.perm] = pm
+    def get(self, obj, perm):
+        """Get the permission map for the object permission.
+        Returns:
+          PermMap representing the permission
+        Raises:
+          KeyError if the object or permission is not defined
+        """
+        return self.classes[obj][perm]
+    def getdefault(self, obj, perm):
+        """Get the permission map for the object permission or a default.
+        getdefault is the same as get except that a default PermMap is
+        returned if the object class or permission is not defined. The
+        default is FLOW_BOTH with a weight of 5.
+        """
+        try:
+            pm = self.classes[obj][perm]
+        except KeyError:
+            return PermMap(perm, self.default_dir, self.default_weight)
+        return pm
+    def getdefault_direction(self, obj, perms):
+        dir = FLOW_NONE
+        for perm in perms:
+            pm = self.getdefault(obj, perm)
+            dir = dir | pm.dir
+        return dir
+    def getdefault_distance(self, obj, perms):
+        total = 0
+        for perm in perms:
+            pm = self.getdefault(obj, perm)
+            total += pm.weight
+        return total
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+# Authors: Karl MacMillan <>
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Red Hat
+# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+Classes and functions for the output of reference policy modules.
+This module takes a refpolicy.Module object and formats it for
+output using the ModuleWriter object. By separating the output
+in this way the other parts of Madison can focus solely on
+generating policy. This keeps the semantic / syntactic issues
+cleanly separated from the formatting issues.
+from . import refpolicy
+from . import util
+if util.PY3:
+    from .util import cmp
+class ModuleWriter:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.fd = None
+        self.module = None
+        self.sort = True
+        self.requires = True
+    def write(self, module, fd):
+        self.module = module
+        if self.sort:
+            sort_filter(self.module)
+        # FIXME - make this handle nesting
+        for node, depth in refpolicy.walktree(self.module, showdepth=True):
+            fd.write("%s\n" % str(node))
+# Helper functions for sort_filter - this is all done old school
+# C style rather than with polymorphic methods because this sorting
+# is specific to output. It is not necessarily the comparison you
+# want generally.
+# Compare two IdSets - we could probably do something clever
+# with different here, but this works.
+def id_set_cmp(x, y):
+    xl = util.set_to_list(x)
+    xl.sort()
+    yl = util.set_to_list(y)
+    yl.sort()
+    if len(xl) != len(yl):
+        return cmp(xl[0], yl[0])
+    for v in zip(xl, yl):
+        if v[0] != v[1]:
+            return cmp(v[0], v[1])
+    return 0
+# Compare two avrules
+def avrule_cmp(a, b):
+    ret = id_set_cmp(a.src_types, b.src_types)
+    if ret is not 0:
+        return ret
+    ret = id_set_cmp(a.tgt_types, b.tgt_types)
+    if ret is not 0:
+        return ret
+    ret = id_set_cmp(a.obj_classes, b.obj_classes)
+    if ret is not 0:
+        return ret
+    # At this point, who cares - just return something
+    return cmp(len(a.perms), len(b.perms))
+# Compare two interface calls
+def ifcall_cmp(a, b):
+    if a.args[0] != b.args[0]:
+        return cmp(a.args[0], b.args[0])
+    return cmp(a.ifname, b.ifname)
+# Compare an two avrules or interface calls
+def rule_cmp(a, b):
+    if isinstance(a, refpolicy.InterfaceCall):
+        if isinstance(b, refpolicy.InterfaceCall):
+            return ifcall_cmp(a, b)
+        else:
+            return id_set_cmp([a.args[0]], b.src_types)
+    else:
+        if isinstance(b, refpolicy.AVRule):
+            return avrule_cmp(a,b)
+        else:
+            return id_set_cmp(a.src_types, [b.args[0]])
+def role_type_cmp(a, b):
+    return cmp(a.role, b.role)
+def sort_filter(module):
+    """Sort and group the output for readability.
+    """
+    def sort_node(node):
+        c = []
+        # Module statement
+        for mod in node.module_declarations():
+            c.append(mod)
+            c.append(refpolicy.Comment())
+        # Requires
+        for require in node.requires():
+            c.append(require)
+        c.append(refpolicy.Comment())
+        # Rules
+        #
+        # We are going to group output by source type (which
+        # we assume is the first argument for interfaces).
+        rules = []
+        rules.extend(node.avrules())
+        rules.extend(node.interface_calls())
+        rules.sort(key=util.cmp_to_key(rule_cmp))
+        cur = None
+        sep_rules = []
+        for rule in rules:
+            if isinstance(rule, refpolicy.InterfaceCall):
+                x = rule.args[0]
+            else:
+                x = util.first(rule.src_types)
+            if cur != x:
+                if cur:
+                    sep_rules.append(refpolicy.Comment())
+                cur = x
+                comment = refpolicy.Comment()
+                comment.lines.append("============= %s ==============" % cur)
+                sep_rules.append(comment)
+            sep_rules.append(rule)
+        c.extend(sep_rules)
+        ras = []
+        ras.extend(node.role_types())
+        ras.sort(key=util.cmp_to_key(role_type_cmp))
+        if len(ras):
+            comment = refpolicy.Comment()
+            comment.lines.append("============= ROLES ==============")
+            c.append(comment)
+        c.extend(ras)
+        # Everything else
+        for child in node.children:
+            if child not in c:
+                c.append(child)
+        node.children = c
+    for node in module.nodes():
+        sort_node(node)
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index 0000000..34c8401
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@@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
+# Authors: Karl MacMillan <>
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Red Hat
+# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+classes and algorithms for the generation of SELinux policy.
+import itertools
+import textwrap
+import selinux.audit2why as audit2why
+    from setools import *
+    pass
+from . import refpolicy
+from . import objectmodel
+from . import access
+from . import interfaces
+from . import matching
+from . import util
+# Constants for the level of explanation from the generation
+# routines
+class PolicyGenerator:
+    """Generate a reference policy module from access vectors.
+    PolicyGenerator generates a new reference policy module
+    or updates an existing module based on requested access
+    in the form of access vectors.
+    It generates allow rules and optionally module require
+    statements and reference policy interfaces. By default
+    only allow rules are generated. The methods .set_gen_refpol
+    and .set_gen_requires turns on interface generation and
+    requires generation respectively.
+    PolicyGenerator can also optionally add comments explaining
+    why a particular access was allowed based on the audit
+    messages that generated the access. The access vectors
+    passed in must have the .audit_msgs field set correctly
+    and .explain set to SHORT|LONG_EXPLANATION to enable this
+    feature.
+    The module created by PolicyGenerator can be passed to
+    output.ModuleWriter to output a text representation.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, module=None):
+        """Initialize a PolicyGenerator with an optional
+        existing module.
+        If the module paramater is not None then access
+        will be added to the passed in module. Otherwise
+        a new reference policy module will be created.
+        """
+        self.ifgen = None
+        self.explain = NO_EXPLANATION
+        self.gen_requires = False
+        if module:
+            self.moduel = module
+        else:
+            self.module = refpolicy.Module()
+        self.dontaudit = False
+ = None
+    def set_gen_refpol(self, if_set=None, perm_maps=None):
+        """Set whether reference policy interfaces are generated.
+        To turn on interface generation pass in an interface set
+        to use for interface generation. To turn off interface
+        generation pass in None.
+        If interface generation is enabled requires generation
+        will also be enabled.
+        """
+        if if_set:
+            self.ifgen = InterfaceGenerator(if_set, perm_maps)
+            self.gen_requires = True
+        else:
+            self.ifgen = None
+        self.__set_module_style()
+    def set_gen_requires(self, status=True):
+        """Set whether module requires are generated.
+        Passing in true will turn on requires generation and
+        False will disable generation. If requires generation is
+        disabled interface generation will also be disabled and
+        can only be re-enabled via .set_gen_refpol.
+        """
+        self.gen_requires = status
+    def set_gen_explain(self, explain=SHORT_EXPLANATION):
+        """Set whether access is explained.
+        """
+        self.explain = explain
+    def set_gen_dontaudit(self, dontaudit):
+        self.dontaudit = dontaudit
+    def __set_module_style(self):
+        if self.ifgen:
+            refpolicy = True
+        else:
+            refpolicy = False
+        for mod in self.module.module_declarations():
+            mod.refpolicy = refpolicy
+    def set_module_name(self, name, version="1.0"):
+        """Set the name of the module and optionally the version.
+        """
+        # find an existing module declaration
+        m = None
+        for mod in self.module.module_declarations():
+            m = mod
+        if not m:
+            m = refpolicy.ModuleDeclaration()
+            self.module.children.insert(0, m)
+ = name
+        m.version = version
+        if self.ifgen:
+            m.refpolicy = True
+        else:
+            m.refpolicy = False
+    def get_module(self):
+        # Generate the requires
+        if self.gen_requires:
+            gen_requires(self.module)
+        """Return the generated module"""
+        return self.module
+    def __add_allow_rules(self, avs):
+        for av in avs:
+            rule = refpolicy.AVRule(av)
+            if self.dontaudit:
+                rule.rule_type = rule.DONTAUDIT
+            rule.comment = ""
+            if self.explain:
+                rule.comment = str(refpolicy.Comment(explain_access(av, verbosity=self.explain)))
+            if av.type == audit2why.ALLOW:
+                rule.comment += "\n#!!!! This avc is allowed in the current policy"
+            if av.type == audit2why.DONTAUDIT:
+                rule.comment += "\n#!!!! This avc has a dontaudit rule in the current policy"
+            if av.type == audit2why.BOOLEAN:
+                if len( > 1:
+                    rule.comment += "\n#!!!! This avc can be allowed using one of the these booleans:\n#     %s" % ", ".join([x[0] for x in])
+                else:
+                    rule.comment += "\n#!!!! This avc can be allowed using the boolean '%s'" %[0][0]
+            if av.type == audit2why.CONSTRAINT:
+                rule.comment += "\n#!!!! This avc is a constraint violation.  You would need to modify the attributes of either the source or target types to allow this access."
+                rule.comment += "\n#Constraint rule: "
+                rule.comment += "\n#\t" +[0]
+                for reason in[1:]:
+                    rule.comment += "\n#\tPossible cause is the source %s and target %s are different." % reason
+            try:
+                if ( av.type == audit2why.TERULE and
+                     "write" in av.perms and
+                     ( "dir" in av.obj_class or "open" in av.perms )):
+                    if not
+               = seinfo(ATTRIBUTE, name="domain")[0]["types"]
+                    types=[]
+                    for i in [x[TCONTEXT] for x in sesearch([ALLOW], {SCONTEXT: av.src_type, CLASS: av.obj_class, PERMS: av.perms})]:
+                        if i not in
+                            types.append(i)
+                    if len(types) == 1:
+                        rule.comment += "\n#!!!! The source type '%s' can write to a '%s' of the following type:\n# %s\n" % ( av.src_type, av.obj_class, ", ".join(types))
+                    elif len(types) >= 1:
+                        rule.comment += "\n#!!!! The source type '%s' can write to a '%s' of the following types:\n# %s\n" % ( av.src_type, av.obj_class, ", ".join(types))
+            except:
+                pass
+            self.module.children.append(rule)
+    def add_access(self, av_set):
+        """Add the access from the access vector set to this
+        module.
+        """
+        # Use the interface generator to split the access
+        # into raw allow rules and interfaces. After this
+        # a will contain a list of access that should be
+        # used as raw allow rules and the interfaces will
+        # be added to the module.
+        if self.ifgen:
+            raw_allow, ifcalls = self.ifgen.gen(av_set, self.explain)
+            self.module.children.extend(ifcalls)
+        else:
+            raw_allow = av_set
+        # Generate the raw allow rules from the filtered list
+        self.__add_allow_rules(raw_allow)
+    def add_role_types(self, role_type_set):
+        for role_type in role_type_set:
+            self.module.children.append(role_type)
+def explain_access(av, ml=None, verbosity=SHORT_EXPLANATION):
+    """Explain why a policy statement was generated.
+    Return a string containing a text explanation of
+    why a policy statement was generated. The string is
+    commented and wrapped and can be directly inserted
+    into a policy.
+    Params:
+      av - access vector representing the access. Should
+       have .audit_msgs set appropriately.
+      verbosity - the amount of explanation provided. Should
+    Returns:
+      list of strings - strings explaining the access or an empty
+       string if verbosity=NO_EXPLANATION or there is not sufficient
+       information to provide an explanation.
+    """
+    s = []
+    def explain_interfaces():
+        if not ml:
+            return
+        s.append(" Interface options:")
+        for match in ml.all():
+            ifcall = call_interface(match.interface, ml.av)
+            s.append('   %s # [%d]' % (ifcall.to_string(), match.dist))
+    # Format the raw audit data to explain why the
+    # access was requested - either long or short.
+    if verbosity == LONG_EXPLANATION:
+        for msg in av.audit_msgs:
+            s.append(' %s' % msg.header)
+            s.append('  scontext="%s" tcontext="%s"' %
+                     (str(msg.scontext), str(msg.tcontext)))
+            s.append('  class="%s" perms="%s"' %
+                     (msg.tclass, refpolicy.list_to_space_str(msg.accesses)))
+            s.append('  comm="%s" exe="%s" path="%s"' % (msg.comm, msg.exe, msg.path))
+            s.extend(textwrap.wrap('message="' + msg.message + '"', 80, initial_indent="  ",
+                                   subsequent_indent="   "))
+        explain_interfaces()
+    elif verbosity:
+        s.append(' src="%s" tgt="%s" class="%s", perms="%s"' %
+                 (av.src_type, av.tgt_type, av.obj_class, av.perms.to_space_str()))
+        # For the short display we are only going to use the additional information
+        # from the first audit message. For the vast majority of cases this info
+        # will always be the same anyway.
+        if len(av.audit_msgs) > 0:
+            msg = av.audit_msgs[0]
+            s.append(' comm="%s" exe="%s" path="%s"' % (msg.comm, msg.exe, msg.path))
+        explain_interfaces()
+    return s
+def call_interface(interface, av):
+    params = []
+    args = []
+    params.extend(interface.params.values())
+    params.sort(key=lambda param: param.num, reverse=True)
+    ifcall = refpolicy.InterfaceCall()
+    ifcall.ifname =
+    for i in range(len(params)):
+        if params[i].type == refpolicy.SRC_TYPE:
+            ifcall.args.append(av.src_type)
+        elif params[i].type == refpolicy.TGT_TYPE:
+            ifcall.args.append(av.tgt_type)
+        elif params[i].type == refpolicy.OBJ_CLASS:
+            ifcall.args.append(av.obj_class)
+        else:
+            print(params[i].type)
+            assert(0)
+    assert(len(ifcall.args) > 0)
+    return ifcall
+class InterfaceGenerator:
+    def __init__(self, ifs, perm_maps=None):
+        self.ifs = ifs
+        self.hack_check_ifs(ifs)
+        self.matcher = matching.AccessMatcher(perm_maps)
+        self.calls = []
+    def hack_check_ifs(self, ifs):
+        # FIXME: Disable interfaces we can't call - this is a hack.
+        # Because we don't handle roles, multiple paramaters, etc.,
+        # etc., we must make certain we can actually use a returned
+        # interface.
+        for x in ifs.interfaces.values():
+            params = []
+            params.extend(x.params.values())
+            params.sort(key=lambda param: param.num, reverse=True)
+            for i in range(len(params)):
+                # Check that the paramater position matches
+                # the number (e.g., $1 is the first arg). This
+                # will fail if the parser missed something.
+                if (i + 1) != params[i].num:
+                    x.enabled = False
+                    break
+                # Check that we can handle the param type (currently excludes
+                # roles.
+                if params[i].type not in [refpolicy.SRC_TYPE, refpolicy.TGT_TYPE,
+                                          refpolicy.OBJ_CLASS]:
+                    x.enabled = False
+                    break
+    def gen(self, avs, verbosity):
+        raw_av = self.match(avs)
+        ifcalls = []
+        for ml in self.calls:
+            ifcall = call_interface(, ml.av)
+            if verbosity:
+                ifcall.comment = refpolicy.Comment(explain_access(ml.av, ml, verbosity))
+            ifcalls.append((ifcall, ml))
+        d = []
+        for ifcall, ifs in ifcalls:
+            found = False
+            for o_ifcall in d:
+                if o_ifcall.matches(ifcall):
+                    if o_ifcall.comment and ifcall.comment:
+                        o_ifcall.comment.merge(ifcall.comment)
+                    found = True
+            if not found:
+                d.append(ifcall)
+        return (raw_av, d)
+    def match(self, avs):
+        raw_av = []
+        for av in avs:
+            ans = matching.MatchList()
+            self.matcher.search_ifs(self.ifs, av, ans)
+            if len(ans):
+                self.calls.append(ans)
+            else:
+                raw_av.append(av)
+        return raw_av
+def gen_requires(module):
+    """Add require statements to the module.
+    """
+    def collect_requires(node):
+        r = refpolicy.Require()
+        for avrule in node.avrules():
+            r.types.update(avrule.src_types)
+            r.types.update(avrule.tgt_types)
+            for obj in avrule.obj_classes:
+                r.add_obj_class(obj, avrule.perms)
+        for ifcall in node.interface_calls():
+            for arg in ifcall.args:
+                # FIXME - handle non-type arguments when we
+                # can actually figure those out.
+                r.types.add(arg)
+        for role_type in node.role_types():
+            r.roles.add(role_type.role)
+            r.types.update(role_type.types)
+        r.types.discard("self")
+        node.children.insert(0, r)
+    # FUTURE - this is untested on modules with any sort of
+    # nesting
+    for node in module.nodes():
+        collect_requires(node)
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sepolgen/ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sepolgen/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b1d0c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sepolgen/
@@ -0,0 +1,1129 @@
+# Authors: Karl MacMillan <>
+# Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Red Hat
+# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# This is a parser for the refpolicy policy "language" - i.e., the
+# normal SELinux policy language plus the refpolicy style M4 macro
+# constructs on top of that base language. This parser is primarily
+# aimed at parsing the policy headers in order to create an abstract
+# policy representation suitable for generating policy.
+# Both the lexer and parser are included in this file. The are implemented
+# using the Ply library (included with sepolgen).
+import sys
+import os
+import re
+import traceback
+from . import access
+from . import defaults
+from . import lex
+from . import refpolicy
+from . import yacc
+# :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
+# lexer
+# :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
+tokens = (
+    # basic tokens, punctuation
+    'TICK',
+    'SQUOTE',
+    'OBRACE',
+    'CBRACE',
+    'SEMI',
+    'COLON',
+    'OPAREN',
+    'CPAREN',
+    'COMMA',
+    'MINUS',
+    'TILDE',
+    'ASTERISK',
+    'AMP',
+    'BAR',
+    'EXPL',
+    'EQUAL',
+    'FILENAME',
+    'NUMBER',
+    'PATH',
+    'IPV6_ADDR',
+    # reserved words
+    #   module
+    'MODULE',
+    'REQUIRE',
+    #   flask
+    'SID',
+    'GENFSCON',
+    'FS_USE_XATTR',
+    'FS_USE_TRANS',
+    'FS_USE_TASK',
+    'PORTCON',
+    'NODECON',
+    'NETIFCON',
+    'PIRQCON',
+    'IOMEMCON',
+    #   object classes
+    'CLASS',
+    #   types and attributes
+    'TYPE',
+    'ALIAS',
+    #   conditional policy
+    'BOOL',
+    'TRUE',
+    'FALSE',
+    'IF',
+    'ELSE',
+    #   users and roles
+    'ROLE',
+    'TYPES',
+    #   rules
+    'ALLOW',
+    #   refpolicy keywords
+    'OPT_POLICY',
+    'GEN_REQ',
+    'TEMPLATE',
+    #   m4
+    'IFELSE',
+    'IFDEF',
+    'IFNDEF',
+    'DEFINE'
+    )
+# All reserved keywords - see t_IDENTIFIER for how these are matched in
+# the lexer.
+reserved = {
+    # module
+    'module' : 'MODULE',
+    'policy_module' : 'POLICY_MODULE',
+    'require' : 'REQUIRE',
+    # flask
+    'sid' : 'SID',
+    'genfscon' : 'GENFSCON',
+    'fs_use_xattr' : 'FS_USE_XATTR',
+    'fs_use_trans' : 'FS_USE_TRANS',
+    'fs_use_task' : 'FS_USE_TASK',
+    'portcon' : 'PORTCON',
+    'nodecon' : 'NODECON',
+    'netifcon' : 'NETIFCON',
+    'pirqcon' : 'PIRQCON',
+    'iomemcon' : 'IOMEMCON',
+    'ioportcon' : 'IOPORTCON',
+    'pcidevicecon' : 'PCIDEVICECON',
+    'devicetreecon' : 'DEVICETREECON',
+    # object classes
+    'class' : 'CLASS',
+    # types and attributes
+    'typeattribute' : 'TYPEATTRIBUTE',
+    'roleattribute' : 'ROLEATTRIBUTE',
+    'type' : 'TYPE',
+    'attribute' : 'ATTRIBUTE',
+    'attribute_role' : 'ATTRIBUTE_ROLE',
+    'alias' : 'ALIAS',
+    'typealias' : 'TYPEALIAS',
+    # conditional policy
+    'bool' : 'BOOL',
+    'true' : 'TRUE',
+    'false' : 'FALSE',
+    'if' : 'IF',
+    'else' : 'ELSE',
+    # users and roles
+    'role' : 'ROLE',
+    'types' : 'TYPES',
+    # rules
+    'allow' : 'ALLOW',
+    'dontaudit' : 'DONTAUDIT',
+    'auditallow' : 'AUDITALLOW',
+    'neverallow' : 'NEVERALLOW',
+    'permissive' : 'PERMISSIVE',
+    'type_transition' : 'TYPE_TRANSITION',
+    'type_change' : 'TYPE_CHANGE',
+    'type_member' : 'TYPE_MEMBER',
+    'range_transition' : 'RANGE_TRANSITION',
+    'role_transition' : 'ROLE_TRANSITION',
+    # refpolicy keywords
+    'optional_policy' : 'OPT_POLICY',
+    'interface' : 'INTERFACE',
+    'tunable_policy' : 'TUNABLE_POLICY',
+    'gen_require' : 'GEN_REQ',
+    'template' : 'TEMPLATE',
+    'gen_context' : 'GEN_CONTEXT',
+    # M4
+    'ifelse' : 'IFELSE',
+    'ifndef' : 'IFNDEF',
+    'ifdef' : 'IFDEF',
+    'define' : 'DEFINE'
+    }
+# The ply lexer allows definition of tokens in 2 ways: regular expressions
+# or functions.
+# Simple regex tokens
+t_TICK      = r'\`'
+t_SQUOTE    = r'\''
+t_OBRACE    = r'\{'
+t_CBRACE    = r'\}'
+# This will handle spurios extra ';' via the +
+t_SEMI      = r'\;+'
+t_COLON     = r'\:'
+t_OPAREN    = r'\('
+t_CPAREN    = r'\)'
+t_COMMA     = r'\,'
+t_MINUS     = r'\-'
+t_TILDE     = r'\~'
+t_ASTERISK  = r'\*'
+t_AMP       = r'\&'
+t_BAR       = r'\|'
+t_EXPL      = r'\!'
+t_EQUAL     = r'\='
+t_NUMBER    = r'[0-9\.]+'
+t_PATH      = r'/[a-zA-Z0-9)_\.\*/\$]*'
+#t_IPV6_ADDR = r'[a-fA-F0-9]{0,4}:[a-fA-F0-9]{0,4}:([a-fA-F0-9]{0,4}:)*'
+# Ignore whitespace - this is a special token for ply that more efficiently
+# ignores uninteresting tokens.
+t_ignore    = " \t"
+# More complex tokens
+def t_IPV6_ADDR(t):
+    r'[a-fA-F0-9]{0,4}:[a-fA-F0-9]{0,4}:([a-fA-F0-9]|:)*'
+    # This is a function simply to force it sooner into
+    # the regex list
+    return t
+def t_m4comment(t):
+    r'dnl.*\n'
+    # Ignore all comments
+    t.lexer.lineno += 1
+def t_refpolicywarn1(t):
+    r'define.*refpolicywarn\(.*\n'
+    # Ignore refpolicywarn statements - they sometimes
+    # contain text that we can't parse.
+    t.skip(1)
+def t_refpolicywarn(t):
+    r'refpolicywarn\(.*\n'
+    # Ignore refpolicywarn statements - they sometimes
+    # contain text that we can't parse.
+    t.lexer.lineno += 1
+def t_IDENTIFIER(t):
+    r'[a-zA-Z_\$][a-zA-Z0-9_\-\+\.\$\*~]*'
+    # Handle any keywords
+    t.type = reserved.get(t.value,'IDENTIFIER')
+    return t
+def t_FILENAME(t):
+    r'\"[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\+\.\$\*~ :]+\"'
+    # Handle any keywords
+    t.type = reserved.get(t.value,'FILENAME')
+    return t
+def t_comment(t):
+    r'\#.*\n'
+    # Ignore all comments
+    t.lexer.lineno += 1
+def t_error(t):
+    print("Illegal character '%s'" % t.value[0])
+    t.skip(1)
+def t_newline(t):
+    r'\n+'
+    t.lexer.lineno += len(t.value)
+# :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
+# Parser
+# :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
+# Global data used during parsing - making it global is easier than
+# passing the state through the parsing functions.
+#   m is the top-level data structure (stands for modules).
+m = None
+#   error is either None (indicating no error) or a string error message.
+error = None
+parse_file = ""
+#   spt is the support macros (e.g., obj/perm sets) - it is an instance of
+#     refpolicy.SupportMacros and should always be present during parsing
+#     though it may not contain any macros.
+spt = None
+success = True
+# utilities
+def collect(stmts, parent, val=None):
+    if stmts is None:
+        return
+    for s in stmts:
+        if s is None:
+            continue
+        s.parent = parent
+        if val is not None:
+            parent.children.insert(0, (val, s))
+        else:
+            parent.children.insert(0, s)
+def expand(ids, s):
+    for id in ids:
+        if spt.has_key(id):
+            s.update(spt.by_name(id))
+        else:
+            s.add(id)
+# Top-level non-terminal
+def p_statements(p):
+    '''statements : statement
+                  | statements statement
+                  | empty
+    '''
+    if len(p) == 2 and p[1]:
+        m.children.append(p[1])
+    elif len(p) > 2 and p[2]:
+        m.children.append(p[2])
+def p_statement(p):
+    '''statement : interface
+                 | template
+                 | obj_perm_set
+                 | policy
+                 | policy_module_stmt
+                 | module_stmt
+    '''
+    p[0] = p[1]
+def p_empty(p):
+    'empty :'
+    pass
+# Reference policy language constructs
+# This is for the policy module statement (e.g., policy_module(foo,1.2.0)).
+# We have a separate terminal for either the basic language module statement
+# and interface calls to make it easier to identifier.
+def p_policy_module_stmt(p):
+    m = refpolicy.ModuleDeclaration()
+ = p[3]
+    m.version = p[5]
+    m.refpolicy = True
+    p[0] = m
+def p_interface(p):
+    '''
+    x = refpolicy.Interface(p[4])
+    collect(p[8], x)
+    p[0] = x
+def p_template(p):
+    '''
+    x = refpolicy.Template(p[4])
+    collect(p[8], x)
+    p[0] = x
+def p_define(p):
+    # This is for defining single M4 values (to be used later in ifdef statements).
+    # Example: define(`sulogin_no_pam'). We don't currently do anything with these
+    # but we should in the future when we correctly resolve ifdef statements.
+    p[0] = None
+def p_interface_stmts(p):
+    '''interface_stmts : policy
+                       | interface_stmts policy
+                       | empty
+    '''
+    if len(p) == 2 and p[1]:
+        p[0] = p[1]
+    elif len(p) > 2:
+        if not p[1]:
+            if p[2]:
+                p[0] = p[2]
+        elif not p[2]:
+            p[0] = p[1]
+        else:
+            p[0] = p[1] + p[2]
+def p_optional_policy(p):
+    '''optional_policy : OPT_POLICY OPAREN TICK interface_stmts SQUOTE CPAREN
+                       | OPT_POLICY OPAREN TICK interface_stmts SQUOTE COMMA TICK interface_stmts SQUOTE CPAREN
+    '''
+    o = refpolicy.OptionalPolicy()
+    collect(p[4], o, val=True)
+    if len(p) > 7:
+        collect(p[8], o, val=False)
+    p[0] = [o]
+def p_tunable_policy(p):
+    '''tunable_policy : TUNABLE_POLICY OPAREN TICK cond_expr SQUOTE COMMA TICK interface_stmts SQUOTE CPAREN
+                      | TUNABLE_POLICY OPAREN TICK cond_expr SQUOTE COMMA TICK interface_stmts SQUOTE COMMA TICK interface_stmts SQUOTE CPAREN
+    '''
+    x = refpolicy.TunablePolicy()
+    x.cond_expr = p[4]
+    collect(p[8], x, val=True)
+    if len(p) > 11:
+        collect(p[12], x, val=False)
+    p[0] = [x]
+def p_ifelse(p):
+    '''
+#    x = refpolicy.IfDef(p[4])
+#    v = True
+#    collect(p[8], x, val=v)
+#    if len(p) > 12:
+#        collect(p[12], x, val=False)
+#    p[0] = [x]
+    pass
+def p_ifdef(p):
+    '''ifdef : IFDEF OPAREN TICK IDENTIFIER SQUOTE COMMA TICK interface_stmts SQUOTE CPAREN optional_semi
+             | IFNDEF OPAREN TICK IDENTIFIER SQUOTE COMMA TICK interface_stmts SQUOTE CPAREN optional_semi
+             | IFDEF OPAREN TICK IDENTIFIER SQUOTE COMMA TICK interface_stmts SQUOTE COMMA TICK interface_stmts SQUOTE CPAREN optional_semi
+    '''
+    x = refpolicy.IfDef(p[4])
+    if p[1] == 'ifdef':
+        v = True
+    else:
+        v = False
+    collect(p[8], x, val=v)
+    if len(p) > 12:
+        collect(p[12], x, val=False)
+    p[0] = [x]
+def p_interface_call(p):
+    '''interface_call : IDENTIFIER OPAREN interface_call_param_list CPAREN
+                      | IDENTIFIER OPAREN CPAREN
+                      | IDENTIFIER OPAREN interface_call_param_list CPAREN SEMI'''
+    # Allow spurious semi-colons at the end of interface calls
+    i = refpolicy.InterfaceCall(ifname=p[1])
+    if len(p) > 4:
+        i.args.extend(p[3])
+    p[0] = i
+def p_interface_call_param(p):
+    '''interface_call_param : IDENTIFIER
+                            | IDENTIFIER MINUS IDENTIFIER
+                            | nested_id_set
+                            | TRUE
+                            | FALSE
+                            | FILENAME
+    '''
+    # Intentionally let single identifiers pass through
+    # List means set, non-list identifier
+    if len(p) == 2:
+        p[0] = p[1]
+    else:
+        p[0] = [p[1], "-" + p[3]]
+def p_interface_call_param_list(p):
+    '''interface_call_param_list : interface_call_param
+                                 | interface_call_param_list COMMA interface_call_param
+    '''
+    if len(p) == 2:
+        p[0] = [p[1]]
+    else:
+        p[0] = p[1] + [p[3]]
+def p_obj_perm_set(p):
+    s = refpolicy.ObjPermSet(p[4])
+    s.perms = p[8]
+    p[0] = s
+# Basic SELinux policy language
+def p_policy(p):
+    '''policy : policy_stmt
+              | optional_policy
+              | tunable_policy
+              | ifdef
+              | ifelse
+              | conditional
+    '''
+    p[0] = p[1]
+def p_policy_stmt(p):
+    '''policy_stmt : gen_require
+                   | avrule_def
+                   | typerule_def
+                   | typeattribute_def
+                   | roleattribute_def
+                   | interface_call
+                   | role_def
+                   | role_allow
+                   | permissive
+                   | type_def
+                   | typealias_def
+                   | attribute_def
+                   | attribute_role_def
+                   | range_transition_def
+                   | role_transition_def
+                   | bool
+                   | define
+                   | initial_sid
+                   | genfscon
+                   | fs_use
+                   | portcon
+                   | nodecon
+                   | netifcon
+                   | pirqcon
+                   | iomemcon
+                   | ioportcon
+                   | pcidevicecon
+                   | devicetreecon
+    '''
+    if p[1]:
+        p[0] = [p[1]]
+def p_module_stmt(p):
+    m = refpolicy.ModuleDeclaration()
+ = p[2]
+    m.version = p[3]
+    m.refpolicy = False
+    p[0] = m
+def p_gen_require(p):
+    '''gen_require : GEN_REQ OPAREN TICK requires SQUOTE CPAREN
+                   | REQUIRE OBRACE requires CBRACE'''
+    # We ignore the require statements - they are redundant data from our point-of-view.
+    # Checkmodule will verify them later anyway so we just assume that they match what
+    # is in the rest of the interface.
+    pass
+def p_requires(p):
+    '''requires : require
+                | requires require
+                | ifdef
+                | requires ifdef
+    '''
+    pass
+def p_require(p):
+    '''require : TYPE comma_list SEMI
+               | ROLE comma_list SEMI
+               | ATTRIBUTE comma_list SEMI
+               | ATTRIBUTE_ROLE comma_list SEMI
+               | CLASS comma_list SEMI
+               | BOOL comma_list SEMI
+    '''
+    pass
+def p_security_context(p):
+                        | IDENTIFIER COLON IDENTIFIER COLON IDENTIFIER COLON mls_range_def'''
+    # This will likely need some updates to handle complex levels
+    s = refpolicy.SecurityContext()
+    s.user = p[1]
+    s.role = p[3]
+    s.type = p[5]
+    if len(p) > 6:
+        s.level = p[7]
+    p[0] = s
+def p_gen_context(p):
+    '''gen_context : GEN_CONTEXT OPAREN security_context COMMA mls_range_def CPAREN
+    '''
+    # We actually store gen_context statements in a SecurityContext
+    # object - it knows how to output either a bare context or a
+    # gen_context statement.
+    s = p[3]
+    s.level = p[5]
+    p[0] = s
+def p_context(p):
+    '''context : security_context
+               | gen_context
+    '''
+    p[0] = p[1]
+def p_initial_sid(p):
+    '''initial_sid : SID IDENTIFIER context'''
+    s = refpolicy.InitialSid()
+ = p[2]
+    s.context = p[3]
+    p[0] = s
+def p_genfscon(p):
+    '''genfscon : GENFSCON IDENTIFIER PATH context'''
+    g = refpolicy.GenfsCon()
+    g.filesystem = p[2]
+    g.path = p[3]
+    g.context = p[4]
+    p[0] = g
+def p_fs_use(p):
+    '''fs_use : FS_USE_XATTR IDENTIFIER context SEMI
+              | FS_USE_TASK IDENTIFIER context SEMI
+              | FS_USE_TRANS IDENTIFIER context SEMI
+    '''
+    f = refpolicy.FilesystemUse()
+    if p[1] == "fs_use_xattr":
+        f.type = refpolicy.FilesystemUse.XATTR
+    elif p[1] == "fs_use_task":
+        f.type = refpolicy.FilesystemUse.TASK
+    elif p[1] == "fs_use_trans":
+        f.type = refpolicy.FilesystemUse.TRANS
+    f.filesystem = p[2]
+    f.context = p[3]
+    p[0] = f
+def p_portcon(p):
+    '''portcon : PORTCON IDENTIFIER NUMBER context
+    c = refpolicy.PortCon()
+    c.port_type = p[2]
+    if len(p) == 5:
+        c.port_number = p[3]
+        c.context = p[4]
+    else:
+        c.port_number = p[3] + "-" + p[4]
+        c.context = p[5]
+    p[0] = c
+def p_nodecon(p):
+    '''nodecon : NODECON NUMBER NUMBER context
+               | NODECON IPV6_ADDR IPV6_ADDR context
+    '''
+    n = refpolicy.NodeCon()
+    n.start = p[2]
+    n.end = p[3]
+    n.context = p[4]
+    p[0] = n
+def p_netifcon(p):
+    'netifcon : NETIFCON IDENTIFIER context context'
+    n = refpolicy.NetifCon()
+    n.interface = p[2]
+    n.interface_context = p[3]
+    n.packet_context = p[4]
+    p[0] = n
+def p_pirqcon(p):
+    'pirqcon : PIRQCON NUMBER context'
+    c = refpolicy.PirqCon()
+    c.pirq_number = p[2]
+    c.context = p[3]
+    p[0] = c
+def p_iomemcon(p):
+    '''iomemcon : IOMEMCON NUMBER context
+                | IOMEMCON NUMBER MINUS NUMBER context'''
+    c = refpolicy.IomemCon()
+    if len(p) == 4:
+        c.device_mem = p[2]
+        c.context = p[3]
+    else:
+        c.device_mem = p[2] + "-" + p[3]
+        c.context = p[4]
+    p[0] = c
+def p_ioportcon(p):
+    '''ioportcon : IOPORTCON NUMBER context
+                | IOPORTCON NUMBER MINUS NUMBER context'''
+    c = refpolicy.IoportCon()
+    if len(p) == 4:
+        c.ioport = p[2]
+        c.context = p[3]
+    else:
+        c.ioport = p[2] + "-" + p[3]
+        c.context = p[4]
+    p[0] = c
+def p_pcidevicecon(p):
+    'pcidevicecon : PCIDEVICECON NUMBER context'
+    c = refpolicy.PciDeviceCon()
+    c.device = p[2]
+    c.context = p[3]
+    p[0] = c
+def p_devicetreecon(p):
+    'devicetreecon : DEVICETREECON NUMBER context'
+    c = refpolicy.DevicetTeeCon()
+    c.path = p[2]
+    c.context = p[3]
+    p[0] = c
+def p_mls_range_def(p):
+    '''mls_range_def : mls_level_def MINUS mls_level_def
+                     | mls_level_def
+    '''
+    p[0] = p[1]
+    if len(p) > 2:
+        p[0] = p[0] + "-" + p[3]
+def p_mls_level_def(p):
+    '''mls_level_def : IDENTIFIER COLON comma_list
+                     | IDENTIFIER
+    '''
+    p[0] = p[1]
+    if len(p) > 2:
+        p[0] = p[0] + ":" + ",".join(p[3])
+def p_type_def(p):
+    '''type_def : TYPE IDENTIFIER COMMA comma_list SEMI
+                | TYPE IDENTIFIER SEMI
+                | TYPE IDENTIFIER ALIAS names SEMI
+                | TYPE IDENTIFIER ALIAS names COMMA comma_list SEMI
+    '''
+    t = refpolicy.Type(p[2])
+    if len(p) == 6:
+        if p[3] == ',':
+            t.attributes.update(p[4])
+        else:
+            t.aliases = p[4]
+    elif len(p) > 4:
+        t.aliases = p[4]
+        if len(p) == 8:
+            t.attributes.update(p[6])
+    p[0] = t
+def p_attribute_def(p):
+    'attribute_def : ATTRIBUTE IDENTIFIER SEMI'
+    a = refpolicy.Attribute(p[2])
+    p[0] = a
+def p_attribute_role_def(p):
+	'attribute_role_def : ATTRIBUTE_ROLE IDENTIFIER SEMI'
+	a = refpolicy.Attribute_Role(p[2])
+	p[0] = a
+def p_typealias_def(p):
+    'typealias_def : TYPEALIAS IDENTIFIER ALIAS names SEMI'
+    t = refpolicy.TypeAlias()
+    t.type = p[2]
+    t.aliases = p[4]
+    p[0] = t
+def p_role_def(p):
+    '''role_def : ROLE IDENTIFIER TYPES comma_list SEMI
+                | ROLE IDENTIFIER SEMI'''
+    r = refpolicy.Role()
+    r.role = p[2]
+    if len(p) > 4:
+        r.types.update(p[4])
+    p[0] = r
+def p_role_allow(p):
+    'role_allow : ALLOW names names SEMI'
+    r = refpolicy.RoleAllow()
+    r.src_roles = p[2]
+    r.tgt_roles = p[3]
+    p[0] = r
+def p_permissive(p):
+    'permissive : PERMISSIVE names SEMI'
+    t.skip(1)
+def p_avrule_def(p):
+    '''avrule_def : ALLOW names names COLON names names SEMI
+                  | DONTAUDIT names names COLON names names SEMI
+                  | AUDITALLOW names names COLON names names SEMI
+                  | NEVERALLOW names names COLON names names SEMI
+    '''
+    a = refpolicy.AVRule()
+    if p[1] == 'dontaudit':
+        a.rule_type = refpolicy.AVRule.DONTAUDIT
+    elif p[1] == 'auditallow':
+        a.rule_type = refpolicy.AVRule.AUDITALLOW
+    elif p[1] == 'neverallow':
+        a.rule_type = refpolicy.AVRule.NEVERALLOW
+    a.src_types = p[2]
+    a.tgt_types = p[3]
+    a.obj_classes = p[5]
+    a.perms = p[6]
+    p[0] = a
+def p_typerule_def(p):
+    '''typerule_def : TYPE_TRANSITION names names COLON names IDENTIFIER SEMI
+                    | TYPE_TRANSITION names names COLON names IDENTIFIER FILENAME SEMI
+                    | TYPE_TRANSITION names names COLON names IDENTIFIER IDENTIFIER SEMI
+                    | TYPE_CHANGE names names COLON names IDENTIFIER SEMI
+                    | TYPE_MEMBER names names COLON names IDENTIFIER SEMI
+    '''
+    t = refpolicy.TypeRule()
+    if p[1] == 'type_change':
+        t.rule_type = refpolicy.TypeRule.TYPE_CHANGE
+    elif p[1] == 'type_member':
+        t.rule_type = refpolicy.TypeRule.TYPE_MEMBER
+    t.src_types = p[2]
+    t.tgt_types = p[3]
+    t.obj_classes = p[5]
+    t.dest_type = p[6]
+    t.file_name = p[7]
+    p[0] = t
+def p_bool(p):
+    b = refpolicy.Bool()
+ = p[2]
+    if p[3] == "true":
+        b.state = True
+    else:
+        b.state = False
+    p[0] = b
+def p_conditional(p):
+    ''' conditional : IF OPAREN cond_expr CPAREN OBRACE interface_stmts CBRACE
+                    | IF OPAREN cond_expr CPAREN OBRACE interface_stmts CBRACE ELSE OBRACE interface_stmts CBRACE
+    '''
+    c = refpolicy.Conditional()
+    c.cond_expr = p[3]
+    collect(p[6], c, val=True)
+    if len(p) > 8:
+        collect(p[10], c, val=False)
+    p[0] = [c]
+def p_typeattribute_def(p):
+    '''typeattribute_def : TYPEATTRIBUTE IDENTIFIER comma_list SEMI'''
+    t = refpolicy.TypeAttribute()
+    t.type = p[2]
+    t.attributes.update(p[3])
+    p[0] = t
+def p_roleattribute_def(p):
+    '''roleattribute_def : ROLEATTRIBUTE IDENTIFIER comma_list SEMI'''
+    t = refpolicy.RoleAttribute()
+    t.role = p[2]
+    t.roleattributes.update(p[3])
+    p[0] = t
+def p_range_transition_def(p):
+    '''range_transition_def : RANGE_TRANSITION names names COLON names mls_range_def SEMI
+                            | RANGE_TRANSITION names names names SEMI'''
+    pass
+def p_role_transition_def(p):
+    '''role_transition_def : ROLE_TRANSITION names names names SEMI'''
+    pass
+def p_cond_expr(p):
+    '''cond_expr : IDENTIFIER
+                 | EXPL cond_expr
+                 | cond_expr AMP AMP cond_expr
+                 | cond_expr BAR BAR cond_expr
+                 | cond_expr EQUAL EQUAL cond_expr
+                 | cond_expr EXPL EQUAL cond_expr
+    '''
+    l = len(p)
+    if l == 2:
+        p[0] = [p[1]]
+    elif l == 3:
+        p[0] = [p[1]] + p[2]
+    else:
+        p[0] = p[1] + [p[2] + p[3]] + p[4]
+# Basic terminals
+# Identifiers and lists of identifiers. These must
+# be handled somewhat gracefully. Names returns an IdSet and care must
+# be taken that this is _assigned_ to an object to correctly update
+# all of the flags (as opposed to using update). The other terminals
+# return list - this is to preserve ordering if it is important for
+# parsing (for example, interface_call must retain the ordering). Other
+# times the list should be used to update an IdSet.
+def p_names(p):
+    '''names : identifier
+             | nested_id_set
+             | asterisk
+             | TILDE identifier
+             | TILDE nested_id_set
+    '''
+    s = refpolicy.IdSet()
+    if len(p) < 3:
+        expand(p[1], s)
+    elif len(p) == 3:
+        expand(p[2], s)
+        s.compliment = True
+    else:
+        expand([p[1]])
+        s.add("-" + p[3])
+    p[0] = s
+def p_identifier(p):
+    'identifier : IDENTIFIER'
+    p[0] = [p[1]]
+def p_asterisk(p):
+    'asterisk : ASTERISK'
+    p[0] = [p[1]]
+def p_nested_id_set(p):
+    '''nested_id_set : OBRACE nested_id_list CBRACE
+    '''
+    p[0] = p[2]
+def p_nested_id_list(p):
+    '''nested_id_list : nested_id_element
+                      | nested_id_list nested_id_element
+    '''
+    if len(p) == 2:
+        p[0] = p[1]
+    else:
+        p[0] = p[1] + p[2]
+def p_nested_id_element(p):
+    '''nested_id_element : identifier
+                         | MINUS IDENTIFIER
+                         | nested_id_set
+    '''
+    if len(p) == 2:
+        p[0] = p[1]
+    else:
+        # For now just leave the '-'
+        str = "-" + p[2]
+        p[0] = [str]
+def p_comma_list(p):
+    '''comma_list : nested_id_list
+                  | comma_list COMMA nested_id_list
+    '''
+    if len(p) > 2:
+        p[1] = p[1] + p[3]
+    p[0] = p[1]
+def p_optional_semi(p):
+    '''optional_semi : SEMI
+                   | empty'''
+    pass
+# Interface to the parser
+def p_error(tok):
+    global error, parse_file, success, parser
+    error = "%s: Syntax error on line %d %s [type=%s]" % (parse_file, tok.lineno, tok.value, tok.type)
+    print(error)
+    success = False
+def prep_spt(spt):
+    if not spt:
+        return { }
+    map = {}
+    for x in spt:
+        map[] = x
+parser = None
+lexer = None
+def create_globals(module, support, debug):
+    global parser, lexer, m, spt
+    if not parser:
+        lexer = lex.lex()
+        parser = yacc.yacc(method="LALR", debug=debug, write_tables=0)
+    if module is not None:
+        m = module
+    else:
+        m = refpolicy.Module()
+    if not support:
+        spt = refpolicy.SupportMacros()
+    else:
+        spt = support
+def parse(text, module=None, support=None, debug=False):
+    create_globals(module, support, debug)
+    global error, parser, lexer, success
+    lexer.lineno = 1
+    success = True
+    try:
+        parser.parse(text, debug=debug, lexer=lexer)
+    except Exception as e:
+        parser = None
+        lexer = None
+        error = "internal parser error: %s" % str(e) + "\n" + traceback.format_exc()
+    if not success:
+        # force the parser and lexer to be rebuilt - we have some problems otherwise
+        parser = None
+        msg = 'could not parse text: "%s"' % error
+        raise ValueError(msg)
+    return m
+def list_headers(root):
+    modules = []
+    support_macros = None
+    for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(root):
+        for name in filenames:
+            modname = os.path.splitext(name)
+            filename = os.path.join(dirpath, name)
+            if modname[1] == '.spt':
+                if name == "obj_perm_sets.spt":
+                    support_macros = filename
+                elif len(re.findall("patterns", modname[0])):
+                         modules.append((modname[0], filename))
+            elif modname[1] == '.if':
+                modules.append((modname[0], filename))
+    return (modules, support_macros)
+def parse_headers(root, output=None, expand=True, debug=False):
+    from . import util
+    headers = refpolicy.Headers()
+    modules = []
+    support_macros = None
+    if os.path.isfile(root):
+        name = os.path.split(root)[1]
+        if name == '':
+            raise ValueError("Invalid file name %s" % root)
+        modname = os.path.splitext(name)
+        modules.append((modname[0], root))
+        all_modules, support_macros = list_headers(defaults.headers())
+    else:
+        modules, support_macros = list_headers(root)
+    if expand and not support_macros:
+        raise ValueError("could not find support macros (obj_perm_sets.spt)")
+    def o(msg):
+        if output:
+            output.write(msg)
+    def parse_file(f, module, spt=None):
+        global parse_file
+        if debug:
+            o("parsing file %s\n" % f)
+        try:
+            fd = open(f)
+            txt =
+            fd.close()
+            parse_file = f
+            parse(txt, module, spt, debug)
+        except IOError as e:
+            return
+        except ValueError as e:
+            raise ValueError("error parsing file %s: %s" % (f, str(e)))
+    spt = None
+    if support_macros:
+        o("Parsing support macros (%s): " % support_macros)
+        spt = refpolicy.SupportMacros()
+        parse_file(support_macros, spt)
+        headers.children.append(spt)
+        # FIXME: Total hack - add in can_exec rather than parse the insanity
+        # of misc_macros. We are just going to pretend that this is an interface
+        # to make the expansion work correctly.
+        can_exec = refpolicy.Interface("can_exec")
+        av = access.AccessVector(["$1","$2","file","execute_no_trans","open", "read",
+                                  "getattr","lock","execute","ioctl"])
+        can_exec.children.append(refpolicy.AVRule(av))
+        headers.children.append(can_exec)
+        o("done.\n")
+    if output and not debug:
+        status = util.ConsoleProgressBar(sys.stdout, steps=len(modules))
+        status.start("Parsing interface files")
+    failures = []
+    for x in modules:
+        m = refpolicy.Module()
+ = x[0]
+        try:
+            if expand:
+                parse_file(x[1], m, spt)
+            else:
+                parse_file(x[1], m)
+        except ValueError as e:
+            o(str(e) + "\n")
+            failures.append(x[1])
+            continue
+        headers.children.append(m)
+        if output and not debug:
+            status.step()
+    if len(failures):
+        o("failed to parse some headers: %s" % ", ".join(failures))
+    return headers
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sepolgen/ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sepolgen/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31b40d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sepolgen/
@@ -0,0 +1,916 @@
+# Authors: Karl MacMillan <>
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Red Hat
+# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+import string
+import selinux
+# This file contains objects and functions used to represent the reference
+# policy (including the headers, M4 macros, and policy language statements).
+# This representation is very different from the semantic representation
+# used in libsepol. Instead, it is a more typical abstract representation
+# used by the first stage of compilers. It is basically a parse tree.
+# This choice is intentional as it allows us to handle the unprocessed
+# M4 statements - including the $1 style arguments - and to more easily generate
+# the data structures that we need for policy generation.
+# Constans for referring to fields
+SRC_TYPE  = 0
+TGT_TYPE  = 1
+PERMS     = 3
+ROLE      = 4
+# String represenations of the above constants
+field_to_str = ["source", "target", "object", "permission", "role", "destination" ]
+str_to_field = { "source" : SRC_TYPE, "target" : TGT_TYPE, "object" : OBJ_CLASS,
+                "permission" : PERMS, "role" : ROLE, "destination" : DEST_TYPE }
+# Base Classes
+class PolicyBase:
+    def __init__(self, parent=None):
+        self.parent = None
+        self.comment = None
+class Node(PolicyBase):
+    """Base class objects produced from parsing the reference policy.
+    The Node class is used as the base class for any non-leaf
+    object produced by parsing the reference policy. This object
+    should contain a reference to its parent (or None for a top-level
+    object) and 0 or more children.
+    The general idea here is to have a very simple tree structure. Children
+    are not separated out by type. Instead the tree structure represents
+    fairly closely the real structure of the policy statements.
+    The object should be iterable - by default over all children but
+    subclasses are free to provide additional iterators over a subset
+    of their childre (see Interface for example).
+    """
+    def __init__(self, parent=None):
+        PolicyBase.__init__(self, parent)
+        self.children = []
+    def __iter__(self):
+        return iter(self.children)
+    # Not all of the iterators will return something on all Nodes, but
+    # they won't explode either. Putting them here is just easier.
+    # Top level nodes
+    def nodes(self):
+        return filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, Node), walktree(self))
+    def modules(self):
+        return filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, Module), walktree(self))
+    def interfaces(self):
+        return filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, Interface), walktree(self))
+    def templates(self):
+        return filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, Template), walktree(self))
+    def support_macros(self):
+        return filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, SupportMacros), walktree(self))
+    # Common policy statements
+    def module_declarations(self):
+        return filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, ModuleDeclaration), walktree(self))
+    def interface_calls(self):
+        return filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, InterfaceCall), walktree(self))
+    def avrules(self):
+        return filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, AVRule), walktree(self))
+    def typerules(self):
+        return filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, TypeRule), walktree(self))
+    def typeattributes(self):
+        """Iterate over all of the TypeAttribute children of this Interface."""
+        return filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, TypeAttribute), walktree(self))
+    def roleattributes(self):
+        """Iterate over all of the RoleAttribute children of this Interface."""
+        return filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, RoleAttribute), walktree(self))
+    def requires(self):
+        return filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, Require), walktree(self))
+    def roles(self):
+        return filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, Role), walktree(self))
+    def role_allows(self):
+        return filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, RoleAllow), walktree(self))
+    def role_types(self):
+        return filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, RoleType), walktree(self))
+    def __str__(self):
+        if self.comment:
+            return str(self.comment) + "\n" + self.to_string()
+        else:
+            return self.to_string()
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<%s(%s)>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.to_string())
+    def to_string(self):
+        return ""
+class Leaf(PolicyBase):
+    def __init__(self, parent=None):
+        PolicyBase.__init__(self, parent)
+    def __str__(self):
+        if self.comment:
+            return str(self.comment) + "\n" + self.to_string()
+        else:
+            return self.to_string()
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<%s(%s)>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.to_string())
+    def to_string(self):
+        return ""
+# Utility functions
+def walktree(node, depthfirst=True, showdepth=False, type=None):
+    """Iterate over a Node and its Children.
+    The walktree function iterates over a tree containing Nodes and
+    leaf objects. The iteration can perform a depth first or a breadth
+    first traversal of the tree (controlled by the depthfirst
+    paramater. The passed in node will be returned.
+    This function will only work correctly for trees - arbitrary graphs
+    will likely cause infinite looping.
+    """
+    # We control depth first / versus breadth first by
+    # how we pop items off of the node stack.
+    if depthfirst:
+        index = -1
+    else:
+        index = 0
+    stack = [(node, 0)]
+    while len(stack) > 0:
+        cur, depth = stack.pop(index)
+        if showdepth:
+            yield cur, depth
+        else:
+            yield cur
+        # If the node is not a Node instance it must
+        # be a leaf - so no need to add it to the stack
+        if isinstance(cur, Node):
+            items = []
+            i = len(cur.children) - 1
+            while i >= 0:
+                if type is None or isinstance(cur.children[i], type):
+                    items.append((cur.children[i], depth + 1))
+                i -= 1
+            stack.extend(items)
+def walknode(node, type=None):
+    """Iterate over the direct children of a Node.
+    The walktree function iterates over the children of a Node.
+    Unlike walktree it does note return the passed in node or
+    the children of any Node objects (that is, it does not go
+    beyond the current level in the tree).
+    """
+    for x in node:
+        if type is None or isinstance(x, type):
+            yield x
+def list_to_space_str(s, cont=('{', '}')):
+    """Convert a set (or any sequence type) into a string representation
+    formatted to match SELinux space separated list conventions.
+    For example the list ['read', 'write'] would be converted into:
+    '{ read write }'
+    """
+    l = len(s)
+    str = ""
+    if l < 1:
+        raise ValueError("cannot convert 0 len set to string")
+    str = " ".join(s)
+    if l == 1:
+        return str
+    else:
+        return cont[0] + " " + str + " " + cont[1]
+def list_to_comma_str(s):
+    l = len(s)
+    if l < 1:
+        raise ValueError("cannot conver 0 len set to comma string")
+    return ", ".join(s)
+# Basic SELinux types
+class IdSet(set):
+    def __init__(self, list=None):
+        if list:
+            set.__init__(self, list)
+        else:
+            set.__init__(self)
+        self.compliment = False
+    def to_space_str(self):
+        return list_to_space_str(sorted(self))
+    def to_comma_str(self):
+        return list_to_comma_str(sorted(self))
+class SecurityContext(Leaf):
+    """An SELinux security context with optional MCS / MLS fields."""
+    def __init__(self, context=None, parent=None):
+        """Create a SecurityContext object, optionally from a string.
+        Parameters:
+           [context] - string representing a security context. Same format
+              as a string passed to the from_string method.
+        """
+        Leaf.__init__(self, parent)
+        self.user = ""
+        self.role = ""
+        self.type = ""
+        self.level = None
+        if context is not None:
+            self.from_string(context)
+    def from_string(self, context):
+        """Parse a string representing a context into a SecurityContext.
+        The string should be in the standard format - e.g.,
+        'user:role:type:level'.
+        Raises ValueError if the string is not parsable as a security context.
+        """
+        fields = context.split(":")
+        if len(fields) < 3:
+            raise ValueError("context string [%s] not in a valid format" % context)
+        self.user = fields[0]
+        self.role = fields[1]
+        self.type = fields[2]
+        if len(fields) > 3:
+            # FUTURE - normalize level fields to allow more comparisons to succeed.
+            self.level = ':'.join(fields[3:])
+        else:
+            self.level = None
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        """Compare two SecurityContext objects - all fields must be exactly the
+        the same for the comparison to work. It is possible for the level fields
+        to be semantically the same yet syntactically different - in this case
+        this function will return false.
+        """
+        return self.user == other.user and \
+               self.role == other.role and \
+               self.type == other.type and \
+               self.level == other.level
+    def to_string(self, default_level=None):
+        """Return a string representing this security context.
+        By default, the string will contiain a MCS / MLS level
+        potentially from the default which is passed in if none was
+        set.
+        Arguments:
+           default_level - the default level to use if self.level is an
+             empty string.
+        Returns:
+           A string represening the security context in the form
+              'user:role:type:level'.
+        """
+        fields = [self.user, self.role, self.type]
+        if self.level is None:
+            if default_level is None:
+                if selinux.is_selinux_mls_enabled() == 1:
+                    fields.append("s0")
+            else:
+                fields.append(default_level)
+        else:
+            fields.append(self.level)
+        return ":".join(fields)
+class ObjectClass(Leaf):
+    """SELinux object class and permissions.
+    This class is a basic representation of an SELinux object
+    class - it does not represent separate common permissions -
+    just the union of the common and class specific permissions.
+    It is meant to be convenient for policy generation.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, name="", parent=None):
+        Leaf.__init__(self, parent)
+ = name
+        self.perms = IdSet()
+# Basic statements
+class TypeAttribute(Leaf):
+    """SElinux typeattribute statement.
+    This class represents a typeattribute statement.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, parent=None):
+        Leaf.__init__(self, parent)
+        self.type = ""
+        self.attributes = IdSet()
+    def to_string(self):
+        return "typeattribute %s %s;" % (self.type, self.attributes.to_comma_str())
+class RoleAttribute(Leaf):
+    """SElinux roleattribute statement.
+    This class represents a roleattribute statement.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, parent=None):
+        Leaf.__init__(self, parent)
+        self.role = ""
+        self.roleattributes = IdSet()
+    def to_string(self):
+        return "roleattribute %s %s;" % (self.role, self.roleattributes.to_comma_str())
+class Role(Leaf):
+    def __init__(self, parent=None):
+        Leaf.__init__(self, parent)
+        self.role = ""
+        self.types = IdSet()
+    def to_string(self):
+        s = ""
+        for t in self.types:
+            s += "role %s types %s;\n" % (self.role, t)
+        return s
+class Type(Leaf):
+    def __init__(self, name="", parent=None):
+        Leaf.__init__(self, parent)
+ = name
+        self.attributes = IdSet()
+        self.aliases = IdSet()
+    def to_string(self):
+        s = "type %s" %
+        if len(self.aliases) > 0:
+            s = s + "alias %s" % self.aliases.to_space_str()
+        if len(self.attributes) > 0:
+            s = s + ", %s" % self.attributes.to_comma_str()
+        return s + ";"
+class TypeAlias(Leaf):
+    def __init__(self, parent=None):
+        Leaf.__init__(self, parent)
+        self.type = ""
+        self.aliases = IdSet()
+    def to_string(self):
+        return "typealias %s alias %s;" % (self.type, self.aliases.to_space_str())
+class Attribute(Leaf):
+    def __init__(self, name="", parent=None):
+        Leaf.__init__(self, parent)
+ = name
+    def to_string(self):
+        return "attribute %s;" %
+class Attribute_Role(Leaf):
+    def __init__(self, name="", parent=None):
+        Leaf.__init__(self, parent)
+ = name
+    def to_string(self):
+        return "attribute_role %s;" %
+# Classes representing rules
+class AVRule(Leaf):
+    """SELinux access vector (AV) rule.
+    The AVRule class represents all varieties of AV rules including
+    allow, dontaudit, and auditallow (indicated by the flags self.ALLOW,
+    self.DONTAUDIT, and self.AUDITALLOW respectively).
+    The source and target types, object classes, and perms are all represented
+    by sets containing strings. Sets are used to make it simple to add
+    strings repeatedly while avoiding duplicates.
+    No checking is done to make certain that the symbols are valid or
+    consistent (e.g., perms that don't match the object classes). It is
+    even possible to put invalid types like '$1' into the rules to allow
+    storage of the reference policy interfaces.
+    """
+    ALLOW = 0
+    DONTAUDIT = 1
+    def __init__(self, av=None, parent=None):
+        Leaf.__init__(self, parent)
+        self.src_types = IdSet()
+        self.tgt_types = IdSet()
+        self.obj_classes = IdSet()
+        self.perms = IdSet()
+        self.rule_type = self.ALLOW
+        if av:
+            self.from_av(av)
+    def __rule_type_str(self):
+        if self.rule_type == self.ALLOW:
+            return "allow"
+        elif self.rule_type == self.DONTAUDIT:
+            return "dontaudit"
+        else:
+            return "auditallow"
+    def from_av(self, av):
+        """Add the access from an access vector to this allow
+        rule.
+        """
+        self.src_types.add(av.src_type)
+        if av.src_type == av.tgt_type:
+            self.tgt_types.add("self")
+        else:
+            self.tgt_types.add(av.tgt_type)
+        self.obj_classes.add(av.obj_class)
+        self.perms.update(av.perms)
+    def to_string(self):
+        """Return a string representation of the rule
+        that is a valid policy language representation (assuming
+        that the types, object class, etc. are valie).
+        """
+        return "%s %s %s:%s %s;" % (self.__rule_type_str(),
+                                     self.src_types.to_space_str(),
+                                     self.tgt_types.to_space_str(),
+                                     self.obj_classes.to_space_str(),
+                                     self.perms.to_space_str())
+class TypeRule(Leaf):
+    """SELinux type rules.
+    This class is very similar to the AVRule class, but is for representing
+    the type rules (type_trans, type_change, and type_member). The major
+    difference is the lack of perms and only and sing destination type.
+    """
+    TYPE_CHANGE = 1
+    TYPE_MEMBER = 2
+    def __init__(self, parent=None):
+        Leaf.__init__(self, parent)
+        self.src_types = IdSet()
+        self.tgt_types = IdSet()
+        self.obj_classes = IdSet()
+        self.dest_type = ""
+        self.rule_type = self.TYPE_TRANSITION
+    def __rule_type_str(self):
+        if self.rule_type == self.TYPE_TRANSITION:
+            return "type_transition"
+        elif self.rule_type == self.TYPE_CHANGE:
+            return "type_change"
+        else:
+            return "type_member"
+    def to_string(self):
+        return "%s %s %s:%s %s;" % (self.__rule_type_str(),
+                                     self.src_types.to_space_str(),
+                                     self.tgt_types.to_space_str(),
+                                     self.obj_classes.to_space_str(),
+                                     self.dest_type)
+class RoleAllow(Leaf):
+    def __init__(self, parent=None):
+        Leaf.__init__(self, parent)
+        self.src_roles = IdSet()
+        self.tgt_roles = IdSet()
+    def to_string(self):
+        return "allow %s %s;" % (self.src_roles.to_comma_str(),
+                                 self.tgt_roles.to_comma_str())
+class RoleType(Leaf):
+    def __init__(self, parent=None):
+        Leaf.__init__(self, parent)
+        self.role = ""
+        self.types = IdSet()
+    def to_string(self):
+        s = ""
+        for t in self.types:
+            s += "role %s types %s;\n" % (self.role, t)
+        return s
+class ModuleDeclaration(Leaf):
+    def __init__(self, parent=None):
+        Leaf.__init__(self, parent)
+ = ""
+        self.version = ""
+        self.refpolicy = False
+    def to_string(self):
+        if self.refpolicy:
+            return "policy_module(%s, %s)" % (, self.version)
+        else:
+            return "module %s %s;" % (, self.version)
+class Conditional(Node):
+    def __init__(self, parent=None):
+        Node.__init__(self, parent)
+        self.cond_expr = []
+    def to_string(self):
+        return "[If %s]" % list_to_space_str(self.cond_expr, cont=("", ""))
+class Bool(Leaf):
+    def __init__(self, parent=None):
+        Leaf.__init__(self, parent)
+ = ""
+        self.state = False
+    def to_string(self):
+        s = "bool %s " %
+        if s.state:
+            return s + "true"
+        else:
+            return s + "false"
+class InitialSid(Leaf):
+    def __init(self, parent=None):
+        Leaf.__init__(self, parent)
+ = ""
+        self.context = None
+    def to_string(self):
+        return "sid %s %s" % (, str(self.context))
+class GenfsCon(Leaf):
+    def __init__(self, parent=None):
+        Leaf.__init__(self, parent)
+        self.filesystem = ""
+        self.path = ""
+        self.context = None
+    def to_string(self):
+        return "genfscon %s %s %s" % (self.filesystem, self.path, str(self.context))
+class FilesystemUse(Leaf):
+    XATTR = 1
+    TRANS = 2
+    TASK = 3
+    def __init__(self, parent=None):
+        Leaf.__init__(self, parent)
+        self.type = self.XATTR
+        self.filesystem = ""
+        self.context = None
+    def to_string(self):
+        s = ""
+        if self.type == XATTR:
+            s = "fs_use_xattr "
+        elif self.type == TRANS:
+            s = "fs_use_trans "
+        elif self.type == TASK:
+            s = "fs_use_task "
+        return "%s %s %s;" % (s, self.filesystem, str(self.context))
+class PortCon(Leaf):
+    def __init__(self, parent=None):
+        Leaf.__init__(self, parent)
+        self.port_type = ""
+        self.port_number = ""
+        self.context = None
+    def to_string(self):
+        return "portcon %s %s %s" % (self.port_type, self.port_number, str(self.context))
+class NodeCon(Leaf):
+    def __init__(self, parent=None):
+        Leaf.__init__(self, parent)
+        self.start = ""
+        self.end = ""
+        self.context = None
+    def to_string(self):
+        return "nodecon %s %s %s" % (self.start, self.end, str(self.context))
+class NetifCon(Leaf):
+    def __init__(self, parent=None):
+        Leaf.__init__(self, parent)
+        self.interface = ""
+        self.interface_context = None
+        self.packet_context = None
+    def to_string(self):
+        return "netifcon %s %s %s" % (self.interface, str(self.interface_context),
+                                   str(self.packet_context))
+class PirqCon(Leaf):
+    def __init__(self, parent=None):
+        Leaf.__init__(self, parent)
+        self.pirq_number = ""
+        self.context = None
+    def to_string(self):
+        return "pirqcon %s %s" % (self.pirq_number, str(self.context))
+class IomemCon(Leaf):
+    def __init__(self, parent=None):
+        Leaf.__init__(self, parent)
+        self.device_mem = ""
+        self.context = None
+    def to_string(self):
+        return "iomemcon %s %s" % (self.device_mem, str(self.context))
+class IoportCon(Leaf):
+    def __init__(self, parent=None):
+        Leaf.__init__(self, parent)
+        self.ioport = ""
+        self.context = None
+    def to_string(self):
+        return "ioportcon %s %s" % (self.ioport, str(self.context))
+class PciDeviceCon(Leaf):
+    def __init__(self, parent=None):
+        Leaf.__init__(self, parent)
+        self.device = ""
+        self.context = None
+    def to_string(self):
+        return "pcidevicecon %s %s" % (self.device, str(self.context))
+class DeviceTreeCon(Leaf):
+    def __init__(self, parent=None):
+        Leaf.__init__(self, parent)
+        self.path = ""
+        self.context = None
+    def to_string(self):
+        return "devicetreecon %s %s" % (self.path, str(self.context))
+# Reference policy specific types
+def print_tree(head):
+    for node, depth in walktree(head, showdepth=True):
+        s = ""
+        for i in range(depth):
+            s = s + "\t"
+        print(s + str(node))
+class Headers(Node):
+    def __init__(self, parent=None):
+        Node.__init__(self, parent)
+    def to_string(self):
+        return "[Headers]"
+class Module(Node):
+    def __init__(self, parent=None):
+        Node.__init__(self, parent)
+    def to_string(self):
+        return ""
+class Interface(Node):
+    """A reference policy interface definition.
+    This class represents a reference policy interface definition.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, name="", parent=None):
+        Node.__init__(self, parent)
+ = name
+    def to_string(self):
+        return "[Interface name: %s]" %
+class TunablePolicy(Node):
+    def __init__(self, parent=None):
+        Node.__init__(self, parent)
+        self.cond_expr = []
+    def to_string(self):
+        return "[Tunable Policy %s]" % list_to_space_str(self.cond_expr, cont=("", ""))
+class Template(Node):
+    def __init__(self, name="", parent=None):
+        Node.__init__(self, parent)
+ = name
+    def to_string(self):
+        return "[Template name: %s]" %
+class IfDef(Node):
+    def __init__(self, name="", parent=None):
+        Node.__init__(self, parent)
+ = name
+    def to_string(self):
+        return "[Ifdef name: %s]" %
+class InterfaceCall(Leaf):
+    def __init__(self, ifname="", parent=None):
+        Leaf.__init__(self, parent)
+        self.ifname = ifname
+        self.args = []
+        self.comments = []
+    def matches(self, other):
+        if self.ifname != other.ifname:
+            return False
+        if len(self.args) != len(other.args):
+            return False
+        for a,b in zip(self.args, other.args):
+            if a != b:
+                return False
+        return True
+    def to_string(self):
+        s = "%s(" % self.ifname
+        i = 0
+        for a in self.args:
+            if isinstance(a, list):
+                str = list_to_space_str(a)
+            else:
+                str = a
+            if i != 0:
+                s = s + ", %s" % str
+            else:
+                s = s + str
+            i += 1
+        return s + ")"
+class OptionalPolicy(Node):
+    def __init__(self, parent=None):
+        Node.__init__(self, parent)
+    def to_string(self):
+        return "[Optional Policy]"
+class SupportMacros(Node):
+    def __init__(self, parent=None):
+        Node.__init__(self, parent)
+ = None
+    def to_string(self):
+        return "[Support Macros]"
+    def __expand_perm(self, perm):
+        # Recursive expansion - the assumption is that these
+        # are ordered correctly so that no macro is used before
+        # it is defined
+        s = set()
+        if perm in
+            for p in self.by_name(perm):
+                s.update(self.__expand_perm(p))
+        else:
+            s.add(perm)
+        return s
+    def __gen_map(self):
+ = {}
+        for x in self:
+            exp_perms = set()
+            for perm in x.perms:
+                exp_perms.update(self.__expand_perm(perm))
+  [] = exp_perms
+    def by_name(self, name):
+        if not
+            self.__gen_map()
+        return[name]
+    def has_key(self, name):
+        if not
+            self.__gen_map()
+        return name in
+class Require(Leaf):
+    def __init__(self, parent=None):
+        Leaf.__init__(self, parent)
+        self.types = IdSet()
+        self.obj_classes = { }
+        self.roles = IdSet()
+ = IdSet()
+        self.users = IdSet()
+    def add_obj_class(self, obj_class, perms):
+        p = self.obj_classes.setdefault(obj_class, IdSet())
+        p.update(perms)
+    def to_string(self):
+        s = []
+        s.append("require {")
+        for type in self.types:
+            s.append("\ttype %s;" % type)
+        for obj_class, perms in self.obj_classes.items():
+            s.append("\tclass %s %s;" % (obj_class, perms.to_space_str()))
+        for role in self.roles:
+            s.append("\trole %s;" % role)
+        for bool in
+            s.append("\tbool %s;" % bool)
+        for user in self.users:
+            s.append("\tuser %s;" % user)
+        s.append("}")
+        # Handle empty requires
+        if len(s) == 2:
+            return ""
+        return "\n".join(s)
+class ObjPermSet:
+    def __init__(self, name):
+ = name
+        self.perms = set()
+    def to_string(self):
+        return "define(`%s', `%s')" % (, self.perms.to_space_str())
+class ClassMap:
+    def __init__(self, obj_class, perms):
+        self.obj_class = obj_class
+        self.perms = perms
+    def to_string(self):
+        return self.obj_class + ": " + self.perms
+class Comment:
+    def __init__(self, l=None):
+        if l:
+            self.lines = l
+        else:
+            self.lines = []
+    def to_string(self):
+        # If there are no lines, treat this as a spacer between
+        # policy statements and return a new line.
+        if len(self.lines) == 0:
+            return ""
+        else:
+            out = []
+            for line in self.lines:
+                out.append("#" + line)
+            return "\n".join(out)
+    def merge(self, other):
+        if len(other.lines):
+            for line in other.lines:
+                if line != "":
+                    self.lines.append(line)
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.to_string()
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sepolgen/ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sepolgen/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..998c435
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sepolgen/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# Authors: Karl MacMillan <>
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Red Hat 
+# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+    import gettext
+    t = gettext.translation( 'yumex' )
+    _ = t.gettext
+    def _(str):
+        return str
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sepolgen/ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sepolgen/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1fca971
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sepolgen/
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+# Authors: Karl MacMillan <>
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Red Hat 
+# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+import locale
+import sys
+PY3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3
+if PY3:
+    bytes_type=bytes
+    string_type=str
+    bytes_type=str
+    string_type=unicode
+class ConsoleProgressBar:
+    def __init__(self, out, steps=100, indicator='#'):
+        self.blocks = 0
+        self.current = 0
+        self.steps = steps
+        self.indicator = indicator
+        self.out = out
+        self.done = False
+    def start(self, message=None):
+        self.done = False
+        if message:
+            self.out.write('\n%s:\n' % message)
+        self.out.write('%--10---20---30---40---50---60---70---80---90--100\n')
+    def step(self, n=1):
+        self.current += n
+        old = self.blocks
+        self.blocks = int(round(self.current / float(self.steps) * 100) / 2)
+        if self.blocks > 50:
+            self.blocks = 50
+        new = self.blocks - old
+        self.out.write(self.indicator * new)
+        self.out.flush()
+        if self.blocks == 50 and not self.done:
+            self.done = True
+            self.out.write("\n")
+def set_to_list(s):
+    l = []
+    l.extend(s)
+    return l
+def first(s, sorted=False):
+    """
+    Return the first element of a set.
+    It sometimes useful to return the first element from a set but,
+    because sets are not indexable, this is rather hard. This function
+    will return the first element from a set. If sorted is True, then
+    the set will first be sorted (making this an expensive operation).
+    Otherwise a random element will be returned (as sets are not ordered).
+    """
+    if not len(s):
+        raise IndexError("empty containter")
+    if sorted:
+        l = set_to_list(s)
+        l.sort()
+        return l[0]
+    else:
+        for x in s:
+            return x
+def encode_input(text):
+    import locale
+    """Encode given text via preferred system encoding"""
+    # locale will often find out the correct encoding
+    encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding()
+    try:
+        encoded_text = text.encode(encoding)
+    except UnicodeError:
+    # if it fails to find correct encoding then ascii is used
+    # which may lead to UnicodeError if `text` contains non ascii signs
+    # utf-8 is our guess to fix the situation
+        encoded_text = text.encode('utf-8')
+    return encoded_text
+def decode_input(text):
+    import locale
+    """Decode given text via preferred system encoding"""
+    # locale will often find out the correct encoding
+    encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding()
+    try:
+        decoded_text = text.decode(encoding)
+    except UnicodeError:
+    # if it fails to find correct encoding then ascii is used
+    # which may lead to UnicodeError if `text` contains non ascii signs
+    # utf-8 is our guess to fix the situation
+        decoded_text = text.decode('utf-8')
+    return decoded_text
+class Comparison():
+    """Class used when implementing rich comparison.
+    Inherit from this class if you want to have a rich
+    comparison withing the class, afterwards implement
+    _compare function within your class."""
+    def _compare(self, other, method):
+        raise NotImplemented
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        return self._compare(other, lambda a, b: a == b)
+    def __lt__(self, other):
+        return self._compare(other, lambda a, b: a < b)
+    def __le__(self, other):
+        return self._compare(other, lambda a, b: a <= b)
+    def __ge__(self, other):
+        return self._compare(other, lambda a, b: a >= b)
+    def __gt__(self, other):
+        return self._compare(other, lambda a, b: a > b)
+    def __ne__(self, other):
+        return self._compare(other, lambda a, b: a != b)
+if sys.version_info < (2,7):
+    # cmp_to_key function is missing in python2.6
+    def cmp_to_key(mycmp):
+        'Convert a cmp= function into a key= function'
+        class K:
+            def __init__(self, obj, *args):
+                self.obj = obj
+            def __lt__(self, other):
+                return mycmp(self.obj, other.obj) < 0
+            def __gt__(self, other):
+                return mycmp(self.obj, other.obj) > 0
+            def __eq__(self, other):
+                return mycmp(self.obj, other.obj) == 0
+            def __le__(self, other):
+                return mycmp(self.obj, other.obj) <= 0
+            def __ge__(self, other):
+                return mycmp(self.obj, other.obj) >= 0
+            def __ne__(self, other):
+                return mycmp(self.obj, other.obj) != 0
+        return K
+    from functools import cmp_to_key
+def cmp(first, second):
+    return (first > second) - (second > first)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    import sys
+    import time
+    p = ConsoleProgressBar(sys.stdout, steps=999)
+    p.start("computing pi")
+    for i in range(999):
+        p.step()
+        time.sleep(0.001)
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sepolgen/ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sepolgen/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f006354
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sepolgen/
@@ -0,0 +1,2214 @@
+# ply:
+# Author(s): David M. Beazley (
+# Copyright (C) 2001-2006, David M. Beazley
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+# See the file COPYING for a complete copy of the LGPL.
+# This implements an LR parser that is constructed from grammar rules defined
+# as Python functions. The grammer is specified by supplying the BNF inside
+# Python documentation strings.  The inspiration for this technique was borrowed
+# from John Aycock's Spark parsing system.  PLY might be viewed as cross between
+# Spark and the GNU bison utility.
+# The current implementation is only somewhat object-oriented. The
+# LR parser itself is defined in terms of an object (which allows multiple
+# parsers to co-exist).  However, most of the variables used during table
+# construction are defined in terms of global variables.  Users shouldn't
+# notice unless they are trying to define multiple parsers at the same
+# time using threads (in which case they should have their head examined).
+# This implementation supports both SLR and LALR(1) parsing.  LALR(1)
+# support was originally implemented by Elias Ioup (,
+# using the algorithm found in Aho, Sethi, and Ullman "Compilers: Principles,
+# Techniques, and Tools" (The Dragon Book).  LALR(1) has since been replaced
+# by the more efficient DeRemer and Pennello algorithm.
+# :::::::: WARNING :::::::
+# Construction of LR parsing tables is fairly complicated and expensive.
+# To make this module run fast, a *LOT* of work has been put into
+# optimization---often at the expensive of readability and what might
+# consider to be good Python "coding style."   Modify the code at your
+# own risk!
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+__version__ = "2.2"
+#                     === User configurable parameters ===
+# Change these to modify the default behavior of yacc (if you wish)
+yaccdebug   = 1                # Debugging mode.  If set, yacc generates a
+                               # a 'parser.out' file in the current directory
+debug_file  = 'parser.out'     # Default name of the debugging file
+tab_module  = 'parsetab'       # Default name of the table module
+default_lr  = 'LALR'           # Default LR table generation method
+error_count = 3                # Number of symbols that must be shifted to leave recovery mode
+import re, types, sys, hashlib, os.path
+    from cStringIO import StringIO
+except ImportError:
+    from io import StringIO
+from . import util
+# Exception raised for yacc-related errors
+class YaccError(Exception):   pass
+#                        ===  LR Parsing Engine ===
+# The following classes are used for the LR parser itself.  These are not
+# used during table construction and are independent of the actual LR
+# table generation algorithm
+# This class is used to hold non-terminal grammar symbols during parsing.
+# It normally has the following attributes set:
+#        .type       = Grammar symbol type
+#        .value      = Symbol value
+#        .lineno     = Starting line number
+#        .endlineno  = Ending line number (optional, set automatically)
+#        .lexpos     = Starting lex position
+#        .endlexpos  = Ending lex position (optional, set automatically)
+class YaccSymbol:
+    def __str__(self):    return self.type
+    def __repr__(self):   return str(self)
+# This class is a wrapper around the objects actually passed to each
+# grammar rule.   Index lookup and assignment actually assign the
+# .value attribute of the underlying YaccSymbol object.
+# The lineno() method returns the line number of a given
+# item (or 0 if not defined).   The linespan() method returns
+# a tuple of (startline,endline) representing the range of lines
+# for a symbol.  The lexspan() method returns a tuple (lexpos,endlexpos)
+# representing the range of positional information for a symbol.
+class YaccProduction:
+    def __init__(self,s,stack=None):
+        self.slice = s
+        self.pbstack = []
+        self.stack = stack
+    def __getitem__(self,n):
+        if type(n) == int:
+             if n >= 0: return self.slice[n].value
+             else: return self.stack[n].value
+        else:
+             return [s.value for s in self.slice[n.start:n.stop:n.step]]
+    def __setitem__(self,n,v):
+        self.slice[n].value = v
+    def __len__(self):
+        return len(self.slice)
+    def lineno(self,n):
+        return getattr(self.slice[n],"lineno",0)
+    def linespan(self,n):
+        startline = getattr(self.slice[n],"lineno",0)
+        endline = getattr(self.slice[n],"endlineno",startline)
+        return startline,endline
+    def lexpos(self,n):
+        return getattr(self.slice[n],"lexpos",0)
+    def lexspan(self,n):
+        startpos = getattr(self.slice[n],"lexpos",0)
+        endpos = getattr(self.slice[n],"endlexpos",startpos)
+        return startpos,endpos
+    def pushback(self,n):
+        if n <= 0:
+            raise ValueError("Expected a positive value")
+        if n > (len(self.slice)-1):
+            raise ValueError("Can't push %d tokens. Only %d are available." % (n,len(self.slice)-1))
+        for i in range(0,n):
+            self.pbstack.append(self.slice[-i-1])
+# The LR Parsing engine.   This is defined as a class so that multiple parsers
+# can exist in the same process.  A user never instantiates this directly.
+# Instead, the global yacc() function should be used to create a suitable Parser
+# object. 
+class Parser:
+    def __init__(self,magic=None):
+        # This is a hack to keep users from trying to instantiate a Parser
+        # object directly.
+        if magic != "xyzzy":
+            raise YaccError("Can't instantiate Parser. Use yacc() instead.")
+        # Reset internal state
+ = None          # List of productions
+        self.errorfunc   = None          # Error handling function
+        self.action      = { }           # LR Action table
+        self.goto        = { }           # LR goto table
+        self.require     = { }           # Attribute require table
+        self.method      = "Unknown LR"  # Table construction method used
+    def errok(self):
+        self.errorcount = 0
+    def restart(self):
+        del self.statestack[:]
+        del self.symstack[:]
+        sym = YaccSymbol()
+        sym.type = '$end'
+        self.symstack.append(sym)
+        self.statestack.append(0)
+    def parse(self,input=None,lexer=None,debug=0):
+        lookahead = None                 # Current lookahead symbol
+        lookaheadstack = [ ]             # Stack of lookahead symbols
+        actions = self.action            # Local reference to action table
+        goto    = self.goto              # Local reference to goto table
+        prod    =       # Local reference to production list
+        pslice  = YaccProduction(None)   # Production object passed to grammar rules
+        pslice.parser = self             # Parser object
+        self.errorcount = 0              # Used during error recovery
+        # If no lexer was given, we will try to use the lex module
+        if not lexer:
+            from . import lex
+            lexer = lex.lexer
+        pslice.lexer = lexer
+        # If input was supplied, pass to lexer
+        if input:
+            lexer.input(input)
+        # Tokenize function
+        get_token = lexer.token
+        statestack = [ ]                # Stack of parsing states
+        self.statestack = statestack
+        symstack   = [ ]                # Stack of grammar symbols
+        self.symstack = symstack
+        pslice.stack = symstack         # Put in the production
+        errtoken   = None               # Err token
+        # The start state is assumed to be (0,$end)
+        statestack.append(0)
+        sym = YaccSymbol()
+        sym.type = '$end'
+        symstack.append(sym)
+        while 1:
+            # Get the next symbol on the input.  If a lookahead symbol
+            # is already set, we just use that. Otherwise, we'll pull
+            # the next token off of the lookaheadstack or from the lexer
+            if debug > 1:
+                print('state', statestack[-1])
+            if not lookahead:
+                if not lookaheadstack:
+                    lookahead = get_token()     # Get the next token
+                else:
+                    lookahead = lookaheadstack.pop()
+                if not lookahead:
+                    lookahead = YaccSymbol()
+                    lookahead.type = '$end'
+            if debug:
+                errorlead = ("%s . %s" % (" ".join([xx.type for xx in symstack][1:]), str(lookahead))).lstrip()
+            # Check the action table
+            s = statestack[-1]
+            ltype = lookahead.type
+            t = actions.get((s,ltype),None)
+            if debug > 1:
+                print('action', t)
+            if t is not None:
+                if t > 0:
+                    # shift a symbol on the stack
+                    if ltype == '$end':
+                        # Error, end of input
+                        sys.stderr.write("yacc: Parse error. EOF\n")
+                        return
+                    statestack.append(t)
+                    if debug > 1:
+                        sys.stderr.write("%-60s shift state %s\n" % (errorlead, t))
+                    symstack.append(lookahead)
+                    lookahead = None
+                    # Decrease error count on successful shift
+                    if self.errorcount > 0:
+                        self.errorcount -= 1
+                    continue
+                if t < 0:
+                    # reduce a symbol on the stack, emit a production
+                    p = prod[-t]
+                    pname =
+                    plen  = p.len
+                    # Get production function
+                    sym = YaccSymbol()
+                    sym.type = pname       # Production name
+                    sym.value = None
+                    if debug > 1:
+                        sys.stderr.write("%-60s reduce %d\n" % (errorlead, -t))
+                    if plen:
+                        targ = symstack[-plen-1:]
+                        targ[0] = sym
+                        try:
+                            sym.lineno = targ[1].lineno
+                            sym.endlineno = getattr(targ[-1],"endlineno",targ[-1].lineno)
+                            sym.lexpos = targ[1].lexpos
+                            sym.endlexpos = getattr(targ[-1],"endlexpos",targ[-1].lexpos)
+                        except AttributeError:
+                            sym.lineno = 0
+                        del symstack[-plen:]
+                        del statestack[-plen:]
+                    else:
+                        sym.lineno = 0
+                        targ = [ sym ]
+                    pslice.slice = targ
+                    pslice.pbstack = []
+                    # Call the grammar rule with our special slice object
+                    p.func(pslice)
+                    # If there was a pushback, put that on the stack
+                    if pslice.pbstack:
+                        lookaheadstack.append(lookahead)
+                        for _t in pslice.pbstack:
+                            lookaheadstack.append(_t)
+                        lookahead = None
+                    symstack.append(sym)
+                    statestack.append(goto[statestack[-1],pname])
+                    continue
+                if t == 0:
+                    n = symstack[-1]
+                    return getattr(n,"value",None)
+                    sys.stderr.write(errorlead, "\n")
+            if t == None:
+                if debug:
+                    sys.stderr.write(errorlead + "\n")
+                # We have some kind of parsing error here.  To handle
+                # this, we are going to push the current token onto
+                # the tokenstack and replace it with an 'error' token.
+                # If there are any synchronization rules, they may
+                # catch it.
+                #
+                # In addition to pushing the error token, we call call
+                # the user defined p_error() function if this is the
+                # first syntax error.  This function is only called if
+                # errorcount == 0.
+                if not self.errorcount:
+                    self.errorcount = error_count
+                    errtoken = lookahead
+                    if errtoken.type == '$end':
+                        errtoken = None               # End of file!
+                    if self.errorfunc:
+                        global errok,token,restart
+                        errok = self.errok        # Set some special functions available in error recovery
+                        token = get_token
+                        restart = self.restart
+                        tok = self.errorfunc(errtoken)
+                        del errok, token, restart   # Delete special functions
+                        if not self.errorcount:
+                            # User must have done some kind of panic
+                            # mode recovery on their own.  The
+                            # returned token is the next lookahead
+                            lookahead = tok
+                            errtoken = None
+                            continue
+                    else:
+                        if errtoken:
+                            if hasattr(errtoken,"lineno"): lineno = lookahead.lineno
+                            else: lineno = 0
+                            if lineno:
+                                sys.stderr.write("yacc: Syntax error at line %d, token=%s\n" % (lineno, errtoken.type))
+                            else:
+                                sys.stderr.write("yacc: Syntax error, token=%s" % errtoken.type)
+                        else:
+                            sys.stderr.write("yacc: Parse error in input. EOF\n")
+                            return
+                else:
+                    self.errorcount = error_count
+                # case 1:  the statestack only has 1 entry on it.  If we're in this state, the
+                # entire parse has been rolled back and we're completely hosed.   The token is
+                # discarded and we just keep going.
+                if len(statestack) <= 1 and lookahead.type != '$end':
+                    lookahead = None
+                    errtoken = None
+                    # Nuke the pushback stack
+                    del lookaheadstack[:]
+                    continue
+                # case 2: the statestack has a couple of entries on it, but we're
+                # at the end of the file. nuke the top entry and generate an error token
+                # Start nuking entries on the stack
+                if lookahead.type == '$end':
+                    # Whoa. We're really hosed here. Bail out
+                    return 
+                if lookahead.type != 'error':
+                    sym = symstack[-1]
+                    if sym.type == 'error':
+                        # Hmmm. Error is on top of stack, we'll just nuke input
+                        # symbol and continue
+                        lookahead = None
+                        continue
+                    t = YaccSymbol()
+                    t.type = 'error'
+                    if hasattr(lookahead,"lineno"):
+                        t.lineno = lookahead.lineno
+                    t.value = lookahead
+                    lookaheadstack.append(lookahead)
+                    lookahead = t
+                else:
+                    symstack.pop()
+                    statestack.pop()
+                continue
+            # Call an error function here
+            raise RuntimeError("yacc: internal parser error!!!\n")
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#                          === Parser Construction ===
+# The following functions and variables are used to implement the yacc() function
+# itself.   This is pretty hairy stuff involving lots of error checking,
+# construction of LR items, kernels, and so forth.   Although a lot of
+# this work is done using global variables, the resulting Parser object
+# is completely self contained--meaning that it is safe to repeatedly
+# call yacc() with different grammars in the same application.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# validate_file()
+# This function checks to see if there are duplicated p_rulename() functions
+# in the parser module file.  Without this function, it is really easy for
+# users to make mistakes by cutting and pasting code fragments (and it's a real
+# bugger to try and figure out why the resulting parser doesn't work).  Therefore,
+# we just do a little regular expression pattern matching of def statements
+# to try and detect duplicates.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def validate_file(filename):
+    base,ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
+    if ext != '.py': return 1          # No idea. Assume it's okay.
+    try:
+        f = open(filename)
+        lines = f.readlines()
+        f.close()
+    except IOError:
+        return 1                       # Oh well
+    # Match def p_funcname(
+    fre = re.compile(r'\s*def\s+(p_[a-zA-Z_0-9]*)\(')
+    counthash = { }
+    linen = 1
+    noerror = 1
+    for l in lines:
+        m = fre.match(l)
+        if m:
+            name =
+            prev = counthash.get(name)
+            if not prev:
+                counthash[name] = linen
+            else:
+                sys.stderr.write("%s:%d: Function %s redefined. Previously defined on line %d\n" % (filename,linen,name,prev))
+                noerror = 0
+        linen += 1
+    return noerror
+# This function looks for functions that might be grammar rules, but which don't have the proper p_suffix.
+def validate_dict(d):
+    for n,v in d.items(): 
+        if n[0:2] == 'p_' and type(v) in (types.FunctionType, types.MethodType): continue
+        if n[0:2] == 't_': continue
+        if n[0:2] == 'p_':
+            sys.stderr.write("yacc: Warning. '%s' not defined as a function\n" % n)
+        if 1 and isinstance(v,types.FunctionType) and v.__code__.co_argcount == 1:
+            try:
+                doc = v.__doc__.split(" ")
+                if doc[1] == ':':
+                    sys.stderr.write("%s:%d: Warning. Possible grammar rule '%s' defined without p_ prefix.\n" % (v.__code__.co_filename, v.__code__.co_firstlineno,n))
+            except Exception:
+                pass
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#                           === GRAMMAR FUNCTIONS ===
+# The following global variables and functions are used to store, manipulate,
+# and verify the grammar rules specified by the user.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Initialize all of the global variables used during grammar construction
+def initialize_vars():
+    global Productions, Prodnames, Prodmap, Terminals 
+    global Nonterminals, First, Follow, Precedence, LRitems
+    global Errorfunc, Signature, Requires
+    Productions  = [None]  # A list of all of the productions.  The first
+                           # entry is always reserved for the purpose of
+                           # building an augmented grammar
+    Prodnames    = { }     # A dictionary mapping the names of nonterminals to a list of all
+                           # productions of that nonterminal.
+    Prodmap      = { }     # A dictionary that is only used to detect duplicate
+                           # productions.
+    Terminals    = { }     # A dictionary mapping the names of terminal symbols to a
+                           # list of the rules where they are used.
+    Nonterminals = { }     # A dictionary mapping names of nonterminals to a list
+                           # of rule numbers where they are used.
+    First        = { }     # A dictionary of precomputed FIRST(x) symbols
+    Follow       = { }     # A dictionary of precomputed FOLLOW(x) symbols
+    Precedence   = { }     # Precedence rules for each terminal. Contains tuples of the
+                           # form ('right',level) or ('nonassoc', level) or ('left',level)
+    LRitems      = [ ]     # A list of all LR items for the grammar.  These are the
+                           # productions with the "dot" like E -> E . PLUS E
+    Errorfunc    = None    # User defined error handler
+    Signature    = hashlib.sha256()   # Digital signature of the grammar rules, precedence
+                               # and other information.  Used to determined when a
+                               # parsing table needs to be regenerated.
+    Requires     = { }     # Requires list
+    # File objects used when creating the parser.out debugging file
+    global _vf, _vfc
+    _vf           = StringIO()
+    _vfc          = StringIO()
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# class Production:
+# This class stores the raw information about a single production or grammar rule.
+# It has a few required attributes:
+#       name     - Name of the production (nonterminal)
+#       prod     - A list of symbols making up its production
+#       number   - Production number.
+# In addition, a few additional attributes are used to help with debugging or
+# optimization of table generation.
+#       file     - File where production action is defined.
+#       lineno   - Line number where action is defined
+#       func     - Action function
+#       prec     - Precedence level
+#       lr_next  - Next LR item. Example, if we are ' E -> E . PLUS E'
+#                  then lr_next refers to 'E -> E PLUS . E'   
+#       lr_index - LR item index (location of the ".") in the prod list.
+#       lookaheads - LALR lookahead symbols for this item
+#       len      - Length of the production (number of symbols on right hand side)
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class Production:
+    def __init__(self,**kw):
+        for k,v in kw.items():
+            setattr(self,k,v)
+        self.lr_index = -1
+        self.lr0_added = 0    # Flag indicating whether or not added to LR0 closure
+        self.lr1_added = 0    # Flag indicating whether or not added to LR1
+        self.usyms = [ ]
+        self.lookaheads = { }
+        self.lk_added = { }
+        self.setnumbers = [ ]
+    def __str__(self):
+        if
+            s = "%s -> %s" % (," ".join(
+        else:
+            s = "%s -> <empty>" %
+        return s
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return str(self)
+    # Compute lr_items from the production
+    def lr_item(self,n):
+        if n > len( return None
+        p = Production()
+ =
+ = list(
+        p.number = self.number
+        p.lr_index = n
+        p.lookaheads = { }
+        p.setnumbers = self.setnumbers
+ = tuple(
+        p.len = len(
+        p.usyms = self.usyms
+        # Precompute list of productions immediately following
+        try:
+            p.lrafter = Prodnames[[n+1]]
+        except (IndexError,KeyError) as e:
+            p.lrafter = []
+        try:
+            p.lrbefore =[n-1]
+        except IndexError:
+            p.lrbefore = None
+        return p
+class MiniProduction:
+    pass
+# regex matching identifiers
+_is_identifier = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9_-~]+$')
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# add_production()
+# Given an action function, this function assembles a production rule.
+# The production rule is assumed to be found in the function's docstring.
+# This rule has the general syntax:
+#              name1 ::= production1
+#                     |  production2
+#                     |  production3
+#                    ...
+#                     |  productionn
+#              name2 ::= production1
+#                     |  production2
+#                    ... 
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def add_production(f,file,line,prodname,syms):
+    if prodname in Terminals:
+        sys.stderr.write("%s:%d: Illegal rule name '%s'. Already defined as a token.\n" % (file,line,prodname))
+        return -1
+    if prodname == 'error':
+        sys.stderr.write("%s:%d: Illegal rule name '%s'. error is a reserved word.\n" % (file,line,prodname))
+        return -1
+    if not _is_identifier.match(prodname):
+        sys.stderr.write("%s:%d: Illegal rule name '%s'\n" % (file,line,prodname))
+        return -1
+    for x in range(len(syms)):
+        s = syms[x]
+        if s[0] in "'\"":
+             try:
+                 c = eval(s)
+                 if (len(c) > 1):
+                      sys.stderr.write("%s:%d: Literal token %s in rule '%s' may only be a single character\n" % (file,line,s, prodname)) 
+                      return -1
+                 if c not in Terminals:
+                      Terminals[c] = []
+                 syms[x] = c
+                 continue
+             except SyntaxError:
+                 pass
+        if not _is_identifier.match(s) and s != '%prec':
+            sys.stderr.write("%s:%d: Illegal name '%s' in rule '%s'\n" % (file,line,s, prodname))
+            return -1
+    # See if the rule is already in the rulemap
+    map = "%s -> %s" % (prodname,syms)
+    if map in Prodmap:
+        m = Prodmap[map]
+        sys.stderr.write("%s:%d: Duplicate rule %s.\n" % (file,line, m))
+        sys.stderr.write("%s:%d: Previous definition at %s:%d\n" % (file,line, m.file, m.line))
+        return -1
+    p = Production()
+ = prodname
+ = syms
+    p.file = file
+    p.line = line
+    p.func = f
+    p.number = len(Productions)
+    Productions.append(p)
+    Prodmap[map] = p
+    if prodname not in Nonterminals:
+        Nonterminals[prodname] = [ ]
+    # Add all terminals to Terminals
+    i = 0
+    while i < len(
+        t =[i]
+        if t == '%prec':
+            try:
+                precname =[i+1]
+            except IndexError:
+                sys.stderr.write("%s:%d: Syntax error. Nothing follows %%prec.\n" % (p.file,p.line))
+                return -1
+            prec = Precedence.get(precname,None)
+            if not prec:
+                sys.stderr.write("%s:%d: Nothing known about the precedence of '%s'\n" % (p.file,p.line,precname))
+                return -1
+            else:
+                p.prec = prec
+            del[i]
+            del[i]
+            continue
+        if t in Terminals:
+            Terminals[t].append(p.number)
+            # Is a terminal.  We'll assign a precedence to p based on this
+            if not hasattr(p,"prec"):
+                p.prec = Precedence.get(t,('right',0))
+        else:
+            if t not in Nonterminals:
+                Nonterminals[t] = [ ]
+            Nonterminals[t].append(p.number)
+        i += 1
+    if not hasattr(p,"prec"):
+        p.prec = ('right',0)
+    # Set final length of productions
+    p.len  = len(
+ = tuple(
+    # Calculate unique syms in the production
+    p.usyms = [ ]
+    for s in
+        if s not in p.usyms:
+            p.usyms.append(s)
+    # Add to the global productions list
+    try:
+        Prodnames[].append(p)
+    except KeyError:
+        Prodnames[] = [ p ]
+    return 0
+# Given a raw rule function, this function rips out its doc string
+# and adds rules to the grammar
+def add_function(f):
+    line = f.__code__.co_firstlineno
+    file = f.__code__.co_filename
+    error = 0
+    if isinstance(f,types.MethodType):
+        reqdargs = 2
+    else:
+        reqdargs = 1
+    if f.__code__.co_argcount > reqdargs:
+        sys.stderr.write("%s:%d: Rule '%s' has too many arguments.\n" % (file,line,f.__name__))
+        return -1
+    if f.__code__.co_argcount < reqdargs:
+        sys.stderr.write("%s:%d: Rule '%s' requires an argument.\n" % (file,line,f.__name__))
+        return -1
+    if f.__doc__:
+        # Split the doc string into lines
+        pstrings = f.__doc__.splitlines()
+        lastp = None
+        dline = line
+        for ps in pstrings:
+            dline += 1
+            p = ps.split()
+            if not p: continue
+            try:
+                if p[0] == '|':
+                    # This is a continuation of a previous rule
+                    if not lastp:
+                        sys.stderr.write("%s:%d: Misplaced '|'.\n" % (file,dline))
+                        return -1
+                    prodname = lastp
+                    if len(p) > 1:
+                        syms = p[1:]
+                    else:
+                        syms = [ ]
+                else:
+                    prodname = p[0]
+                    lastp = prodname
+                    assign = p[1]
+                    if len(p) > 2:
+                        syms = p[2:]
+                    else:
+                        syms = [ ]
+                    if assign != ':' and assign != '::=':
+                        sys.stderr.write("%s:%d: Syntax error. Expected ':'\n" % (file,dline))
+                        return -1
+                e = add_production(f,file,dline,prodname,syms)
+                error += e
+            except Exception:
+                sys.stderr.write("%s:%d: Syntax error in rule '%s'\n" % (file,dline,ps))
+                error -= 1
+    else:
+        sys.stderr.write("%s:%d: No documentation string specified in function '%s'\n" % (file,line,f.__name__))
+    return error
+# Cycle checking code (Michael Dyck)
+def compute_reachable():
+    '''
+    Find each symbol that can be reached from the start symbol.
+    Print a warning for any nonterminals that can't be reached.
+    (Unused terminals have already had their warning.)
+    '''
+    Reachable = { }
+    for s in list(Terminals.keys()) + list(Nonterminals.keys()):
+        Reachable[s] = 0
+    mark_reachable_from( Productions[0].prod[0], Reachable )
+    for s in Nonterminals.keys():
+        if not Reachable[s]:
+            sys.stderr.write("yacc: Symbol '%s' is unreachable.\n" % s)
+def mark_reachable_from(s, Reachable):
+    '''
+    Mark all symbols that are reachable from symbol s.
+    '''
+    if Reachable[s]:
+        # We've already reached symbol s.
+        return
+    Reachable[s] = 1
+    for p in Prodnames.get(s,[]):
+        for r in
+            mark_reachable_from(r, Reachable)
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# compute_terminates()
+# This function looks at the various parsing rules and tries to detect
+# infinite recursion cycles (grammar rules where there is no possible way
+# to derive a string of only terminals).
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def compute_terminates():
+    '''
+    Raise an error for any symbols that don't terminate.
+    '''
+    Terminates = {}
+    # Terminals:
+    for t in Terminals.keys():
+        Terminates[t] = 1
+    Terminates['$end'] = 1
+    # Nonterminals:
+    # Initialize to false:
+    for n in Nonterminals.keys():
+        Terminates[n] = 0
+    # Then propagate termination until no change:
+    while 1:
+        some_change = 0
+        for (n,pl) in Prodnames.items():
+            # Nonterminal n terminates iff any of its productions terminates.
+            for p in pl:
+                # Production p terminates iff all of its rhs symbols terminate.
+                for s in
+                    if not Terminates[s]:
+                        # The symbol s does not terminate,
+                        # so production p does not terminate.
+                        p_terminates = 0
+                        break
+                else:
+                    # didn't break from the loop,
+                    # so every symbol s terminates
+                    # so production p terminates.
+                    p_terminates = 1
+                if p_terminates:
+                    # symbol n terminates!
+                    if not Terminates[n]:
+                        Terminates[n] = 1
+                        some_change = 1
+                    # Don't need to consider any more productions for this n.
+                    break
+        if not some_change:
+            break
+    some_error = 0
+    for (s,terminates) in Terminates.items():
+        if not terminates:
+            if s not in Prodnames and s not in Terminals and s != 'error':
+                # s is used-but-not-defined, and we've already warned of that,
+                # so it would be overkill to say that it's also non-terminating.
+                pass
+            else:
+                sys.stderr.write("yacc: Infinite recursion detected for symbol '%s'.\n" % s)
+                some_error = 1
+    return some_error
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# verify_productions()
+# This function examines all of the supplied rules to see if they seem valid.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def verify_productions(cycle_check=1):
+    error = 0
+    for p in Productions:
+        if not p: continue
+        for s in
+            if s not in Prodnames and s not in Terminals and s != 'error':
+                sys.stderr.write("%s:%d: Symbol '%s' used, but not defined as a token or a rule.\n" % (p.file,p.line,s))
+                error = 1
+                continue
+    unused_tok = 0 
+    # Now verify all of the tokens
+    if yaccdebug:
+        _vf.write("Unused terminals:\n\n")
+    for s,v in Terminals.items():
+        if s != 'error' and not v:
+            sys.stderr.write("yacc: Warning. Token '%s' defined, but not used.\n" % s)
+            if yaccdebug: _vf.write("   %s\n"% s)
+            unused_tok += 1
+    # Print out all of the productions
+    if yaccdebug:
+        _vf.write("\nGrammar\n\n")
+        for i in range(1,len(Productions)):
+            _vf.write("Rule %-5d %s\n" % (i, Productions[i]))
+    unused_prod = 0
+    # Verify the use of all productions
+    for s,v in Nonterminals.items():
+        if not v:
+            p = Prodnames[s][0]
+            sys.stderr.write("%s:%d: Warning. Rule '%s' defined, but not used.\n" % (p.file,p.line, s))
+            unused_prod += 1
+    if unused_tok == 1:
+        sys.stderr.write("yacc: Warning. There is 1 unused token.\n")
+    if unused_tok > 1:
+        sys.stderr.write("yacc: Warning. There are %d unused tokens.\n" % unused_tok)
+    if unused_prod == 1:
+        sys.stderr.write("yacc: Warning. There is 1 unused rule.\n")
+    if unused_prod > 1:
+        sys.stderr.write("yacc: Warning. There are %d unused rules.\n" % unused_prod)
+    if yaccdebug:
+        _vf.write("\nTerminals, with rules where they appear\n\n")
+        ks = list(Terminals.keys())
+        ks.sort()
+        for k in ks:
+            _vf.write("%-20s : %s\n" % (k, " ".join([str(s) for s in Terminals[k]])))
+        _vf.write("\nNonterminals, with rules where they appear\n\n")
+        ks = list(Nonterminals.keys())
+        ks.sort()
+        for k in ks:
+            _vf.write("%-20s : %s\n" % (k, " ".join([str(s) for s in Nonterminals[k]])))
+    if (cycle_check):
+        compute_reachable()
+        error += compute_terminates()
+#        error += check_cycles()
+    return error
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# build_lritems()
+# This function walks the list of productions and builds a complete set of the
+# LR items.  The LR items are stored in two ways:  First, they are uniquely
+# numbered and placed in the list _lritems.  Second, a linked list of LR items
+# is built for each production.  For example:
+#   E -> E PLUS E
+# Creates the list
+#  [E -> . E PLUS E, E -> E . PLUS E, E -> E PLUS . E, E -> E PLUS E . ] 
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def build_lritems():
+    for p in Productions:
+        lastlri = p
+        lri = p.lr_item(0)
+        i = 0
+        while 1:
+            lri = p.lr_item(i)
+            lastlri.lr_next = lri
+            if not lri: break
+            lri.lr_num = len(LRitems)
+            LRitems.append(lri)
+            lastlri = lri
+            i += 1
+    # In order for the rest of the parser generator to work, we need to
+    # guarantee that no more lritems are generated.  Therefore, we nuke
+    # the p.lr_item method.  (Only used in debugging)
+    # Production.lr_item = None
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# add_precedence()
+# Given a list of precedence rules, add to the precedence table.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def add_precedence(plist):
+    plevel = 0
+    error = 0
+    for p in plist:
+        plevel += 1
+        try:
+            prec = p[0]
+            terms = p[1:]
+            if prec != 'left' and prec != 'right' and prec != 'nonassoc':
+                sys.stderr.write("yacc: Invalid precedence '%s'\n" % prec)
+                return -1
+            for t in terms:
+                if t in Precedence:
+                    sys.stderr.write("yacc: Precedence already specified for terminal '%s'\n" % t)
+                    error += 1
+                    continue
+                Precedence[t] = (prec,plevel)
+        except:
+            sys.stderr.write("yacc: Invalid precedence table.\n")
+            error += 1
+    return error
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# augment_grammar()
+# Compute the augmented grammar.  This is just a rule S' -> start where start
+# is the starting symbol.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def augment_grammar(start=None):
+    if not start:
+        start = Productions[1].name
+    Productions[0] = Production(name="S'",prod=[start],number=0,len=1,prec=('right',0),func=None)
+    Productions[0].usyms = [ start ]
+    Nonterminals[start].append(0)
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# first()
+# Compute the value of FIRST1(beta) where beta is a tuple of symbols.
+# During execution of compute_first1, the result may be incomplete.
+# Afterward (e.g., when called from compute_follow()), it will be complete.
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def first(beta):
+    # We are computing First(x1,x2,x3,...,xn)
+    result = [ ]
+    for x in beta:
+        x_produces_empty = 0
+        # Add all the non-<empty> symbols of First[x] to the result.
+        for f in First[x]:
+            if f == '<empty>':
+                x_produces_empty = 1
+            else:
+                if f not in result: result.append(f)
+        if x_produces_empty:
+            # We have to consider the next x in beta,
+            # i.e. stay in the loop.
+            pass
+        else:
+            # We don't have to consider any further symbols in beta.
+            break
+    else:
+        # There was no 'break' from the loop,
+        # so x_produces_empty was true for all x in beta,
+        # so beta produces empty as well.
+        result.append('<empty>')
+    return result
+# FOLLOW(x)
+# Given a non-terminal.  This function computes the set of all symbols
+# that might follow it.  Dragon book, p. 189.
+def compute_follow(start=None):
+    # Add '$end' to the follow list of the start symbol
+    for k in Nonterminals.keys():
+        Follow[k] = [ ]
+    if not start:
+        start = Productions[1].name
+    Follow[start] = [ '$end' ]
+    while 1:
+        didadd = 0
+        for p in Productions[1:]:
+            # Here is the production set
+            for i in range(len(
+                B =[i]
+                if B in Nonterminals:
+                    # Okay. We got a non-terminal in a production
+                    fst = first([i+1:])
+                    hasempty = 0
+                    for f in fst:
+                        if f != '<empty>' and f not in Follow[B]:
+                            Follow[B].append(f)
+                            didadd = 1
+                        if f == '<empty>':
+                            hasempty = 1
+                    if hasempty or i == (len(
+                        # Add elements of follow(a) to follow(b)
+                        for f in Follow[]:
+                            if f not in Follow[B]:
+                                Follow[B].append(f)
+                                didadd = 1
+        if not didadd: break
+    if 0 and yaccdebug:
+        _vf.write('\nFollow:\n')
+        for k in Nonterminals.keys():
+            _vf.write("%-20s : %s\n" % (k, " ".join([str(s) for s in Follow[k]])))
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# compute_first1()
+# Compute the value of FIRST1(X) for all symbols
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def compute_first1():
+    # Terminals:
+    for t in Terminals.keys():
+        First[t] = [t]
+    First['$end'] = ['$end']
+    First['#'] = ['#'] # what's this for?
+    # Nonterminals:
+    # Initialize to the empty set:
+    for n in Nonterminals.keys():
+        First[n] = []
+    # Then propagate symbols until no change:
+    while 1:
+        some_change = 0
+        for n in Nonterminals.keys():
+            for p in Prodnames[n]:
+                for f in first(
+                    if f not in First[n]:
+                        First[n].append( f )
+                        some_change = 1
+        if not some_change:
+            break
+    if 0 and yaccdebug:
+        _vf.write('\nFirst:\n')
+        for k in Nonterminals.keys():
+            _vf.write("%-20s : %s\n" %
+                (k, " ".join([str(s) for s in First[k]])))
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#                           === SLR Generation ===
+# The following functions are used to construct SLR (Simple LR) parsing tables
+# as described on p.221-229 of the dragon book.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Global variables for the LR parsing engine
+def lr_init_vars():
+    global _lr_action, _lr_goto, _lr_method
+    global _lr_goto_cache, _lr0_cidhash
+    _lr_action       = { }        # Action table
+    _lr_goto         = { }        # Goto table
+    _lr_method       = "Unknown"  # LR method used
+    _lr_goto_cache   = { }
+    _lr0_cidhash     = { }
+# Compute the LR(0) closure operation on I, where I is a set of LR(0) items.
+# prodlist is a list of productions.
+_add_count = 0       # Counter used to detect cycles
+def lr0_closure(I):
+    global _add_count
+    _add_count += 1
+    prodlist = Productions
+    # Add everything in I to J        
+    J = I[:]
+    didadd = 1
+    while didadd:
+        didadd = 0
+        for j in J:
+            for x in j.lrafter:
+                if x.lr0_added == _add_count: continue
+                # Add B --> .G to J
+                J.append(x.lr_next)
+                x.lr0_added = _add_count
+                didadd = 1
+    return J
+# Compute the LR(0) goto function goto(I,X) where I is a set
+# of LR(0) items and X is a grammar symbol.   This function is written
+# in a way that guarantees uniqueness of the generated goto sets
+# (i.e. the same goto set will never be returned as two different Python
+# objects).  With uniqueness, we can later do fast set comparisons using
+# id(obj) instead of element-wise comparison.
+def lr0_goto(I,x):
+    # First we look for a previously cached entry
+    g = _lr_goto_cache.get((id(I),x),None)
+    if g: return g
+    # Now we generate the goto set in a way that guarantees uniqueness
+    # of the result
+    s = _lr_goto_cache.get(x,None)
+    if not s:
+        s = { }
+        _lr_goto_cache[x] = s
+    gs = [ ]
+    for p in I:
+        n = p.lr_next
+        if n and n.lrbefore == x:
+            s1 = s.get(id(n),None)
+            if not s1:
+                s1 = { }
+                s[id(n)] = s1
+            gs.append(n)
+            s = s1
+    g = s.get('$end',None)
+    if not g:
+        if gs:
+            g = lr0_closure(gs)
+            s['$end'] = g
+        else:
+            s['$end'] = gs
+    _lr_goto_cache[(id(I),x)] = g
+    return g
+_lr0_cidhash = { }
+# Compute the LR(0) sets of item function
+def lr0_items():
+    C = [ lr0_closure([Productions[0].lr_next]) ]
+    i = 0
+    for I in C:
+        _lr0_cidhash[id(I)] = i
+        i += 1
+    # Loop over the items in C and each grammar symbols
+    i = 0
+    while i < len(C):
+        I = C[i]
+        i += 1
+        # Collect all of the symbols that could possibly be in the goto(I,X) sets
+        asyms = { }
+        for ii in I:
+            for s in ii.usyms:
+                asyms[s] = None
+        for x in asyms.keys():
+            g = lr0_goto(I,x)
+            if not g:  continue
+            if id(g) in _lr0_cidhash: continue
+            _lr0_cidhash[id(g)] = len(C)            
+            C.append(g)
+    return C
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#                       ==== LALR(1) Parsing ====
+# LALR(1) parsing is almost exactly the same as SLR except that instead of
+# relying upon Follow() sets when performing reductions, a more selective
+# lookahead set that incorporates the state of the LR(0) machine is utilized.
+# Thus, we mainly just have to focus on calculating the lookahead sets.
+# The method used here is due to DeRemer and Pennelo (1982).
+# DeRemer, F. L., and T. J. Pennelo: "Efficient Computation of LALR(1)
+#     Lookahead Sets", ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems,
+#     Vol. 4, No. 4, Oct. 1982, pp. 615-649
+# Further details can also be found in:
+#  J. Tremblay and P. Sorenson, "The Theory and Practice of Compiler Writing",
+#      McGraw-Hill Book Company, (1985).
+# Note:  This implementation is a complete replacement of the LALR(1) 
+#        implementation in PLY-1.x releases.   That version was based on
+#        a less efficient algorithm and it had bugs in its implementation.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# compute_nullable_nonterminals()
+# Creates a dictionary containing all of the non-terminals that might produce
+# an empty production.   
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def compute_nullable_nonterminals():
+    nullable = {}
+    num_nullable = 0
+    while 1:
+       for p in Productions[1:]:
+           if p.len == 0:
+                nullable[] = 1
+                continue
+           for t in
+                if t not in nullable: break
+           else:
+                nullable[] = 1
+       if len(nullable) == num_nullable: break
+       num_nullable = len(nullable)
+    return nullable
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# find_nonterminal_trans(C)
+# Given a set of LR(0) items, this functions finds all of the non-terminal
+# transitions.    These are transitions in which a dot appears immediately before
+# a non-terminal.   Returns a list of tuples of the form (state,N) where state
+# is the state number and N is the nonterminal symbol.
+# The input C is the set of LR(0) items.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def find_nonterminal_transitions(C):
+     trans = []
+     for state in range(len(C)):
+         for p in C[state]:
+             if p.lr_index < p.len - 1:
+                  t = (state,[p.lr_index+1])
+                  if t[1] in Nonterminals:
+                        if t not in trans: trans.append(t)
+         state = state + 1
+     return trans
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# dr_relation()
+# Computes the DR(p,A) relationships for non-terminal transitions.  The input
+# is a tuple (state,N) where state is a number and N is a nonterminal symbol.
+# Returns a list of terminals.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def dr_relation(C,trans,nullable):
+    dr_set = { }
+    state,N = trans
+    terms = []
+    g = lr0_goto(C[state],N)
+    for p in g:
+       if p.lr_index < p.len - 1:
+           a =[p.lr_index+1]
+           if a in Terminals:
+               if a not in terms: terms.append(a)
+    # This extra bit is to handle the start state
+    if state == 0 and N == Productions[0].prod[0]:
+       terms.append('$end')
+    return terms
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# reads_relation()
+# Computes the READS() relation (p,A) READS (t,C).
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def reads_relation(C, trans, empty):
+    # Look for empty transitions
+    rel = []
+    state, N = trans
+    g = lr0_goto(C[state],N)
+    j = _lr0_cidhash.get(id(g),-1)
+    for p in g:
+        if p.lr_index < p.len - 1:
+             a =[p.lr_index + 1]
+             if a in empty:
+                  rel.append((j,a))
+    return rel
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# compute_lookback_includes()
+# Determines the lookback and includes relations
+# This relation is determined by running the LR(0) state machine forward.
+# For example, starting with a production "N : . A B C", we run it forward
+# to obtain "N : A B C ."   We then build a relationship between this final
+# state and the starting state.   These relationships are stored in a dictionary
+# lookdict.   
+# Computes the INCLUDE() relation (p,A) INCLUDES (p',B).   
+# This relation is used to determine non-terminal transitions that occur
+# inside of other non-terminal transition states.   (p,A) INCLUDES (p', B)
+# if the following holds:
+#       B -> LAT, where T -> epsilon and p' -L-> p 
+# L is essentially a prefix (which may be empty), T is a suffix that must be
+# able to derive an empty string.  State p' must lead to state p with the string L.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def compute_lookback_includes(C,trans,nullable):
+    lookdict = {}          # Dictionary of lookback relations
+    includedict = {}       # Dictionary of include relations
+    # Make a dictionary of non-terminal transitions
+    dtrans = {}
+    for t in trans:
+        dtrans[t] = 1
+    # Loop over all transitions and compute lookbacks and includes
+    for state,N in trans:
+        lookb = []
+        includes = []
+        for p in C[state]:
+            if != N: continue
+            # Okay, we have a name match.  We now follow the production all the way
+            # through the state machine until we get the . on the right hand side
+            lr_index = p.lr_index
+            j = state
+            while lr_index < p.len - 1:
+                 lr_index = lr_index + 1
+                 t =[lr_index]
+                 # Check to see if this symbol and state are a non-terminal transition
+                 if (j,t) in dtrans:
+                       # Yes.  Okay, there is some chance that this is an includes relation
+                       # the only way to know for certain is whether the rest of the 
+                       # production derives empty
+                       li = lr_index + 1
+                       while li < p.len:
+                            if[li] in Terminals: break      # No forget it
+                            if[li] not in nullable: break
+                            li = li + 1
+                       else:
+                            # Appears to be a relation between (j,t) and (state,N)
+                            includes.append((j,t))
+                 g = lr0_goto(C[j],t)               # Go to next set             
+                 j = _lr0_cidhash.get(id(g),-1)     # Go to next state
+            # When we get here, j is the final state, now we have to locate the production
+            for r in C[j]:
+                 if != continue
+                 if r.len != p.len:   continue
+                 i = 0
+                 # This look is comparing a production ". A B C" with "A B C ."
+                 while i < r.lr_index:
+                      if[i] !=[i+1]: break
+                      i = i + 1
+                 else:
+                      lookb.append((j,r))
+        for i in includes:
+             if i not in includedict: includedict[i] = []
+             includedict[i].append((state,N))
+        lookdict[(state,N)] = lookb
+    return lookdict,includedict
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# digraph()
+# traverse()
+# The following two functions are used to compute set valued functions
+# of the form:
+#     F(x) = F'(x) U U{F(y) | x R y}
+# This is used to compute the values of Read() sets as well as FOLLOW sets
+# in LALR(1) generation.
+# Inputs:  X    - An input set
+#          R    - A relation
+#          FP   - Set-valued function
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def digraph(X,R,FP):
+    N = { }
+    for x in X:
+       N[x] = 0
+    stack = []
+    F = { }
+    for x in X:
+        if N[x] == 0: traverse(x,N,stack,F,X,R,FP)
+    return F
+def traverse(x,N,stack,F,X,R,FP):
+    stack.append(x)
+    d = len(stack)
+    N[x] = d
+    F[x] = FP(x)             # F(X) <- F'(x)
+    rel = R(x)               # Get y's related to x
+    for y in rel:
+        if N[y] == 0:
+             traverse(y,N,stack,F,X,R,FP)
+        N[x] = min(N[x],N[y])
+        for a in F.get(y,[]):
+            if a not in F[x]: F[x].append(a)
+    if N[x] == d:
+       N[stack[-1]] = sys.maxsize
+       F[stack[-1]] = F[x]
+       element = stack.pop()
+       while element != x:
+           N[stack[-1]] = sys.maxsize
+           F[stack[-1]] = F[x]
+           element = stack.pop()
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# compute_read_sets()
+# Given a set of LR(0) items, this function computes the read sets.
+# Inputs:  C        =  Set of LR(0) items
+#          ntrans   = Set of nonterminal transitions
+#          nullable = Set of empty transitions
+# Returns a set containing the read sets
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def compute_read_sets(C, ntrans, nullable):
+    FP = lambda x: dr_relation(C,x,nullable)
+    R =  lambda x: reads_relation(C,x,nullable)
+    F = digraph(ntrans,R,FP)
+    return F
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# compute_follow_sets()
+# Given a set of LR(0) items, a set of non-terminal transitions, a readset, 
+# and an include set, this function computes the follow sets
+# Follow(p,A) = Read(p,A) U U {Follow(p',B) | (p,A) INCLUDES (p',B)}
+# Inputs:    
+#            ntrans     = Set of nonterminal transitions
+#            readsets   = Readset (previously computed)
+#            inclsets   = Include sets (previously computed)
+# Returns a set containing the follow sets      
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def compute_follow_sets(ntrans,readsets,inclsets):
+     FP = lambda x: readsets[x]
+     R  = lambda x: inclsets.get(x,[])
+     F = digraph(ntrans,R,FP)
+     return F
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# add_lookaheads()
+# Attaches the lookahead symbols to grammar rules. 
+# Inputs:    lookbacks         -  Set of lookback relations
+#            followset         -  Computed follow set
+# This function directly attaches the lookaheads to productions contained
+# in the lookbacks set
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def add_lookaheads(lookbacks,followset):
+    for trans,lb in lookbacks.items():
+        # Loop over productions in lookback
+        for state,p in lb:
+             if state not in p.lookaheads:
+                  p.lookaheads[state] = []
+             f = followset.get(trans,[])
+             for a in f:
+                  if a not in p.lookaheads[state]: p.lookaheads[state].append(a)
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# add_lalr_lookaheads()
+# This function does all of the work of adding lookahead information for use
+# with LALR parsing
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def add_lalr_lookaheads(C):
+    # Determine all of the nullable nonterminals
+    nullable = compute_nullable_nonterminals()
+    # Find all non-terminal transitions
+    trans = find_nonterminal_transitions(C)
+    # Compute read sets
+    readsets = compute_read_sets(C,trans,nullable)
+    # Compute lookback/includes relations
+    lookd, included = compute_lookback_includes(C,trans,nullable)
+    # Compute LALR FOLLOW sets
+    followsets = compute_follow_sets(trans,readsets,included)
+    # Add all of the lookaheads
+    add_lookaheads(lookd,followsets)
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# lr_parse_table()
+# This function constructs the parse tables for SLR or LALR
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def lr_parse_table(method):
+    global _lr_method
+    goto = _lr_goto           # Goto array
+    action = _lr_action       # Action array
+    actionp = { }             # Action production array (temporary)
+    _lr_method = method
+    n_srconflict = 0
+    n_rrconflict = 0
+    if yaccdebug:
+        sys.stderr.write("yacc: Generating %s parsing table...\n" % method)        
+        _vf.write("\n\nParsing method: %s\n\n" % method)
+    # Step 1: Construct C = { I0, I1, ... IN}, collection of LR(0) items
+    # This determines the number of states
+    C = lr0_items()
+    if method == 'LALR':
+        add_lalr_lookaheads(C)
+    # Build the parser table, state by state
+    st = 0
+    for I in C:
+        # Loop over each production in I
+        actlist = [ ]              # List of actions
+        if yaccdebug:
+            _vf.write("\nstate %d\n\n" % st)
+            for p in I:
+                _vf.write("    (%d) %s\n" % (p.number, str(p)))
+            _vf.write("\n")
+        for p in I:
+            try:
+                if[-1] == ".":
+                    if == "S'":
+                        # Start symbol. Accept!
+                        action[st,"$end"] = 0
+                        actionp[st,"$end"] = p
+                    else:
+                        # We are at the end of a production.  Reduce!
+                        if method == 'LALR':
+                            laheads = p.lookaheads[st]
+                        else:
+                            laheads = Follow[]
+                        for a in laheads:
+                            actlist.append((a,p,"reduce using rule %d (%s)" % (p.number,p)))
+                            r = action.get((st,a),None)
+                            if r is not None:
+                                # Whoa. Have a shift/reduce or reduce/reduce conflict
+                                if r > 0:
+                                    # Need to decide on shift or reduce here
+                                    # By default we favor shifting. Need to add
+                                    # some precedence rules here.
+                                    sprec,slevel = Productions[actionp[st,a].number].prec                                    
+                                    rprec,rlevel = Precedence.get(a,('right',0))
+                                    if (slevel < rlevel) or ((slevel == rlevel) and (rprec == 'left')):
+                                        # We really need to reduce here.  
+                                        action[st,a] = -p.number
+                                        actionp[st,a] = p
+                                        if not slevel and not rlevel:
+                                            _vfc.write("shift/reduce conflict in state %d resolved as reduce.\n" % st)
+                                            _vf.write("  ! shift/reduce conflict for %s resolved as reduce.\n" % a)
+                                            n_srconflict += 1
+                                    elif (slevel == rlevel) and (rprec == 'nonassoc'):
+                                        action[st,a] = None
+                                    else:
+                                        # Hmmm. Guess we'll keep the shift
+                                        if not rlevel:
+                                            _vfc.write("shift/reduce conflict in state %d resolved as shift.\n" % st)
+                                            _vf.write("  ! shift/reduce conflict for %s resolved as shift.\n" % a)
+                                            n_srconflict +=1                                    
+                                elif r < 0:
+                                    # Reduce/reduce conflict.   In this case, we favor the rule
+                                    # that was defined first in the grammar file
+                                    oldp = Productions[-r]
+                                    pp = Productions[p.number]
+                                    if oldp.line > pp.line:
+                                        action[st,a] = -p.number
+                                        actionp[st,a] = p
+                                    # sys.stderr.write("Reduce/reduce conflict in state %d\n" % st)
+                                    n_rrconflict += 1
+                                    _vfc.write("reduce/reduce conflict in state %d resolved using rule %d (%s).\n" % (st, actionp[st,a].number, actionp[st,a]))
+                                    _vf.write("  ! reduce/reduce conflict for %s resolved using rule %d (%s).\n" % (a,actionp[st,a].number, actionp[st,a]))
+                                else:
+                                    sys.stderr.write("Unknown conflict in state %d\n" % st)
+                            else:
+                                action[st,a] = -p.number
+                                actionp[st,a] = p
+                else:
+                    i = p.lr_index
+                    a =[i+1]       # Get symbol right after the "."
+                    if a in Terminals:
+                        g = lr0_goto(I,a)
+                        j = _lr0_cidhash.get(id(g),-1)
+                        if j >= 0:
+                            # We are in a shift state
+                            actlist.append((a,p,"shift and go to state %d" % j))
+                            r = action.get((st,a),None)
+                            if r is not None:
+                                # Whoa have a shift/reduce or shift/shift conflict
+                                if r > 0:
+                                    if r != j:
+                                        sys.stderr.write("Shift/shift conflict in state %d\n" % st)
+                                elif r < 0:
+                                    # Do a precedence check.
+                                    #   -  if precedence of reduce rule is higher, we reduce.
+                                    #   -  if precedence of reduce is same and left assoc, we reduce.
+                                    #   -  otherwise we shift
+                                    rprec,rlevel = Productions[actionp[st,a].number].prec
+                                    sprec,slevel = Precedence.get(a,('right',0))
+                                    if (slevel > rlevel) or ((slevel == rlevel) and (rprec != 'left')):
+                                        # We decide to shift here... highest precedence to shift
+                                        action[st,a] = j
+                                        actionp[st,a] = p
+                                        if not rlevel:
+                                            n_srconflict += 1
+                                            _vfc.write("shift/reduce conflict in state %d resolved as shift.\n" % st)
+                                            _vf.write("  ! shift/reduce conflict for %s resolved as shift.\n" % a)
+                                    elif (slevel == rlevel) and (rprec == 'nonassoc'):
+                                        action[st,a] = None
+                                    else:                                            
+                                        # Hmmm. Guess we'll keep the reduce
+                                        if not slevel and not rlevel:
+                                            n_srconflict +=1
+                                            _vfc.write("shift/reduce conflict in state %d resolved as reduce.\n" % st)
+                                            _vf.write("  ! shift/reduce conflict for %s resolved as reduce.\n" % a)
+                                else:
+                                    sys.stderr.write("Unknown conflict in state %d\n" % st)
+                            else:
+                                action[st,a] = j
+                                actionp[st,a] = p
+            except Exception as e:
+                raise YaccError("Hosed in lr_parse_table").with_traceback(e)
+        # Print the actions associated with each terminal
+        if yaccdebug:
+          _actprint = { }
+          for a,p,m in actlist:
+            if (st,a) in action:
+                if p is actionp[st,a]:
+                    _vf.write("    %-15s %s\n" % (a,m))
+                    _actprint[(a,m)] = 1
+          _vf.write("\n")
+          for a,p,m in actlist:
+            if (st,a) in action:
+                if p is not actionp[st,a]:
+                    if (a,m) not in _actprint:
+                        _vf.write("  ! %-15s [ %s ]\n" % (a,m))
+                        _actprint[(a,m)] = 1
+        # Construct the goto table for this state
+        if yaccdebug:
+            _vf.write("\n")
+        nkeys = { }
+        for ii in I:
+            for s in ii.usyms:
+                if s in Nonterminals:
+                    nkeys[s] = None
+        for n in nkeys.keys():
+            g = lr0_goto(I,n)
+            j = _lr0_cidhash.get(id(g),-1)            
+            if j >= 0:
+                goto[st,n] = j
+                if yaccdebug:
+                    _vf.write("    %-30s shift and go to state %d\n" % (n,j))
+        st += 1
+    if yaccdebug:
+        if n_srconflict == 1:
+            sys.stderr.write("yacc: %d shift/reduce conflict\n" % n_srconflict)
+        if n_srconflict > 1:
+            sys.stderr.write("yacc: %d shift/reduce conflicts\n" % n_srconflict)
+        if n_rrconflict == 1:
+            sys.stderr.write("yacc: %d reduce/reduce conflict\n" % n_rrconflict)
+        if n_rrconflict > 1:
+            sys.stderr.write("yacc: %d reduce/reduce conflicts\n" % n_rrconflict)
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#                          ==== LR Utility functions ====
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# _lr_write_tables()
+# This function writes the LR parsing tables to a file
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def lr_write_tables(modulename=tab_module,outputdir=''):
+    filename = os.path.join(outputdir,modulename) + ".py"
+    try:
+        f = open(filename,"w")
+        f.write("""
+# %s
+# This file is automatically generated. Do not edit.
+_lr_method = %s
+_lr_signature = %s
+""" % (filename, repr(_lr_method), repr(Signature.digest())))
+        # Change smaller to 0 to go back to original tables
+        smaller = 1
+        # Factor out names to try and make smaller
+        if smaller:
+            items = { }
+            for k,v in _lr_action.items():
+                i = items.get(k[1])
+                if not i:
+                    i = ([],[])
+                    items[k[1]] = i
+                i[0].append(k[0])
+                i[1].append(v)
+            f.write("\n_lr_action_items = {")
+            for k,v in items.items():
+                f.write("%r:([" % k)
+                for i in v[0]:
+                    f.write("%r," % i)
+                f.write("],[")
+                for i in v[1]:
+                    f.write("%r," % i)
+                f.write("]),")
+            f.write("}\n")
+            f.write("""
+_lr_action = { }
+for _k, _v in _lr_action_items.items():
+   for _x,_y in zip(_v[0],_v[1]):
+       _lr_action[(_x,_k)] = _y
+del _lr_action_items
+        else:
+            f.write("\n_lr_action = { ");
+            for k,v in _lr_action.items():
+                f.write("(%r,%r):%r," % (k[0],k[1],v))
+            f.write("}\n");
+        if smaller:
+            # Factor out names to try and make smaller
+            items = { }
+            for k,v in _lr_goto.items():
+                i = items.get(k[1])
+                if not i:
+                    i = ([],[])
+                    items[k[1]] = i
+                i[0].append(k[0])
+                i[1].append(v)
+            f.write("\n_lr_goto_items = {")
+            for k,v in items.items():
+                f.write("%r:([" % k)
+                for i in v[0]:
+                    f.write("%r," % i)
+                f.write("],[")
+                for i in v[1]:
+                    f.write("%r," % i)
+                f.write("]),")
+            f.write("}\n")
+            f.write("""
+_lr_goto = { }
+for _k, _v in _lr_goto_items.items():
+   for _x,_y in zip(_v[0],_v[1]):
+       _lr_goto[(_x,_k)] = _y
+del _lr_goto_items
+        else:
+            f.write("\n_lr_goto = { ");
+            for k,v in _lr_goto.items():
+                f.write("(%r,%r):%r," % (k[0],k[1],v))                    
+            f.write("}\n");
+        # Write production table
+        f.write("_lr_productions = [\n")
+        for p in Productions:
+            if p:
+                if (p.func):
+                    f.write("  (%r,%d,%r,%r,%d),\n" % (, p.len, p.func.__name__,p.file,p.line))
+                else:
+                    f.write("  (%r,%d,None,None,None),\n" % (, p.len))
+            else:
+                f.write("  None,\n")
+        f.write("]\n")
+        f.close()
+    except IOError as e:
+        print("Unable to create '%s'" % filename)
+        print(e)
+def lr_read_tables(module=tab_module,optimize=0):
+    global _lr_action, _lr_goto, _lr_productions, _lr_method
+    try:
+        exec("import %s as parsetab" % module)
+        if (optimize) or (Signature.digest() == parsetab._lr_signature):
+            _lr_action = parsetab._lr_action
+            _lr_goto   = parsetab._lr_goto
+            _lr_productions = parsetab._lr_productions
+            _lr_method = parsetab._lr_method
+            return 1
+        else:
+            return 0
+    except (ImportError,AttributeError):
+        return 0
+# Available instance types.  This is used when parsers are defined by a class.
+# In Python3 the InstanceType and ObjectType are no more, they've passed, ceased
+# to be, they are ex-classes along with old-style classes
+   _INSTANCETYPE = (types.InstanceType, types.ObjectType)
+except AttributeError:
+   _INSTANCETYPE = object
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# yacc(module)
+# Build the parser module
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def yacc(method=default_lr, debug=yaccdebug, module=None, tabmodule=tab_module, start=None, check_recursion=1, optimize=0,write_tables=1,debugfile=debug_file,outputdir=''):
+    global yaccdebug
+    yaccdebug = debug
+    initialize_vars()
+    files = { }
+    error = 0
+    # Add parsing method to signature
+    Signature.update(util.encode_input(method))
+    # If a "module" parameter was supplied, extract its dictionary.
+    # Note: a module may in fact be an instance as well.
+    if module:
+        # User supplied a module object.
+        if isinstance(module, types.ModuleType):
+            ldict = module.__dict__
+        elif isinstance(module, _INSTANCETYPE):
+            _items = [(k,getattr(module,k)) for k in dir(module)]
+            ldict = { }
+            for i in _items:
+                ldict[i[0]] = i[1]
+        else:
+            raise ValueError("Expected a module")
+    else:
+        # No module given.  We might be able to get information from the caller.
+        # Throw an exception and unwind the traceback to get the globals
+        try:
+            raise RuntimeError
+        except RuntimeError:
+            e,b,t = sys.exc_info()
+            f = t.tb_frame
+            f = f.f_back           # Walk out to our calling function
+            ldict = f.f_globals    # Grab its globals dictionary
+    # Add starting symbol to signature
+    if not start:
+        start = ldict.get("start",None)
+    if start:
+        Signature.update(util.encode_input(start))
+    # If running in optimized mode.  We're going to
+    if (optimize and lr_read_tables(tabmodule,1)):
+        # Read parse table
+        del Productions[:]
+        for p in _lr_productions:
+            if not p:
+                Productions.append(None)
+            else:
+                m = MiniProduction()
+       = p[0]
+                m.len  = p[1]
+                m.file = p[3]
+                m.line = p[4]
+                if p[2]:
+                    m.func = ldict[p[2]]
+                Productions.append(m)
+    else:
+        # Get the tokens map
+        if (module and isinstance(module,_INSTANCETYPE)):
+            tokens = getattr(module,"tokens",None)
+        else:
+            tokens = ldict.get("tokens",None)
+        if not tokens:
+            raise YaccError("module does not define a list 'tokens'")
+        if not (isinstance(tokens,list) or isinstance(tokens,tuple)):
+            raise YaccError("tokens must be a list or tuple.")
+        # Check to see if a requires dictionary is defined.
+        requires = ldict.get("require",None)
+        if requires:
+            if not (isinstance(requires,dict)):
+                raise YaccError("require must be a dictionary.")
+            for r,v in requires.items():
+                try:
+                    if not (isinstance(v,list)):
+                        raise TypeError
+                    v1 = [x.split(".") for x in v]
+                    Requires[r] = v1
+                except Exception:
+                    print("Invalid specification for rule '%s' in require. Expected a list of strings" % r)
+        # Build the dictionary of terminals.  We a record a 0 in the
+        # dictionary to track whether or not a terminal is actually
+        # used in the grammar
+        if 'error' in tokens:
+            print("yacc: Illegal token 'error'.  Is a reserved word.")
+            raise YaccError("Illegal token name")
+        for n in tokens:
+            if n in Terminals:
+                print("yacc: Warning. Token '%s' multiply defined." % n)
+            Terminals[n] = [ ]
+        Terminals['error'] = [ ]
+        # Get the precedence map (if any)
+        prec = ldict.get("precedence",None)
+        if prec:
+            if not (isinstance(prec,list) or isinstance(prec,tuple)):
+                raise YaccError("precedence must be a list or tuple.")
+            add_precedence(prec)
+            Signature.update(util.encode_input(repr(prec)))
+        for n in tokens:
+            if n not in Precedence:
+                Precedence[n] = ('right',0)         # Default, right associative, 0 precedence
+        # Look for error handler
+        ef = ldict.get('p_error',None)
+        if ef:
+            if isinstance(ef,types.FunctionType):
+                ismethod = 0
+            elif isinstance(ef, types.MethodType):
+                ismethod = 1
+            else:
+                raise YaccError("'p_error' defined, but is not a function or method.")
+            eline = ef.__code__.co_firstlineno
+            efile = ef.__code__.co_filename
+            files[efile] = None
+            if (ef.__code__.co_argcount != 1+ismethod):
+                raise YaccError("%s:%d: p_error() requires 1 argument." % (efile,eline))
+            global Errorfunc
+            Errorfunc = ef
+        else:
+            print("yacc: Warning. no p_error() function is defined.")
+        # Get the list of built-in functions with p_ prefix
+        symbols = [ldict[f] for f in ldict.keys()
+               if (type(ldict[f]) in (types.FunctionType, types.MethodType) and ldict[f].__name__[:2] == 'p_'
+                   and ldict[f].__name__ != 'p_error')]
+        # Check for non-empty symbols
+        if len(symbols) == 0:
+            raise YaccError("no rules of the form p_rulename are defined.")
+        # Sort the symbols by line number
+        symbols.sort(key=lambda x: x.__code__.co_firstlineno)
+        # Add all of the symbols to the grammar
+        for f in symbols:
+            if (add_function(f)) < 0:
+                error += 1
+            else:
+                files[f.__code__.co_filename] = None
+        # Make a signature of the docstrings
+        for f in symbols:
+            if f.__doc__:
+                Signature.update(util.encode_input(f.__doc__))
+        lr_init_vars()
+        if error:
+            raise YaccError("Unable to construct parser.")
+        if not lr_read_tables(tabmodule):
+            # Validate files
+            for filename in files.keys():
+                if not validate_file(filename):
+                    error = 1
+            # Validate dictionary
+            validate_dict(ldict)
+            if start and start not in Prodnames:
+                raise YaccError("Bad starting symbol '%s'" % start)
+            augment_grammar(start)    
+            error = verify_productions(cycle_check=check_recursion)
+            otherfunc = [ldict[f] for f in ldict.keys()
+               if (type(f) in (types.FunctionType,types.MethodType) and ldict[f].__name__[:2] != 'p_')]
+            if error:
+                raise YaccError("Unable to construct parser.")
+            build_lritems()
+            compute_first1()
+            compute_follow(start)
+            if method in ['SLR','LALR']:
+                lr_parse_table(method)
+            else:
+                raise YaccError("Unknown parsing method '%s'" % method)
+            if write_tables:
+                lr_write_tables(tabmodule,outputdir)        
+            if yaccdebug:
+                try:
+                    f = open(os.path.join(outputdir,debugfile),"w")
+                    f.write(_vfc.getvalue())
+                    f.write("\n\n")
+                    f.write(_vf.getvalue())
+                    f.close()
+                except IOError as e:
+                    print("yacc: can't create '%s'" % debugfile,e)
+    # Made it here.   Create a parser object and set up its internal state.
+    # Set global parse() method to bound method of parser object.
+    p = Parser("xyzzy")
+ = Productions
+    p.errorfunc = Errorfunc
+    p.action = _lr_action
+    p.goto   = _lr_goto
+    p.method = _lr_method
+    p.require = Requires
+    global parse
+    parse = p.parse
+    global parser
+    parser = p
+    # Clean up all of the globals we created
+    if (not optimize):
+        yacc_cleanup()
+    return p
+# yacc_cleanup function.  Delete all of the global variables
+# used during table construction
+def yacc_cleanup():
+    global _lr_action, _lr_goto, _lr_method, _lr_goto_cache
+    del _lr_action, _lr_goto, _lr_method, _lr_goto_cache
+    global Productions, Prodnames, Prodmap, Terminals 
+    global Nonterminals, First, Follow, Precedence, LRitems
+    global Errorfunc, Signature, Requires
+    del Productions, Prodnames, Prodmap, Terminals
+    del Nonterminals, First, Follow, Precedence, LRitems
+    del Errorfunc, Signature, Requires
+    global _vf, _vfc
+    del _vf, _vfc
+# Stub that raises an error if parsing is attempted without first calling yacc()
+def parse(*args,**kwargs):
+    raise YaccError("yacc: No parser built with yacc()")