Merge changes Ia2455b44,Ia5cdc16e

* changes:
  Remove i686-apple-darwin* gcc-4.2.1 bins, libs, and includes
  add OWNERS for prebuilts/gcc/darwin-x86/host/i686-apple-darwin-4.2.1
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/NOTICE b/NOTICE
deleted file mode 100644
index 623b625..0000000
--- a/NOTICE
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
-		       Version 2, June 1991
- Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-     51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
- Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
- of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
-			    Preamble
-  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
-freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
-License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
-software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This
-General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
-Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
-using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
-the GNU Library General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to
-your programs, too.
-  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
-price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
-have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
-this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
-if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
-in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
-  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
-anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
-These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
-distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
-  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
-gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
-you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
-source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their
-  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
-(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
-distribute and/or modify the software.
-  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
-that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
-software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
-want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
-that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
-authors' reputations.
-  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
-patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
-program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
-program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
-patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
-  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
-modification follow.
-  0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
-a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
-under the terms of this General Public License.  The "Program", below,
-refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
-means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
-that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
-either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
-language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
-the term "modification".)  Each licensee is addressed as "you".
-Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
-covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
-running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
-is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
-Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
-Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
-  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
-source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
-conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
-copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
-notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
-and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
-along with the Program.
-You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
-you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
-  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
-of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
-distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
-above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
-    a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
-    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
-    b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
-    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
-    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
-    parties under the terms of this License.
-    c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
-    when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
-    interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
-    announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
-    notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
-    a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
-    these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
-    License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
-    does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
-    the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
-These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
-identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
-and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
-themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
-sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
-distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
-on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
-this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
-entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
-Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
-your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
-exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
-collective works based on the Program.
-In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
-with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
-a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
-the scope of this License.
-  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
-under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
-Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
-    a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
-    source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
-    1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
-    b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
-    years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
-    cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
-    machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
-    distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
-    customarily used for software interchange; or,
-    c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
-    to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
-    allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
-    received the program in object code or executable form with such
-    an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
-The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
-making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
-code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
-associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
-control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
-special exception, the source code distributed need not include
-anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
-form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
-operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
-itself accompanies the executable.
-If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
-access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
-access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
-distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
-compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
-  4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
-except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
-otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
-void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
-However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
-this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
-parties remain in full compliance.
-  5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
-signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
-distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
-prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
-modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
-all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
-the Program or works based on it.
-  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
-original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
-these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
-restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
-You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
-this License.
-  7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
-infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
-conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
-otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
-excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
-distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
-License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
-may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent
-license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
-all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
-the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
-refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
-If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
-any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
-apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
-It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
-patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
-such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
-integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
-implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
-generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
-through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
-system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
-to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
-impose that choice.
-This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
-be a consequence of the rest of this License.
-  8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
-certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
-original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
-may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
-those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
-countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates
-the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
-  9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
-of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
-be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
-address new problems or concerns.
-Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
-specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
-later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
-either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
-Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
-this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
-  10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
-programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
-to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
-Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
-make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
-of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
-of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
-	    How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
-  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
-possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
-free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
-  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
-to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
-convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
-the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
-    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
-    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
-    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-    (at your option) any later version.
-    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-    GNU General Public License for more details.
-    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
-Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
-If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
-when it starts in an interactive mode:
-    Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year  name of author
-    Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
-    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
-    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
-The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
-parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the commands you use may
-be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
-mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
-You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
-school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
-necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
-  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
-  `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
-  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
-  Ty Coon, President of Vice
-This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
-proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you may
-consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
-library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
-Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/OWNERS b/OWNERS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75a2c24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/OWNERS
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+include platform/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/x86/x86_64-linux-android-4.9:/OWNERS
diff --git a/bin/i686-apple-darwin10-cpp b/bin/i686-apple-darwin10-cpp
deleted file mode 120000
index b3c51d0..0000000
--- a/bin/i686-apple-darwin10-cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bin/i686-apple-darwin10-cpp-4.2.1 b/bin/i686-apple-darwin10-cpp-4.2.1
deleted file mode 100755
index 4e0f3bd..0000000
--- a/bin/i686-apple-darwin10-cpp-4.2.1
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/bin/i686-apple-darwin10-g++ b/bin/i686-apple-darwin10-g++
deleted file mode 120000
index 1707d9b..0000000
--- a/bin/i686-apple-darwin10-g++
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bin/i686-apple-darwin10-g++-4.2.1 b/bin/i686-apple-darwin10-g++-4.2.1
deleted file mode 100755
index f902c89..0000000
--- a/bin/i686-apple-darwin10-g++-4.2.1
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/bin/i686-apple-darwin10-gcc b/bin/i686-apple-darwin10-gcc
deleted file mode 120000
index a938622..0000000
--- a/bin/i686-apple-darwin10-gcc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bin/i686-apple-darwin10-gcc-4.2.1 b/bin/i686-apple-darwin10-gcc-4.2.1
deleted file mode 100755
index 8277003..0000000
--- a/bin/i686-apple-darwin10-gcc-4.2.1
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/bin/i686-apple-darwin11-cpp b/bin/i686-apple-darwin11-cpp
deleted file mode 120000
index ae718e1..0000000
--- a/bin/i686-apple-darwin11-cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bin/i686-apple-darwin11-cpp-4.2.1 b/bin/i686-apple-darwin11-cpp-4.2.1
deleted file mode 100755
index a9d6391..0000000
--- a/bin/i686-apple-darwin11-cpp-4.2.1
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/bin/i686-apple-darwin11-g++ b/bin/i686-apple-darwin11-g++
deleted file mode 120000
index 23da3d0..0000000
--- a/bin/i686-apple-darwin11-g++
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bin/i686-apple-darwin11-g++-4.2.1 b/bin/i686-apple-darwin11-g++-4.2.1
deleted file mode 100755
index fa10a85..0000000
--- a/bin/i686-apple-darwin11-g++-4.2.1
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/bin/i686-apple-darwin11-gcc b/bin/i686-apple-darwin11-gcc
deleted file mode 120000
index 739f7a3..0000000
--- a/bin/i686-apple-darwin11-gcc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bin/i686-apple-darwin11-gcc-4.2.1 b/bin/i686-apple-darwin11-gcc-4.2.1
deleted file mode 100755
index 89a734a..0000000
--- a/bin/i686-apple-darwin11-gcc-4.2.1
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/include/gcc/darwin/4.2/float.h b/include/gcc/darwin/4.2/float.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 048737f..0000000
--- a/include/gcc/darwin/4.2/float.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-/* This file is public domain.  */
-/* This file exists soley to keep Metrowerks' compilers happy.  The version
-   used by GCC 3.4 and later can be found in /usr/lib/gcc, although it's
-   not very informative.  */
-#ifdef __MWERKS__
-#include "mw_float.h"
-#error "This header only supports __MWERKS__."
diff --git a/include/gcc/darwin/4.2/ppc_intrinsics.h b/include/gcc/darwin/4.2/ppc_intrinsics.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cfe01f..0000000
--- a/include/gcc/darwin/4.2/ppc_intrinsics.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1026 +0,0 @@
-/* Definitions for PowerPC intrinsic instructions
-   Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GCC.
-GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
-GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
-for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with GCC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
-02111-1307, USA.  */
-/* As a special exception, if you include this header file into source
-   files compiled by GCC, this header file does not by itself cause
-   the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
-   License.  This exception does not however invalidate any other
-   reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
-   Public License.  */
- * The following PowerPC intrinsics are provided by this header:
- *
- * Low-Level Processor Synchronization
- *   __eieio    - Enforce In-Order Execution of I/O
- *   __isync    - Instruction Synchronize
- *   __sync     - Synchronize
- *   __lwsync   - Lightweight Synchronize
- *
- * Manipulating the Contents of a Variable or Register
- *   __cntlzw   - Count Leading Zeros Word
- *   __cntlzd   - Count Leading Zeros Double Word
- *   __rlwimi   - Rotate Left Word Immediate then Mask Insert
- *   __rlwinm   - Rotate Left Word Immediate then AND with Mask
- *   __rlwnm    - Rotate Left Word then AND with Mask
- *
- * Byte-Reversing Functions
- *   __lhbrx    - Load Half Word Byte-Reverse Indexed
- *   __lwbrx    - Load Word Byte-Reverse Indexed
- *   __sthbrx   - Store Half Word Byte-Reverse Indexed
- *   __stwbrx   - Store Word Byte-Reverse Indexed
- *
- * Data Cache Manipulation
- *   __dcba     - Data Cache Block Allocate
- *   __dcbf     - Data Cache Block Flush
- *   __dcbst    - Data Cache Block Store
- *   __dcbt     - Data Cache Block Touch
- *   __dcbtst   - Data Cache Block Touch for Store
- *   __dcbzl    - Data Cache Block Set to Zero
- *   __dcbz     - Data Cache Block Set to Zero (32-bytes only)
- *
- * Setting the Floating-Point Environment
- *   __setflm   - Set Floating-point Mode
- *
- * Math Functions
- *   __fabs     - Floating-Point Absolute Value
- *   __fnabs    - Floating Negative Absolute Value
- *   __fctiw    - Floating Convert to Integer Word
- *   __fctiwz   - Floating Convert to Integer Word with Round toward Zero
- *   __fctidz   - Floating Convert to Integer Doubleword with Round toward Zero
- *   __fctid    - Floating Convert to Integer Doubleword
- *   __fcfid    - Floating Convert From Integer Doubleword
- *   __fmadd    - Floating Multiply-Add (Double-Precision)
- *   __fmadds   - Floating Multiply-Add Single
- *   __fmsub    - Floating Multiply-Subract (Double-Precision)
- *   __fmsubs   - Floating Multiply-Subract Single
- *   __fmul     - Floating Multiply (Double-Precision)
- *   __fmuls    - Floating Multiply Single
- *   __fnmadd   - Floating Negative Multiply-Add (Double-Precision)
- *   __fnmadds  - Floating Negative Multiply-Add Single
- *   __fnmsub   - Floating Negative Multiply-Subtract (Double-Precision)
- *   __fnmsubs  - Floating Negative Multiply-Subtract Single
- *   __fres     - Floating Reciprocal Estimate
- *   __frsp     - Floating Round to Single-Precision
- *   __frsqrte  - Floating Reciprocal Square Root Estimate
- *   __frsqrtes - Floating Reciprocal Square Root Estimate Single
- *   __fsel     - Floating Select
- *   __fsels    - Floating Select (Single-Precision variant)
- *   __fsqrt    - Floating-Point Square Root (Double-Precision)
- *   __fsqrts   - Floating-Point Square Root Single-Precision
- *   __mulhw    - Multiply High Word
- *   __mulhwu   - Multiply High Word Unsigned
- *   __stfiwx   - Store Floating-Point as Integer Word Indexed
- *
- * Miscellaneous Functions
- *   __nop      - PPC preferred form of no operation
- *   __astrcmp  - assembly strcmp
- *   __icbi     - Instruction Cache Block Invalidate
- *   __mffs     - Move from FPSCR
- *   __mfspr    - Move from Special Purpose Register
- *   __mtfsf    - Move to SPSCR Fields
- *   __mtspr    - Move to Special Purpose Register
- *   __OSReadSwapSInt16 - lhbrx for signed shorts
- *   __OSReadSwapUInt16 - lhbrx for unsigned shorts
- *
- * TO DO:
- * - Desired:
- *   mullw
- * - Available in CodeWarrior, not yet implemented here:
- *   abs, labs, fabsf, fnabsf
- *
- * NOTES:
- * - Some of the intrinsics need to be macros because certain 
- *   parameters MUST be integer constants and not values in registers.
- * - The declarations use __asm__ instead of asm and __inline__ instead
- *   of inline to prevent errors when -ansi is specified.
- * - Some of the intrinsic definitions use the "volatile" specifier on
- *   the "asm" statements in order to work around what appears to be
- *   a bug in the compiler/optimizer.  In general we have avoided the
- *   use of "volatile" because it suppresses optimization on the
- *   generated instructions.  The instructions to which "volatile"
- *   has been added where it appears that it should not be needed are
- *   lhbrx and lwbrx.
- *
- * Contributors: Fred Forsman (editor), Turly O'Connor, Ian Ollmann, Sanjay Patel
- * Last modified: October 6, 2004
- */
-#if (defined(__ppc__) || defined(__ppc64__)) && ! defined(__MWERKS__)
- *                 Special Purpose Registers (SPRs)                *
- *******************************************************************/
-#define __SPR_MQR       0               /* PPC 601 only */
-#define __SPR_XER       1               
-#define __SPR_RTCU      4               /* Real time clock upper. PPC 601 only.*/
-#define __SPR_RTCL      5               /* Real time clock lower. PPC 601 only.*/
-#define __SPR_LR        8               
-#define __SPR_CTR       9               
-#define __SPR_VRSAVE    256             /* AltiVec */
-#define __SPR_TBL       268             /* Time-base Lower. Not on PPC 601 */
-#define __SPR_TBU       269             /* Time-base Upper. Not on PPC 601 */
-#define __SPR_UMMCR2    928             /* PPC 74xx */
-#define __SPR_UPMC5     929             /* PPC 745x */
-#define __SPR_UPMC6     930             /* PPC 745x */
-#define __SPR_UBAMR     935             /* PPC 7400 and 7410 */
-#define __SPR_UMMCR0    936             /* PPC 74xx and 750 */
-#define __SPR_UPMC1     937             /* PPC 74xx and 750 */
-#define __SPR_UPMC2     938             /* PPC 74xx and 750 */
-#define __SPR_USIAR     939             /* PPC 74xx and 750 */
-#define __SPR_UMMCR1    940             /* PPC 74xx and 750 */
-#define __SPR_UPMC3     941             /* PPC 74xx and 750 */
-#define __SPR_UPMC4     942             /* PPC 74xx and 750 */
-#define __SPR_PIR       1023            /* supervisor level only! */
- * Shorthand macros for some commonly used SPR's.
- */
-#define __mfxer()               __mfspr(__SPR_XER)
-#define __mflr()                __mfspr(__SPR_LR)
-#define __mfctr()               __mfspr(__SPR_CTR)
-#define __mfvrsave()            __mfspr(__SPR_VRSAVE)
-#define __mftb()                __mfspr(__SPR_TBL)
-#define __mftbu()               __mfspr(__SPR_TBU)
-#define __mtlr(value)           __mtspr(__SPR_LR, value)
-#define __mtxer(value)          __mtspr(__SPR_XER, value)
-#define __mtctr(value)          __mtspr(__SPR_CTR, value)
-#define __mtvrsave(value)       __mtspr(__SPR_VRSAVE, value)
- *               Low-Level Processor Synchronization               *
- *******************************************************************/
- * __eieio - Enforce In-Order Execution of I/O
- *
- *   void __eieio (void);
- */
-#define __eieio() __asm__ ("eieio" : : : "memory")
- * __isync - Instruction Synchronize
- *
- *   void __isync (void);
- */
-#define __isync()       \
-  __asm__ volatile ("isync")
- * __sync - Synchronize
- *
- *  void __sync (void);
- */
-#define __sync() __asm__ volatile ("sync")
- * __lwsync - Lightweight Synchronize, see PPC2.01, Book 2
- *
- *  void __lwsync (void);
- */
-#define __lwsync() __asm__ volatile ("sync 1")
- *                     Byte-Reversing Functions                    *
- *******************************************************************/
- * __lhbrx - Load Half Word Byte-Reverse Indexed
- *
- *   int __lhbrx(void *, int);
- */
-#define __lhbrx(base, index)   \
-  ({ unsigned short __ppc_i_lhbrxResult;       \
-     __asm__ volatile ("lhbrx %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (__ppc_i_lhbrxResult) : "b%" (index), "r" (base) : "memory"); \
-     /*return*/ __ppc_i_lhbrxResult; })
- * __lwbrx - Load Word Byte-Reverse Indexed
- *
- *   int __lwbrx(void *, int);
- */
-#define __lwbrx(base, index)    \
-  ({ unsigned int __ppc_i_lwbrxResult; \
-     __asm__ volatile ("lwbrx %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (__ppc_i_lwbrxResult) : "b%" (index), "r" (base) : "memory"); \
-     /*return*/ __ppc_i_lwbrxResult; })
- * __sthbrx - Store Half Word Byte-Reverse Indexed
- *
- *   int __sthbrx(unsigned short, void *, int);
- */
-#define __sthbrx(value, base, index)    \
-  __asm__ ("sthbrx %0, %1, %2" : : "r" (value), "b%" (index), "r" (base) : "memory")
- * __stwbrx - Store Word Byte-Reverse Indexed
- *
- *   int __sthbrx(unsigned int, void *, int);
- */
-#define __stwbrx(value, base, index)    \
-  __asm__ ("stwbrx %0, %1, %2" : : "r" (value), "b%" (index), "r" (base) : "memory")
- *       Manipulating the Contents of a Variable or Register       *
- *******************************************************************/
- * __cntlzw - Count Leading Zeros Word
- * __cntlzd - Count Leading Zeros Double Word
- */
-#define __cntlzw(a)     __builtin_clz(a)
-#define __cntlzd(a)     __builtin_clzll(a)
- * __rlwimi - Rotate Left Word Immediate then Mask Insert
- *
- *   int __rlwimi(int, long, int, int, int);
- *
- * We don't mention "%1" below: operand[1] needs to be skipped as 
- * it's just a placeholder to let the compiler know that rA is read 
- * from as well as written to. 
- */
-#define __rlwimi(rA, rS, cnt, mb, me)                               \
-  ({ __asm__ ("rlwimi %0,%2,%3,%4,%5" : "=r" (rA)                   \
-              : "0" (rA), "r" (rS), "n" (cnt), "n" (mb), "n" (me)); \
-     /*return*/ rA;})
- * __rlwinm - Rotate Left Word Immediate then AND with Mask
- *
- *   int __rlwinm(long, int, int, int);
- */
-#define __rlwinm(rS, cnt, mb, me)						\
-  ({ unsigned int __ppc_i_val;							\
-     __asm__ ("rlwinm %0,%1,%2,%3,%4" : "=r" (__ppc_i_val)			\
-              : "r" (rS), "n" (cnt), "n" (mb), "n" (me));			\
-     /*return*/ __ppc_i_val;})
- * __rlwnm - Rotate Left Word then AND with Mask
- *
- *   int __rlwnm(long, int, int, int);
- */
-#define __rlwnm(value, leftRotateBits, maskStart, maskEnd)			\
-  ({ unsigned int __ppc_i_result;						\
-     __asm__ ("rlwnm %0, %1, %2, %3, %4" : "=r" (__ppc_i_result) :		\
-              "r" (value), "r" (leftRotateBits), "n" (maskStart), "n" (maskEnd)); \
-     /*return */ __ppc_i_result; })
- *                     Data Cache Manipulation                     *
- *******************************************************************/
- * --- Data Cache Block instructions ---
- *
- * Please see Motorola's "The Programming Environments for 32-Bit 
- * Microprocessors" for a description of what these do.
- *
- *   Parameter descriptions:
- *
- *     base             starting address for figuring out where the 
- *                      cacheline is
- *
- *     index            byte count to be added to the base address for 
- *                      purposes of calculating the effective address 
- *                      of the cacheline to be operated on.  
- *                                      
- *   Effective Address of cacheline to be manipulated = 
- *     (char*) base + index
- *      
- *   WARNING: The size and alignment of cachelines are subject to 
- *     change on future processors!  Cachelines are 32 bytes in 
- *     size and are aligned to 32 bytes on PowerPC 601, 603, 604, 
- *     750, 7400, 7410, 7450, and 7455.
- *
- */
- * __dcba - Data Cache Block Allocate
- *
- *   void __dcba(void *, int)
- *
- * WARNING: dcba is a valid instruction only on PowerPC 7400, 7410, 
- *          7450 and 7455.
- */
-#define __dcba(base, index)     \
-  __asm__ ("dcba %0, %1" : /*no result*/ : "b%" (index), "r" (base) : "memory")
- * __dcbf - Data Cache Block Flush
- *
- *   void __dcbf(void *, int);
- */
-#define __dcbf(base, index)     \
-  __asm__ ("dcbf %0, %1" : /*no result*/ : "b%" (index), "r" (base) : "memory")
- * __dcbst - Data Cache Block Store
- *
- *   void __dcbst(void *, int);
- */
-#define __dcbst(base, index)    \
-  __asm__ ("dcbst %0, %1" : /*no result*/ : "b%" (index), "r" (base) : "memory")
- * __dcbt - Data Cache Block Touch
- *
- *   void __dcbt(void *, int);
- */
-#define __dcbt(base, index)     \
-  __asm__ ("dcbt %0, %1" : /*no result*/ : "b%" (index), "r" (base) : "memory")
- * __dcbtst - Data Cache Block Touch for Store
- *
- *   void __dcbtst(void *, int);
- */
-#define __dcbtst(base, index)   \
-  __asm__ ("dcbtst %0, %1" : /*no result*/ : "b%" (index), "r" (base) : "memory")
- * __dcbzl - Data Cache Block Set to Zero
- *
- *   void __dcbzl(void *, int);
- */
-#define __dcbzl(base, index)     \
-  __asm__ ("dcbzl %0, %1" : /*no result*/ : "b%" (index), "r" (base) : "memory")
- * __dcbz - Data Cache Block Set to Zero (32-bytes only)
- *
- * WARNING: this is for legacy purposes only
- *
- *   void __dcbz(void *, int);
- */
-#define __dcbz(base, index)     \
-  __asm__ ("dcbz %0, %1" : /*no result*/ : "b%" (index), "r" (base) : "memory")
- *              Setting the Floating-Point Environment             *
- *******************************************************************/
- * __setflm - Set Floating-point Mode
- *
- * Sets the FPSCR (floating-point status and control register),
- * returning the original value.
- *
- *   ??? CW: float __setflm(float);
- */
-static inline double __setflm (double newflm) __attribute__((always_inline));
-static inline double 
-__setflm(double newflm)
-  double original;
-  __asm__ ("mffs %0" 
-           /* outputs:  */ : "=f" (original));
-  __asm__ ("mtfsf 255,%0" 
-           /* outputs:  */ : /* none */ 
-           /* inputs:   */ : "f" (newflm));
-  return original;
- *                          Math Functions                         *
- *******************************************************************/
- * __fabs - Floating-Point Absolute Value
- */
-static inline double __fabs (double value) __attribute__((always_inline));
-static inline double 
-__fabs (double value)
-  double result;
-  __asm__ ("fabs %0, %1" 
-           /* outputs:  */ : "=f" (result) 
-           /* inputs:   */ : "f" (value));
-  return result;
- * __fnabs - Floating Negative Absolute Value
- */
-static inline double __fnabs (double b) __attribute__((always_inline));
-static inline double 
-__fnabs (double b)
-  double result;
-  __asm__ ("fnabs %0, %1" 
-           /* outputs:  */ : "=f" (result) 
-           /* inputs:   */ : "f" (b));
-  return result;
- * fctiw - Floating Convert to Integer Word
- *
- * Convert the input value to a signed long and place in the low 32 
- * bits of the FP register.  Clip to LONG_MIN or LONG_MAX if the FP 
- * value exceeds the range representable by a long.  Use the rounding
- * mode indicated in the FPSCR.
- */
-static inline double __fctiw (double b) __attribute__((always_inline));
-static inline double 
-__fctiw (double b)
-  double result;
-  __asm__ ("fctiw %0, %1" 
-           /* outputs:  */ : "=f" (result) 
-           /* inputs:   */ : "f" (b));
-  return result;
- * fctiwz - Floating Convert to Integer Word with Round toward Zero
- *
- * Convert the input value to a signed long and place in the low 32 
- * bits of the FP register.  Clip to LONG_MIN or LONG_MAX if the FP 
- * value exceeds the range representable by a long.
- */
-static inline double __fctiwz (double b) __attribute__((always_inline));
-static inline double 
-__fctiwz (double b)
-  double result;
-  __asm__ ("fctiwz %0, %1" 
-           /* outputs:  */ : "=f" (result) 
-           /* inputs:   */ : "f" (b));
-  return result;
- * fctidz - Floating Convert to Integer Double Word with Round toward Zero
- *
- * Convert the input value to a signed 64-bit int and place in the FP
- * destination register.  Clip to LLONG_MIN (-2**63) or LLONG_MAX (2**63-1) 
- * if the FP value exceeds the range representable by a int64_t.
- * 
- * WARNING: fctidz is a valid instruction only on 64-bit PowerPC 
- */
-static inline double __fctidz (double b) __attribute__((always_inline));
-static inline double 
-__fctidz (double b)
-  double result;
-  __asm__ ("fctidz %0, %1" 
-           /* outputs:  */ : "=f" (result) 
-           /* inputs:   */ : "f" (b));
-  return result;
- * fctid - Floating Convert to Integer Double Word
- *
- * Convert the input value to a signed 64-bit int and place in the FP
- * destination register.  Clip to LLONG_MIN (-2**63) or LLONG_MAX (2**63-1) 
- * if the FP value exceeds the range representable by a int64_t. Use the 
- * rounding mode indicated in the FPSCR.
- * 
- * WARNING: fctid is a valid instruction only on 64-bit PowerPC 
- */
-static inline double __fctid (double b) __attribute__((always_inline));
-static inline double 
-__fctid (double b)
-  double result;
-  __asm__ ("fctid %0, %1" 
-           /* outputs:  */ : "=f" (result) 
-           /* inputs:   */ : "f" (b));
-  return result;
- * fcfid - Floating Convert From Integer Double Word
- *
- * Convert the 64-bit signed integer input value to a 64-bit FP value.  
- * Use the rounding mode indicated in the FPSCR if the integer is out of
- * double precision range.
- * 
- * WARNING: fcfid is a valid instruction only on 64-bit PowerPC 
- */
-static inline double __fcfid (double b) __attribute__((always_inline));
-static inline double 
-__fcfid (double b)
-  double result;
-  __asm__ ("fcfid %0, %1" 
-           /* outputs:  */ : "=f" (result) 
-           /* inputs:   */ : "f" (b));
-  return result;
- * fmadd - Floating Multiply-Add (Double-Precision)
- *
- *   (a * c + b) double precision
- */
-static inline double __fmadd (double a, double c, double b) __attribute__((always_inline));
-static inline double 
-__fmadd (double  a, double c, double b)
-  double result;
-  __asm__ ("fmadd %0, %1, %2, %3" 
-           /* outputs:  */ : "=f" (result) 
-           /* inputs:   */ : "f" (a), "f" (c), "f" (b));
-  return result;
- * fmadds - Floating Multiply-Add Single
- *
- *   (a * c + b) single precision
- *
- * Double precision arguments are used to prevent the compiler from
- * issuing frsp instructions upstream.
- */
-static inline float __fmadds (double a, double c, double b) __attribute__((always_inline));
-static inline float 
-__fmadds (double  a, double c, double b)
-  float result;
-  __asm__ ("fmadds %0, %1, %2, %3" 
-           /* outputs:  */ : "=f" (result) 
-           /* inputs:   */ : "f" (a), "f" (c), "f" (b));
-  return result;
- * fmsub - Floating Multiply-Subract (Double-Precision)
- *
- *   (a * c - b) double precision
- */
-static inline double __fmsub (double a, double c, double b) __attribute__((always_inline));
-static inline double 
-__fmsub (double  a, double c, double b)
-  double result;
-  __asm__ ("fmsub %0, %1, %2, %3" 
-           /* outputs:  */ : "=f" (result) 
-           /* inputs:   */ : "f" (a), "f" (c), "f" (b));
-  return result;
- * fmsubs - Floating Multiply-Subract Single
- *
- *   (a * c - b) single precision
- *
- * Double precision arguments are used to prevent the compiler from
- * issuing frsp instructions upstream.
- */
-static inline float __fmsubs (double a, double c, double b) __attribute__((always_inline));
-static inline float 
-__fmsubs (double  a, double c, double b)
-  float result;
-  __asm__ ("fmsubs %0, %1, %2, %3" 
-           /* outputs:  */ : "=f" (result) 
-           /* inputs:   */ : "f" (a), "f" (c), "f" (b));
-  return result;
- * fmul - Floating Multiply (Double-Precision)
- *
- *   (a * c) double precision
- */
-static inline double __fmul (double a, double c) __attribute__((always_inline));
-static inline double 
-__fmul (double  a, double c)
-  double result;
-  __asm__ ("fmul %0, %1, %2" 
-           /* outputs:  */ : "=f" (result) 
-           /* inputs:   */ : "f" (a), "f" (c));
-  return result;
- * fmuls - Floating Multiply Single
- *
- *   (a * c) single precision
- *
- * Double precision arguments are used to prevent the compiler from
- * issuing frsp instructions upstream.
- */
-static inline float __fmuls (double a, double c) __attribute__((always_inline));
-static inline float 
-__fmuls (double  a, double c)
-  float result;
-  __asm__ ("fmuls %0, %1, %2" 
-           /* outputs:  */ : "=f" (result) 
-           /* inputs:   */ : "f" (a), "f" (c));
-  return result;
- * __fnmadd - Floating Negative Multiply-Add (Double-Precision)
- *
- *   -(a * c + b) double precision
- */
-static inline double __fnmadd (double a, double c, double b) __attribute__((always_inline));
-static inline double 
-__fnmadd (double  a, double c, double b)
-  double result;
-  __asm__ ("fnmadd %0, %1, %2, %3" 
-           /* outputs:  */ : "=f" (result) 
-           /* inputs:   */ : "f" (a), "f" (c), "f" (b));
-  return result;
- * __fnmadds - Floating Negative Multiply-Add Single
- *
- *   -(a * c + b) single precision
- *
- * Double precision arguments are used to prevent the compiler from
- * issuing frsp instructions upstream.
- */
-static inline float __fnmadds (double a, double c, double b) __attribute__((always_inline));
-static inline float 
-__fnmadds (double  a, double c, double b)
-  float result;
-  __asm__ ("fnmadds %0, %1, %2, %3" 
-           /* outputs:  */ : "=f" (result) 
-           /* inputs:   */ : "f" (a), "f" (c), "f" (b));
-  return result;
- * __fnmsub - Floating Negative Multiply-Subtract (Double-Precision)
- *
- *   -(a * c - B) double precision
- */
-static inline double __fnmsub (double a, double c, double b) __attribute__((always_inline));
-static inline double 
-__fnmsub (double  a, double c, double b)
-  double result;
-  __asm__ ("fnmsub %0, %1, %2, %3" 
-           /* outputs:  */ : "=f" (result) 
-           /* inputs:   */ : "f" (a), "f" (c), "f" (b));
-  return result;
- * __fnmsubs - Floating Negative Multiply-Subtract Single
- *
- *   -(a * c - b) single precision
- *
- * Double precision arguments are used to prevent the compiler from
- * issuing frsp instructions upstream.
- */
-static inline float __fnmsubs (double a, double c, double b) __attribute__((always_inline));
-static inline float 
-__fnmsubs (double  a, double c, double b)
-  float result;
-  __asm__ ("fnmsubs %0, %1, %2, %3" 
-           /* outputs:  */ : "=f" (result) 
-           /* inputs:   */ : "f" (a), "f" (c), "f" (b));
-  return result;
- * __fres - Floating Reciprocal Estimate
- *
- * Produces a double precision result with 5 bits of accuracy.
- * Note: not valid on the PowerPC 601.
- *
- * ??? CW: float __fres(float)
- */
-static inline float __fres (float val) __attribute__((always_inline));
-static inline float 
-__fres (float val)
-  float estimate;
-  __asm__ ("fres %0,%1" 
-           /* outputs:  */ : "=f" (estimate) 
-           /* inputs:   */ : "f" (val));
-  return estimate;
- * __frsp - Floating Round to Single-Precision
- */
-static inline float __frsp (double d) __attribute__((always_inline));
-static inline float 
-__frsp (double d)
-  float result;
-  __asm__ ("frsp %0, %1" 
-           /* outputs:  */ : "=f" (result) 
-           /* inputs:   */ : "f" (d));
-  return result;
- * __frsqrte - Floating Reciprocal Square Root Estimate
- *
- * Note: not valid on the PowerPC 601.
- */
-static inline double __frsqrte (double val) __attribute__((always_inline));
-static inline double 
-__frsqrte (double val)
-  double estimate;
-  __asm__ ("frsqrte %0,%1" 
-           /* outputs:  */ : "=f" (estimate) 
-           /* inputs:   */ : "f" (val));
-  return estimate;
- * __frsqrtes - Floating Reciprocal Square Root Estimate Single
- */
-static inline float __frsqrtes (double f) __attribute__((always_inline));
-static inline float 
-__frsqrtes (double f)
-  float result;
-  __asm__ ("frsqrte %0, %1" 
-           /* outputs:  */ : "=f" (result) 
-           /* inputs:   */ : "f" (f));
-  return result;
- * __fsel - Floating Select
- *
- *   if (test >= 0) return a; else return b;
- *
- * Note: not valid on the PowerPC 601.
- */
-static inline double __fsel (double test, double a, double b) __attribute__((always_inline));
-static inline double 
-__fsel (double test, double a, double b)
-  double result;
-  __asm__ ("fsel %0,%1,%2,%3" 
-           /* outputs:  */ : "=f" (result) 
-           /* inputs:   */ : "f" (test), "f" (a), "f" (b));
-  return result;
- * __fsels - Floating Select (Single-Precision variant)
- *
- * An artificial single precision variant of fsel. This produces the 
- * same results as fsel, but is useful because the result is cast as 
- * a float, discouraging the compiler from issuing a frsp instruction 
- * afterward.
- */
-static inline float __fsels (double test, double a, double b) __attribute__((always_inline));
-static inline float 
-__fsels (double test, double a, double b)
-  float result;
-  __asm__ ("fsel %0,%1,%2,%3" 
-           /* outputs:  */ : "=f" (result) 
-           /* inputs:   */ : "f" (test), "f" (a), "f" (b));
-  return result;
- * __fsqrt - Floating-Point Square Root (Double-Precision)
- *
- * WARNING: Illegal instruction for PowerPC 603, 604, 750, 7400, 7410, 
- * 7450, and 7455
- */
-static inline double __fsqrt (double b) __attribute__((always_inline));
-static inline double
-__fsqrt(double d)
-  double result;
-  __asm__ ("fsqrt %0, %1" 
-           /* outputs:  */ : "=f" (result) 
-           /* inputs:   */ : "f" (d));
-  return result;
- * __fsqrts - Floating-Point Square Root Single-Precision
- *
- * WARNING: Illegal instruction for PowerPC 603, 604, 750, 7400, 7410, 
- * 7450, and 7455
- */
-static inline float __fsqrts (float f) __attribute__((always_inline));
-static inline float 
-__fsqrts (float f)
-  float result;
-  __asm__ ("fsqrts %0, %1" 
-           /* outputs:  */ : "=f" (result) 
-           /* inputs:   */ : "f" (f));
-  return result;
- * __mulhw - Multiply High Word
- */
-static inline int __mulhw (int a, int b) __attribute__((always_inline));
-static inline int 
-__mulhw (int a, int b)
-  int result;
-  __asm__ ("mulhw %0, %1, %2" 
-           /* outputs:  */ : "=r" (result) 
-           /* inputs:   */ : "r" (a), "r"(b));
-  return result;
- * __mulhwu - Multiply High Word Unsigned
- */
-static inline unsigned int __mulhwu (unsigned int a, unsigned int b) __attribute__((always_inline));
-static inline unsigned int 
-__mulhwu (unsigned int a, unsigned int b)
-  unsigned int result;
-  __asm__ ("mulhwu %0, %1, %2" 
-           /* outputs:  */ : "=r" (result) 
-           /* inputs:   */ : "r" (a), "r"(b));
-  return result;
- * __stfiwx - Store Floating-Point as Integer Word Indexed
- *
- *   void x(int, void *, int);
- */
-#define __stfiwx(value, base, index)    \
-  __asm__ ("stfiwx %0, %1, %2" : /*no result*/  \
-           : "f" (value), "b%" (index), "r" (base) : "memory")
- *                     Miscellaneous Functions                     *
- *******************************************************************/
- * __nop - no operation (PowerPC preferred form)
- *
- *   void __nop();
- */
-#define __nop()    \
-  __asm__ ("ori 0,0,0")
- * __icbi - Instruction Cache Block Invalidate
- *
- *   void __icbi(void *, int);
- */
-#define __icbi(base, index)    \
-  __asm__ ("icbi %0, %1" : /*no result*/ : "b%" (index), "r" (base) : "memory")
- * __mffs - Move from FPSCR
- */
-static inline double __mffs (void) __attribute__((always_inline));
-static inline double 
-__mffs (void)
-  double result;
-  __asm__ volatile ("mffs %0" 
-                    /* outputs:  */ : "=f" (result));
-  return result;
- * __mfspr - Move from Special Purpose Register
- *
- *   int __mfspr(int);
- */
-#define __mfspr(spr)							\
-  __extension__ ({ long __ppc_i_mfsprResult;				\
-     __asm__ volatile ("mfspr %0, %1" : "=r" (__ppc_i_mfsprResult) : "n" (spr)); \
-     /*return*/ __ppc_i_mfsprResult; })
- * __mtfsf - Move to SPSCR Fields
- *
- *   void __mtfsf(int, int);
- */
-#define __mtfsf(mask, newValue) \
-  __asm__ volatile ("mtfsf %0, %1" : : "n" (mask), "f" (newValue))
- * __mtspr - Move to Special Purpose Register
- *
- *   __mtspr x(int, int);
- */
-#define __mtspr(spr, value)     \
-  __asm__ volatile ("mtspr %0, %1" : : "n" (spr), "r" (value))
- * __OSReadSwapSInt16
- *
- * lhbrx for signed shorts.  This will do the required sign 
- * extension after load and byteswap.
- */
-static inline signed short __OSReadSwapSInt16 (signed short *base, int index) __attribute__((always_inline));
-static inline signed short 
-__OSReadSwapSInt16 (signed short *base, int index)
-  signed long result;
-  __asm__ volatile ("lhbrx %0, %1, %2" 
-		    /* outputs:  */ : "=r" (result) 
-		    /* inputs:   */ : "b%" (index), "r" (base) 
-		    /* clobbers: */ : "memory");
-  return result;
- * __OSReadSwapUInt16
- */
-static inline unsigned short __OSReadSwapUInt16 (volatile void *base, int inex) __attribute__((always_inline));
-static inline unsigned short 
-__OSReadSwapUInt16 (volatile void *base, int index)
-  unsigned long result;
-  __asm__ volatile ("lhbrx %0, %1, %2"
-		    /* outputs:  */ : "=r" (result)
-		    /* inputs:   */ : "b" (index), "r" (base)
-		    /* clobbers: */ : "memory");
-  return result;
- * __astrcmp - assembly strcmp
- */
-static inline int astrcmp (const char *in_s1, const char *in_s2) __attribute__((always_inline));
-static inline int 
-astrcmp (const char *in_s1, const char *in_s2)
-  int result, temp;
-  register const char *s1 = in_s1 - 1;
-  register const char *s2 = in_s2 - 1;
-  __asm__ ("1:lbzu %0,1(%1)\n"
-           "\tcmpwi cr1,%0,0\n"
-           "\tlbzu %3,1(%2)\n"
-           "\tsubf. %0,%3,%0\n"
-           "\tbeq- cr1,2f\n"
-           "\tbeq+ 1b\n2:"
-            /* outputs: */  : "=&r" (result), "+b" (s1), "+b" (s2), "=r" (temp)
-            /* inputs: */   : 
-            /* clobbers: */ : "cr0", "cr1", "memory");
-  return result;
-  /*
-   * "=&r" (result)     means: 'result' is written on (the '='), it's any GP
-   *                    register (the 'r'), and it must not be the same as
-   *                    any of the input registers (the '&').
-   * "+b" (s1)          means: 's1' is read from and written to (the '+'),
-   *                    and it must be a base GP register (i.e., not R0.)
-   * "=r" (temp)        means: 'temp' is any GP reg and it's only written to.
-   * 
-   * "memory"           in the 'clobbers' section means that gcc will make
-   *                    sure that anything that should be in memory IS there
-   *                    before calling this routine.
-   */
-#endif  /* (defined(__ppc__) || defined(__ppc64__)) && ! defined(__MWERKS__) */
-#endif /* _PPC_INTRINSICS_H_ */
diff --git a/include/gcc/darwin/4.2/stdarg.h b/include/gcc/darwin/4.2/stdarg.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e12e163..0000000
--- a/include/gcc/darwin/4.2/stdarg.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-/* This file is public domain.  */
-#ifdef __MWERKS__
-#include "mw_stdarg.h"
-#error "This header only supports __MWERKS__."
diff --git a/include/gcc/darwin/4.2/stdint.h b/include/gcc/darwin/4.2/stdint.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 261eba1..0000000
--- a/include/gcc/darwin/4.2/stdint.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2008 Apple Computer, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- */
-#ifndef _STDINT_H_
-#define _STDINT_H_
-#if defined(__LP64__) && __LP64__
-#define __WORDSIZE 64
-#define __WORDSIZE 32
-/* from ISO/IEC 988:1999 spec */
-/* Exact-width integer types */
-#ifndef _INT8_T
-#define _INT8_T
-typedef signed char           int8_t;
-#endif /*_INT8_T */
-#ifndef _INT16_T
-#define _INT16_T
-typedef short                int16_t;
-#endif /* _INT16_T */
-#ifndef _INT32_T
-#define _INT32_T
-typedef int                  int32_t;
-#endif /* _INT32_T */
-#ifndef _INT64_T
-#define _INT64_T
-typedef long long            int64_t;
-#endif /* _INT64_T */
-#ifndef _UINT8_T
-#define _UINT8_T
-typedef unsigned char         uint8_t;
-#endif /*_UINT8_T */
-#ifndef _UINT16_T
-#define _UINT16_T
-typedef unsigned short       uint16_t;
-#endif /* _UINT16_T */
-#ifndef _UINT32_T
-#define _UINT32_T
-typedef unsigned int         uint32_t;
-#endif /* _UINT32_T */
-#ifndef _UINT64_T
-#define _UINT64_T
-typedef unsigned long long   uint64_t;
-#endif /* _UINT64_T */
-/* Minimum-width integer types */
-typedef int8_t           int_least8_t;
-typedef int16_t         int_least16_t;
-typedef int32_t         int_least32_t;
-typedef int64_t         int_least64_t;
-typedef uint8_t         uint_least8_t;
-typedef uint16_t       uint_least16_t;
-typedef uint32_t       uint_least32_t;
-typedef uint64_t       uint_least64_t;
-/* Fastest-width integer types */
-typedef int8_t            int_fast8_t;
-typedef int16_t          int_fast16_t;
-typedef int32_t          int_fast32_t;
-typedef int64_t          int_fast64_t;
-typedef uint8_t          uint_fast8_t;
-typedef uint16_t        uint_fast16_t;
-typedef uint32_t        uint_fast32_t;
-typedef uint64_t        uint_fast64_t;
-/* Integer types capable of holding object pointers */
-#ifndef _INTPTR_T
-#define _INTPTR_T
-typedef long   intptr_t;
-#endif /* _INTPTR_T */
-#ifndef _UINTPTR_T
-#define _UINTPTR_T
-typedef unsigned long   uintptr_t;
-#endif /* _UINTPTR_T */
-/* Greatest-width integer types */
-#ifndef _INTMAX_T
-#define _INTMAX_T
-#ifdef __INTMAX_TYPE__
-typedef __INTMAX_TYPE__             intmax_t;
-#else /* __INTMAX_TYPE__ */
-typedef long long                intmax_t;
-#endif /* __INTMAX_TYPE__ */
-#endif /* _INTMAX_T */
-#ifndef _UINTMAX_T
-#define _UINTMAX_T
-#ifdef __UINTMAX_TYPE__
-typedef __UINTMAX_TYPE__             uintmax_t;
-#else /* __UINTMAX_TYPE__ */
-typedef unsigned long long      uintmax_t;
-#endif /* __UINTMAX_TYPE__ */
-#endif /* _UINTMAX_T */
-/* 7.18.2 Limits of specified-width integer types:
- *   These #defines specify the minimum and maximum limits
- *   of each of the types declared above.
- */
-/* Limits of exact-width integer types */
-#define INT8_MAX         127
-#define INT16_MAX        32767
-#define INT32_MAX        2147483647
-#define INT64_MAX        9223372036854775807LL
-#define INT8_MIN          -128
-#define INT16_MIN         -32768
-   /*
-      Note:  the literal "most negative int" cannot be written in C --
-      the rules in the standard (section in C99) will give it
-      an unsigned type, so INT32_MIN (and the most negative member of
-      any larger signed type) must be written via a constant expression.
-   */
-#define INT32_MIN        (-INT32_MAX-1)
-#define INT64_MIN        (-INT64_MAX-1)
-#define UINT8_MAX         255
-#define UINT16_MAX        65535
-#define UINT32_MAX        4294967295U
-#define UINT64_MAX        18446744073709551615ULL
-/* Limits of minimum-width integer types */
-#define INT_LEAST8_MIN    INT8_MIN
-#define INT_LEAST16_MIN   INT16_MIN
-#define INT_LEAST32_MIN   INT32_MIN
-#define INT_LEAST64_MIN   INT64_MIN
-#define INT_LEAST8_MAX    INT8_MAX
-#define INT_LEAST16_MAX   INT16_MAX
-#define INT_LEAST32_MAX   INT32_MAX
-#define INT_LEAST64_MAX   INT64_MAX
-/* Limits of fastest minimum-width integer types */
-#define INT_FAST8_MIN     INT8_MIN
-#define INT_FAST16_MIN    INT16_MIN
-#define INT_FAST32_MIN    INT32_MIN
-#define INT_FAST64_MIN    INT64_MIN
-#define INT_FAST8_MAX     INT8_MAX
-#define INT_FAST16_MAX    INT16_MAX
-#define INT_FAST32_MAX    INT32_MAX
-#define INT_FAST64_MAX    INT64_MAX
-#define UINT_FAST8_MAX    UINT8_MAX
-#define UINT_FAST16_MAX   UINT16_MAX
-#define UINT_FAST32_MAX   UINT32_MAX
-#define UINT_FAST64_MAX   UINT64_MAX
-/* Limits of integer types capable of holding object pointers */
-#if __WORDSIZE == 64
-#define INTPTR_MIN	  INT64_MIN
-#define INTPTR_MAX	  INT64_MAX
-#define INTPTR_MIN        INT32_MIN
-#define INTPTR_MAX        INT32_MAX
-#if __WORDSIZE == 64
-#define UINTPTR_MAX       UINT32_MAX
-/* Limits of greatest-width integer types */
-#define INTMAX_MIN        INT64_MIN
-#define INTMAX_MAX        INT64_MAX
-#define UINTMAX_MAX       UINT64_MAX
-/* 7.18.3 "Other" */
-#if __WORDSIZE == 64
-#define PTRDIFF_MIN	  INT64_MIN
-#define PTRDIFF_MAX	  INT64_MAX
-#define PTRDIFF_MIN       INT32_MIN
-#define PTRDIFF_MAX       INT32_MAX
-/* We have no sig_atomic_t yet, so no SIG_ATOMIC_{MIN,MAX}.
-   Should end up being {-127,127} or {0,255} ... or bigger.
-   My bet would be on one of {U}INT32_{MIN,MAX}. */
-#if __WORDSIZE == 64
-#define SIZE_MAX	  UINT64_MAX
-#define SIZE_MAX          UINT32_MAX
-#ifndef WCHAR_MAX
-#  ifdef __WCHAR_MAX__
-#    define WCHAR_MAX     __WCHAR_MAX__
-#  else
-#    define WCHAR_MAX     0x7fffffff
-#  endif
-/* WCHAR_MIN should be 0 if wchar_t is an unsigned type and
-   (-WCHAR_MAX-1) if wchar_t is a signed type.  Unfortunately,
-   it turns out that -fshort-wchar changes the signedness of
-   the type. */
-#ifndef WCHAR_MIN
-#  if WCHAR_MAX == 0xffff
-#    define WCHAR_MIN       0
-#  else
-#    define WCHAR_MIN       (-WCHAR_MAX-1)
-#  endif
-#define WINT_MIN	  INT32_MIN
-#define WINT_MAX	  INT32_MAX
-/* 7.18.4 Macros for integer constants */
-#define INT8_C(v)    (v)
-#define INT16_C(v)   (v)
-#define INT32_C(v)   (v)
-#define INT64_C(v)   (v ## LL)
-#define UINT8_C(v)   (v ## U)
-#define UINT16_C(v)  (v ## U)
-#define UINT32_C(v)  (v ## U)
-#define UINT64_C(v)  (v ## ULL)
-#define INTMAX_C(v)  (v ## LL)
-#define UINTMAX_C(v) (v ## ULL)
-#endif /* _STDINT_H_ */
diff --git a/include/gcc/darwin/4.2/varargs.h b/include/gcc/darwin/4.2/varargs.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 83188ca..0000000
--- a/include/gcc/darwin/4.2/varargs.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-/* This file is public domain.  */
-#ifdef __MWERKS__
-#include "mw_varargs.h"
-#error "This header only supports __MWERKS__."
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/crt3.o b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/crt3.o
deleted file mode 100644
index 8609d11..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/crt3.o
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/README b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 7086a77..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-This README file is copied into the directory for GCC-only header files
-when fixincludes is run by the makefile for GCC.
-Many of the files in this directory were automatically edited from the
-standard system header files by the fixincludes process.  They are
-system-specific, and will not work on any other kind of system.  They
-are also not part of GCC.  The reason we have to do this is because
-GCC requires ANSI C headers and many vendors supply ANSI-incompatible
-Because this is an automated process, sometimes headers get "fixed"
-that do not, strictly speaking, need a fix.  As long as nothing is broken
-by the process, it is just an unfortunate collateral inconvenience.
-We would like to rectify it, if it is not "too inconvenient".
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/ammintrin.h b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/ammintrin.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a466d9..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/ammintrin.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-/* APPLE LOCAL file 5612787 mainline sse4 */
-/* Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-   This file is part of GCC.
-   GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-   any later version.
-   GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-   GNU General Public License for more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-   along with GCC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-   the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-   Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.  */
-/* As a special exception, if you include this header file into source
-   files compiled by GCC, this header file does not by itself cause
-   the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
-   License.  This exception does not however invalidate any other
-   reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
-   Public License.  */
-/* Implemented from the specification included in the AMD Programmers
-   Manual Update, version 2.x */
-#ifndef __SSE4A__
-# error "SSE4A instruction set not enabled"
-/* We need definitions from the SSE3, SSE2 and SSE header files*/
-#include <pmmintrin.h>
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin nodebug inline 4152603 */
-#define __always_inline__ __always_inline__, __nodebug__
-/* APPLE LOCAL end nodebug inline 4152603 */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-#ifdef __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__
-#define __STATIC_INLINE __inline
-#define __STATIC_INLINE static __inline
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_stream_sd (double * __P, __m128d __Y)
-  __builtin_ia32_movntsd (__P, (__v2df) __Y);
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_stream_ss (float * __P, __m128 __Y)
-  __builtin_ia32_movntss (__P, (__v4sf) __Y);
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_extract_si64 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_extrq ((__v2di) __X, (__v16qi) __Y);
-#ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_extracti_si64 (__m128i __X, unsigned const int __I, unsigned const int __L)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_extrqi ((__v2di) __X, __I, __L);
-#define _mm_extracti_si64(X, I, L) \
-  ((__m128i) __builtin_ia32_extrqi ((__v2di)(X), I, L))
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_insert_si64 (__m128i __X,__m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_insertq ((__v2di)__X, (__v2di)__Y);
-#ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_inserti_si64(__m128i __X, __m128i __Y, unsigned const int __I, unsigned const int __L)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_insertqi ((__v2di)__X, (__v2di)__Y, __I, __L);
-#define _mm_inserti_si64(X, Y, I, L) \
-  ((__m128i) __builtin_ia32_insertqi ((__v2di)(X), (__v2di)(Y), I, L))
-#endif /* __SSE4A__ */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin nodebug inline 4152603 */
-#undef __always_inline__
-/* APPLE LOCAL end nodebug inline 4152603 */
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/decfloat.h b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/decfloat.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 03e0a7b..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/decfloat.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GCC.
-GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with GCC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.  */
-/* As a special exception, if you include this header file into source
-   files compiled by GCC, this header file does not by itself cause
-   the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
-   License.  This exception does not however invalidate any other
-   reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
-   Public License.  */
- * Draft C Extension to support decimal floating-pointing arithmetic:  
- * Characteristics of decimal floating types <decfloat.h>
- */
-#ifndef _DECFLOAT_H___
-#define _DECFLOAT_H___
-/* Number of base-FLT_RADIX digits in the significand, p.  */
-#undef DEC32_MANT_DIG
-#undef DEC64_MANT_DIG
-#undef DEC128_MANT_DIG
-#define DEC32_MANT_DIG	__DEC32_MANT_DIG__
-#define DEC64_MANT_DIG	__DEC64_MANT_DIG__
-#define DEC128_MANT_DIG	__DEC128_MANT_DIG__
-/* Minimum exponent. */
-#undef DEC32_MIN_EXP
-#undef DEC64_MIN_EXP
-#undef DEC128_MIN_EXP
-#define DEC32_MIN_EXP	__DEC32_MIN_EXP__
-#define DEC64_MIN_EXP	__DEC64_MIN_EXP__
-#define DEC128_MIN_EXP	__DEC128_MIN_EXP__
-/* Maximum exponent. */
-#undef DEC32_MAX_EXP
-#undef DEC64_MAX_EXP
-#undef DEC128_MAX_EXP
-#define DEC32_MAX_EXP	__DEC32_MAX_EXP__
-#define DEC64_MAX_EXP	__DEC64_MAX_EXP__
-#define DEC128_MAX_EXP	__DEC128_MAX_EXP__
-/* Maximum representable finite decimal floating-point number
-   (there are 6, 15, and 33 9s after the decimal points respectively). */
-#undef DEC32_MAX
-#undef DEC64_MAX
-#undef DEC128_MAX
-#define DEC32_MAX   __DEC32_MAX__
-#define DEC64_MAX   __DEC64_MAX__
-#define DEC128_MAX  __DEC128_MAX__
-/* The difference between 1 and the least value greater than 1 that is
-   representable in the given floating point type. */
-#undef DEC32_EPSILON
-#undef DEC64_EPSILON
-#undef DEC128_EPSILON
-#define DEC32_EPSILON	__DEC32_EPSILON__
-#define DEC64_EPSILON	__DEC64_EPSILON__
-#define DEC128_EPSILON	__DEC128_EPSILON__
-/* Minimum normalized positive floating-point number. */
-#undef DEC32_MIN
-#undef DEC64_MIN
-#undef DEC128_MIN
-#define DEC32_MIN	__DEC32_MIN__
-#define DEC64_MIN	__DEC64_MIN__
-#define DEC128_MIN	__DEC128_MIN__
-/* Minimum denormalized positive floating-point number. */
-#undef DEC32_DEN
-#undef DEC64_DEN
-#undef DEC128_DEN
-#define DEC32_DEN       __DEC32_DEN__
-#define DEC64_DEN       __DEC64_DEN__
-#define DEC128_DEN      __DEC128_DEN__
-/* The floating-point expression evaluation method.
-         -1  indeterminate
-         0  evaluate all operations and constants just to the range and
-            precision of the type
-         1  evaluate operations and constants of type _Decimal32 
-	    and _Decimal64 to the range and precision of the _Decimal64 
-            type, evaluate _Decimal128 operations and constants to the 
-	    range and precision of the _Decimal128 type;
-	 2  evaluate all operations and constants to the range and
-	    precision of the _Decimal128 type.
-#endif /* _DECFLOAT_H___ */
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/emmintrin.h b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/emmintrin.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 72e83d7..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/emmintrin.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2077 +0,0 @@
-/* APPLE LOCAL file mainline 2005-06-30 Radar 4131077 */
-/* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-   This file is part of GCC.
-   GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-   any later version.
-   GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-   GNU General Public License for more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-   along with GCC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-   the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-   Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.  */
-/* As a special exception, if you include this header file into source
-   files compiled by GCC, this header file does not by itself cause
-   the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
-   License.  This exception does not however invalidate any other
-   reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
-   Public License.  */
-/* Implemented from the specification included in the Intel C++ Compiler
-   User Guide and Reference, version 9.0.  */
-#ifdef __SSE2__
-#include <xmmintrin.h>
-/* SSE2 */
-typedef double __v2df __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (16)));
-typedef long long __v2di __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (16)));
-typedef int __v4si __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (16)));
-typedef short __v8hi __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (16)));
-typedef char __v16qi __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (16)));
-/* The Intel API is flexible enough that we must allow aliasing with other
-   vector types, and their scalar components.  */
-typedef long long __m128i __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (16), __may_alias__));
-typedef double __m128d __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (16), __may_alias__));
-#if defined(__clang__) && defined(WITH_SYNTAX_CHECK)
-/* Workaround for "clang -fsyntax-only" happens to use this header, but may
- * choke on something not supported in clang
- */
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_addpd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_addsd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_andnpd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_andpd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_cmpeqpd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_cmpeqsd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_cmpgepd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_cmpgtpd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_cmplepd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_cmplesd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_cmpltpd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_cmpltsd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_cmpneqpd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_cmpneqsd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_cmpngepd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_cmpngtpd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_cmpnlepd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_cmpnlesd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_cmpnltpd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_cmpnltsd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_cmpordpd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_cmpordsd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_cmpunordpd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_cmpunordsd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_cvtsi2sd (__v2df, int);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_cvtss2sd (__v2df, __v4sf);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_divpd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_divsd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_loadhpd (__v2df, double const *);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_loadlpd (__v2df, double const *);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_movsd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_mulpd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_mulsd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_orpd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_shufpd (__v2df, __v2df, const int);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_subpd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_subsd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_unpckhpd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_unpcklpd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_xorpd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128i  __builtin_ia32_loaddqu (char const *);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_movq128 (__v2di);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_paddb128 (__v16qi, __v16qi);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_paddd128 (__v4si, __v4si);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_paddq128 (__v2di, __v2di);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_paddw128 (__v8hi, __v8hi);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_pand128 (__v2di, __v2di);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_pandn128 (__v2di, __v2di);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_pcmpeqb128 (__v16qi, __v16qi);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_pcmpeqd128 (__v4si, __v4si);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_pcmpeqw128 (__v8hi, __v8hi);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_pcmpgtb128 (__v16qi, __v16qi);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_pcmpgtb128 (__v16qi, __v16qi);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_pcmpgtd128 (__v4si, __v4si);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_pcmpgtd128 (__v4si, __v4si);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_pcmpgtw128 (__v8hi, __v8hi);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_pcmpgtw128 (__v8hi, __v8hi);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_pmullw128 (__v8hi, __v8hi);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_por128 (__v2di, __v2di);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_pshufd (__v4si, const int);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_pshufhw (__v8hi, const int);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_pshuflw (__v8hi, const int);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_pslldqi128 (__m128i, const int);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_psrldqi128 (__m128i, const int);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_psubb128 (__v16qi, __v16qi);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_psubd128 (__v4si, __v4si);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_psubq128 (__v2di, __v2di);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_psubw128 (__v8hi, __v8hi);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_punpckhbw128 (__v16qi, __v16qi);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_punpckhdq128 (__v4si, __v4si);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_punpckhqdq128 (__v2di, __v2di);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_punpckhwd128 (__v8hi, __v8hi);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_punpcklbw128 (__v16qi, __v16qi);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_punpckldq128 (__v4si, __v4si);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_punpcklqdq128 (__v2di, __v2di);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_punpcklwd128 (__v8hi, __v8hi);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_pxor128 (__v2di, __v2di);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_vec_set_v8hi (__v8hi, const int, const int);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_loadupd (double const *);
-int __builtin_ia32_cvttsd2si (__v2df);
-double __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v2df (__m128d, const int);
-int __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v4si (__v4si, const int);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_cvtsd2ss (__v4sf, __v2df);
-long long __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v2di (__v2di, const int);
-unsigned short __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v8hi (__v8hi, const int);
-long long __builtin_ia32_cvttsd2si64 (__v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_cvtsi642sd (__v2df, long long);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_loadlv4si (__v2si *);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_movqv4si (__v4si);
-void __builtin_ia32_storelv4si (__v2si *, __m128i);
-/* Create a selector for use with the SHUFPD instruction.  */
-#define _MM_SHUFFLE2(fp1,fp0) \
- (((fp1) << 1) | (fp0))
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin nodebug inline 4152603 */
-#define __always_inline__ __always_inline__, __nodebug__
-/* APPLE LOCAL end nodebug inline 4152603 */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-#ifdef __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__
-#define __STATIC_INLINE __inline
-#define __STATIC_INLINE static __inline
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 4152603 */
-/* Create a vector with element 0 as F and the rest zero.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_set_sd (double __F)
-  return __extension__ (__m128d){ __F, 0 };
-/* Create a vector with both elements equal to F.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_set1_pd (double __F)
-  return __extension__ (__m128d){ __F, __F };
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_set_pd1 (double __F)
-  return _mm_set1_pd (__F);
-/* Create a vector with the lower value X and upper value W.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_set_pd (double __W, double __X)
-  return __extension__ (__m128d){ __X, __W };
-/* Create a vector with the lower value W and upper value X.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_setr_pd (double __W, double __X)
-  return __extension__ (__m128d){ __W, __X };
-/* Create a vector of zeros.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_setzero_pd (void)
-  return __extension__ (__m128d){ 0.0, 0.0 };
-/* Sets the low DPFP value of A from the low value of B.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_move_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d) __builtin_ia32_movsd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* Load two DPFP values from P.  The address must be 16-byte aligned.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_load_pd (double const *__P)
-  return *(__m128d *)__P;
-/* Load two DPFP values from P.  The address need not be 16-byte aligned.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_loadu_pd (double const *__P)
-  return __builtin_ia32_loadupd (__P);
-/* Create a vector with all two elements equal to *P.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_load1_pd (double const *__P)
-  return _mm_set1_pd (*__P);
-/* Create a vector with element 0 as *P and the rest zero.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_load_sd (double const *__P)
-  return _mm_set_sd (*__P);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_load_pd1 (double const *__P)
-  return _mm_load1_pd (__P);
-/* Load two DPFP values in reverse order.  The address must be aligned.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_loadr_pd (double const *__P)
-  __m128d __tmp = _mm_load_pd (__P);
-  return __builtin_ia32_shufpd (__tmp, __tmp, _MM_SHUFFLE2 (0,1));
-/* Store two DPFP values.  The address must be 16-byte aligned.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_store_pd (double *__P, __m128d __A)
-  *(__m128d *)__P = __A;
-/* Store two DPFP values.  The address need not be 16-byte aligned.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_storeu_pd (double *__P, __m128d __A)
-  __builtin_ia32_storeupd (__P, __A);
-/* Stores the lower DPFP value.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_store_sd (double *__P, __m128d __A)
-  *__P = __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v2df (__A, 0);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE double __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtsd_f64 (__m128d __A)
-  return __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v2df (__A, 0);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_storel_pd (double *__P, __m128d __A)
-  _mm_store_sd (__P, __A);
-/* Stores the upper DPFP value.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_storeh_pd (double *__P, __m128d __A)
-  *__P = __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v2df (__A, 1);
-/* Store the lower DPFP value across two words.
-   The address must be 16-byte aligned.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_store1_pd (double *__P, __m128d __A)
-  _mm_store_pd (__P, __builtin_ia32_shufpd (__A, __A, _MM_SHUFFLE2 (0,0)));
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_store_pd1 (double *__P, __m128d __A)
-  _mm_store1_pd (__P, __A);
-/* Store two DPFP values in reverse order.  The address must be aligned.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_storer_pd (double *__P, __m128d __A)
-  _mm_store_pd (__P, __builtin_ia32_shufpd (__A, __A, _MM_SHUFFLE2 (0,1)));
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtsi128_si32 (__m128i __A)
-  return __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v4si ((__v4si)__A, 0);
-#ifdef __x86_64__
-/* Intel intrinsic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE long long __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtsi128_si64 (__m128i __A)
-  return __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v2di ((__v2di)__A, 0);
-/* Microsoft intrinsic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE long long __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtsi128_si64x (__m128i __A)
-  return __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v2di ((__v2di)__A, 0);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_add_pd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_addpd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_add_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_addsd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sub_pd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_subpd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sub_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_subsd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_mul_pd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_mulpd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_mul_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_mulsd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_div_pd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_divpd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_div_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_divsd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sqrt_pd (__m128d __A)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_sqrtpd ((__v2df)__A);
-/* Return pair {sqrt (A[0), B[1]}.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sqrt_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  __v2df __tmp = __builtin_ia32_movsd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_sqrtsd ((__v2df)__tmp);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_min_pd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_minpd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_min_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_minsd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_max_pd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_maxpd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_max_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_maxsd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_and_pd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_andpd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_andnot_pd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_andnpd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_or_pd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_orpd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_xor_pd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_xorpd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpeq_pd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpeqpd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmplt_pd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpltpd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmple_pd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmplepd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpgt_pd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpgtpd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpge_pd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpgepd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpneq_pd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpneqpd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpnlt_pd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpnltpd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpnle_pd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpnlepd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpngt_pd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpngtpd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpnge_pd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpngepd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpord_pd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpordpd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpunord_pd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpunordpd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpeq_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpeqsd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmplt_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpltsd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmple_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmplesd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpgt_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d) __builtin_ia32_movsd ((__v2df) __A,
-					 (__v2df)
-					 __builtin_ia32_cmpltsd ((__v2df) __B,
-								 (__v2df)
-								 __A));
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpge_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d) __builtin_ia32_movsd ((__v2df) __A,
-					 (__v2df)
-					 __builtin_ia32_cmplesd ((__v2df) __B,
-								 (__v2df)
-								 __A));
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpneq_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpneqsd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpnlt_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpnltsd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpnle_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpnlesd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpngt_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d) __builtin_ia32_movsd ((__v2df) __A,
-					 (__v2df)
-					 __builtin_ia32_cmpnltsd ((__v2df) __B,
-								  (__v2df)
-								  __A));
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpnge_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d) __builtin_ia32_movsd ((__v2df) __A,
-					 (__v2df)
-					 __builtin_ia32_cmpnlesd ((__v2df) __B,
-								  (__v2df)
-								  __A));
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpord_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpordsd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpunord_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpunordsd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_comieq_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_comisdeq ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_comilt_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_comisdlt ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_comile_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_comisdle ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_comigt_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_comisdgt ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_comige_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_comisdge ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_comineq_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_comisdneq ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_ucomieq_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_ucomisdeq ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_ucomilt_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_ucomisdlt ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_ucomile_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_ucomisdle ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_ucomigt_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_ucomisdgt ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_ucomige_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_ucomisdge ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_ucomineq_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_ucomisdneq ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* Create a vector of Qi, where i is the element number.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_set_epi64x (long long __q1, long long __q0)
-  return __extension__ (__m128i)(__v2di){ __q0, __q1 };
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_set_epi64 (__m64 __q1,  __m64 __q0)
-  return _mm_set_epi64x ((long long)__q1, (long long)__q0);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_set_epi32 (int __q3, int __q2, int __q1, int __q0)
-  return __extension__ (__m128i)(__v4si){ __q0, __q1, __q2, __q3 };
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_set_epi16 (short __q7, short __q6, short __q5, short __q4,
-	       short __q3, short __q2, short __q1, short __q0)
-  return __extension__ (__m128i)(__v8hi){
-    __q0, __q1, __q2, __q3, __q4, __q5, __q6, __q7 };
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_set_epi8 (char __q15, char __q14, char __q13, char __q12,
-	      char __q11, char __q10, char __q09, char __q08,
-	      char __q07, char __q06, char __q05, char __q04,
-	      char __q03, char __q02, char __q01, char __q00)
-  return __extension__ (__m128i)(__v16qi){
-    __q00, __q01, __q02, __q03, __q04, __q05, __q06, __q07,
-    __q08, __q09, __q10, __q11, __q12, __q13, __q14, __q15
-  };
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin 4220129 */
-/* functions moved to end of file */
-/* APPLE LOCAL end 4220129 */
-/* Create a vector of Qi, where i is the element number.
-   The parameter order is reversed from the _mm_set_epi* functions.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_setr_epi64 (__m64 __q0, __m64 __q1)
-  return _mm_set_epi64 (__q1, __q0);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_setr_epi32 (int __q0, int __q1, int __q2, int __q3)
-  return _mm_set_epi32 (__q3, __q2, __q1, __q0);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_setr_epi16 (short __q0, short __q1, short __q2, short __q3,
-	        short __q4, short __q5, short __q6, short __q7)
-  return _mm_set_epi16 (__q7, __q6, __q5, __q4, __q3, __q2, __q1, __q0);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_setr_epi8 (char __q00, char __q01, char __q02, char __q03,
-	       char __q04, char __q05, char __q06, char __q07,
-	       char __q08, char __q09, char __q10, char __q11,
-	       char __q12, char __q13, char __q14, char __q15)
-  return _mm_set_epi8 (__q15, __q14, __q13, __q12, __q11, __q10, __q09, __q08,
-		       __q07, __q06, __q05, __q04, __q03, __q02, __q01, __q00);
-/* Create a vector with element 0 as *P and the rest zero.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_load_si128 (__m128i const *__P)
-  return *__P;
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_loadu_si128 (__m128i const *__P)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_loaddqu ((char const *)__P);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin 4099020 */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_loadl_epi64 (__m128i const *__P)
-  return  (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_loadlv4si ((__v2si *)__P);
-/* APPLE LOCAL end 4099020 */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_store_si128 (__m128i *__P, __m128i __B)
-  *__P = __B;
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_storeu_si128 (__m128i *__P, __m128i __B)
-  __builtin_ia32_storedqu ((char *)__P, (__v16qi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin 4099020 */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_storel_epi64 (__m128i *__P, __m128i __B)
-  __builtin_ia32_storelv4si ((__v2si *)__P, __B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL end 4099020 */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_movepi64_pi64 (__m128i __B)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v2di ((__v2di)__B, 0);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_movpi64_epi64 (__m64 __A)
-  return _mm_set_epi64 ((__m64)0LL, __A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin 4099020 */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_move_epi64 (__m128i __A)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_movqv4si ((__v4si)__A) ;
-/* APPLE LOCAL end 4099020 */
-/* Create a vector of zeros.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_setzero_si128 (void)
-  return __extension__ (__m128i)(__v4si){ 0, 0, 0, 0 };
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtepi32_pd (__m128i __A)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cvtdq2pd ((__v4si) __A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtepi32_ps (__m128i __A)
-  return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_cvtdq2ps ((__v4si) __A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtpd_epi32 (__m128d __A)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_cvtpd2dq ((__v2df) __A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtpd_pi32 (__m128d __A)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_cvtpd2pi ((__v2df) __A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtpd_ps (__m128d __A)
-  return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_cvtpd2ps ((__v2df) __A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvttpd_epi32 (__m128d __A)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_cvttpd2dq ((__v2df) __A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvttpd_pi32 (__m128d __A)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_cvttpd2pi ((__v2df) __A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtpi32_pd (__m64 __A)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cvtpi2pd ((__v2si) __A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtps_epi32 (__m128 __A)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_cvtps2dq ((__v4sf) __A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvttps_epi32 (__m128 __A)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_cvttps2dq ((__v4sf) __A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtps_pd (__m128 __A)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cvtps2pd ((__v4sf) __A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtsd_si32 (__m128d __A)
-  return __builtin_ia32_cvtsd2si ((__v2df) __A);
-#ifdef __x86_64__
-/* Intel intrinsic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE long long __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtsd_si64 (__m128d __A)
-  return __builtin_ia32_cvtsd2si64 ((__v2df) __A);
-/* Microsoft intrinsic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE long long __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtsd_si64x (__m128d __A)
-  return __builtin_ia32_cvtsd2si64 ((__v2df) __A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvttsd_si32 (__m128d __A)
-  return __builtin_ia32_cvttsd2si ((__v2df) __A);
-#ifdef __x86_64__
-/* Intel intrinsic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE long long __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvttsd_si64 (__m128d __A)
-  return __builtin_ia32_cvttsd2si64 ((__v2df) __A);
-/* Microsoft intrinsic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE long long __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvttsd_si64x (__m128d __A)
-  return __builtin_ia32_cvttsd2si64 ((__v2df) __A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtsd_ss (__m128 __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_cvtsd2ss ((__v4sf) __A, (__v2df) __B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtsi32_sd (__m128d __A, int __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cvtsi2sd ((__v2df) __A, __B);
-#ifdef __x86_64__
-/* Intel intrinsic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtsi64_sd (__m128d __A, long long __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cvtsi642sd ((__v2df) __A, __B);
-/* Microsoft intrinsic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtsi64x_sd (__m128d __A, long long __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cvtsi642sd ((__v2df) __A, __B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtss_sd (__m128d __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cvtss2sd ((__v2df) __A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL 5814283 */
-#define _mm_shuffle_pd(__A, __B, __C) ((__m128d)__builtin_ia32_shufpd ((__v2df)(__A), (__v2df)(__B), (__C)))
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_unpackhi_pd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_unpckhpd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_unpacklo_pd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_unpcklpd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_loadh_pd (__m128d __A, double const *__B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_loadhpd ((__v2df)__A, __B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_loadl_pd (__m128d __A, double const *__B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_loadlpd ((__v2df)__A, __B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_movemask_pd (__m128d __A)
-  return __builtin_ia32_movmskpd ((__v2df)__A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_packs_epi16 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_packsswb128 ((__v8hi)__A, (__v8hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_packs_epi32 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_packssdw128 ((__v4si)__A, (__v4si)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_packus_epi16 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_packuswb128 ((__v8hi)__A, (__v8hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_unpackhi_epi8 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_punpckhbw128 ((__v16qi)__A, (__v16qi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_unpackhi_epi16 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_punpckhwd128 ((__v8hi)__A, (__v8hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_unpackhi_epi32 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_punpckhdq128 ((__v4si)__A, (__v4si)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_unpackhi_epi64 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_punpckhqdq128 ((__v2di)__A, (__v2di)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_unpacklo_epi8 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_punpcklbw128 ((__v16qi)__A, (__v16qi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_unpacklo_epi16 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_punpcklwd128 ((__v8hi)__A, (__v8hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_unpacklo_epi32 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_punpckldq128 ((__v4si)__A, (__v4si)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_unpacklo_epi64 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_punpcklqdq128 ((__v2di)__A, (__v2di)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_add_epi8 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_paddb128 ((__v16qi)__A, (__v16qi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_add_epi16 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_paddw128 ((__v8hi)__A, (__v8hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_add_epi32 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_paddd128 ((__v4si)__A, (__v4si)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_add_epi64 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_paddq128 ((__v2di)__A, (__v2di)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_adds_epi8 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_paddsb128 ((__v16qi)__A, (__v16qi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_adds_epi16 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_paddsw128 ((__v8hi)__A, (__v8hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_adds_epu8 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_paddusb128 ((__v16qi)__A, (__v16qi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_adds_epu16 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_paddusw128 ((__v8hi)__A, (__v8hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sub_epi8 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psubb128 ((__v16qi)__A, (__v16qi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sub_epi16 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psubw128 ((__v8hi)__A, (__v8hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sub_epi32 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psubd128 ((__v4si)__A, (__v4si)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sub_epi64 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psubq128 ((__v2di)__A, (__v2di)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_subs_epi8 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psubsb128 ((__v16qi)__A, (__v16qi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_subs_epi16 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psubsw128 ((__v8hi)__A, (__v8hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_subs_epu8 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psubusb128 ((__v16qi)__A, (__v16qi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_subs_epu16 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psubusw128 ((__v8hi)__A, (__v8hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_madd_epi16 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pmaddwd128 ((__v8hi)__A, (__v8hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_mulhi_epi16 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pmulhw128 ((__v8hi)__A, (__v8hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_mullo_epi16 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pmullw128 ((__v8hi)__A, (__v8hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_mul_su32 (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pmuludq ((__v2si)__A, (__v2si)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_mul_epu32 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pmuludq128 ((__v4si)__A, (__v4si)__B);
-#if 0
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_slli_epi16 (__m128i __A, int __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psllwi128 ((__v8hi)__A, __B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_slli_epi32 (__m128i __A, int __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pslldi128 ((__v4si)__A, __B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_slli_epi64 (__m128i __A, int __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psllqi128 ((__v2di)__A, __B);
-#define _mm_slli_epi16(__A, __B) \
-  ((__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psllwi128 ((__v8hi)(__A), __B))
-#define _mm_slli_epi32(__A, __B) \
-  ((__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pslldi128 ((__v8hi)(__A), __B))
-#define _mm_slli_epi64(__A, __B) \
-  ((__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psllqi128 ((__v8hi)(__A), __B))
-#if 0
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_srai_epi16 (__m128i __A, int __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psrawi128 ((__v8hi)__A, __B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_srai_epi32 (__m128i __A, int __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psradi128 ((__v4si)__A, __B);
-#define _mm_srai_epi16(__A, __B) \
-  ((__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psrawi128 ((__v8hi)(__A), __B))
-#define _mm_srai_epi32(__A, __B) \
-  ((__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psradi128 ((__v8hi)(__A), __B))
-#if 0
-static __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_srli_si128 (__m128i __A, int __B)
-  return ((__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psrldqi128 (__A, __B * 8));
-static __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_srli_si128 (__m128i __A, int __B)
-  return ((__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pslldqi128 (__A, __B * 8));
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin 5919583 */
-#define _mm_srli_si128  (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psrldqi128_byteshift
-#define _mm_slli_si128  (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pslldqi128_byteshift
-/* APPLE LOCAL end 5919583 */
-#if 0
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_srli_epi16 (__m128i __A, int __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psrlwi128 ((__v8hi)__A, __B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_srli_epi32 (__m128i __A, int __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psrldi128 ((__v4si)__A, __B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_srli_epi64 (__m128i __A, int __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psrlqi128 ((__v2di)__A, __B);
-#define _mm_srli_epi16(__A, __B) \
-  ((__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psrlwi128 ((__v8hi)(__A), __B))
-#define _mm_srli_epi32(__A, __B) \
-  ((__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psrldi128 ((__v4si)(__A), __B))
-#define _mm_srli_epi64(__A, __B) \
-  ((__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psrlqi128 ((__v4si)(__A), __B))
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sll_epi16 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psllw128((__v8hi)__A, (__v8hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sll_epi32 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pslld128((__v4si)__A, (__v4si)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sll_epi64 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psllq128((__v2di)__A, (__v2di)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sra_epi16 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psraw128 ((__v8hi)__A, (__v8hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sra_epi32 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psrad128 ((__v4si)__A, (__v4si)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_srl_epi16 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psrlw128 ((__v8hi)__A, (__v8hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_srl_epi32 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psrld128 ((__v4si)__A, (__v4si)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_srl_epi64 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psrlq128 ((__v2di)__A, (__v2di)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_and_si128 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pand128 ((__v2di)__A, (__v2di)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_andnot_si128 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pandn128 ((__v2di)__A, (__v2di)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_or_si128 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_por128 ((__v2di)__A, (__v2di)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_xor_si128 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pxor128 ((__v2di)__A, (__v2di)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpeq_epi8 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pcmpeqb128 ((__v16qi)__A, (__v16qi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpeq_epi16 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pcmpeqw128 ((__v8hi)__A, (__v8hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpeq_epi32 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pcmpeqd128 ((__v4si)__A, (__v4si)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmplt_epi8 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pcmpgtb128 ((__v16qi)__B, (__v16qi)__A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmplt_epi16 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pcmpgtw128 ((__v8hi)__B, (__v8hi)__A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmplt_epi32 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pcmpgtd128 ((__v4si)__B, (__v4si)__A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpgt_epi8 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pcmpgtb128 ((__v16qi)__A, (__v16qi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpgt_epi16 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pcmpgtw128 ((__v8hi)__A, (__v8hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpgt_epi32 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pcmpgtd128 ((__v4si)__A, (__v4si)__B);
-#if 0
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_extract_epi16 (__m128i const __A, int const __N)
-  return __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v8hi ((__v8hi)__A, __N);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_insert_epi16 (__m128i const __A, int const __D, int const __N)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_vec_set_v8hi ((__v8hi)__A, __D, __N);
-#define _mm_extract_epi16(A, N) \
-  ((int) __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v8hi ((__v8hi)(A), (N)))
-#define _mm_insert_epi16(A, D, N) \
-  ((__m128i) __builtin_ia32_vec_set_v8hi ((__v8hi)(A), (D), (N)))
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_max_epi16 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pmaxsw128 ((__v8hi)__A, (__v8hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_max_epu8 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pmaxub128 ((__v16qi)__A, (__v16qi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_min_epi16 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pminsw128 ((__v8hi)__A, (__v8hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_min_epu8 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pminub128 ((__v16qi)__A, (__v16qi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_movemask_epi8 (__m128i __A)
-  return __builtin_ia32_pmovmskb128 ((__v16qi)__A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_mulhi_epu16 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pmulhuw128 ((__v8hi)__A, (__v8hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin 5814283 */
-#define _mm_shufflehi_epi16(__A, __B) ((__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pshufhw ((__v8hi)(__A), __B))
-#define _mm_shufflelo_epi16(__A, __B) ((__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pshuflw ((__v8hi)(__A), __B))
-#define _mm_shuffle_epi32(__A, __B) ((__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pshufd ((__v4si)(__A), __B))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end 5814283 */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_maskmoveu_si128 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B, char *__C)
-  __builtin_ia32_maskmovdqu ((__v16qi)__A, (__v16qi)__B, __C);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_avg_epu8 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pavgb128 ((__v16qi)__A, (__v16qi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_avg_epu16 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pavgw128 ((__v8hi)__A, (__v8hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sad_epu8 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psadbw128 ((__v16qi)__A, (__v16qi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_stream_si32 (int *__A, int __B)
-  __builtin_ia32_movnti (__A, __B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_stream_si128 (__m128i *__A, __m128i __B)
-  __builtin_ia32_movntdq ((__v2di *)__A, (__v2di)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_stream_pd (double *__A, __m128d __B)
-  __builtin_ia32_movntpd (__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_clflush (void const *__A)
-  __builtin_ia32_clflush (__A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_lfence (void)
-  __builtin_ia32_lfence ();
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_mfence (void)
-  __builtin_ia32_mfence ();
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtsi32_si128 (int __A)
-  return _mm_set_epi32 (0, 0, 0, __A);
-#ifdef __x86_64__
-/* Intel intrinsic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtsi64_si128 (long long __A)
-  return _mm_set_epi64x (0, __A);
-/* Microsoft intrinsic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtsi64x_si128 (long long __A)
-  return _mm_set_epi64x (0, __A);
-/* Casts between various SP, DP, INT vector types.  Note that these do no
-   conversion of values, they just change the type.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_castpd_ps(__m128d __A)
-  return (__m128) __A;
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_castpd_si128(__m128d __A)
-  return (__m128i) __A;
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_castps_pd(__m128 __A)
-  return (__m128d) __A;
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_castps_si128(__m128 __A)
-  return (__m128i) __A;
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_castsi128_ps(__m128i __A)
-  return (__m128) __A;
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_castsi128_pd(__m128i __A)
-  return (__m128d) __A;
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 4152603 */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin 4220129, 4286110 */
-/* Set all of the elements of the vector to A.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_set1_epi64x (long long __A)
-  return _mm_set_epi64x (__A, __A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_set1_epi64 (__m64 __A)
-  return _mm_set_epi64 (__A, __A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_set1_epi32 (int __A)
-  return _mm_set_epi32 (__A, __A, __A, __A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_set1_epi16 (short __A)
-  __m128i temp, temp2, temp3; 
-  temp = _mm_cvtsi32_si128((int)__A);
-  temp2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(temp, temp);
-  temp3 = _mm_shuffle_epi32(temp2, 0);
-  return temp3;
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_set1_epi8 (char __A)
-    __m128i temp, temp2, temp3, temp4;
-    temp = _mm_cvtsi32_si128 ((int)__A);
-    temp2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8 (temp, temp);
-    temp3 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8 (temp2, temp2);
-    temp4 = _mm_shuffle_epi32 (temp3, 0);
-    return temp4;
-/* APPLE LOCAL end 4220129, 4286110 */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin nodebug inline 4152603 */
-#undef __always_inline__
-/* APPLE LOCAL end nodebug inline 4152603 */
-#endif /* __SSE2__  */
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/float.h b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/float.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1337f6b..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/float.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GCC.
-GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with GCC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.  */
-/* As a special exception, if you include this header file into source
-   files compiled by GCC, this header file does not by itself cause
-   the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
-   License.  This exception does not however invalidate any other
-   reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
-   Public License.  */
- * ISO C Standard:  Characteristics of floating types <float.h>
- */
-#ifndef _FLOAT_H___
-#define _FLOAT_H___
-/* Radix of exponent representation, b. */
-#undef FLT_RADIX
-#define FLT_RADIX	__FLT_RADIX__
-/* Number of base-FLT_RADIX digits in the significand, p.  */
-#undef FLT_MANT_DIG
-#undef DBL_MANT_DIG
-/* Number of decimal digits, q, such that any floating-point number with q
-   decimal digits can be rounded into a floating-point number with p radix b
-   digits and back again without change to the q decimal digits,
-	p * log10(b)			if b is a power of 10
-	floor((p - 1) * log10(b))	otherwise
-#undef FLT_DIG
-#undef DBL_DIG
-#undef LDBL_DIG
-#define FLT_DIG		__FLT_DIG__
-#define DBL_DIG		__DBL_DIG__
-#define LDBL_DIG	__LDBL_DIG__
-/* Minimum int x such that FLT_RADIX**(x-1) is a normalized float, emin */
-#undef FLT_MIN_EXP
-#undef DBL_MIN_EXP
-#undef LDBL_MIN_EXP
-#define FLT_MIN_EXP	__FLT_MIN_EXP__
-#define DBL_MIN_EXP	__DBL_MIN_EXP__
-/* Minimum negative integer such that 10 raised to that power is in the
-   range of normalized floating-point numbers,
-	ceil(log10(b) * (emin - 1))
-#undef FLT_MIN_10_EXP
-#undef DBL_MIN_10_EXP
-#undef LDBL_MIN_10_EXP
-#define FLT_MIN_10_EXP	__FLT_MIN_10_EXP__
-#define DBL_MIN_10_EXP	__DBL_MIN_10_EXP__
-#define LDBL_MIN_10_EXP	__LDBL_MIN_10_EXP__
-/* Maximum int x such that FLT_RADIX**(x-1) is a representable float, emax.  */
-#undef FLT_MAX_EXP
-#undef DBL_MAX_EXP
-#undef LDBL_MAX_EXP
-#define FLT_MAX_EXP	__FLT_MAX_EXP__
-#define DBL_MAX_EXP	__DBL_MAX_EXP__
-/* Maximum integer such that 10 raised to that power is in the range of
-   representable finite floating-point numbers,
-	floor(log10((1 - b**-p) * b**emax))
-#undef FLT_MAX_10_EXP
-#undef DBL_MAX_10_EXP
-#undef LDBL_MAX_10_EXP
-#define FLT_MAX_10_EXP	__FLT_MAX_10_EXP__
-#define DBL_MAX_10_EXP	__DBL_MAX_10_EXP__
-#define LDBL_MAX_10_EXP	__LDBL_MAX_10_EXP__
-/* Maximum representable finite floating-point number,
-	(1 - b**-p) * b**emax
-#undef FLT_MAX
-#undef DBL_MAX
-#undef LDBL_MAX
-#define FLT_MAX		__FLT_MAX__
-#define DBL_MAX		__DBL_MAX__
-#define LDBL_MAX	__LDBL_MAX__
-/* The difference between 1 and the least value greater than 1 that is
-   representable in the given floating point type, b**1-p.  */
-/* Minimum normalized positive floating-point number, b**(emin - 1).  */
-#undef FLT_MIN
-#undef DBL_MIN
-#undef LDBL_MIN
-#define FLT_MIN		__FLT_MIN__
-#define DBL_MIN		__DBL_MIN__
-#define LDBL_MIN	__LDBL_MIN__
-/* Addition rounds to 0: zero, 1: nearest, 2: +inf, 3: -inf, -1: unknown.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin 3399553 */
-/* This changes with calls to fesetround in <fenv.h>.  */
-#undef FLT_ROUNDS
-#define FLT_ROUNDS (__builtin_flt_rounds ())
-/* APPLE LOCAL end 3399553 */
-#if defined (__STDC_VERSION__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L
-/* The floating-point expression evaluation method.
-        -1  indeterminate
-         0  evaluate all operations and constants just to the range and
-            precision of the type
-         1  evaluate operations and constants of type float and double
-            to the range and precision of the double type, evaluate
-            long double operations and constants to the range and
-            precision of the long double type
-         2  evaluate all operations and constants to the range and
-            precision of the long double type
-   ??? This ought to change with the setting of the fp control word;
-   the value provided by the compiler assumes the widest setting.  */
-/* Number of decimal digits, n, such that any floating-point number in the
-   widest supported floating type with pmax radix b digits can be rounded
-   to a floating-point number with n decimal digits and back again without
-   change to the value,
-	pmax * log10(b)			if b is a power of 10
-	ceil(1 + pmax * log10(b))	otherwise
-#endif /* C99 */
-#endif /* _FLOAT_H___ */
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/iso646.h b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/iso646.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 445d372..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/iso646.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 1997, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GCC.
-GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with GCC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.  */
-/* As a special exception, if you include this header file into source
-   files compiled by GCC, this header file does not by itself cause
-   the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
-   License.  This exception does not however invalidate any other
-   reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
-   Public License.  */
- * ISO C Standard:  7.9  Alternative spellings  <iso646.h>
- */
-#ifndef _ISO646_H
-#define _ISO646_H
-#ifndef __cplusplus
-#define and	&&
-#define and_eq	&=
-#define bitand	&
-#define bitor	|
-#define compl	~
-#define not	!
-#define not_eq	!=
-#define or	||
-#define or_eq	|=
-#define xor	^
-#define xor_eq	^=
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/limits.h b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/limits.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 16417a2..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/limits.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-/* This administrivia gets added to the beginning of limits.h
-   if the system has its own version of limits.h.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin 4401222 */
-#ifndef _LIBC_LIMITS_H_
-/* Use "..." so that we find syslimits.h only in this same directory.  */
-#include "syslimits.h"
-#include_next <limits.h>
-/* APPLE LOCAL end 4401222 */
-#ifndef _LIMITS_H___
-#define _LIMITS_H___
-/* Number of bits in a `char'.  */
-#undef CHAR_BIT
-#define CHAR_BIT __CHAR_BIT__
-/* Maximum length of a multibyte character.  */
-#ifndef MB_LEN_MAX
-#define MB_LEN_MAX 1
-/* Minimum and maximum values a `signed char' can hold.  */
-#undef SCHAR_MIN
-#define SCHAR_MIN (-SCHAR_MAX - 1)
-#undef SCHAR_MAX
-#define SCHAR_MAX __SCHAR_MAX__
-/* Maximum value an `unsigned char' can hold.  (Minimum is 0).  */
-#undef UCHAR_MAX
-#if __SCHAR_MAX__ == __INT_MAX__
-# define UCHAR_MAX (SCHAR_MAX * 2U + 1U)
-# define UCHAR_MAX (SCHAR_MAX * 2 + 1)
-/* Minimum and maximum values a `char' can hold.  */
-#ifdef __CHAR_UNSIGNED__
-# undef CHAR_MIN
-# if __SCHAR_MAX__ == __INT_MAX__
-#  define CHAR_MIN 0U
-# else
-#  define CHAR_MIN 0
-# endif
-# undef CHAR_MAX
-# undef CHAR_MIN
-# undef CHAR_MAX
-/* Minimum and maximum values a `signed short int' can hold.  */
-#undef SHRT_MIN
-#define SHRT_MIN (-SHRT_MAX - 1)
-#undef SHRT_MAX
-#define SHRT_MAX __SHRT_MAX__
-/* Maximum value an `unsigned short int' can hold.  (Minimum is 0).  */
-#undef USHRT_MAX
-#if __SHRT_MAX__ == __INT_MAX__
-# define USHRT_MAX (SHRT_MAX * 2U + 1U)
-# define USHRT_MAX (SHRT_MAX * 2 + 1)
-/* Minimum and maximum values a `signed int' can hold.  */
-#undef INT_MIN
-#define INT_MIN (-INT_MAX - 1)
-#undef INT_MAX
-#define INT_MAX __INT_MAX__
-/* Maximum value an `unsigned int' can hold.  (Minimum is 0).  */
-#undef UINT_MAX
-#define UINT_MAX (INT_MAX * 2U + 1U)
-/* Minimum and maximum values a `signed long int' can hold.
-   (Same as `int').  */
-#undef LONG_MIN
-#define LONG_MIN (-LONG_MAX - 1L)
-#undef LONG_MAX
-#define LONG_MAX __LONG_MAX__
-/* Maximum value an `unsigned long int' can hold.  (Minimum is 0).  */
-#undef ULONG_MAX
-#define ULONG_MAX (LONG_MAX * 2UL + 1UL)
-#if defined (__STDC_VERSION__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L
-/* Minimum and maximum values a `signed long long int' can hold.  */
-# undef LLONG_MIN
-# define LLONG_MIN (-LLONG_MAX - 1LL)
-# undef LLONG_MAX
-/* Maximum value an `unsigned long long int' can hold.  (Minimum is 0).  */
-# undef ULLONG_MAX
-# define ULLONG_MAX (LLONG_MAX * 2ULL + 1ULL)
-#if defined (__GNU_LIBRARY__) ? defined (__USE_GNU) : !defined (__STRICT_ANSI__)
-/* Minimum and maximum values a `signed long long int' can hold.  */
-# undef LONG_LONG_MIN
-# undef LONG_LONG_MAX
-/* Maximum value an `unsigned long long int' can hold.  (Minimum is 0).  */
-#endif /* _LIMITS_H___ */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin 4401222 */
-/* APPLE LOCAL end 4401222 */
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/mm3dnow.h b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/mm3dnow.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fdc6dc..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/mm3dnow.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-   This file is part of GCC.
-   GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-   any later version.
-   GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-   GNU General Public License for more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-   along with GCC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-   the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-   Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.  */
-/* As a special exception, if you include this header file into source
-   files compiled by GCC, this header file does not by itself cause
-   the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
-   License.  This exception does not however invalidate any other
-   reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
-   Public License.  */
-/* Implemented from the mm3dnow.h (of supposedly AMD origin) included with
-   MSVC 7.1.  */
-#ifdef __3dNOW__
-#include <mmintrin.h>
-/* Internal data types for implementing the intrinsics.  */
-typedef float __v2sf __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (8)));
-static __inline void
-_m_femms (void)
-  __builtin_ia32_femms();
-static __inline __m64
-_m_pavgusb (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pavgusb ((__v8qi)__A, (__v8qi)__B);
-static __inline __m64
-_m_pf2id (__m64 __A)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pf2id ((__v2sf)__A);
-static __inline __m64
-_m_pfacc (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pfacc ((__v2sf)__A, (__v2sf)__B);
-static __inline __m64
-_m_pfadd (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pfadd ((__v2sf)__A, (__v2sf)__B);
-static __inline __m64
-_m_pfcmpeq (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pfcmpeq ((__v2sf)__A, (__v2sf)__B);
-static __inline __m64
-_m_pfcmpge (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pfcmpge ((__v2sf)__A, (__v2sf)__B);
-static __inline __m64
-_m_pfcmpgt (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pfcmpgt ((__v2sf)__A, (__v2sf)__B);
-static __inline __m64
-_m_pfmax (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pfmax ((__v2sf)__A, (__v2sf)__B);
-static __inline __m64
-_m_pfmin (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pfmin ((__v2sf)__A, (__v2sf)__B);
-static __inline __m64
-_m_pfmul (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pfmul ((__v2sf)__A, (__v2sf)__B);
-static __inline __m64
-_m_pfrcp (__m64 __A)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pfrcp ((__v2sf)__A);
-static __inline __m64
-_m_pfrcpit1 (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pfrcpit1 ((__v2sf)__A, (__v2sf)__B);
-static __inline __m64
-_m_pfrcpit2 (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pfrcpit2 ((__v2sf)__A, (__v2sf)__B);
-static __inline __m64
-_m_pfrsqrt (__m64 __A)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pfrsqrt ((__v2sf)__A);
-static __inline __m64
-_m_pfrsqit1 (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pfrsqit1 ((__v2sf)__A, (__v2sf)__B);
-static __inline __m64
-_m_pfsub (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pfsub ((__v2sf)__A, (__v2sf)__B);
-static __inline __m64
-_m_pfsubr (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pfsubr ((__v2sf)__A, (__v2sf)__B);
-static __inline __m64
-_m_pi2fd (__m64 __A)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pi2fd ((__v2si)__A);
-static __inline __m64
-_m_pmulhrw (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pmulhrw ((__v4hi)__A, (__v4hi)__B);
-static __inline void
-_m_prefetch (void *__P)
-  __builtin_prefetch (__P, 0, 3 /* _MM_HINT_T0 */);
-static __inline void
-_m_prefetchw (void *__P)
-  __builtin_prefetch (__P, 1, 3 /* _MM_HINT_T0 */);
-static __inline __m64
-_m_from_float (float __A)
-  return (__m64)(__v2sf){ __A, 0 };
-static __inline float
-_m_to_float (__m64 __A)
-  union { __v2sf v; float a[2]; } __tmp = { (__v2sf)__A };
-  return __tmp.a[0];
-#ifdef __3dNOW_A__
-static __inline __m64
-_m_pf2iw (__m64 __A)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pf2iw ((__v2sf)__A);
-static __inline __m64
-_m_pfnacc (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pfnacc ((__v2sf)__A, (__v2sf)__B);
-static __inline __m64
-_m_pfpnacc (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pfpnacc ((__v2sf)__A, (__v2sf)__B);
-static __inline __m64
-_m_pi2fw (__m64 __A)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pi2fw ((__v2si)__A);
-static __inline __m64
-_m_pswapd (__m64 __A)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pswapdsf ((__v2sf)__A);
-#endif /* __3dNOW_A__ */
-#endif /* __3dNOW__ */
-#endif /* _MM3DNOW_H_INCLUDED */
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/mm_malloc.h b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/mm_malloc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 20d7f5e..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/mm_malloc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-   This file is part of GCC.
-   GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-   any later version.
-   GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-   GNU General Public License for more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-   along with GCC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-   the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-   Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.  */
-/* As a special exception, if you include this header file into source
-   files compiled by GCC, this header file does not by itself cause
-   the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
-   License.  This exception does not however invalidate any other
-   reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
-   Public License.  */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-static __inline__ void* 
-_mm_malloc (size_t size, size_t align)
-  void * malloc_ptr;
-  void * aligned_ptr;
-  /* Error if align is not a power of two.  */
-  if (align & (align - 1))
-    {
-      errno = EINVAL;
-      return ((void*) 0);
-    }
-  if (size == 0)
-    return ((void *) 0);
- /* Assume malloc'd pointer is aligned at least to sizeof (void*).
-    If necessary, add another sizeof (void*) to store the value
-    returned by malloc. Effectively this enforces a minimum alignment
-    of sizeof double. */     
-    if (align < 2 * sizeof (void *))
-      align = 2 * sizeof (void *);
-  malloc_ptr = malloc (size + align);
-  if (!malloc_ptr)
-    return ((void *) 0);
-  /* Align  We have at least sizeof (void *) space below malloc'd ptr. */
-  aligned_ptr = (void *) (((size_t) malloc_ptr + align)
-			  & ~((size_t) (align) - 1));
-  /* Store the original pointer just before p.  */	
-  ((void **) aligned_ptr) [-1] = malloc_ptr;
-  return aligned_ptr;
-static __inline__ void
-_mm_free (void * aligned_ptr)
-  if (aligned_ptr)
-    free (((void **) aligned_ptr) [-1]);
-#endif /* _MM_MALLOC_H_INCLUDED */
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/mmintrin.h b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/mmintrin.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 64db058..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/mmintrin.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1219 +0,0 @@
-/* APPLE LOCAL file mainline 2005-06-30 Radar 4131077 */
-/* Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007
-   Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-   This file is part of GCC.
-   GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-   any later version.
-   GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-   GNU General Public License for more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-   along with GCC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-   the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-   Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.  */
-/* As a special exception, if you include this header file into source
-   files compiled by GCC, this header file does not by itself cause
-   the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
-   License.  This exception does not however invalidate any other
-   reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
-   Public License.  */
-/* Implemented from the specification included in the Intel C++ Compiler
-   User Guide and Reference, version 9.0.  */
-#ifndef __MMX__
-# error "MMX instruction set not enabled"
-/* The Intel API is flexible enough that we must allow aliasing with other
-   vector types, and their scalar components.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL 4505813 */
-typedef long long __m64 __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (8), __may_alias__));
-/* Internal data types for implementing the intrinsics.  */
-typedef int __v2si __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (8)));
-typedef short __v4hi __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (8)));
-typedef char __v8qi __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (8)));
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin nodebug inline 4152603 */
-#define __always_inline__ __always_inline__, __nodebug__
-/* APPLE LOCAL end nodebug inline 4152603 */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-#ifdef __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__
-#define __STATIC_INLINE __inline
-#define __STATIC_INLINE static __inline
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-/* Empty the multimedia state.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 4152603 */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_empty (void)
-  __builtin_ia32_emms ();
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_empty (void)
-  _mm_empty ();
-/* Convert I to a __m64 object.  The integer is zero-extended to 64-bits.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64  __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtsi32_si64 (int __i)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_vec_init_v2si (__i, 0);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64  __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_from_int (int __i)
-  return _mm_cvtsi32_si64 (__i);
-#ifdef __x86_64__
-/* Convert I to a __m64 object.  */
-/* Intel intrinsic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64  __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_from_int64 (long long __i)
-  return (__m64) __i;
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64  __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtsi64_m64 (long long __i)
-  return (__m64) __i;
-/* Microsoft intrinsic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64  __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtsi64x_si64 (long long __i)
-  return (__m64) __i;
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64  __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_set_pi64x (long long __i)
-  return (__m64) __i;
-/* Convert the lower 32 bits of the __m64 object into an integer.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtsi64_si32 (__m64 __i)
-  return __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v2si ((__v2si)__i, 0);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_to_int (__m64 __i)
-  return _mm_cvtsi64_si32 (__i);
-#ifdef __x86_64__
-/* Convert the __m64 object to a 64bit integer.  */
-/* Intel intrinsic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE long long __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_to_int64 (__m64 __i)
-  return (long long)__i;
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE long long __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtm64_si64 (__m64 __i)
-  return (long long)__i;
-/* Microsoft intrinsic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE long long __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtsi64_si64x (__m64 __i)
-  return (long long)__i;
-/* Pack the four 16-bit values from M1 into the lower four 8-bit values of
-   the result, and the four 16-bit values from M2 into the upper four 8-bit
-   values of the result, all with signed saturation.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_packs_pi16 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_packsswb ((__v4hi)__m1, (__v4hi)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_packsswb (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_packs_pi16 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Pack the two 32-bit values from M1 in to the lower two 16-bit values of
-   the result, and the two 32-bit values from M2 into the upper two 16-bit
-   values of the result, all with signed saturation.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_packs_pi32 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_packssdw ((__v2si)__m1, (__v2si)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_packssdw (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_packs_pi32 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Pack the four 16-bit values from M1 into the lower four 8-bit values of
-   the result, and the four 16-bit values from M2 into the upper four 8-bit
-   values of the result, all with unsigned saturation.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_packs_pu16 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_packuswb ((__v4hi)__m1, (__v4hi)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_packuswb (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_packs_pu16 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Interleave the four 8-bit values from the high half of M1 with the four
-   8-bit values from the high half of M2.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_unpackhi_pi8 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_punpckhbw ((__v8qi)__m1, (__v8qi)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_punpckhbw (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_unpackhi_pi8 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Interleave the two 16-bit values from the high half of M1 with the two
-   16-bit values from the high half of M2.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_unpackhi_pi16 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_punpckhwd ((__v4hi)__m1, (__v4hi)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_punpckhwd (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_unpackhi_pi16 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Interleave the 32-bit value from the high half of M1 with the 32-bit
-   value from the high half of M2.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_unpackhi_pi32 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_punpckhdq ((__v2si)__m1, (__v2si)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_punpckhdq (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_unpackhi_pi32 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Interleave the four 8-bit values from the low half of M1 with the four
-   8-bit values from the low half of M2.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_unpacklo_pi8 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_punpcklbw ((__v8qi)__m1, (__v8qi)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_punpcklbw (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_unpacklo_pi8 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Interleave the two 16-bit values from the low half of M1 with the two
-   16-bit values from the low half of M2.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_unpacklo_pi16 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_punpcklwd ((__v4hi)__m1, (__v4hi)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_punpcklwd (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_unpacklo_pi16 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Interleave the 32-bit value from the low half of M1 with the 32-bit
-   value from the low half of M2.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_unpacklo_pi32 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_punpckldq ((__v2si)__m1, (__v2si)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_punpckldq (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_unpacklo_pi32 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Add the 8-bit values in M1 to the 8-bit values in M2.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_add_pi8 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_paddb ((__v8qi)__m1, (__v8qi)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_paddb (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_add_pi8 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Add the 16-bit values in M1 to the 16-bit values in M2.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_add_pi16 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_paddw ((__v4hi)__m1, (__v4hi)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_paddw (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_add_pi16 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Add the 32-bit values in M1 to the 32-bit values in M2.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_add_pi32 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_paddd ((__v2si)__m1, (__v2si)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_paddd (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_add_pi32 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Add the 64-bit values in M1 to the 64-bit values in M2.  */
-#ifdef __SSE2__
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_add_si64 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  /* APPLE LOCAL 4656532 use V1DImode for _m64 */
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_paddq (__m1, __m2);
-/* Add the 8-bit values in M1 to the 8-bit values in M2 using signed
-   saturated arithmetic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_adds_pi8 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_paddsb ((__v8qi)__m1, (__v8qi)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_paddsb (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_adds_pi8 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Add the 16-bit values in M1 to the 16-bit values in M2 using signed
-   saturated arithmetic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_adds_pi16 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_paddsw ((__v4hi)__m1, (__v4hi)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_paddsw (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_adds_pi16 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Add the 8-bit values in M1 to the 8-bit values in M2 using unsigned
-   saturated arithmetic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_adds_pu8 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_paddusb ((__v8qi)__m1, (__v8qi)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_paddusb (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_adds_pu8 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Add the 16-bit values in M1 to the 16-bit values in M2 using unsigned
-   saturated arithmetic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_adds_pu16 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_paddusw ((__v4hi)__m1, (__v4hi)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_paddusw (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_adds_pu16 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Subtract the 8-bit values in M2 from the 8-bit values in M1.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sub_pi8 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psubb ((__v8qi)__m1, (__v8qi)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_psubb (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_sub_pi8 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Subtract the 16-bit values in M2 from the 16-bit values in M1.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sub_pi16 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psubw ((__v4hi)__m1, (__v4hi)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_psubw (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_sub_pi16 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Subtract the 32-bit values in M2 from the 32-bit values in M1.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sub_pi32 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psubd ((__v2si)__m1, (__v2si)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_psubd (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_sub_pi32 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Add the 64-bit values in M1 to the 64-bit values in M2.  */
-#ifdef __SSE2__
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sub_si64 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  /* APPLE LOCAL 4656532 use V1DImode for _m64 */
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psubq (__m1, __m2);
-/* Subtract the 8-bit values in M2 from the 8-bit values in M1 using signed
-   saturating arithmetic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_subs_pi8 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psubsb ((__v8qi)__m1, (__v8qi)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_psubsb (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_subs_pi8 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Subtract the 16-bit values in M2 from the 16-bit values in M1 using
-   signed saturating arithmetic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_subs_pi16 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psubsw ((__v4hi)__m1, (__v4hi)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_psubsw (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_subs_pi16 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Subtract the 8-bit values in M2 from the 8-bit values in M1 using
-   unsigned saturating arithmetic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_subs_pu8 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psubusb ((__v8qi)__m1, (__v8qi)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_psubusb (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_subs_pu8 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Subtract the 16-bit values in M2 from the 16-bit values in M1 using
-   unsigned saturating arithmetic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_subs_pu16 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psubusw ((__v4hi)__m1, (__v4hi)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_psubusw (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_subs_pu16 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Multiply four 16-bit values in M1 by four 16-bit values in M2 producing
-   four 32-bit intermediate results, which are then summed by pairs to
-   produce two 32-bit results.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_madd_pi16 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_pmaddwd ((__v4hi)__m1, (__v4hi)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_pmaddwd (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_madd_pi16 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Multiply four signed 16-bit values in M1 by four signed 16-bit values in
-   M2 and produce the high 16 bits of the 32-bit results.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_mulhi_pi16 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_pmulhw ((__v4hi)__m1, (__v4hi)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_pmulhw (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_mulhi_pi16 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Multiply four 16-bit values in M1 by four 16-bit values in M2 and produce
-   the low 16 bits of the results.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_mullo_pi16 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_pmullw ((__v4hi)__m1, (__v4hi)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_pmullw (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_mullo_pi16 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Shift four 16-bit values in M left by COUNT.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sll_pi16 (__m64 __m, __m64 __count)
-  /* APPLE LOCAL 4656532 use V1DImode for _m64 */
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psllw ((__v4hi)__m, __count);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_psllw (__m64 __m, __m64 __count)
-  return _mm_sll_pi16 (__m, __count);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_slli_pi16 (__m64 __m, int __count)
-  /* APPLE LOCAL 4656532 use V1DImode for _m64 */
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psllwi ((__v4hi)__m, __count);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_psllwi (__m64 __m, int __count)
-  return _mm_slli_pi16 (__m, __count);
-/* Shift two 32-bit values in M left by COUNT.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sll_pi32 (__m64 __m, __m64 __count)
-  /* APPLE LOCAL 4656532 use V1DImode for _m64 */
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_pslld ((__v2si)__m, __count);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_pslld (__m64 __m, __m64 __count)
-  return _mm_sll_pi32 (__m, __count);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_slli_pi32 (__m64 __m, int __count)
-  /* APPLE LOCAL 4656532 use V1DImode for _m64 */
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_pslldi ((__v2si)__m, __count);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_pslldi (__m64 __m, int __count)
-  return _mm_slli_pi32 (__m, __count);
-/* Shift the 64-bit value in M left by COUNT.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sll_si64 (__m64 __m, __m64 __count)
-  /* APPLE LOCAL 4656532 use V1DImode for _m64 */
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psllq (__m, __count);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_psllq (__m64 __m, __m64 __count)
-  return _mm_sll_si64 (__m, __count);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_slli_si64 (__m64 __m, int __count)
-  /* APPLE LOCAL 4656532 use V1DImode for _m64 */
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psllqi (__m, __count);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_psllqi (__m64 __m, int __count)
-  return _mm_slli_si64 (__m, __count);
-/* Shift four 16-bit values in M right by COUNT; shift in the sign bit.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sra_pi16 (__m64 __m, __m64 __count)
-  /* APPLE LOCAL 4656532 use V1DImode for _m64 */
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psraw ((__v4hi)__m, __count);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_psraw (__m64 __m, __m64 __count)
-  return _mm_sra_pi16 (__m, __count);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_srai_pi16 (__m64 __m, int __count)
-  /* APPLE LOCAL 4656532 use V1DImode for _m64 */
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psrawi ((__v4hi)__m, __count);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_psrawi (__m64 __m, int __count)
-  return _mm_srai_pi16 (__m, __count);
-/* Shift two 32-bit values in M right by COUNT; shift in the sign bit.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sra_pi32 (__m64 __m, __m64 __count)
-  /* APPLE LOCAL 4656532 use V1DImode for _m64 */
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psrad ((__v2si)__m, __count);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_psrad (__m64 __m, __m64 __count)
-  return _mm_sra_pi32 (__m, __count);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_srai_pi32 (__m64 __m, int __count)
-  /* APPLE LOCAL 4656532 use V1DImode for _m64 */
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psradi ((__v2si)__m, __count);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_psradi (__m64 __m, int __count)
-  return _mm_srai_pi32 (__m, __count);
-/* Shift four 16-bit values in M right by COUNT; shift in zeros.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_srl_pi16 (__m64 __m, __m64 __count)
-  /* APPLE LOCAL 4656532 use V1DImode for _m64 */
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psrlw ((__v4hi)__m, __count);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_psrlw (__m64 __m, __m64 __count)
-  return _mm_srl_pi16 (__m, __count);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_srli_pi16 (__m64 __m, int __count)
-  /* APPLE LOCAL 4656532 use V1DImode for _m64 */
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psrlwi ((__v4hi)__m, __count);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_psrlwi (__m64 __m, int __count)
-  return _mm_srli_pi16 (__m, __count);
-/* Shift two 32-bit values in M right by COUNT; shift in zeros.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_srl_pi32 (__m64 __m, __m64 __count)
-  /* APPLE LOCAL 4656532 use V1DImode for _m64 */
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psrld ((__v2si)__m, __count);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_psrld (__m64 __m, __m64 __count)
-  return _mm_srl_pi32 (__m, __count);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_srli_pi32 (__m64 __m, int __count)
-  /* APPLE LOCAL 4656532 use V1DImode for _m64 */
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psrldi ((__v2si)__m, __count);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_psrldi (__m64 __m, int __count)
-  return _mm_srli_pi32 (__m, __count);
-/* Shift the 64-bit value in M left by COUNT; shift in zeros.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_srl_si64 (__m64 __m, __m64 __count)
-  /* APPLE LOCAL 4656532 use V1DImode for _m64 */
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psrlq (__m, __count);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_psrlq (__m64 __m, __m64 __count)
-  return _mm_srl_si64 (__m, __count);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_srli_si64 (__m64 __m, int __count)
-  /* APPLE LOCAL 4656532 use V1DImode for _m64 */
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psrlqi (__m, __count);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_psrlqi (__m64 __m, int __count)
-  return _mm_srli_si64 (__m, __count);
-/* Bit-wise AND the 64-bit values in M1 and M2.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_and_si64 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return __builtin_ia32_pand (__m1, __m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_pand (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_and_si64 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Bit-wise complement the 64-bit value in M1 and bit-wise AND it with the
-   64-bit value in M2.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_andnot_si64 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return __builtin_ia32_pandn (__m1, __m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_pandn (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_andnot_si64 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Bit-wise inclusive OR the 64-bit values in M1 and M2.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_or_si64 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return __builtin_ia32_por (__m1, __m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_por (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_or_si64 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Bit-wise exclusive OR the 64-bit values in M1 and M2.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_xor_si64 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return __builtin_ia32_pxor (__m1, __m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_pxor (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_xor_si64 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Compare eight 8-bit values.  The result of the comparison is 0xFF if the
-   test is true and zero if false.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpeq_pi8 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_pcmpeqb ((__v8qi)__m1, (__v8qi)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_pcmpeqb (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_cmpeq_pi8 (__m1, __m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpgt_pi8 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_pcmpgtb ((__v8qi)__m1, (__v8qi)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_pcmpgtb (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_cmpgt_pi8 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Compare four 16-bit values.  The result of the comparison is 0xFFFF if
-   the test is true and zero if false.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpeq_pi16 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_pcmpeqw ((__v4hi)__m1, (__v4hi)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_pcmpeqw (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_cmpeq_pi16 (__m1, __m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpgt_pi16 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_pcmpgtw ((__v4hi)__m1, (__v4hi)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_pcmpgtw (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_cmpgt_pi16 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Compare two 32-bit values.  The result of the comparison is 0xFFFFFFFF if
-   the test is true and zero if false.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpeq_pi32 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_pcmpeqd ((__v2si)__m1, (__v2si)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_pcmpeqd (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_cmpeq_pi32 (__m1, __m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpgt_pi32 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_pcmpgtd ((__v2si)__m1, (__v2si)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_pcmpgtd (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_cmpgt_pi32 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Creates a 64-bit zero.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_setzero_si64 (void)
-  return (__m64)0LL;
-/* Creates a vector of two 32-bit values; I0 is least significant.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_set_pi32 (int __i1, int __i0)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_vec_init_v2si (__i0, __i1);
-/* Creates a vector of four 16-bit values; W0 is least significant.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_set_pi16 (short __w3, short __w2, short __w1, short __w0)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_vec_init_v4hi (__w0, __w1, __w2, __w3);
-/* Creates a vector of eight 8-bit values; B0 is least significant.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_set_pi8 (char __b7, char __b6, char __b5, char __b4,
-	     char __b3, char __b2, char __b1, char __b0)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_vec_init_v8qi (__b0, __b1, __b2, __b3,
-					       __b4, __b5, __b6, __b7);
-/* Similar, but with the arguments in reverse order.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_setr_pi32 (int __i0, int __i1)
-  return _mm_set_pi32 (__i1, __i0);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_setr_pi16 (short __w0, short __w1, short __w2, short __w3)
-  return _mm_set_pi16 (__w3, __w2, __w1, __w0);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_setr_pi8 (char __b0, char __b1, char __b2, char __b3,
-	      char __b4, char __b5, char __b6, char __b7)
-  return _mm_set_pi8 (__b7, __b6, __b5, __b4, __b3, __b2, __b1, __b0);
-/* Creates a vector of two 32-bit values, both elements containing I.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_set1_pi32 (int __i)
-  return _mm_set_pi32 (__i, __i);
-/* Creates a vector of four 16-bit values, all elements containing W.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_set1_pi16 (short __w)
-  return _mm_set_pi16 (__w, __w, __w, __w);
-/* Creates a vector of eight 8-bit values, all elements containing B.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_set1_pi8 (char __b)
-  return _mm_set_pi8 (__b, __b, __b, __b, __b, __b, __b, __b);
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 4152603 */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin nodebug inline 4152603 */
-#undef __always_inline__
-/* APPLE LOCAL end nodebug inline 4152603 */
-#endif /* __MMX__ */
-#endif /* _MMINTRIN_H_INCLUDED */
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/nmmintrin.h b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/nmmintrin.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c0db20..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/nmmintrin.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-/* APPLE LOCAL file 5612787 mainline sse4 */
-/* Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-   This file is part of GCC.
-   GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-   any later version.
-   GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-   GNU General Public License for more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-   along with GCC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-   the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
-   Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */
-/* As a special exception, if you include this header file into source
-   files compiled by GCC, this header file does not by itself cause
-   the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
-   License.  This exception does not however invalidate any other
-   reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
-   Public License.  */
-/* Implemented from the specification included in the Intel C++ Compiler
-   User Guide and Reference, version 10.0.  */
-#ifndef __SSE4_2__
-# error "SSE4.2 instruction set not enabled"
-/* We just include SSE4.1 header file.  */
-#include <smmintrin.h>
-#endif /* __SSE4_2__ */
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/omp.h b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/omp.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1400282..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/omp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-   Contributed by Richard Henderson <>.
-   This file is part of the GNU OpenMP Library (libgomp).
-   Libgomp is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-   under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
-   (at your option) any later version.
-   Libgomp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-   WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-   FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
-   more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License 
-   along with libgomp; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to the
-   Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
-   MA 02110-1301, USA.  */
-/* As a special exception, if you link this library with other files, some
-   of which are compiled with GCC, to produce an executable, this library
-   does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by the
-   GNU General Public License.  This exception does not however invalidate
-   any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU
-   General Public License.  */
-#ifndef OMP_H
-#define OMP_H 1
-/* These two structures get edited by the libgomp build process to 
-   reflect the shape of the two types.  Their internals are private
-   to the library.  */
-typedef struct
-  unsigned char _x[64] 
-    __attribute__((__aligned__(8)));
-} omp_lock_t;
-typedef struct
-  unsigned char _x[72] 
-    __attribute__((__aligned__(8)));
-} omp_nest_lock_t;
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-extern void omp_set_num_threads (int);
-extern int omp_get_num_threads (void);
-extern int omp_get_max_threads (void);
-extern int omp_get_thread_num (void);
-extern int omp_get_num_procs (void);
-extern int omp_in_parallel (void);
-extern void omp_set_dynamic (int);
-extern int omp_get_dynamic (void);
-extern void omp_set_nested (int);
-extern int omp_get_nested (void);
-extern void omp_init_lock (omp_lock_t *);
-extern void omp_destroy_lock (omp_lock_t *);
-extern void omp_set_lock (omp_lock_t *);
-extern void omp_unset_lock (omp_lock_t *);
-extern int omp_test_lock (omp_lock_t *);
-extern void omp_init_nest_lock (omp_nest_lock_t *);
-extern void omp_destroy_nest_lock (omp_nest_lock_t *);
-extern void omp_set_nest_lock (omp_nest_lock_t *);
-extern void omp_unset_nest_lock (omp_nest_lock_t *);
-extern int omp_test_nest_lock (omp_nest_lock_t *);
-extern double omp_get_wtime (void);
-extern double omp_get_wtick (void);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* OMP_H */
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/pmmintrin.h b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/pmmintrin.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7640941..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/pmmintrin.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-/* APPLE LOCAL file mainline 2005-06-30 Radar 4131077 */
-/* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-   This file is part of GCC.
-   GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-   any later version.
-   GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-   GNU General Public License for more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-   along with GCC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-   the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-   Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.  */
-/* As a special exception, if you include this header file into source
-   files compiled by GCC, this header file does not by itself cause
-   the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
-   License.  This exception does not however invalidate any other
-   reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
-   Public License.  */
-/* Implemented from the specification included in the Intel C++ Compiler
-   User Guide and Reference, version 9.0.  */
-#ifdef __SSE3__
-#include <xmmintrin.h>
-#include <emmintrin.h>
-/* Additional bits in the MXCSR.  */
-#define _MM_DENORMALS_ZERO_MASK		0x0040
-#define _MM_DENORMALS_ZERO_ON		0x0040
-#define _MM_DENORMALS_ZERO_OFF		0x0000
-#define _MM_SET_DENORMALS_ZERO_MODE(mode) \
-  _mm_setcsr ((_mm_getcsr () & ~_MM_DENORMALS_ZERO_MASK) | (mode))
-  (_mm_getcsr() & _MM_DENORMALS_ZERO_MASK)
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin nodebug inline 4152603 */
-#define __always_inline__ __always_inline__, __nodebug__
-/* APPLE LOCAL end nodebug inline 4152603 */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-#ifdef __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__
-#define __STATIC_INLINE __inline
-#define __STATIC_INLINE static __inline
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 4152603 */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_addsub_ps (__m128 __X, __m128 __Y)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_addsubps ((__v4sf)__X, (__v4sf)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_hadd_ps (__m128 __X, __m128 __Y)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_haddps ((__v4sf)__X, (__v4sf)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_hsub_ps (__m128 __X, __m128 __Y)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_hsubps ((__v4sf)__X, (__v4sf)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_movehdup_ps (__m128 __X)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_movshdup ((__v4sf)__X);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_moveldup_ps (__m128 __X)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_movsldup ((__v4sf)__X);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_addsub_pd (__m128d __X, __m128d __Y)
-  return (__m128d) __builtin_ia32_addsubpd ((__v2df)__X, (__v2df)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_hadd_pd (__m128d __X, __m128d __Y)
-  return (__m128d) __builtin_ia32_haddpd ((__v2df)__X, (__v2df)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_hsub_pd (__m128d __X, __m128d __Y)
-  return (__m128d) __builtin_ia32_hsubpd ((__v2df)__X, (__v2df)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_loaddup_pd (double const *__P)
-  return _mm_load1_pd (__P);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_movedup_pd (__m128d __X)
-  return _mm_shuffle_pd (__X, __X, _MM_SHUFFLE2 (0,0));
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_lddqu_si128 (__m128i const *__P)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_lddqu ((char const *)__P);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_monitor (void const * __P, unsigned int __E, unsigned int __H)
-  __builtin_ia32_monitor (__P, __E, __H);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_mwait (unsigned int __E, unsigned int __H)
-  __builtin_ia32_mwait (__E, __H);
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 4152603 */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin nodebug inline 4152603 */
-#undef __always_inline__
-/* APPLE LOCAL end nodebug inline 4152603 */
-#endif /* __SSE3__ */
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/ppc_intrinsics.h b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/ppc_intrinsics.h
deleted file mode 120000
index 9383ee4..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/ppc_intrinsics.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/smmintrin.h b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/smmintrin.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2da9a74..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/smmintrin.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,836 +0,0 @@
-/* APPLE LOCAL file 5612787 mainline sse4 */
-/* Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-   This file is part of GCC.
-   GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-   any later version.
-   GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-   GNU General Public License for more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-   along with GCC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-   the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
-   Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */
-/* As a special exception, if you include this header file into source
-   files compiled by GCC, this header file does not by itself cause
-   the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
-   License.  This exception does not however invalidate any other
-   reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
-   Public License.  */
-/* Implemented from the specification included in the Intel C++ Compiler
-   User Guide and Reference, version 10.0.  */
-#ifndef __SSE4_1__
-# error "SSE4.1 instruction set not enabled"
-/* We need definitions from the SSSE3, SSE3, SSE2 and SSE header
-   files.  */
-#include <tmmintrin.h>
-/* SSE4.1 */
-/* Rounding mode macros. */
-#define _MM_FROUND_TO_NEG_INF		0x01
-#define _MM_FROUND_TO_POS_INF		0x02
-#define _MM_FROUND_TO_ZERO		0x03
-#define _MM_FROUND_RAISE_EXC		0x00
-#define _MM_FROUND_NO_EXC		0x08
-#define _MM_FROUND_NINT		\
-#define _MM_FROUND_FLOOR	\
-#define _MM_FROUND_CEIL		\
-#define _MM_FROUND_TRUNC	\
-#define _MM_FROUND_RINT		\
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin nodebug inline 4152603 */
-#define __always_inline__ __always_inline__, __nodebug__
-/* APPLE LOCAL end nodebug inline 4152603 */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-#ifdef __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__
-#define __STATIC_INLINE __inline
-#define __STATIC_INLINE static __inline
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-/* Integer blend instructions - select data from 2 sources using
-   constant/variable mask.  */
-#ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_blend_epi16 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y, const int __M)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pblendw128 ((__v8hi)__X,
-					      (__v8hi)__Y,
-					      __M);
-#define _mm_blend_epi16(X, Y, M) \
-  ((__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pblendw128 ((__v8hi)(X), (__v8hi)(Y), (M)))
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_blendv_epi8 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y, __m128i __M)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pblendvb128 ((__v16qi)__X,
-					       (__v16qi)__Y,
-					       (__v16qi)__M);
-/* Single precision floating point blend instructions - select data
-   from 2 sources using constant/variable mask.  */
-#ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_blend_ps (__m128 __X, __m128 __Y, const int __M)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_blendps ((__v4sf)__X,
-					  (__v4sf)__Y,
-					  __M);
-#define _mm_blend_ps(X, Y, M) \
-  ((__m128) __builtin_ia32_blendps ((__v4sf)(X), (__v4sf)(Y), (M)))
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_blendv_ps (__m128 __X, __m128 __Y, __m128 __M)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_blendvps ((__v4sf)__X,
-					   (__v4sf)__Y,
-					   (__v4sf)__M);
-/* Double precision floating point blend instructions - select data
-   from 2 sources using constant/variable mask.  */
-#ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_blend_pd (__m128d __X, __m128d __Y, const int __M)
-  return (__m128d) __builtin_ia32_blendpd ((__v2df)__X,
-					   (__v2df)__Y,
-					   __M);
-#define _mm_blend_pd(X, Y, M) \
-  ((__m128d) __builtin_ia32_blendpd ((__v2df)(X), (__v2df)(Y), (M)))
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_blendv_pd (__m128d __X, __m128d __Y, __m128d __M)
-  return (__m128d) __builtin_ia32_blendvpd ((__v2df)__X,
-					    (__v2df)__Y,
-					    (__v2df)__M);
-/* Dot product instructions with mask-defined summing and zeroing parts
-   of result.  */
-#ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_dp_ps (__m128 __X, __m128 __Y, const int __M)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_dpps ((__v4sf)__X,
-				       (__v4sf)__Y,
-				       __M);
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_dp_pd (__m128d __X, __m128d __Y, const int __M)
-  return (__m128d) __builtin_ia32_dppd ((__v2df)__X,
-					(__v2df)__Y,
-					__M);
-#define _mm_dp_ps(X, Y, M) \
-  ((__m128) __builtin_ia32_dpps ((__v4sf)(X), (__v4sf)(Y), (M)))
-#define _mm_dp_pd(X, Y, M) \
-  ((__m128d) __builtin_ia32_dppd ((__v2df)(X), (__v2df)(Y), (M)))
-/* Packed integer 64-bit comparison, zeroing or filling with ones
-   corresponding parts of result.  */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cmpeq_epi64 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pcmpeqq ((__v2di)__X, (__v2di)__Y);
-/*  Min/max packed integer instructions.  */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_min_epi8 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pminsb128 ((__v16qi)__X, (__v16qi)__Y);
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_max_epi8 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pmaxsb128 ((__v16qi)__X, (__v16qi)__Y);
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_min_epu16 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pminuw128 ((__v8hi)__X, (__v8hi)__Y);
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_max_epu16 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pmaxuw128 ((__v8hi)__X, (__v8hi)__Y);
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_min_epi32 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pminsd128 ((__v4si)__X, (__v4si)__Y);
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_max_epi32 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pmaxsd128 ((__v4si)__X, (__v4si)__Y);
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_min_epu32 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pminud128 ((__v4si)__X, (__v4si)__Y);
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_max_epu32 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pmaxud128 ((__v4si)__X, (__v4si)__Y);
-/* Packed integer 32-bit multiplication with truncation of upper
-   halves of results.  */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_mullo_epi32 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pmulld128 ((__v4si)__X, (__v4si)__Y);
-/* Packed integer 32-bit multiplication of 2 pairs of operands
-   with two 64-bit results.  */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_mul_epi32 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pmuldq128 ((__v4si)__X, (__v4si)__Y);
-/* Packed integer 128-bit bitwise comparison. Return 1 if
-   (__V & __M) == 0.  */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_testz_si128 (__m128i __M, __m128i __V)
-  return __builtin_ia32_ptestz128 ((__v2di)__M, (__v2di)__V);
-/* Packed integer 128-bit bitwise comparison. Return 1 if
-   (__V & ~__M) == 0.  */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_testc_si128 (__m128i __M, __m128i __V)
-  return __builtin_ia32_ptestc128 ((__v2di)__M, (__v2di)__V);
-/* Packed integer 128-bit bitwise comparison. Return 1 if
-   (__V & __M) != 0 && (__V & ~__M) != 0.  */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_testnzc_si128 (__m128i __M, __m128i __V)
-  return __builtin_ia32_ptestnzc128 ((__v2di)__M, (__v2di)__V);
-/* Macros for packed integer 128-bit comparison intrinsics.  */
-#define _mm_test_all_zeros(M, V) _mm_testz_si128 ((M), (V))
-#define _mm_test_all_ones(V) \
-  _mm_testc_si128 ((V), _mm_cmpeq_epi32 ((V), (V)))
-#define _mm_test_mix_ones_zeros(M, V) _mm_testnzc_si128 ((M), (V))
-/* Insert single precision float into packed single precision array
-   element selected by index N.  The bits [7-6] of N define S
-   index, the bits [5-4] define D index, and bits [3-0] define
-   zeroing mask for D.  */
-#ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_insert_ps (__m128 __D, __m128 __S, const int __N)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_insertps128 ((__v4sf)__D,
-					      (__v4sf)__S,
-					      __N);
-#define _mm_insert_ps(D, S, N) \
-  ((__m128) __builtin_ia32_insertps128 ((__v4sf)(D), (__v4sf)(S), (N)))
-/* Helper macro to create the N value for _mm_insert_ps.  */
-#define _MM_MK_INSERTPS_NDX(S, D, M) (((S) << 6) | ((D) << 4) | (M))
-/* Extract binary representation of single precision float from packed
-   single precision array element of X selected by index N.  */
-#ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_extract_ps (__m128 __X, const int __N)
-  union { int i; float f; } __tmp;
-  __tmp.f = __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v4sf ((__v4sf)__X, __N);
-  return __tmp.i;
-#define _mm_extract_ps(X, N) \
-  (__extension__ 						\
-   ({								\
-      union { int i; float f; } __tmp;				\
-      __tmp.f = __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v4sf ((__v4sf)(X), (N));	\
-      __tmp.i;							\
-    })								\
-   )
-/* Extract binary representation of single precision float into
-   D from packed single precision array element of S selected
-   by index N.  */
-#define _MM_EXTRACT_FLOAT(D, S, N) \
-  { (D) = __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v4sf ((__v4sf)(S), (N)); }
-/* Extract specified single precision float element into the lower
-   part of __m128.  */
-#define _MM_PICK_OUT_PS(X, N)				\
-  _mm_insert_ps (_mm_setzero_ps (), (X), 		\
-		 _MM_MK_INSERTPS_NDX ((N), 0, 0x0e))
-/* Insert integer, S, into packed integer array element of D
-   selected by index N.  */
-#ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_insert_epi8 (__m128i __D, int __S, const int __N)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_vec_set_v16qi ((__v16qi)__D,
-						 __S, __N);
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_insert_epi32 (__m128i __D, int __S, const int __N)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_vec_set_v4si ((__v4si)__D,
-						 __S, __N);
-#ifdef __x86_64__
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_insert_epi64 (__m128i __D, long long __S, const int __N)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_vec_set_v2di ((__v2di)__D,
-						 __S, __N);
-#define _mm_insert_epi8(D, S, N) \
-  ((__m128i) __builtin_ia32_vec_set_v16qi ((__v16qi)(D), (S), (N)))
-#define _mm_insert_epi32(D, S, N) \
-  ((__m128i) __builtin_ia32_vec_set_v4si ((__v4si)(D), (S), (N)))
-#ifdef __x86_64__
-#define _mm_insert_epi64(D, S, N) \
-  ((__m128i) __builtin_ia32_vec_set_v2di ((__v2di)(D), (S), (N)))
-/* Extract integer from packed integer array element of X selected by
-   index N.  */
-#ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_extract_epi8 (__m128i __X, const int __N)
-   return __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v16qi ((__v16qi)__X, __N);
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_extract_epi32 (__m128i __X, const int __N)
-   return __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v4si ((__v4si)__X, __N);
-#ifdef __x86_64__
-__STATIC_INLINE long long  __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_extract_epi64 (__m128i __X, const int __N)
-  return __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v2di ((__v2di)__X, __N);
-#define _mm_extract_epi8(X, N) \
-  __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v16qi ((__v16qi) X, (N))
-#define _mm_extract_epi32(X, N) \
-  __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v4si ((__v4si) X, (N))
-#ifdef __x86_64__
-#define _mm_extract_epi64(X, N) \
-  ((long long) __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v2di ((__v2di)(X), (N)))
-/* Return horizontal packed word minimum and its index in bits [15:0]
-   and bits [18:16] respectively.  */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_minpos_epu16 (__m128i __X)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_phminposuw128 ((__v8hi)__X);
-/* Packed/scalar double precision floating point rounding.  */
-#ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_round_pd (__m128d __V, const int __M)
-  return (__m128d) __builtin_ia32_roundpd ((__v2df)__V, __M);
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_round_sd(__m128d __D, __m128d __V, const int __M)
-  return (__m128d) __builtin_ia32_roundsd ((__v2df)__D,
-					   (__v2df)__V,
-					   __M);
-#define _mm_round_pd(V, M) \
-  ((__m128d) __builtin_ia32_roundpd ((__v2df)(V), (M)))
-#define _mm_round_sd(D, V, M) \
-  ((__m128d) __builtin_ia32_roundsd ((__v2df)(D), (__v2df)(V), (M)))
-/* Packed/scalar single precision floating point rounding.  */
-#ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_round_ps (__m128 __V, const int __M)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_roundps ((__v4sf)__V, __M);
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_round_ss (__m128 __D, __m128 __V, const int __M)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_roundss ((__v4sf)__D,
-					  (__v4sf)__V,
-					  __M);
-#define _mm_round_ps(V, M) \
-  ((__m128) __builtin_ia32_roundps ((__v4sf)(V), (M)))
-#define _mm_round_ss(D, V, M) \
-  ((__m128) __builtin_ia32_roundss ((__v4sf)(D), (__v4sf)(V), (M)))
-/* Macros for ceil/floor intrinsics.  */
-#define _mm_ceil_pd(V)	   _mm_round_pd ((V), _MM_FROUND_CEIL)
-#define _mm_ceil_sd(D, V)  _mm_round_sd ((D), (V), _MM_FROUND_CEIL)
-#define _mm_floor_pd(V)	   _mm_round_pd((V), _MM_FROUND_FLOOR)
-#define _mm_floor_sd(D, V) _mm_round_sd ((D), (V), _MM_FROUND_FLOOR)
-#define _mm_ceil_ps(V)	   _mm_round_ps ((V), _MM_FROUND_CEIL)
-#define _mm_ceil_ss(D, V)  _mm_round_ss ((D), (V), _MM_FROUND_CEIL)
-#define _mm_floor_ps(V)	   _mm_round_ps ((V), _MM_FROUND_FLOOR)
-#define _mm_floor_ss(D, V) _mm_round_ss ((D), (V), _MM_FROUND_FLOOR)
-/* Packed integer sign-extension.  */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cvtepi8_epi32 (__m128i __X)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pmovsxbd128 ((__v16qi)__X);
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cvtepi16_epi32 (__m128i __X)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pmovsxwd128 ((__v8hi)__X);
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cvtepi8_epi64 (__m128i __X)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pmovsxbq128 ((__v16qi)__X);
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cvtepi32_epi64 (__m128i __X)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pmovsxdq128 ((__v4si)__X);
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cvtepi16_epi64 (__m128i __X)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pmovsxwq128 ((__v8hi)__X);
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cvtepi8_epi16 (__m128i __X)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pmovsxbw128 ((__v16qi)__X);
-/* Packed integer zero-extension. */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cvtepu8_epi32 (__m128i __X)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pmovzxbd128 ((__v16qi)__X);
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cvtepu16_epi32 (__m128i __X)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pmovzxwd128 ((__v8hi)__X);
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cvtepu8_epi64 (__m128i __X)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pmovzxbq128 ((__v16qi)__X);
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cvtepu32_epi64 (__m128i __X)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pmovzxdq128 ((__v4si)__X);
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cvtepu16_epi64 (__m128i __X)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pmovzxwq128 ((__v8hi)__X);
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cvtepu8_epi16 (__m128i __X)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pmovzxbw128 ((__v16qi)__X);
-/* Pack 8 double words from 2 operands into 8 words of result with
-   unsigned saturation. */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_packus_epi32 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_packusdw128 ((__v4si)__X, (__v4si)__Y);
-/* Sum absolute 8-bit integer difference of adjacent groups of 4
-   byte integers in the first 2 operands.  Starting offsets within
-   operands are determined by the 3rd mask operand.  */
-#ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_mpsadbw_epu8 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y, const int __M)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_mpsadbw128 ((__v16qi)__X,
-					      (__v16qi)__Y, __M);
-#define _mm_mpsadbw_epu8(X, Y, M) \
-  ((__m128i) __builtin_ia32_mpsadbw128 ((__v16qi)(X), (__v16qi)(Y), (M)))
-/* Load double quadword using non-temporal aligned hint.  */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_stream_load_si128 (__m128i *__X)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_movntdqa ((__v2di *) __X);
-#ifdef __SSE4_2__
-/* These macros specify the source data format.  */
-#define SIDD_UBYTE_OPS			0x00
-#define SIDD_UWORD_OPS			0x01
-#define SIDD_SBYTE_OPS			0x02
-#define SIDD_SWORD_OPS			0x03
-/* These macros specify the comparison operation.  */
-#define SIDD_CMP_EQUAL_ANY		0x00
-#define SIDD_CMP_RANGES			0x04
-#define SIDD_CMP_EQUAL_EACH		0x08
-/* These macros specify the the polarity.  */
-/* These macros specify the output selection in _mm_cmpXstri ().  */
-/* These macros specify the output selection in _mm_cmpXstrm ().  */
-#define SIDD_BIT_MASK			0x00
-#define SIDD_UNIT_MASK			0x40
-/* Intrinsics for text/string processing.  */
-#ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cmpistrm (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y, const int __M)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pcmpistrm128 ((__v16qi)__X,
-						(__v16qi)__Y,
-						__M);
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cmpistri (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y, const int __M)
-  return __builtin_ia32_pcmpistri128 ((__v16qi)__X,
-				      (__v16qi)__Y,
-				      __M);
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cmpestrm (__m128i __X, int __LX, __m128i __Y, int __LY, const int __M)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pcmpestrm128 ((__v16qi)__X, __LX,
-						(__v16qi)__Y, __LY,
-						__M);
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cmpestri (__m128i __X, int __LX, __m128i __Y, int __LY, const int __M)
-  return __builtin_ia32_pcmpestri128 ((__v16qi)__X, __LX,
-				      (__v16qi)__Y, __LY,
-				      __M);
-#define _mm_cmpistrm(X, Y, M) \
-  ((__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pcmpistrm128 ((__v16qi)(X), (__v16qi)(Y), (M)))
-#define _mm_cmpistri(X, Y, M) \
-  __builtin_ia32_pcmpistri128 ((__v16qi)(X), (__v16qi)(Y), (M))
-#define _mm_cmpestrm(X, LX, Y, LY, M) \
-  ((__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pcmpestrm128 ((__v16qi)(X), (int)(LX), \
-					  (__v16qi)(Y), (int)(LY), (M)))
-#define _mm_cmpestri(X, LX, Y, LY, M) \
-  __builtin_ia32_pcmpestri128 ((__v16qi)(X), (int)(LX), \
-			       (__v16qi)(Y), (int)(LY), (M))
-/* Intrinsics for text/string processing and reading values of
-   EFlags.  */
-#ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cmpistra (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y, const int __M)
-  return __builtin_ia32_pcmpistria128 ((__v16qi)__X,
-				       (__v16qi)__Y,
-				       __M);
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cmpistrc (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y, const int __M)
-  return __builtin_ia32_pcmpistric128 ((__v16qi)__X,
-				       (__v16qi)__Y,
-				       __M);
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cmpistro (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y, const int __M)
-  return __builtin_ia32_pcmpistrio128 ((__v16qi)__X,
-				       (__v16qi)__Y,
-				       __M);
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cmpistrs (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y, const int __M)
-  return __builtin_ia32_pcmpistris128 ((__v16qi)__X,
-				       (__v16qi)__Y,
-				       __M);
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cmpistrz (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y, const int __M)
-  return __builtin_ia32_pcmpistriz128 ((__v16qi)__X,
-				       (__v16qi)__Y,
-				       __M);
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cmpestra (__m128i __X, int __LX, __m128i __Y, int __LY, const int __M)
-  return __builtin_ia32_pcmpestria128 ((__v16qi)__X, __LX,
-				       (__v16qi)__Y, __LY,
-				       __M);
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cmpestrc (__m128i __X, int __LX, __m128i __Y, int __LY, const int __M)
-  return __builtin_ia32_pcmpestric128 ((__v16qi)__X, __LX,
-				       (__v16qi)__Y, __LY,
-				       __M);
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cmpestro (__m128i __X, int __LX, __m128i __Y, int __LY, const int __M)
-  return __builtin_ia32_pcmpestrio128 ((__v16qi)__X, __LX,
-				       (__v16qi)__Y, __LY,
-				       __M);
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cmpestrs (__m128i __X, int __LX, __m128i __Y, int __LY, const int __M)
-  return __builtin_ia32_pcmpestris128 ((__v16qi)__X, __LX,
-				       (__v16qi)__Y, __LY,
-				       __M);
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cmpestrz (__m128i __X, int __LX, __m128i __Y, int __LY, const int __M)
-  return __builtin_ia32_pcmpestriz128 ((__v16qi)__X, __LX,
-				       (__v16qi)__Y, __LY,
-				       __M);
-#define _mm_cmpistra(X, Y, M) \
-  __builtin_ia32_pcmpistria128 ((__v16qi)(X), (__v16qi)(Y), (M))
-#define _mm_cmpistrc(X, Y, M) \
-  __builtin_ia32_pcmpistric128 ((__v16qi)(X), (__v16qi)(Y), (M))
-#define _mm_cmpistro(X, Y, M) \
-  __builtin_ia32_pcmpistrio128 ((__v16qi)(X), (__v16qi)(Y), (M))
-#define _mm_cmpistrs(X, Y, M) \
-  __builtin_ia32_pcmpistris128 ((__v16qi)(X), (__v16qi)(Y), (M))
-#define _mm_cmpistrz(X, Y, M) \
-  __builtin_ia32_pcmpistriz128 ((__v16qi)(X), (__v16qi)(Y), (M))
-#define _mm_cmpestra(X, LX, Y, LY, M) \
-  __builtin_ia32_pcmpestria128 ((__v16qi)(X), (int)(LX), \
-				(__v16qi)(Y), (int)(LY), (M))
-#define _mm_cmpestrc(X, LX, Y, LY, M) \
-  __builtin_ia32_pcmpestric128 ((__v16qi)(X), (int)(LX), \
-				(__v16qi)(Y), (int)(LY), (M))
-#define _mm_cmpestro(X, LX, Y, LY, M) \
-  __builtin_ia32_pcmpestrio128 ((__v16qi)(X), (int)(LX), \
-				(__v16qi)(Y), (int)(LY), (M))
-#define _mm_cmpestrs(X, LX, Y, LY, M) \
-  __builtin_ia32_pcmpestris128 ((__v16qi)(X), (int)(LX), \
-				(__v16qi)(Y), (int)(LY), (M))
-#define _mm_cmpestrz(X, LX, Y, LY, M) \
-  __builtin_ia32_pcmpestriz128 ((__v16qi)(X), (int)(LX), \
-				(__v16qi)(Y), (int)(LY), (M))
-/* Packed integer 64-bit comparison, zeroing or filling with ones
-   corresponding parts of result.  */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cmpgt_epi64 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pcmpgtq ((__v2di)__X, (__v2di)__Y);
-/* Calculate a number of bits set to 1.  */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_popcnt_u32 (unsigned int __X)
-  return __builtin_popcount (__X);
-#ifdef __x86_64__
-__STATIC_INLINE long long  __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_popcnt_u64 (unsigned long long __X)
-  return __builtin_popcountll (__X);
-/* Accumulate CRC32 (polynomial 0x11EDC6F41) value.  */
-__STATIC_INLINE unsigned int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_crc32_u8 (unsigned int __C, unsigned char __V)
-  return __builtin_ia32_crc32qi (__C, __V);
-__STATIC_INLINE unsigned int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_crc32_u16 (unsigned int __C, unsigned short __V)
-  return __builtin_ia32_crc32hi (__C, __V);
-__STATIC_INLINE unsigned int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_crc32_u32 (unsigned int __C, unsigned int __V)
-  return __builtin_ia32_crc32si (__C, __V);
-#ifdef __x86_64__
-__STATIC_INLINE unsigned long long __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_crc32_u64 (unsigned long long __C, unsigned long long __V)
-  return __builtin_ia32_crc32di (__C, __V);
-#endif /* __SSE4_2__ */
-#endif /* __SSE4_1__ */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin nodebug inline 4152603 */
-#undef __always_inline__
-/* APPLE LOCAL end nodebug inline 4152603 */
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/stdarg.h b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/stdarg.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c9ddd6b..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/stdarg.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 1989, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GCC.
-GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with GCC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.  */
-/* As a special exception, if you include this header file into source
-   files compiled by GCC, this header file does not by itself cause
-   the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
-   License.  This exception does not however invalidate any other
-   reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
-   Public License.  */
- * ISO C Standard:  7.15  Variable arguments  <stdarg.h>
- */
-#ifndef _STDARG_H
-#ifndef _ANSI_STDARG_H_
-#ifndef __need___va_list
-#define _STDARG_H
-#define _ANSI_STDARG_H_
-#endif /* not __need___va_list */
-#undef __need___va_list
-/* Define __gnuc_va_list.  */
-#ifndef __GNUC_VA_LIST
-#define __GNUC_VA_LIST
-typedef __builtin_va_list __gnuc_va_list;
-/* Define the standard macros for the user,
-   if this invocation was from the user program.  */
-#ifdef _STDARG_H
-#define va_start(v,l)	__builtin_va_start(v,l)
-#define va_end(v)	__builtin_va_end(v)
-#define va_arg(v,l)	__builtin_va_arg(v,l)
-#if !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) || __STDC_VERSION__ + 0 >= 199900L
-#define va_copy(d,s)	__builtin_va_copy(d,s)
-#define __va_copy(d,s)	__builtin_va_copy(d,s)
-/* Define va_list, if desired, from __gnuc_va_list. */
-/* We deliberately do not define va_list when called from
-   stdio.h, because ANSI C says that stdio.h is not supposed to define
-   va_list.  stdio.h needs to have access to that data type, 
-   but must not use that name.  It should use the name __gnuc_va_list,
-   which is safe because it is reserved for the implementation.  */
-#ifdef _HIDDEN_VA_LIST  /* On OSF1, this means varargs.h is "half-loaded".  */
-#undef _VA_LIST
-#ifdef _BSD_VA_LIST
-#undef _BSD_VA_LIST
-#if defined(__svr4__) || (defined(_SCO_DS) && !defined(__VA_LIST))
-/* SVR4.2 uses _VA_LIST for an internal alias for va_list,
-   so we must avoid testing it and setting it here.
-   SVR4 uses _VA_LIST as a flag in stdarg.h, but we should
-   have no conflict with that.  */
-#ifndef _VA_LIST_
-#define _VA_LIST_
-#ifdef __i860__
-#ifndef _VA_LIST
-#define _VA_LIST va_list
-#endif /* __i860__ */
-typedef __gnuc_va_list va_list;
-#ifdef _SCO_DS
-#define __VA_LIST
-#endif /* _VA_LIST_ */
-#else /* not __svr4__ || _SCO_DS */
-/* The macro _VA_LIST_ is the same thing used by this file in Ultrix.
-   But on BSD NET2 we must not test or define or undef it.
-   (Note that the comments in NET 2's ansi.h
-   are incorrect for _VA_LIST_--see stdio.h!)  */
-#if !defined (_VA_LIST_) || defined (__BSD_NET2__) || defined (____386BSD____) || defined (__bsdi__) || defined (__sequent__) || defined (__FreeBSD__) || defined(WINNT)
-/* The macro _VA_LIST_DEFINED is used in Windows NT 3.5  */
-/* The macro _VA_LIST is used in SCO Unix 3.2.  */
-#ifndef _VA_LIST
-/* The macro _VA_LIST_T_H is used in the Bull dpx2  */
-#ifndef _VA_LIST_T_H
-/* The macro __va_list__ is used by BeOS.  */
-#ifndef __va_list__
-typedef __gnuc_va_list va_list;
-#endif /* not __va_list__ */
-#endif /* not _VA_LIST_T_H */
-#endif /* not _VA_LIST */
-#endif /* not _VA_LIST_DEFINED */
-#if !(defined (__BSD_NET2__) || defined (____386BSD____) || defined (__bsdi__) || defined (__sequent__) || defined (__FreeBSD__))
-#define _VA_LIST_
-#ifndef _VA_LIST
-#define _VA_LIST
-#ifndef _VA_LIST_T_H
-#define _VA_LIST_T_H
-#ifndef __va_list__
-#define __va_list__
-#endif /* not _VA_LIST_, except on certain systems */
-#endif /* not __svr4__ */
-#endif /* _STDARG_H */
-#endif /* not _ANSI_STDARG_H_ */
-#endif /* not _STDARG_H */
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/stdbool.h b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/stdbool.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b36e650..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/stdbool.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GCC.
-GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with GCC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.  */
-/* As a special exception, if you include this header file into source
-   files compiled by GCC, this header file does not by itself cause
-   the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
-   License.  This exception does not however invalidate any other
-   reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
-   Public License.  */
- * ISO C Standard:  7.16  Boolean type and values  <stdbool.h>
- */
-#ifndef _STDBOOL_H
-#define _STDBOOL_H
-#ifndef __cplusplus
-#define bool	_Bool
-#define true	1
-#define false	0
-#else /* __cplusplus */
-/* Supporting <stdbool.h> in C++ is a GCC extension.  */
-#define _Bool	bool
-#define bool	bool
-#define false	false
-#define true	true
-#endif /* __cplusplus */
-/* Signal that all the definitions are present.  */
-#define __bool_true_false_are_defined	1
-#endif	/* stdbool.h */
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/stddef.h b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/stddef.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e61795..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/stddef.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,419 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 1989, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2004
-   Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GCC.
-GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with GCC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.  */
-/* As a special exception, if you include this header file into source
-   files compiled by GCC, this header file does not by itself cause
-   the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
-   License.  This exception does not however invalidate any other
-   reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
-   Public License.  */
- * ISO C Standard:  7.17  Common definitions  <stddef.h>
- */
-#if (!defined(_STDDEF_H) && !defined(_STDDEF_H_) && !defined(_ANSI_STDDEF_H) \
-     && !defined(__STDDEF_H__)) \
-    || defined(__need_wchar_t) || defined(__need_size_t) \
-    || defined(__need_ptrdiff_t) || defined(__need_NULL) \
-    || defined(__need_wint_t)
-/* Any one of these symbols __need_* means that GNU libc
-   wants us just to define one data type.  So don't define
-   the symbols that indicate this file's entire job has been done.  */
-#if (!defined(__need_wchar_t) && !defined(__need_size_t)	\
-     && !defined(__need_ptrdiff_t) && !defined(__need_NULL)	\
-     && !defined(__need_wint_t))
-#define _STDDEF_H
-#define _STDDEF_H_
-/* says the NeXT needs this.  */
-#define _ANSI_STDDEF_H
-/* Irix 5.1 needs this.  */
-#define __STDDEF_H__
-#ifndef __sys_stdtypes_h
-/* This avoids lossage on SunOS but only if stdtypes.h comes first.
-   There's no way to win with the other order!  Sun lossage.  */
-/* On 4.3bsd-net2, make sure ansi.h is included, so we have
-   one less case to deal with in the following.  */
-#if defined (__BSD_NET2__) || defined (____386BSD____) || (defined (__FreeBSD__) && (__FreeBSD__ < 5)) || defined(__NetBSD__)
-#include <machine/ansi.h>
-/* On FreeBSD 5, machine/ansi.h does not exist anymore... */
-#if defined (__FreeBSD__) && (__FreeBSD__ >= 5)
-#include <sys/_types.h>
-/* In 4.3bsd-net2, machine/ansi.h defines these symbols, which are
-   defined if the corresponding type is *not* defined.
-   FreeBSD-2.1 defines _MACHINE_ANSI_H_ instead of _ANSI_H_ */
-#if defined(_ANSI_H_) || defined(_MACHINE_ANSI_H_)
-#if !defined(_SIZE_T_) && !defined(_BSD_SIZE_T_)
-#define _SIZE_T
-#if !defined(_PTRDIFF_T_) && !defined(_BSD_PTRDIFF_T_)
-#define _PTRDIFF_T
-/* On BSD/386 1.1, at least, machine/ansi.h defines _BSD_WCHAR_T_
-   instead of _WCHAR_T_. */
-#if !defined(_WCHAR_T_) && !defined(_BSD_WCHAR_T_)
-#ifndef _BSD_WCHAR_T_
-#define _WCHAR_T
-/* Undef _FOO_T_ if we are supposed to define foo_t.  */
-#if defined (__need_ptrdiff_t) || defined (_STDDEF_H_)
-#undef _PTRDIFF_T_
-#undef _BSD_PTRDIFF_T_
-#if defined (__need_size_t) || defined (_STDDEF_H_)
-#undef _SIZE_T_
-#undef _BSD_SIZE_T_
-#if defined (__need_wchar_t) || defined (_STDDEF_H_)
-#undef _WCHAR_T_
-#undef _BSD_WCHAR_T_
-#endif /* defined(_ANSI_H_) || defined(_MACHINE_ANSI_H_) */
-/* Sequent's header files use _PTRDIFF_T_ in some conflicting way.
-   Just ignore it.  */
-#if defined (__sequent__) && defined (_PTRDIFF_T_)
-#undef _PTRDIFF_T_
-/* On VxWorks, <type/vxTypesBase.h> may have defined macros like
-   _TYPE_size_t which will typedef size_t.  fixincludes patched the
-   vxTypesBase.h so that this macro is only defined if _GCC_SIZE_T is
-   not defined, and so that defining this macro defines _GCC_SIZE_T.
-   If we find that the macros are still defined at this point, we must
-   invoke them so that the type is defined as expected.  */
-#if defined (_TYPE_ptrdiff_t) && (defined (__need_ptrdiff_t) || defined (_STDDEF_H_))
-#undef _TYPE_ptrdiff_t
-#if defined (_TYPE_size_t) && (defined (__need_size_t) || defined (_STDDEF_H_))
-#undef _TYPE_size_t
-#if defined (_TYPE_wchar_t) && (defined (__need_wchar_t) || defined (_STDDEF_H_))
-#undef _TYPE_wchar_t
-/* In case nobody has defined these types, but we aren't running under
-   GCC 2.00, make sure that __PTRDIFF_TYPE__, __SIZE_TYPE__, and
-   __WCHAR_TYPE__ have reasonable values.  This can happen if the
-   parts of GCC is compiled by an older compiler, that actually
-   include gstddef.h, such as collect2.  */
-/* Signed type of difference of two pointers.  */
-/* Define this type if we are doing the whole job,
-   or if we want this type in particular.  */
-#if defined (_STDDEF_H) || defined (__need_ptrdiff_t)
-#ifndef _PTRDIFF_T	/* in case <sys/types.h> has defined it. */
-#ifndef _T_PTRDIFF_
-#ifndef _T_PTRDIFF
-#ifndef __PTRDIFF_T
-#ifndef _PTRDIFF_T_
-#ifndef _BSD_PTRDIFF_T_
-#ifndef ___int_ptrdiff_t_h
-#ifndef _GCC_PTRDIFF_T
-#define _PTRDIFF_T
-#define _T_PTRDIFF_
-#define _T_PTRDIFF
-#define __PTRDIFF_T
-#define _PTRDIFF_T_
-#define _BSD_PTRDIFF_T_
-#define ___int_ptrdiff_t_h
-#define _GCC_PTRDIFF_T
-#ifndef __PTRDIFF_TYPE__
-#define __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ long int
-typedef __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ ptrdiff_t;
-#endif /* _GCC_PTRDIFF_T */
-#endif /* ___int_ptrdiff_t_h */
-#endif /* _BSD_PTRDIFF_T_ */
-#endif /* _PTRDIFF_T_ */
-#endif /* __PTRDIFF_T */
-#endif /* _T_PTRDIFF */
-#endif /* _T_PTRDIFF_ */
-#endif /* _PTRDIFF_T */
-/* If this symbol has done its job, get rid of it.  */
-#undef	__need_ptrdiff_t
-#endif /* _STDDEF_H or __need_ptrdiff_t.  */
-/* Unsigned type of `sizeof' something.  */
-/* Define this type if we are doing the whole job,
-   or if we want this type in particular.  */
-#if defined (_STDDEF_H) || defined (__need_size_t)
-#ifndef __size_t__	/* BeOS */
-#ifndef __SIZE_T__	/* Cray Unicos/Mk */
-#ifndef _SIZE_T	/* in case <sys/types.h> has defined it. */
-#ifndef _SYS_SIZE_T_H
-#ifndef _T_SIZE_
-#ifndef _T_SIZE
-#ifndef __SIZE_T
-#ifndef _SIZE_T_
-#ifndef _BSD_SIZE_T_
-#ifndef _SIZE_T_DEFINED_
-#ifndef _SIZE_T_DEFINED
-#ifndef _BSD_SIZE_T_DEFINED_	/* Darwin */
-#ifndef _SIZE_T_DECLARED	/* FreeBSD 5 */
-#ifndef ___int_size_t_h
-#ifndef _GCC_SIZE_T
-#ifndef _SIZET_
-#ifndef __size_t
-#define __size_t__	/* BeOS */
-#define __SIZE_T__	/* Cray Unicos/Mk */
-#define _SIZE_T
-#define _SYS_SIZE_T_H
-#define _T_SIZE_
-#define _T_SIZE
-#define __SIZE_T
-#define _SIZE_T_
-#define _BSD_SIZE_T_
-#define _SIZE_T_DEFINED_
-#define _SIZE_T_DEFINED
-#define _BSD_SIZE_T_DEFINED_	/* Darwin */
-#define _SIZE_T_DECLARED	/* FreeBSD 5 */
-#define ___int_size_t_h
-#define _GCC_SIZE_T
-#define _SIZET_
-#if defined (__FreeBSD__) && (__FreeBSD__ >= 5)
-/* __size_t is a typedef on FreeBSD 5!, must not trash it. */
-#define __size_t
-#ifndef __SIZE_TYPE__
-#define __SIZE_TYPE__ long unsigned int
-#if !(defined (__GNUG__) && defined (size_t))
-typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ size_t;
-#ifdef __BEOS__
-typedef long ssize_t;
-#endif /* __BEOS__ */
-#endif /* !(defined (__GNUG__) && defined (size_t)) */
-#endif /* __size_t */
-#endif /* _SIZET_ */
-#endif /* _GCC_SIZE_T */
-#endif /* ___int_size_t_h */
-#endif /* _SIZE_T_DECLARED */
-#endif /* _BSD_SIZE_T_DEFINED_ */
-#endif /* _SIZE_T_DEFINED */
-#endif /* _SIZE_T_DEFINED_ */
-#endif /* _BSD_SIZE_T_ */
-#endif /* _SIZE_T_ */
-#endif /* __SIZE_T */
-#endif /* _T_SIZE */
-#endif /* _T_SIZE_ */
-#endif /* _SYS_SIZE_T_H */
-#endif /* _SIZE_T */
-#endif /* __SIZE_T__ */
-#endif /* __size_t__ */
-#undef	__need_size_t
-#endif /* _STDDEF_H or __need_size_t.  */
-/* Wide character type.
-   Locale-writers should change this as necessary to
-   be big enough to hold unique values not between 0 and 127,
-   and not (wchar_t) -1, for each defined multibyte character.  */
-/* Define this type if we are doing the whole job,
-   or if we want this type in particular.  */
-#if defined (_STDDEF_H) || defined (__need_wchar_t)
-#ifndef __wchar_t__	/* BeOS */
-#ifndef __WCHAR_T__	/* Cray Unicos/Mk */
-#ifndef _WCHAR_T
-#ifndef _T_WCHAR_
-#ifndef _T_WCHAR
-#ifndef __WCHAR_T
-#ifndef _WCHAR_T_
-#ifndef _BSD_WCHAR_T_
-#ifndef _BSD_WCHAR_T_DEFINED_    /* Darwin */
-#ifndef _BSD_RUNE_T_DEFINED_	/* Darwin */
-#ifndef _WCHAR_T_DECLARED /* FreeBSD 5 */
-#ifndef _WCHAR_T_DEFINED_
-#ifndef _WCHAR_T_H
-#ifndef ___int_wchar_t_h
-#ifndef __INT_WCHAR_T_H
-#ifndef _GCC_WCHAR_T
-#define __wchar_t__	/* BeOS */
-#define __WCHAR_T__	/* Cray Unicos/Mk */
-#define _WCHAR_T
-#define _T_WCHAR_
-#define _T_WCHAR
-#define __WCHAR_T
-#define _WCHAR_T_
-#define _BSD_WCHAR_T_
-#define _WCHAR_T_DEFINED_
-#define _WCHAR_T_H
-#define ___int_wchar_t_h
-#define __INT_WCHAR_T_H
-#define _GCC_WCHAR_T
-/* On BSD/386 1.1, at least, machine/ansi.h defines _BSD_WCHAR_T_
-   instead of _WCHAR_T_, and _BSD_RUNE_T_ (which, unlike the other
-   symbols in the _FOO_T_ family, stays defined even after its
-   corresponding type is defined).  If we define wchar_t, then we
-   must undef _WCHAR_T_; for BSD/386 1.1 (and perhaps others), if
-   we undef _WCHAR_T_, then we must also define rune_t, since 
-   headers like runetype.h assume that if machine/ansi.h is included,
-   and _BSD_WCHAR_T_ is not defined, then rune_t is available.
-   machine/ansi.h says, "Note that _WCHAR_T_ and _RUNE_T_ must be of
-   the same type." */
-#ifdef _BSD_WCHAR_T_
-#undef _BSD_WCHAR_T_
-#ifdef _BSD_RUNE_T_
-#if !defined (_ANSI_SOURCE) && !defined (_POSIX_SOURCE)
-typedef _BSD_RUNE_T_ rune_t;
-#define _BSD_RUNE_T_DEFINED_	/* Darwin */
-#if defined (__FreeBSD__) && (__FreeBSD__ < 5)
-/* Why is this file so hard to maintain properly?  In contrast to
-   the comment above regarding BSD/386 1.1, on FreeBSD for as long
-   as the symbol has existed, _BSD_RUNE_T_ must not stay defined or
-   redundant typedefs will occur when stdlib.h is included after this file. */
-#undef _BSD_RUNE_T_
-/* FreeBSD 5 can't be handled well using "traditional" logic above
-   since it no longer defines _BSD_RUNE_T_ yet still desires to export
-   rune_t in some cases... */
-#if defined (__FreeBSD__) && (__FreeBSD__ >= 5)
-#if !defined (_ANSI_SOURCE) && !defined (_POSIX_SOURCE)
-typedef __rune_t        rune_t;
-#ifndef __WCHAR_TYPE__
-#define __WCHAR_TYPE__ int
-#ifndef __cplusplus
-typedef __WCHAR_TYPE__ wchar_t;
-#endif /* _WCHAR_T_DECLARED */
-#endif /* _BSD_RUNE_T_DEFINED_ */
-#endif /* __WCHAR_T__ */
-#endif /* __wchar_t__ */
-#undef	__need_wchar_t
-#endif /* _STDDEF_H or __need_wchar_t.  */
-#if defined (__need_wint_t)
-#ifndef _WINT_T
-#define _WINT_T
-#ifndef __WINT_TYPE__
-#define __WINT_TYPE__ unsigned int
-typedef __WINT_TYPE__ wint_t;
-#undef __need_wint_t
-/*  In 4.3bsd-net2, leave these undefined to indicate that size_t, etc.
-    are already defined.  */
-/*  BSD/OS 3.1 and FreeBSD [23].x require the MACHINE_ANSI_H check here.  */
-#if defined(_ANSI_H_) || defined(_MACHINE_ANSI_H_)
-/*  The references to _GCC_PTRDIFF_T_, _GCC_SIZE_T_, and _GCC_WCHAR_T_
-    are probably typos and should be removed before 2.8 is released.  */
-#ifdef _GCC_PTRDIFF_T_
-#undef _PTRDIFF_T_
-#undef _BSD_PTRDIFF_T_
-#ifdef _GCC_SIZE_T_
-#undef _SIZE_T_
-#undef _BSD_SIZE_T_
-#ifdef _GCC_WCHAR_T_
-#undef _WCHAR_T_
-#undef _BSD_WCHAR_T_
-/*  The following ones are the real ones.  */
-#ifdef _GCC_PTRDIFF_T
-#undef _PTRDIFF_T_
-#undef _BSD_PTRDIFF_T_
-#ifdef _GCC_SIZE_T
-#undef _SIZE_T_
-#undef _BSD_SIZE_T_
-#ifdef _GCC_WCHAR_T
-#undef _WCHAR_T_
-#undef _BSD_WCHAR_T_
-#endif /* _ANSI_H_ || _MACHINE_ANSI_H_ */
-#endif /* __sys_stdtypes_h */
-/* A null pointer constant.  */
-#if defined (_STDDEF_H) || defined (__need_NULL)
-#undef NULL		/* in case <stdio.h> has defined it. */
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#define NULL __null
-#else   /* G++ */
-#ifndef __cplusplus
-#define NULL ((void *)0)
-#else   /* C++ */
-#define NULL 0
-#endif  /* C++ */
-#endif  /* G++ */
-#endif	/* NULL not defined and <stddef.h> or need NULL.  */
-#undef	__need_NULL
-#ifdef _STDDEF_H
-/* Offset of member MEMBER in a struct of type TYPE. */
-#define offsetof(TYPE, MEMBER) __builtin_offsetof (TYPE, MEMBER)
-#endif /* _STDDEF_H was defined this time */
-#endif /* !_STDDEF_H && !_STDDEF_H_ && !_ANSI_STDDEF_H && !__STDDEF_H__
-	  || __need_XXX was not defined before */
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/stdint.h b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/stdint.h
deleted file mode 120000
index cff0fff..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/stdint.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/syslimits.h b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/syslimits.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a449979..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/syslimits.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-/* syslimits.h stands for the system's own limits.h file.
-   If we can use it ok unmodified, then we install this text.
-   If fixincludes fixes it, then the fixed version is installed
-   instead of this text.  */
-#define _GCC_NEXT_LIMITS_H		/* tell gcc's limits.h to recurse */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin 4401222 */
-/* APPLE LOCAL end 4401222 */
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/tgmath.h b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/tgmath.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0874196..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/tgmath.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-/* APPLE LOCAL file mainline 2007-06-12 2872232 */
-/* Copyright (C) 2004
-   Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GCC.
-GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with GCC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
-Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */
-/* As a special exception, if you include this header file into source
-   files compiled by GCC, this header file does not by itself cause
-   the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
-   License.  This exception does not however invalidate any other
-   reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
-   Public License.  */
- * ISO C Standard:  7.22  Type-generic math <tgmath.h>
- */
-#ifndef _TGMATH_H
-#define _TGMATH_H
-#include <math.h>
-#ifndef __cplusplus
-#include <complex.h>
-/* Naming convention: generic macros are defining using
-   means the generic argument(s) may be real or complex, _REAL means
-   real only, _CPLX means complex only.  If there is no suffix, we are
-   defining a function of one generic argument.  If the suffix is _n
-   it is a function of n generic arguments.  If the suffix is _m_n it
-   is a function of n arguments, the first m of which are generic.  We
-   only define these macros for values of n and/or m that are needed. */
-/* The general rules for generic macros are given in 7.22 paragraphs 1 and 2.
-   If any generic parameter is complex, we use a complex version.  Otherwise
-   we use a real version.  If the real part of any generic parameter is long
-   double, we use the long double version.  Otherwise if the real part of any
-   generic paramter is double or of integer type, we use the double version.
-   Otherwise we use the float version. */
-#define __tg_cplx(expr) \
-  __builtin_classify_type(expr) == 9
-#define __tg_ldbl(expr) \
-  __builtin_types_compatible_p(__typeof__(expr), long double)
-#define __tg_dbl(expr)                                       \
-  (__builtin_types_compatible_p(__typeof__(expr), double)    \
-   || __builtin_classify_type(expr) == 1)
-#define __tg_choose(x,f,d,l)                                  \
-  __builtin_choose_expr(__tg_ldbl(x), l,                      \
-                        __builtin_choose_expr(__tg_dbl(x), d, \
-                                              f))
-#define __tg_choose_2(x,y,f,d,l)                                             \
-  __builtin_choose_expr(__tg_ldbl(x) || __tg_ldbl(y), l,                     \
-                        __builtin_choose_expr(__tg_dbl(x) || __tg_dbl(y), d, \
-                                              f))
-#define __tg_choose_3(x,y,z,f,d,l)                                        \
-   __builtin_choose_expr(__tg_ldbl(x) || __tg_ldbl(y) || __tg_ldbl(z), l, \
-                        __builtin_choose_expr(__tg_dbl(x) || __tg_dbl(y)  \
-                                              || __tg_dbl(z), d,          \
-                                              f))
-#define __TGMATH_CPLX(z,R,C)                                                  \
-  __builtin_choose_expr (__tg_cplx(z),                                        \
-                         __tg_choose (__real__(z), C##f(z), (C)(z), C##l(z)), \
-			 /* APPLE LOCAL shorten-64-to-32 4604239 */	      \
-                         __tg_choose (z, R##f((float)(z)), (R)(z), R##l(z)))
-#define __TGMATH_CPLX_2(z1,z2,R,C)                                             \
-  __builtin_choose_expr (__tg_cplx(z1) || __tg_cplx(z2),                       \
-                         __tg_choose_2 (__real__(z1), __real__(z2),            \
-                                        C##f(z1,z2), (C)(z1,z2), C##l(z1,z2)), \
-                         __tg_choose_2 (z1, z2,                                \
-			 /* APPLE LOCAL shorten-64-to-32 5909621 */	       \
-                                        R##f((float)(z1),(float)(z2)), (R)(z1,z2), R##l(z1,z2)))
-#define __TGMATH_REAL(x,R) \
-  /* APPLE LOCAL shorten-64-to-32 5909621 */	      \
-  __tg_choose (x, R##f((float)(x)), (R)(x), R##l(x))
-#define __TGMATH_REAL_2(x,y,R) \
-  /* APPLE LOCAL shorten-64-to-32 4604239 */	      \
-  __tg_choose_2 (x, y, R##f((float)(x),(float)(y)), (R)(x,y), R##l(x,y))
-#define __TGMATH_REAL_3(x,y,z,R) \
-  /* APPLE LOCAL shorten-64-to-32 5909621 */	       \
-  __tg_choose_3 (x, y, z, R##f((float)(x),(float)(y),(float)(z)), (R)(x,y,z), R##l(x,y,z))
-#define __TGMATH_REAL_1_2(x,y,R) \
-  /* APPLE LOCAL shorten-64-to-32 5909621 */	       \
-  __tg_choose (x, R##f((float)(x),y), (R)(x,y), R##l(x,y))
-#define __TGMATH_REAL_2_3(x,y,z,R) \
-  /* APPLE LOCAL shorten-64-to-32 5909621 */	       \
-  __tg_choose_2 (x, y, R##f((float)(x),(float)(y),z), (R)(x,y,z), R##l(x,y,z))
-#define __TGMATH_CPLX_ONLY(z,C) \
-  __tg_choose (__real__(z), C##f(z), (C)(z), C##l(z))
-/* Functions defined in both <math.h> and <complex.h> (7.22p4) */
-#define acos(z)          __TGMATH_CPLX(z, acos, cacos)
-#define asin(z)          __TGMATH_CPLX(z, asin, casin)
-#define atan(z)          __TGMATH_CPLX(z, atan, catan)
-#define acosh(z)         __TGMATH_CPLX(z, acosh, cacosh)
-#define asinh(z)         __TGMATH_CPLX(z, asinh, casinh)
-#define atanh(z)         __TGMATH_CPLX(z, atanh, catanh)
-#define cos(z)           __TGMATH_CPLX(z, cos, ccos)
-#define sin(z)           __TGMATH_CPLX(z, sin, csin)
-#define tan(z)           __TGMATH_CPLX(z, tan, ctan)
-#define cosh(z)          __TGMATH_CPLX(z, cosh, ccosh)
-#define sinh(z)          __TGMATH_CPLX(z, sinh, csinh)
-#define tanh(z)          __TGMATH_CPLX(z, tanh, ctanh)
-#define exp(z)           __TGMATH_CPLX(z, exp, cexp)
-#define log(z)           __TGMATH_CPLX(z, log, clog)
-#define pow(z1,z2)       __TGMATH_CPLX_2(z1, z2, pow, cpow)
-#define sqrt(z)          __TGMATH_CPLX(z, sqrt, csqrt)
-#define fabs(z)          __TGMATH_CPLX(z, fabs, cabs)
-/* Functions defined in <math.h> only (7.22p5) */
-#define atan2(x,y)       __TGMATH_REAL_2(x, y, atan2)
-#define cbrt(x)          __TGMATH_REAL(x, cbrt)
-#define ceil(x)          __TGMATH_REAL(x, ceil)
-#define copysign(x,y)    __TGMATH_REAL_2(x, y, copysign)
-#define erf(x)           __TGMATH_REAL(x, erf)
-#define erfc(x)          __TGMATH_REAL(x, erfc)
-#define exp2(x)          __TGMATH_REAL(x, exp2)
-#define expm1(x)         __TGMATH_REAL(x, expm1)
-#define fdim(x,y)        __TGMATH_REAL_2(x, y, fdim)
-#define floor(x)         __TGMATH_REAL(x, floor)
-#define fma(x,y,z)       __TGMATH_REAL_3(x, y, z, fma)
-#define fmax(x,y)        __TGMATH_REAL_2(x, y, fmax)
-#define fmin(x,y)        __TGMATH_REAL_2(x, y, fmin)
-#define fmod(x,y)        __TGMATH_REAL_2(x, y, fmod)
-#define frexp(x,y)       __TGMATH_REAL_1_2(x, y, frexp)
-#define hypot(x,y)       __TGMATH_REAL_2(x, y, hypot)
-#define ilogb(x)         __TGMATH_REAL(x, ilogb)
-#define ldexp(x,y)       __TGMATH_REAL_1_2(x, y, ldexp)
-#define lgamma(x)        __TGMATH_REAL(x, lgamma)
-#define llrint(x)        __TGMATH_REAL(x, llrint)
-#define llround(x)       __TGMATH_REAL(x, llround)
-#define log10(x)         __TGMATH_REAL(x, log10)
-#define log1p(x)         __TGMATH_REAL(x, log1p)
-#define log2(x)          __TGMATH_REAL(x, log2)
-#define logb(x)          __TGMATH_REAL(x, logb)
-#define lrint(x)         __TGMATH_REAL(x, lrint)
-#define lround(x)        __TGMATH_REAL(x, lround)
-#define nearbyint(x)     __TGMATH_REAL(x, nearbyint)
-#define nextafter(x,y)   __TGMATH_REAL_2(x, y, nextafter)
-#define nexttoward(x,y)  __TGMATH_REAL_1_2(x, y, nexttoward)
-#define remainder(x,y)   __TGMATH_REAL_2(x, y, remainder)
-#define remquo(x,y,z)    __TGMATH_REAL_2_3(x, y, z, remquo)
-#define rint(x)          __TGMATH_REAL(x, rint)
-#define round(x)         __TGMATH_REAL(x, round)
-#define scalbn(x,y)      __TGMATH_REAL_1_2(x, y, scalbn)
-#define scalbln(x,y)     __TGMATH_REAL_1_2(x, y, scalbln)
-#define tgamma(x)        __TGMATH_REAL(x, tgamma)
-#define trunc(x)         __TGMATH_REAL(x, trunc)
-/* Functions defined in <complex.h> only (7.22p6) */
-#define carg(z)          __TGMATH_CPLX_ONLY(z, carg)
-#define cimag(z)         __TGMATH_CPLX_ONLY(z, cimag)
-#define conj(z)          __TGMATH_CPLX_ONLY(z, conj)
-#define cproj(z)         __TGMATH_CPLX_ONLY(z, cproj)
-#define creal(z)         __TGMATH_CPLX_ONLY(z, creal)
-#endif /* __cplusplus */
-#endif /* _TGMATH_H */
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/tmmintrin.h b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/tmmintrin.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1bb254b..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/tmmintrin.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,304 +0,0 @@
-/* APPLE LOCAL file ssse3 4424835 */
-/* Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-   This file is part of GCC.
-   GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-   any later version.
-   GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-   GNU General Public License for more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-   along with GCC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-   the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
-   Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */
-/* As a special exception, if you include this header file into source
-   files compiled by GCC, this header file does not by itself cause
-   the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
-   License.  This exception does not however invalidate any other
-   reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
-   Public License.  */
-/* Implemented from the specification included in the Intel C++ Compiler
-   User Guide and Reference, version 9.1.  */
-#ifdef __SSSE3__
-#include <pmmintrin.h>
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin nodebug inline */
-#define __always_inline__ __always_inline__, __nodebug__
-/* APPLE LOCAL end nodebug inline */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-#ifdef __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__
-#define __STATIC_INLINE __inline
-#define __STATIC_INLINE static __inline
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_hadd_epi16 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_phaddw128 ((__v8hi)__X, (__v8hi)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_hadd_epi32 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_phaddd128 ((__v4si)__X, (__v4si)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_hadds_epi16 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_phaddsw128 ((__v8hi)__X, (__v8hi)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_hadd_pi16 (__m64 __X, __m64 __Y)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_phaddw ((__v4hi)__X, (__v4hi)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_hadd_pi32 (__m64 __X, __m64 __Y)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_phaddd ((__v2si)__X, (__v2si)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_hadds_pi16 (__m64 __X, __m64 __Y)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_phaddsw ((__v4hi)__X, (__v4hi)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_hsub_epi16 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_phsubw128 ((__v8hi)__X, (__v8hi)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_hsub_epi32 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_phsubd128 ((__v4si)__X, (__v4si)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_hsubs_epi16 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_phsubsw128 ((__v8hi)__X, (__v8hi)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_hsub_pi16 (__m64 __X, __m64 __Y)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_phsubw ((__v4hi)__X, (__v4hi)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_hsub_pi32 (__m64 __X, __m64 __Y)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_phsubd ((__v2si)__X, (__v2si)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_hsubs_pi16 (__m64 __X, __m64 __Y)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_phsubsw ((__v4hi)__X, (__v4hi)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_maddubs_epi16 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pmaddubsw128 ((__v16qi)__X, (__v16qi)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_maddubs_pi16 (__m64 __X, __m64 __Y)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_pmaddubsw ((__v8qi)__X, (__v8qi)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_mulhrs_epi16 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pmulhrsw128 ((__v8hi)__X, (__v8hi)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_mulhrs_pi16 (__m64 __X, __m64 __Y)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_pmulhrsw ((__v4hi)__X, (__v4hi)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_shuffle_epi8 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pshufb128 ((__v16qi)__X, (__v16qi)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_shuffle_pi8 (__m64 __X, __m64 __Y)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_pshufb ((__v8qi)__X, (__v8qi)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sign_epi8 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_psignb128 ((__v16qi)__X, (__v16qi)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sign_epi16 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_psignw128 ((__v8hi)__X, (__v8hi)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sign_epi32 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_psignd128 ((__v4si)__X, (__v4si)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sign_pi8 (__m64 __X, __m64 __Y)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psignb ((__v8qi)__X, (__v8qi)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sign_pi16 (__m64 __X, __m64 __Y)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psignw ((__v4hi)__X, (__v4hi)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sign_pi32 (__m64 __X, __m64 __Y)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psignd ((__v2si)__X, (__v2si)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin 5814283 */
-#define _mm_alignr_epi8(__X, __Y, __N) \
-  ((__m128i)__builtin_ia32_palignr128 ((__v2di)(__X), (__v2di)(__Y), (__N) * 8))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end 5814283 */
-#define _mm_alignr_pi8(__X, __Y, __N) \
-  ((__m64)__builtin_ia32_palignr ((long long) (__X), (long long) (__Y), (__N) * 8))
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_abs_epi8 (__m128i __X)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pabsb128 ((__v16qi)__X);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_abs_epi16 (__m128i __X)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pabsw128 ((__v8hi)__X);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_abs_epi32 (__m128i __X)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pabsd128 ((__v4si)__X);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_abs_pi8 (__m64 __X)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_pabsb ((__v8qi)__X);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_abs_pi16 (__m64 __X)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_pabsw ((__v4hi)__X);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_abs_pi32 (__m64 __X)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_pabsd ((__v2si)__X);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin nodebug inline */
-#undef __always_inline__
-/* APPLE LOCAL end nodebug inline */
-#endif /* __SSSE3__ */
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/unwind.h b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/unwind.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f4c065..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/unwind.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
-/* Exception handling and frame unwind runtime interface routines.
-   Copyright (C) 2001, 2003, 2004, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-   This file is part of GCC.
-   GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-   under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-   any later version.
-   GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-   ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
-   or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
-   License for more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-   along with GCC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
-   Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
-   02110-1301, USA.  */
-/* As a special exception, if you include this header file into source
-   files compiled by GCC, this header file does not by itself cause
-   the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
-   License.  This exception does not however invalidate any other
-   reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
-   Public License.  */
-/* This is derived from the C++ ABI for IA-64.  Where we diverge
-   for cross-architecture compatibility are noted with "@@@".  */
-#ifndef _UNWIND_H
-#define _UNWIND_H
-#pragma GCC visibility push(default)
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/* Level 1: Base ABI  */
-/* @@@ The IA-64 ABI uses uint64 throughout.  Most places this is
-   inefficient for 32-bit and smaller machines.  */
-typedef unsigned _Unwind_Word __attribute__((__mode__(__word__)));
-typedef signed _Unwind_Sword __attribute__((__mode__(__word__)));
-#if defined(__ia64__) && defined(__hpux__)
-typedef unsigned _Unwind_Ptr __attribute__((__mode__(__word__)));
-typedef unsigned _Unwind_Ptr __attribute__((__mode__(__pointer__)));
-typedef unsigned _Unwind_Internal_Ptr __attribute__((__mode__(__pointer__)));
-/* @@@ The IA-64 ABI uses a 64-bit word to identify the producer and
-   consumer of an exception.  We'll go along with this for now even on
-   32-bit machines.  We'll need to provide some other option for
-   16-bit machines and for machines with > 8 bits per byte.  */
-typedef unsigned _Unwind_Exception_Class __attribute__((__mode__(__DI__)));
-/* The unwind interface uses reason codes in several contexts to
-   identify the reasons for failures or other actions.  */
-typedef enum
-  _URC_NO_REASON = 0,
-} _Unwind_Reason_Code;
-/* The unwind interface uses a pointer to an exception header object
-   as its representation of an exception being thrown. In general, the
-   full representation of an exception object is language- and
-   implementation-specific, but it will be prefixed by a header
-   understood by the unwind interface.  */
-struct _Unwind_Exception;
-typedef void (*_Unwind_Exception_Cleanup_Fn) (_Unwind_Reason_Code,
-					      struct _Unwind_Exception *);
-struct _Unwind_Exception
-  _Unwind_Exception_Class exception_class;
-  _Unwind_Exception_Cleanup_Fn exception_cleanup;
-  _Unwind_Word private_1;
-  _Unwind_Word private_2;
-  /* @@@ The IA-64 ABI says that this structure must be double-word aligned.
-     Taking that literally does not make much sense generically.  Instead we
-     provide the maximum alignment required by any type for the machine.  */
-} __attribute__((__aligned__));
-/* The ACTIONS argument to the personality routine is a bitwise OR of one
-   or more of the following constants.  */
-typedef int _Unwind_Action;
-#define _UA_SEARCH_PHASE	1
-#define _UA_CLEANUP_PHASE	2
-#define _UA_HANDLER_FRAME	4
-#define _UA_FORCE_UNWIND	8
-#define _UA_END_OF_STACK	16
-/* This is an opaque type used to refer to a system-specific data
-   structure used by the system unwinder. This context is created and
-   destroyed by the system, and passed to the personality routine
-   during unwinding.  */
-struct _Unwind_Context;
-/* Raise an exception, passing along the given exception object.  */
-extern _Unwind_Reason_Code _Unwind_RaiseException (struct _Unwind_Exception *);
-/* Raise an exception for forced unwinding.  */
-typedef _Unwind_Reason_Code (*_Unwind_Stop_Fn)
-     (int, _Unwind_Action, _Unwind_Exception_Class,
-      struct _Unwind_Exception *, struct _Unwind_Context *, void *);
-extern _Unwind_Reason_Code _Unwind_ForcedUnwind (struct _Unwind_Exception *,
-						 _Unwind_Stop_Fn,
-						 void *);
-/* Helper to invoke the exception_cleanup routine.  */
-extern void _Unwind_DeleteException (struct _Unwind_Exception *);
-/* Resume propagation of an existing exception.  This is used after
-   e.g. executing cleanup code, and not to implement rethrowing.  */
-extern void _Unwind_Resume (struct _Unwind_Exception *);
-/* @@@ Resume propagation of an FORCE_UNWIND exception, or to rethrow
-   a normal exception that was handled.  */
-extern _Unwind_Reason_Code _Unwind_Resume_or_Rethrow (struct _Unwind_Exception *);
-/* @@@ Use unwind data to perform a stack backtrace.  The trace callback
-   is called for every stack frame in the call chain, but no cleanup
-   actions are performed.  */
-typedef _Unwind_Reason_Code (*_Unwind_Trace_Fn)
-     (struct _Unwind_Context *, void *);
-extern _Unwind_Reason_Code _Unwind_Backtrace (_Unwind_Trace_Fn, void *);
-/* These functions are used for communicating information about the unwind
-   context (i.e. the unwind descriptors and the user register state) between
-   the unwind library and the personality routine and landing pad.  Only
-   selected registers maybe manipulated.  */
-extern _Unwind_Word _Unwind_GetGR (struct _Unwind_Context *, int);
-extern void _Unwind_SetGR (struct _Unwind_Context *, int, _Unwind_Word);
-extern _Unwind_Ptr _Unwind_GetIP (struct _Unwind_Context *);
-extern _Unwind_Ptr _Unwind_GetIPInfo (struct _Unwind_Context *, int *);
-extern void _Unwind_SetIP (struct _Unwind_Context *, _Unwind_Ptr);
-/* @@@ Retrieve the CFA of the given context.  */
-extern _Unwind_Word _Unwind_GetCFA (struct _Unwind_Context *);
-extern void *_Unwind_GetLanguageSpecificData (struct _Unwind_Context *);
-extern _Unwind_Ptr _Unwind_GetRegionStart (struct _Unwind_Context *);
-/* The personality routine is the function in the C++ (or other language)
-   runtime library which serves as an interface between the system unwind
-   library and language-specific exception handling semantics.  It is
-   specific to the code fragment described by an unwind info block, and
-   it is always referenced via the pointer in the unwind info block, and
-   hence it has no ABI-specified name.
-   Note that this implies that two different C++ implementations can
-   use different names, and have different contents in the language
-   specific data area.  Moreover, that the language specific data
-   area contains no version info because name of the function invoked
-   provides more effective versioning by detecting at link time the
-   lack of code to handle the different data format.  */
-typedef _Unwind_Reason_Code (*_Unwind_Personality_Fn)
-     (int, _Unwind_Action, _Unwind_Exception_Class,
-      struct _Unwind_Exception *, struct _Unwind_Context *);
-/* @@@ The following alternate entry points are for setjmp/longjmp
-   based unwinding.  */
-struct SjLj_Function_Context;
-extern void _Unwind_SjLj_Register (struct SjLj_Function_Context *);
-extern void _Unwind_SjLj_Unregister (struct SjLj_Function_Context *);
-extern _Unwind_Reason_Code _Unwind_SjLj_RaiseException
-     (struct _Unwind_Exception *);
-extern _Unwind_Reason_Code _Unwind_SjLj_ForcedUnwind
-     (struct _Unwind_Exception *, _Unwind_Stop_Fn, void *);
-extern void _Unwind_SjLj_Resume (struct _Unwind_Exception *);
-extern _Unwind_Reason_Code _Unwind_SjLj_Resume_or_Rethrow (struct _Unwind_Exception *);
-/* @@@ The following provide access to the base addresses for text
-   and data-relative addressing in the LDSA.  In order to stay link
-   compatible with the standard ABI for IA-64, we inline these.  */
-#ifdef __ia64__
-#include <stdlib.h>
-static inline _Unwind_Ptr
-_Unwind_GetDataRelBase (struct _Unwind_Context *_C)
-  /* The GP is stored in R1.  */
-  return _Unwind_GetGR (_C, 1);
-static inline _Unwind_Ptr
-_Unwind_GetTextRelBase (struct _Unwind_Context *_C __attribute__ ((__unused__)))
-  abort ();
-  return 0;
-/* @@@ Retrieve the Backing Store Pointer of the given context.  */
-extern _Unwind_Word _Unwind_GetBSP (struct _Unwind_Context *);
-extern _Unwind_Ptr _Unwind_GetDataRelBase (struct _Unwind_Context *);
-extern _Unwind_Ptr _Unwind_GetTextRelBase (struct _Unwind_Context *);
-/* @@@ Given an address, return the entry point of the function that
-   contains it.  */
-extern void * _Unwind_FindEnclosingFunction (void *pc);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#pragma GCC visibility pop
-#endif /* unwind.h */
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/varargs.h b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/varargs.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b9803e..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/varargs.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _VARARGS_H
-#define _VARARGS_H
-#error "GCC no longer implements <varargs.h>."
-#error "Revise your code to use <stdarg.h>."
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/xmmintrin.h b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/xmmintrin.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bd48e9a..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/include/xmmintrin.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1643 +0,0 @@
-/* APPLE LOCAL file mainline 2005-06-30 Radar 4131077 */
-/* Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007
-   Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-   This file is part of GCC.
-   GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-   any later version.
-   GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-   GNU General Public License for more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-   along with GCC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-   the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-   Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.  */
-/* As a special exception, if you include this header file into source
-   files compiled by GCC, this header file does not by itself cause
-   the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
-   License.  This exception does not however invalidate any other
-   reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
-   Public License.  */
-/* Implemented from the specification included in the Intel C++ Compiler
-   User Guide and Reference, version 9.0.  */
-#ifndef __SSE__
-# error "SSE instruction set not enabled"
-/* We need type definitions from the MMX header file.  */
-#include <mmintrin.h>
-/* Get _mm_malloc () and _mm_free ().  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin xmmintrin.h for kernel 4123064 */
-#if __STDC_HOSTED__
-#include <mm_malloc.h>
-/* APPLE LOCAL end xmmintrin.h for kernel 4123064 */
-/* The Intel API is flexible enough that we must allow aliasing with other
-   vector types, and their scalar components.  */
-typedef float __m128 __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (16), __may_alias__));
-/* Internal data types for implementing the intrinsics.  */
-typedef float __v4sf __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (16)));
-#if defined(__clang__) && defined(WITH_SYNTAX_CHECK)
-/* Workaround for "clang -fsyntax-only" happens to use this header, but may
- * choke on something not supported in clang
- */
-int __builtin_ia32_cvtss2si (__v4sf);
-int __builtin_ia32_cvttss2si (__v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_addps (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_addss (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_addss (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_addss (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_andnps (__m128, __m128);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_andps (__m128, __m128);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_cmpeqps (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_cmpeqss (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_cmpgeps (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_cmpgtps (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_cmpleps (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_cmpless (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_cmpltps (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_cmpltss (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_cmpneqps (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_cmpneqss (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_cmpngeps (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_cmpngtps (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_cmpnleps (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_cmpnless (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_cmpnltps (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_cmpnltss (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_cmpordps (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_cmpordss (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_cmpunordps (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_cmpunordss (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_cvtsi2ss (__v4sf, int);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_divps (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_divss (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_movss (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_mulps (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_mulps (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_mulss (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_mulss (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_orps (__m128, __m128);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_subps (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_subss (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_subss (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_xorps (__m128, __m128);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_loadhps (__v4sf, const __v2si *);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_loadlps (__v4sf, const __v2si *);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_movhlps (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_movlhps (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_shufps (__v4sf, __v4sf, int const);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_unpckhps (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_unpcklps (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_loadups (float const *);
-__m64 __builtin_ia32_vec_set_v4hi (__v4hi, int const, int const);
-float __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v4sf (__v4sf, const int);
-int __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v4hi (__v4hi, const int);
-long long __builtin_ia32_cvtss2si64 (__v4sf);
-long long __builtin_ia32_cvttss2si64 (__v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_cvtsi642ss (__v4sf, long long);
-/* Create a selector for use with the SHUFPS instruction.  */
-#define _MM_SHUFFLE(fp3,fp2,fp1,fp0) \
- (((fp3) << 6) | ((fp2) << 4) | ((fp1) << 2) | (fp0))
-/* Constants for use with _mm_prefetch.  */
-enum _mm_hint
-  _MM_HINT_T0 = 3,
-  _MM_HINT_T1 = 2,
-  _MM_HINT_T2 = 1,
-  _MM_HINT_NTA = 0
-/* Bits in the MXCSR.  */
-#define _MM_EXCEPT_MASK       0x003f
-#define _MM_EXCEPT_INVALID    0x0001
-#define _MM_EXCEPT_DENORM     0x0002
-#define _MM_EXCEPT_DIV_ZERO   0x0004
-#define _MM_EXCEPT_OVERFLOW   0x0008
-#define _MM_EXCEPT_UNDERFLOW  0x0010
-#define _MM_EXCEPT_INEXACT    0x0020
-#define _MM_MASK_MASK         0x1f80
-#define _MM_MASK_INVALID      0x0080
-#define _MM_MASK_DENORM       0x0100
-#define _MM_MASK_DIV_ZERO     0x0200
-#define _MM_MASK_OVERFLOW     0x0400
-#define _MM_MASK_UNDERFLOW    0x0800
-#define _MM_MASK_INEXACT      0x1000
-#define _MM_ROUND_MASK        0x6000
-#define _MM_ROUND_NEAREST     0x0000
-#define _MM_ROUND_DOWN        0x2000
-#define _MM_ROUND_UP          0x4000
-#define _MM_ROUND_TOWARD_ZERO 0x6000
-#define _MM_FLUSH_ZERO_MASK   0x8000
-#define _MM_FLUSH_ZERO_ON     0x8000
-#define _MM_FLUSH_ZERO_OFF    0x0000
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin nodebug inline 4152603 */
-#define __always_inline__ __always_inline__, __nodebug__
-/* APPLE LOCAL end nodebug inline 4152603 */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-#ifdef __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__
-#define __STATIC_INLINE __inline
-#define __STATIC_INLINE static __inline
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-/* Create a vector of zeros.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 4152603 */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_setzero_ps (void)
-  return __extension__ (__m128){ 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
-/* Perform the respective operation on the lower SPFP (single-precision
-   floating-point) values of A and B; the upper three SPFP values are
-   passed through from A.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_add_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_addss ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sub_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_subss ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_mul_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_mulss ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_div_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_divss ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sqrt_ss (__m128 __A)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_sqrtss ((__v4sf)__A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_rcp_ss (__m128 __A)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_rcpss ((__v4sf)__A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_rsqrt_ss (__m128 __A)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_rsqrtss ((__v4sf)__A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_min_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_minss ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_max_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_maxss ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* Perform the respective operation on the four SPFP values in A and B.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_add_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_addps ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sub_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_subps ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_mul_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_mulps ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_div_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_divps ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sqrt_ps (__m128 __A)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_sqrtps ((__v4sf)__A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_rcp_ps (__m128 __A)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_rcpps ((__v4sf)__A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_rsqrt_ps (__m128 __A)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_rsqrtps ((__v4sf)__A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_min_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_minps ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_max_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_maxps ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* Perform logical bit-wise operations on 128-bit values.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_and_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_andps (__A, __B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_andnot_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_andnps (__A, __B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_or_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_orps (__A, __B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_xor_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_xorps (__A, __B);
-/* Perform a comparison on the lower SPFP values of A and B.  If the
-   comparison is true, place a mask of all ones in the result, otherwise a
-   mask of zeros.  The upper three SPFP values are passed through from A.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpeq_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_cmpeqss ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmplt_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_cmpltss ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmple_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_cmpless ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpgt_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_movss ((__v4sf) __A,
-					(__v4sf)
-					__builtin_ia32_cmpltss ((__v4sf) __B,
-								(__v4sf)
-								__A));
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpge_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_movss ((__v4sf) __A,
-					(__v4sf)
-					__builtin_ia32_cmpless ((__v4sf) __B,
-								(__v4sf)
-								__A));
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpneq_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_cmpneqss ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpnlt_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_cmpnltss ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpnle_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_cmpnless ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpngt_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_movss ((__v4sf) __A,
-					(__v4sf)
-					__builtin_ia32_cmpnltss ((__v4sf) __B,
-								 (__v4sf)
-								 __A));
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpnge_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_movss ((__v4sf) __A,
-					(__v4sf)
-					__builtin_ia32_cmpnless ((__v4sf) __B,
-								 (__v4sf)
-								 __A));
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpord_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_cmpordss ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpunord_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_cmpunordss ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* Perform a comparison on the four SPFP values of A and B.  For each
-   element, if the comparison is true, place a mask of all ones in the
-   result, otherwise a mask of zeros.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpeq_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_cmpeqps ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmplt_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_cmpltps ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmple_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_cmpleps ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpgt_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_cmpgtps ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpge_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_cmpgeps ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpneq_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_cmpneqps ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpnlt_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_cmpnltps ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpnle_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_cmpnleps ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpngt_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_cmpngtps ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpnge_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_cmpngeps ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpord_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_cmpordps ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpunord_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_cmpunordps ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* Compare the lower SPFP values of A and B and return 1 if true
-   and 0 if false.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_comieq_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_comieq ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_comilt_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_comilt ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_comile_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_comile ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_comigt_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_comigt ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_comige_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_comige ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_comineq_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_comineq ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_ucomieq_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_ucomieq ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_ucomilt_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_ucomilt ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_ucomile_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_ucomile ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_ucomigt_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_ucomigt ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_ucomige_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_ucomige ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_ucomineq_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_ucomineq ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* Convert the lower SPFP value to a 32-bit integer according to the current
-   rounding mode.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtss_si32 (__m128 __A)
-  return __builtin_ia32_cvtss2si ((__v4sf) __A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvt_ss2si (__m128 __A)
-  return _mm_cvtss_si32 (__A);
-#ifdef __x86_64__
-/* Convert the lower SPFP value to a 32-bit integer according to the
-   current rounding mode.  */
-/* Intel intrinsic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE long long __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtss_si64 (__m128 __A)
-  return __builtin_ia32_cvtss2si64 ((__v4sf) __A);
-/* Microsoft intrinsic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE long long __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtss_si64x (__m128 __A)
-  return __builtin_ia32_cvtss2si64 ((__v4sf) __A);
-/* Convert the two lower SPFP values to 32-bit integers according to the
-   current rounding mode.  Return the integers in packed form.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtps_pi32 (__m128 __A)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_cvtps2pi ((__v4sf) __A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvt_ps2pi (__m128 __A)
-  return _mm_cvtps_pi32 (__A);
-/* Truncate the lower SPFP value to a 32-bit integer.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvttss_si32 (__m128 __A)
-  return __builtin_ia32_cvttss2si ((__v4sf) __A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtt_ss2si (__m128 __A)
-  return _mm_cvttss_si32 (__A);
-#ifdef __x86_64__
-/* Truncate the lower SPFP value to a 32-bit integer.  */
-/* Intel intrinsic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE long long __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvttss_si64 (__m128 __A)
-  return __builtin_ia32_cvttss2si64 ((__v4sf) __A);
-/* Microsoft intrinsic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE long long __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvttss_si64x (__m128 __A)
-  return __builtin_ia32_cvttss2si64 ((__v4sf) __A);
-/* Truncate the two lower SPFP values to 32-bit integers.  Return the
-   integers in packed form.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvttps_pi32 (__m128 __A)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_cvttps2pi ((__v4sf) __A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtt_ps2pi (__m128 __A)
-  return _mm_cvttps_pi32 (__A);
-/* Convert B to a SPFP value and insert it as element zero in A.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtsi32_ss (__m128 __A, int __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_cvtsi2ss ((__v4sf) __A, __B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvt_si2ss (__m128 __A, int __B)
-  return _mm_cvtsi32_ss (__A, __B);
-#ifdef __x86_64__
-/* Convert B to a SPFP value and insert it as element zero in A.  */
-/* Intel intrinsic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtsi64_ss (__m128 __A, long long __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_cvtsi642ss ((__v4sf) __A, __B);
-/* Microsoft intrinsic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtsi64x_ss (__m128 __A, long long __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_cvtsi642ss ((__v4sf) __A, __B);
-/* Convert the two 32-bit values in B to SPFP form and insert them
-   as the two lower elements in A.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtpi32_ps (__m128 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_cvtpi2ps ((__v4sf) __A, (__v2si)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvt_pi2ps (__m128 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return _mm_cvtpi32_ps (__A, __B);
-/* Convert the four signed 16-bit values in A to SPFP form.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtpi16_ps (__m64 __A)
-  __v4hi __sign;
-  __v2si __hisi, __losi;
-  __v4sf __r;
-  /* This comparison against zero gives us a mask that can be used to
-     fill in the missing sign bits in the unpack operations below, so
-     that we get signed values after unpacking.  */
-  __sign = __builtin_ia32_pcmpgtw ((__v4hi)0LL, (__v4hi)__A);
-  /* Convert the four words to doublewords.  */
-  __hisi = (__v2si) __builtin_ia32_punpckhwd ((__v4hi)__A, __sign);
-  __losi = (__v2si) __builtin_ia32_punpcklwd ((__v4hi)__A, __sign);
-  /* Convert the doublewords to floating point two at a time.  */
-  __r = (__v4sf) _mm_setzero_ps ();
-  __r = __builtin_ia32_cvtpi2ps (__r, __hisi);
-  __r = __builtin_ia32_movlhps (__r, __r);
-  __r = __builtin_ia32_cvtpi2ps (__r, __losi);
-  return (__m128) __r;
-/* Convert the four unsigned 16-bit values in A to SPFP form.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtpu16_ps (__m64 __A)
-  __v2si __hisi, __losi;
-  __v4sf __r;
-  /* Convert the four words to doublewords.  */
-  __hisi = (__v2si) __builtin_ia32_punpckhwd ((__v4hi)__A, (__v4hi)0LL);
-  __losi = (__v2si) __builtin_ia32_punpcklwd ((__v4hi)__A, (__v4hi)0LL);
-  /* Convert the doublewords to floating point two at a time.  */
-  __r = (__v4sf) _mm_setzero_ps ();
-  __r = __builtin_ia32_cvtpi2ps (__r, __hisi);
-  __r = __builtin_ia32_movlhps (__r, __r);
-  __r = __builtin_ia32_cvtpi2ps (__r, __losi);
-  return (__m128) __r;
-/* Convert the low four signed 8-bit values in A to SPFP form.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtpi8_ps (__m64 __A)
-  __v8qi __sign;
-  /* This comparison against zero gives us a mask that can be used to
-     fill in the missing sign bits in the unpack operations below, so
-     that we get signed values after unpacking.  */
-  __sign = __builtin_ia32_pcmpgtb ((__v8qi)0LL, (__v8qi)__A);
-  /* Convert the four low bytes to words.  */
-  __A = (__m64) __builtin_ia32_punpcklbw ((__v8qi)__A, __sign);
-  return _mm_cvtpi16_ps(__A);
-/* Convert the low four unsigned 8-bit values in A to SPFP form.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtpu8_ps(__m64 __A)
-  __A = (__m64) __builtin_ia32_punpcklbw ((__v8qi)__A, (__v8qi)0LL);
-  return _mm_cvtpu16_ps(__A);
-/* Convert the four signed 32-bit values in A and B to SPFP form.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtpi32x2_ps(__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  __v4sf __zero = (__v4sf) _mm_setzero_ps ();
-  __v4sf __sfa = __builtin_ia32_cvtpi2ps (__zero, (__v2si)__A);
-  __v4sf __sfb = __builtin_ia32_cvtpi2ps (__zero, (__v2si)__B);
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_movlhps (__sfa, __sfb);
-/* Convert the four SPFP values in A to four signed 16-bit integers.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtps_pi16(__m128 __A)
-  __v4sf __hisf = (__v4sf)__A;
-  __v4sf __losf = __builtin_ia32_movhlps (__hisf, __hisf);
-  __v2si __hisi = __builtin_ia32_cvtps2pi (__hisf);
-  __v2si __losi = __builtin_ia32_cvtps2pi (__losf);
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_packssdw (__hisi, __losi);
-/* Convert the four SPFP values in A to four signed 8-bit integers.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtps_pi8(__m128 __A)
-  __v4hi __tmp = (__v4hi) _mm_cvtps_pi16 (__A);
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_packsswb (__tmp, (__v4hi)0LL);
-/* Selects four specific SPFP values from A and B based on MASK.  */
-#if 0
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_shuffle_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B, int __mask)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_shufps ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B, __mask);
-#define _mm_shuffle_ps(A, B, MASK) \
- ((__m128) __builtin_ia32_shufps ((__v4sf)(A), (__v4sf)(B), (MASK)))
-/* Selects and interleaves the upper two SPFP values from A and B.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_unpackhi_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_unpckhps ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* Selects and interleaves the lower two SPFP values from A and B.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_unpacklo_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_unpcklps ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* Sets the upper two SPFP values with 64-bits of data loaded from P;
-   the lower two values are passed through from A.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_loadh_pi (__m128 __A, __m64 const *__P)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_loadhps ((__v4sf)__A, (__v2si *)__P);
-/* Stores the upper two SPFP values of A into P.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_storeh_pi (__m64 *__P, __m128 __A)
-  __builtin_ia32_storehps ((__v2si *)__P, (__v4sf)__A);
-/* Moves the upper two values of B into the lower two values of A.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_movehl_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_movhlps ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* Moves the lower two values of B into the upper two values of A.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_movelh_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_movlhps ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* Sets the lower two SPFP values with 64-bits of data loaded from P;
-   the upper two values are passed through from A.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_loadl_pi (__m128 __A, __m64 const *__P)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_loadlps ((__v4sf)__A, (__v2si *)__P);
-/* Stores the lower two SPFP values of A into P.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_storel_pi (__m64 *__P, __m128 __A)
-  __builtin_ia32_storelps ((__v2si *)__P, (__v4sf)__A);
-/* Creates a 4-bit mask from the most significant bits of the SPFP values.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_movemask_ps (__m128 __A)
-  return __builtin_ia32_movmskps ((__v4sf)__A);
-/* Return the contents of the control register.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE unsigned int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_getcsr (void)
-  return __builtin_ia32_stmxcsr ();
-/* Read exception bits from the control register.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE unsigned int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-  return _mm_getcsr() & _MM_EXCEPT_MASK;
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE unsigned int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-  return _mm_getcsr() & _MM_MASK_MASK;
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE unsigned int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-  return _mm_getcsr() & _MM_ROUND_MASK;
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE unsigned int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-  return _mm_getcsr() & _MM_FLUSH_ZERO_MASK;
-/* Set the control register to I.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_setcsr (unsigned int __I)
-  __builtin_ia32_ldmxcsr (__I);
-/* Set exception bits in the control register.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_MM_SET_EXCEPTION_STATE(unsigned int __mask)
-  _mm_setcsr((_mm_getcsr() & ~_MM_EXCEPT_MASK) | __mask);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_MM_SET_EXCEPTION_MASK (unsigned int __mask)
-  _mm_setcsr((_mm_getcsr() & ~_MM_MASK_MASK) | __mask);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_MM_SET_ROUNDING_MODE (unsigned int __mode)
-  _mm_setcsr((_mm_getcsr() & ~_MM_ROUND_MASK) | __mode);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_MM_SET_FLUSH_ZERO_MODE (unsigned int __mode)
-  _mm_setcsr((_mm_getcsr() & ~_MM_FLUSH_ZERO_MASK) | __mode);
-/* Create a vector with element 0 as F and the rest zero.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_set_ss (float __F)
-  return __extension__ (__m128)(__v4sf){ __F, 0, 0, 0 };
-/* Create a vector with all four elements equal to F.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_set1_ps (float __F)
-  return __extension__ (__m128)(__v4sf){ __F, __F, __F, __F };
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_set_ps1 (float __F)
-  return _mm_set1_ps (__F);
-/* Create a vector with element 0 as *P and the rest zero.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_load_ss (float const *__P)
-  return _mm_set_ss (*__P);
-/* Create a vector with all four elements equal to *P.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_load1_ps (float const *__P)
-  return _mm_set1_ps (*__P);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_load_ps1 (float const *__P)
-  return _mm_load1_ps (__P);
-/* Load four SPFP values from P.  The address must be 16-byte aligned.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_load_ps (float const *__P)
-  return (__m128) *(__v4sf *)__P;
-/* Load four SPFP values from P.  The address need not be 16-byte aligned.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_loadu_ps (float const *__P)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_loadups (__P);
-/* Load four SPFP values in reverse order.  The address must be aligned.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_loadr_ps (float const *__P)
-  __v4sf __tmp = *(__v4sf *)__P;
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_shufps (__tmp, __tmp, _MM_SHUFFLE (0,1,2,3));
-/* Create the vector [Z Y X W].  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_set_ps (const float __Z, const float __Y, const float __X, const float __W)
-  return __extension__ (__m128)(__v4sf){ __W, __X, __Y, __Z };
-/* Create the vector [W X Y Z].  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_setr_ps (float __Z, float __Y, float __X, float __W)
-  return __extension__ (__m128)(__v4sf){ __Z, __Y, __X, __W };
-/* Stores the lower SPFP value.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_store_ss (float *__P, __m128 __A)
-  *__P = __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v4sf ((__v4sf)__A, 0);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE float __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtss_f32 (__m128 __A)
-  return __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v4sf ((__v4sf)__A, 0);
-/* Store four SPFP values.  The address must be 16-byte aligned.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_store_ps (float *__P, __m128 __A)
-  *(__v4sf *)__P = (__v4sf)__A;
-/* Store four SPFP values.  The address need not be 16-byte aligned.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_storeu_ps (float *__P, __m128 __A)
-  __builtin_ia32_storeups (__P, (__v4sf)__A);
-/* Store the lower SPFP value across four words.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_store1_ps (float *__P, __m128 __A)
-  __v4sf __va = (__v4sf)__A;
-  __v4sf __tmp = __builtin_ia32_shufps (__va, __va, _MM_SHUFFLE (0,0,0,0));
-  _mm_storeu_ps (__P, __tmp);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_store_ps1 (float *__P, __m128 __A)
-  _mm_store1_ps (__P, __A);
-/* Store four SPFP values in reverse order.  The address must be aligned.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_storer_ps (float *__P, __m128 __A)
-  __v4sf __va = (__v4sf)__A;
-  __v4sf __tmp = __builtin_ia32_shufps (__va, __va, _MM_SHUFFLE (0,1,2,3));
-  _mm_store_ps (__P, __tmp);
-/* Sets the low SPFP value of A from the low value of B.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_move_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_movss ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* Extracts one of the four words of A.  The selector N must be immediate.  */
-#if 0
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_extract_pi16 (__m64 const __A, int const __N)
-  return __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v4hi ((__v4hi)__A, __N);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_pextrw (__m64 const __A, int const __N)
-  return _mm_extract_pi16 (__A, __N);
-#define _mm_extract_pi16(A, N)	__builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v4hi ((__v4hi)(A), (N))
-#define _m_pextrw(A, N)		_mm_extract_pi16((A), (N))
-/* Inserts word D into one of four words of A.  The selector N must be
-   immediate.  */
-#if 0
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_insert_pi16 (__m64 const __A, int const __D, int const __N)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_vec_set_v4hi ((__v4hi)__A, __D, __N);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_pinsrw (__m64 const __A, int const __D, int const __N)
-  return _mm_insert_pi16 (__A, __D, __N);
-#define _mm_insert_pi16(A, D, N) \
-  ((__m64) __builtin_ia32_vec_set_v4hi ((__v4hi)(A), (D), (N)))
-#define _m_pinsrw(A, D, N)	 _mm_insert_pi16((A), (D), (N))
-/* Compute the element-wise maximum of signed 16-bit values.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_max_pi16 (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_pmaxsw ((__v4hi)__A, (__v4hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_pmaxsw (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return _mm_max_pi16 (__A, __B);
-/* Compute the element-wise maximum of unsigned 8-bit values.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_max_pu8 (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_pmaxub ((__v8qi)__A, (__v8qi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_pmaxub (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return _mm_max_pu8 (__A, __B);
-/* Compute the element-wise minimum of signed 16-bit values.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_min_pi16 (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_pminsw ((__v4hi)__A, (__v4hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_pminsw (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return _mm_min_pi16 (__A, __B);
-/* Compute the element-wise minimum of unsigned 8-bit values.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_min_pu8 (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_pminub ((__v8qi)__A, (__v8qi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_pminub (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return _mm_min_pu8 (__A, __B);
-/* Create an 8-bit mask of the signs of 8-bit values.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_movemask_pi8 (__m64 __A)
-  return __builtin_ia32_pmovmskb ((__v8qi)__A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_pmovmskb (__m64 __A)
-  return _mm_movemask_pi8 (__A);
-/* Multiply four unsigned 16-bit values in A by four unsigned 16-bit values
-   in B and produce the high 16 bits of the 32-bit results.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_mulhi_pu16 (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_pmulhuw ((__v4hi)__A, (__v4hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_pmulhuw (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return _mm_mulhi_pu16 (__A, __B);
-/* Return a combination of the four 16-bit values in A.  The selector
-   must be an immediate.  */
-#if 0
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_shuffle_pi16 (__m64 __A, int __N)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_pshufw ((__v4hi)__A, __N);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_pshufw (__m64 __A, int __N)
-  return _mm_shuffle_pi16 (__A, __N);
-#define _mm_shuffle_pi16(A, N) \
-  ((__m64) __builtin_ia32_pshufw ((__v4hi)(A), (N)))
-#define _m_pshufw(A, N)		_mm_shuffle_pi16 ((A), (N))
-/* Conditionally store byte elements of A into P.  The high bit of each
-   byte in the selector N determines whether the corresponding byte from
-   A is stored.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_maskmove_si64 (__m64 __A, __m64 __N, char *__P)
-  __builtin_ia32_maskmovq ((__v8qi)__A, (__v8qi)__N, __P);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_maskmovq (__m64 __A, __m64 __N, char *__P)
-  _mm_maskmove_si64 (__A, __N, __P);
-/* Compute the rounded averages of the unsigned 8-bit values in A and B.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_avg_pu8 (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_pavgb ((__v8qi)__A, (__v8qi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_pavgb (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return _mm_avg_pu8 (__A, __B);
-/* Compute the rounded averages of the unsigned 16-bit values in A and B.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_avg_pu16 (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_pavgw ((__v4hi)__A, (__v4hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_pavgw (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return _mm_avg_pu16 (__A, __B);
-/* Compute the sum of the absolute differences of the unsigned 8-bit
-   values in A and B.  Return the value in the lower 16-bit word; the
-   upper words are cleared.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sad_pu8 (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psadbw ((__v8qi)__A, (__v8qi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_psadbw (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return _mm_sad_pu8 (__A, __B);
-/* Loads one cache line from address P to a location "closer" to the
-   processor.  The selector I specifies the type of prefetch operation.  */
-#if 0
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_prefetch (void *__P, enum _mm_hint __I)
-  __builtin_prefetch (__P, 0, __I);
-#define _mm_prefetch(P, I) \
-  __builtin_prefetch ((P), 0, (I))
-/* Stores the data in A to the address P without polluting the caches.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_stream_pi (__m64 *__P, __m64 __A)
-  /* APPLE LOCAL 4656532 use V1DImode for _m64 */
-  __builtin_ia32_movntq (__P, __A);
-/* Likewise.  The address must be 16-byte aligned.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_stream_ps (float *__P, __m128 __A)
-  __builtin_ia32_movntps (__P, (__v4sf)__A);
-/* Guarantees that every preceding store is globally visible before
-   any subsequent store.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sfence (void)
-  __builtin_ia32_sfence ();
-/* The execution of the next instruction is delayed by an implementation
-   specific amount of time.  The instruction does not modify the
-   architectural state.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_pause (void)
-  __asm__ __volatile__ ("rep; nop" : : );
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 4152603 */
-/* Transpose the 4x4 matrix composed of row[0-3].  */
-#define _MM_TRANSPOSE4_PS(row0, row1, row2, row3)			\
-do {									\
-  __v4sf __r0 = (row0), __r1 = (row1), __r2 = (row2), __r3 = (row3);	\
-  __v4sf __t0 = __builtin_ia32_unpcklps (__r0, __r1);			\
-  __v4sf __t1 = __builtin_ia32_unpcklps (__r2, __r3);			\
-  __v4sf __t2 = __builtin_ia32_unpckhps (__r0, __r1);			\
-  __v4sf __t3 = __builtin_ia32_unpckhps (__r2, __r3);			\
-  (row0) = __builtin_ia32_movlhps (__t0, __t1);				\
-  (row1) = __builtin_ia32_movhlps (__t1, __t0);				\
-  (row2) = __builtin_ia32_movlhps (__t2, __t3);				\
-  (row3) = __builtin_ia32_movhlps (__t3, __t2);				\
-} while (0)
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin nodebug inline 4152603 */
-#undef __always_inline__
-/* APPLE LOCAL end nodebug inline 4152603 */
-/* For backward source compatibility.  */
-#include <emmintrin.h>
-#endif /* __SSE__ */
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/libcc_kext.a b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/libcc_kext.a
deleted file mode 100644
index ddb30bb..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/libcc_kext.a
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/libgcc.a b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/libgcc.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b59e3c..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/libgcc.a
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/libgcc_eh.a b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/libgcc_eh.a
deleted file mode 100644
index fdf8ba5..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/libgcc_eh.a
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/libgcc_static.a b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/libgcc_static.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 337f66e..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/libgcc_static.a
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/libgcov.a b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/libgcov.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 506289f..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/libgcov.a
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/libgomp.a b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/libgomp.a
deleted file mode 100644
index fcc074d..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/libgomp.a
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/libgomp.spec b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/libgomp.spec
deleted file mode 100644
index 7102255..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/libgomp.spec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-# This spec file is read by gcc when linking.  It is used to specify the
-# standard libraries we need in order to link with -fopenmp.
-*link_gomp: -lgomp %{static: }
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/libstdc++.dylib b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/libstdc++.dylib
deleted file mode 100755
index 819edae..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/libstdc++.dylib
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/x86_64/crt3.o b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/x86_64/crt3.o
deleted file mode 100644
index eb28ab0..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/x86_64/crt3.o
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/x86_64/libgcc.a b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/x86_64/libgcc.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 0318cbe..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/x86_64/libgcc.a
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/x86_64/libgcc_eh.a b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/x86_64/libgcc_eh.a
deleted file mode 100644
index e35687e..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/x86_64/libgcc_eh.a
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/x86_64/libgcov.a b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/x86_64/libgcov.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d390fa..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/x86_64/libgcov.a
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/x86_64/libgomp.a b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/x86_64/libgomp.a
deleted file mode 100644
index d9081a3..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/x86_64/libgomp.a
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/x86_64/libgomp.spec b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/x86_64/libgomp.spec
deleted file mode 100644
index 7102255..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/x86_64/libgomp.spec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-# This spec file is read by gcc when linking.  It is used to specify the
-# standard libraries we need in order to link with -fopenmp.
-*link_gomp: -lgomp %{static: }
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/crt3.o b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/crt3.o
deleted file mode 100644
index 8609d11..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/crt3.o
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/README b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 7086a77..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-This README file is copied into the directory for GCC-only header files
-when fixincludes is run by the makefile for GCC.
-Many of the files in this directory were automatically edited from the
-standard system header files by the fixincludes process.  They are
-system-specific, and will not work on any other kind of system.  They
-are also not part of GCC.  The reason we have to do this is because
-GCC requires ANSI C headers and many vendors supply ANSI-incompatible
-Because this is an automated process, sometimes headers get "fixed"
-that do not, strictly speaking, need a fix.  As long as nothing is broken
-by the process, it is just an unfortunate collateral inconvenience.
-We would like to rectify it, if it is not "too inconvenient".
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/ammintrin.h b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/ammintrin.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a466d9..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/ammintrin.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-/* APPLE LOCAL file 5612787 mainline sse4 */
-/* Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-   This file is part of GCC.
-   GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-   any later version.
-   GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-   GNU General Public License for more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-   along with GCC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-   the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-   Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.  */
-/* As a special exception, if you include this header file into source
-   files compiled by GCC, this header file does not by itself cause
-   the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
-   License.  This exception does not however invalidate any other
-   reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
-   Public License.  */
-/* Implemented from the specification included in the AMD Programmers
-   Manual Update, version 2.x */
-#ifndef __SSE4A__
-# error "SSE4A instruction set not enabled"
-/* We need definitions from the SSE3, SSE2 and SSE header files*/
-#include <pmmintrin.h>
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin nodebug inline 4152603 */
-#define __always_inline__ __always_inline__, __nodebug__
-/* APPLE LOCAL end nodebug inline 4152603 */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-#ifdef __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__
-#define __STATIC_INLINE __inline
-#define __STATIC_INLINE static __inline
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_stream_sd (double * __P, __m128d __Y)
-  __builtin_ia32_movntsd (__P, (__v2df) __Y);
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_stream_ss (float * __P, __m128 __Y)
-  __builtin_ia32_movntss (__P, (__v4sf) __Y);
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_extract_si64 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_extrq ((__v2di) __X, (__v16qi) __Y);
-#ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_extracti_si64 (__m128i __X, unsigned const int __I, unsigned const int __L)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_extrqi ((__v2di) __X, __I, __L);
-#define _mm_extracti_si64(X, I, L) \
-  ((__m128i) __builtin_ia32_extrqi ((__v2di)(X), I, L))
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_insert_si64 (__m128i __X,__m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_insertq ((__v2di)__X, (__v2di)__Y);
-#ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_inserti_si64(__m128i __X, __m128i __Y, unsigned const int __I, unsigned const int __L)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_insertqi ((__v2di)__X, (__v2di)__Y, __I, __L);
-#define _mm_inserti_si64(X, Y, I, L) \
-  ((__m128i) __builtin_ia32_insertqi ((__v2di)(X), (__v2di)(Y), I, L))
-#endif /* __SSE4A__ */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin nodebug inline 4152603 */
-#undef __always_inline__
-/* APPLE LOCAL end nodebug inline 4152603 */
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/decfloat.h b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/decfloat.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 03e0a7b..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/decfloat.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GCC.
-GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with GCC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.  */
-/* As a special exception, if you include this header file into source
-   files compiled by GCC, this header file does not by itself cause
-   the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
-   License.  This exception does not however invalidate any other
-   reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
-   Public License.  */
- * Draft C Extension to support decimal floating-pointing arithmetic:  
- * Characteristics of decimal floating types <decfloat.h>
- */
-#ifndef _DECFLOAT_H___
-#define _DECFLOAT_H___
-/* Number of base-FLT_RADIX digits in the significand, p.  */
-#undef DEC32_MANT_DIG
-#undef DEC64_MANT_DIG
-#undef DEC128_MANT_DIG
-#define DEC32_MANT_DIG	__DEC32_MANT_DIG__
-#define DEC64_MANT_DIG	__DEC64_MANT_DIG__
-#define DEC128_MANT_DIG	__DEC128_MANT_DIG__
-/* Minimum exponent. */
-#undef DEC32_MIN_EXP
-#undef DEC64_MIN_EXP
-#undef DEC128_MIN_EXP
-#define DEC32_MIN_EXP	__DEC32_MIN_EXP__
-#define DEC64_MIN_EXP	__DEC64_MIN_EXP__
-#define DEC128_MIN_EXP	__DEC128_MIN_EXP__
-/* Maximum exponent. */
-#undef DEC32_MAX_EXP
-#undef DEC64_MAX_EXP
-#undef DEC128_MAX_EXP
-#define DEC32_MAX_EXP	__DEC32_MAX_EXP__
-#define DEC64_MAX_EXP	__DEC64_MAX_EXP__
-#define DEC128_MAX_EXP	__DEC128_MAX_EXP__
-/* Maximum representable finite decimal floating-point number
-   (there are 6, 15, and 33 9s after the decimal points respectively). */
-#undef DEC32_MAX
-#undef DEC64_MAX
-#undef DEC128_MAX
-#define DEC32_MAX   __DEC32_MAX__
-#define DEC64_MAX   __DEC64_MAX__
-#define DEC128_MAX  __DEC128_MAX__
-/* The difference between 1 and the least value greater than 1 that is
-   representable in the given floating point type. */
-#undef DEC32_EPSILON
-#undef DEC64_EPSILON
-#undef DEC128_EPSILON
-#define DEC32_EPSILON	__DEC32_EPSILON__
-#define DEC64_EPSILON	__DEC64_EPSILON__
-#define DEC128_EPSILON	__DEC128_EPSILON__
-/* Minimum normalized positive floating-point number. */
-#undef DEC32_MIN
-#undef DEC64_MIN
-#undef DEC128_MIN
-#define DEC32_MIN	__DEC32_MIN__
-#define DEC64_MIN	__DEC64_MIN__
-#define DEC128_MIN	__DEC128_MIN__
-/* Minimum denormalized positive floating-point number. */
-#undef DEC32_DEN
-#undef DEC64_DEN
-#undef DEC128_DEN
-#define DEC32_DEN       __DEC32_DEN__
-#define DEC64_DEN       __DEC64_DEN__
-#define DEC128_DEN      __DEC128_DEN__
-/* The floating-point expression evaluation method.
-         -1  indeterminate
-         0  evaluate all operations and constants just to the range and
-            precision of the type
-         1  evaluate operations and constants of type _Decimal32 
-	    and _Decimal64 to the range and precision of the _Decimal64 
-            type, evaluate _Decimal128 operations and constants to the 
-	    range and precision of the _Decimal128 type;
-	 2  evaluate all operations and constants to the range and
-	    precision of the _Decimal128 type.
-#endif /* _DECFLOAT_H___ */
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/emmintrin.h b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/emmintrin.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 72e83d7..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/emmintrin.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2077 +0,0 @@
-/* APPLE LOCAL file mainline 2005-06-30 Radar 4131077 */
-/* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-   This file is part of GCC.
-   GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-   any later version.
-   GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-   GNU General Public License for more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-   along with GCC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-   the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-   Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.  */
-/* As a special exception, if you include this header file into source
-   files compiled by GCC, this header file does not by itself cause
-   the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
-   License.  This exception does not however invalidate any other
-   reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
-   Public License.  */
-/* Implemented from the specification included in the Intel C++ Compiler
-   User Guide and Reference, version 9.0.  */
-#ifdef __SSE2__
-#include <xmmintrin.h>
-/* SSE2 */
-typedef double __v2df __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (16)));
-typedef long long __v2di __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (16)));
-typedef int __v4si __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (16)));
-typedef short __v8hi __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (16)));
-typedef char __v16qi __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (16)));
-/* The Intel API is flexible enough that we must allow aliasing with other
-   vector types, and their scalar components.  */
-typedef long long __m128i __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (16), __may_alias__));
-typedef double __m128d __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (16), __may_alias__));
-#if defined(__clang__) && defined(WITH_SYNTAX_CHECK)
-/* Workaround for "clang -fsyntax-only" happens to use this header, but may
- * choke on something not supported in clang
- */
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_addpd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_addsd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_andnpd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_andpd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_cmpeqpd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_cmpeqsd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_cmpgepd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_cmpgtpd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_cmplepd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_cmplesd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_cmpltpd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_cmpltsd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_cmpneqpd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_cmpneqsd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_cmpngepd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_cmpngtpd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_cmpnlepd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_cmpnlesd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_cmpnltpd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_cmpnltsd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_cmpordpd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_cmpordsd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_cmpunordpd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_cmpunordsd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_cvtsi2sd (__v2df, int);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_cvtss2sd (__v2df, __v4sf);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_divpd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_divsd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_loadhpd (__v2df, double const *);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_loadlpd (__v2df, double const *);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_movsd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_mulpd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_mulsd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_orpd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_shufpd (__v2df, __v2df, const int);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_subpd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_subsd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_unpckhpd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_unpcklpd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_xorpd (__v2df, __v2df);
-__m128i  __builtin_ia32_loaddqu (char const *);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_movq128 (__v2di);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_paddb128 (__v16qi, __v16qi);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_paddd128 (__v4si, __v4si);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_paddq128 (__v2di, __v2di);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_paddw128 (__v8hi, __v8hi);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_pand128 (__v2di, __v2di);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_pandn128 (__v2di, __v2di);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_pcmpeqb128 (__v16qi, __v16qi);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_pcmpeqd128 (__v4si, __v4si);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_pcmpeqw128 (__v8hi, __v8hi);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_pcmpgtb128 (__v16qi, __v16qi);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_pcmpgtb128 (__v16qi, __v16qi);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_pcmpgtd128 (__v4si, __v4si);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_pcmpgtd128 (__v4si, __v4si);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_pcmpgtw128 (__v8hi, __v8hi);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_pcmpgtw128 (__v8hi, __v8hi);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_pmullw128 (__v8hi, __v8hi);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_por128 (__v2di, __v2di);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_pshufd (__v4si, const int);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_pshufhw (__v8hi, const int);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_pshuflw (__v8hi, const int);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_pslldqi128 (__m128i, const int);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_psrldqi128 (__m128i, const int);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_psubb128 (__v16qi, __v16qi);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_psubd128 (__v4si, __v4si);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_psubq128 (__v2di, __v2di);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_psubw128 (__v8hi, __v8hi);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_punpckhbw128 (__v16qi, __v16qi);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_punpckhdq128 (__v4si, __v4si);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_punpckhqdq128 (__v2di, __v2di);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_punpckhwd128 (__v8hi, __v8hi);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_punpcklbw128 (__v16qi, __v16qi);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_punpckldq128 (__v4si, __v4si);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_punpcklqdq128 (__v2di, __v2di);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_punpcklwd128 (__v8hi, __v8hi);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_pxor128 (__v2di, __v2di);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_vec_set_v8hi (__v8hi, const int, const int);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_loadupd (double const *);
-int __builtin_ia32_cvttsd2si (__v2df);
-double __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v2df (__m128d, const int);
-int __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v4si (__v4si, const int);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_cvtsd2ss (__v4sf, __v2df);
-long long __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v2di (__v2di, const int);
-unsigned short __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v8hi (__v8hi, const int);
-long long __builtin_ia32_cvttsd2si64 (__v2df);
-__m128d __builtin_ia32_cvtsi642sd (__v2df, long long);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_loadlv4si (__v2si *);
-__m128i __builtin_ia32_movqv4si (__v4si);
-void __builtin_ia32_storelv4si (__v2si *, __m128i);
-/* Create a selector for use with the SHUFPD instruction.  */
-#define _MM_SHUFFLE2(fp1,fp0) \
- (((fp1) << 1) | (fp0))
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin nodebug inline 4152603 */
-#define __always_inline__ __always_inline__, __nodebug__
-/* APPLE LOCAL end nodebug inline 4152603 */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-#ifdef __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__
-#define __STATIC_INLINE __inline
-#define __STATIC_INLINE static __inline
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 4152603 */
-/* Create a vector with element 0 as F and the rest zero.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_set_sd (double __F)
-  return __extension__ (__m128d){ __F, 0 };
-/* Create a vector with both elements equal to F.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_set1_pd (double __F)
-  return __extension__ (__m128d){ __F, __F };
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_set_pd1 (double __F)
-  return _mm_set1_pd (__F);
-/* Create a vector with the lower value X and upper value W.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_set_pd (double __W, double __X)
-  return __extension__ (__m128d){ __X, __W };
-/* Create a vector with the lower value W and upper value X.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_setr_pd (double __W, double __X)
-  return __extension__ (__m128d){ __W, __X };
-/* Create a vector of zeros.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_setzero_pd (void)
-  return __extension__ (__m128d){ 0.0, 0.0 };
-/* Sets the low DPFP value of A from the low value of B.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_move_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d) __builtin_ia32_movsd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* Load two DPFP values from P.  The address must be 16-byte aligned.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_load_pd (double const *__P)
-  return *(__m128d *)__P;
-/* Load two DPFP values from P.  The address need not be 16-byte aligned.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_loadu_pd (double const *__P)
-  return __builtin_ia32_loadupd (__P);
-/* Create a vector with all two elements equal to *P.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_load1_pd (double const *__P)
-  return _mm_set1_pd (*__P);
-/* Create a vector with element 0 as *P and the rest zero.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_load_sd (double const *__P)
-  return _mm_set_sd (*__P);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_load_pd1 (double const *__P)
-  return _mm_load1_pd (__P);
-/* Load two DPFP values in reverse order.  The address must be aligned.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_loadr_pd (double const *__P)
-  __m128d __tmp = _mm_load_pd (__P);
-  return __builtin_ia32_shufpd (__tmp, __tmp, _MM_SHUFFLE2 (0,1));
-/* Store two DPFP values.  The address must be 16-byte aligned.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_store_pd (double *__P, __m128d __A)
-  *(__m128d *)__P = __A;
-/* Store two DPFP values.  The address need not be 16-byte aligned.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_storeu_pd (double *__P, __m128d __A)
-  __builtin_ia32_storeupd (__P, __A);
-/* Stores the lower DPFP value.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_store_sd (double *__P, __m128d __A)
-  *__P = __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v2df (__A, 0);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE double __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtsd_f64 (__m128d __A)
-  return __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v2df (__A, 0);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_storel_pd (double *__P, __m128d __A)
-  _mm_store_sd (__P, __A);
-/* Stores the upper DPFP value.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_storeh_pd (double *__P, __m128d __A)
-  *__P = __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v2df (__A, 1);
-/* Store the lower DPFP value across two words.
-   The address must be 16-byte aligned.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_store1_pd (double *__P, __m128d __A)
-  _mm_store_pd (__P, __builtin_ia32_shufpd (__A, __A, _MM_SHUFFLE2 (0,0)));
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_store_pd1 (double *__P, __m128d __A)
-  _mm_store1_pd (__P, __A);
-/* Store two DPFP values in reverse order.  The address must be aligned.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_storer_pd (double *__P, __m128d __A)
-  _mm_store_pd (__P, __builtin_ia32_shufpd (__A, __A, _MM_SHUFFLE2 (0,1)));
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtsi128_si32 (__m128i __A)
-  return __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v4si ((__v4si)__A, 0);
-#ifdef __x86_64__
-/* Intel intrinsic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE long long __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtsi128_si64 (__m128i __A)
-  return __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v2di ((__v2di)__A, 0);
-/* Microsoft intrinsic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE long long __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtsi128_si64x (__m128i __A)
-  return __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v2di ((__v2di)__A, 0);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_add_pd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_addpd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_add_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_addsd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sub_pd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_subpd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sub_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_subsd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_mul_pd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_mulpd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_mul_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_mulsd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_div_pd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_divpd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_div_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_divsd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sqrt_pd (__m128d __A)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_sqrtpd ((__v2df)__A);
-/* Return pair {sqrt (A[0), B[1]}.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sqrt_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  __v2df __tmp = __builtin_ia32_movsd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_sqrtsd ((__v2df)__tmp);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_min_pd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_minpd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_min_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_minsd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_max_pd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_maxpd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_max_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_maxsd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_and_pd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_andpd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_andnot_pd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_andnpd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_or_pd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_orpd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_xor_pd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_xorpd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpeq_pd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpeqpd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmplt_pd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpltpd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmple_pd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmplepd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpgt_pd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpgtpd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpge_pd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpgepd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpneq_pd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpneqpd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpnlt_pd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpnltpd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpnle_pd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpnlepd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpngt_pd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpngtpd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpnge_pd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpngepd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpord_pd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpordpd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpunord_pd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpunordpd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpeq_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpeqsd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmplt_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpltsd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmple_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmplesd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpgt_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d) __builtin_ia32_movsd ((__v2df) __A,
-					 (__v2df)
-					 __builtin_ia32_cmpltsd ((__v2df) __B,
-								 (__v2df)
-								 __A));
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpge_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d) __builtin_ia32_movsd ((__v2df) __A,
-					 (__v2df)
-					 __builtin_ia32_cmplesd ((__v2df) __B,
-								 (__v2df)
-								 __A));
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpneq_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpneqsd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpnlt_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpnltsd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpnle_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpnlesd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpngt_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d) __builtin_ia32_movsd ((__v2df) __A,
-					 (__v2df)
-					 __builtin_ia32_cmpnltsd ((__v2df) __B,
-								  (__v2df)
-								  __A));
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpnge_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d) __builtin_ia32_movsd ((__v2df) __A,
-					 (__v2df)
-					 __builtin_ia32_cmpnlesd ((__v2df) __B,
-								  (__v2df)
-								  __A));
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpord_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpordsd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpunord_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpunordsd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_comieq_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_comisdeq ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_comilt_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_comisdlt ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_comile_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_comisdle ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_comigt_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_comisdgt ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_comige_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_comisdge ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_comineq_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_comisdneq ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_ucomieq_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_ucomisdeq ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_ucomilt_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_ucomisdlt ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_ucomile_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_ucomisdle ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_ucomigt_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_ucomisdgt ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_ucomige_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_ucomisdge ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_ucomineq_sd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_ucomisdneq ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* Create a vector of Qi, where i is the element number.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_set_epi64x (long long __q1, long long __q0)
-  return __extension__ (__m128i)(__v2di){ __q0, __q1 };
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_set_epi64 (__m64 __q1,  __m64 __q0)
-  return _mm_set_epi64x ((long long)__q1, (long long)__q0);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_set_epi32 (int __q3, int __q2, int __q1, int __q0)
-  return __extension__ (__m128i)(__v4si){ __q0, __q1, __q2, __q3 };
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_set_epi16 (short __q7, short __q6, short __q5, short __q4,
-	       short __q3, short __q2, short __q1, short __q0)
-  return __extension__ (__m128i)(__v8hi){
-    __q0, __q1, __q2, __q3, __q4, __q5, __q6, __q7 };
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_set_epi8 (char __q15, char __q14, char __q13, char __q12,
-	      char __q11, char __q10, char __q09, char __q08,
-	      char __q07, char __q06, char __q05, char __q04,
-	      char __q03, char __q02, char __q01, char __q00)
-  return __extension__ (__m128i)(__v16qi){
-    __q00, __q01, __q02, __q03, __q04, __q05, __q06, __q07,
-    __q08, __q09, __q10, __q11, __q12, __q13, __q14, __q15
-  };
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin 4220129 */
-/* functions moved to end of file */
-/* APPLE LOCAL end 4220129 */
-/* Create a vector of Qi, where i is the element number.
-   The parameter order is reversed from the _mm_set_epi* functions.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_setr_epi64 (__m64 __q0, __m64 __q1)
-  return _mm_set_epi64 (__q1, __q0);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_setr_epi32 (int __q0, int __q1, int __q2, int __q3)
-  return _mm_set_epi32 (__q3, __q2, __q1, __q0);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_setr_epi16 (short __q0, short __q1, short __q2, short __q3,
-	        short __q4, short __q5, short __q6, short __q7)
-  return _mm_set_epi16 (__q7, __q6, __q5, __q4, __q3, __q2, __q1, __q0);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_setr_epi8 (char __q00, char __q01, char __q02, char __q03,
-	       char __q04, char __q05, char __q06, char __q07,
-	       char __q08, char __q09, char __q10, char __q11,
-	       char __q12, char __q13, char __q14, char __q15)
-  return _mm_set_epi8 (__q15, __q14, __q13, __q12, __q11, __q10, __q09, __q08,
-		       __q07, __q06, __q05, __q04, __q03, __q02, __q01, __q00);
-/* Create a vector with element 0 as *P and the rest zero.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_load_si128 (__m128i const *__P)
-  return *__P;
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_loadu_si128 (__m128i const *__P)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_loaddqu ((char const *)__P);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin 4099020 */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_loadl_epi64 (__m128i const *__P)
-  return  (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_loadlv4si ((__v2si *)__P);
-/* APPLE LOCAL end 4099020 */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_store_si128 (__m128i *__P, __m128i __B)
-  *__P = __B;
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_storeu_si128 (__m128i *__P, __m128i __B)
-  __builtin_ia32_storedqu ((char *)__P, (__v16qi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin 4099020 */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_storel_epi64 (__m128i *__P, __m128i __B)
-  __builtin_ia32_storelv4si ((__v2si *)__P, __B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL end 4099020 */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_movepi64_pi64 (__m128i __B)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v2di ((__v2di)__B, 0);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_movpi64_epi64 (__m64 __A)
-  return _mm_set_epi64 ((__m64)0LL, __A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin 4099020 */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_move_epi64 (__m128i __A)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_movqv4si ((__v4si)__A) ;
-/* APPLE LOCAL end 4099020 */
-/* Create a vector of zeros.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_setzero_si128 (void)
-  return __extension__ (__m128i)(__v4si){ 0, 0, 0, 0 };
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtepi32_pd (__m128i __A)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cvtdq2pd ((__v4si) __A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtepi32_ps (__m128i __A)
-  return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_cvtdq2ps ((__v4si) __A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtpd_epi32 (__m128d __A)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_cvtpd2dq ((__v2df) __A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtpd_pi32 (__m128d __A)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_cvtpd2pi ((__v2df) __A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtpd_ps (__m128d __A)
-  return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_cvtpd2ps ((__v2df) __A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvttpd_epi32 (__m128d __A)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_cvttpd2dq ((__v2df) __A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvttpd_pi32 (__m128d __A)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_cvttpd2pi ((__v2df) __A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtpi32_pd (__m64 __A)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cvtpi2pd ((__v2si) __A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtps_epi32 (__m128 __A)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_cvtps2dq ((__v4sf) __A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvttps_epi32 (__m128 __A)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_cvttps2dq ((__v4sf) __A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtps_pd (__m128 __A)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cvtps2pd ((__v4sf) __A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtsd_si32 (__m128d __A)
-  return __builtin_ia32_cvtsd2si ((__v2df) __A);
-#ifdef __x86_64__
-/* Intel intrinsic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE long long __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtsd_si64 (__m128d __A)
-  return __builtin_ia32_cvtsd2si64 ((__v2df) __A);
-/* Microsoft intrinsic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE long long __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtsd_si64x (__m128d __A)
-  return __builtin_ia32_cvtsd2si64 ((__v2df) __A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvttsd_si32 (__m128d __A)
-  return __builtin_ia32_cvttsd2si ((__v2df) __A);
-#ifdef __x86_64__
-/* Intel intrinsic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE long long __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvttsd_si64 (__m128d __A)
-  return __builtin_ia32_cvttsd2si64 ((__v2df) __A);
-/* Microsoft intrinsic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE long long __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvttsd_si64x (__m128d __A)
-  return __builtin_ia32_cvttsd2si64 ((__v2df) __A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtsd_ss (__m128 __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_cvtsd2ss ((__v4sf) __A, (__v2df) __B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtsi32_sd (__m128d __A, int __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cvtsi2sd ((__v2df) __A, __B);
-#ifdef __x86_64__
-/* Intel intrinsic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtsi64_sd (__m128d __A, long long __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cvtsi642sd ((__v2df) __A, __B);
-/* Microsoft intrinsic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtsi64x_sd (__m128d __A, long long __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cvtsi642sd ((__v2df) __A, __B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtss_sd (__m128d __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cvtss2sd ((__v2df) __A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL 5814283 */
-#define _mm_shuffle_pd(__A, __B, __C) ((__m128d)__builtin_ia32_shufpd ((__v2df)(__A), (__v2df)(__B), (__C)))
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_unpackhi_pd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_unpckhpd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_unpacklo_pd (__m128d __A, __m128d __B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_unpcklpd ((__v2df)__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_loadh_pd (__m128d __A, double const *__B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_loadhpd ((__v2df)__A, __B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_loadl_pd (__m128d __A, double const *__B)
-  return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_loadlpd ((__v2df)__A, __B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_movemask_pd (__m128d __A)
-  return __builtin_ia32_movmskpd ((__v2df)__A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_packs_epi16 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_packsswb128 ((__v8hi)__A, (__v8hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_packs_epi32 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_packssdw128 ((__v4si)__A, (__v4si)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_packus_epi16 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_packuswb128 ((__v8hi)__A, (__v8hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_unpackhi_epi8 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_punpckhbw128 ((__v16qi)__A, (__v16qi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_unpackhi_epi16 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_punpckhwd128 ((__v8hi)__A, (__v8hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_unpackhi_epi32 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_punpckhdq128 ((__v4si)__A, (__v4si)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_unpackhi_epi64 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_punpckhqdq128 ((__v2di)__A, (__v2di)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_unpacklo_epi8 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_punpcklbw128 ((__v16qi)__A, (__v16qi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_unpacklo_epi16 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_punpcklwd128 ((__v8hi)__A, (__v8hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_unpacklo_epi32 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_punpckldq128 ((__v4si)__A, (__v4si)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_unpacklo_epi64 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_punpcklqdq128 ((__v2di)__A, (__v2di)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_add_epi8 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_paddb128 ((__v16qi)__A, (__v16qi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_add_epi16 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_paddw128 ((__v8hi)__A, (__v8hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_add_epi32 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_paddd128 ((__v4si)__A, (__v4si)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_add_epi64 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_paddq128 ((__v2di)__A, (__v2di)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_adds_epi8 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_paddsb128 ((__v16qi)__A, (__v16qi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_adds_epi16 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_paddsw128 ((__v8hi)__A, (__v8hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_adds_epu8 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_paddusb128 ((__v16qi)__A, (__v16qi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_adds_epu16 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_paddusw128 ((__v8hi)__A, (__v8hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sub_epi8 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psubb128 ((__v16qi)__A, (__v16qi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sub_epi16 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psubw128 ((__v8hi)__A, (__v8hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sub_epi32 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psubd128 ((__v4si)__A, (__v4si)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sub_epi64 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psubq128 ((__v2di)__A, (__v2di)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_subs_epi8 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psubsb128 ((__v16qi)__A, (__v16qi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_subs_epi16 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psubsw128 ((__v8hi)__A, (__v8hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_subs_epu8 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psubusb128 ((__v16qi)__A, (__v16qi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_subs_epu16 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psubusw128 ((__v8hi)__A, (__v8hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_madd_epi16 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pmaddwd128 ((__v8hi)__A, (__v8hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_mulhi_epi16 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pmulhw128 ((__v8hi)__A, (__v8hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_mullo_epi16 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pmullw128 ((__v8hi)__A, (__v8hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_mul_su32 (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pmuludq ((__v2si)__A, (__v2si)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_mul_epu32 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pmuludq128 ((__v4si)__A, (__v4si)__B);
-#if 0
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_slli_epi16 (__m128i __A, int __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psllwi128 ((__v8hi)__A, __B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_slli_epi32 (__m128i __A, int __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pslldi128 ((__v4si)__A, __B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_slli_epi64 (__m128i __A, int __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psllqi128 ((__v2di)__A, __B);
-#define _mm_slli_epi16(__A, __B) \
-  ((__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psllwi128 ((__v8hi)(__A), __B))
-#define _mm_slli_epi32(__A, __B) \
-  ((__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pslldi128 ((__v8hi)(__A), __B))
-#define _mm_slli_epi64(__A, __B) \
-  ((__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psllqi128 ((__v8hi)(__A), __B))
-#if 0
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_srai_epi16 (__m128i __A, int __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psrawi128 ((__v8hi)__A, __B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_srai_epi32 (__m128i __A, int __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psradi128 ((__v4si)__A, __B);
-#define _mm_srai_epi16(__A, __B) \
-  ((__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psrawi128 ((__v8hi)(__A), __B))
-#define _mm_srai_epi32(__A, __B) \
-  ((__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psradi128 ((__v8hi)(__A), __B))
-#if 0
-static __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_srli_si128 (__m128i __A, int __B)
-  return ((__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psrldqi128 (__A, __B * 8));
-static __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_srli_si128 (__m128i __A, int __B)
-  return ((__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pslldqi128 (__A, __B * 8));
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin 5919583 */
-#define _mm_srli_si128  (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psrldqi128_byteshift
-#define _mm_slli_si128  (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pslldqi128_byteshift
-/* APPLE LOCAL end 5919583 */
-#if 0
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_srli_epi16 (__m128i __A, int __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psrlwi128 ((__v8hi)__A, __B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_srli_epi32 (__m128i __A, int __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psrldi128 ((__v4si)__A, __B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_srli_epi64 (__m128i __A, int __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psrlqi128 ((__v2di)__A, __B);
-#define _mm_srli_epi16(__A, __B) \
-  ((__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psrlwi128 ((__v8hi)(__A), __B))
-#define _mm_srli_epi32(__A, __B) \
-  ((__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psrldi128 ((__v4si)(__A), __B))
-#define _mm_srli_epi64(__A, __B) \
-  ((__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psrlqi128 ((__v4si)(__A), __B))
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sll_epi16 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psllw128((__v8hi)__A, (__v8hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sll_epi32 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pslld128((__v4si)__A, (__v4si)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sll_epi64 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psllq128((__v2di)__A, (__v2di)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sra_epi16 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psraw128 ((__v8hi)__A, (__v8hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sra_epi32 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psrad128 ((__v4si)__A, (__v4si)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_srl_epi16 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psrlw128 ((__v8hi)__A, (__v8hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_srl_epi32 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psrld128 ((__v4si)__A, (__v4si)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_srl_epi64 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psrlq128 ((__v2di)__A, (__v2di)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_and_si128 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pand128 ((__v2di)__A, (__v2di)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_andnot_si128 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pandn128 ((__v2di)__A, (__v2di)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_or_si128 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_por128 ((__v2di)__A, (__v2di)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_xor_si128 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pxor128 ((__v2di)__A, (__v2di)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpeq_epi8 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pcmpeqb128 ((__v16qi)__A, (__v16qi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpeq_epi16 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pcmpeqw128 ((__v8hi)__A, (__v8hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpeq_epi32 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pcmpeqd128 ((__v4si)__A, (__v4si)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmplt_epi8 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pcmpgtb128 ((__v16qi)__B, (__v16qi)__A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmplt_epi16 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pcmpgtw128 ((__v8hi)__B, (__v8hi)__A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmplt_epi32 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pcmpgtd128 ((__v4si)__B, (__v4si)__A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpgt_epi8 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pcmpgtb128 ((__v16qi)__A, (__v16qi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpgt_epi16 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pcmpgtw128 ((__v8hi)__A, (__v8hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpgt_epi32 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pcmpgtd128 ((__v4si)__A, (__v4si)__B);
-#if 0
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_extract_epi16 (__m128i const __A, int const __N)
-  return __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v8hi ((__v8hi)__A, __N);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_insert_epi16 (__m128i const __A, int const __D, int const __N)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_vec_set_v8hi ((__v8hi)__A, __D, __N);
-#define _mm_extract_epi16(A, N) \
-  ((int) __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v8hi ((__v8hi)(A), (N)))
-#define _mm_insert_epi16(A, D, N) \
-  ((__m128i) __builtin_ia32_vec_set_v8hi ((__v8hi)(A), (D), (N)))
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_max_epi16 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pmaxsw128 ((__v8hi)__A, (__v8hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_max_epu8 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pmaxub128 ((__v16qi)__A, (__v16qi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_min_epi16 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pminsw128 ((__v8hi)__A, (__v8hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_min_epu8 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pminub128 ((__v16qi)__A, (__v16qi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_movemask_epi8 (__m128i __A)
-  return __builtin_ia32_pmovmskb128 ((__v16qi)__A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_mulhi_epu16 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pmulhuw128 ((__v8hi)__A, (__v8hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin 5814283 */
-#define _mm_shufflehi_epi16(__A, __B) ((__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pshufhw ((__v8hi)(__A), __B))
-#define _mm_shufflelo_epi16(__A, __B) ((__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pshuflw ((__v8hi)(__A), __B))
-#define _mm_shuffle_epi32(__A, __B) ((__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pshufd ((__v4si)(__A), __B))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end 5814283 */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_maskmoveu_si128 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B, char *__C)
-  __builtin_ia32_maskmovdqu ((__v16qi)__A, (__v16qi)__B, __C);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_avg_epu8 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pavgb128 ((__v16qi)__A, (__v16qi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_avg_epu16 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pavgw128 ((__v8hi)__A, (__v8hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sad_epu8 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
-  return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psadbw128 ((__v16qi)__A, (__v16qi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_stream_si32 (int *__A, int __B)
-  __builtin_ia32_movnti (__A, __B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_stream_si128 (__m128i *__A, __m128i __B)
-  __builtin_ia32_movntdq ((__v2di *)__A, (__v2di)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_stream_pd (double *__A, __m128d __B)
-  __builtin_ia32_movntpd (__A, (__v2df)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_clflush (void const *__A)
-  __builtin_ia32_clflush (__A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_lfence (void)
-  __builtin_ia32_lfence ();
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_mfence (void)
-  __builtin_ia32_mfence ();
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtsi32_si128 (int __A)
-  return _mm_set_epi32 (0, 0, 0, __A);
-#ifdef __x86_64__
-/* Intel intrinsic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtsi64_si128 (long long __A)
-  return _mm_set_epi64x (0, __A);
-/* Microsoft intrinsic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtsi64x_si128 (long long __A)
-  return _mm_set_epi64x (0, __A);
-/* Casts between various SP, DP, INT vector types.  Note that these do no
-   conversion of values, they just change the type.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_castpd_ps(__m128d __A)
-  return (__m128) __A;
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_castpd_si128(__m128d __A)
-  return (__m128i) __A;
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_castps_pd(__m128 __A)
-  return (__m128d) __A;
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_castps_si128(__m128 __A)
-  return (__m128i) __A;
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_castsi128_ps(__m128i __A)
-  return (__m128) __A;
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_castsi128_pd(__m128i __A)
-  return (__m128d) __A;
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 4152603 */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin 4220129, 4286110 */
-/* Set all of the elements of the vector to A.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_set1_epi64x (long long __A)
-  return _mm_set_epi64x (__A, __A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_set1_epi64 (__m64 __A)
-  return _mm_set_epi64 (__A, __A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_set1_epi32 (int __A)
-  return _mm_set_epi32 (__A, __A, __A, __A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_set1_epi16 (short __A)
-  __m128i temp, temp2, temp3; 
-  temp = _mm_cvtsi32_si128((int)__A);
-  temp2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(temp, temp);
-  temp3 = _mm_shuffle_epi32(temp2, 0);
-  return temp3;
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_set1_epi8 (char __A)
-    __m128i temp, temp2, temp3, temp4;
-    temp = _mm_cvtsi32_si128 ((int)__A);
-    temp2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8 (temp, temp);
-    temp3 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8 (temp2, temp2);
-    temp4 = _mm_shuffle_epi32 (temp3, 0);
-    return temp4;
-/* APPLE LOCAL end 4220129, 4286110 */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin nodebug inline 4152603 */
-#undef __always_inline__
-/* APPLE LOCAL end nodebug inline 4152603 */
-#endif /* __SSE2__  */
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/fenv.h b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/fenv.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 55f9eaf..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/fenv.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-    It has been auto-edited by fixincludes from:
-	"/usr/include/fenv.h"
-    This had to be done to correct non-standard usages in the
-    original, manufacturer supplied header file.  */
-/* This file is a backwards compability hack to allow 
-   no-trapping-math to be the default.  */
-#if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4
-#pragma GCC fenv
-#include_next <fenv.h>
-#endif /* _DARWIN_FENV_H_WRAPPER */
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/float.h b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/float.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1337f6b..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/float.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GCC.
-GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with GCC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.  */
-/* As a special exception, if you include this header file into source
-   files compiled by GCC, this header file does not by itself cause
-   the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
-   License.  This exception does not however invalidate any other
-   reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
-   Public License.  */
- * ISO C Standard:  Characteristics of floating types <float.h>
- */
-#ifndef _FLOAT_H___
-#define _FLOAT_H___
-/* Radix of exponent representation, b. */
-#undef FLT_RADIX
-#define FLT_RADIX	__FLT_RADIX__
-/* Number of base-FLT_RADIX digits in the significand, p.  */
-#undef FLT_MANT_DIG
-#undef DBL_MANT_DIG
-/* Number of decimal digits, q, such that any floating-point number with q
-   decimal digits can be rounded into a floating-point number with p radix b
-   digits and back again without change to the q decimal digits,
-	p * log10(b)			if b is a power of 10
-	floor((p - 1) * log10(b))	otherwise
-#undef FLT_DIG
-#undef DBL_DIG
-#undef LDBL_DIG
-#define FLT_DIG		__FLT_DIG__
-#define DBL_DIG		__DBL_DIG__
-#define LDBL_DIG	__LDBL_DIG__
-/* Minimum int x such that FLT_RADIX**(x-1) is a normalized float, emin */
-#undef FLT_MIN_EXP
-#undef DBL_MIN_EXP
-#undef LDBL_MIN_EXP
-#define FLT_MIN_EXP	__FLT_MIN_EXP__
-#define DBL_MIN_EXP	__DBL_MIN_EXP__
-/* Minimum negative integer such that 10 raised to that power is in the
-   range of normalized floating-point numbers,
-	ceil(log10(b) * (emin - 1))
-#undef FLT_MIN_10_EXP
-#undef DBL_MIN_10_EXP
-#undef LDBL_MIN_10_EXP
-#define FLT_MIN_10_EXP	__FLT_MIN_10_EXP__
-#define DBL_MIN_10_EXP	__DBL_MIN_10_EXP__
-#define LDBL_MIN_10_EXP	__LDBL_MIN_10_EXP__
-/* Maximum int x such that FLT_RADIX**(x-1) is a representable float, emax.  */
-#undef FLT_MAX_EXP
-#undef DBL_MAX_EXP
-#undef LDBL_MAX_EXP
-#define FLT_MAX_EXP	__FLT_MAX_EXP__
-#define DBL_MAX_EXP	__DBL_MAX_EXP__
-/* Maximum integer such that 10 raised to that power is in the range of
-   representable finite floating-point numbers,
-	floor(log10((1 - b**-p) * b**emax))
-#undef FLT_MAX_10_EXP
-#undef DBL_MAX_10_EXP
-#undef LDBL_MAX_10_EXP
-#define FLT_MAX_10_EXP	__FLT_MAX_10_EXP__
-#define DBL_MAX_10_EXP	__DBL_MAX_10_EXP__
-#define LDBL_MAX_10_EXP	__LDBL_MAX_10_EXP__
-/* Maximum representable finite floating-point number,
-	(1 - b**-p) * b**emax
-#undef FLT_MAX
-#undef DBL_MAX
-#undef LDBL_MAX
-#define FLT_MAX		__FLT_MAX__
-#define DBL_MAX		__DBL_MAX__
-#define LDBL_MAX	__LDBL_MAX__
-/* The difference between 1 and the least value greater than 1 that is
-   representable in the given floating point type, b**1-p.  */
-/* Minimum normalized positive floating-point number, b**(emin - 1).  */
-#undef FLT_MIN
-#undef DBL_MIN
-#undef LDBL_MIN
-#define FLT_MIN		__FLT_MIN__
-#define DBL_MIN		__DBL_MIN__
-#define LDBL_MIN	__LDBL_MIN__
-/* Addition rounds to 0: zero, 1: nearest, 2: +inf, 3: -inf, -1: unknown.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin 3399553 */
-/* This changes with calls to fesetround in <fenv.h>.  */
-#undef FLT_ROUNDS
-#define FLT_ROUNDS (__builtin_flt_rounds ())
-/* APPLE LOCAL end 3399553 */
-#if defined (__STDC_VERSION__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L
-/* The floating-point expression evaluation method.
-        -1  indeterminate
-         0  evaluate all operations and constants just to the range and
-            precision of the type
-         1  evaluate operations and constants of type float and double
-            to the range and precision of the double type, evaluate
-            long double operations and constants to the range and
-            precision of the long double type
-         2  evaluate all operations and constants to the range and
-            precision of the long double type
-   ??? This ought to change with the setting of the fp control word;
-   the value provided by the compiler assumes the widest setting.  */
-/* Number of decimal digits, n, such that any floating-point number in the
-   widest supported floating type with pmax radix b digits can be rounded
-   to a floating-point number with n decimal digits and back again without
-   change to the value,
-	pmax * log10(b)			if b is a power of 10
-	ceil(1 + pmax * log10(b))	otherwise
-#endif /* C99 */
-#endif /* _FLOAT_H___ */
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/iso646.h b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/iso646.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 445d372..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/iso646.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 1997, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GCC.
-GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with GCC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.  */
-/* As a special exception, if you include this header file into source
-   files compiled by GCC, this header file does not by itself cause
-   the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
-   License.  This exception does not however invalidate any other
-   reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
-   Public License.  */
- * ISO C Standard:  7.9  Alternative spellings  <iso646.h>
- */
-#ifndef _ISO646_H
-#define _ISO646_H
-#ifndef __cplusplus
-#define and	&&
-#define and_eq	&=
-#define bitand	&
-#define bitor	|
-#define compl	~
-#define not	!
-#define not_eq	!=
-#define or	||
-#define or_eq	|=
-#define xor	^
-#define xor_eq	^=
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/limits.h b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/limits.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 16417a2..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/limits.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-/* This administrivia gets added to the beginning of limits.h
-   if the system has its own version of limits.h.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin 4401222 */
-#ifndef _LIBC_LIMITS_H_
-/* Use "..." so that we find syslimits.h only in this same directory.  */
-#include "syslimits.h"
-#include_next <limits.h>
-/* APPLE LOCAL end 4401222 */
-#ifndef _LIMITS_H___
-#define _LIMITS_H___
-/* Number of bits in a `char'.  */
-#undef CHAR_BIT
-#define CHAR_BIT __CHAR_BIT__
-/* Maximum length of a multibyte character.  */
-#ifndef MB_LEN_MAX
-#define MB_LEN_MAX 1
-/* Minimum and maximum values a `signed char' can hold.  */
-#undef SCHAR_MIN
-#define SCHAR_MIN (-SCHAR_MAX - 1)
-#undef SCHAR_MAX
-#define SCHAR_MAX __SCHAR_MAX__
-/* Maximum value an `unsigned char' can hold.  (Minimum is 0).  */
-#undef UCHAR_MAX
-#if __SCHAR_MAX__ == __INT_MAX__
-# define UCHAR_MAX (SCHAR_MAX * 2U + 1U)
-# define UCHAR_MAX (SCHAR_MAX * 2 + 1)
-/* Minimum and maximum values a `char' can hold.  */
-#ifdef __CHAR_UNSIGNED__
-# undef CHAR_MIN
-# if __SCHAR_MAX__ == __INT_MAX__
-#  define CHAR_MIN 0U
-# else
-#  define CHAR_MIN 0
-# endif
-# undef CHAR_MAX
-# undef CHAR_MIN
-# undef CHAR_MAX
-/* Minimum and maximum values a `signed short int' can hold.  */
-#undef SHRT_MIN
-#define SHRT_MIN (-SHRT_MAX - 1)
-#undef SHRT_MAX
-#define SHRT_MAX __SHRT_MAX__
-/* Maximum value an `unsigned short int' can hold.  (Minimum is 0).  */
-#undef USHRT_MAX
-#if __SHRT_MAX__ == __INT_MAX__
-# define USHRT_MAX (SHRT_MAX * 2U + 1U)
-# define USHRT_MAX (SHRT_MAX * 2 + 1)
-/* Minimum and maximum values a `signed int' can hold.  */
-#undef INT_MIN
-#define INT_MIN (-INT_MAX - 1)
-#undef INT_MAX
-#define INT_MAX __INT_MAX__
-/* Maximum value an `unsigned int' can hold.  (Minimum is 0).  */
-#undef UINT_MAX
-#define UINT_MAX (INT_MAX * 2U + 1U)
-/* Minimum and maximum values a `signed long int' can hold.
-   (Same as `int').  */
-#undef LONG_MIN
-#define LONG_MIN (-LONG_MAX - 1L)
-#undef LONG_MAX
-#define LONG_MAX __LONG_MAX__
-/* Maximum value an `unsigned long int' can hold.  (Minimum is 0).  */
-#undef ULONG_MAX
-#define ULONG_MAX (LONG_MAX * 2UL + 1UL)
-#if defined (__STDC_VERSION__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L
-/* Minimum and maximum values a `signed long long int' can hold.  */
-# undef LLONG_MIN
-# define LLONG_MIN (-LLONG_MAX - 1LL)
-# undef LLONG_MAX
-/* Maximum value an `unsigned long long int' can hold.  (Minimum is 0).  */
-# undef ULLONG_MAX
-# define ULLONG_MAX (LLONG_MAX * 2ULL + 1ULL)
-#if defined (__GNU_LIBRARY__) ? defined (__USE_GNU) : !defined (__STRICT_ANSI__)
-/* Minimum and maximum values a `signed long long int' can hold.  */
-# undef LONG_LONG_MIN
-# undef LONG_LONG_MAX
-/* Maximum value an `unsigned long long int' can hold.  (Minimum is 0).  */
-#endif /* _LIMITS_H___ */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin 4401222 */
-/* APPLE LOCAL end 4401222 */
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/mm3dnow.h b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/mm3dnow.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fdc6dc..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/mm3dnow.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-   This file is part of GCC.
-   GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-   any later version.
-   GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-   GNU General Public License for more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-   along with GCC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-   the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-   Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.  */
-/* As a special exception, if you include this header file into source
-   files compiled by GCC, this header file does not by itself cause
-   the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
-   License.  This exception does not however invalidate any other
-   reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
-   Public License.  */
-/* Implemented from the mm3dnow.h (of supposedly AMD origin) included with
-   MSVC 7.1.  */
-#ifdef __3dNOW__
-#include <mmintrin.h>
-/* Internal data types for implementing the intrinsics.  */
-typedef float __v2sf __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (8)));
-static __inline void
-_m_femms (void)
-  __builtin_ia32_femms();
-static __inline __m64
-_m_pavgusb (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pavgusb ((__v8qi)__A, (__v8qi)__B);
-static __inline __m64
-_m_pf2id (__m64 __A)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pf2id ((__v2sf)__A);
-static __inline __m64
-_m_pfacc (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pfacc ((__v2sf)__A, (__v2sf)__B);
-static __inline __m64
-_m_pfadd (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pfadd ((__v2sf)__A, (__v2sf)__B);
-static __inline __m64
-_m_pfcmpeq (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pfcmpeq ((__v2sf)__A, (__v2sf)__B);
-static __inline __m64
-_m_pfcmpge (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pfcmpge ((__v2sf)__A, (__v2sf)__B);
-static __inline __m64
-_m_pfcmpgt (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pfcmpgt ((__v2sf)__A, (__v2sf)__B);
-static __inline __m64
-_m_pfmax (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pfmax ((__v2sf)__A, (__v2sf)__B);
-static __inline __m64
-_m_pfmin (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pfmin ((__v2sf)__A, (__v2sf)__B);
-static __inline __m64
-_m_pfmul (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pfmul ((__v2sf)__A, (__v2sf)__B);
-static __inline __m64
-_m_pfrcp (__m64 __A)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pfrcp ((__v2sf)__A);
-static __inline __m64
-_m_pfrcpit1 (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pfrcpit1 ((__v2sf)__A, (__v2sf)__B);
-static __inline __m64
-_m_pfrcpit2 (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pfrcpit2 ((__v2sf)__A, (__v2sf)__B);
-static __inline __m64
-_m_pfrsqrt (__m64 __A)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pfrsqrt ((__v2sf)__A);
-static __inline __m64
-_m_pfrsqit1 (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pfrsqit1 ((__v2sf)__A, (__v2sf)__B);
-static __inline __m64
-_m_pfsub (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pfsub ((__v2sf)__A, (__v2sf)__B);
-static __inline __m64
-_m_pfsubr (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pfsubr ((__v2sf)__A, (__v2sf)__B);
-static __inline __m64
-_m_pi2fd (__m64 __A)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pi2fd ((__v2si)__A);
-static __inline __m64
-_m_pmulhrw (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pmulhrw ((__v4hi)__A, (__v4hi)__B);
-static __inline void
-_m_prefetch (void *__P)
-  __builtin_prefetch (__P, 0, 3 /* _MM_HINT_T0 */);
-static __inline void
-_m_prefetchw (void *__P)
-  __builtin_prefetch (__P, 1, 3 /* _MM_HINT_T0 */);
-static __inline __m64
-_m_from_float (float __A)
-  return (__m64)(__v2sf){ __A, 0 };
-static __inline float
-_m_to_float (__m64 __A)
-  union { __v2sf v; float a[2]; } __tmp = { (__v2sf)__A };
-  return __tmp.a[0];
-#ifdef __3dNOW_A__
-static __inline __m64
-_m_pf2iw (__m64 __A)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pf2iw ((__v2sf)__A);
-static __inline __m64
-_m_pfnacc (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pfnacc ((__v2sf)__A, (__v2sf)__B);
-static __inline __m64
-_m_pfpnacc (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pfpnacc ((__v2sf)__A, (__v2sf)__B);
-static __inline __m64
-_m_pi2fw (__m64 __A)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pi2fw ((__v2si)__A);
-static __inline __m64
-_m_pswapd (__m64 __A)
-  return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pswapdsf ((__v2sf)__A);
-#endif /* __3dNOW_A__ */
-#endif /* __3dNOW__ */
-#endif /* _MM3DNOW_H_INCLUDED */
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/mm_malloc.h b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/mm_malloc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 20d7f5e..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/mm_malloc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-   This file is part of GCC.
-   GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-   any later version.
-   GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-   GNU General Public License for more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-   along with GCC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-   the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-   Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.  */
-/* As a special exception, if you include this header file into source
-   files compiled by GCC, this header file does not by itself cause
-   the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
-   License.  This exception does not however invalidate any other
-   reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
-   Public License.  */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-static __inline__ void* 
-_mm_malloc (size_t size, size_t align)
-  void * malloc_ptr;
-  void * aligned_ptr;
-  /* Error if align is not a power of two.  */
-  if (align & (align - 1))
-    {
-      errno = EINVAL;
-      return ((void*) 0);
-    }
-  if (size == 0)
-    return ((void *) 0);
- /* Assume malloc'd pointer is aligned at least to sizeof (void*).
-    If necessary, add another sizeof (void*) to store the value
-    returned by malloc. Effectively this enforces a minimum alignment
-    of sizeof double. */     
-    if (align < 2 * sizeof (void *))
-      align = 2 * sizeof (void *);
-  malloc_ptr = malloc (size + align);
-  if (!malloc_ptr)
-    return ((void *) 0);
-  /* Align  We have at least sizeof (void *) space below malloc'd ptr. */
-  aligned_ptr = (void *) (((size_t) malloc_ptr + align)
-			  & ~((size_t) (align) - 1));
-  /* Store the original pointer just before p.  */	
-  ((void **) aligned_ptr) [-1] = malloc_ptr;
-  return aligned_ptr;
-static __inline__ void
-_mm_free (void * aligned_ptr)
-  if (aligned_ptr)
-    free (((void **) aligned_ptr) [-1]);
-#endif /* _MM_MALLOC_H_INCLUDED */
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/mmintrin.h b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/mmintrin.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 64db058..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/mmintrin.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1219 +0,0 @@
-/* APPLE LOCAL file mainline 2005-06-30 Radar 4131077 */
-/* Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007
-   Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-   This file is part of GCC.
-   GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-   any later version.
-   GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-   GNU General Public License for more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-   along with GCC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-   the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-   Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.  */
-/* As a special exception, if you include this header file into source
-   files compiled by GCC, this header file does not by itself cause
-   the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
-   License.  This exception does not however invalidate any other
-   reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
-   Public License.  */
-/* Implemented from the specification included in the Intel C++ Compiler
-   User Guide and Reference, version 9.0.  */
-#ifndef __MMX__
-# error "MMX instruction set not enabled"
-/* The Intel API is flexible enough that we must allow aliasing with other
-   vector types, and their scalar components.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL 4505813 */
-typedef long long __m64 __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (8), __may_alias__));
-/* Internal data types for implementing the intrinsics.  */
-typedef int __v2si __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (8)));
-typedef short __v4hi __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (8)));
-typedef char __v8qi __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (8)));
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin nodebug inline 4152603 */
-#define __always_inline__ __always_inline__, __nodebug__
-/* APPLE LOCAL end nodebug inline 4152603 */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-#ifdef __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__
-#define __STATIC_INLINE __inline
-#define __STATIC_INLINE static __inline
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-/* Empty the multimedia state.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 4152603 */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_empty (void)
-  __builtin_ia32_emms ();
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_empty (void)
-  _mm_empty ();
-/* Convert I to a __m64 object.  The integer is zero-extended to 64-bits.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64  __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtsi32_si64 (int __i)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_vec_init_v2si (__i, 0);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64  __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_from_int (int __i)
-  return _mm_cvtsi32_si64 (__i);
-#ifdef __x86_64__
-/* Convert I to a __m64 object.  */
-/* Intel intrinsic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64  __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_from_int64 (long long __i)
-  return (__m64) __i;
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64  __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtsi64_m64 (long long __i)
-  return (__m64) __i;
-/* Microsoft intrinsic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64  __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtsi64x_si64 (long long __i)
-  return (__m64) __i;
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64  __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_set_pi64x (long long __i)
-  return (__m64) __i;
-/* Convert the lower 32 bits of the __m64 object into an integer.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtsi64_si32 (__m64 __i)
-  return __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v2si ((__v2si)__i, 0);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_to_int (__m64 __i)
-  return _mm_cvtsi64_si32 (__i);
-#ifdef __x86_64__
-/* Convert the __m64 object to a 64bit integer.  */
-/* Intel intrinsic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE long long __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_to_int64 (__m64 __i)
-  return (long long)__i;
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE long long __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtm64_si64 (__m64 __i)
-  return (long long)__i;
-/* Microsoft intrinsic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE long long __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtsi64_si64x (__m64 __i)
-  return (long long)__i;
-/* Pack the four 16-bit values from M1 into the lower four 8-bit values of
-   the result, and the four 16-bit values from M2 into the upper four 8-bit
-   values of the result, all with signed saturation.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_packs_pi16 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_packsswb ((__v4hi)__m1, (__v4hi)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_packsswb (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_packs_pi16 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Pack the two 32-bit values from M1 in to the lower two 16-bit values of
-   the result, and the two 32-bit values from M2 into the upper two 16-bit
-   values of the result, all with signed saturation.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_packs_pi32 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_packssdw ((__v2si)__m1, (__v2si)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_packssdw (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_packs_pi32 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Pack the four 16-bit values from M1 into the lower four 8-bit values of
-   the result, and the four 16-bit values from M2 into the upper four 8-bit
-   values of the result, all with unsigned saturation.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_packs_pu16 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_packuswb ((__v4hi)__m1, (__v4hi)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_packuswb (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_packs_pu16 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Interleave the four 8-bit values from the high half of M1 with the four
-   8-bit values from the high half of M2.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_unpackhi_pi8 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_punpckhbw ((__v8qi)__m1, (__v8qi)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_punpckhbw (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_unpackhi_pi8 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Interleave the two 16-bit values from the high half of M1 with the two
-   16-bit values from the high half of M2.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_unpackhi_pi16 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_punpckhwd ((__v4hi)__m1, (__v4hi)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_punpckhwd (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_unpackhi_pi16 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Interleave the 32-bit value from the high half of M1 with the 32-bit
-   value from the high half of M2.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_unpackhi_pi32 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_punpckhdq ((__v2si)__m1, (__v2si)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_punpckhdq (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_unpackhi_pi32 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Interleave the four 8-bit values from the low half of M1 with the four
-   8-bit values from the low half of M2.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_unpacklo_pi8 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_punpcklbw ((__v8qi)__m1, (__v8qi)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_punpcklbw (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_unpacklo_pi8 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Interleave the two 16-bit values from the low half of M1 with the two
-   16-bit values from the low half of M2.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_unpacklo_pi16 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_punpcklwd ((__v4hi)__m1, (__v4hi)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_punpcklwd (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_unpacklo_pi16 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Interleave the 32-bit value from the low half of M1 with the 32-bit
-   value from the low half of M2.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_unpacklo_pi32 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_punpckldq ((__v2si)__m1, (__v2si)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_punpckldq (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_unpacklo_pi32 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Add the 8-bit values in M1 to the 8-bit values in M2.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_add_pi8 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_paddb ((__v8qi)__m1, (__v8qi)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_paddb (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_add_pi8 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Add the 16-bit values in M1 to the 16-bit values in M2.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_add_pi16 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_paddw ((__v4hi)__m1, (__v4hi)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_paddw (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_add_pi16 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Add the 32-bit values in M1 to the 32-bit values in M2.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_add_pi32 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_paddd ((__v2si)__m1, (__v2si)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_paddd (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_add_pi32 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Add the 64-bit values in M1 to the 64-bit values in M2.  */
-#ifdef __SSE2__
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_add_si64 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  /* APPLE LOCAL 4656532 use V1DImode for _m64 */
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_paddq (__m1, __m2);
-/* Add the 8-bit values in M1 to the 8-bit values in M2 using signed
-   saturated arithmetic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_adds_pi8 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_paddsb ((__v8qi)__m1, (__v8qi)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_paddsb (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_adds_pi8 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Add the 16-bit values in M1 to the 16-bit values in M2 using signed
-   saturated arithmetic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_adds_pi16 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_paddsw ((__v4hi)__m1, (__v4hi)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_paddsw (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_adds_pi16 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Add the 8-bit values in M1 to the 8-bit values in M2 using unsigned
-   saturated arithmetic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_adds_pu8 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_paddusb ((__v8qi)__m1, (__v8qi)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_paddusb (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_adds_pu8 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Add the 16-bit values in M1 to the 16-bit values in M2 using unsigned
-   saturated arithmetic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_adds_pu16 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_paddusw ((__v4hi)__m1, (__v4hi)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_paddusw (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_adds_pu16 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Subtract the 8-bit values in M2 from the 8-bit values in M1.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sub_pi8 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psubb ((__v8qi)__m1, (__v8qi)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_psubb (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_sub_pi8 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Subtract the 16-bit values in M2 from the 16-bit values in M1.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sub_pi16 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psubw ((__v4hi)__m1, (__v4hi)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_psubw (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_sub_pi16 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Subtract the 32-bit values in M2 from the 32-bit values in M1.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sub_pi32 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psubd ((__v2si)__m1, (__v2si)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_psubd (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_sub_pi32 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Add the 64-bit values in M1 to the 64-bit values in M2.  */
-#ifdef __SSE2__
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sub_si64 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  /* APPLE LOCAL 4656532 use V1DImode for _m64 */
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psubq (__m1, __m2);
-/* Subtract the 8-bit values in M2 from the 8-bit values in M1 using signed
-   saturating arithmetic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_subs_pi8 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psubsb ((__v8qi)__m1, (__v8qi)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_psubsb (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_subs_pi8 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Subtract the 16-bit values in M2 from the 16-bit values in M1 using
-   signed saturating arithmetic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_subs_pi16 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psubsw ((__v4hi)__m1, (__v4hi)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_psubsw (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_subs_pi16 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Subtract the 8-bit values in M2 from the 8-bit values in M1 using
-   unsigned saturating arithmetic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_subs_pu8 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psubusb ((__v8qi)__m1, (__v8qi)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_psubusb (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_subs_pu8 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Subtract the 16-bit values in M2 from the 16-bit values in M1 using
-   unsigned saturating arithmetic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_subs_pu16 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psubusw ((__v4hi)__m1, (__v4hi)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_psubusw (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_subs_pu16 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Multiply four 16-bit values in M1 by four 16-bit values in M2 producing
-   four 32-bit intermediate results, which are then summed by pairs to
-   produce two 32-bit results.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_madd_pi16 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_pmaddwd ((__v4hi)__m1, (__v4hi)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_pmaddwd (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_madd_pi16 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Multiply four signed 16-bit values in M1 by four signed 16-bit values in
-   M2 and produce the high 16 bits of the 32-bit results.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_mulhi_pi16 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_pmulhw ((__v4hi)__m1, (__v4hi)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_pmulhw (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_mulhi_pi16 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Multiply four 16-bit values in M1 by four 16-bit values in M2 and produce
-   the low 16 bits of the results.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_mullo_pi16 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_pmullw ((__v4hi)__m1, (__v4hi)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_pmullw (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_mullo_pi16 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Shift four 16-bit values in M left by COUNT.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sll_pi16 (__m64 __m, __m64 __count)
-  /* APPLE LOCAL 4656532 use V1DImode for _m64 */
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psllw ((__v4hi)__m, __count);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_psllw (__m64 __m, __m64 __count)
-  return _mm_sll_pi16 (__m, __count);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_slli_pi16 (__m64 __m, int __count)
-  /* APPLE LOCAL 4656532 use V1DImode for _m64 */
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psllwi ((__v4hi)__m, __count);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_psllwi (__m64 __m, int __count)
-  return _mm_slli_pi16 (__m, __count);
-/* Shift two 32-bit values in M left by COUNT.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sll_pi32 (__m64 __m, __m64 __count)
-  /* APPLE LOCAL 4656532 use V1DImode for _m64 */
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_pslld ((__v2si)__m, __count);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_pslld (__m64 __m, __m64 __count)
-  return _mm_sll_pi32 (__m, __count);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_slli_pi32 (__m64 __m, int __count)
-  /* APPLE LOCAL 4656532 use V1DImode for _m64 */
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_pslldi ((__v2si)__m, __count);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_pslldi (__m64 __m, int __count)
-  return _mm_slli_pi32 (__m, __count);
-/* Shift the 64-bit value in M left by COUNT.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sll_si64 (__m64 __m, __m64 __count)
-  /* APPLE LOCAL 4656532 use V1DImode for _m64 */
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psllq (__m, __count);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_psllq (__m64 __m, __m64 __count)
-  return _mm_sll_si64 (__m, __count);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_slli_si64 (__m64 __m, int __count)
-  /* APPLE LOCAL 4656532 use V1DImode for _m64 */
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psllqi (__m, __count);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_psllqi (__m64 __m, int __count)
-  return _mm_slli_si64 (__m, __count);
-/* Shift four 16-bit values in M right by COUNT; shift in the sign bit.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sra_pi16 (__m64 __m, __m64 __count)
-  /* APPLE LOCAL 4656532 use V1DImode for _m64 */
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psraw ((__v4hi)__m, __count);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_psraw (__m64 __m, __m64 __count)
-  return _mm_sra_pi16 (__m, __count);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_srai_pi16 (__m64 __m, int __count)
-  /* APPLE LOCAL 4656532 use V1DImode for _m64 */
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psrawi ((__v4hi)__m, __count);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_psrawi (__m64 __m, int __count)
-  return _mm_srai_pi16 (__m, __count);
-/* Shift two 32-bit values in M right by COUNT; shift in the sign bit.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sra_pi32 (__m64 __m, __m64 __count)
-  /* APPLE LOCAL 4656532 use V1DImode for _m64 */
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psrad ((__v2si)__m, __count);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_psrad (__m64 __m, __m64 __count)
-  return _mm_sra_pi32 (__m, __count);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_srai_pi32 (__m64 __m, int __count)
-  /* APPLE LOCAL 4656532 use V1DImode for _m64 */
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psradi ((__v2si)__m, __count);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_psradi (__m64 __m, int __count)
-  return _mm_srai_pi32 (__m, __count);
-/* Shift four 16-bit values in M right by COUNT; shift in zeros.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_srl_pi16 (__m64 __m, __m64 __count)
-  /* APPLE LOCAL 4656532 use V1DImode for _m64 */
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psrlw ((__v4hi)__m, __count);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_psrlw (__m64 __m, __m64 __count)
-  return _mm_srl_pi16 (__m, __count);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_srli_pi16 (__m64 __m, int __count)
-  /* APPLE LOCAL 4656532 use V1DImode for _m64 */
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psrlwi ((__v4hi)__m, __count);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_psrlwi (__m64 __m, int __count)
-  return _mm_srli_pi16 (__m, __count);
-/* Shift two 32-bit values in M right by COUNT; shift in zeros.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_srl_pi32 (__m64 __m, __m64 __count)
-  /* APPLE LOCAL 4656532 use V1DImode for _m64 */
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psrld ((__v2si)__m, __count);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_psrld (__m64 __m, __m64 __count)
-  return _mm_srl_pi32 (__m, __count);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_srli_pi32 (__m64 __m, int __count)
-  /* APPLE LOCAL 4656532 use V1DImode for _m64 */
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psrldi ((__v2si)__m, __count);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_psrldi (__m64 __m, int __count)
-  return _mm_srli_pi32 (__m, __count);
-/* Shift the 64-bit value in M left by COUNT; shift in zeros.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_srl_si64 (__m64 __m, __m64 __count)
-  /* APPLE LOCAL 4656532 use V1DImode for _m64 */
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psrlq (__m, __count);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_psrlq (__m64 __m, __m64 __count)
-  return _mm_srl_si64 (__m, __count);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_srli_si64 (__m64 __m, int __count)
-  /* APPLE LOCAL 4656532 use V1DImode for _m64 */
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psrlqi (__m, __count);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_psrlqi (__m64 __m, int __count)
-  return _mm_srli_si64 (__m, __count);
-/* Bit-wise AND the 64-bit values in M1 and M2.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_and_si64 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return __builtin_ia32_pand (__m1, __m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_pand (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_and_si64 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Bit-wise complement the 64-bit value in M1 and bit-wise AND it with the
-   64-bit value in M2.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_andnot_si64 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return __builtin_ia32_pandn (__m1, __m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_pandn (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_andnot_si64 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Bit-wise inclusive OR the 64-bit values in M1 and M2.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_or_si64 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return __builtin_ia32_por (__m1, __m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_por (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_or_si64 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Bit-wise exclusive OR the 64-bit values in M1 and M2.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_xor_si64 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return __builtin_ia32_pxor (__m1, __m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_pxor (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_xor_si64 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Compare eight 8-bit values.  The result of the comparison is 0xFF if the
-   test is true and zero if false.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpeq_pi8 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_pcmpeqb ((__v8qi)__m1, (__v8qi)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_pcmpeqb (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_cmpeq_pi8 (__m1, __m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpgt_pi8 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_pcmpgtb ((__v8qi)__m1, (__v8qi)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_pcmpgtb (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_cmpgt_pi8 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Compare four 16-bit values.  The result of the comparison is 0xFFFF if
-   the test is true and zero if false.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpeq_pi16 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_pcmpeqw ((__v4hi)__m1, (__v4hi)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_pcmpeqw (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_cmpeq_pi16 (__m1, __m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpgt_pi16 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_pcmpgtw ((__v4hi)__m1, (__v4hi)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_pcmpgtw (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_cmpgt_pi16 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Compare two 32-bit values.  The result of the comparison is 0xFFFFFFFF if
-   the test is true and zero if false.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpeq_pi32 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_pcmpeqd ((__v2si)__m1, (__v2si)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_pcmpeqd (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_cmpeq_pi32 (__m1, __m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpgt_pi32 (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_pcmpgtd ((__v2si)__m1, (__v2si)__m2);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_pcmpgtd (__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
-  return _mm_cmpgt_pi32 (__m1, __m2);
-/* Creates a 64-bit zero.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_setzero_si64 (void)
-  return (__m64)0LL;
-/* Creates a vector of two 32-bit values; I0 is least significant.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_set_pi32 (int __i1, int __i0)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_vec_init_v2si (__i0, __i1);
-/* Creates a vector of four 16-bit values; W0 is least significant.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_set_pi16 (short __w3, short __w2, short __w1, short __w0)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_vec_init_v4hi (__w0, __w1, __w2, __w3);
-/* Creates a vector of eight 8-bit values; B0 is least significant.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_set_pi8 (char __b7, char __b6, char __b5, char __b4,
-	     char __b3, char __b2, char __b1, char __b0)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_vec_init_v8qi (__b0, __b1, __b2, __b3,
-					       __b4, __b5, __b6, __b7);
-/* Similar, but with the arguments in reverse order.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_setr_pi32 (int __i0, int __i1)
-  return _mm_set_pi32 (__i1, __i0);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_setr_pi16 (short __w0, short __w1, short __w2, short __w3)
-  return _mm_set_pi16 (__w3, __w2, __w1, __w0);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_setr_pi8 (char __b0, char __b1, char __b2, char __b3,
-	      char __b4, char __b5, char __b6, char __b7)
-  return _mm_set_pi8 (__b7, __b6, __b5, __b4, __b3, __b2, __b1, __b0);
-/* Creates a vector of two 32-bit values, both elements containing I.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_set1_pi32 (int __i)
-  return _mm_set_pi32 (__i, __i);
-/* Creates a vector of four 16-bit values, all elements containing W.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_set1_pi16 (short __w)
-  return _mm_set_pi16 (__w, __w, __w, __w);
-/* Creates a vector of eight 8-bit values, all elements containing B.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_set1_pi8 (char __b)
-  return _mm_set_pi8 (__b, __b, __b, __b, __b, __b, __b, __b);
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 4152603 */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin nodebug inline 4152603 */
-#undef __always_inline__
-/* APPLE LOCAL end nodebug inline 4152603 */
-#endif /* __MMX__ */
-#endif /* _MMINTRIN_H_INCLUDED */
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/nmmintrin.h b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/nmmintrin.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c0db20..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/nmmintrin.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-/* APPLE LOCAL file 5612787 mainline sse4 */
-/* Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-   This file is part of GCC.
-   GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-   any later version.
-   GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-   GNU General Public License for more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-   along with GCC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-   the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
-   Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */
-/* As a special exception, if you include this header file into source
-   files compiled by GCC, this header file does not by itself cause
-   the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
-   License.  This exception does not however invalidate any other
-   reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
-   Public License.  */
-/* Implemented from the specification included in the Intel C++ Compiler
-   User Guide and Reference, version 10.0.  */
-#ifndef __SSE4_2__
-# error "SSE4.2 instruction set not enabled"
-/* We just include SSE4.1 header file.  */
-#include <smmintrin.h>
-#endif /* __SSE4_2__ */
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/omp.h b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/omp.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1400282..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/omp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-   Contributed by Richard Henderson <>.
-   This file is part of the GNU OpenMP Library (libgomp).
-   Libgomp is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-   under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
-   (at your option) any later version.
-   Libgomp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-   WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-   FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
-   more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License 
-   along with libgomp; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to the
-   Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
-   MA 02110-1301, USA.  */
-/* As a special exception, if you link this library with other files, some
-   of which are compiled with GCC, to produce an executable, this library
-   does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by the
-   GNU General Public License.  This exception does not however invalidate
-   any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU
-   General Public License.  */
-#ifndef OMP_H
-#define OMP_H 1
-/* These two structures get edited by the libgomp build process to 
-   reflect the shape of the two types.  Their internals are private
-   to the library.  */
-typedef struct
-  unsigned char _x[64] 
-    __attribute__((__aligned__(8)));
-} omp_lock_t;
-typedef struct
-  unsigned char _x[72] 
-    __attribute__((__aligned__(8)));
-} omp_nest_lock_t;
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-extern void omp_set_num_threads (int);
-extern int omp_get_num_threads (void);
-extern int omp_get_max_threads (void);
-extern int omp_get_thread_num (void);
-extern int omp_get_num_procs (void);
-extern int omp_in_parallel (void);
-extern void omp_set_dynamic (int);
-extern int omp_get_dynamic (void);
-extern void omp_set_nested (int);
-extern int omp_get_nested (void);
-extern void omp_init_lock (omp_lock_t *);
-extern void omp_destroy_lock (omp_lock_t *);
-extern void omp_set_lock (omp_lock_t *);
-extern void omp_unset_lock (omp_lock_t *);
-extern int omp_test_lock (omp_lock_t *);
-extern void omp_init_nest_lock (omp_nest_lock_t *);
-extern void omp_destroy_nest_lock (omp_nest_lock_t *);
-extern void omp_set_nest_lock (omp_nest_lock_t *);
-extern void omp_unset_nest_lock (omp_nest_lock_t *);
-extern int omp_test_nest_lock (omp_nest_lock_t *);
-extern double omp_get_wtime (void);
-extern double omp_get_wtick (void);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* OMP_H */
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/pmmintrin.h b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/pmmintrin.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7640941..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/pmmintrin.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-/* APPLE LOCAL file mainline 2005-06-30 Radar 4131077 */
-/* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-   This file is part of GCC.
-   GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-   any later version.
-   GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-   GNU General Public License for more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-   along with GCC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-   the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-   Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.  */
-/* As a special exception, if you include this header file into source
-   files compiled by GCC, this header file does not by itself cause
-   the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
-   License.  This exception does not however invalidate any other
-   reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
-   Public License.  */
-/* Implemented from the specification included in the Intel C++ Compiler
-   User Guide and Reference, version 9.0.  */
-#ifdef __SSE3__
-#include <xmmintrin.h>
-#include <emmintrin.h>
-/* Additional bits in the MXCSR.  */
-#define _MM_DENORMALS_ZERO_MASK		0x0040
-#define _MM_DENORMALS_ZERO_ON		0x0040
-#define _MM_DENORMALS_ZERO_OFF		0x0000
-#define _MM_SET_DENORMALS_ZERO_MODE(mode) \
-  _mm_setcsr ((_mm_getcsr () & ~_MM_DENORMALS_ZERO_MASK) | (mode))
-  (_mm_getcsr() & _MM_DENORMALS_ZERO_MASK)
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin nodebug inline 4152603 */
-#define __always_inline__ __always_inline__, __nodebug__
-/* APPLE LOCAL end nodebug inline 4152603 */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-#ifdef __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__
-#define __STATIC_INLINE __inline
-#define __STATIC_INLINE static __inline
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 4152603 */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_addsub_ps (__m128 __X, __m128 __Y)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_addsubps ((__v4sf)__X, (__v4sf)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_hadd_ps (__m128 __X, __m128 __Y)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_haddps ((__v4sf)__X, (__v4sf)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_hsub_ps (__m128 __X, __m128 __Y)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_hsubps ((__v4sf)__X, (__v4sf)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_movehdup_ps (__m128 __X)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_movshdup ((__v4sf)__X);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_moveldup_ps (__m128 __X)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_movsldup ((__v4sf)__X);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_addsub_pd (__m128d __X, __m128d __Y)
-  return (__m128d) __builtin_ia32_addsubpd ((__v2df)__X, (__v2df)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_hadd_pd (__m128d __X, __m128d __Y)
-  return (__m128d) __builtin_ia32_haddpd ((__v2df)__X, (__v2df)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_hsub_pd (__m128d __X, __m128d __Y)
-  return (__m128d) __builtin_ia32_hsubpd ((__v2df)__X, (__v2df)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_loaddup_pd (double const *__P)
-  return _mm_load1_pd (__P);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_movedup_pd (__m128d __X)
-  return _mm_shuffle_pd (__X, __X, _MM_SHUFFLE2 (0,0));
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_lddqu_si128 (__m128i const *__P)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_lddqu ((char const *)__P);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_monitor (void const * __P, unsigned int __E, unsigned int __H)
-  __builtin_ia32_monitor (__P, __E, __H);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_mwait (unsigned int __E, unsigned int __H)
-  __builtin_ia32_mwait (__E, __H);
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 4152603 */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin nodebug inline 4152603 */
-#undef __always_inline__
-/* APPLE LOCAL end nodebug inline 4152603 */
-#endif /* __SSE3__ */
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/ppc_intrinsics.h b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/ppc_intrinsics.h
deleted file mode 120000
index 9383ee4..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/ppc_intrinsics.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/smmintrin.h b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/smmintrin.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2da9a74..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/smmintrin.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,836 +0,0 @@
-/* APPLE LOCAL file 5612787 mainline sse4 */
-/* Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-   This file is part of GCC.
-   GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-   any later version.
-   GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-   GNU General Public License for more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-   along with GCC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-   the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
-   Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */
-/* As a special exception, if you include this header file into source
-   files compiled by GCC, this header file does not by itself cause
-   the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
-   License.  This exception does not however invalidate any other
-   reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
-   Public License.  */
-/* Implemented from the specification included in the Intel C++ Compiler
-   User Guide and Reference, version 10.0.  */
-#ifndef __SSE4_1__
-# error "SSE4.1 instruction set not enabled"
-/* We need definitions from the SSSE3, SSE3, SSE2 and SSE header
-   files.  */
-#include <tmmintrin.h>
-/* SSE4.1 */
-/* Rounding mode macros. */
-#define _MM_FROUND_TO_NEG_INF		0x01
-#define _MM_FROUND_TO_POS_INF		0x02
-#define _MM_FROUND_TO_ZERO		0x03
-#define _MM_FROUND_RAISE_EXC		0x00
-#define _MM_FROUND_NO_EXC		0x08
-#define _MM_FROUND_NINT		\
-#define _MM_FROUND_FLOOR	\
-#define _MM_FROUND_CEIL		\
-#define _MM_FROUND_TRUNC	\
-#define _MM_FROUND_RINT		\
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin nodebug inline 4152603 */
-#define __always_inline__ __always_inline__, __nodebug__
-/* APPLE LOCAL end nodebug inline 4152603 */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-#ifdef __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__
-#define __STATIC_INLINE __inline
-#define __STATIC_INLINE static __inline
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-/* Integer blend instructions - select data from 2 sources using
-   constant/variable mask.  */
-#ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_blend_epi16 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y, const int __M)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pblendw128 ((__v8hi)__X,
-					      (__v8hi)__Y,
-					      __M);
-#define _mm_blend_epi16(X, Y, M) \
-  ((__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pblendw128 ((__v8hi)(X), (__v8hi)(Y), (M)))
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_blendv_epi8 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y, __m128i __M)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pblendvb128 ((__v16qi)__X,
-					       (__v16qi)__Y,
-					       (__v16qi)__M);
-/* Single precision floating point blend instructions - select data
-   from 2 sources using constant/variable mask.  */
-#ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_blend_ps (__m128 __X, __m128 __Y, const int __M)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_blendps ((__v4sf)__X,
-					  (__v4sf)__Y,
-					  __M);
-#define _mm_blend_ps(X, Y, M) \
-  ((__m128) __builtin_ia32_blendps ((__v4sf)(X), (__v4sf)(Y), (M)))
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_blendv_ps (__m128 __X, __m128 __Y, __m128 __M)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_blendvps ((__v4sf)__X,
-					   (__v4sf)__Y,
-					   (__v4sf)__M);
-/* Double precision floating point blend instructions - select data
-   from 2 sources using constant/variable mask.  */
-#ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_blend_pd (__m128d __X, __m128d __Y, const int __M)
-  return (__m128d) __builtin_ia32_blendpd ((__v2df)__X,
-					   (__v2df)__Y,
-					   __M);
-#define _mm_blend_pd(X, Y, M) \
-  ((__m128d) __builtin_ia32_blendpd ((__v2df)(X), (__v2df)(Y), (M)))
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_blendv_pd (__m128d __X, __m128d __Y, __m128d __M)
-  return (__m128d) __builtin_ia32_blendvpd ((__v2df)__X,
-					    (__v2df)__Y,
-					    (__v2df)__M);
-/* Dot product instructions with mask-defined summing and zeroing parts
-   of result.  */
-#ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_dp_ps (__m128 __X, __m128 __Y, const int __M)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_dpps ((__v4sf)__X,
-				       (__v4sf)__Y,
-				       __M);
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_dp_pd (__m128d __X, __m128d __Y, const int __M)
-  return (__m128d) __builtin_ia32_dppd ((__v2df)__X,
-					(__v2df)__Y,
-					__M);
-#define _mm_dp_ps(X, Y, M) \
-  ((__m128) __builtin_ia32_dpps ((__v4sf)(X), (__v4sf)(Y), (M)))
-#define _mm_dp_pd(X, Y, M) \
-  ((__m128d) __builtin_ia32_dppd ((__v2df)(X), (__v2df)(Y), (M)))
-/* Packed integer 64-bit comparison, zeroing or filling with ones
-   corresponding parts of result.  */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cmpeq_epi64 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pcmpeqq ((__v2di)__X, (__v2di)__Y);
-/*  Min/max packed integer instructions.  */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_min_epi8 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pminsb128 ((__v16qi)__X, (__v16qi)__Y);
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_max_epi8 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pmaxsb128 ((__v16qi)__X, (__v16qi)__Y);
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_min_epu16 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pminuw128 ((__v8hi)__X, (__v8hi)__Y);
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_max_epu16 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pmaxuw128 ((__v8hi)__X, (__v8hi)__Y);
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_min_epi32 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pminsd128 ((__v4si)__X, (__v4si)__Y);
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_max_epi32 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pmaxsd128 ((__v4si)__X, (__v4si)__Y);
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_min_epu32 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pminud128 ((__v4si)__X, (__v4si)__Y);
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_max_epu32 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pmaxud128 ((__v4si)__X, (__v4si)__Y);
-/* Packed integer 32-bit multiplication with truncation of upper
-   halves of results.  */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_mullo_epi32 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pmulld128 ((__v4si)__X, (__v4si)__Y);
-/* Packed integer 32-bit multiplication of 2 pairs of operands
-   with two 64-bit results.  */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_mul_epi32 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pmuldq128 ((__v4si)__X, (__v4si)__Y);
-/* Packed integer 128-bit bitwise comparison. Return 1 if
-   (__V & __M) == 0.  */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_testz_si128 (__m128i __M, __m128i __V)
-  return __builtin_ia32_ptestz128 ((__v2di)__M, (__v2di)__V);
-/* Packed integer 128-bit bitwise comparison. Return 1 if
-   (__V & ~__M) == 0.  */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_testc_si128 (__m128i __M, __m128i __V)
-  return __builtin_ia32_ptestc128 ((__v2di)__M, (__v2di)__V);
-/* Packed integer 128-bit bitwise comparison. Return 1 if
-   (__V & __M) != 0 && (__V & ~__M) != 0.  */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_testnzc_si128 (__m128i __M, __m128i __V)
-  return __builtin_ia32_ptestnzc128 ((__v2di)__M, (__v2di)__V);
-/* Macros for packed integer 128-bit comparison intrinsics.  */
-#define _mm_test_all_zeros(M, V) _mm_testz_si128 ((M), (V))
-#define _mm_test_all_ones(V) \
-  _mm_testc_si128 ((V), _mm_cmpeq_epi32 ((V), (V)))
-#define _mm_test_mix_ones_zeros(M, V) _mm_testnzc_si128 ((M), (V))
-/* Insert single precision float into packed single precision array
-   element selected by index N.  The bits [7-6] of N define S
-   index, the bits [5-4] define D index, and bits [3-0] define
-   zeroing mask for D.  */
-#ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_insert_ps (__m128 __D, __m128 __S, const int __N)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_insertps128 ((__v4sf)__D,
-					      (__v4sf)__S,
-					      __N);
-#define _mm_insert_ps(D, S, N) \
-  ((__m128) __builtin_ia32_insertps128 ((__v4sf)(D), (__v4sf)(S), (N)))
-/* Helper macro to create the N value for _mm_insert_ps.  */
-#define _MM_MK_INSERTPS_NDX(S, D, M) (((S) << 6) | ((D) << 4) | (M))
-/* Extract binary representation of single precision float from packed
-   single precision array element of X selected by index N.  */
-#ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_extract_ps (__m128 __X, const int __N)
-  union { int i; float f; } __tmp;
-  __tmp.f = __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v4sf ((__v4sf)__X, __N);
-  return __tmp.i;
-#define _mm_extract_ps(X, N) \
-  (__extension__ 						\
-   ({								\
-      union { int i; float f; } __tmp;				\
-      __tmp.f = __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v4sf ((__v4sf)(X), (N));	\
-      __tmp.i;							\
-    })								\
-   )
-/* Extract binary representation of single precision float into
-   D from packed single precision array element of S selected
-   by index N.  */
-#define _MM_EXTRACT_FLOAT(D, S, N) \
-  { (D) = __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v4sf ((__v4sf)(S), (N)); }
-/* Extract specified single precision float element into the lower
-   part of __m128.  */
-#define _MM_PICK_OUT_PS(X, N)				\
-  _mm_insert_ps (_mm_setzero_ps (), (X), 		\
-		 _MM_MK_INSERTPS_NDX ((N), 0, 0x0e))
-/* Insert integer, S, into packed integer array element of D
-   selected by index N.  */
-#ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_insert_epi8 (__m128i __D, int __S, const int __N)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_vec_set_v16qi ((__v16qi)__D,
-						 __S, __N);
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_insert_epi32 (__m128i __D, int __S, const int __N)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_vec_set_v4si ((__v4si)__D,
-						 __S, __N);
-#ifdef __x86_64__
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_insert_epi64 (__m128i __D, long long __S, const int __N)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_vec_set_v2di ((__v2di)__D,
-						 __S, __N);
-#define _mm_insert_epi8(D, S, N) \
-  ((__m128i) __builtin_ia32_vec_set_v16qi ((__v16qi)(D), (S), (N)))
-#define _mm_insert_epi32(D, S, N) \
-  ((__m128i) __builtin_ia32_vec_set_v4si ((__v4si)(D), (S), (N)))
-#ifdef __x86_64__
-#define _mm_insert_epi64(D, S, N) \
-  ((__m128i) __builtin_ia32_vec_set_v2di ((__v2di)(D), (S), (N)))
-/* Extract integer from packed integer array element of X selected by
-   index N.  */
-#ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_extract_epi8 (__m128i __X, const int __N)
-   return __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v16qi ((__v16qi)__X, __N);
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_extract_epi32 (__m128i __X, const int __N)
-   return __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v4si ((__v4si)__X, __N);
-#ifdef __x86_64__
-__STATIC_INLINE long long  __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_extract_epi64 (__m128i __X, const int __N)
-  return __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v2di ((__v2di)__X, __N);
-#define _mm_extract_epi8(X, N) \
-  __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v16qi ((__v16qi) X, (N))
-#define _mm_extract_epi32(X, N) \
-  __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v4si ((__v4si) X, (N))
-#ifdef __x86_64__
-#define _mm_extract_epi64(X, N) \
-  ((long long) __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v2di ((__v2di)(X), (N)))
-/* Return horizontal packed word minimum and its index in bits [15:0]
-   and bits [18:16] respectively.  */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_minpos_epu16 (__m128i __X)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_phminposuw128 ((__v8hi)__X);
-/* Packed/scalar double precision floating point rounding.  */
-#ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_round_pd (__m128d __V, const int __M)
-  return (__m128d) __builtin_ia32_roundpd ((__v2df)__V, __M);
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128d __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_round_sd(__m128d __D, __m128d __V, const int __M)
-  return (__m128d) __builtin_ia32_roundsd ((__v2df)__D,
-					   (__v2df)__V,
-					   __M);
-#define _mm_round_pd(V, M) \
-  ((__m128d) __builtin_ia32_roundpd ((__v2df)(V), (M)))
-#define _mm_round_sd(D, V, M) \
-  ((__m128d) __builtin_ia32_roundsd ((__v2df)(D), (__v2df)(V), (M)))
-/* Packed/scalar single precision floating point rounding.  */
-#ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_round_ps (__m128 __V, const int __M)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_roundps ((__v4sf)__V, __M);
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_round_ss (__m128 __D, __m128 __V, const int __M)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_roundss ((__v4sf)__D,
-					  (__v4sf)__V,
-					  __M);
-#define _mm_round_ps(V, M) \
-  ((__m128) __builtin_ia32_roundps ((__v4sf)(V), (M)))
-#define _mm_round_ss(D, V, M) \
-  ((__m128) __builtin_ia32_roundss ((__v4sf)(D), (__v4sf)(V), (M)))
-/* Macros for ceil/floor intrinsics.  */
-#define _mm_ceil_pd(V)	   _mm_round_pd ((V), _MM_FROUND_CEIL)
-#define _mm_ceil_sd(D, V)  _mm_round_sd ((D), (V), _MM_FROUND_CEIL)
-#define _mm_floor_pd(V)	   _mm_round_pd((V), _MM_FROUND_FLOOR)
-#define _mm_floor_sd(D, V) _mm_round_sd ((D), (V), _MM_FROUND_FLOOR)
-#define _mm_ceil_ps(V)	   _mm_round_ps ((V), _MM_FROUND_CEIL)
-#define _mm_ceil_ss(D, V)  _mm_round_ss ((D), (V), _MM_FROUND_CEIL)
-#define _mm_floor_ps(V)	   _mm_round_ps ((V), _MM_FROUND_FLOOR)
-#define _mm_floor_ss(D, V) _mm_round_ss ((D), (V), _MM_FROUND_FLOOR)
-/* Packed integer sign-extension.  */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cvtepi8_epi32 (__m128i __X)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pmovsxbd128 ((__v16qi)__X);
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cvtepi16_epi32 (__m128i __X)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pmovsxwd128 ((__v8hi)__X);
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cvtepi8_epi64 (__m128i __X)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pmovsxbq128 ((__v16qi)__X);
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cvtepi32_epi64 (__m128i __X)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pmovsxdq128 ((__v4si)__X);
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cvtepi16_epi64 (__m128i __X)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pmovsxwq128 ((__v8hi)__X);
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cvtepi8_epi16 (__m128i __X)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pmovsxbw128 ((__v16qi)__X);
-/* Packed integer zero-extension. */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cvtepu8_epi32 (__m128i __X)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pmovzxbd128 ((__v16qi)__X);
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cvtepu16_epi32 (__m128i __X)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pmovzxwd128 ((__v8hi)__X);
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cvtepu8_epi64 (__m128i __X)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pmovzxbq128 ((__v16qi)__X);
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cvtepu32_epi64 (__m128i __X)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pmovzxdq128 ((__v4si)__X);
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cvtepu16_epi64 (__m128i __X)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pmovzxwq128 ((__v8hi)__X);
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cvtepu8_epi16 (__m128i __X)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pmovzxbw128 ((__v16qi)__X);
-/* Pack 8 double words from 2 operands into 8 words of result with
-   unsigned saturation. */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_packus_epi32 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_packusdw128 ((__v4si)__X, (__v4si)__Y);
-/* Sum absolute 8-bit integer difference of adjacent groups of 4
-   byte integers in the first 2 operands.  Starting offsets within
-   operands are determined by the 3rd mask operand.  */
-#ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_mpsadbw_epu8 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y, const int __M)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_mpsadbw128 ((__v16qi)__X,
-					      (__v16qi)__Y, __M);
-#define _mm_mpsadbw_epu8(X, Y, M) \
-  ((__m128i) __builtin_ia32_mpsadbw128 ((__v16qi)(X), (__v16qi)(Y), (M)))
-/* Load double quadword using non-temporal aligned hint.  */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_stream_load_si128 (__m128i *__X)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_movntdqa ((__v2di *) __X);
-#ifdef __SSE4_2__
-/* These macros specify the source data format.  */
-#define SIDD_UBYTE_OPS			0x00
-#define SIDD_UWORD_OPS			0x01
-#define SIDD_SBYTE_OPS			0x02
-#define SIDD_SWORD_OPS			0x03
-/* These macros specify the comparison operation.  */
-#define SIDD_CMP_EQUAL_ANY		0x00
-#define SIDD_CMP_RANGES			0x04
-#define SIDD_CMP_EQUAL_EACH		0x08
-/* These macros specify the the polarity.  */
-/* These macros specify the output selection in _mm_cmpXstri ().  */
-/* These macros specify the output selection in _mm_cmpXstrm ().  */
-#define SIDD_BIT_MASK			0x00
-#define SIDD_UNIT_MASK			0x40
-/* Intrinsics for text/string processing.  */
-#ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cmpistrm (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y, const int __M)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pcmpistrm128 ((__v16qi)__X,
-						(__v16qi)__Y,
-						__M);
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cmpistri (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y, const int __M)
-  return __builtin_ia32_pcmpistri128 ((__v16qi)__X,
-				      (__v16qi)__Y,
-				      __M);
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cmpestrm (__m128i __X, int __LX, __m128i __Y, int __LY, const int __M)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pcmpestrm128 ((__v16qi)__X, __LX,
-						(__v16qi)__Y, __LY,
-						__M);
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cmpestri (__m128i __X, int __LX, __m128i __Y, int __LY, const int __M)
-  return __builtin_ia32_pcmpestri128 ((__v16qi)__X, __LX,
-				      (__v16qi)__Y, __LY,
-				      __M);
-#define _mm_cmpistrm(X, Y, M) \
-  ((__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pcmpistrm128 ((__v16qi)(X), (__v16qi)(Y), (M)))
-#define _mm_cmpistri(X, Y, M) \
-  __builtin_ia32_pcmpistri128 ((__v16qi)(X), (__v16qi)(Y), (M))
-#define _mm_cmpestrm(X, LX, Y, LY, M) \
-  ((__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pcmpestrm128 ((__v16qi)(X), (int)(LX), \
-					  (__v16qi)(Y), (int)(LY), (M)))
-#define _mm_cmpestri(X, LX, Y, LY, M) \
-  __builtin_ia32_pcmpestri128 ((__v16qi)(X), (int)(LX), \
-			       (__v16qi)(Y), (int)(LY), (M))
-/* Intrinsics for text/string processing and reading values of
-   EFlags.  */
-#ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cmpistra (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y, const int __M)
-  return __builtin_ia32_pcmpistria128 ((__v16qi)__X,
-				       (__v16qi)__Y,
-				       __M);
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cmpistrc (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y, const int __M)
-  return __builtin_ia32_pcmpistric128 ((__v16qi)__X,
-				       (__v16qi)__Y,
-				       __M);
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cmpistro (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y, const int __M)
-  return __builtin_ia32_pcmpistrio128 ((__v16qi)__X,
-				       (__v16qi)__Y,
-				       __M);
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cmpistrs (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y, const int __M)
-  return __builtin_ia32_pcmpistris128 ((__v16qi)__X,
-				       (__v16qi)__Y,
-				       __M);
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cmpistrz (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y, const int __M)
-  return __builtin_ia32_pcmpistriz128 ((__v16qi)__X,
-				       (__v16qi)__Y,
-				       __M);
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cmpestra (__m128i __X, int __LX, __m128i __Y, int __LY, const int __M)
-  return __builtin_ia32_pcmpestria128 ((__v16qi)__X, __LX,
-				       (__v16qi)__Y, __LY,
-				       __M);
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cmpestrc (__m128i __X, int __LX, __m128i __Y, int __LY, const int __M)
-  return __builtin_ia32_pcmpestric128 ((__v16qi)__X, __LX,
-				       (__v16qi)__Y, __LY,
-				       __M);
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cmpestro (__m128i __X, int __LX, __m128i __Y, int __LY, const int __M)
-  return __builtin_ia32_pcmpestrio128 ((__v16qi)__X, __LX,
-				       (__v16qi)__Y, __LY,
-				       __M);
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cmpestrs (__m128i __X, int __LX, __m128i __Y, int __LY, const int __M)
-  return __builtin_ia32_pcmpestris128 ((__v16qi)__X, __LX,
-				       (__v16qi)__Y, __LY,
-				       __M);
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cmpestrz (__m128i __X, int __LX, __m128i __Y, int __LY, const int __M)
-  return __builtin_ia32_pcmpestriz128 ((__v16qi)__X, __LX,
-				       (__v16qi)__Y, __LY,
-				       __M);
-#define _mm_cmpistra(X, Y, M) \
-  __builtin_ia32_pcmpistria128 ((__v16qi)(X), (__v16qi)(Y), (M))
-#define _mm_cmpistrc(X, Y, M) \
-  __builtin_ia32_pcmpistric128 ((__v16qi)(X), (__v16qi)(Y), (M))
-#define _mm_cmpistro(X, Y, M) \
-  __builtin_ia32_pcmpistrio128 ((__v16qi)(X), (__v16qi)(Y), (M))
-#define _mm_cmpistrs(X, Y, M) \
-  __builtin_ia32_pcmpistris128 ((__v16qi)(X), (__v16qi)(Y), (M))
-#define _mm_cmpistrz(X, Y, M) \
-  __builtin_ia32_pcmpistriz128 ((__v16qi)(X), (__v16qi)(Y), (M))
-#define _mm_cmpestra(X, LX, Y, LY, M) \
-  __builtin_ia32_pcmpestria128 ((__v16qi)(X), (int)(LX), \
-				(__v16qi)(Y), (int)(LY), (M))
-#define _mm_cmpestrc(X, LX, Y, LY, M) \
-  __builtin_ia32_pcmpestric128 ((__v16qi)(X), (int)(LX), \
-				(__v16qi)(Y), (int)(LY), (M))
-#define _mm_cmpestro(X, LX, Y, LY, M) \
-  __builtin_ia32_pcmpestrio128 ((__v16qi)(X), (int)(LX), \
-				(__v16qi)(Y), (int)(LY), (M))
-#define _mm_cmpestrs(X, LX, Y, LY, M) \
-  __builtin_ia32_pcmpestris128 ((__v16qi)(X), (int)(LX), \
-				(__v16qi)(Y), (int)(LY), (M))
-#define _mm_cmpestrz(X, LX, Y, LY, M) \
-  __builtin_ia32_pcmpestriz128 ((__v16qi)(X), (int)(LX), \
-				(__v16qi)(Y), (int)(LY), (M))
-/* Packed integer 64-bit comparison, zeroing or filling with ones
-   corresponding parts of result.  */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_cmpgt_epi64 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pcmpgtq ((__v2di)__X, (__v2di)__Y);
-/* Calculate a number of bits set to 1.  */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_popcnt_u32 (unsigned int __X)
-  return __builtin_popcount (__X);
-#ifdef __x86_64__
-__STATIC_INLINE long long  __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_popcnt_u64 (unsigned long long __X)
-  return __builtin_popcountll (__X);
-/* Accumulate CRC32 (polynomial 0x11EDC6F41) value.  */
-__STATIC_INLINE unsigned int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_crc32_u8 (unsigned int __C, unsigned char __V)
-  return __builtin_ia32_crc32qi (__C, __V);
-__STATIC_INLINE unsigned int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_crc32_u16 (unsigned int __C, unsigned short __V)
-  return __builtin_ia32_crc32hi (__C, __V);
-__STATIC_INLINE unsigned int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_crc32_u32 (unsigned int __C, unsigned int __V)
-  return __builtin_ia32_crc32si (__C, __V);
-#ifdef __x86_64__
-__STATIC_INLINE unsigned long long __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-_mm_crc32_u64 (unsigned long long __C, unsigned long long __V)
-  return __builtin_ia32_crc32di (__C, __V);
-#endif /* __SSE4_2__ */
-#endif /* __SSE4_1__ */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin nodebug inline 4152603 */
-#undef __always_inline__
-/* APPLE LOCAL end nodebug inline 4152603 */
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/stdarg.h b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/stdarg.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c9ddd6b..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/stdarg.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 1989, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GCC.
-GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with GCC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.  */
-/* As a special exception, if you include this header file into source
-   files compiled by GCC, this header file does not by itself cause
-   the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
-   License.  This exception does not however invalidate any other
-   reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
-   Public License.  */
- * ISO C Standard:  7.15  Variable arguments  <stdarg.h>
- */
-#ifndef _STDARG_H
-#ifndef _ANSI_STDARG_H_
-#ifndef __need___va_list
-#define _STDARG_H
-#define _ANSI_STDARG_H_
-#endif /* not __need___va_list */
-#undef __need___va_list
-/* Define __gnuc_va_list.  */
-#ifndef __GNUC_VA_LIST
-#define __GNUC_VA_LIST
-typedef __builtin_va_list __gnuc_va_list;
-/* Define the standard macros for the user,
-   if this invocation was from the user program.  */
-#ifdef _STDARG_H
-#define va_start(v,l)	__builtin_va_start(v,l)
-#define va_end(v)	__builtin_va_end(v)
-#define va_arg(v,l)	__builtin_va_arg(v,l)
-#if !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) || __STDC_VERSION__ + 0 >= 199900L
-#define va_copy(d,s)	__builtin_va_copy(d,s)
-#define __va_copy(d,s)	__builtin_va_copy(d,s)
-/* Define va_list, if desired, from __gnuc_va_list. */
-/* We deliberately do not define va_list when called from
-   stdio.h, because ANSI C says that stdio.h is not supposed to define
-   va_list.  stdio.h needs to have access to that data type, 
-   but must not use that name.  It should use the name __gnuc_va_list,
-   which is safe because it is reserved for the implementation.  */
-#ifdef _HIDDEN_VA_LIST  /* On OSF1, this means varargs.h is "half-loaded".  */
-#undef _VA_LIST
-#ifdef _BSD_VA_LIST
-#undef _BSD_VA_LIST
-#if defined(__svr4__) || (defined(_SCO_DS) && !defined(__VA_LIST))
-/* SVR4.2 uses _VA_LIST for an internal alias for va_list,
-   so we must avoid testing it and setting it here.
-   SVR4 uses _VA_LIST as a flag in stdarg.h, but we should
-   have no conflict with that.  */
-#ifndef _VA_LIST_
-#define _VA_LIST_
-#ifdef __i860__
-#ifndef _VA_LIST
-#define _VA_LIST va_list
-#endif /* __i860__ */
-typedef __gnuc_va_list va_list;
-#ifdef _SCO_DS
-#define __VA_LIST
-#endif /* _VA_LIST_ */
-#else /* not __svr4__ || _SCO_DS */
-/* The macro _VA_LIST_ is the same thing used by this file in Ultrix.
-   But on BSD NET2 we must not test or define or undef it.
-   (Note that the comments in NET 2's ansi.h
-   are incorrect for _VA_LIST_--see stdio.h!)  */
-#if !defined (_VA_LIST_) || defined (__BSD_NET2__) || defined (____386BSD____) || defined (__bsdi__) || defined (__sequent__) || defined (__FreeBSD__) || defined(WINNT)
-/* The macro _VA_LIST_DEFINED is used in Windows NT 3.5  */
-/* The macro _VA_LIST is used in SCO Unix 3.2.  */
-#ifndef _VA_LIST
-/* The macro _VA_LIST_T_H is used in the Bull dpx2  */
-#ifndef _VA_LIST_T_H
-/* The macro __va_list__ is used by BeOS.  */
-#ifndef __va_list__
-typedef __gnuc_va_list va_list;
-#endif /* not __va_list__ */
-#endif /* not _VA_LIST_T_H */
-#endif /* not _VA_LIST */
-#endif /* not _VA_LIST_DEFINED */
-#if !(defined (__BSD_NET2__) || defined (____386BSD____) || defined (__bsdi__) || defined (__sequent__) || defined (__FreeBSD__))
-#define _VA_LIST_
-#ifndef _VA_LIST
-#define _VA_LIST
-#ifndef _VA_LIST_T_H
-#define _VA_LIST_T_H
-#ifndef __va_list__
-#define __va_list__
-#endif /* not _VA_LIST_, except on certain systems */
-#endif /* not __svr4__ */
-#endif /* _STDARG_H */
-#endif /* not _ANSI_STDARG_H_ */
-#endif /* not _STDARG_H */
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/stdbool.h b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/stdbool.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b36e650..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/stdbool.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GCC.
-GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with GCC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.  */
-/* As a special exception, if you include this header file into source
-   files compiled by GCC, this header file does not by itself cause
-   the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
-   License.  This exception does not however invalidate any other
-   reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
-   Public License.  */
- * ISO C Standard:  7.16  Boolean type and values  <stdbool.h>
- */
-#ifndef _STDBOOL_H
-#define _STDBOOL_H
-#ifndef __cplusplus
-#define bool	_Bool
-#define true	1
-#define false	0
-#else /* __cplusplus */
-/* Supporting <stdbool.h> in C++ is a GCC extension.  */
-#define _Bool	bool
-#define bool	bool
-#define false	false
-#define true	true
-#endif /* __cplusplus */
-/* Signal that all the definitions are present.  */
-#define __bool_true_false_are_defined	1
-#endif	/* stdbool.h */
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/stddef.h b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/stddef.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e61795..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/stddef.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,419 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 1989, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2004
-   Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GCC.
-GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with GCC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.  */
-/* As a special exception, if you include this header file into source
-   files compiled by GCC, this header file does not by itself cause
-   the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
-   License.  This exception does not however invalidate any other
-   reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
-   Public License.  */
- * ISO C Standard:  7.17  Common definitions  <stddef.h>
- */
-#if (!defined(_STDDEF_H) && !defined(_STDDEF_H_) && !defined(_ANSI_STDDEF_H) \
-     && !defined(__STDDEF_H__)) \
-    || defined(__need_wchar_t) || defined(__need_size_t) \
-    || defined(__need_ptrdiff_t) || defined(__need_NULL) \
-    || defined(__need_wint_t)
-/* Any one of these symbols __need_* means that GNU libc
-   wants us just to define one data type.  So don't define
-   the symbols that indicate this file's entire job has been done.  */
-#if (!defined(__need_wchar_t) && !defined(__need_size_t)	\
-     && !defined(__need_ptrdiff_t) && !defined(__need_NULL)	\
-     && !defined(__need_wint_t))
-#define _STDDEF_H
-#define _STDDEF_H_
-/* says the NeXT needs this.  */
-#define _ANSI_STDDEF_H
-/* Irix 5.1 needs this.  */
-#define __STDDEF_H__
-#ifndef __sys_stdtypes_h
-/* This avoids lossage on SunOS but only if stdtypes.h comes first.
-   There's no way to win with the other order!  Sun lossage.  */
-/* On 4.3bsd-net2, make sure ansi.h is included, so we have
-   one less case to deal with in the following.  */
-#if defined (__BSD_NET2__) || defined (____386BSD____) || (defined (__FreeBSD__) && (__FreeBSD__ < 5)) || defined(__NetBSD__)
-#include <machine/ansi.h>
-/* On FreeBSD 5, machine/ansi.h does not exist anymore... */
-#if defined (__FreeBSD__) && (__FreeBSD__ >= 5)
-#include <sys/_types.h>
-/* In 4.3bsd-net2, machine/ansi.h defines these symbols, which are
-   defined if the corresponding type is *not* defined.
-   FreeBSD-2.1 defines _MACHINE_ANSI_H_ instead of _ANSI_H_ */
-#if defined(_ANSI_H_) || defined(_MACHINE_ANSI_H_)
-#if !defined(_SIZE_T_) && !defined(_BSD_SIZE_T_)
-#define _SIZE_T
-#if !defined(_PTRDIFF_T_) && !defined(_BSD_PTRDIFF_T_)
-#define _PTRDIFF_T
-/* On BSD/386 1.1, at least, machine/ansi.h defines _BSD_WCHAR_T_
-   instead of _WCHAR_T_. */
-#if !defined(_WCHAR_T_) && !defined(_BSD_WCHAR_T_)
-#ifndef _BSD_WCHAR_T_
-#define _WCHAR_T
-/* Undef _FOO_T_ if we are supposed to define foo_t.  */
-#if defined (__need_ptrdiff_t) || defined (_STDDEF_H_)
-#undef _PTRDIFF_T_
-#undef _BSD_PTRDIFF_T_
-#if defined (__need_size_t) || defined (_STDDEF_H_)
-#undef _SIZE_T_
-#undef _BSD_SIZE_T_
-#if defined (__need_wchar_t) || defined (_STDDEF_H_)
-#undef _WCHAR_T_
-#undef _BSD_WCHAR_T_
-#endif /* defined(_ANSI_H_) || defined(_MACHINE_ANSI_H_) */
-/* Sequent's header files use _PTRDIFF_T_ in some conflicting way.
-   Just ignore it.  */
-#if defined (__sequent__) && defined (_PTRDIFF_T_)
-#undef _PTRDIFF_T_
-/* On VxWorks, <type/vxTypesBase.h> may have defined macros like
-   _TYPE_size_t which will typedef size_t.  fixincludes patched the
-   vxTypesBase.h so that this macro is only defined if _GCC_SIZE_T is
-   not defined, and so that defining this macro defines _GCC_SIZE_T.
-   If we find that the macros are still defined at this point, we must
-   invoke them so that the type is defined as expected.  */
-#if defined (_TYPE_ptrdiff_t) && (defined (__need_ptrdiff_t) || defined (_STDDEF_H_))
-#undef _TYPE_ptrdiff_t
-#if defined (_TYPE_size_t) && (defined (__need_size_t) || defined (_STDDEF_H_))
-#undef _TYPE_size_t
-#if defined (_TYPE_wchar_t) && (defined (__need_wchar_t) || defined (_STDDEF_H_))
-#undef _TYPE_wchar_t
-/* In case nobody has defined these types, but we aren't running under
-   GCC 2.00, make sure that __PTRDIFF_TYPE__, __SIZE_TYPE__, and
-   __WCHAR_TYPE__ have reasonable values.  This can happen if the
-   parts of GCC is compiled by an older compiler, that actually
-   include gstddef.h, such as collect2.  */
-/* Signed type of difference of two pointers.  */
-/* Define this type if we are doing the whole job,
-   or if we want this type in particular.  */
-#if defined (_STDDEF_H) || defined (__need_ptrdiff_t)
-#ifndef _PTRDIFF_T	/* in case <sys/types.h> has defined it. */
-#ifndef _T_PTRDIFF_
-#ifndef _T_PTRDIFF
-#ifndef __PTRDIFF_T
-#ifndef _PTRDIFF_T_
-#ifndef _BSD_PTRDIFF_T_
-#ifndef ___int_ptrdiff_t_h
-#ifndef _GCC_PTRDIFF_T
-#define _PTRDIFF_T
-#define _T_PTRDIFF_
-#define _T_PTRDIFF
-#define __PTRDIFF_T
-#define _PTRDIFF_T_
-#define _BSD_PTRDIFF_T_
-#define ___int_ptrdiff_t_h
-#define _GCC_PTRDIFF_T
-#ifndef __PTRDIFF_TYPE__
-#define __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ long int
-typedef __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ ptrdiff_t;
-#endif /* _GCC_PTRDIFF_T */
-#endif /* ___int_ptrdiff_t_h */
-#endif /* _BSD_PTRDIFF_T_ */
-#endif /* _PTRDIFF_T_ */
-#endif /* __PTRDIFF_T */
-#endif /* _T_PTRDIFF */
-#endif /* _T_PTRDIFF_ */
-#endif /* _PTRDIFF_T */
-/* If this symbol has done its job, get rid of it.  */
-#undef	__need_ptrdiff_t
-#endif /* _STDDEF_H or __need_ptrdiff_t.  */
-/* Unsigned type of `sizeof' something.  */
-/* Define this type if we are doing the whole job,
-   or if we want this type in particular.  */
-#if defined (_STDDEF_H) || defined (__need_size_t)
-#ifndef __size_t__	/* BeOS */
-#ifndef __SIZE_T__	/* Cray Unicos/Mk */
-#ifndef _SIZE_T	/* in case <sys/types.h> has defined it. */
-#ifndef _SYS_SIZE_T_H
-#ifndef _T_SIZE_
-#ifndef _T_SIZE
-#ifndef __SIZE_T
-#ifndef _SIZE_T_
-#ifndef _BSD_SIZE_T_
-#ifndef _SIZE_T_DEFINED_
-#ifndef _SIZE_T_DEFINED
-#ifndef _BSD_SIZE_T_DEFINED_	/* Darwin */
-#ifndef _SIZE_T_DECLARED	/* FreeBSD 5 */
-#ifndef ___int_size_t_h
-#ifndef _GCC_SIZE_T
-#ifndef _SIZET_
-#ifndef __size_t
-#define __size_t__	/* BeOS */
-#define __SIZE_T__	/* Cray Unicos/Mk */
-#define _SIZE_T
-#define _SYS_SIZE_T_H
-#define _T_SIZE_
-#define _T_SIZE
-#define __SIZE_T
-#define _SIZE_T_
-#define _BSD_SIZE_T_
-#define _SIZE_T_DEFINED_
-#define _SIZE_T_DEFINED
-#define _BSD_SIZE_T_DEFINED_	/* Darwin */
-#define _SIZE_T_DECLARED	/* FreeBSD 5 */
-#define ___int_size_t_h
-#define _GCC_SIZE_T
-#define _SIZET_
-#if defined (__FreeBSD__) && (__FreeBSD__ >= 5)
-/* __size_t is a typedef on FreeBSD 5!, must not trash it. */
-#define __size_t
-#ifndef __SIZE_TYPE__
-#define __SIZE_TYPE__ long unsigned int
-#if !(defined (__GNUG__) && defined (size_t))
-typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ size_t;
-#ifdef __BEOS__
-typedef long ssize_t;
-#endif /* __BEOS__ */
-#endif /* !(defined (__GNUG__) && defined (size_t)) */
-#endif /* __size_t */
-#endif /* _SIZET_ */
-#endif /* _GCC_SIZE_T */
-#endif /* ___int_size_t_h */
-#endif /* _SIZE_T_DECLARED */
-#endif /* _BSD_SIZE_T_DEFINED_ */
-#endif /* _SIZE_T_DEFINED */
-#endif /* _SIZE_T_DEFINED_ */
-#endif /* _BSD_SIZE_T_ */
-#endif /* _SIZE_T_ */
-#endif /* __SIZE_T */
-#endif /* _T_SIZE */
-#endif /* _T_SIZE_ */
-#endif /* _SYS_SIZE_T_H */
-#endif /* _SIZE_T */
-#endif /* __SIZE_T__ */
-#endif /* __size_t__ */
-#undef	__need_size_t
-#endif /* _STDDEF_H or __need_size_t.  */
-/* Wide character type.
-   Locale-writers should change this as necessary to
-   be big enough to hold unique values not between 0 and 127,
-   and not (wchar_t) -1, for each defined multibyte character.  */
-/* Define this type if we are doing the whole job,
-   or if we want this type in particular.  */
-#if defined (_STDDEF_H) || defined (__need_wchar_t)
-#ifndef __wchar_t__	/* BeOS */
-#ifndef __WCHAR_T__	/* Cray Unicos/Mk */
-#ifndef _WCHAR_T
-#ifndef _T_WCHAR_
-#ifndef _T_WCHAR
-#ifndef __WCHAR_T
-#ifndef _WCHAR_T_
-#ifndef _BSD_WCHAR_T_
-#ifndef _BSD_WCHAR_T_DEFINED_    /* Darwin */
-#ifndef _BSD_RUNE_T_DEFINED_	/* Darwin */
-#ifndef _WCHAR_T_DECLARED /* FreeBSD 5 */
-#ifndef _WCHAR_T_DEFINED_
-#ifndef _WCHAR_T_H
-#ifndef ___int_wchar_t_h
-#ifndef __INT_WCHAR_T_H
-#ifndef _GCC_WCHAR_T
-#define __wchar_t__	/* BeOS */
-#define __WCHAR_T__	/* Cray Unicos/Mk */
-#define _WCHAR_T
-#define _T_WCHAR_
-#define _T_WCHAR
-#define __WCHAR_T
-#define _WCHAR_T_
-#define _BSD_WCHAR_T_
-#define _WCHAR_T_DEFINED_
-#define _WCHAR_T_H
-#define ___int_wchar_t_h
-#define __INT_WCHAR_T_H
-#define _GCC_WCHAR_T
-/* On BSD/386 1.1, at least, machine/ansi.h defines _BSD_WCHAR_T_
-   instead of _WCHAR_T_, and _BSD_RUNE_T_ (which, unlike the other
-   symbols in the _FOO_T_ family, stays defined even after its
-   corresponding type is defined).  If we define wchar_t, then we
-   must undef _WCHAR_T_; for BSD/386 1.1 (and perhaps others), if
-   we undef _WCHAR_T_, then we must also define rune_t, since 
-   headers like runetype.h assume that if machine/ansi.h is included,
-   and _BSD_WCHAR_T_ is not defined, then rune_t is available.
-   machine/ansi.h says, "Note that _WCHAR_T_ and _RUNE_T_ must be of
-   the same type." */
-#ifdef _BSD_WCHAR_T_
-#undef _BSD_WCHAR_T_
-#ifdef _BSD_RUNE_T_
-#if !defined (_ANSI_SOURCE) && !defined (_POSIX_SOURCE)
-typedef _BSD_RUNE_T_ rune_t;
-#define _BSD_RUNE_T_DEFINED_	/* Darwin */
-#if defined (__FreeBSD__) && (__FreeBSD__ < 5)
-/* Why is this file so hard to maintain properly?  In contrast to
-   the comment above regarding BSD/386 1.1, on FreeBSD for as long
-   as the symbol has existed, _BSD_RUNE_T_ must not stay defined or
-   redundant typedefs will occur when stdlib.h is included after this file. */
-#undef _BSD_RUNE_T_
-/* FreeBSD 5 can't be handled well using "traditional" logic above
-   since it no longer defines _BSD_RUNE_T_ yet still desires to export
-   rune_t in some cases... */
-#if defined (__FreeBSD__) && (__FreeBSD__ >= 5)
-#if !defined (_ANSI_SOURCE) && !defined (_POSIX_SOURCE)
-typedef __rune_t        rune_t;
-#ifndef __WCHAR_TYPE__
-#define __WCHAR_TYPE__ int
-#ifndef __cplusplus
-typedef __WCHAR_TYPE__ wchar_t;
-#endif /* _WCHAR_T_DECLARED */
-#endif /* _BSD_RUNE_T_DEFINED_ */
-#endif /* __WCHAR_T__ */
-#endif /* __wchar_t__ */
-#undef	__need_wchar_t
-#endif /* _STDDEF_H or __need_wchar_t.  */
-#if defined (__need_wint_t)
-#ifndef _WINT_T
-#define _WINT_T
-#ifndef __WINT_TYPE__
-#define __WINT_TYPE__ unsigned int
-typedef __WINT_TYPE__ wint_t;
-#undef __need_wint_t
-/*  In 4.3bsd-net2, leave these undefined to indicate that size_t, etc.
-    are already defined.  */
-/*  BSD/OS 3.1 and FreeBSD [23].x require the MACHINE_ANSI_H check here.  */
-#if defined(_ANSI_H_) || defined(_MACHINE_ANSI_H_)
-/*  The references to _GCC_PTRDIFF_T_, _GCC_SIZE_T_, and _GCC_WCHAR_T_
-    are probably typos and should be removed before 2.8 is released.  */
-#ifdef _GCC_PTRDIFF_T_
-#undef _PTRDIFF_T_
-#undef _BSD_PTRDIFF_T_
-#ifdef _GCC_SIZE_T_
-#undef _SIZE_T_
-#undef _BSD_SIZE_T_
-#ifdef _GCC_WCHAR_T_
-#undef _WCHAR_T_
-#undef _BSD_WCHAR_T_
-/*  The following ones are the real ones.  */
-#ifdef _GCC_PTRDIFF_T
-#undef _PTRDIFF_T_
-#undef _BSD_PTRDIFF_T_
-#ifdef _GCC_SIZE_T
-#undef _SIZE_T_
-#undef _BSD_SIZE_T_
-#ifdef _GCC_WCHAR_T
-#undef _WCHAR_T_
-#undef _BSD_WCHAR_T_
-#endif /* _ANSI_H_ || _MACHINE_ANSI_H_ */
-#endif /* __sys_stdtypes_h */
-/* A null pointer constant.  */
-#if defined (_STDDEF_H) || defined (__need_NULL)
-#undef NULL		/* in case <stdio.h> has defined it. */
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#define NULL __null
-#else   /* G++ */
-#ifndef __cplusplus
-#define NULL ((void *)0)
-#else   /* C++ */
-#define NULL 0
-#endif  /* C++ */
-#endif  /* G++ */
-#endif	/* NULL not defined and <stddef.h> or need NULL.  */
-#undef	__need_NULL
-#ifdef _STDDEF_H
-/* Offset of member MEMBER in a struct of type TYPE. */
-#define offsetof(TYPE, MEMBER) __builtin_offsetof (TYPE, MEMBER)
-#endif /* _STDDEF_H was defined this time */
-#endif /* !_STDDEF_H && !_STDDEF_H_ && !_ANSI_STDDEF_H && !__STDDEF_H__
-	  || __need_XXX was not defined before */
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/syslimits.h b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/syslimits.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a449979..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/syslimits.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-/* syslimits.h stands for the system's own limits.h file.
-   If we can use it ok unmodified, then we install this text.
-   If fixincludes fixes it, then the fixed version is installed
-   instead of this text.  */
-#define _GCC_NEXT_LIMITS_H		/* tell gcc's limits.h to recurse */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin 4401222 */
-/* APPLE LOCAL end 4401222 */
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/tgmath.h b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/tgmath.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0874196..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/tgmath.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-/* APPLE LOCAL file mainline 2007-06-12 2872232 */
-/* Copyright (C) 2004
-   Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of GCC.
-GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-any later version.
-GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with GCC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
-Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */
-/* As a special exception, if you include this header file into source
-   files compiled by GCC, this header file does not by itself cause
-   the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
-   License.  This exception does not however invalidate any other
-   reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
-   Public License.  */
- * ISO C Standard:  7.22  Type-generic math <tgmath.h>
- */
-#ifndef _TGMATH_H
-#define _TGMATH_H
-#include <math.h>
-#ifndef __cplusplus
-#include <complex.h>
-/* Naming convention: generic macros are defining using
-   means the generic argument(s) may be real or complex, _REAL means
-   real only, _CPLX means complex only.  If there is no suffix, we are
-   defining a function of one generic argument.  If the suffix is _n
-   it is a function of n generic arguments.  If the suffix is _m_n it
-   is a function of n arguments, the first m of which are generic.  We
-   only define these macros for values of n and/or m that are needed. */
-/* The general rules for generic macros are given in 7.22 paragraphs 1 and 2.
-   If any generic parameter is complex, we use a complex version.  Otherwise
-   we use a real version.  If the real part of any generic parameter is long
-   double, we use the long double version.  Otherwise if the real part of any
-   generic paramter is double or of integer type, we use the double version.
-   Otherwise we use the float version. */
-#define __tg_cplx(expr) \
-  __builtin_classify_type(expr) == 9
-#define __tg_ldbl(expr) \
-  __builtin_types_compatible_p(__typeof__(expr), long double)
-#define __tg_dbl(expr)                                       \
-  (__builtin_types_compatible_p(__typeof__(expr), double)    \
-   || __builtin_classify_type(expr) == 1)
-#define __tg_choose(x,f,d,l)                                  \
-  __builtin_choose_expr(__tg_ldbl(x), l,                      \
-                        __builtin_choose_expr(__tg_dbl(x), d, \
-                                              f))
-#define __tg_choose_2(x,y,f,d,l)                                             \
-  __builtin_choose_expr(__tg_ldbl(x) || __tg_ldbl(y), l,                     \
-                        __builtin_choose_expr(__tg_dbl(x) || __tg_dbl(y), d, \
-                                              f))
-#define __tg_choose_3(x,y,z,f,d,l)                                        \
-   __builtin_choose_expr(__tg_ldbl(x) || __tg_ldbl(y) || __tg_ldbl(z), l, \
-                        __builtin_choose_expr(__tg_dbl(x) || __tg_dbl(y)  \
-                                              || __tg_dbl(z), d,          \
-                                              f))
-#define __TGMATH_CPLX(z,R,C)                                                  \
-  __builtin_choose_expr (__tg_cplx(z),                                        \
-                         __tg_choose (__real__(z), C##f(z), (C)(z), C##l(z)), \
-			 /* APPLE LOCAL shorten-64-to-32 4604239 */	      \
-                         __tg_choose (z, R##f((float)(z)), (R)(z), R##l(z)))
-#define __TGMATH_CPLX_2(z1,z2,R,C)                                             \
-  __builtin_choose_expr (__tg_cplx(z1) || __tg_cplx(z2),                       \
-                         __tg_choose_2 (__real__(z1), __real__(z2),            \
-                                        C##f(z1,z2), (C)(z1,z2), C##l(z1,z2)), \
-                         __tg_choose_2 (z1, z2,                                \
-			 /* APPLE LOCAL shorten-64-to-32 5909621 */	       \
-                                        R##f((float)(z1),(float)(z2)), (R)(z1,z2), R##l(z1,z2)))
-#define __TGMATH_REAL(x,R) \
-  /* APPLE LOCAL shorten-64-to-32 5909621 */	      \
-  __tg_choose (x, R##f((float)(x)), (R)(x), R##l(x))
-#define __TGMATH_REAL_2(x,y,R) \
-  /* APPLE LOCAL shorten-64-to-32 4604239 */	      \
-  __tg_choose_2 (x, y, R##f((float)(x),(float)(y)), (R)(x,y), R##l(x,y))
-#define __TGMATH_REAL_3(x,y,z,R) \
-  /* APPLE LOCAL shorten-64-to-32 5909621 */	       \
-  __tg_choose_3 (x, y, z, R##f((float)(x),(float)(y),(float)(z)), (R)(x,y,z), R##l(x,y,z))
-#define __TGMATH_REAL_1_2(x,y,R) \
-  /* APPLE LOCAL shorten-64-to-32 5909621 */	       \
-  __tg_choose (x, R##f((float)(x),y), (R)(x,y), R##l(x,y))
-#define __TGMATH_REAL_2_3(x,y,z,R) \
-  /* APPLE LOCAL shorten-64-to-32 5909621 */	       \
-  __tg_choose_2 (x, y, R##f((float)(x),(float)(y),z), (R)(x,y,z), R##l(x,y,z))
-#define __TGMATH_CPLX_ONLY(z,C) \
-  __tg_choose (__real__(z), C##f(z), (C)(z), C##l(z))
-/* Functions defined in both <math.h> and <complex.h> (7.22p4) */
-#define acos(z)          __TGMATH_CPLX(z, acos, cacos)
-#define asin(z)          __TGMATH_CPLX(z, asin, casin)
-#define atan(z)          __TGMATH_CPLX(z, atan, catan)
-#define acosh(z)         __TGMATH_CPLX(z, acosh, cacosh)
-#define asinh(z)         __TGMATH_CPLX(z, asinh, casinh)
-#define atanh(z)         __TGMATH_CPLX(z, atanh, catanh)
-#define cos(z)           __TGMATH_CPLX(z, cos, ccos)
-#define sin(z)           __TGMATH_CPLX(z, sin, csin)
-#define tan(z)           __TGMATH_CPLX(z, tan, ctan)
-#define cosh(z)          __TGMATH_CPLX(z, cosh, ccosh)
-#define sinh(z)          __TGMATH_CPLX(z, sinh, csinh)
-#define tanh(z)          __TGMATH_CPLX(z, tanh, ctanh)
-#define exp(z)           __TGMATH_CPLX(z, exp, cexp)
-#define log(z)           __TGMATH_CPLX(z, log, clog)
-#define pow(z1,z2)       __TGMATH_CPLX_2(z1, z2, pow, cpow)
-#define sqrt(z)          __TGMATH_CPLX(z, sqrt, csqrt)
-#define fabs(z)          __TGMATH_CPLX(z, fabs, cabs)
-/* Functions defined in <math.h> only (7.22p5) */
-#define atan2(x,y)       __TGMATH_REAL_2(x, y, atan2)
-#define cbrt(x)          __TGMATH_REAL(x, cbrt)
-#define ceil(x)          __TGMATH_REAL(x, ceil)
-#define copysign(x,y)    __TGMATH_REAL_2(x, y, copysign)
-#define erf(x)           __TGMATH_REAL(x, erf)
-#define erfc(x)          __TGMATH_REAL(x, erfc)
-#define exp2(x)          __TGMATH_REAL(x, exp2)
-#define expm1(x)         __TGMATH_REAL(x, expm1)
-#define fdim(x,y)        __TGMATH_REAL_2(x, y, fdim)
-#define floor(x)         __TGMATH_REAL(x, floor)
-#define fma(x,y,z)       __TGMATH_REAL_3(x, y, z, fma)
-#define fmax(x,y)        __TGMATH_REAL_2(x, y, fmax)
-#define fmin(x,y)        __TGMATH_REAL_2(x, y, fmin)
-#define fmod(x,y)        __TGMATH_REAL_2(x, y, fmod)
-#define frexp(x,y)       __TGMATH_REAL_1_2(x, y, frexp)
-#define hypot(x,y)       __TGMATH_REAL_2(x, y, hypot)
-#define ilogb(x)         __TGMATH_REAL(x, ilogb)
-#define ldexp(x,y)       __TGMATH_REAL_1_2(x, y, ldexp)
-#define lgamma(x)        __TGMATH_REAL(x, lgamma)
-#define llrint(x)        __TGMATH_REAL(x, llrint)
-#define llround(x)       __TGMATH_REAL(x, llround)
-#define log10(x)         __TGMATH_REAL(x, log10)
-#define log1p(x)         __TGMATH_REAL(x, log1p)
-#define log2(x)          __TGMATH_REAL(x, log2)
-#define logb(x)          __TGMATH_REAL(x, logb)
-#define lrint(x)         __TGMATH_REAL(x, lrint)
-#define lround(x)        __TGMATH_REAL(x, lround)
-#define nearbyint(x)     __TGMATH_REAL(x, nearbyint)
-#define nextafter(x,y)   __TGMATH_REAL_2(x, y, nextafter)
-#define nexttoward(x,y)  __TGMATH_REAL_1_2(x, y, nexttoward)
-#define remainder(x,y)   __TGMATH_REAL_2(x, y, remainder)
-#define remquo(x,y,z)    __TGMATH_REAL_2_3(x, y, z, remquo)
-#define rint(x)          __TGMATH_REAL(x, rint)
-#define round(x)         __TGMATH_REAL(x, round)
-#define scalbn(x,y)      __TGMATH_REAL_1_2(x, y, scalbn)
-#define scalbln(x,y)     __TGMATH_REAL_1_2(x, y, scalbln)
-#define tgamma(x)        __TGMATH_REAL(x, tgamma)
-#define trunc(x)         __TGMATH_REAL(x, trunc)
-/* Functions defined in <complex.h> only (7.22p6) */
-#define carg(z)          __TGMATH_CPLX_ONLY(z, carg)
-#define cimag(z)         __TGMATH_CPLX_ONLY(z, cimag)
-#define conj(z)          __TGMATH_CPLX_ONLY(z, conj)
-#define cproj(z)         __TGMATH_CPLX_ONLY(z, cproj)
-#define creal(z)         __TGMATH_CPLX_ONLY(z, creal)
-#endif /* __cplusplus */
-#endif /* _TGMATH_H */
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/tmmintrin.h b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/tmmintrin.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1bb254b..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/tmmintrin.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,304 +0,0 @@
-/* APPLE LOCAL file ssse3 4424835 */
-/* Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-   This file is part of GCC.
-   GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-   any later version.
-   GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-   GNU General Public License for more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-   along with GCC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-   the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
-   Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */
-/* As a special exception, if you include this header file into source
-   files compiled by GCC, this header file does not by itself cause
-   the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
-   License.  This exception does not however invalidate any other
-   reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
-   Public License.  */
-/* Implemented from the specification included in the Intel C++ Compiler
-   User Guide and Reference, version 9.1.  */
-#ifdef __SSSE3__
-#include <pmmintrin.h>
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin nodebug inline */
-#define __always_inline__ __always_inline__, __nodebug__
-/* APPLE LOCAL end nodebug inline */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-#ifdef __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__
-#define __STATIC_INLINE __inline
-#define __STATIC_INLINE static __inline
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_hadd_epi16 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_phaddw128 ((__v8hi)__X, (__v8hi)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_hadd_epi32 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_phaddd128 ((__v4si)__X, (__v4si)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_hadds_epi16 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_phaddsw128 ((__v8hi)__X, (__v8hi)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_hadd_pi16 (__m64 __X, __m64 __Y)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_phaddw ((__v4hi)__X, (__v4hi)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_hadd_pi32 (__m64 __X, __m64 __Y)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_phaddd ((__v2si)__X, (__v2si)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_hadds_pi16 (__m64 __X, __m64 __Y)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_phaddsw ((__v4hi)__X, (__v4hi)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_hsub_epi16 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_phsubw128 ((__v8hi)__X, (__v8hi)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_hsub_epi32 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_phsubd128 ((__v4si)__X, (__v4si)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_hsubs_epi16 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_phsubsw128 ((__v8hi)__X, (__v8hi)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_hsub_pi16 (__m64 __X, __m64 __Y)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_phsubw ((__v4hi)__X, (__v4hi)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_hsub_pi32 (__m64 __X, __m64 __Y)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_phsubd ((__v2si)__X, (__v2si)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_hsubs_pi16 (__m64 __X, __m64 __Y)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_phsubsw ((__v4hi)__X, (__v4hi)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_maddubs_epi16 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pmaddubsw128 ((__v16qi)__X, (__v16qi)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_maddubs_pi16 (__m64 __X, __m64 __Y)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_pmaddubsw ((__v8qi)__X, (__v8qi)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_mulhrs_epi16 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pmulhrsw128 ((__v8hi)__X, (__v8hi)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_mulhrs_pi16 (__m64 __X, __m64 __Y)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_pmulhrsw ((__v4hi)__X, (__v4hi)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_shuffle_epi8 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pshufb128 ((__v16qi)__X, (__v16qi)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_shuffle_pi8 (__m64 __X, __m64 __Y)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_pshufb ((__v8qi)__X, (__v8qi)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sign_epi8 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_psignb128 ((__v16qi)__X, (__v16qi)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sign_epi16 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_psignw128 ((__v8hi)__X, (__v8hi)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sign_epi32 (__m128i __X, __m128i __Y)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_psignd128 ((__v4si)__X, (__v4si)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sign_pi8 (__m64 __X, __m64 __Y)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psignb ((__v8qi)__X, (__v8qi)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sign_pi16 (__m64 __X, __m64 __Y)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psignw ((__v4hi)__X, (__v4hi)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sign_pi32 (__m64 __X, __m64 __Y)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psignd ((__v2si)__X, (__v2si)__Y);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin 5814283 */
-#define _mm_alignr_epi8(__X, __Y, __N) \
-  ((__m128i)__builtin_ia32_palignr128 ((__v2di)(__X), (__v2di)(__Y), (__N) * 8))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end 5814283 */
-#define _mm_alignr_pi8(__X, __Y, __N) \
-  ((__m64)__builtin_ia32_palignr ((long long) (__X), (long long) (__Y), (__N) * 8))
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_abs_epi8 (__m128i __X)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pabsb128 ((__v16qi)__X);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_abs_epi16 (__m128i __X)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pabsw128 ((__v8hi)__X);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128i __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_abs_epi32 (__m128i __X)
-  return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pabsd128 ((__v4si)__X);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_abs_pi8 (__m64 __X)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_pabsb ((__v8qi)__X);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_abs_pi16 (__m64 __X)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_pabsw ((__v4hi)__X);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_abs_pi32 (__m64 __X)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_pabsd ((__v2si)__X);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin nodebug inline */
-#undef __always_inline__
-/* APPLE LOCAL end nodebug inline */
-#endif /* __SSSE3__ */
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/unwind.h b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/unwind.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f4c065..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/unwind.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
-/* Exception handling and frame unwind runtime interface routines.
-   Copyright (C) 2001, 2003, 2004, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-   This file is part of GCC.
-   GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-   under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-   any later version.
-   GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-   ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
-   or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
-   License for more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-   along with GCC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
-   Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
-   02110-1301, USA.  */
-/* As a special exception, if you include this header file into source
-   files compiled by GCC, this header file does not by itself cause
-   the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
-   License.  This exception does not however invalidate any other
-   reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
-   Public License.  */
-/* This is derived from the C++ ABI for IA-64.  Where we diverge
-   for cross-architecture compatibility are noted with "@@@".  */
-#ifndef _UNWIND_H
-#define _UNWIND_H
-#pragma GCC visibility push(default)
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/* Level 1: Base ABI  */
-/* @@@ The IA-64 ABI uses uint64 throughout.  Most places this is
-   inefficient for 32-bit and smaller machines.  */
-typedef unsigned _Unwind_Word __attribute__((__mode__(__word__)));
-typedef signed _Unwind_Sword __attribute__((__mode__(__word__)));
-#if defined(__ia64__) && defined(__hpux__)
-typedef unsigned _Unwind_Ptr __attribute__((__mode__(__word__)));
-typedef unsigned _Unwind_Ptr __attribute__((__mode__(__pointer__)));
-typedef unsigned _Unwind_Internal_Ptr __attribute__((__mode__(__pointer__)));
-/* @@@ The IA-64 ABI uses a 64-bit word to identify the producer and
-   consumer of an exception.  We'll go along with this for now even on
-   32-bit machines.  We'll need to provide some other option for
-   16-bit machines and for machines with > 8 bits per byte.  */
-typedef unsigned _Unwind_Exception_Class __attribute__((__mode__(__DI__)));
-/* The unwind interface uses reason codes in several contexts to
-   identify the reasons for failures or other actions.  */
-typedef enum
-  _URC_NO_REASON = 0,
-} _Unwind_Reason_Code;
-/* The unwind interface uses a pointer to an exception header object
-   as its representation of an exception being thrown. In general, the
-   full representation of an exception object is language- and
-   implementation-specific, but it will be prefixed by a header
-   understood by the unwind interface.  */
-struct _Unwind_Exception;
-typedef void (*_Unwind_Exception_Cleanup_Fn) (_Unwind_Reason_Code,
-					      struct _Unwind_Exception *);
-struct _Unwind_Exception
-  _Unwind_Exception_Class exception_class;
-  _Unwind_Exception_Cleanup_Fn exception_cleanup;
-  _Unwind_Word private_1;
-  _Unwind_Word private_2;
-  /* @@@ The IA-64 ABI says that this structure must be double-word aligned.
-     Taking that literally does not make much sense generically.  Instead we
-     provide the maximum alignment required by any type for the machine.  */
-} __attribute__((__aligned__));
-/* The ACTIONS argument to the personality routine is a bitwise OR of one
-   or more of the following constants.  */
-typedef int _Unwind_Action;
-#define _UA_SEARCH_PHASE	1
-#define _UA_CLEANUP_PHASE	2
-#define _UA_HANDLER_FRAME	4
-#define _UA_FORCE_UNWIND	8
-#define _UA_END_OF_STACK	16
-/* This is an opaque type used to refer to a system-specific data
-   structure used by the system unwinder. This context is created and
-   destroyed by the system, and passed to the personality routine
-   during unwinding.  */
-struct _Unwind_Context;
-/* Raise an exception, passing along the given exception object.  */
-extern _Unwind_Reason_Code _Unwind_RaiseException (struct _Unwind_Exception *);
-/* Raise an exception for forced unwinding.  */
-typedef _Unwind_Reason_Code (*_Unwind_Stop_Fn)
-     (int, _Unwind_Action, _Unwind_Exception_Class,
-      struct _Unwind_Exception *, struct _Unwind_Context *, void *);
-extern _Unwind_Reason_Code _Unwind_ForcedUnwind (struct _Unwind_Exception *,
-						 _Unwind_Stop_Fn,
-						 void *);
-/* Helper to invoke the exception_cleanup routine.  */
-extern void _Unwind_DeleteException (struct _Unwind_Exception *);
-/* Resume propagation of an existing exception.  This is used after
-   e.g. executing cleanup code, and not to implement rethrowing.  */
-extern void _Unwind_Resume (struct _Unwind_Exception *);
-/* @@@ Resume propagation of an FORCE_UNWIND exception, or to rethrow
-   a normal exception that was handled.  */
-extern _Unwind_Reason_Code _Unwind_Resume_or_Rethrow (struct _Unwind_Exception *);
-/* @@@ Use unwind data to perform a stack backtrace.  The trace callback
-   is called for every stack frame in the call chain, but no cleanup
-   actions are performed.  */
-typedef _Unwind_Reason_Code (*_Unwind_Trace_Fn)
-     (struct _Unwind_Context *, void *);
-extern _Unwind_Reason_Code _Unwind_Backtrace (_Unwind_Trace_Fn, void *);
-/* These functions are used for communicating information about the unwind
-   context (i.e. the unwind descriptors and the user register state) between
-   the unwind library and the personality routine and landing pad.  Only
-   selected registers maybe manipulated.  */
-extern _Unwind_Word _Unwind_GetGR (struct _Unwind_Context *, int);
-extern void _Unwind_SetGR (struct _Unwind_Context *, int, _Unwind_Word);
-extern _Unwind_Ptr _Unwind_GetIP (struct _Unwind_Context *);
-extern _Unwind_Ptr _Unwind_GetIPInfo (struct _Unwind_Context *, int *);
-extern void _Unwind_SetIP (struct _Unwind_Context *, _Unwind_Ptr);
-/* @@@ Retrieve the CFA of the given context.  */
-extern _Unwind_Word _Unwind_GetCFA (struct _Unwind_Context *);
-extern void *_Unwind_GetLanguageSpecificData (struct _Unwind_Context *);
-extern _Unwind_Ptr _Unwind_GetRegionStart (struct _Unwind_Context *);
-/* The personality routine is the function in the C++ (or other language)
-   runtime library which serves as an interface between the system unwind
-   library and language-specific exception handling semantics.  It is
-   specific to the code fragment described by an unwind info block, and
-   it is always referenced via the pointer in the unwind info block, and
-   hence it has no ABI-specified name.
-   Note that this implies that two different C++ implementations can
-   use different names, and have different contents in the language
-   specific data area.  Moreover, that the language specific data
-   area contains no version info because name of the function invoked
-   provides more effective versioning by detecting at link time the
-   lack of code to handle the different data format.  */
-typedef _Unwind_Reason_Code (*_Unwind_Personality_Fn)
-     (int, _Unwind_Action, _Unwind_Exception_Class,
-      struct _Unwind_Exception *, struct _Unwind_Context *);
-/* @@@ The following alternate entry points are for setjmp/longjmp
-   based unwinding.  */
-struct SjLj_Function_Context;
-extern void _Unwind_SjLj_Register (struct SjLj_Function_Context *);
-extern void _Unwind_SjLj_Unregister (struct SjLj_Function_Context *);
-extern _Unwind_Reason_Code _Unwind_SjLj_RaiseException
-     (struct _Unwind_Exception *);
-extern _Unwind_Reason_Code _Unwind_SjLj_ForcedUnwind
-     (struct _Unwind_Exception *, _Unwind_Stop_Fn, void *);
-extern void _Unwind_SjLj_Resume (struct _Unwind_Exception *);
-extern _Unwind_Reason_Code _Unwind_SjLj_Resume_or_Rethrow (struct _Unwind_Exception *);
-/* @@@ The following provide access to the base addresses for text
-   and data-relative addressing in the LDSA.  In order to stay link
-   compatible with the standard ABI for IA-64, we inline these.  */
-#ifdef __ia64__
-#include <stdlib.h>
-static inline _Unwind_Ptr
-_Unwind_GetDataRelBase (struct _Unwind_Context *_C)
-  /* The GP is stored in R1.  */
-  return _Unwind_GetGR (_C, 1);
-static inline _Unwind_Ptr
-_Unwind_GetTextRelBase (struct _Unwind_Context *_C __attribute__ ((__unused__)))
-  abort ();
-  return 0;
-/* @@@ Retrieve the Backing Store Pointer of the given context.  */
-extern _Unwind_Word _Unwind_GetBSP (struct _Unwind_Context *);
-extern _Unwind_Ptr _Unwind_GetDataRelBase (struct _Unwind_Context *);
-extern _Unwind_Ptr _Unwind_GetTextRelBase (struct _Unwind_Context *);
-/* @@@ Given an address, return the entry point of the function that
-   contains it.  */
-extern void * _Unwind_FindEnclosingFunction (void *pc);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#pragma GCC visibility pop
-#endif /* unwind.h */
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/varargs.h b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/varargs.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b9803e..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/varargs.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _VARARGS_H
-#define _VARARGS_H
-#error "GCC no longer implements <varargs.h>."
-#error "Revise your code to use <stdarg.h>."
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/xmmintrin.h b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/xmmintrin.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bd48e9a..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/include/xmmintrin.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1643 +0,0 @@
-/* APPLE LOCAL file mainline 2005-06-30 Radar 4131077 */
-/* Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007
-   Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-   This file is part of GCC.
-   GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-   any later version.
-   GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-   GNU General Public License for more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-   along with GCC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-   the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-   Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.  */
-/* As a special exception, if you include this header file into source
-   files compiled by GCC, this header file does not by itself cause
-   the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
-   License.  This exception does not however invalidate any other
-   reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
-   Public License.  */
-/* Implemented from the specification included in the Intel C++ Compiler
-   User Guide and Reference, version 9.0.  */
-#ifndef __SSE__
-# error "SSE instruction set not enabled"
-/* We need type definitions from the MMX header file.  */
-#include <mmintrin.h>
-/* Get _mm_malloc () and _mm_free ().  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin xmmintrin.h for kernel 4123064 */
-#if __STDC_HOSTED__
-#include <mm_malloc.h>
-/* APPLE LOCAL end xmmintrin.h for kernel 4123064 */
-/* The Intel API is flexible enough that we must allow aliasing with other
-   vector types, and their scalar components.  */
-typedef float __m128 __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (16), __may_alias__));
-/* Internal data types for implementing the intrinsics.  */
-typedef float __v4sf __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (16)));
-#if defined(__clang__) && defined(WITH_SYNTAX_CHECK)
-/* Workaround for "clang -fsyntax-only" happens to use this header, but may
- * choke on something not supported in clang
- */
-int __builtin_ia32_cvtss2si (__v4sf);
-int __builtin_ia32_cvttss2si (__v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_addps (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_addss (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_addss (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_addss (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_andnps (__m128, __m128);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_andps (__m128, __m128);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_cmpeqps (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_cmpeqss (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_cmpgeps (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_cmpgtps (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_cmpleps (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_cmpless (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_cmpltps (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_cmpltss (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_cmpneqps (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_cmpneqss (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_cmpngeps (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_cmpngtps (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_cmpnleps (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_cmpnless (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_cmpnltps (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_cmpnltss (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_cmpordps (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_cmpordss (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_cmpunordps (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_cmpunordss (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_cvtsi2ss (__v4sf, int);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_divps (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_divss (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_movss (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_mulps (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_mulps (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_mulss (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_mulss (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_orps (__m128, __m128);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_subps (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_subss (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_subss (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_xorps (__m128, __m128);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_loadhps (__v4sf, const __v2si *);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_loadlps (__v4sf, const __v2si *);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_movhlps (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_movlhps (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_shufps (__v4sf, __v4sf, int const);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_unpckhps (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_unpcklps (__v4sf, __v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_loadups (float const *);
-__m64 __builtin_ia32_vec_set_v4hi (__v4hi, int const, int const);
-float __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v4sf (__v4sf, const int);
-int __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v4hi (__v4hi, const int);
-long long __builtin_ia32_cvtss2si64 (__v4sf);
-long long __builtin_ia32_cvttss2si64 (__v4sf);
-__m128 __builtin_ia32_cvtsi642ss (__v4sf, long long);
-/* Create a selector for use with the SHUFPS instruction.  */
-#define _MM_SHUFFLE(fp3,fp2,fp1,fp0) \
- (((fp3) << 6) | ((fp2) << 4) | ((fp1) << 2) | (fp0))
-/* Constants for use with _mm_prefetch.  */
-enum _mm_hint
-  _MM_HINT_T0 = 3,
-  _MM_HINT_T1 = 2,
-  _MM_HINT_T2 = 1,
-  _MM_HINT_NTA = 0
-/* Bits in the MXCSR.  */
-#define _MM_EXCEPT_MASK       0x003f
-#define _MM_EXCEPT_INVALID    0x0001
-#define _MM_EXCEPT_DENORM     0x0002
-#define _MM_EXCEPT_DIV_ZERO   0x0004
-#define _MM_EXCEPT_OVERFLOW   0x0008
-#define _MM_EXCEPT_UNDERFLOW  0x0010
-#define _MM_EXCEPT_INEXACT    0x0020
-#define _MM_MASK_MASK         0x1f80
-#define _MM_MASK_INVALID      0x0080
-#define _MM_MASK_DENORM       0x0100
-#define _MM_MASK_DIV_ZERO     0x0200
-#define _MM_MASK_OVERFLOW     0x0400
-#define _MM_MASK_UNDERFLOW    0x0800
-#define _MM_MASK_INEXACT      0x1000
-#define _MM_ROUND_MASK        0x6000
-#define _MM_ROUND_NEAREST     0x0000
-#define _MM_ROUND_DOWN        0x2000
-#define _MM_ROUND_UP          0x4000
-#define _MM_ROUND_TOWARD_ZERO 0x6000
-#define _MM_FLUSH_ZERO_MASK   0x8000
-#define _MM_FLUSH_ZERO_ON     0x8000
-#define _MM_FLUSH_ZERO_OFF    0x0000
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin nodebug inline 4152603 */
-#define __always_inline__ __always_inline__, __nodebug__
-/* APPLE LOCAL end nodebug inline 4152603 */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-#ifdef __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__
-#define __STATIC_INLINE __inline
-#define __STATIC_INLINE static __inline
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-/* Create a vector of zeros.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 4152603 */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_setzero_ps (void)
-  return __extension__ (__m128){ 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
-/* Perform the respective operation on the lower SPFP (single-precision
-   floating-point) values of A and B; the upper three SPFP values are
-   passed through from A.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_add_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_addss ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sub_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_subss ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_mul_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_mulss ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_div_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_divss ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sqrt_ss (__m128 __A)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_sqrtss ((__v4sf)__A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_rcp_ss (__m128 __A)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_rcpss ((__v4sf)__A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_rsqrt_ss (__m128 __A)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_rsqrtss ((__v4sf)__A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_min_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_minss ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_max_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_maxss ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* Perform the respective operation on the four SPFP values in A and B.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_add_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_addps ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sub_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_subps ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_mul_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_mulps ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_div_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_divps ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sqrt_ps (__m128 __A)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_sqrtps ((__v4sf)__A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_rcp_ps (__m128 __A)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_rcpps ((__v4sf)__A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_rsqrt_ps (__m128 __A)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_rsqrtps ((__v4sf)__A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_min_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_minps ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_max_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_maxps ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* Perform logical bit-wise operations on 128-bit values.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_and_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_andps (__A, __B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_andnot_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_andnps (__A, __B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_or_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_orps (__A, __B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_xor_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_xorps (__A, __B);
-/* Perform a comparison on the lower SPFP values of A and B.  If the
-   comparison is true, place a mask of all ones in the result, otherwise a
-   mask of zeros.  The upper three SPFP values are passed through from A.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpeq_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_cmpeqss ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmplt_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_cmpltss ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmple_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_cmpless ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpgt_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_movss ((__v4sf) __A,
-					(__v4sf)
-					__builtin_ia32_cmpltss ((__v4sf) __B,
-								(__v4sf)
-								__A));
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpge_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_movss ((__v4sf) __A,
-					(__v4sf)
-					__builtin_ia32_cmpless ((__v4sf) __B,
-								(__v4sf)
-								__A));
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpneq_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_cmpneqss ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpnlt_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_cmpnltss ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpnle_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_cmpnless ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpngt_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_movss ((__v4sf) __A,
-					(__v4sf)
-					__builtin_ia32_cmpnltss ((__v4sf) __B,
-								 (__v4sf)
-								 __A));
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpnge_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_movss ((__v4sf) __A,
-					(__v4sf)
-					__builtin_ia32_cmpnless ((__v4sf) __B,
-								 (__v4sf)
-								 __A));
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpord_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_cmpordss ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpunord_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_cmpunordss ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* Perform a comparison on the four SPFP values of A and B.  For each
-   element, if the comparison is true, place a mask of all ones in the
-   result, otherwise a mask of zeros.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpeq_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_cmpeqps ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmplt_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_cmpltps ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmple_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_cmpleps ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpgt_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_cmpgtps ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpge_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_cmpgeps ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpneq_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_cmpneqps ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpnlt_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_cmpnltps ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpnle_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_cmpnleps ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpngt_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_cmpngtps ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpnge_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_cmpngeps ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpord_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_cmpordps ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cmpunord_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_cmpunordps ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* Compare the lower SPFP values of A and B and return 1 if true
-   and 0 if false.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_comieq_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_comieq ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_comilt_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_comilt ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_comile_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_comile ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_comigt_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_comigt ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_comige_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_comige ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_comineq_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_comineq ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_ucomieq_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_ucomieq ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_ucomilt_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_ucomilt ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_ucomile_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_ucomile ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_ucomigt_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_ucomigt ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_ucomige_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_ucomige ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_ucomineq_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return __builtin_ia32_ucomineq ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* Convert the lower SPFP value to a 32-bit integer according to the current
-   rounding mode.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtss_si32 (__m128 __A)
-  return __builtin_ia32_cvtss2si ((__v4sf) __A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvt_ss2si (__m128 __A)
-  return _mm_cvtss_si32 (__A);
-#ifdef __x86_64__
-/* Convert the lower SPFP value to a 32-bit integer according to the
-   current rounding mode.  */
-/* Intel intrinsic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE long long __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtss_si64 (__m128 __A)
-  return __builtin_ia32_cvtss2si64 ((__v4sf) __A);
-/* Microsoft intrinsic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE long long __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtss_si64x (__m128 __A)
-  return __builtin_ia32_cvtss2si64 ((__v4sf) __A);
-/* Convert the two lower SPFP values to 32-bit integers according to the
-   current rounding mode.  Return the integers in packed form.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtps_pi32 (__m128 __A)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_cvtps2pi ((__v4sf) __A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvt_ps2pi (__m128 __A)
-  return _mm_cvtps_pi32 (__A);
-/* Truncate the lower SPFP value to a 32-bit integer.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvttss_si32 (__m128 __A)
-  return __builtin_ia32_cvttss2si ((__v4sf) __A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtt_ss2si (__m128 __A)
-  return _mm_cvttss_si32 (__A);
-#ifdef __x86_64__
-/* Truncate the lower SPFP value to a 32-bit integer.  */
-/* Intel intrinsic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE long long __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvttss_si64 (__m128 __A)
-  return __builtin_ia32_cvttss2si64 ((__v4sf) __A);
-/* Microsoft intrinsic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE long long __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvttss_si64x (__m128 __A)
-  return __builtin_ia32_cvttss2si64 ((__v4sf) __A);
-/* Truncate the two lower SPFP values to 32-bit integers.  Return the
-   integers in packed form.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvttps_pi32 (__m128 __A)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_cvttps2pi ((__v4sf) __A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtt_ps2pi (__m128 __A)
-  return _mm_cvttps_pi32 (__A);
-/* Convert B to a SPFP value and insert it as element zero in A.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtsi32_ss (__m128 __A, int __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_cvtsi2ss ((__v4sf) __A, __B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvt_si2ss (__m128 __A, int __B)
-  return _mm_cvtsi32_ss (__A, __B);
-#ifdef __x86_64__
-/* Convert B to a SPFP value and insert it as element zero in A.  */
-/* Intel intrinsic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtsi64_ss (__m128 __A, long long __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_cvtsi642ss ((__v4sf) __A, __B);
-/* Microsoft intrinsic.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtsi64x_ss (__m128 __A, long long __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_cvtsi642ss ((__v4sf) __A, __B);
-/* Convert the two 32-bit values in B to SPFP form and insert them
-   as the two lower elements in A.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtpi32_ps (__m128 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_cvtpi2ps ((__v4sf) __A, (__v2si)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvt_pi2ps (__m128 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return _mm_cvtpi32_ps (__A, __B);
-/* Convert the four signed 16-bit values in A to SPFP form.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtpi16_ps (__m64 __A)
-  __v4hi __sign;
-  __v2si __hisi, __losi;
-  __v4sf __r;
-  /* This comparison against zero gives us a mask that can be used to
-     fill in the missing sign bits in the unpack operations below, so
-     that we get signed values after unpacking.  */
-  __sign = __builtin_ia32_pcmpgtw ((__v4hi)0LL, (__v4hi)__A);
-  /* Convert the four words to doublewords.  */
-  __hisi = (__v2si) __builtin_ia32_punpckhwd ((__v4hi)__A, __sign);
-  __losi = (__v2si) __builtin_ia32_punpcklwd ((__v4hi)__A, __sign);
-  /* Convert the doublewords to floating point two at a time.  */
-  __r = (__v4sf) _mm_setzero_ps ();
-  __r = __builtin_ia32_cvtpi2ps (__r, __hisi);
-  __r = __builtin_ia32_movlhps (__r, __r);
-  __r = __builtin_ia32_cvtpi2ps (__r, __losi);
-  return (__m128) __r;
-/* Convert the four unsigned 16-bit values in A to SPFP form.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtpu16_ps (__m64 __A)
-  __v2si __hisi, __losi;
-  __v4sf __r;
-  /* Convert the four words to doublewords.  */
-  __hisi = (__v2si) __builtin_ia32_punpckhwd ((__v4hi)__A, (__v4hi)0LL);
-  __losi = (__v2si) __builtin_ia32_punpcklwd ((__v4hi)__A, (__v4hi)0LL);
-  /* Convert the doublewords to floating point two at a time.  */
-  __r = (__v4sf) _mm_setzero_ps ();
-  __r = __builtin_ia32_cvtpi2ps (__r, __hisi);
-  __r = __builtin_ia32_movlhps (__r, __r);
-  __r = __builtin_ia32_cvtpi2ps (__r, __losi);
-  return (__m128) __r;
-/* Convert the low four signed 8-bit values in A to SPFP form.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtpi8_ps (__m64 __A)
-  __v8qi __sign;
-  /* This comparison against zero gives us a mask that can be used to
-     fill in the missing sign bits in the unpack operations below, so
-     that we get signed values after unpacking.  */
-  __sign = __builtin_ia32_pcmpgtb ((__v8qi)0LL, (__v8qi)__A);
-  /* Convert the four low bytes to words.  */
-  __A = (__m64) __builtin_ia32_punpcklbw ((__v8qi)__A, __sign);
-  return _mm_cvtpi16_ps(__A);
-/* Convert the low four unsigned 8-bit values in A to SPFP form.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtpu8_ps(__m64 __A)
-  __A = (__m64) __builtin_ia32_punpcklbw ((__v8qi)__A, (__v8qi)0LL);
-  return _mm_cvtpu16_ps(__A);
-/* Convert the four signed 32-bit values in A and B to SPFP form.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtpi32x2_ps(__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  __v4sf __zero = (__v4sf) _mm_setzero_ps ();
-  __v4sf __sfa = __builtin_ia32_cvtpi2ps (__zero, (__v2si)__A);
-  __v4sf __sfb = __builtin_ia32_cvtpi2ps (__zero, (__v2si)__B);
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_movlhps (__sfa, __sfb);
-/* Convert the four SPFP values in A to four signed 16-bit integers.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtps_pi16(__m128 __A)
-  __v4sf __hisf = (__v4sf)__A;
-  __v4sf __losf = __builtin_ia32_movhlps (__hisf, __hisf);
-  __v2si __hisi = __builtin_ia32_cvtps2pi (__hisf);
-  __v2si __losi = __builtin_ia32_cvtps2pi (__losf);
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_packssdw (__hisi, __losi);
-/* Convert the four SPFP values in A to four signed 8-bit integers.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtps_pi8(__m128 __A)
-  __v4hi __tmp = (__v4hi) _mm_cvtps_pi16 (__A);
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_packsswb (__tmp, (__v4hi)0LL);
-/* Selects four specific SPFP values from A and B based on MASK.  */
-#if 0
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_shuffle_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B, int __mask)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_shufps ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B, __mask);
-#define _mm_shuffle_ps(A, B, MASK) \
- ((__m128) __builtin_ia32_shufps ((__v4sf)(A), (__v4sf)(B), (MASK)))
-/* Selects and interleaves the upper two SPFP values from A and B.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_unpackhi_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_unpckhps ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* Selects and interleaves the lower two SPFP values from A and B.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_unpacklo_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_unpcklps ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* Sets the upper two SPFP values with 64-bits of data loaded from P;
-   the lower two values are passed through from A.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_loadh_pi (__m128 __A, __m64 const *__P)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_loadhps ((__v4sf)__A, (__v2si *)__P);
-/* Stores the upper two SPFP values of A into P.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_storeh_pi (__m64 *__P, __m128 __A)
-  __builtin_ia32_storehps ((__v2si *)__P, (__v4sf)__A);
-/* Moves the upper two values of B into the lower two values of A.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_movehl_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_movhlps ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* Moves the lower two values of B into the upper two values of A.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_movelh_ps (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_movlhps ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* Sets the lower two SPFP values with 64-bits of data loaded from P;
-   the upper two values are passed through from A.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_loadl_pi (__m128 __A, __m64 const *__P)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_loadlps ((__v4sf)__A, (__v2si *)__P);
-/* Stores the lower two SPFP values of A into P.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_storel_pi (__m64 *__P, __m128 __A)
-  __builtin_ia32_storelps ((__v2si *)__P, (__v4sf)__A);
-/* Creates a 4-bit mask from the most significant bits of the SPFP values.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_movemask_ps (__m128 __A)
-  return __builtin_ia32_movmskps ((__v4sf)__A);
-/* Return the contents of the control register.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE unsigned int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_getcsr (void)
-  return __builtin_ia32_stmxcsr ();
-/* Read exception bits from the control register.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE unsigned int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-  return _mm_getcsr() & _MM_EXCEPT_MASK;
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE unsigned int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-  return _mm_getcsr() & _MM_MASK_MASK;
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE unsigned int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-  return _mm_getcsr() & _MM_ROUND_MASK;
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE unsigned int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-  return _mm_getcsr() & _MM_FLUSH_ZERO_MASK;
-/* Set the control register to I.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_setcsr (unsigned int __I)
-  __builtin_ia32_ldmxcsr (__I);
-/* Set exception bits in the control register.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_MM_SET_EXCEPTION_STATE(unsigned int __mask)
-  _mm_setcsr((_mm_getcsr() & ~_MM_EXCEPT_MASK) | __mask);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_MM_SET_EXCEPTION_MASK (unsigned int __mask)
-  _mm_setcsr((_mm_getcsr() & ~_MM_MASK_MASK) | __mask);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_MM_SET_ROUNDING_MODE (unsigned int __mode)
-  _mm_setcsr((_mm_getcsr() & ~_MM_ROUND_MASK) | __mode);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_MM_SET_FLUSH_ZERO_MODE (unsigned int __mode)
-  _mm_setcsr((_mm_getcsr() & ~_MM_FLUSH_ZERO_MASK) | __mode);
-/* Create a vector with element 0 as F and the rest zero.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_set_ss (float __F)
-  return __extension__ (__m128)(__v4sf){ __F, 0, 0, 0 };
-/* Create a vector with all four elements equal to F.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_set1_ps (float __F)
-  return __extension__ (__m128)(__v4sf){ __F, __F, __F, __F };
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_set_ps1 (float __F)
-  return _mm_set1_ps (__F);
-/* Create a vector with element 0 as *P and the rest zero.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_load_ss (float const *__P)
-  return _mm_set_ss (*__P);
-/* Create a vector with all four elements equal to *P.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_load1_ps (float const *__P)
-  return _mm_set1_ps (*__P);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_load_ps1 (float const *__P)
-  return _mm_load1_ps (__P);
-/* Load four SPFP values from P.  The address must be 16-byte aligned.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_load_ps (float const *__P)
-  return (__m128) *(__v4sf *)__P;
-/* Load four SPFP values from P.  The address need not be 16-byte aligned.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_loadu_ps (float const *__P)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_loadups (__P);
-/* Load four SPFP values in reverse order.  The address must be aligned.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_loadr_ps (float const *__P)
-  __v4sf __tmp = *(__v4sf *)__P;
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_shufps (__tmp, __tmp, _MM_SHUFFLE (0,1,2,3));
-/* Create the vector [Z Y X W].  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_set_ps (const float __Z, const float __Y, const float __X, const float __W)
-  return __extension__ (__m128)(__v4sf){ __W, __X, __Y, __Z };
-/* Create the vector [W X Y Z].  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_setr_ps (float __Z, float __Y, float __X, float __W)
-  return __extension__ (__m128)(__v4sf){ __Z, __Y, __X, __W };
-/* Stores the lower SPFP value.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_store_ss (float *__P, __m128 __A)
-  *__P = __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v4sf ((__v4sf)__A, 0);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE float __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_cvtss_f32 (__m128 __A)
-  return __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v4sf ((__v4sf)__A, 0);
-/* Store four SPFP values.  The address must be 16-byte aligned.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_store_ps (float *__P, __m128 __A)
-  *(__v4sf *)__P = (__v4sf)__A;
-/* Store four SPFP values.  The address need not be 16-byte aligned.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_storeu_ps (float *__P, __m128 __A)
-  __builtin_ia32_storeups (__P, (__v4sf)__A);
-/* Store the lower SPFP value across four words.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_store1_ps (float *__P, __m128 __A)
-  __v4sf __va = (__v4sf)__A;
-  __v4sf __tmp = __builtin_ia32_shufps (__va, __va, _MM_SHUFFLE (0,0,0,0));
-  _mm_storeu_ps (__P, __tmp);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_store_ps1 (float *__P, __m128 __A)
-  _mm_store1_ps (__P, __A);
-/* Store four SPFP values in reverse order.  The address must be aligned.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_storer_ps (float *__P, __m128 __A)
-  __v4sf __va = (__v4sf)__A;
-  __v4sf __tmp = __builtin_ia32_shufps (__va, __va, _MM_SHUFFLE (0,1,2,3));
-  _mm_store_ps (__P, __tmp);
-/* Sets the low SPFP value of A from the low value of B.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m128 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_move_ss (__m128 __A, __m128 __B)
-  return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_movss ((__v4sf)__A, (__v4sf)__B);
-/* Extracts one of the four words of A.  The selector N must be immediate.  */
-#if 0
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_extract_pi16 (__m64 const __A, int const __N)
-  return __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v4hi ((__v4hi)__A, __N);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_pextrw (__m64 const __A, int const __N)
-  return _mm_extract_pi16 (__A, __N);
-#define _mm_extract_pi16(A, N)	__builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v4hi ((__v4hi)(A), (N))
-#define _m_pextrw(A, N)		_mm_extract_pi16((A), (N))
-/* Inserts word D into one of four words of A.  The selector N must be
-   immediate.  */
-#if 0
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_insert_pi16 (__m64 const __A, int const __D, int const __N)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_vec_set_v4hi ((__v4hi)__A, __D, __N);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_pinsrw (__m64 const __A, int const __D, int const __N)
-  return _mm_insert_pi16 (__A, __D, __N);
-#define _mm_insert_pi16(A, D, N) \
-  ((__m64) __builtin_ia32_vec_set_v4hi ((__v4hi)(A), (D), (N)))
-#define _m_pinsrw(A, D, N)	 _mm_insert_pi16((A), (D), (N))
-/* Compute the element-wise maximum of signed 16-bit values.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_max_pi16 (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_pmaxsw ((__v4hi)__A, (__v4hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_pmaxsw (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return _mm_max_pi16 (__A, __B);
-/* Compute the element-wise maximum of unsigned 8-bit values.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_max_pu8 (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_pmaxub ((__v8qi)__A, (__v8qi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_pmaxub (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return _mm_max_pu8 (__A, __B);
-/* Compute the element-wise minimum of signed 16-bit values.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_min_pi16 (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_pminsw ((__v4hi)__A, (__v4hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_pminsw (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return _mm_min_pi16 (__A, __B);
-/* Compute the element-wise minimum of unsigned 8-bit values.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_min_pu8 (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_pminub ((__v8qi)__A, (__v8qi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_pminub (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return _mm_min_pu8 (__A, __B);
-/* Create an 8-bit mask of the signs of 8-bit values.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_movemask_pi8 (__m64 __A)
-  return __builtin_ia32_pmovmskb ((__v8qi)__A);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE int __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_pmovmskb (__m64 __A)
-  return _mm_movemask_pi8 (__A);
-/* Multiply four unsigned 16-bit values in A by four unsigned 16-bit values
-   in B and produce the high 16 bits of the 32-bit results.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_mulhi_pu16 (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_pmulhuw ((__v4hi)__A, (__v4hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_pmulhuw (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return _mm_mulhi_pu16 (__A, __B);
-/* Return a combination of the four 16-bit values in A.  The selector
-   must be an immediate.  */
-#if 0
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_shuffle_pi16 (__m64 __A, int __N)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_pshufw ((__v4hi)__A, __N);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_pshufw (__m64 __A, int __N)
-  return _mm_shuffle_pi16 (__A, __N);
-#define _mm_shuffle_pi16(A, N) \
-  ((__m64) __builtin_ia32_pshufw ((__v4hi)(A), (N)))
-#define _m_pshufw(A, N)		_mm_shuffle_pi16 ((A), (N))
-/* Conditionally store byte elements of A into P.  The high bit of each
-   byte in the selector N determines whether the corresponding byte from
-   A is stored.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_maskmove_si64 (__m64 __A, __m64 __N, char *__P)
-  __builtin_ia32_maskmovq ((__v8qi)__A, (__v8qi)__N, __P);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_maskmovq (__m64 __A, __m64 __N, char *__P)
-  _mm_maskmove_si64 (__A, __N, __P);
-/* Compute the rounded averages of the unsigned 8-bit values in A and B.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_avg_pu8 (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_pavgb ((__v8qi)__A, (__v8qi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_pavgb (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return _mm_avg_pu8 (__A, __B);
-/* Compute the rounded averages of the unsigned 16-bit values in A and B.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_avg_pu16 (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_pavgw ((__v4hi)__A, (__v4hi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_pavgw (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return _mm_avg_pu16 (__A, __B);
-/* Compute the sum of the absolute differences of the unsigned 8-bit
-   values in A and B.  Return the value in the lower 16-bit word; the
-   upper words are cleared.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sad_pu8 (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return (__m64) __builtin_ia32_psadbw ((__v8qi)__A, (__v8qi)__B);
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE __m64 __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_m_psadbw (__m64 __A, __m64 __B)
-  return _mm_sad_pu8 (__A, __B);
-/* Loads one cache line from address P to a location "closer" to the
-   processor.  The selector I specifies the type of prefetch operation.  */
-#if 0
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_prefetch (void *__P, enum _mm_hint __I)
-  __builtin_prefetch (__P, 0, __I);
-#define _mm_prefetch(P, I) \
-  __builtin_prefetch ((P), 0, (I))
-/* Stores the data in A to the address P without polluting the caches.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_stream_pi (__m64 *__P, __m64 __A)
-  /* APPLE LOCAL 4656532 use V1DImode for _m64 */
-  __builtin_ia32_movntq (__P, __A);
-/* Likewise.  The address must be 16-byte aligned.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_stream_ps (float *__P, __m128 __A)
-  __builtin_ia32_movntps (__P, (__v4sf)__A);
-/* Guarantees that every preceding store is globally visible before
-   any subsequent store.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_sfence (void)
-  __builtin_ia32_sfence ();
-/* The execution of the next instruction is delayed by an implementation
-   specific amount of time.  The instruction does not modify the
-   architectural state.  */
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin radar 5618945 */
-__STATIC_INLINE void __attribute__((__always_inline__))
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 5618945 */
-_mm_pause (void)
-  __asm__ __volatile__ ("rep; nop" : : );
-/* APPLE LOCAL end radar 4152603 */
-/* Transpose the 4x4 matrix composed of row[0-3].  */
-#define _MM_TRANSPOSE4_PS(row0, row1, row2, row3)			\
-do {									\
-  __v4sf __r0 = (row0), __r1 = (row1), __r2 = (row2), __r3 = (row3);	\
-  __v4sf __t0 = __builtin_ia32_unpcklps (__r0, __r1);			\
-  __v4sf __t1 = __builtin_ia32_unpcklps (__r2, __r3);			\
-  __v4sf __t2 = __builtin_ia32_unpckhps (__r0, __r1);			\
-  __v4sf __t3 = __builtin_ia32_unpckhps (__r2, __r3);			\
-  (row0) = __builtin_ia32_movlhps (__t0, __t1);				\
-  (row1) = __builtin_ia32_movhlps (__t1, __t0);				\
-  (row2) = __builtin_ia32_movlhps (__t2, __t3);				\
-  (row3) = __builtin_ia32_movhlps (__t3, __t2);				\
-} while (0)
-/* APPLE LOCAL begin nodebug inline 4152603 */
-#undef __always_inline__
-/* APPLE LOCAL end nodebug inline 4152603 */
-/* For backward source compatibility.  */
-#include <emmintrin.h>
-#endif /* __SSE__ */
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/libcc_kext.a b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/libcc_kext.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 8081585..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/libcc_kext.a
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/libgcc.a b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/libgcc.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cbeb76..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/libgcc.a
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/libgcc_eh.a b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/libgcc_eh.a
deleted file mode 100644
index dce33d5..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/libgcc_eh.a
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/libgcc_static.a b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/libgcc_static.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a04859..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/libgcc_static.a
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/libgcov.a b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/libgcov.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 44c74cf..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/libgcov.a
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/libgomp.a b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/libgomp.a
deleted file mode 100644
index cfd30c8..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/libgomp.a
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/libgomp.spec b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/libgomp.spec
deleted file mode 100644
index 7102255..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/libgomp.spec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-# This spec file is read by gcc when linking.  It is used to specify the
-# standard libraries we need in order to link with -fopenmp.
-*link_gomp: -lgomp %{static: }
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/libstdc++.dylib b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/libstdc++.dylib
deleted file mode 100755
index 84c8372..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/libstdc++.dylib
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/x86_64/crt3.o b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/x86_64/crt3.o
deleted file mode 100644
index eb28ab0..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/x86_64/crt3.o
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/x86_64/libgcc.a b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/x86_64/libgcc.a
deleted file mode 100644
index c38d854..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/x86_64/libgcc.a
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/x86_64/libgcc_eh.a b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/x86_64/libgcc_eh.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 65a3218..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/x86_64/libgcc_eh.a
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/x86_64/libgcov.a b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/x86_64/libgcov.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e47360..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/x86_64/libgcov.a
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/x86_64/libgomp.a b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/x86_64/libgomp.a
deleted file mode 100644
index 6da8037..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/x86_64/libgomp.a
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/x86_64/libgomp.spec b/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/x86_64/libgomp.spec
deleted file mode 100644
index 7102255..0000000
--- a/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/x86_64/libgomp.spec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-# This spec file is read by gcc when linking.  It is used to specify the
-# standard libraries we need in order to link with -fopenmp.
-*link_gomp: -lgomp %{static: }
diff --git a/libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/as b/libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/as
deleted file mode 120000
index 159082c..0000000
--- a/libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/as
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/cc1 b/libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/cc1
deleted file mode 100755
index aa6e319..0000000
--- a/libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/cc1
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/cc1obj b/libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/cc1obj
deleted file mode 100755
index 4378906..0000000
--- a/libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/cc1obj
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/cc1objplus b/libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/cc1objplus
deleted file mode 100755
index 0b9918f..0000000
--- a/libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/cc1objplus
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/cc1plus b/libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/cc1plus
deleted file mode 100755
index 67f9741..0000000
--- a/libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/cc1plus
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/collect2 b/libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/collect2
deleted file mode 100755
index 4567dc6..0000000
--- a/libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/collect2
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/ld b/libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/ld
deleted file mode 120000
index 123a2b3..0000000
--- a/libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin10/4.2.1/ld
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/as b/libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/as
deleted file mode 120000
index 159082c..0000000
--- a/libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/as
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/cc1 b/libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/cc1
deleted file mode 100755
index daf70dc..0000000
--- a/libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/cc1
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/cc1obj b/libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/cc1obj
deleted file mode 100755
index b0f6a82..0000000
--- a/libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/cc1obj
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/cc1objplus b/libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/cc1objplus
deleted file mode 100755
index 03f7482..0000000
--- a/libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/cc1objplus
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/cc1plus b/libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/cc1plus
deleted file mode 100755
index 26e9de9..0000000
--- a/libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/cc1plus
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/collect2 b/libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/collect2
deleted file mode 100755
index 3567bfb..0000000
--- a/libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/collect2
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/ld b/libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/ld
deleted file mode 120000
index 123a2b3..0000000
--- a/libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin11/4.2.1/ld
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file