blob: 95f80de04b82070963983b9748d1576fd59be57a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.os.Message;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Locale;
* This class records statistics about PackageManagerService snapshots. It maintains two sets of
* statistics: a periodic set which represents the last 10 minutes, and a cumulative set since
* process boot. The key metrics that are recorded are:
* <ul>
* <li> The time to create a snapshot - this is the performance cost of a snapshot
* <li> The lifetime of the snapshot - creation time over lifetime is the amortized cost
* <li> The number of times a snapshot is reused - this is the number of times lock
* contention was avoided.
* </ul>
* The time conversions in this class are designed to keep arithmetic using ints, rather
* than longs. Raw times are supplied as longs in units of us. These are left long.
* Rebuild durations however, are converted to ints. An int can express a duration of
* approximately 35 minutes. This is longer than any expected snapshot rebuild time, so
* an int is satisfactory. The exception is the cumulative rebuild time over the course
* of a monitoring cycle: this value is kept long since the cycle time is one week and in
* a badly behaved system, the rebuild time might exceed 35 minutes.
* @hide
public class SnapshotStatistics {
* The interval at which statistics should be ticked. It is 60s. The interval is in
* units of milliseconds because that is what's required by Handler.sendMessageDelayed().
public static final int SNAPSHOT_TICK_INTERVAL_MS = 60 * 1000;
* The number of ticks for long statistics. This is one week.
public static final int SNAPSHOT_LONG_TICKS = 7 * 24 * 60;
* The number snapshot event logs that can be generated in a single logging interval.
* A small number limits the logging generated by this class. A snapshot event log is
* generated for every big snapshot build time, up to the limit, or whenever the
* maximum build time is exceeded in the logging interval.
public static final int SNAPSHOT_BUILD_REPORT_LIMIT = 10;
* The number of microseconds in a millisecond.
private static final int US_IN_MS = 1000;
* A snapshot build time is "big" if it takes longer than 10ms.
public static final int SNAPSHOT_BIG_BUILD_TIME_US = 10 * US_IN_MS;
* A snapshot build time is reportable if it takes longer than 30ms. Testing shows
* that this is very rare.
public static final int SNAPSHOT_REPORTABLE_BUILD_TIME_US = 30 * US_IN_MS;
* A snapshot is short-lived it used fewer than 5 times.
public static final int SNAPSHOT_SHORT_LIFETIME = 5;
* The lock to control access to this object.
private final Object mLock = new Object();
* The bins for the build time histogram. Values are in us.
private final BinMap mTimeBins;
* The bins for the snapshot use histogram.
private final BinMap mUseBins;
* The number of events reported in the current tick.
private int mEventsReported = 0;
* The tick counter. At the default tick interval, this wraps every 4000 years or so.
private int mTicks = 0;
* The handler used for the periodic ticks.
private Handler mHandler = null;
* Convert ns to an int ms. The maximum range of this method is about 24 days. There
* is no expectation that an event will take longer than that.
private int usToMs(int us) {
return us / US_IN_MS;
* This class exists to provide a fast bin lookup for histograms. An instance has an
* integer array that maps incoming values to bins. Values larger than the array are
* mapped to the top-most bin.
private static class BinMap {
// The number of bins
private int mCount;
// The mapping of low integers to bins
private int[] mBinMap;
// The maximum mapped value. Values at or above this are mapped to the
// top bin.
private int mMaxBin;
// A copy of the original key
private int[] mUserKey;
* Create a bin map. The input is an array of integers, which must be
* monotonically increasing (this is not checked). The result is an integer array
* as long as the largest value in the input.
BinMap(int[] userKey) {
mUserKey = Arrays.copyOf(userKey, userKey.length);
// The number of bins is the length of the keys, plus 1 (for the max).
mCount = mUserKey.length + 1;
// The maximum value is one more than the last one in the map.
mMaxBin = mUserKey[mUserKey.length - 1] + 1;
mBinMap = new int[mMaxBin + 1];
int j = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < mUserKey.length; i++) {
while (j <= mUserKey[i]) {
mBinMap[j] = i;
mBinMap[mMaxBin] = mUserKey.length;
* Map a value to a bin.
public int getBin(int x) {
if (x >= 0 && x < mMaxBin) {
return mBinMap[x];
} else if (x >= mMaxBin) {
return mBinMap[mMaxBin];
} else {
// x is negative. The bin will not be used.
return 0;
* The number of bins in this map
public int count() {
return mCount;
* For convenience, return the user key.
public int[] userKeys() {
return mUserKey;
* A complete set of statistics. These are public, making it simpler for a client to
* fetch the individual fields.
public class Stats {
* The start time for this set of statistics, in us.
public long mStartTimeUs = 0;
* The completion time for this set of statistics, in ns. A value of zero means
* the statistics are still active.
public long mStopTimeUs = 0;
* The build-time histogram. The total number of rebuilds is the sum over the
* histogram entries.
public int[] mTimes;
* The reuse histogram. The total number of snapshot uses is the sum over the
* histogram entries.
public int[] mUsed;
* The total number of rebuilds. This could be computed by summing over the use
* bins, but is maintained separately for convenience.
public int mTotalBuilds = 0;
* The total number of times any snapshot was used.
public int mTotalUsed = 0;
* The total number of times a snapshot was bypassed because corking was in effect.
public int mTotalCorked = 0;
* The total number of builds that count as big, which means they took longer than
public int mBigBuilds = 0;
* The total number of short-lived snapshots
public int mShortLived = 0;
* The time taken to build snapshots. This is cumulative over the rebuilds
* recorded in mRebuilds, so the average time to build a snapshot is given by
* mBuildTimeNs/mRebuilds. Note that this cannot be computed from the histogram.
public long mTotalTimeUs = 0;
* The maximum build time since the last log.
public int mMaxBuildTimeUs = 0;
* Record the rebuild. The parameters are the length of time it took to build the
* latest snapshot, and the number of times the _previous_ snapshot was used. A
* negative value for used signals an invalid value, which is the case the first
* time a snapshot is every built.
private void rebuild(int duration, int used,
int buildBin, int useBin, boolean big, boolean quick) {
if (used >= 0) {
mTotalUsed += used;
mTotalTimeUs += duration;
boolean reportIt = false;
if (big) {
if (quick) {
if (mMaxBuildTimeUs < duration) {
mMaxBuildTimeUs = duration;
* Record a cork.
private void corked() {
private Stats(long now) {
mStartTimeUs = now;
mTimes = new int[mTimeBins.count()];
mUsed = new int[mUseBins.count()];
* Create a copy of the argument. The copy is made under lock but can then be
* used without holding the lock.
private Stats(Stats orig) {
mStartTimeUs = orig.mStartTimeUs;
mStopTimeUs = orig.mStopTimeUs;
mTimes = Arrays.copyOf(orig.mTimes, orig.mTimes.length);
mUsed = Arrays.copyOf(orig.mUsed, orig.mUsed.length);
mTotalBuilds = orig.mTotalBuilds;
mTotalUsed = orig.mTotalUsed;
mTotalCorked = orig.mTotalCorked;
mBigBuilds = orig.mBigBuilds;
mShortLived = orig.mShortLived;
mTotalTimeUs = orig.mTotalTimeUs;
mMaxBuildTimeUs = orig.mMaxBuildTimeUs;
* Set the end time for the statistics. The end time is used only for reporting
* in the dump() method.
private void complete(long stop) {
mStopTimeUs = stop;
* Format a time span into ddd:HH:MM:SS. The input is in us.
private String durationToString(long us) {
// s has a range of several years
int s = (int) (us / (1000 * 1000));
int m = s / 60;
s %= 60;
int h = m / 60;
m %= 60;
int d = h / 24;
h %= 24;
if (d != 0) {
return TextUtils.formatSimple("%2d:%02d:%02d:%02d", d, h, m, s);
} else if (h != 0) {
return TextUtils.formatSimple("%2s %02d:%02d:%02d", "", h, m, s);
} else {
return TextUtils.formatSimple("%2s %2s %2d:%02d", "", "", m, s);
* Print the prefix for dumping. This does not generate a line to the output.
private void dumpPrefix(PrintWriter pw, String indent, long now, boolean header,
String title) {
pw.print(indent + " ");
if (header) {
pw.format(Locale.US, "%-23s", title);
} else {
pw.format(Locale.US, "%11s", durationToString(now - mStartTimeUs));
if (mStopTimeUs != 0) {
pw.format(Locale.US, " %11s", durationToString(now - mStopTimeUs));
} else {
pw.format(Locale.US, " %11s", "now");
* Dump the summary statistics record. Choose the header or the data.
* number of builds
* number of uses
* number of corks
* number of big builds
* number of short lifetimes
* cumulative build time, in seconds
* maximum build time, in ms
private void dumpStats(PrintWriter pw, String indent, long now, boolean header) {
dumpPrefix(pw, indent, now, header, "Summary stats");
if (header) {
pw.format(Locale.US, " %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s",
"TotBlds", "TotUsed", "TotCork", "BigBlds", "ShortLvd",
"TotTime", "MaxTime");
} else {
" %10d %10d %10d %10d %10d %10d %10d",
mTotalBuilds, mTotalUsed, mTotalCorked, mBigBuilds, mShortLived,
mTotalTimeUs / 1000, mMaxBuildTimeUs / 1000);
* Dump the build time histogram. Choose the header or the data.
private void dumpTimes(PrintWriter pw, String indent, long now, boolean header) {
dumpPrefix(pw, indent, now, header, "Build times");
if (header) {
int[] keys = mTimeBins.userKeys();
for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
pw.format(Locale.US, " %10s",
TextUtils.formatSimple("<= %dms", keys[i]));
pw.format(Locale.US, " %10s",
TextUtils.formatSimple("> %dms", keys[keys.length - 1]));
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < mTimes.length; i++) {
pw.format(Locale.US, " %10d", mTimes[i]);
* Dump the usage histogram. Choose the header or the data.
private void dumpUsage(PrintWriter pw, String indent, long now, boolean header) {
dumpPrefix(pw, indent, now, header, "Use counters");
if (header) {
int[] keys = mUseBins.userKeys();
for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
pw.format(Locale.US, " %10s", TextUtils.formatSimple("<= %d", keys[i]));
pw.format(Locale.US, " %10s",
TextUtils.formatSimple("> %d", keys[keys.length - 1]));
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < mUsed.length; i++) {
pw.format(Locale.US, " %10d", mUsed[i]);
* Dump something, based on the "what" parameter.
private void dump(PrintWriter pw, String indent, long now, boolean header, String what) {
if (what.equals("stats")) {
dumpStats(pw, indent, now, header);
} else if (what.equals("times")) {
dumpTimes(pw, indent, now, header);
} else if (what.equals("usage")) {
dumpUsage(pw, indent, now, header);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("unrecognized choice: " + what);
* Report the object via an event. Presumably the record indicates an anomalous
* incident.
private void report() {
mTotalBuilds, mTotalUsed, mBigBuilds, mShortLived,
mMaxBuildTimeUs / US_IN_MS, mTotalTimeUs / US_IN_MS);
* Long statistics. These roll over approximately every week.
private Stats[] mLong;
* Short statistics. These roll over approximately every minute;
private Stats[] mShort;
* The time of the last build. This can be used to compute the length of time a
* snapshot existed before being replaced.
private long mLastBuildTime = 0;
* Create a snapshot object. Initialize the bin levels. The last bin catches
* everything that is not caught earlier, so its value is not really important.
public SnapshotStatistics() {
// Create the bin thresholds. The time bins are in units of us.
mTimeBins = new BinMap(new int[] { 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 });
mUseBins = new BinMap(new int[] { 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 });
// Create the raw statistics
final long now = SystemClock.currentTimeMicro();
mLong = new Stats[2];
mLong[0] = new Stats(now);
mShort = new Stats[10];
mShort[0] = new Stats(now);
// Create the message handler for ticks and start the ticker.
mHandler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()) {
public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
* Handle a message. The only messages are ticks, so the message parameter is ignored.
private void handleMessage(@Nullable Message msg) {
* Schedule one tick, a tick interval in the future.
private void scheduleTick() {
mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(0, SNAPSHOT_TICK_INTERVAL_MS);
* Record a rebuild. Cumulative and current statistics are updated. Events may be
* generated.
* @param now The time at which the snapshot rebuild began, in ns.
* @param done The time at which the snapshot rebuild completed, in ns.
* @param hits The number of times the previous snapshot was used.
public final void rebuild(long now, long done, int hits) {
// The duration has a span of about 2000s
final int duration = (int) (done - now);
boolean reportEvent = false;
synchronized (mLock) {
mLastBuildTime = now;
final int timeBin = mTimeBins.getBin(duration / 1000);
final int useBin = mUseBins.getBin(hits);
final boolean big = duration >= SNAPSHOT_BIG_BUILD_TIME_US;
final boolean quick = hits <= SNAPSHOT_SHORT_LIFETIME;
mShort[0].rebuild(duration, hits, timeBin, useBin, big, quick);
mLong[0].rebuild(duration, hits, timeBin, useBin, big, quick);
if (mEventsReported++ < SNAPSHOT_BUILD_REPORT_LIMIT) {
reportEvent = true;
// The IO to the logger is done outside the lock.
if (reportEvent) {
// Report the first N big builds, and every new maximum after that.
EventLogTags.writePmSnapshotRebuild(duration / US_IN_MS, hits);
* Record a corked snapshot request.
public final void corked() {
synchronized (mLock) {
* Roll a stats array. Shift the elements up an index and create a new element at
* index zero. The old element zero is completed with the specified time.
private void shift(Stats[] s, long now) {
for (int i = s.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
s[i] = s[i - 1];
s[0] = new Stats(now);
* Roll the statistics.
* <ul>
* <li> Roll the quick statistics immediately.
* <li> Roll the long statistics every SNAPSHOT_LONG_TICKER ticks. The long
* statistics hold a week's worth of data.
* <li> Roll the logging statistics every SNAPSHOT_LOGGING_TICKER ticks. The logging
* statistics hold 10 minutes worth of data.
* </ul>
private void tick() {
synchronized (mLock) {
long now = SystemClock.currentTimeMicro();
if (mTicks % SNAPSHOT_LONG_TICKS == 0) {
shift(mLong, now);
shift(mShort, now);
mEventsReported = 0;
* Dump the statistics. The header is dumped from l[0], so that must not be null.
private void dump(PrintWriter pw, String indent, long now, Stats[] l, Stats[] s, String what) {
l[0].dump(pw, indent, now, true, what);
for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
if (s[i] != null) {
s[i].dump(pw, indent, now, false, what);
for (int i = 0; i < l.length; i++) {
if (l[i] != null) {
l[i].dump(pw, indent, now, false, what);
* Dump the statistics. The format is compatible with the PackageManager dumpsys
* output.
public void dump(PrintWriter pw, String indent, long now, int unrecorded,
int corkLevel, boolean brief) {
// Grab the raw statistics under lock, but print them outside of the lock.
Stats[] l;
Stats[] s;
synchronized (mLock) {
l = Arrays.copyOf(mLong, mLong.length);
l[0] = new Stats(l[0]);
s = Arrays.copyOf(mShort, mShort.length);
s[0] = new Stats(s[0]);
pw.format(Locale.US, "%s Unrecorded-hits: %d Cork-level: %d", indent,
unrecorded, corkLevel);
dump(pw, indent, now, l, s, "stats");
if (brief) {
dump(pw, indent, now, l, s, "times");
dump(pw, indent, now, l, s, "usage");