blob: 1c81ebd77177f5bfd47a0c3d94515b6560b94540 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static androidx.annotation.RestrictTo.Scope.LIBRARY;
import static androidx.annotation.RestrictTo.Scope.LIBRARY_GROUP;
import android.content.Context;
import androidx.annotation.ColorInt;
import androidx.annotation.IntDef;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;
import androidx.core.util.Consumer;
import androidx.slice.SliceSpecs;
import androidx.slice.core.SliceHints;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.util.List;
* A slice can be constructed with ListBuilder.
* <p>
* A slice is a piece of templated app content that can be presented outside of the app
* in a {@link androidx.slice.widget.SliceView}. To provide a slice you should implement a
* {@link androidx.slice.SliceProvider} and use ListBuilder to construct your slice when
* {@link androidx.slice.SliceProvider#onBindSlice(Uri)} is called.
* <p>
* ListBuilder allows you to construct a slice made up of rows of content. A list should
* have at least one row of content as well as a primary {@link SliceAction}. The row types that
* ListBuilder supports are:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link HeaderBuilder} - A list can have one header which appears at the top of the list.
* The header can support showing title, subtitle, and a row action. A header can also have
* a summary of the contents of the slice which can be shown when not all of the slice can be
* displayed.
* </li>
* <li>{@link RowBuilder} - A basic row supports title, subtitle, timestamps, images, row
* action, icon actions, and toggle actions.
* </li>
* <li>{@link GridRowBuilder} - A grid row supports cells of vertically laid out content
* displayed in a single row.
* </li>
* <li>{@link RangeBuilder} - A range row supports displaying a horizontal progress indicator.
* </li>
* <li>{@link InputRangeBuilder} - An input range row supports displaying a horizontal slider
* allowing slider input (e.g. brightness or volume slider).
* </li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* In addition to rows of content, ListBuilder can also have {@link SliceAction}s added to it. These
* actions may appear differently on your slice depending on how the
* {@link androidx.slice.widget.SliceView} is configured. Normally the actions would appear in
* the header.
* <p>
* To ensure your slice is presented correctly you should consider the configurations
* {@link androidx.slice.widget.SliceView} supports:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link androidx.slice.widget.SliceView#MODE_SHORTCUT} - The primary {@link SliceAction}
* of the slice is used your primary action should contain an image and title representative
* of your slice. If providing a tintable icon, use {@link #setColor(int)} to specify the color.
* If a header has been specified for the list, the primary action associated with it will be
* used, otherwise it will be the primary action associated with the first row of the list.
* </li>
* <li>{@link androidx.slice.widget.SliceView#MODE_SMALL} - Only a single row of content is
* displayed in small format. If a header has been specified it will be displayed. If no header
* was set, then the first row will be used and may appear differently depending on the row
* type and the configuration of {@link androidx.slice.widget.SliceView}.
* </li>
* <li>{@link androidx.slice.widget.SliceView#MODE_LARGE} - As many rows of content are shown
* as possible. If the presenter of the slice allows scrolling then all rows of content will
* be displayed in a scrollable view.
* </li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* Note that scrolling on SliceView can be disabled, in which case only the header and one or two
* rows of content may be shown for your slice. If your slice contains many rows of content to
* scroll through (e.g. list of wifi networks), consider using
* {@link #addSeeMoreAction(PendingIntent)} to provide a link to open the activity associated with
* the content.
* @see HeaderBuilder
* @see RowBuilder
* @see GridRowBuilder
* @see RangeBuilder
* @see InputRangeBuilder
* @see SliceAction
* @see androidx.slice.SliceProvider
* @see androidx.slice.SliceProvider#onBindSlice(Uri)
* @see androidx.slice.widget.SliceView
public class ListBuilder extends TemplateSliceBuilder {
private boolean mHasSeeMore;
private mImpl;
* @hide
public @interface ImageMode{}
* Indicates that an image should be presented as an icon and it can be tinted.
public static final int ICON_IMAGE = SliceHints.ICON_IMAGE;
* Indicates that an image should be presented in a smaller size and it shouldn't be tinted.
public static final int SMALL_IMAGE = SliceHints.SMALL_IMAGE;
* Indicates that an image presented in a larger size and it shouldn't be tinted.
public static final int LARGE_IMAGE = SliceHints.LARGE_IMAGE;
* Indicates that an image mode is unknown.
public static final int UNKNOWN_IMAGE = SliceHints.UNKNOWN_IMAGE;
* Constant representing infinity.
public static final long INFINITY = SliceHints.INFINITY;
* Create a builder which will construct a slice made up of rows of content.
* @param uri Uri to tag for this slice.
* @deprecated TO BE REMOVED; use {@link #ListBuilder(Context, Uri, long)}.
public ListBuilder(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull Uri uri) {
super(context, uri);
* Create a builder which will construct a slice that will display rows of content.
* <p>
* A slice requires an associated time-to-live, i.e. how long the data contained in the slice
* can remain fresh. If your slice has content that is not time sensitive, set a TTL of
* {@link #INFINITY}.
* @param uri Uri to tag for this slice.
* @param ttl the length in milliseconds that the content in this slice can live for.
public ListBuilder(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull Uri uri, long ttl) {
super(context, uri);
void setImpl(TemplateBuilderImpl impl) {
mImpl = ( impl;
* Add a row to the list builder.
public ListBuilder addRow(@NonNull RowBuilder builder) {
mImpl.addRow((TemplateBuilderImpl) builder.mImpl);
return this;
* Add a row to the list builder.
public ListBuilder addRow(@NonNull Consumer<RowBuilder> c) {
RowBuilder b = new RowBuilder(this);
return addRow(b);
* Add a grid row to the list builder.
* @deprecated TO BE REMOVED; use {@link #addGridRow(GridRowBuilder)} instead
public ListBuilder addGrid(@NonNull GridBuilder builder) {
mImpl.addGridRow((TemplateBuilderImpl) builder.getImpl());
return this;
* Add a grid row to the list builder.
* @deprecated TO BE REMOVED; use {@link #addGridRow(GridRowBuilder)} instead
public ListBuilder addGrid(@NonNull Consumer<GridBuilder> c) {
GridBuilder b = new GridBuilder(this);
return addGrid(b);
* Add a grid row to the list builder.
public ListBuilder addGridRow(@NonNull GridRowBuilder builder) {
mImpl.addGridRow((TemplateBuilderImpl) builder.getImpl());
return this;
* Add a grid row to the list builder.
public ListBuilder addGridRow(@NonNull Consumer<GridRowBuilder> c) {
GridRowBuilder b = new GridRowBuilder(this);
return addGridRow(b);
* Sets a header for this list builder. A list can have only one header. Setting a header allows
* some flexibility in what's displayed in your slice when SliceView displays in
* {@link androidx.slice.widget.SliceView#MODE_SMALL} and
* {@link androidx.slice.widget.SliceView#MODE_SHORTCUT}.
* <p>
* In MODE_SMALL, the header row shown if one has been added. The header will also
* display the {@link HeaderBuilder#setSummary(CharSequence)} text if it has been
* specified, allowing a summary of otherwise hidden content to be shown.
* <p>
* In MODE_SHORTCUT, the primary action set using
* {@link HeaderBuilder#setPrimaryAction(SliceAction)} will be used for the shortcut
* representation.
* @see HeaderBuilder#setSummary(CharSequence)
public ListBuilder setHeader(@NonNull HeaderBuilder builder) {
mImpl.setHeader((TemplateBuilderImpl) builder.mImpl);
return this;
* Sets a header for this list builder. A list can have only one header. Setting a header allows
* some flexibility in what's displayed in your slice when SliceView displays in
* {@link androidx.slice.widget.SliceView#MODE_SMALL} and
* {@link androidx.slice.widget.SliceView#MODE_SHORTCUT}.
* <p>
* In MODE_SMALL, the header row shown if one has been added. The header will also
* display the {@link HeaderBuilder#setSummary(CharSequence)} text if it has been
* specified, allowing a summary of otherwise hidden content to be shown.
* <p>
* In MODE_SHORTCUT, the primary action set using
* {@link HeaderBuilder#setPrimaryAction(SliceAction)} will be used for the shortcut
* representation.
* @see HeaderBuilder#setSummary(CharSequence)
public ListBuilder setHeader(@NonNull Consumer<HeaderBuilder> c) {
HeaderBuilder b = new HeaderBuilder(this);
return setHeader(b);
* Adds an action to this list builder.
* <p>
* Actions added with this method are grouped together on the list template. These actions may
* appear differently on the slice depending on how the {@link androidx.slice.widget.SliceView}
* is configured. Generally these actions will be displayed in the order they were added,
* however, if not all actions can be displayed then actions with a higher priority may be shown
* first.
* @see SliceAction
* @see SliceAction#setPriority(int)
* @see androidx.slice.widget.SliceView#setActions(List, int)
public ListBuilder addAction(@NonNull SliceAction action) {
return this;
* Sets the color to use on tintable items within the list builder.
* Things that might be tinted are:
* <ul>
* <li>Any {@link SliceAction}s within your slice.
* </li>
* <li>UI controls such as {@link android.widget.Switch}s or {@link android.widget.SeekBar}s
* </li>
* <li>Tinting the {@link androidx.slice.widget.SliceView#MODE_SHORTCUT} representation
* </li>
* </ul>
public ListBuilder setColor(@ColorInt int color) {
return this;
* Sets keywords to associate with this slice.
public ListBuilder setKeywords(List<String> keywords) {
return this;
* If all content in a slice cannot be shown, the row added here may be displayed where the
* content is cut off. This row should have an affordance to take the user to an activity to
* see all of the content.
* <p>
* This method should only be used if you want to display a customized row to indicate more
* content, consider using {@link #addSeeMoreAction(PendingIntent)} otherwise. If you do
* choose to specify a custom row, the row should have a content intent or action end item
* specified to take the user to an activity to see all of the content. The row added here
* will only appear when not all content can be displayed and it will not be styled any
* differently from row built by {@link RowBuilder} normally.
* </p>
* <p>
* Only one see more affordance can be added, this throws {@link IllegalStateException} if
* a row or action has been previously added.
* </p>
public ListBuilder setSeeMoreRow(@NonNull RowBuilder builder) {
if (mHasSeeMore) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Trying to add see more row when one has "
+ "already been added");
mImpl.setSeeMoreRow((TemplateBuilderImpl) builder.mImpl);
mHasSeeMore = true;
return this;
* If all content in a slice cannot be shown, the row added here may be displayed where the
* content is cut off. This row should have an affordance to take the user to an activity to
* see all of the content.
* <p>
* This method should only be used if you want to display a customized row to indicate more
* content, consider using {@link #addSeeMoreAction(PendingIntent)} otherwise. If you do
* choose to specify a custom row, the row should have a content intent or action end item
* specified to take the user to an activity to see all of the content. The row added here
* will only appear when not all content can be displayed and it will not be styled any
* differently from row built by {@link RowBuilder} normally.
* </p>
* Only one see more affordance can be added, this throws {@link IllegalStateException} if
* a row or action has been previously added.
* </p>
public ListBuilder setSeeMoreRow(@NonNull Consumer<RowBuilder> c) {
RowBuilder b = new RowBuilder(this);
return addSeeMoreRow(b);
* If all content in a slice cannot be shown, a "see more" affordance may be displayed where
* the content is cut off. The action added here should take the user to an activity to see
* all of the content, and will be invoked when the "see more" affordance is tapped.
* <p>
* Only one see more affordance can be added, this throws {@link IllegalStateException} if
* a row or action has been previously added.
* </p>
public ListBuilder setSeeMoreAction(@NonNull PendingIntent intent) {
if (mHasSeeMore) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Trying to add see more action when one has "
+ "already been added");
mHasSeeMore = true;
return this;
* If all content in a slice cannot be shown, the row added here may be displayed where the
* content is cut off. This row should have an affordance to take the user to an activity to
* see all of the content.
* <p>
* This method should only be used if you want to display a custom row to indicate more
* content, consider using {@link #addSeeMoreAction(PendingIntent)} otherwise. If you do
* choose to specify a custom row, the row should have a content intent or action end item
* specified to take the user to an activity to see all of the content.
* </p>
* <p>
* Only one see more affordance can be added, this throws {@link IllegalStateException} if
* a row or action has been previously added.
* </p>
* @deprecated TO BE REMOVED
public ListBuilder addSeeMoreRow(@NonNull RowBuilder builder) {
if (mHasSeeMore) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Trying to add see more row when one has "
+ "already been added");
mImpl.setSeeMoreRow((TemplateBuilderImpl) builder.mImpl);
mHasSeeMore = true;
return this;
* If all content in a slice cannot be shown, the row added here may be displayed where the
* content is cut off. This row should have an affordance to take the user to an activity to
* see all of the content.
* <p>
* This method should only be used if you want to display a custom row to indicate more
* content, consider using {@link #addSeeMoreAction(PendingIntent)} otherwise. If you do
* choose to specify a custom row, the row should have a content intent or action end item
* specified to take the user to an activity to see all of the content.
* </p>
* Only one see more affordance can be added, this throws {@link IllegalStateException} if
* a row or action has been previously added.
* </p>
* @deprecated TO BE REMOVED
public ListBuilder addSeeMoreRow(@NonNull Consumer<RowBuilder> c) {
RowBuilder b = new RowBuilder(this);
return setSeeMoreRow(b);
* If all content in a slice cannot be shown, a "see more" affordance may be displayed where
* the content is cut off. The action added here should take the user to an activity to see
* all of the content, and will be invoked when the "see more" affordance is tapped.
* <p>
* Only one see more affordance can be added, this throws {@link IllegalStateException} if
* a row or action has been previously added.
* </p>
* @deprecated TO BE REMOVED
public ListBuilder addSeeMoreAction(@NonNull PendingIntent intent) {
if (mHasSeeMore) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Trying to add see more action when one has "
+ "already been added");
mHasSeeMore = true;
return this;
* @hide
protected TemplateBuilderImpl selectImpl() {
if (checkCompatible(SliceSpecs.LIST)) {
return new ListBuilderV1Impl(getBuilder(), SliceSpecs.LIST);
} else if (checkCompatible(SliceSpecs.BASIC)) {
return new ListBuilderBasicImpl(getBuilder(), SliceSpecs.BASIC);
return null;
* @hide
public getImpl() {
return mImpl;
* Add an input range row to the list builder.
public ListBuilder addInputRange(@NonNull InputRangeBuilder b) {
mImpl.addInputRange((TemplateBuilderImpl) b.mImpl);
return this;
* Add an input range row to the list builder.
public ListBuilder addInputRange(@NonNull Consumer<InputRangeBuilder> c) {
InputRangeBuilder inputRangeBuilder = new InputRangeBuilder(this);
return addInputRange(inputRangeBuilder);
* Add a range row to the list builder.
public ListBuilder addRange(@NonNull RangeBuilder rangeBuilder) {
mImpl.addRange((TemplateBuilderImpl) rangeBuilder.mImpl);
return this;
* Add a range row to the list builder.
public ListBuilder addRange(@NonNull Consumer<RangeBuilder> c) {
RangeBuilder rangeBuilder = new RangeBuilder(this);
return addRange(rangeBuilder);
* Builder to construct a range row which can be added to a {@link ListBuilder}.
* <p>
* A range row supports displaying a horizontal progress indicator.
* @see ListBuilder#addRange(Consumer)
* @see ListBuilder#addRange(RangeBuilder)
public static class RangeBuilder extends TemplateSliceBuilder {
private mImpl;
* Builder to construct a range row which can be added to a {@link ListBuilder}.
* <p>
* A range row supports displaying a horizontal progress indicator.
* @see ListBuilder#addRange(Consumer)
* @see ListBuilder#addRange(RangeBuilder)
public RangeBuilder(@NonNull ListBuilder parent) {
* Set the upper limit of the range. The default is 100.
public RangeBuilder setMax(int max) {
return this;
* Set the current value of the range.
public RangeBuilder setValue(int value) {
return this;
* Set the title.
public RangeBuilder setTitle(@NonNull CharSequence title) {
return this;
* Set the subtitle.
public RangeBuilder setSubtitle(@NonNull CharSequence title) {
return this;
* Set the primary action for this row.
* <p>
* The action specified here will be sent when the whole row is clicked. If this
* is the first row in a {@link ListBuilder} this action will also be used to define
* the {@link androidx.slice.widget.SliceView#MODE_SHORTCUT} representation of the slice.
public RangeBuilder setPrimaryAction(@NonNull SliceAction action) {
return this;
* Sets the content description.
public RangeBuilder setContentDescription(@NonNull CharSequence description) {
return this;
void setImpl(TemplateBuilderImpl impl) {
mImpl = ( impl;
* Builder to construct a input range row.
* <p>
* An input range row supports displaying a horizontal slider allowing slider input.
* @see ListBuilder#addInputRange(Consumer)
* @see ListBuilder#addInputRange(InputRangeBuilder)
public static class InputRangeBuilder extends TemplateSliceBuilder {
private mImpl;
* Builder to construct a input range row.
* <p>
* An input range row supports displaying a horizontal slider allowing slider input.
* @see ListBuilder#addInputRange(Consumer)
* @see ListBuilder#addInputRange(InputRangeBuilder)
public InputRangeBuilder(@NonNull ListBuilder parent) {
* Set the lower limit of the range. The default is 0.
public InputRangeBuilder setMin(int min) {
return this;
* Set the upper limit of the range. The default is 100.
public InputRangeBuilder setMax(int max) {
return this;
* Set the current value of the range.
public InputRangeBuilder setValue(int value) {
return this;
* Set the title.
public InputRangeBuilder setTitle(@NonNull CharSequence title) {
return this;
* Set the subtitle.
public InputRangeBuilder setSubtitle(@NonNull CharSequence title) {
return this;
* Set the {@link PendingIntent} to send when the current value is updated.
* @deprecated TO BE REMOVED; use {@link InputRangeBuilder#setInputAction(PendingIntent)}
public InputRangeBuilder setAction(@NonNull PendingIntent action) {
return this;
* Set the {@link PendingIntent} to send when the current value is updated.
public InputRangeBuilder setInputAction(@NonNull PendingIntent action) {
return this;
* @deprecated TO BE REMOVED
public InputRangeBuilder setThumb(@NonNull Icon thumb) {
return setThumb(IconCompat.createFromIcon(thumb));
* Set the {@link Icon} to be displayed as the thumb on the input range.
public InputRangeBuilder setThumb(@NonNull IconCompat thumb) {
return this;
* Set the primary action for this row.
* <p>
* The action specified here will be sent when the whole row is clicked, whereas
* the action specified via {@link #setAction(PendingIntent)} is used when the slider
* is interacted with. Additionally, if this is the first row in a {@link ListBuilder} this
* action will also be used to define the
* {@link androidx.slice.widget.SliceView#MODE_SHORTCUT} representation of the slice.
public InputRangeBuilder setPrimaryAction(@NonNull SliceAction action) {
return this;
* Sets the content description.
public InputRangeBuilder setContentDescription(@NonNull CharSequence description) {
return this;
void setImpl(TemplateBuilderImpl impl) {
mImpl = ( impl;
* Builder to construct a row. A row can be added as an item to ListBuilder via
* {@link ListBuilder#addRow(RowBuilder)}.
* <p>
* A row supports:
* <ul>
* <li>Title item - The title item appears with at the start of the row. There can only
* be one title item added to a row, and it could be a timestamp, image, or a
* {@link SliceAction}.
* </li>
* <li>Title - Single line of text formatted as a title, see
* {@link #setTitle(CharSequence)}.
* </li>
* <li>Subtitle - Single line of text below the title (if one exists) and is formatted as
* normal text, see {@link #setSubtitle(CharSequence)}.
* </li>
* <li>End item - End items appear at the end of the row. There can be multiple end items
* that show depending on available width. End items can be a timestamp, image, or a
* tappable icon.
* </li>
* <li>Primary action - The primary action for the row, this is the action that will be sent
* when the row is clicked. This is set via {@link #setPrimaryAction(SliceAction)}. If this
* is the only row in a slice, the slice action set here will be used to represent the
* slice in when slice view is displaying in
* {@link androidx.slice.widget.SliceView#MODE_SMALL}.
* </li>
* </ul>
* There are a couple of restrictions to how content can be added to a row:
* <ul>
* <li>End items cannot contain a mixture of {@link SliceAction}s and Icons.</li>
* <li>There can only be one timestamp added to the row.</li>
* </ul>
* @see ListBuilder#addRow(RowBuilder)
public static class RowBuilder extends TemplateSliceBuilder {
private mImpl;
private boolean mHasEndActionOrToggle;
private boolean mHasEndImage;
private boolean mHasDefaultToggle;
private boolean mHasTimestamp;
* Builder to construct a row.
* @param parent The builder constructing the parent slice.
public RowBuilder(@NonNull ListBuilder parent) {
* Builder to construct a row.
* @param uri Uri to tag for this slice.
public RowBuilder(@NonNull ListBuilder parent, @NonNull Uri uri) {
* Builder to construct a normal row.
* @param uri Uri to tag for this slice.
public RowBuilder(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull Uri uri) {
super(new ListBuilder(context, uri).mImpl.createRowBuilder(uri));
* Sets the title item to be the provided timestamp. Only one timestamp can be added, if
* one is already added this will throw {@link IllegalArgumentException}.
* <p>
* There can only be one title item, this will replace any other title
* items that may have been set.
public RowBuilder setTitleItem(long timeStamp) {
if (mHasTimestamp) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Trying to add a timestamp when one has "
+ "already been added");
mHasTimestamp = true;
return this;
* @deprecated TO BE REMOVED.
public RowBuilder setTitleItem(@NonNull Icon icon) {
return setTitleItem(icon, ICON_IMAGE);
* @deprecated TO BE REMOVED.
public RowBuilder setTitleItem(@Nullable Icon icon, boolean isLoading) {
return setTitleItem(icon, ICON_IMAGE, isLoading);
* @deprecated TO BE REMOVED.
public RowBuilder setTitleItem(@NonNull Icon icon, @ImageMode int imageMode) {
mImpl.setTitleItem(IconCompat.createFromIcon(icon), imageMode, false /* isLoading */);
return this;
* @deprecated TO BE REMOVED.
public RowBuilder setTitleItem(@Nullable Icon icon, @ImageMode int imageMode,
boolean isLoading) {
mImpl.setTitleItem(IconCompat.createFromIcon(icon), imageMode,
isLoading /* isLoading */);
return this;
* Sets the title item to be the provided icon. There can only be one title item, this
* will replace any other title items that may have been set.
* @deprecated TO BE REMOVED; use ListBuilder{@link #setTitleItem(Icon, int, boolean)}.
public RowBuilder setTitleItem(@NonNull IconCompat icon) {
return setTitleItem(icon, ICON_IMAGE);
* Sets the title item to be the provided icon. There can only be one title item, this
* will replace any other title items that may have been set.
* <p>
* Use this method to specify content that will appear in the template once it's been
* loaded.
* </p>
* @param isLoading indicates whether the app is doing work to load the added content in the
* background or not.
* @deprecated TO BE REMOVED; use ListBuilder{@link #setTitleItem(Icon, int, boolean)}.
public RowBuilder setTitleItem(@Nullable IconCompat icon, boolean isLoading) {
return setTitleItem(icon, ICON_IMAGE, isLoading);
* Sets the title item to be the provided icon. There can only be one title item, this
* will replace any other title items that may have been set.
* @param icon the image to display.
* @param imageMode the mode that image should be displayed in.
* @see #ICON_IMAGE
public RowBuilder setTitleItem(@NonNull IconCompat icon, @ImageMode int imageMode) {
mImpl.setTitleItem(icon, imageMode, false /* isLoading */);
return this;
* Sets the title item to be the provided icon. There can only be one title item, this
* will replace any other title items that may have been set.
* <p>
* When set to true, the parameter {@code isLoading} indicates that the app is doing work
* to load this content in the background, in this case the template displays a placeholder
* until updated.
* @param icon the image to display.
* @param imageMode the mode that image should be displayed in.
* @param isLoading whether this content is being loaded in the background.
* @see #ICON_IMAGE
public RowBuilder setTitleItem(@Nullable IconCompat icon, @ImageMode int imageMode,
boolean isLoading) {
mImpl.setTitleItem(icon, imageMode, isLoading /* isLoading */);
return this;
* Sets the title item to be a tappable icon. There can only be one title item, this will
* replace any other title items that may have been set.
public RowBuilder setTitleItem(@NonNull SliceAction action) {
return setTitleItem(action, false /* isLoading */);
* Sets the title item to be a tappable icon. There can only be one title item, this will
* replace any other title items that may have been set.
* <p>
* Use this method to specify content that will appear in the template once it's been
* loaded.
* </p>
* @param isLoading indicates whether the app is doing work to load the added content in the
* background or not.
public RowBuilder setTitleItem(@NonNull SliceAction action, boolean isLoading) {
mImpl.setTitleItem(action, isLoading);
return this;
* The action specified here will be sent when the whole row is clicked.
* <p>
* If this is the first row in a {@link ListBuilder} this action will also be used to define
* the {@link androidx.slice.widget.SliceView#MODE_SHORTCUT} representation of the slice.
public RowBuilder setPrimaryAction(@NonNull SliceAction action) {
return this;
* Sets the title for the row builder.
public RowBuilder setTitle(@NonNull CharSequence title) {
return this;
* Sets the title for the row builder.
* <p>
* Use this method to specify content that will appear in the template once it's been
* loaded.
* </p>
* @param isLoading indicates whether the app is doing work to load the added content in the
* background or not.
public RowBuilder setTitle(@Nullable CharSequence title, boolean isLoading) {
mImpl.setTitle(title, isLoading);
return this;
* Sets the subtitle for the row builder.
public RowBuilder setSubtitle(@NonNull CharSequence subtitle) {
return setSubtitle(subtitle, false /* isLoading */);
* Sets the subtitle for the row builder.
* <p>
* Use this method to specify content that will appear in the template once it's been
* loaded.
* </p>
* @param isLoading indicates whether the app is doing work to load the added content in the
* background or not.
public RowBuilder setSubtitle(@Nullable CharSequence subtitle, boolean isLoading) {
mImpl.setSubtitle(subtitle, isLoading);
return this;
* Adds a timestamp to the end items of the row builder. Only one timestamp can be added,
* if one is already added this will throw {@link IllegalArgumentException}.
public RowBuilder addEndItem(long timeStamp) {
if (mHasTimestamp) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Trying to add a timestamp when one has "
+ "already been added");
mHasTimestamp = true;
return this;
* @deprecated TO BE REMOVED
public RowBuilder addEndItem(@NonNull Icon icon) {
return addEndItem(icon, ICON_IMAGE, false /* isLoading */);
* @deprecated TO BE REMOVED
public RowBuilder addEndItem(@NonNull Icon icon, boolean isLoading) {
return addEndItem(icon, ICON_IMAGE, isLoading);
* @deprecated TO BE REMOVED
public RowBuilder addEndItem(@NonNull Icon icon, @ImageMode int imageMode) {
return addEndItem(icon, imageMode, false /* isLoading */);
* @deprecated TO BE REMOVED
public RowBuilder addEndItem(@Nullable Icon icon, @ImageMode int imageMode,
boolean isLoading) {
if (mHasEndActionOrToggle) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Trying to add an icon to end items when an"
+ "action has already been added. End items cannot have a mixture of "
+ "actions and icons.");
mImpl.addEndItem(IconCompat.createFromIcon(icon), imageMode, isLoading);
mHasEndImage = true;
return this;
* Adds an icon to the end items of the row builder. A mixture of icons and actions
* is not permitted. If an action has already been added this will throw
* {@link IllegalArgumentException}.
* @deprecated use ListBuilder{@link #addEndItem(Icon, int)} instead.
public RowBuilder addEndItem(@NonNull IconCompat icon) {
return addEndItem(icon, ICON_IMAGE, false /* isLoading */);
* Adds an icon to be displayed at the end of the row. A mixture of icons and actions
* is not permitted. If an action has already been added this will throw
* {@link IllegalArgumentException}.
* <p>
* Use this method to specify content that will appear in the template once it's been
* loaded.
* </p>
* @param isLoading indicates whether the app is doing work to load the added content in the
* background or not.
* @deprecated use ListBuilder{@link #addEndItem(Icon, int, boolean)} instead.
public RowBuilder addEndItem(@NonNull IconCompat icon, boolean isLoading) {
return addEndItem(icon, ICON_IMAGE, isLoading);
* Adds an icon to the end items of the row builder.
* @param icon the image to display.
* @param imageMode the mode that image should be displayed in.
* @see #ICON_IMAGE
public RowBuilder addEndItem(@NonNull IconCompat icon, @ImageMode int imageMode) {
return addEndItem(icon, imageMode, false /* isLoading */);
* Adds an icon to the end items of the row builder.
* <p>
* When set to true, the parameter {@code isLoading} indicates that the app is doing work
* to load this content in the background, in this case the template displays a placeholder
* until updated.
* @param icon the image to display.
* @param imageMode the mode that image should be displayed in.
* @param isLoading whether this content is being loaded in the background.
* @see #ICON_IMAGE
public RowBuilder addEndItem(@Nullable IconCompat icon, @ImageMode int imageMode,
boolean isLoading) {
if (mHasEndActionOrToggle) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Trying to add an icon to end items when an"
+ "action has already been added. End items cannot have a mixture of "
+ "actions and icons.");
mImpl.addEndItem(icon, imageMode, isLoading);
mHasEndImage = true;
return this;
* Adds an action to the end items of the row builder. A mixture of icons and
* actions is not permitted. If an icon has already been added, this will throw
* {@link IllegalArgumentException}.
public RowBuilder addEndItem(@NonNull SliceAction action) {
return addEndItem(action, false /* isLoading */);
* Adds an action to the end items of the row builder. A mixture of icons and
* actions is not permitted. If an icon has already been added, this will throw
* {@link IllegalArgumentException}.
* <p>
* Use this method to specify content that will appear in the template once it's been
* loaded.
* </p>
* @param isLoading indicates whether the app is doing work to load the added content in the
* background or not.
public RowBuilder addEndItem(@NonNull SliceAction action, boolean isLoading) {
if (mHasEndImage) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Trying to add an action to end items when an"
+ "icon has already been added. End items cannot have a mixture of "
+ "actions and icons.");
if (mHasDefaultToggle) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Only one non-custom toggle can be added "
+ "in a single row. If you would like to include multiple toggles "
+ "in a row, set a custom icon for each toggle.");
mImpl.addEndItem(action, isLoading);
mHasDefaultToggle = action.getImpl().isDefaultToggle();
mHasEndActionOrToggle = true;
return this;
* Sets the content description for the row.
public RowBuilder setContentDescription(@NonNull CharSequence description) {
return this;
void setImpl(TemplateBuilderImpl impl) {
mImpl = ( impl;
* @hide
public getImpl() {
return mImpl;
* Builder to construct a header row.
* <p>
* A header provides some additional functionality compared to a {@link RowBuilder}. Like
* a row, a header has a title, subtitle, and primary action.
* <p>
* In addition to a row's title, subtitle, and primary action, a header also supports setting
* a summary description of the list contents using
* {@link HeaderBuilder#setSummary(CharSequence)}. This summary might be used when
* the rest of the list content is not shown (e.g. if SliceView presenting slice is
* configured to {@link androidx.slice.widget.SliceView#MODE_SMALL}.
* <p>
* The primary action specified by {@link HeaderBuilder#setPrimaryAction(SliceAction)} will
* be used as the PendingIntent sent when header is clicked. This action is also used when
* when SliceView displays in {@link androidx.slice.widget.SliceView#MODE_SHORTCUT}.
* <p>
* Unlike row builder, header builder does not support end items (e.g.
* {@link RowBuilder#addEndItem(SliceAction)}). The header may be used to display actions set
* on the list via {@link #addAction(SliceAction)}.
* @see ListBuilder#setHeader(HeaderBuilder)
* @see ListBuilder#addAction(SliceAction)
* @see SliceAction
public static class HeaderBuilder extends TemplateSliceBuilder {
private mImpl;
* Create builder for a header.
public HeaderBuilder(@NonNull ListBuilder parent) {
* Create builder for a header.
* @hide
public HeaderBuilder(@NonNull ListBuilder parent, @NonNull Uri uri) {
* Sets the title for the header builder.
public HeaderBuilder setTitle(@NonNull CharSequence title) {
return setTitle(title, false /* isLoading */);
* Sets the title for the header builder.
* <p>
* Use this method to specify content that will appear in the template once it's been
* loaded.
* </p>
* @param isLoading indicates whether the app is doing work to load the added content in the
* background or not.
public HeaderBuilder setTitle(@NonNull CharSequence title, boolean isLoading) {
mImpl.setTitle(title, isLoading);
return this;
* Sets the subtitle for the header builder.
public HeaderBuilder setSubtitle(@NonNull CharSequence subtitle) {
return setSubtitle(subtitle, false /* isLoading */);
* Sets the subtitle for the header builder.
* <p>
* Use this method to specify content that will appear in the template once it's been
* loaded.
* </p>
* @param isLoading indicates whether the app is doing work to load the added content in the
* background or not.
public HeaderBuilder setSubtitle(@NonNull CharSequence subtitle, boolean isLoading) {
mImpl.setSubtitle(subtitle, isLoading);
return this;
* Sets the summary subtitle to be shown in this header. If unset, the normal subtitle
* will be used. The summary is used when the parent template is presented in a
* small format.
* @deprecated TO BE REMOVED; use {@link #setSummary(CharSequence)}
public HeaderBuilder setSummarySubtitle(@NonNull CharSequence summarySubtitle) {
return setSummary(summarySubtitle, false /* isLoading */);
* Sets the summary subtitle to be shown in this header. If unset, the normal subtitle
* will be used. The summary is used when the parent template is presented in a
* small format.
* @deprecated TO BE REMOVED; use {@link #setSummary(CharSequence, boolean)}
public HeaderBuilder setSummarySubtitle(@NonNull CharSequence summarySubtitle,
boolean isLoading) {
return setSummary(summarySubtitle, isLoading /* isLoading */);
* Sets the summary for the header builder. A summary is optional.
* <p>
* The summary should be a description of the contents of the list. This summary might be
* used when the rest of the list content is not shown (e.g. if SliceView presenting slice
* is configured to {@link androidx.slice.widget.SliceView#MODE_SMALL}.
public HeaderBuilder setSummary(@NonNull CharSequence summary) {
return setSummary(summary, false /* isLoading */);
* Sets the summary for the header builder. A summary is optional.
* <p>
* The summary should be a description of the contents of the list. This summary might be
* used when the rest of the list content is not shown (e.g. if SliceView presenting slice
* is configured to {@link androidx.slice.widget.SliceView#MODE_SMALL}.
* <p>
* Use this method to specify content that will appear in the template once it's been
* loaded.
* </p>
* @param isLoading indicates whether the app is doing work to load the added content in the
* background or not.
public HeaderBuilder setSummary(@NonNull CharSequence summary, boolean isLoading) {
mImpl.setSummary(summary, isLoading);
return this;
* Sets the action to send when the header is clicked.
* <p>
* Additionally, the action specified here is used when the slice associated with this
* header is displayed in {@link androidx.slice.widget.SliceView#MODE_SHORTCUT}.
public HeaderBuilder setPrimaryAction(@NonNull SliceAction action) {
return this;
* Sets the content description for the header.
public HeaderBuilder setContentDescription(@NonNull CharSequence description) {
return this;
void setImpl(TemplateBuilderImpl impl) {
mImpl = ( impl;