blob: b9c51caa2fa09d466cf1582d6d79fee8ef79a4e9 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static androidx.annotation.RestrictTo.Scope.LIBRARY_GROUP;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Parcel;
import android.os.Parcelable;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.view.KeyEvent;
import androidx.annotation.IntDef;
import androidx.annotation.LongDef;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* Playback state for a {@link MediaSessionCompat}. This includes a state like
* {@link PlaybackStateCompat#STATE_PLAYING}, the current playback position,
* and the current control capabilities.
public final class PlaybackStateCompat implements Parcelable {
* @hide
public @interface Actions {}
* @hide
public @interface MediaKeyAction {}
* Indicates this session supports the stop command.
* @see Builder#setActions(long)
public static final long ACTION_STOP = 1 << 0;
* Indicates this session supports the pause command.
* @see Builder#setActions(long)
public static final long ACTION_PAUSE = 1 << 1;
* Indicates this session supports the play command.
* @see Builder#setActions(long)
public static final long ACTION_PLAY = 1 << 2;
* Indicates this session supports the rewind command.
* @see Builder#setActions(long)
public static final long ACTION_REWIND = 1 << 3;
* Indicates this session supports the previous command.
* @see Builder#setActions(long)
public static final long ACTION_SKIP_TO_PREVIOUS = 1 << 4;
* Indicates this session supports the next command.
* @see Builder#setActions(long)
public static final long ACTION_SKIP_TO_NEXT = 1 << 5;
* Indicates this session supports the fast forward command.
* @see Builder#setActions(long)
public static final long ACTION_FAST_FORWARD = 1 << 6;
* Indicates this session supports the set rating command.
* @see Builder#setActions(long)
public static final long ACTION_SET_RATING = 1 << 7;
* Indicates this session supports the seek to command.
* @see Builder#setActions(long)
public static final long ACTION_SEEK_TO = 1 << 8;
* Indicates this session supports the play/pause toggle command.
* @see Builder#setActions(long)
public static final long ACTION_PLAY_PAUSE = 1 << 9;
* Indicates this session supports the play from media id command.
* @see Builder#setActions(long)
public static final long ACTION_PLAY_FROM_MEDIA_ID = 1 << 10;
* Indicates this session supports the play from search command.
* @see Builder#setActions(long)
public static final long ACTION_PLAY_FROM_SEARCH = 1 << 11;
* Indicates this session supports the skip to queue item command.
* @see Builder#setActions(long)
public static final long ACTION_SKIP_TO_QUEUE_ITEM = 1 << 12;
* Indicates this session supports the play from URI command.
* @see Builder#setActions(long)
public static final long ACTION_PLAY_FROM_URI = 1 << 13;
* Indicates this session supports the prepare command.
* @see Builder#setActions(long)
public static final long ACTION_PREPARE = 1 << 14;
* Indicates this session supports the prepare from media id command.
* @see Builder#setActions(long)
public static final long ACTION_PREPARE_FROM_MEDIA_ID = 1 << 15;
* Indicates this session supports the prepare from search command.
* @see Builder#setActions(long)
public static final long ACTION_PREPARE_FROM_SEARCH = 1 << 16;
* Indicates this session supports the prepare from URI command.
* @see Builder#setActions(long)
public static final long ACTION_PREPARE_FROM_URI = 1 << 17;
* Indicates this session supports the set repeat mode command.
* @see Builder#setActions(long)
public static final long ACTION_SET_REPEAT_MODE = 1 << 18;
* Indicates this session supports the set shuffle mode enabled command.
* @see Builder#setActions(long)
* @deprecated Use {@link #ACTION_SET_SHUFFLE_MODE} instead.
public static final long ACTION_SET_SHUFFLE_MODE_ENABLED = 1 << 19;
* Indicates this session supports the set captioning enabled command.
* @see Builder#setActions(long)
public static final long ACTION_SET_CAPTIONING_ENABLED = 1 << 20;
* Indicates this session supports the set shuffle mode command.
* @see Builder#setActions(long)
public static final long ACTION_SET_SHUFFLE_MODE = 1 << 21;
* @hide
public @interface State {}
* This is the default playback state and indicates that no media has been
* added yet, or the performer has been reset and has no content to play.
* @see Builder#setState
public final static int STATE_NONE = 0;
* State indicating this item is currently stopped.
* @see Builder#setState
public final static int STATE_STOPPED = 1;
* State indicating this item is currently paused.
* @see Builder#setState
public final static int STATE_PAUSED = 2;
* State indicating this item is currently playing.
* @see Builder#setState
public final static int STATE_PLAYING = 3;
* State indicating this item is currently fast forwarding.
* @see Builder#setState
public final static int STATE_FAST_FORWARDING = 4;
* State indicating this item is currently rewinding.
* @see Builder#setState
public final static int STATE_REWINDING = 5;
* State indicating this item is currently buffering and will begin playing
* when enough data has buffered.
* @see Builder#setState
public final static int STATE_BUFFERING = 6;
* State indicating this item is currently in an error state. The error
* code should also be set when entering this state.
* @see Builder#setState
* @see Builder#setErrorMessage(int, CharSequence)
public final static int STATE_ERROR = 7;
* State indicating the class doing playback is currently connecting to a
* route. Depending on the implementation you may return to the previous
* state when the connection finishes or enter {@link #STATE_NONE}. If
* the connection failed {@link #STATE_ERROR} should be used.
* <p>
* On devices earlier than API 21, this will appear as {@link #STATE_BUFFERING}
* </p>
* @see Builder#setState
public final static int STATE_CONNECTING = 8;
* State indicating the player is currently skipping to the previous item.
* @see Builder#setState
public final static int STATE_SKIPPING_TO_PREVIOUS = 9;
* State indicating the player is currently skipping to the next item.
* @see Builder#setState
public final static int STATE_SKIPPING_TO_NEXT = 10;
* State indicating the player is currently skipping to a specific item in
* the queue.
* <p>
* On devices earlier than API 21, this will appear as {@link #STATE_SKIPPING_TO_NEXT}
* </p>
* @see Builder#setState
public final static int STATE_SKIPPING_TO_QUEUE_ITEM = 11;
* Use this value for the position to indicate the position is not known.
public final static long PLAYBACK_POSITION_UNKNOWN = -1;
* @hide
public @interface RepeatMode {}
* {@link MediaControllerCompat.TransportControls#getRepeatMode} returns this value
* when the session is not ready for providing its repeat mode.
public static final int REPEAT_MODE_INVALID = -1;
* Use this value with {@link MediaControllerCompat.TransportControls#setRepeatMode}
* to indicate that the playback will be stopped at the end of the playing media list.
public static final int REPEAT_MODE_NONE = 0;
* Use this value with {@link MediaControllerCompat.TransportControls#setRepeatMode}
* to indicate that the playback of the current playing media item will be repeated.
public static final int REPEAT_MODE_ONE = 1;
* Use this value with {@link MediaControllerCompat.TransportControls#setRepeatMode}
* to indicate that the playback of the playing media list will be repeated.
public static final int REPEAT_MODE_ALL = 2;
* Use this value with {@link MediaControllerCompat.TransportControls#setRepeatMode}
* to indicate that the playback of the playing media group will be repeated.
* A group is a logical block of media items which is specified in the section 5.7 of the
* Bluetooth AVRCP 1.6.
public static final int REPEAT_MODE_GROUP = 3;
* @hide
public @interface ShuffleMode {}
* {@link MediaControllerCompat.TransportControls#getShuffleMode} returns this value
* when the session is not ready for providing its shuffle mode.
public static final int SHUFFLE_MODE_INVALID = -1;
* Use this value with {@link MediaControllerCompat.TransportControls#setShuffleMode}
* to indicate that the media list will be played in order.
public static final int SHUFFLE_MODE_NONE = 0;
* Use this value with {@link MediaControllerCompat.TransportControls#setShuffleMode}
* to indicate that the media list will be played in shuffled order.
public static final int SHUFFLE_MODE_ALL = 1;
* Use this value with {@link MediaControllerCompat.TransportControls#setShuffleMode}
* to indicate that the media group will be played in shuffled order.
* A group is a logical block of media items which is specified in the section 5.7 of the
* Bluetooth AVRCP 1.6.
public static final int SHUFFLE_MODE_GROUP = 2;
* @hide
public @interface ErrorCode {}
* This is the default error code and indicates that none of the other error codes applies.
* The error code should be set when entering {@link #STATE_ERROR}.
public static final int ERROR_CODE_UNKNOWN_ERROR = 0;
* Error code when the application state is invalid to fulfill the request.
* The error code should be set when entering {@link #STATE_ERROR}.
public static final int ERROR_CODE_APP_ERROR = 1;
* Error code when the request is not supported by the application.
* The error code should be set when entering {@link #STATE_ERROR}.
public static final int ERROR_CODE_NOT_SUPPORTED = 2;
* Error code when the request cannot be performed because authentication has expired.
* The error code should be set when entering {@link #STATE_ERROR}.
public static final int ERROR_CODE_AUTHENTICATION_EXPIRED = 3;
* Error code when a premium account is required for the request to succeed.
* The error code should be set when entering {@link #STATE_ERROR}.
public static final int ERROR_CODE_PREMIUM_ACCOUNT_REQUIRED = 4;
* Error code when too many concurrent streams are detected.
* The error code should be set when entering {@link #STATE_ERROR}.
public static final int ERROR_CODE_CONCURRENT_STREAM_LIMIT = 5;
* Error code when the content is blocked due to parental controls.
* The error code should be set when entering {@link #STATE_ERROR}.
* Error code when the content is blocked due to being regionally unavailable.
* The error code should be set when entering {@link #STATE_ERROR}.
public static final int ERROR_CODE_NOT_AVAILABLE_IN_REGION = 7;
* Error code when the requested content is already playing.
* The error code should be set when entering {@link #STATE_ERROR}.
public static final int ERROR_CODE_CONTENT_ALREADY_PLAYING = 8;
* Error code when the application cannot skip any more songs because skip limit is reached.
* The error code should be set when entering {@link #STATE_ERROR}.
public static final int ERROR_CODE_SKIP_LIMIT_REACHED = 9;
* Error code when the action is interrupted due to some external event.
* The error code should be set when entering {@link #STATE_ERROR}.
public static final int ERROR_CODE_ACTION_ABORTED = 10;
* Error code when the playback navigation (previous, next) is not possible because the queue
* was exhausted.
* The error code should be set when entering {@link #STATE_ERROR}.
public static final int ERROR_CODE_END_OF_QUEUE = 11;
// KeyEvent constants only available on API 11+
private static final int KEYCODE_MEDIA_PAUSE = 127;
private static final int KEYCODE_MEDIA_PLAY = 126;
* Translates a given action into a matched key code defined in {@link KeyEvent}. The given
* action should be one of the following:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link PlaybackStateCompat#ACTION_PLAY}</li>
* <li>{@link PlaybackStateCompat#ACTION_PAUSE}</li>
* <li>{@link PlaybackStateCompat#ACTION_SKIP_TO_NEXT}</li>
* <li>{@link PlaybackStateCompat#ACTION_SKIP_TO_PREVIOUS}</li>
* <li>{@link PlaybackStateCompat#ACTION_STOP}</li>
* <li>{@link PlaybackStateCompat#ACTION_FAST_FORWARD}</li>
* <li>{@link PlaybackStateCompat#ACTION_REWIND}</li>
* <li>{@link PlaybackStateCompat#ACTION_PLAY_PAUSE}</li>
* </ul>
* @param action The action to be translated.
* @return the key code matched to the given action.
public static int toKeyCode(@MediaKeyAction long action) {
if (action == ACTION_PLAY) {
} else if (action == ACTION_PAUSE) {
} else if (action == ACTION_SKIP_TO_NEXT) {
} else if (action == ACTION_SKIP_TO_PREVIOUS) {
} else if (action == ACTION_STOP) {
} else if (action == ACTION_FAST_FORWARD) {
} else if (action == ACTION_REWIND) {
} else if (action == ACTION_PLAY_PAUSE) {
return KeyEvent.KEYCODE_UNKNOWN;
final int mState;
final long mPosition;
final long mBufferedPosition;
final float mSpeed;
final long mActions;
final int mErrorCode;
final CharSequence mErrorMessage;
final long mUpdateTime;
List<PlaybackStateCompat.CustomAction> mCustomActions;
final long mActiveItemId;
final Bundle mExtras;
private Object mStateObj;
PlaybackStateCompat(int state, long position, long bufferedPosition,
float rate, long actions, int errorCode, CharSequence errorMessage, long updateTime,
List<PlaybackStateCompat.CustomAction> customActions,
long activeItemId, Bundle extras) {
mState = state;
mPosition = position;
mBufferedPosition = bufferedPosition;
mSpeed = rate;
mActions = actions;
mErrorCode = errorCode;
mErrorMessage = errorMessage;
mUpdateTime = updateTime;
mCustomActions = new ArrayList<>(customActions);
mActiveItemId = activeItemId;
mExtras = extras;
PlaybackStateCompat(Parcel in) {
mState = in.readInt();
mPosition = in.readLong();
mSpeed = in.readFloat();
mUpdateTime = in.readLong();
mBufferedPosition = in.readLong();
mActions = in.readLong();
mErrorMessage = TextUtils.CHAR_SEQUENCE_CREATOR.createFromParcel(in);
mCustomActions = in.createTypedArrayList(CustomAction.CREATOR);
mActiveItemId = in.readLong();
mExtras = in.readBundle();
// New attributes should be added at the end for backward compatibility.
mErrorCode = in.readInt();
public String toString() {
StringBuilder bob = new StringBuilder("PlaybackState {");
bob.append(", position=").append(mPosition);
bob.append(", buffered position=").append(mBufferedPosition);
bob.append(", speed=").append(mSpeed);
bob.append(", updated=").append(mUpdateTime);
bob.append(", actions=").append(mActions);
bob.append(", error code=").append(mErrorCode);
bob.append(", error message=").append(mErrorMessage);
bob.append(", custom actions=").append(mCustomActions);
bob.append(", active item id=").append(mActiveItemId);
return bob.toString();
public int describeContents() {
return 0;
public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
TextUtils.writeToParcel(mErrorMessage, dest, flags);
// New attributes should be added at the end for backward compatibility.
* Get the current state of playback. One of the following:
* <ul>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#STATE_NONE}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#STATE_STOPPED}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#STATE_PLAYING}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#STATE_PAUSED}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#STATE_FAST_FORWARDING}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#STATE_REWINDING}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#STATE_BUFFERING}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#STATE_ERROR}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#STATE_CONNECTING}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#STATE_SKIPPING_TO_PREVIOUS}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#STATE_SKIPPING_TO_NEXT}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#STATE_SKIPPING_TO_QUEUE_ITEM}</li>
public int getState() {
return mState;
* Get the current playback position in ms.
public long getPosition() {
return mPosition;
* Get the current buffered position in ms. This is the farthest playback
* point that can be reached from the current position using only buffered
* content.
public long getBufferedPosition() {
return mBufferedPosition;
* Get the current playback speed as a multiple of normal playback. This
* should be negative when rewinding. A value of 1 means normal playback and
* 0 means paused.
* @return The current speed of playback.
public float getPlaybackSpeed() {
return mSpeed;
* Get the current actions available on this session. This should use a
* bitmask of the available actions.
* <ul>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#ACTION_SKIP_TO_PREVIOUS}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#ACTION_REWIND}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#ACTION_PLAY}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#ACTION_PLAY_PAUSE}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#ACTION_PAUSE}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#ACTION_STOP}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#ACTION_FAST_FORWARD}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#ACTION_SKIP_TO_NEXT}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#ACTION_SEEK_TO}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#ACTION_SET_RATING}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#ACTION_PLAY_FROM_MEDIA_ID}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#ACTION_PLAY_FROM_SEARCH}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#ACTION_SKIP_TO_QUEUE_ITEM}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#ACTION_PLAY_FROM_URI}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#ACTION_PREPARE}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#ACTION_PREPARE_FROM_MEDIA_ID}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#ACTION_PREPARE_FROM_SEARCH}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#ACTION_PREPARE_FROM_URI}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#ACTION_SET_REPEAT_MODE}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#ACTION_SET_SHUFFLE_MODE}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#ACTION_SET_CAPTIONING_ENABLED}</li>
* </ul>
public long getActions() {
return mActions;
* Get the list of custom actions.
public List<PlaybackStateCompat.CustomAction> getCustomActions() {
return mCustomActions;
* Get the error code. This should be set when the state is
* {@link PlaybackStateCompat#STATE_ERROR}.
* @see #getErrorMessage()
public int getErrorCode() {
return mErrorCode;
* Get the user readable optional error message. This may be set when the state is
* {@link PlaybackStateCompat#STATE_ERROR}.
* @see #getErrorCode()
public CharSequence getErrorMessage() {
return mErrorMessage;
* Get the elapsed real time at which position was last updated. If the
* position has never been set this will return 0;
* @return The last time the position was updated.
public long getLastPositionUpdateTime() {
return mUpdateTime;
* Get the id of the currently active item in the queue. If there is no
* queue or a queue is not supported by the session this will be
* {@link MediaSessionCompat.QueueItem#UNKNOWN_ID}.
* @return The id of the currently active item in the queue or
* {@link MediaSessionCompat.QueueItem#UNKNOWN_ID}.
public long getActiveQueueItemId() {
return mActiveItemId;
* Get any custom extras that were set on this playback state.
* @return The extras for this state or null.
public @Nullable Bundle getExtras() {
return mExtras;
* Creates an instance from a framework {@link} object.
* <p>
* This method is only supported on API 21+.
* </p>
* @param stateObj A {@link} object, or null if none.
* @return An equivalent {@link PlaybackStateCompat} object, or null if none.
public static PlaybackStateCompat fromPlaybackState(Object stateObj) {
if (stateObj != null && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21) {
List<Object> customActionObjs = PlaybackStateCompatApi21.getCustomActions(stateObj);
List<PlaybackStateCompat.CustomAction> customActions = null;
if (customActionObjs != null) {
customActions = new ArrayList<>(customActionObjs.size());
for (Object customActionObj : customActionObjs) {
Bundle extras;
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 22) {
extras = PlaybackStateCompatApi22.getExtras(stateObj);
} else {
extras = null;
PlaybackStateCompat state = new PlaybackStateCompat(
state.mStateObj = stateObj;
return state;
} else {
return null;
* Gets the underlying framework {@link} object.
* <p>
* This method is only supported on API 21+.
* </p>
* @return An equivalent {@link} object, or null if none.
public Object getPlaybackState() {
if (mStateObj == null && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21) {
List<Object> customActions = null;
if (mCustomActions != null) {
customActions = new ArrayList<>(mCustomActions.size());
for (PlaybackStateCompat.CustomAction customAction : mCustomActions) {
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 22) {
mStateObj = PlaybackStateCompatApi22.newInstance(mState, mPosition,
mSpeed, mActions, mErrorMessage, mUpdateTime,
customActions, mActiveItemId, mExtras);
} else {
//noinspection AndroidLintNewApi - NewApi lint fails to handle nested checks.
mStateObj = PlaybackStateCompatApi21.newInstance(mState, mPosition,
mBufferedPosition, mSpeed, mActions, mErrorMessage, mUpdateTime,
customActions, mActiveItemId);
return mStateObj;
public static final Parcelable.Creator<PlaybackStateCompat> CREATOR =
new Parcelable.Creator<PlaybackStateCompat>() {
public PlaybackStateCompat createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
return new PlaybackStateCompat(in);
public PlaybackStateCompat[] newArray(int size) {
return new PlaybackStateCompat[size];
* {@link PlaybackStateCompat.CustomAction CustomActions} can be used to
* extend the capabilities of the standard transport controls by exposing
* app specific actions to {@link MediaControllerCompat Controllers}.
public static final class CustomAction implements Parcelable {
private final String mAction;
private final CharSequence mName;
private final int mIcon;
private final Bundle mExtras;
private Object mCustomActionObj;
* Use {@link PlaybackStateCompat.CustomAction.Builder#build()}.
CustomAction(String action, CharSequence name, int icon, Bundle extras) {
mAction = action;
mName = name;
mIcon = icon;
mExtras = extras;
CustomAction(Parcel in) {
mAction = in.readString();
mName = TextUtils.CHAR_SEQUENCE_CREATOR.createFromParcel(in);
mIcon = in.readInt();
mExtras = in.readBundle();
public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
TextUtils.writeToParcel(mName, dest, flags);
public int describeContents() {
return 0;
* Creates an instance from a framework
* {@link} object.
* <p>
* This method is only supported on API 21+.
* </p>
* @param customActionObj A {@link} object,
* or null if none.
* @return An equivalent {@link PlaybackStateCompat.CustomAction} object, or null if none.
public static PlaybackStateCompat.CustomAction fromCustomAction(Object customActionObj) {
if (customActionObj == null || Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 21) {
return null;
PlaybackStateCompat.CustomAction customAction = new PlaybackStateCompat.CustomAction(
customAction.mCustomActionObj = customActionObj;
return customAction;
* Gets the underlying framework {@link}
* object.
* <p>
* This method is only supported on API 21+.
* </p>
* @return An equivalent {@link} object,
* or null if none.
public Object getCustomAction() {
if (mCustomActionObj != null || Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 21) {
return mCustomActionObj;
mCustomActionObj = PlaybackStateCompatApi21.CustomAction.newInstance(mAction,
mName, mIcon, mExtras);
return mCustomActionObj;
public static final Parcelable.Creator<PlaybackStateCompat.CustomAction> CREATOR
= new Parcelable.Creator<PlaybackStateCompat.CustomAction>() {
public PlaybackStateCompat.CustomAction createFromParcel(Parcel p) {
return new PlaybackStateCompat.CustomAction(p);
public PlaybackStateCompat.CustomAction[] newArray(int size) {
return new PlaybackStateCompat.CustomAction[size];
* Returns the action of the {@link CustomAction}.
* @return The action of the {@link CustomAction}.
public String getAction() {
return mAction;
* Returns the display name of this action. e.g. "Favorite"
* @return The display name of this {@link CustomAction}.
public CharSequence getName() {
return mName;
* Returns the resource id of the icon in the {@link MediaSessionCompat
* Session's} package.
* @return The resource id of the icon in the {@link MediaSessionCompat
* Session's} package.
public int getIcon() {
return mIcon;
* Returns extras which provide additional application-specific
* information about the action, or null if none. These arguments are
* meant to be consumed by a {@link MediaControllerCompat} if it knows
* how to handle them.
* @return Optional arguments for the {@link CustomAction}.
public Bundle getExtras() {
return mExtras;
public String toString() {
return "Action:" +
"mName='" + mName +
", mIcon=" + mIcon +
", mExtras=" + mExtras;
* Builder for {@link CustomAction} objects.
public static final class Builder {
private final String mAction;
private final CharSequence mName;
private final int mIcon;
private Bundle mExtras;
* Creates a {@link CustomAction} builder with the id, name, and
* icon set.
* @param action The action of the {@link CustomAction}.
* @param name The display name of the {@link CustomAction}. This
* name will be displayed along side the action if the UI
* supports it.
* @param icon The icon resource id of the {@link CustomAction}.
* This resource id must be in the same package as the
* {@link MediaSessionCompat}. It will be displayed with
* the custom action if the UI supports it.
public Builder(String action, CharSequence name, int icon) {
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(action)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"You must specify an action to build a CustomAction.");
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(name)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"You must specify a name to build a CustomAction.");
if (icon == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"You must specify an icon resource id to build a CustomAction.");
mAction = action;
mName = name;
mIcon = icon;
* Set optional extras for the {@link CustomAction}. These extras
* are meant to be consumed by a {@link MediaControllerCompat} if it
* knows how to handle them. Keys should be fully qualified (e.g.
* "com.example.MY_ARG") to avoid collisions.
* @param extras Optional extras for the {@link CustomAction}.
* @return this.
public Builder setExtras(Bundle extras) {
mExtras = extras;
return this;
* Build and return the {@link CustomAction} instance with the
* specified values.
* @return A new {@link CustomAction} instance.
public CustomAction build() {
return new CustomAction(mAction, mName, mIcon, mExtras);
* Builder for {@link PlaybackStateCompat} objects.
public static final class Builder {
private final List<PlaybackStateCompat.CustomAction> mCustomActions = new ArrayList<>();
private int mState;
private long mPosition;
private long mBufferedPosition;
private float mRate;
private long mActions;
private int mErrorCode;
private CharSequence mErrorMessage;
private long mUpdateTime;
private long mActiveItemId = MediaSessionCompat.QueueItem.UNKNOWN_ID;
private Bundle mExtras;
* Create an empty Builder.
public Builder() {
* Create a Builder using a {@link PlaybackStateCompat} instance to set the
* initial values.
* @param source The playback state to copy.
public Builder(PlaybackStateCompat source) {
mState = source.mState;
mPosition = source.mPosition;
mRate = source.mSpeed;
mUpdateTime = source.mUpdateTime;
mBufferedPosition = source.mBufferedPosition;
mActions = source.mActions;
mErrorCode = source.mErrorCode;
mErrorMessage = source.mErrorMessage;
if (source.mCustomActions != null) {
mActiveItemId = source.mActiveItemId;
mExtras = source.mExtras;
* Set the current state of playback.
* <p>
* The position must be in ms and indicates the current playback
* position within the track. If the position is unknown use
* <p>
* The rate is a multiple of normal playback and should be 0 when paused
* and negative when rewinding. Normal playback rate is 1.0.
* <p>
* The state must be one of the following:
* <ul>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#STATE_NONE}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#STATE_STOPPED}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#STATE_PLAYING}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#STATE_PAUSED}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#STATE_FAST_FORWARDING}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#STATE_REWINDING}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#STATE_BUFFERING}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#STATE_ERROR}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#STATE_CONNECTING}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#STATE_SKIPPING_TO_PREVIOUS}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#STATE_SKIPPING_TO_NEXT}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#STATE_SKIPPING_TO_QUEUE_ITEM}</li>
* </ul>
* @param state The current state of playback.
* @param position The position in the current track in ms.
* @param playbackSpeed The current rate of playback as a multiple of
* normal playback.
public Builder setState(@State int state, long position, float playbackSpeed) {
return setState(state, position, playbackSpeed, SystemClock.elapsedRealtime());
* Set the current state of playback.
* <p>
* The position must be in ms and indicates the current playback
* position within the track. If the position is unknown use
* <p>
* The rate is a multiple of normal playback and should be 0 when paused
* and negative when rewinding. Normal playback rate is 1.0.
* <p>
* The state must be one of the following:
* <ul>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#STATE_NONE}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#STATE_STOPPED}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#STATE_PLAYING}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#STATE_PAUSED}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#STATE_FAST_FORWARDING}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#STATE_REWINDING}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#STATE_BUFFERING}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#STATE_ERROR}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#STATE_CONNECTING}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#STATE_SKIPPING_TO_PREVIOUS}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#STATE_SKIPPING_TO_NEXT}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#STATE_SKIPPING_TO_QUEUE_ITEM}</li>
* </ul>
* @param state The current state of playback.
* @param position The position in the current item in ms.
* @param playbackSpeed The current speed of playback as a multiple of
* normal playback.
* @param updateTime The time in the {@link SystemClock#elapsedRealtime}
* timebase that the position was updated at.
* @return this
public Builder setState(@State int state, long position, float playbackSpeed,
long updateTime) {
mState = state;
mPosition = position;
mUpdateTime = updateTime;
mRate = playbackSpeed;
return this;
* Set the current buffered position in ms. This is the farthest
* playback point that can be reached from the current position using
* only buffered content.
* @return this
public Builder setBufferedPosition(long bufferPosition) {
mBufferedPosition = bufferPosition;
return this;
* Set the current capabilities available on this session. This should
* use a bitmask of the available capabilities.
* <ul>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#ACTION_SKIP_TO_PREVIOUS}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#ACTION_REWIND}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#ACTION_PLAY}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#ACTION_PLAY_PAUSE}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#ACTION_PAUSE}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#ACTION_STOP}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#ACTION_FAST_FORWARD}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#ACTION_SKIP_TO_NEXT}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#ACTION_SEEK_TO}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#ACTION_SET_RATING}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#ACTION_PLAY_FROM_MEDIA_ID}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#ACTION_PLAY_FROM_SEARCH}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#ACTION_SKIP_TO_QUEUE_ITEM}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#ACTION_PLAY_FROM_URI}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#ACTION_PREPARE}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#ACTION_PREPARE_FROM_MEDIA_ID}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#ACTION_PREPARE_FROM_SEARCH}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#ACTION_PREPARE_FROM_URI}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#ACTION_SET_REPEAT_MODE}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#ACTION_SET_SHUFFLE_MODE}</li>
* <li> {@link PlaybackStateCompat#ACTION_SET_CAPTIONING_ENABLED}</li>
* </ul>
* @return this
public Builder setActions(@Actions long capabilities) {
mActions = capabilities;
return this;
* Add a custom action to the playback state. Actions can be used to
* expose additional functionality to {@link MediaControllerCompat
* Controllers} beyond what is offered by the standard transport
* controls.
* <p>
* e.g. start a radio station based on the current item or skip ahead by
* 30 seconds.
* @param action An identifier for this action. It can be sent back to
* the {@link MediaSessionCompat} through
* {@link MediaControllerCompat.TransportControls#sendCustomAction(String, Bundle)}.
* @param name The display name for the action. If text is shown with
* the action or used for accessibility, this is what should
* be used.
* @param icon The resource action of the icon that should be displayed
* for the action. The resource should be in the package of
* the {@link MediaSessionCompat}.
* @return this
public Builder addCustomAction(String action, String name, int icon) {
return addCustomAction(new PlaybackStateCompat.CustomAction(action, name, icon, null));
* Add a custom action to the playback state. Actions can be used to expose additional
* functionality to {@link MediaControllerCompat Controllers} beyond what is offered
* by the standard transport controls.
* <p>
* An example of an action would be to start a radio station based on the current item
* or to skip ahead by 30 seconds.
* @param customAction The custom action to add to the {@link PlaybackStateCompat}.
* @return this
public Builder addCustomAction(PlaybackStateCompat.CustomAction customAction) {
if (customAction == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"You may not add a null CustomAction to PlaybackStateCompat.");
return this;
* Set the active item in the play queue by specifying its id. The
* default value is {@link MediaSessionCompat.QueueItem#UNKNOWN_ID}
* @param id The id of the active item.
* @return this
public Builder setActiveQueueItemId(long id) {
mActiveItemId = id;
return this;
* Set a user readable error message. This should be set when the state
* is {@link PlaybackStateCompat#STATE_ERROR}.
* @return this
* @deprecated Use {@link #setErrorMessage(int, CharSequence)} instead.
public Builder setErrorMessage(CharSequence errorMessage) {
mErrorMessage = errorMessage;
return this;
* Set the error code with an optional user readable error message. This should be set when
* the state is {@link PlaybackStateCompat#STATE_ERROR}.
* @param errorCode The errorCode to set.
* @param errorMessage The user readable error message. Can be null.
* @return this
public Builder setErrorMessage(@ErrorCode int errorCode, CharSequence errorMessage) {
mErrorCode = errorCode;
mErrorMessage = errorMessage;
return this;
* Set any custom extras to be included with the playback state.
* @param extras The extras to include.
* @return this
public Builder setExtras(Bundle extras) {
mExtras = extras;
return this;
* Creates the playback state object.
public PlaybackStateCompat build() {
return new PlaybackStateCompat(mState, mPosition, mBufferedPosition,
mRate, mActions, mErrorCode, mErrorMessage, mUpdateTime,
mCustomActions, mActiveItemId, mExtras);