blob: 864725d01ad1645e1894245540db3ff07ac1b20f [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import heapq
import logging
import os
import psutil
import sys
BYTE_UNITS = ['B', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB']
def FormatBytes(value):
def GetValueAndUnit(value):
for unit in BYTE_UNITS[:-1]:
if abs(value) < 1024.0:
return value, unit
value /= 1024.0
return value, BYTE_UNITS[-1]
if value is not None:
return '%.1f %s' % GetValueAndUnit(value)
return 'N/A'
def _GetProcessInfo(p):
pinfo = p.as_dict(attrs=['pid', 'name', 'memory_info'])
pinfo['mem_rss'] = getattr(pinfo['memory_info'], 'rss', 0)
return pinfo
def _LogProcessInfo(pinfo, level):
pinfo['mem_rss_fmt'] = FormatBytes(pinfo['mem_rss'])
logging.log(level, '%(mem_rss_fmt)s (pid=%(pid)s)', pinfo)
def LogHostMemoryUsage(top_n=10, level=logging.INFO):
if psutil.version_info < (2, 0):
logging.warning('psutil %s too old, upgrade to version 2.0 or higher'
' for memory usage information.', psutil.__version__)
# TODO( Remove the following pylint disable. Even if we
# check for a recent enough psutil version above, the catapult presubmit
# builder (still running some old psutil) fails pylint checks due to API
# changes in psutil.
# pylint: disable=no-member
mem = psutil.virtual_memory()
logging.log(level, 'Used %s out of %s memory available.',
FormatBytes(mem.used), FormatBytes(
logging.log(level, 'Memory usage of top %i processes groups', top_n)
pinfos_by_names = {}
for p in psutil.process_iter():
pinfo = _GetProcessInfo(p)
pname = pinfo['name']
if pname not in pinfos_by_names:
pinfos_by_names[pname] = {'name': pname, 'total_mem_rss': 0, 'pids': []}
pinfos_by_names[pname]['total_mem_rss'] += pinfo['mem_rss']
sorted_pinfo_groups = heapq.nlargest(
top_n, pinfos_by_names.values(), key=lambda item: item['total_mem_rss'])
for group in sorted_pinfo_groups:
group['total_mem_rss_fmt'] = FormatBytes(group['total_mem_rss'])
group['pids_fmt'] = ', '.join(group['pids'])
level, '- %(name)s - %(total_mem_rss_fmt)s - pids: %(pids)s', group)
logging.log(level, 'Current process:')
pinfo = _GetProcessInfo(psutil.Process(os.getpid()))
_LogProcessInfo(pinfo, level)
def main():
if __name__ == '__main__':